Author: Dom Stevens

A ‘sitting’ tribute to Chesterfield Royal Hospital colleagues and key workers

A local fundraiser has given colleagues, patients and visitors at Chesterfield Royal Hospital a chance to put their feet up.

Andrew Woodard, who lives at Langwith Junction, raised £1,250, using it to buy a bench that serves as a tribute to all of those who have worked hard during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital.

The NHS-blue bench sits proudly, in plain view just outside the main entrance to the hospital, emblazoned with the words “Thank you to our amazing NHS Staff. Thank you to our Key Workers” in tribute to the collective effort over the past five months.

Andrew said: “I’m a local lad, born and bred in Derbyshire, and I wanted to do something to recognise the incredible work they’ve done in treating and looking after people, not just those who have tested positive for COVID, but everyone who’s needed help.”

He added: “I grew up around here, this is my local hospital, my daughter Sian was born here and now works here on the Emergency Management Unit (EMU) so it’s a big part of my life. I’m so proud of everyone here, all of the ley workers across the county and what they’ve done. This bench was something practical that I could raise money to show how much I, and those who donated and helped to raise the money, appreciate what they’ve done.”

Andrew set up a GoFundMe page at the beginning of April with the intention of raising the £1,250 needed to get the bench made. He knew of a gentleman called Chris Kennedy who owns a company called Roll and Scroll based in Grantham that produces solid steel benches that are cut to a design and powder coated to last.

Andrew added: “He’s made hundreds over the years, including a number for Armed Forces and Remembrance Day and an incredible one that was given to Sir Captain Tom Moore on his birthday. He has done a few for other NHS organisations and the design, colour and sentiment was perfect for what I had in mind. I’m just so grateful for everything our key workers have done and pleased to see that the bench has pride of place and people are using it.”

A spokesperson for the Royal said: “It looks tremendous, it’s such a bold NHS-blue; you can’t miss it outside the main entrance and it has been very well used already. We’ve had so many lovely gestures, donations and messages of support but this is something permanent with a lasting message. It truly reflects the work that we and our partners across the health community, emergency services and public sector have done in partnership and we would like to thank Andrew and everyone who donated to his cause.”

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Help to make local ‘Life in Lockdown’ book a reality

Derbyshire Voluntary Action are working on an exciting project to publish a ‘Life in Lockdown’ book, documenting the Covid-19 pandemic as seen through the eyes of residents in Chesterfield and surrounding areas.

Submissions will be welcomed from amateur and professional artists, poets, photographers, creative writers, crafters and song writers. This book aims to unite residents through a common goal, celebrating how we rose to an unprecedented challenge and showed that community spirit is alive and kicking.

To make the book a reality, Derbyshire Voluntary Action are hoping to raise funds to cover the publishing, marketing and distribution costs for the initial run of 500 copies.

As an organisation, Derbyshire Voluntary Action proudly supports hundreds of voluntary sector organisations and community groups. They are passionate about championing the work of the community and its volunteers, and are incredibly proud of our strong working relationship with Public Health, NHS, local businesses, and funders.

Charlotte Higgins, who is leading the project, said “The young, the elderly, volunteers, health care workers, survivors of Covid-19 and the bereaved… everyone has their own unique story that deserves to be told and preserved for future generations. Volunteers can put in to words why they felt compelled to give their time, how attitudes have changed towards the community they live in and what next? How small businesses have adapted and been hugely resourceful in order to survive but in many cases became a crucial life line for local people. Photographs capturing special moments of hand clapping, rainbows in the windows, VE day celebrations on the drive, emotional reunions and exhausted masked care workers. The first-hand accounts of Covid-19 survivors and the agony of relatives unable to bring comfort to loved ones.”

The ‘Life in Lockdown’ book will be for sale to the public with the proceeds going towards supporting local charities or the community.

You can help make to the ‘Life In lockdown’ book a reality by submitting content for the book – this could be a photograph, a story, art work or a poem telling your experience of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Find out how to get your work featured in the book here – Donations can also be made to help fund the book through their GoFundMe page.

Derbyshire Voluntary Action hope local people will join them to be part the communal ‘Life in Lockdown’ journey, and be instrumental in not only preserving history for future generations, but at this time, providing something for us all to look forward to.

If you have any questions, or would like further information about the ‘Life in Lockdown’ book project please contact Charlotte Higgins on 07907 484835 or

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Chesterfield’s virtual Medieval Fun Day announced

Chesterfield Borough Council will be hosting a virtual Medieval Fun Day on Tuesday 28th July, with talks and videos available throughout the day on the Chesterfield Museum Facebook page.

The virtual Medieval Fun Day will take place on Tuesday 28 July, the day when this ever-popular annual event had been due to be held in Chesterfield town centre. Unfortunately, this year’s event has been cancelled due to the current Coronavirus pandemic.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “I know many people were disappointed to hear that the Medieval Fun Day had been cancelled but the museum team have worked hard to enable everyone to access a range of Fun Day activities online where people can learn more about Chesterfield’s history.”

The event will start with a video that looks back at previous Medieval Fun Days and all the exciting acts over the years including the roaring dragon and the unforgettable court jester.

Charlotte, who is part of the front of house team at the museum will talk about what life was like for people living in medieval Chesterfield and an actor playing the part of a medieval executioner has recorded a special video that will help people learn more about crime and punishment in medieval Chesterfield; how law breakers were burned, maimed and disembowelled, what the Scolds Bridle was used for and the dreaded ‘jig of death’.

Maria Barnes, who is one of the museum’s collections officers will also give a short talk on some of our medieval objects, including the fascinating history of the builder’s wheel that was used to construct the Church of St Mary and All Saints (Crooked Spire).

During previous Medieval Fun Days local re-enactors have set up camp in the churchyard. The team will therefore be sharing some great pictures of the Thomas Stanley Retinue re-enactors, which will bring to life the various weapons and armour used in the medieval period.

As well as all these great talks there is also got a selection of brilliant craft activities put together by STEAMWORKS. These include guides to making a salt dough castle, model catapults, some fabulous golden goblets fit for any medieval monarch and a jesters’ hat.

There’s plenty to keep you entertained as activities are scheduled throughout the day so make sure you visit from 9.30am and join in the fun. All videos released as part of the Medieval Fun Day will stay on the Chesterfield Museum Facebook page for you to watch at your convenience.

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Derbyshire County Council pledge up to £15 million for coronavirus economic recovery

Derbyshire County Council are setting aside a fund of up to £15 millon to help support Derbyshire’s communities and businesses to recover from the effects of coronavirus.

Announcing the fund at the Derbyshire Economic Recovery Board on Monday 20 July 2020, Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis said the fund would focus on creating jobs and growth, supporting the green economy and entrepreneurs and business diversification, as well as apprenticeships and training for young people.

The cash will help to pump-prime our recovery strategy which is currently being finalised alongside work to identify additional sources of funding from government to support further measures to get the county’s economy back on track.

Councillor Barry Lewis said: “I’m pleased to be able to announce this much-needed funding to help Derbyshire’s economy to recover from the effects of coronavirus in the coming months and years ahead.”

“We initially pledged £1 million in March for emergency support to help businesses and residents cope with the immediate consequences of the pandemic and now our focus has shifted to look at what we need to do to revive and reinvigorate our economy over the medium and longer term.”

“While the devastating effect of this pandemic cannot be underestimated, we’re keen to use this as an opportunity not just to rebuild our economy, but to build back better with emphasis on supporting our businesses and communities to be greener and creating a brighter future for our young people with better access to skills and job opportunities.”

At a meeting on 30 July 2020, the Cabinet will consider a report which identifies £15 million as the level of investment required for economic recovery and further plans for the fund will be considered by Cabinet in the coming months.

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Joint venture formed to develop the Gateway at PEAK Resort

Specialist developer Milligan has formed a unique joint venture with landowner Birchall Properties. Working together with Chesterfield Borough Council, the Peak District National Park Authority and the University of Derby they plan to develop the UK’s first fully serviced national park gateway, consented on the eastern boundary of the Peak District.

The Gateway at PEAK will be part of the 300-acre PEAK Resort development, which has planning permission for up to 2,000 hotel rooms and 250 lodges as well as a whole range of leisure, education and entertainment facilities, attracting investment and creating employment opportunities.

The Gateway at Peak

Chesterfield Borough Council CEO, Huw Bowen said; “PEAK Resort forms a key part of our growth plan for Chesterfield and we are delighted to support Milligan as they develop their plans to create the Gateway at PEAK. It will be a tourist attraction of national significance, supported by the wider catchment and improved connectivity provided by the advent of HS2. It will provide sustainable transport links to attractions and activities within Chesterfield and the National Park. We are also keen to ensure that local people benefit from the Gateway at PEAK through skills development and access to jobs, by working with Milligan and future operators helping them utilise local business supply chains wherever practicable.”

Chesterfield, already famous for its crooked spire, medieval architecture and Victorian Market Hall, is set to become the Peak’s gateway town, as currently 61% of visits are from the ‘east side’ of the park. The Gateway at PEAK itself, just four miles from Chesterfield, will shift visitors from their cars into more sustainable modes of transport and manage access into the national park landscape, reducing pressure on local communities and impacts on wildlife.

During the initial months of the Coronavirus outbreak and as lockdown restrictions have lifted across the UK, making the most of outdoor spaces has been a priority for most and the staycation market has exploded. This has not come without its drawbacks. The park already attracts 13 million tourism visits each year and demand for all national parks is predicted to rise exponentially, so many protected landscapes are naturally keen to explore opportunities to minimise the impacts of increased visitor numbers.

The Country Land and Business Association recently wrote to the Education Secretary asking that The Countryside Code be taught again in schools as an entire generation is being left without knowledge of how to treat and protect our natural environment. The Countryside Code, as we know it today, was published nearly 40 years ago. One of the purposes of the gateway will be to inform visitors on local wildlife, heritage and encourage responsible visiting through a series of experiences and digital technology inspired by the #PeakDistrictProud campaign launched earlier this spring. As 85% of visitors currently arrive by car, a gateway facility providing accommodation, parking and services for onward travel into the park by foot, bike or in public electric vehicles through park-and-ride, will help mitigate their environmental impact and help to reduce traffic congestion.

Melanie Taylor, head of retail relations at Milligan, said; “Our vision is to create a sustainable hub for like-minded businesses and a basecamp for the sustainable exploration of the UK’s first national park. As post-lockdown demand for outdoor pursuits grows, we must enable and facilitate the sustainable use of natural spaces and protect them for generations to come. A gateway could provide information for visitors to book single or multi-day itineraries, explore the area using more sustainable, less polluting modes of transport and buy or hire outdoor activity equipment to try out new activities.”

Sarah Fowler, chief executive of the Peak District National Park added; “As we approach our 70th year as the UK’s first national park, supporting sustainable gateways and opportunities for visitors to experience what we have to offer in a responsible way is vital to our future. It also resonates with our aim for everyone to be ‘PeakDistrictProud’ in their approach to spending time with us. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the role that national parks and our outdoor spaces can play in our recovery and long-term wellbeing. It feels both timely and exciting to be working collaboratively with Milligan and Birchall Properties to create the first Peak District National Park gateway as part of the PEAK Resort. The Peak District’s unique position in the heart of the country already makes us accessible to millions and our involvement in the Gateway at PEAK will help unlock our wildlife, cultural heritage and natural beauty to others, befitting a pioneering approach to sustainable tourism.”

Over the next two months, the partnership led by Milligan will be undertaking a major marketing and research phase discussing the opportunity with companies both large and small, local and national that might be interested in participating. They will be looking to create partnerships with brands that align with the Gateway at PEAK’s values and vision, to integrate products, experiences and expertise into the delivery of a world-class visitor experience.

Once this phase is completed in September, a detailed building specification will be finalised, and it is intended that construction will start in 2021.

Find out and enquire about the opportunitites about the Gateway at Peak

Find out more about Peak Resort

Peak Resort David Loyd Leisure Site Cleared

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Children’s health & wellbeing summer camp launched by Spireites Trust

Chesterfield FC Community Trust has launched Camp Inspire to help youngsters prepare for a return to school in September.

Based in the HUB at the Technique Stadium, the health & wellbeing camp has been designed to improve the physical health and social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people.

Running until Friday 28th August, Camp Inspire is centred around the five ways to wellbeing.

There are Camp Inspire Connect sessions for 4-10-year-olds and a Camp Inspire Activate programme for those aged 10-17.

Scott Atkinson, the Trust’s head of education and wellbeing, explained the thinking behind Camp Inspire: “Our community partners have told us there’s a clear need for this type of summer holiday provision.”

“It’s open to all but we are looking to identify funding to pay for places for disadvantaged children.”

“We’re working with local schools and local authorities to identify those children who are most in need.”

“We would welcome support from local businesses who are interested in sponsoring places for vulnerable children.”

The Camp Inspire sessions run from 8:30am to 5:30pm with early drop-off and late pick-up available ant a cost of £2 per half hour.

Bookings can be made by emailing or phoning 01246 925115.

Anyone interested in applying for a funded place should contact their child’s school or key worker in the first instance.

Find out more about the Chesterfield FC Community Trust summer events below:

Chesterfield FC Community Trust use the power of Chesterfield FC and sport to inspire the community of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Chesterfield’s hospitality sector optimistic for future

Chesterfield businessman and owner of Casa Hotel and Peak Edge Hotel, Steve Perez has praised the ‘team spirit’ of local businesses in the hospitality sector who, he says, “have shared ideas and good practice to ensure the local economy re-opens safely and successfully.”

Despite Covid-19 restrictions, businesses in Chesterfield’s hospitality sector are feeling positive following their re-opening on Saturday 4 July. The optimism has been further boosted by Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s help for the hospitality industry which was unveiled in his summer statement.

Mr Perez commented: “The Covid-19 pandemic will continue to have an impact on the industry for the foreseeable future and whilst businesses have worked extremely hard to adapt their business models. It is a tough market and we are extremely grateful for the government initiatives including business rate reductions, eating out voucher scheme and VAT reduction.”

Destination Chesterfield sprang into action following the Chancellor’s announcement and has produced a webpage with details of businesses in and around Chesterfield that are taking part in the Eat Out to Help Out scheme. The website can be found at

One of the businesses to sign up to the scheme, includes H & F Vintage Tearooms based on New Beetwell Street. Sharon Hilton, owner and Director of H&F Vintage Tearooms which re-opened on Monday 6 July said: “I am feeling optimistic about the future. Each day since opening there has been a steady increase in business. Customers and staff have adapted well to the small changes we’ve put in place.”

H & F Vintage Tearooms is based on New Beetwell Street in Chesterfield town centre

Chris Mapp, owner of The Tickled Trout shared Sharon’s optimism saying: “We’ve been busier than expected since re-opening. The safety measures we have put in place have ensured that customers feel safe and comfortable and they are confident in dining with us.”

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager, added: “Despite the hospitality sector’s nervousness ahead of re-opening, it is great to see that people are returning to their favourite pubs, restaurants and cafes.”

Many businesses have had to reduce the seating capacity to account for social distancing, however they have made use of outdoor space which has proved popular given the recent good weather. The Tickled Trout has added a pop-up pub in the car park of the restaurant where customers can enjoy a drink.

Mr Perez added: “We are extremely grateful to have no shortage of space at both properties, indoor and outdoor. The beautiful weather has also allowed us to take advantage of our gardens, terraces and at Peak Edge Hotel the Airstream bar and live music in the bandstand, allowing a great atmosphere whilst practising social distancing.”

Chris Mapp, owner of The Tickled Trout, however, has urged the general public to ensure they cancel bookings if they are unable to attend. “The hospitality industry is already operating at reduced capacity, so when a booking is a no-show this is devastating to the business. There is less opportunity for walk-ins right now, so every no-show leaves us with an empty table. Please, please ensure you show up when you have made a booking or cancel it if you are unable to attend.”

Already Chesterfield is seeing signs of the predicated staycation boom. “We have had a massive increase in bookings for our holiday cottages. They are now almost fully booked until September,” added Chris.”

Steve Perez added: “All the signs are positive for a staycation boom in the Peak District this summer. Tourism is the backbone of our local economy and it is extremely important we support each other and share best practice.”

steve perez honorary degree

Chesterfield businessman and owner of Casa Hotel and Peak Edge Hotel, Steve Perez

Dom Stevens added: “The Chancellor’s support for the sector is particularly welcome at this time however, we must all ensure we continue to support hospitality businesses beyond the eat out to help out scheme.”

“With the hospitality sector now fully re-open, the town now has a real opportunity to capitalise on the staycation boom and drive forward its economic recovery.”

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy added: “The re-opening of these businesses is vital for our local economy and will help ensure the longevity of the many brilliant establishments in our borough.”

Although the hospitality sector has re-opened its doors a number of businesses are continuing to operate takeaway and delivery services that were put in place during lockdown.

Chris Radford, owner of Brampton Brewery explained: “A lot of our older clientele are still very nervous about going back into pubs so for that reason we’re maintaining our free home delivery service of bottled beers.”

Details of businesses offering takeaway and delivery can be found at

If you are a local food businesses that is participating in the Eat Out to Help Out scheme and would like to be featured on the website, please email

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Chesterfield Borough Council leisure centres set to reopen

Chesterfield Borough Council is looking forward to welcoming customers back to its leisure centres when they reopen on Saturday 25 July.

Queen’s Park Sports Centre and Staveley Healthy Living Centre have been prepared ahead of Saturday’s reopening in line with the guidelines issued by Government and the leisure industry to ensure customer and staff safety.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “It is fantastic news that the council’s leisure centres will be back open for business from this weekend.”

“I know lots of customers will be very keen to get back to their fitness regimes. Exercise in its many different forms is great for people’s physical health and mental wellbeing.”

“We have had to make a lot of changes to how we provide the services on offer, and so I would encourage customers to read the guidance on our website before visiting the centres.”

Customers will need to book sessions in advance in order to visit the leisure centres and sessions will be time limited. This will allow for cleaning to take place between customers’ visits. Customers’ contact details will also be retained as part of NHS test and trace requirements.

Customers who are not already a member of the leisure centres will need to become registered users in order to visit. This can be done free of charge by contacting either of the leisure centres by email or phone.

Queen’s Park Sports Centre and Staveley Healthy Living Centre have both been deep cleaned, equipment in both gyms has been moved to make it easier for customers to practise social distancing and signage has been installed throughout the centres to remind customers of expected behaviours.

There will be limited access to changing rooms and lockers for customers wishing to swim; customers should arrive ‘beach-ready’ by wearing their swimming costumes under their clothes. After swimming customers are asked to towel themselves dry, put on their clothes and shower at home.

New cleaning stations have been installed in our gyms and customers will be asked to clean equipment before and after use. Changing rooms, lockers and water fountains will not be in use. Customers should bring pre-filled water bottles for their personal use when visiting the centres.

The council has taken advice from leisure governing bodies including Swim England and UK Active in order to ensure its reopening plans are safe and in line with industry best practice.

Customers will notice that screens have been installed in reception areas and one-way systems introduced to support customers to maintain social distancing when visiting the centres.

Fitness classes will be running on a changed timetable and with reduced class sizes. For further details on classes and how to book your place please visit our website:

Membership payments will recommence from the start of September. Should customers wish to continue to suspend their memberships they should contact the leisure centre where they are registered. For customers who pay their leisure centre memberships on an annual basis, the weeks during which the leisure centres were closed will be added on to their memberships at the end of the 12-month period.

Plans to restart swimming, gymnastics and trampolining lessons for children are currently being made and the council expects to announce more details in the next few weeks.

Leisure centre staff will be on site from Monday 20 July to answer queries customers may have and to enable non-members to become registered users. Please feel free to contact the Queen’s Park Sports Centre team on 01246 345555 between 8am and 5pm or email and the Staveley Healthy Living Centre team on 01246 345666 between 9am and 5pm or email

A comprehensive guide to frequently asked questions about the council’s leisure centre reopening plans has been added to our website. You can access these here:

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The Pomegranate Theatre’s big screen cinema experience is back

Customers can once again book tickets to enjoy their favourite films in the ornate surroundings of the country’s oldest Civic Theatre – Chesterfield’s Pomegranate Theatre.

The Grade II Listed venue will be screening a wide range of films to suit all ages and Chesterfield Borough Council is looking forward to offering a warm welcome back to all its customers from Friday 24 July.

The theatres team has put in place comprehensive measures to ensure a safe environment for audiences and staff.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy, said: “We’re looking forward to welcoming customers back to the council’s historic Pomegranate Theatre.

“The team have been working really hard to ensure everything is safe for customers to return so do please come along to one of our screenings and have a great time.”

The entire building will be deep cleaned before the reopening date and the auditorium will be carefully cleaned after each film is shown. Hand sanitiser will be available throughout the venue for anyone to use.

One of the biggest changes is a new socially distanced seating plan. There will be a reduced number of seats on sale for each film, with unoccupied seats being used to separate groups. In line with the Government’s current guidelines, customers will be able to attend screenings with people from one other household.

Tickets for the screenings must be pre-booked online at As well as avoiding disappointment by guaranteeing your seat, pre-booking tickets will also help to reduce contact and queues at the box office. It will also help the theatre easily gather contact details, which is required as part of NHS Test and Trace.

The cinema programme will include a wide range of films to suit all ages including families with young children who will be able to see films including Trolls World Tour and Disney Pixar’s Onward. Military Wives and Emma, which were released just before lockdown will get an extended run. Also, expect some multi-award-winning favourites such as Mamma Mia!, The Greatest Showman and Dunkirk. The recently released Love Sarah, which is set to be popular with ‘Bake Off’ fans, will also be screened and there are plenty more fantastic films still to come which we look forward to sharing with our audiences.

When booking your tickets online, you can also pre-order tasty treats including ice creams, sweets and drinks at a reduced price. Snacks and drinks can also be purchased when attending a screening, but we will only be accepting card payments.

Please note that Corporation Street has been temporarily closed to traffic at the junction with St Mary’s Gate. For customers with mobility difficulties, the closest drop off and pick up point is located immediately outside the theatre door on Corporation Street, which is only accessible via Spa Lane and Station Road.

The Pomegranate Theatre and Winding Wheel Theatre are owned and operated by Chesterfield Borough Council. The cinema was installed at the Pomegranate Theatre in 2014 and was made possible thanks to funding from Arts Council England.

To find out more about the films and to book tickets, which start from only £5.20, visit

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Chesterfield-based solicitor secures place with expert association

Leading dispute resolution expert Lee Foster has successfully become a member of ACTAPS – a specialist association for lawyers who are leading professionals in contentious trust and probate work.

Lee, a Solicitor and Director at Banner Jones, is the only practising Solicitor in Chesterfield to have been awarded the ACTAPS accreditation, and one of only a handful in this region. This accolade recognises his significant experience and aptitude in dealing with complex probate disputes, Inheritance Act claims and other trust disputes.

After qualifying as a solicitor in 2002, Lee has spent the last few years specialising in contentious probate law after realising what a difference it can make to people’s lives.

The association will now enable Lee to develop this specialism further by becoming involved with their seminars, conferences, and group meetings.

Commenting on the accreditation Lee said it was ‘fantastic’ to be recognised by this quality benchmark and to have the opportunity to ‘become better connected with other specialists across the country’.

He said, “Acceptance to the association further endorses our reputation as dispute resolution experts in the region, and I am looking forward to having the opportunity to interact and engage with other skilled experts within this field.”

Rob Stubbs, Head of Dispute Resolution at Banner Jones said: “Lee has worked extremely hard on his application to ACTAPS and I am delighted that he has been accepted.

“The organisation only accepts the very best in this field and so I feel honoured to have Lee as part of my team.

“This is a practice area that we are looking to develop, and Lee is now in a great position to help us achieve our goals.”

Banner Jones Solicitors supports the marketing and economic growth of the Chesterfield through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Local tourism businesses invited to take part in new ‘staycation’ marketing video

Marketing Peak District and Derbyshire, the area’s official tourist board, is producing a new marketing video to showcase the area, and are asking for submissions from local businesses.

Local tourism and hospitality businesses are invited to film and submit clips, telling visitors all the reasons why the Peak District & Derbyshire is the perfect place for a UK ‘staycation’.

The marketing video will be part of the new ‘Time to…’ campaign by Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, which shines a spotlight on the warm welcome that awaits guests to the Peak District and Derbyshire, whilst showcasing the extra safety measures that businesses have put in place in order to reopen responsibly.

The ‘Time to…’ campaign will be supported across Visit Peak District & Derbyshire’s digital channels and on social media. Local businesses will be encouraged to create their own images using the campaign taglines which include ‘Time to Plan’, ‘Time to Discover’ and ‘Time to Recharge’.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said: “The industry has been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic but our passionate, caring and resilient tourism businesses have worked exceptionally hard to put all the right measures in place to ensure we can warmly welcome visitors back.”

Here are some examples of what companies might say in a clip:

  • If you’re an activity provider you might say things like…”Our gritstone edges”, “The heights”, “Our natural landscapes”, “The bridleways”.
  • If you’re an accommodation provider you might say things like…”The comfort”, “Our rooms with a view”, “Our warm welcome”, “The cosy nights in”.
  • If you’re an attraction you might say something like… “Our friendly guides”, “The memorable experience”, “Our unique days out”.

The deadline for submitting videos is 11am on Monday 27th July.

Click here for details on how to get involved and submit your own videos.

If you have any questions regarding the filming or submission of your video, please contact

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