Invest in Chesterfield

Chesterfield Facts and Figures

Chesterfield Statistics

Find out some interesting Chesterfield facts and figures.

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  • Population of Chesterfield is 104,900
  • Over 23 million people within a two hour drive.


  • Provides jobs for over 48,000 people
  • Over 20,000 inward commuters each day
  • Lower retail vacancy rates than the national average.


  • under two hours to London by train
  • 12 miles from Sheffield
  • 15 minutes to the Peak District
  • 45 minutes to 5 universities
  • Has six major airports within an 80 mile radius.
  • Is only 90 minutes from the east coast ports of Goole, Grimsby, Hull and Immingham providing excellent links with continental Europe and beyond.

Location Map

Did you Know?


  • Is home to one of the largest outdoor markets in Britain that gained its Charter in 1204.
  • The 100-bed four-star hotel with function and conferencing facilities, Casa Hotel is in the top 5 hotels in England.
  • The 10,500 seater football stadium and conference centre, the Proact stadium, is home of Chesterfield FC.
  • Is home to the HQ of many national businesses such as Global Brands, Robinsons PLC, Cathelco, Fusion Provida and many more…
  • Has a world famous landmark, the Crooked Spire, that rises to a height of 70m (228 ‘) above the ground and leans 2.89m (9’ 6”) to the south-west. The spiral twist at the base is about 45° from west to east.
  • Offers a dedicated motorway junction (M1 29A) leading to Markham Vale, a business park with over 265,000 sq m of industrial, office and warehouse accommodation.
  • Phoenix Brick Company at Barrow Hill is on the site of the Campbell Brick Works, built in 1927 by the Staveley Coal & Iron Company. The original  kilns are still in use today.
  • Hardcase International at Sheepbridge make plastic case for drums, cymbals etc. Some of their products are used by well known international artists such as Nicko McBrain from Iron Maiden.
  • Brampton Brewery was inspired by the original brewery of the same name which closed in 1955. Some of their beers (Golden Bud and Brampton Stout) are named after original Brampton Beers but they are made to different recipes. The original recipes have been lost.

Get in touch

Find out more about investment opportunities in Chesterfield by viewing the latest Investment Map 

For further detail on journey times to nearby cities, ports and airports, take a look at the Chesterfield Investment Prospectus.

For further information on locating your business in Chesterfield:

Invest in Chesterfield

Invest in Chesterfield and you will join world-leading manufacturers and communication companies. Enterprises benefit from our superb travel links.

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Chesterfield Escape Room 873x466

Case Studies

Find out about the excellent small, medium and large businesses located in Chesterfield with our business case studies.

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Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

Commercial Property

Find out exactly what space is available in Chesterfield for your business using our online commercial property search.

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