Author: Dom Stevens

Local resident takes on 24-hour cycling challenge to raise funds for Ashgate Hospicecare’s Urgent Appeal

Tom Hodgson will cycle 315 miles on an indoor cycling machine for 24 hours straight to raise vital funds for patient care at a time when the Ashgate Hospicecare’s funding has taken a huge hit due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Tom Hodgson has previously been taking doorstep portraits of his neighbours to raise funds for the hospice’s Urgent Appeal, and now aims to cycle the distance from North Derbyshire to Dartmouth on an indoor cycling machine, starting on 3rd June for 24 hours straight.

Tom’s friend and fellow cyclist, Zach Law, recently took on the 24-hour indoor cycling challenge and has so already raised over £7,000 for Ashgate Hospicecare. Tom said: “I was truly inspired by the gruelling challenge that Zach took on, and the fact that he was able to raise so much money for the hospice.”

“I will be asking Zach for tips about how he coped, but it’s fair to say that this is going to take all my strength and determination, and will no doubt be the most physically and mentally challenging task I’ve ever set myself.”

Tom knows the importance of raising funds for the hospice as just over two years ago his father, John, was taken into hospital with a suspected heart attack. It transpired that John was actually suffering from a bleed caused by a tumour on his spleen. His family were told that the only treatment available was palliative and to prepare for the worst.

Tom said, “When my dad suddenly became ill, it was a huge shock for our family. After being told the gut-wrenching news that he wasn’t going to recover, all dad wanted was to stay at home and be cared for by my mum and us. He didn’t want to go into hospital to die.”

It was only with the help of Ashgate Hospicecare that Tom’s family were able to fulfil John’s wish as they were supported to care for him at home. Unfortunately, in the last days of his life, John became so unwell that caring for him at home was no longer possible and he had to go onto the ward at the hospice for round the clock specialist care.

Tom continued, “We couldn’t have wished for him to be in a more caring and compassionate environment. We received so much care and kindness from Ashgate, and thanks to them, there is now an endless support network for my mum as she tries to rebuild her life. I don’t think that until you have seen the support and care from the hospice first-hand you can truly appreciate what they do for people in their local community.”

“We had no idea about the services that Ashgate Hospicecare delivered until our family needed them. I’m determined to raise this money for the hospice because I know there will sadly be more families who will face a similar situation to us, and who will need the support of the hospice during their darkest times. We all need to do our bit to help them, so they can continue to be there for our community.”

Tom will be taking on this mammoth challenge on 3rd June, in honour of his father’s 74th birthday, and aims to cycle the huge distance of 315 miles on his indoor cycling machine in 24 hours, only stopping for comfort breaks.

The whole challenge will live streamed on YouTube here.

To show your support for Tom and to make a donation to Ashgate Hospicecare, go to Tom’s fundraising page:

Click here to find out more about Ashgate Hospicecare

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Chesterfield business expands despite Covid-19 industry setbacks

Chesterfield-based mortgage advice firm Mortgage 1st have continued their ambitions growth plans with the recruitment of two new Mortgage Advisers, despite huge setbacks and disruption to both the financial services industry and the housing market due to Covid-19.

Two new advisers have just completed their ‘virtual’ induction and will be authorised to start looking after clients by the end of May. A further three new Advisers have also recently accepted a position at Mortgage 1st and once their applications are complete the Adviser head count will reach 20 by the end of the year.

Mortgage 1st was established in 2008 by Jon Stones at his dining table. His passion and hard work over the years has seen his team grow from a one-man-band to a strong and capable team of 28 today. Jon has ambitious future plans for Mortgage 1st and even a global pandemic hasn’t stood in his way in continuing with the recruitment and growth of his team.

Mortgage 1st has always offered ‘remote advice’ meaning everything can be done on email, Zoom or over the phone. As well as the Chesterfield based head office team, over half of the advisers work remotely and are based all over the UK. This has meant that they have seen very little disruption and have been able to continue working as normal for their customers during the last few uncertain months.

The Mortgage 1st head office has been closed for the duration of lockdown, their team were set up to work from home safely from day 1 meaning it’s been business as usual for their clients. The team have stayed in touch with one another using video and conference calls and were even able to conduct a virtual 2-day induction course for their new advisers.

Lisa Stones, HR & Marketing Director at Mortgage 1st (below) said: “We are delighted to be welcoming two new faces to the team who bring years of experience with them. Continued growth is a huge part of our company vision and even though we have had to adapt quickly, like all businesses have, during the past few months this hasn’t stopped us, we’ve just become more virtual!”

Since some of the housing market restrictions were lifted earlier this month Mortgage 1st have already seen a large spike in new enquires as the property market safely kick starts. This is great news for the industry, for house buyers & sellers and for the economy in general.

Click here to read more about Mortgage 1st

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Chesterfield Royal Hospital retains ‘GOOD’ rating

The Chief Inspector of Hospitals has confirmed that the Chesterfield Royal Hospital has retained an overall rating of GOOD for the services it runs, following a recent visit from Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors.

The report published on Friday May 29 2020) showed that the Trust had maintained its high standards in the regulator’s five domains that asks whether a hospital is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. The report also highlights five areas of outstanding practice within urgent and emergency service, medical care and surgery.

Commenting on the rating, Chief Executive Angie Smithson (below) said: “I’m incredibly proud of what our colleagues have achieved to once again show that the care and services we provide have met the high standards set out by the CQC. Our teams across the Trust work hard to provide the best possible care to our patients and visitors. This rating reflects that dedication and gives us a solid platform as we continue our journey to ‘OUTSTANDING’.”

Inspectors visited the site in February 2020, spending three days on site to look at a number of different services.

The report, in particular noted high levels of kind and compassionate care throughout the Trust with good, visible and approachable leadership providing a good, inclusive service to the local population.

Meanwhile services were praised for being appropriately staffed with a good skill mix to keep patients safe from harm with staff quick to identify and act upon patients at risk of deterioration. It also highlighted a high level of understanding from staff as to how to protect patients from abuse, working well with other services and agencies to do so.

The report sets out just two areas that the Trust must do – ensuring staff wear personal protective equipment at all times when taking bloods and inserting a cannula. The second is to make sure Deprivation of Liberty (DoLS) assessments are carried out in a timely fashion and that families are informed of the outcome and involved in best interest decision meetings.

There are also 32 actions the CQC recommend the Trust to undertake to make services better that range from patients being told how to use the call bells and keeping up to date with mandatory training to keeping corridors clear of obstructions and the appropriate storage of emergency equipment.

Director of Nursing and Patient Care, Lynn Andrews, said: “This is a highly detailed report and we will take the time to go through it line by line to make certain that we can put plans in place to address those recommendations and maintain our successes.”

Lynn added: “I would like to thank all of our staff for their dedication and hard work in achieving this outcome. We have such a strong platform to build on and this report gives us what we need to continue our journey towards ‘OUTSTANDING’.”

To view the full report, click here

Angie Smithson – Chief Executive of Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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Dronfield Open Art Exhibition goes virtual

For the first time, Dronfield Arts Festival is now hosting its popular Open Art Exhibition as an online event.

Although the exhibition is no longer taking place at Dronfield Hall Barn, local digital design agency FWD Motion, managers of the Dronfield Arts Festival, are now sharing the artwork online, to allow everyone to enjoy a fantastic selection of unique pieces, created by some of our most talented local artists.

The diverse array of styles and mediums on display, reflects the varied backgrounds of the entrants. Award-winning artist Carole Slinn, whose modern, mixed-media artwork focuses on an individual’s personal history and how this influences their identity, is just one of the artists featured in the exhibition.

Heron Publications, the publishers of Twist Magazine, are this year’s festival patrons, will be awarding the two most outstanding pieces of art with the titles of ‘Best in Show’ and ‘Highly Commended.’

Art lovers, or those looking to treat someone special, can purchase any of the original artwork currently being exhibited in the online gallery, subject to availability.

Click here to view the online art gallery

Dronfield Arts Festival, FWD Motion and Heron Publications are all members of the Chesterfield Champions local business membership scheme.

To find out more about the Chesterfield Champions, click here.

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Talent contest by local care group lifts spirits amid coronavirus crisis

Local care provider, Heathcotes Group, has been helping to keep its service users engaged during lockdown with a talent contest inviting their services to show off their creative abilities.

Fifteen services took up the invitation to enter Heathcotes’s Got Talent, which showed off a fantastic mix of artistic styles recorded on audio and video, including choreographed dancing, drawing, rapping, Elvis impersonations and a COVID-19-themed dance mix. Many of the entries promoted an uplifting message expressing positivity and solidarity in dealing with the coronavirus crisis whilst thanking the UK’s courageous key workers in the NHS and social care.

Gemma Hollingsworth, Director of Operations (North) said: “All the entries had plenty to admire and it was difficult to pick out winners. We ended up choosing four winners and all the other services received certificates of commendation. They certainly showed that they’ve got talent and they put a big smile on our face!”

“COVID-19 has impacted many people’s mental health and the pandemic has been an enormous challenge for a care provider that support adults with learning disabilities and complex mental health needs. The response from our staff has been amazing – our services nationwide have been coming up with all kinds of creative ways to lift spirits, keep our service users occupied and help them cope with the disruption. We’ve seen baking contests, photo shoots, rainbow-themed parties, art galleries, newsletters, garden makeovers and numerous other activities and events.”

Natalia Lysiuk, Director of Business Development, said: “Under immense pressure, our Support Workers, Team Leaders and Service Managers have shown unwavering commitment in support of some of the most vulnerable people in society, at a time when they need that support more than ever. We are incredibly proud of their work and the difference that they’re making. We’re also proud of our service users – their spirit and resilience have been incredible during such a difficult time for everyone.”

With expertise in providing living environments that closely resemble typical family homes, Heathcotes Group currently has 72 services nationwide. The company offers a wide range of specialist support for individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome, autism, Down Syndrome, learning disabilities, personality disorders, physical disabilities, Prader-Willi Syndrome, sensory impairments, speech difficulties and severe epilepsy.

Click here to find out more about the Heathcotes Group

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Free careers support offered for workers, employers and students

Derbyshire County Council careers coaches are giving free help to groups who have been affected by the current situation.

Students in years 11, 12 and 13 whose exams have been cancelled can ask for advice about future employment, education and training. It’s not just children who can get in touch – their parents or carers can get in touch, either on their behalf or on their own behalf, for help.

Those who have lost their jobs or are furloughed are being signposted to a wide range of resources including use of the government’s ‘Skills Toolkit’ which has free courses for all abilities to help develop workplace and digital skills. And help is being given to employers who need to recruit workers for essential roles.

Councillor Alex Dale, Cabinet Member for Young People, said: “We are acutely aware of the pressure that many of our residents, businesses and services are under during the coronavirus pandemic. People are fearful for their jobs, their education and their futures.”

“We want to help where we can and extending our jobs and careers advice is one way we can do this. Our staff are friendly, highly knowledgeable and approachable.”

“I am sure this extended service will be of great benefit to those who need it and I urge them to get in touch.”

The careers coaches would normally offer face-to-face appointments, drop in sessions or group workshops but these are not possible at the moment. Instead support is being given by phone, email, video calls or text.

The free support is wide ranging according to the person or business’s specific needs and may include things like the best ways to job hunt or to recruit staff, improving interview skills, further training and funding opportunities.

Follow up sessions are offered after an initial appointment and continue to be free of charge as the work is government funded through the National Careers Service.

Find out more about the National Careers Service.

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Chesterfield Borough Council announce plans to reopen markets

Chesterfield Borough Council has now finalised its plans to restart its open-air markets, in line with both Government and industry guidance.

Regular market traders will be invited to return to the town centre to trade on the town’s general market from Monday 1 June, with further markets scheduled for Friday 5 June and Saturday 6 June. No casual traders will be allowed to join the regular market traders at this stage.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Our priority is to ensure that Chesterfield town centre is as safe as possible for everyone, our staff, our market traders and the visiting public.

“We have conducted a specific review looking at how the council can help our outdoor market traders to start to return by introducing physical changes to the layout of the market to maintain safe social distancing and signage reminding people from different households to keep 2 metres apart and to regularly wash or gel their hands.”

“The council will not be restarting the Thursday’s popular flea market at this stage. We need to first learn the lessons from how next week’s general markets operate in terms of queuing systems, customer journeys and social distancing pinch points.”

“We are however committed to restarting the flea market as soon as possible and will continue to liaise with trader representatives about how this can be safely achieved.”

The council would expect returning regular market traders to be in place from 8am though many are likely to work reduced hours for a number of weeks.

Chesterfield Borough Council will also continue to support retailers selling essential goods to trade from the Market Hall. Access in and out of the Market Hall will however continue to be controlled to maintain safe social distancing within the premises.

The public toilets located in the Market Hall will re-open from Monday 1 June, with social distancing measures and extra cleaning processes in place; this may mean increased queues for the toilets.

Councillor Kate Sarvent continued: “As we move towards the phased re-opening of Chesterfield town centre, I would encourage residents to support our local traders on our general markets and at the Market Hall which will help us to restart our local economy.”

“Shopping local is important for a number of reasons including supporting our traders from a financial point of view and reducing the number of miles we are travelling to buy our essential products such as groceries, which has a positive impact on our environment.”

Chesterfield Borough Council is encouraging its shopworkers and residents to cycle or walk into the town centre, wherever possible.

The council had planned to lower car parking barriers and re-introduce car parking charges from Monday 1 June. These measures will now take effect from Wednesday 3 June and will include the reopening of the council’s two multi storey car parks at Saltergate and Beetwell Street, and two-barrier controlled surface car parks at Rose Hill and Soresby Street.

Residents are reminded to use their Resident’s Permit, which entitles them to park for free in most car parks before 10am and after 3pm Monday to Saturday and all day on Sundays and Bank Holidays. Find out more about this here.

Parking permits including pre-paid scratch cards are also available and significant cost reductions can be achieved through purchasing these in advance. Please make sure you properly display your permit when parking your car.

Funding generated from town centre car parking charges helps the council to cover the cost of several essential services, including CCTV, street cleaning and public toilets provision.

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Derbyshire Times launches interactive online map to support local businesses during lockdown

The Derbyshire Times has launched a special new interactive on-line map as a way to support local businesses during lockdown and let residents know where they can find the goods and services they need in the town.

The map is an opportunity for businesses, many who have had to adapt and evolve to stay afloat, to let locals know they are still trading.

Phil Bramley from the Derbyshire Times said: “During these turbulent times we know that our communities need us more than ever – not only to keep them informed and entertained but to keep them connected.”

“As part of our #supportlocal campaign we bring you this interactive map to back those businesses who continue to provide services during the pandemic.”

“It’s a simple way of keeping our communities connected – but such an important one.”

Businesses that are open, or offering a delivery or takeaway service in the town and north Derbyshire area, can be included on the map at no charge.

Click here to see the interactive map

Create Change Chesterfield

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New Chesterfield FC Youth Academy offers opportunities for young footballers

There are opportunities for local young footballers to join the new Chesterfield FC Youth Academy.

Following a re-structure, the academy will be operated by Chesterfield FC Community Trust and take part in a National League programme. Youngsters who join the academy will train and play in matches while receiving full-time education.

Academy Manager Neil Cluxton outlined the opportunities available for suitable players. He said: “We’re looking to build a squad of around 18 to 22 players for an Under-19 youth team. We are also looking to play in a regional Under-21 league with the scope also for some senior football on a Saturday.

He added: “We’re going to need quite a strong squad to fulfil these fixtures and to support the first team at the same time. We’re looking to recruit locally as much as we can, so I’d urge any local footballers who think they have got what it takes to get in touch.”

Cluxton explained that the youngsters will also be studying during their time with the academy to help them with their personal development: “Players will be in a full-time education programme so we’re working in partnership with a local training provider who are going to provide a flexible timetable that fits in and around the football training”.

Applications are invited from 18-year-old players who have been released from Football League clubs as well as local players of sufficient standard who would like the opportunity of a year’s full-time football training alongside a flexible education programme, giving them the chance of progression into a full-time football club.

To qualify, you will need to be under the age of 19 on September 1. For further information, please email or phone Neil on 07765 972348.

chester's den

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Cheese Factor launches click and collect service

An online store has been opened by Cheese Factor to offer a more convenient and safer shopping experience for customers.

Over 40 British and continental cheeses have already been made available for click and collect, with further lines being added each week. The shop also boasts a growing range of pickles and chutneys, and many locally produced items: from beers, ales and gins, to freshly baked bread, cakes and oatcakes.

The opportunity to pay online before visiting Cheese Factor, which is based on the outside of Chesterfield Market Hall, has enabled busy and self-isolating shoppers to browse at any time of the day, from the comfort and safety of their own homes. Customers have been offered peace of mind by knowing their items are available. They have also been given the option to wait with their cars outside the shop while their shopping is loaded by the team.

Owner of Cheese Factor, Simon Davidson (right) said: “The coronavirus outbreak has been challenging for everyone and we are pleased to be able to do our bit to help. Our ring and collect service has already proven very popular as a more accessible way to shop. It’s great to extend this now to customers who prefer to shop online.”

“It’s easy to use the click and collect site. During the check out process, customers can add a note about their preferred day to collect. Once they have paid, they will receive an automated email receipt, followed by a personal email from the Cheese Factor team within 1 working day to confirm the order is ready to collect.”

“The shop is following Government guidelines with only 2 customers served at any one time and screens currently being installed for extra safety. Customers can also let us know if they would like us to load their order into their car.”

“As well as helping customers to navigate through the new normal that has been created by Covid-19, the click and collect service will also offer a streamlined shopping experience during the busy Christmas period. I like to plan ahead to make sure Cheese Factor delivers the best customer service and I’m already looking into pop up collection spots with plenty of parking to make it even easier for people to pick up their Christmas food and gifts.”

Chesterfield residents can visit Cheese Factor’s click and collect store here or call 01246 201203 to order over the phone.

Cheese Factor is one of 180 Chesterfield Champions supporting the marketing and economic growth of the town.

Click here to read more about the Cheese Factor

Click here to find out more about Chesterfield Champions

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New Access to Higher Education courses provide adults the chance to boost their career or retrain

Chesterfield College are helping adults who want to boost their career or develop new skills needed in the current economic climate by running a range of new Access to Higher Education courses.

The access courses, starting in September, have been developed to give people the qualifications and skills they need for university level-study which can open doors for a range of careers in a sector where skills are in demand. They are now available in a range of subjects from nursing and public services to computing and business.

The courses are often free, or affordable financial support is available to cover the cost. For anyone aged 19-23, studying their first Level 3 course, the access courses are free. For anyone aged 24 or over, an Advanced Learner Loan, which works in the same way as a student loan, will cover all of the course fees. Learners don’t start paying this loan back until they start earning at least £25K per year. If they progress to university and complete a degree course, Access to Higher Education course fees are written off meaning students won’t owe anything.

The college is providing a call back service to help anyone interested in finding out more. Click here to register for a call from a member of the specialist team and read more about how the access courses work.

Chesterfield College is also holding a series of virtual events to help people get the information they need to make the right choice about their future study options. The college is inviting school leavers, and adults who want to retrain or develop their skills, to join any of their virtual events taking place throughout May and June.

A virtual open day takes place on Wednesday 3 June between 4 and 6pm and a new series of ‘Live at Lunchtime’ chats on Instagram are taking place on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Click here to find out more about Chesterfield College

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