Author: Dom Stevens

Chesterfield Champion specially chosen to feature at Grand Designs Live

Grand Designs Live have contacted Chesterfield Champions GCL Products after discovering their X-Grid ground reinforcement product whilst searching for a recycled ‘hero product’ to use at the event. X-Grid will be used as the main feature of the entrance to the Gardens Hall section.

X-Grid is a permeable ground reinforcement grid, designed and manufactured from 100% recycled plastic waste. It is a weatherproof, rot-proof and UV stable product that will not break down over time. Weighing just over 5kg per square metre, X-Grid is very easy to handle and with its simple slot and peg connecting system a single person can lay up to 100m² per hour. The fast installation also helps save through reduced materials and labour time, which also leads to a reduction in costs. Click here to find out more.

Grand Designs Live is held twice a year, in London and in Birmingham. The aim of the event is to inspire, advise, launch new products and hold special exhibits across six project zones – Build, Gardens, Interior, Kitchens & Bathrooms, Technology and Design Arcade.

Throughout the event are stands and exhibits set up by companies and people who wish to share their ideas, services and products. The vendors will vary from architects, garden designers and food suppliers to tile suppliers, play equipment suppliers and security system installers. There will also be various experts on hand throughout the day to advise on a wide range of topics.

As X-Grid has been chosen to be a hero product by the Grand Designs Live team, GCL Products have been given the opportunity to offer free weekday tickets or weekend tickets at a reduced cost of £8 (instead of £15) to the London event on 4th-12th May. To avail of this offer, use the discount code “GCLGDL” on the website here.

Design image which shows how the Grand Designs Live team are planning to use X-Grid:

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development, Made in Chesterfield

Generosity of Designer Contracts to help transform lives of Ashgate Hospicecare patients

Ashgate Hospicecare are thrilled to announce that one of their amazing supporters, Designer Contracts, are supporting the Hospice’s Three Bedded Bay Appeal through their amazing gift of £100,000.

Designer Contracts, the UK’s largest flooring contractor, have once again gone above and beyond to support their local Hospice, helping transform the Hospice’s Three Bedded Bays by sponsoring a bay which will create a homely, welcoming space at the Hospice for patients and their families.

This is not the first time Designer Contracts have made a huge difference to patients at Ashgate Hospicecare. Last year, the Chesterfield based business completely redesigned and rejuvenated the Hospice’s family room, creating a home from home for patients and families of North Derbyshire.
Barbara-Anne Walker, Chief Executive at Ashgate Hospicecare, said: “We can’t thank Designer Contracts enough for their outstanding generosity and continued support.”

“At Ashgate Hospicecare, we believe every person matters and they matter until the end of their life. The time that patients and their families spend with us will often be the most precious days and nights. However, for many of the people who need to be on our Inpatient Unit, we are no longer able to offer them the privacy and dignity that they deserve and that we would all want for ourselves or for someone we love.”

“Thanks to this amazing gift, we will be able to give our patients and their families a spacious, private and dignified environment when they need it the most. On behalf of everyone at Ashgate Hospicecare, thank you so much!”

Peter Kelsey, Chief Executive at Designer Contracts, said: “Designer Contracts are delighted to be able to continue to give their support to Ashgate Hospicecare and their patients and families.”

“Everyone we have met that’s associated with the Hospice has been so dedicated and caring, everyone does such wonderful work. The refurbishment plans that we have been able to contribute to will make even more of a difference to their patients, so we are so happy to be able to be a part of that.”

Greg and Lauranne share what Ashgate Hospicecare meant to them when Lauranne’s sister, Julie, came to the Hospice. Julie had brain cancer and as she became more poorly, her family cared for her at home. But when Julie’s symptoms became unmanageable for them to cope with, she was admitted to a single bedroom on our Inpatient Unit at the Hospice.

They said: “The Hospice provided us, as a family, with so many precious moments together. We feel incredibly lucky that Julie was able to have her own bedroom. I can’t imagine half of these moments being possible in a bay. We wouldn’t have all fitted around the bed, that’s for sure.”

Want to find out more about how you could support this amazing project and how your support could make a difference to the lives of local people? Just call Ali, Capital Appeals Manager on 01246 567250 or email

Ashgate Hospicescare Bedroom

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Chesterfield Royal Hospital to host Annual Service of Remembrance

Parents who have lost children will have the chance to pay their respects as the Chesterfield Royal Hospital holds its annual service of remembrance.

The event will be held at the Barcelona Suit at the Casa Hotel on its usual date of the Sunday after Easter which, this year, falls on April 28th. The service is designed to be inclusive and is part of the ongoing support that the Trust provides to families that have lost babies and children through miscarriage, stillbirth, illness or accident.

The service has been running each year since the early 90s and is organised and led by the Chesterfield Birth Centre co-ordinators, paediatrics, the neonatal unit, women’s health unit and the hospital’s lay-preacher.

Tracy Barker is the Senior Matron for Hospital Based Children’s Services, she said: “We get a lot parents who come every year and many have told us that it’s a very important part of the grieving process. It gives families an opportunity to join others who have experienced similar circumstances which can be a great comfort. It is tremendously well attended and we see a lot of familiar faces each year as well as some new ones.”

The afternoon will include readings, songs and the recital of the names of their baby or child to enable parents to light a candle if they wish and each family will be able to write a message in the book of remembrance.

The event used to be held outside at the Royal but the move to Casa has been a success, Tracy added: “We recognise that for some people it was very difficult coming back to the hospital which may have been the place where they experienced loss, whilst for others it could be a cathartic experience. By holding it elsewhere we can provide a neutral environment to go along with the inclusive service that provides that same level of comfort and support but without exposing everyone to the unpredictable British weather. It can be an emotional occasion but to have so many people there who have gone through similar experiences makes them realise that they aren’t alone.”

“We would like to welcome everyone, no matter what the circumstances of your loss or the age of your child. This is an occasion for you to remember, commemorate and talk about your experience with people who can help”

The service, that will be led by the volunteer chaplaincy service, starts at 3pm in the Barcelona Suite at Casa Hotel in Chesterfield and there will be plenty of parking for those coming by car. There will be a play therapist with a craft table to keep children active whilst the service, plenty of parking in the Casa car park and it is open to everyone, allowing families and friends to come along.

Posted in About Chesterfield

Newest development at Markham Vale starts on site

Work has started on site at Henry Boot Developments’ newest addition to Markham Vale, a 55,000 sq ft industrial warehouse, ‘MV55’, which is being developed on a speculative basis.

Markham Vale is a 200-acre industrial and logistics development located at Junction 29A of the M1 in Derbyshire, a joint venture between Henry Boot Developments (HBD) and Derbyshire County Council.

One of the region’s most successful industrial locations, Markham Vale is home to the likes of Great Bear, Gist, Ferdinand Bilstein and Sterigenics.

This latest building fronts the M1 and includes flexible office space ranging from 2,500 sq ft – 5,000 sq ft alongside high-quality industrial facilities and 50 on-site parking spaces.

Andrew Priestley, Development Surveyor at HBD, said: “Our decision to build our latest unit at Markham Vale on a speculative basis is very much a reflection of the strength of the market and continued demand for high-quality, well located industrial property. There is an acute shortage of good quality industrial space across the Yorkshire and East Midlands markets, particularly for buildings between 20,000 sq ft and 100,000 sq ft, resulting in a high degree of latent demand for new-build product like MV55.

“We currently have a total of 108,000 sq ft under construction at Markham Vale, with this latest unit scheduled to complete in September along with Protec International’s new purpose-built premises, which started on site last month. Initial conversations have been very positive – businesses are keen to capitalise on its location as well as the high-quality build, which is something occupiers can always count on from HBD.”

Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, Councillor Tony King, said: “This is a great opportunity for another business to join our thriving Markham Vale site.”

“This plot has a lot to offer with great links to the M1 and a skilled workforce, high-quality industrial facilities and flexible office space.”

“We look forward to welcoming even more businesses at the site very soon and for those looking to relocate or expand, we still have opportunities available so please get in touch for more information.”

Plots of up to 15 acres remain available at Markham Vale and can accommodate flexible design and build units up to 300,000 sq ft.

Please click here to find out more about the opportunities available at MV55. Find out more about relocating to Markham Vale and investing in Chesterfield.

Markham Vale MV55

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

New look Skills Bank launched

A new look Skills Bank that puts employers from across the Sheffield City Region in charge of their own skills and training has been launched.

Skills Bank, delivered by Calderdale College, is a business led programme developed by the Local Enterprise Partnership and using devolved government funding, matches private sector investment with public funding to help businesses invest in their workforce and improve their productivity. Funding is available to businesses that make a strong case for how the investment will deliver growth.

The service which cuts through red tape and ushers in a new culture of flexible public-sector funding works with businesses to deliver bespoke, tailor made training. It is part of a wide-ranging business support offer available through the Sheffield City Region’s Growth Hub.

Mayor of the Sheffield City Region, Dan Jarvis, said: “We’re a region that has some fantastic businesses and world class training facilities, including our Further Education Colleges, the National College for High Speed Rail and the University of Sheffield AMRC Training Centre. The Sheffield City Region Skills Bank is another important part of our work to build a skills system that delivers for businesses, communities and the economy.

Skills Bank is an example of an innovative locally designed solution and shows the benefits of devolving resources to local areas.”

James Muir, Chair of the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “Businesses tell us that publicly funded training for businesses can be hard to access and that the system is complicated. Skills Bank and our advisors can help businesses cut through this. This is good for the region, good for the profitability of businesses and helps grow the skills of our workforce. So long as a business can show that it helps boost productivity and grow our economy it should be a straightforward transaction. It’s win-win. I’m absolutely delighted that it has gone live.”

Ebrahim Dockrat, Director of Commercial Services and Partnerships at Calderdale College, said: “Skills Bank is a fantastic initiative for Sheffield City Region and we are thrilled to be in a position where we can support local businesses.

“Our focus will be on helping employers develop the skills they need to grow their business and we bring a huge amount of expertise from our many years of working closely with the Education and Skills Funding Agency on major funded training programmes.”

Businesses interested in accessing the Skills Bank can find out more at

If you are an employer or a training provider and would like to find out more about Skills Bank, visit

Apprenticeship Ambassador

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Development

Ashgate Hospicecare to transform facilities to allow families to sleep by their loved ones’ side

Ashgate Hospicecare is set to transform their three bedded bays into nine modern bedrooms.

Ashgate Hospicecare’s thirty-year-old hospice wing is keeping families apart. However, the Hospice plans to bring families closer together by transforming their three bedded bays into nine modern bedrooms giving patients a private space to be surrounded by the love of those close to them.

The vision, which will create a homely, welcoming space at the Hospice, will transform care, privacy, family time, space and dignity for patients and their families across North Derbyshire.

Barbara-Anne Walker, Chief Executive of Ashgate Hospicecare, said: “We believe every person matters and they matter until the end of their life. The time that patients and their families spend with us will often be the most precious days and nights. We offer them outstanding nursing and medical care.

However, for many of the people who need to be on our Inpatient Unit, we are no longer able to offer them the privacy and dignity that they deserve and that we would all want for ourselves or for someone we love.”

Dr Sarah Parnacott, Consultant in Palliative Medicine at Ashgate Hospicecare, said: “When the Hospice was first opened we had three bedded bays built which have not changed over the last 30 years. However, the needs of the patients that now come into the Hospice have changed dramatically.”

“The biggest challenge that the three bays create for our patients is the lack of privacy. There are three bed spaces very close to each other, only separated by a flimsy curtain. Whenever possible, we do try and move a patient who is nearing the end of their life into a single bedroom to afford them greater privacy and dignity, but that’s not always possible. When a patient is dying in one of the bays it can be very distressing for other patients sharing the bay and their families.

Turning the bays into these beautiful single bedrooms will give our patients and their families a spacious, private and dignified environment and give the other doctors, our nursing staff and me the power to care for more people.”

Ashgate Hospicecare wants to help ensure future generations can get hospice care when they need it. The needs of the North Derbyshire community have changed in the last thirty years. The renovation of the old wing will not only enable the Hospice to meet those needs, but also meet the outstanding standards of the Care Quality Commission.

Greg and Lauranne share what Ashgate meant to them when Lauranne’s sister, Julie, came to the Hospice. Julie had brain cancer and as she became more poorly, her family cared for her at home. But when Julie’s symptoms became unmanageable for them to cope with, she was admitted to a single bedroom on our Inpatient Unit at the Hospice.

They said: “The Hospice provided us, as a family, with so many precious moments together. We feel incredibly lucky that Julie was able to have her own bedroom. I can’t imagine half of these moments being possible in a bay. We wouldn’t have all fitted around the bed, that’s for sure.”

Ali Ward-Foster, Partnerships Manager at Ashgate Hospicecare, said: “Since we opened our doors 30 years ago we have always prioritised our spending on the front line services that enable us to care for patients and their families. We rely on donations and gifts in Wills for over 70% of our funding so it is a constant challenge. We hope local businesses and people will support the Hospice with an additional donation for this project.”

Want to find out more about how you could support this amazing project and how your support could make a difference to the lives of local people? Just call Ali, Capital Appeals Manager on 01246 567250 or email

Ashgate Hospicescare Bedroom

Posted in About Chesterfield

Capital Funding available for Chesterfield businesses

The D2N2 Capital Growth Fund is a new fund which offers capital grant support to small and medium-sized enterprises investing in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham & Nottinghamshire.

Grant funding of between £1,500 and £10,000, up to a maximum of 30% of eligible project costs is available to businesses.

The fund will cover capital costs – for example machinery, equipment, IT hardware but cannot support vehicle purchases.  The scheme cannot be used for revenue costs such as wages, rent, marketing or general running costs.

Businesses must be already trading and will be required to show how the project will enable employment growth.

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager said “It is great to see that their is grant support available for businesses that are looking to grow.  We would encourage Chesterfield and North Derbyshire based businesses that are planning capital projects to take advantage of this fund.”

Further guidance on the funding is available at

To register your interest in applying for the D2N2 Capital Growth Fund, please e-mail, with the subject: “D2N2 Capital Growth Fund”.

Read about business support in Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Investment in Chesterfield Roads Announced

Derbyshire County Council is set to spend £100 million over the next five years improving the county’s roads including the A61 between Sheepbridge and Wingerworth.

The council has earmarked the cash to be spent on fixing potholes, resurfacing and surface dressing roads and pavements, repairing retaining walls, fixing drains, upgrading bridges and replacing worn-out traffic lights and lamp posts.

On Thursday 18 April, Derbyshire County councillors will be asked to approve the money – given to the council in the form of Government grants – to be spent between now and 2024.

Councillor Simon Spencer, Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure, said:

“Keeping Derbyshire moving by making sure the county’s roads remain in a good and safe condition remains a top priority for us.

“Because of new systems we now also have the most comprehensive information about the current condition of our road-related infrastructure meaning we can look ahead and take a more planned approach to fixing and improving our highways.”

Next year the council is set to spend around £23m. This will go towards resurfacing and surface dressing stretches of some of the county’s main roads including the A619 around Staveley,the A515 around Buxton and Ashbourne, the A57 Snake Pass, the A6 around Bakewell, and the A610 Ripley.

Around 40 more minor ‘B’ roads and 30 pavements countywide are also earmarked to be resurfaced or surface dressed.

General repairs to bridges, the installation of a new footbridge in Fenny Bentley and improvements along sections of the Trans Pennine, Skegby and Five Pits Trails and further upgrades to some cycle paths in the north east of the county are also set to take place.

Junction improvements, improved signage and extra anti-skid surfaces, have also been identified to improve road safety at various locations around the county.

•£933,000 towards improving roads, cycle paths and access routes to new housing developments along the A61 between Sheepbridge and Wingerworth;

•£1m towards the Woodville Swadlincote Regeneration Route to provide a link road to ease congestion between the A511 through the Tollgate Park site to the A514;

•£242,000 to work up further plans for the A515 Ashbourne Bypass;

•£550,000 to roll out electronic bus stop signs in Amber Valley and Erewash.

The remaining funding is set to be split over the following four years. Specific improvements have yet to be identified but are likely to include resurfacing and surface dressing local roads and pavements and tackling issues with bridges and retaining walls.

Chesterfield at night

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Foodie families wanted to help find Chesterfield’s best family friendly restaurant

Destination Chesterfield, organiser of the town’s Food and Drink Awards is looking for a foodie family to help find the town’s best family friendly eatery.

Last year the popular Family Friendly award, which is sponsored by Jumble Creative Design, was won by Chesters Restaurant & Takeaway on Sheffield Road.

Now, the search is on to find 2019’s family friendly favourite and Destination Chesterfield needs you to help!

One young family with children aged under 12 is wanted to judge the shortlisted family-friendly establishments. They will help decide who takes the Family-Friendly title in the 2019 Awards which is held in association with the Chesterfield College Group.

The lucky family will win an all-expenses-paid meal for four at three local establishments.  They will also receive two tickets to attend the glittering 2019 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards ceremony on Wednesday 23 October at the Winding Wheel in the heart of Chesterfield.

To enter the competition applicants simply have to tell Destination Chesterfield why their family should be chosen to mystery shop for the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards.

Entries to the competition close at midnight on Tuesday 4 June and can be made online at or, they can be made by post to:

Food and Drink Awards Competition,
Destination Chesterfield
Commerce House
Millennium Way
Dunston Road
S41 8ND

Now in its sixth year, the Family-Friendly award aims to find the town’s ultimate eatery that offers great food, excellent facilities for young children, special menus and goes the extra mile to make sure families enjoy their dining experience. As well as enjoying a meal, the winning family will be required to mark the establishments on food, ease of access, cleanliness and the quality and variety of children’s food.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, commented: “Who better to decide the winner of the Family Friendly Award 2019 than families themselves? This competition is a great chance for families in the area to voice their opinion and get to enjoy a meal out too.”

The awards ceremony, which will be held in autumn, promises to be a glittering affair hosted by a celebrity chef (to be announced soon). In addition to the Family Friendly award, there will also be 14 other winners announced at the ceremony.

Other supporters of the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards include Apprentice Town (led by Chesterfield Borough Council), Banner Jones Solicitors, BHP Chartered Accountants, Casa Hotel, Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire Times, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), Edge Events Management Ltd, Elder Way by Jomast Developments, FEAST – Food and Drink Forum, Hoods Florist, Kier Group, Learning Unlimited (The Chesterfield College Group), Magnifica, MSE Hiller, Owen Taylor & Sons, Peak FM and Reflections Magazine (Bannister Publications Ltd) and Shorts Chartered Accountants.

To keep up-to-date on developments with the 2019 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, please visit .

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Apprenticeship training provider sees record increase in placements

Chesterfield’s apprenticeship training provider, Learning Unlimited, has seen a record increase in the number of apprenticeship applications this spring.

This month the apprenticeship specialist provider has been asked by regional and local employers to recruit on their behalf for more than 150 apprenticeship places – an increase of 40% on exactly the same time last year.

Learning Unlimited’s Operations Manager, Leah Shortt said: “At this time of year we normally begin to receive more enquiries from people potentially considering an apprenticeship as they prepare to finish school. This spring though we’ve also seen a rise in opportunities too as the employers we work with are planning to take on a new influx of apprentices over the summer.

“The figures show that the demand for apprenticeships keeps growing. More and more young people are interested in following that route rather than going on to university and more employers are also recognising the benefits of taking on an apprentice. They see it as a way of recruiting the new talent they need while shaping their workforce.”

The number of apprenticeships available has increased the most in business related roles. There is also demand for apprentices across other sectors ranging from engineering to IT and social media. Apprenticeship opportunities range from electricians, engineers, hairdressers, nursery assistants and social care assistants, to chef and automotive body technicians.

The team already has over 115 people booked in for registration and interview this month and will be holding an Advice Evening at Chesterfield College on Tuesday (16 April) between 5.30pm and 7.30pm for anyone interested in finding out more about apprenticeships. It will give potential apprentices the chance to talk about the opportunities available locally and regionally. It also gives people the chance to get advice about entry requirements and meet the team who will support them through their apprenticeship application.

Learning Unlimited will be joined at the Advice Evening by employer, Heathcotes Group; an organisation which works nationally to provide specialist residential care for adults with learning disabilities, mental health needs and challenging behaviours. During the evening  people will get the chance to talk face-to-face with the employer, who has recruited almost 600 apprentices over the past five years and is an Apprenticeship Ambassador for Chesterfield.

Learning Unlimited, which is part of the Chesterfield College group, currently provides apprenticeships and learning programmes to more than 3,000 apprentices nationally.

Chesterfield College open days

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Made in Chesterfield

Nominate now in the 2019 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards

Nominations are now open for Chesterfield’s premier food and drink awards.

The seventh annual Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, which is organised by Destination Chesterfield, returns on Wednesday 23 October.

Ahead of the glittering awards ceremony at the Winding Wheel, Destination Chesterfield is calling on people to nominate their favourite restaurants, bars, cafés, pubs, food producers and tearooms in the 2019 awards.

Nominations across 10 award categories can be made online until midnight on Sunday 12 May at .

The categories include:

The shortlisted businesses will be revealed in July, including the shortlist for the coveted Restaurant of the Year title, which was won by Bottle & Thyme in 2018.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, urged people to get nominating. He commented: “It’s important that we recognise the contribution the town’s growing food and drink sector is making to the local economy. Many of the businesses within it are also helping put Chesterfield on the map nationally. The awards are designed to ensure that we recognise and celebrate businesses in the sector. If you have a favourite, make sure you nominate them.”

Julie Richards, Principal and Chief Executive of Chesterfield College Group, which is the headline sponsor of the awards, said: “We are delighted to be the headline sponsor of the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards for 2019. The event is one of the highlights of the year and a mutually-beneficial partnership between Destination Chesterfield and the college.”

Other supporters of the awards include Apprentice Town (led by Chesterfield Borough Council), Casa Hotel, Derbyshire Times, Elder Way (Jomast Developments), FEAST – Food and Drink Forum, Hoods Florist, Learning Unlimited (The Chesterfield College Group), Magnifica, Owen Taylor & Sons, Peak FM and Reflections Magazine (Bannister Publications Ltd).

To find out more about the awards, please visit:

Food & drink 2018 winners

Food & drink 2018 winners

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

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