About Chesterfield

Chatsworth Farmyard Awarded Rare Breeds Accreditation 

Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) has awarded RBST accreditation to Chatsworth Farmyard, recognising its important contribution to the conservation of some the rarest livestock and equine breeds native to the UK.

Chatsworth Farmyard is home to a number of the country’s rarest breeds of livestock and equines, including Suffolk Punch horses, Shire horses, Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs, Bagot goats and Cream Legbar chickens, with British Landrace pigs and Eriskay ponies due to join them soon.

The award comes as the family-friendly farmyard and children’s adventure playground reopened (13 April) to visitors after several months closed in line with Covid restrictions. The garden is also open and the house will reopen on 18 May.

The farmyard at Chatsworth in Derbyshire has provided agricultural education and entertainment for almost half a century, and the estate has a longstanding connection with RBST. Duchess Deborah, mother of the current Duke of Devonshire, served as RBST President and the Cavendish family are valued ambassadors for native breed conservation.

RBST is the national charity that works to secure the future of rare breeds of native livestock and equines. Chatsworth Farmyard now becomes part of the 25-strong network of RBST accredited farm parks which take part in crucial conservation programmes, manage special breeding groups, and support education about rare breeds and why they matter.

RBST Chief Executive Christopher Price: “Native breeds have an important place in a future for farming where sustainable production goes hand in hand with the natural environment, but they are also an irreplaceable part of our rural heritage. For centuries these animals ploughed our fields, took our soldiers to war and powered our wool industry, it would be devastating if they disappeared, and Chatsworth Farmyard has been doing crucial work to support the survival of some of our rarest native breeds. I am thrilled to welcome them to the network of RBST-accredited farm parks and I look forward to working with the team.”

Melissa Underwood, Chatsworth Farmyard Manager: “Since joining Chatsworth Farmyard in September 2020 we have been increasing the numbers of rare breeds kept here. One of my best moments has been to discover that the Albion breed of cattle originated here in Bakewell. They were an obvious choice for us to have here and we hope to use them in our milking demonstrations later in the year. We were lucky to be able to source our two females and look forward to welcoming their calves in the summer. I am passionate about rare breeds and their conservation and look forward to sharing our journey and exciting new breeding programmes with our visitors.”

Visit www.chatsworth.org/farmyard-playground to find out more about the Farmyard’s reopening and how to book tickets.

Chatsworth supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Images provided by Chatsworth House Trust

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Chesterfield non-essential retailers gear up for re-opening

With April 12 on the horizon, Chesterfield’s non-essential retailers are gearing up for the reopening of their stores as we enter step two of the easing of lockdown.

While the town’s retailers have shown resilience and adapted in the face of adversity, adapting to lockdown with social media promotion, click and collect and online sales, both essential and non-essential retail business owners and shoppers are looking forward to heading back into physical stores once more. To find out more about shopping in Chesterfield and how you can support local independent businesses, please visit: www.chesterfield.co.uk/wereback

Steph Mannion, owner of Steph’s Sustainable Stuff who was named Market Trader of the Year in the 2020 Chesterfield High Street Awards, explained: “As an essential trader on Chesterfield market, I’ve stood throughout the latest lockdown. The market hasn’t been the same without my fellow traders and I’m eager to see them back and feel the market buzzing again.

“It’s more important than ever that we all support our independent retailers, whether that be in shops or on the market, to make sure that our lovely town bounces out of covid restrictions and moves forward into a better future.”

Steph's Sustainable Stuff

Looking forward to re-opening Laura Jo, Owner of Adorn Jewellers in The Shambles commented: “We are very much looking forward to welcoming our customers back to Adorn when we can. At the moment, we see our lovely shop as the sleeping beauty and we are hoping that when she awakes, people will enjoy visiting again.

“We are very fortunate in Chesterfield to have a fabulous mix of independent shops, bars and restaurants along with some of the bigger familiar high street names. There is no doubt that the world looks different after the pandemic, however the people of Chesterfield are a wonderful community and I have no doubt that our lovely town will continue to thrive with their support.”

Adorn Jewellers

Luke Shah, Director of Huckleberry Willow agreed with Laura Jo saying: “I believe the best thing about independent businesses is that they are run by individual people, which gives us and the other great independent businesses in Chesterfield more character and personality. We have had regular customers for over 40 years, which I hope means our customers have a great shopping experience at Huckleberry Willow.”

Mr Shah, who was the winner of last year’s Home, Gifts and Leisure Retailer of the Year category in the Chesterfield High Street Awards, added: “We are looking forward to welcoming our regular, new and old customers back to the shop.”

Huckleberry Willow

Theresa Goldsmith of The Goldsmith Clinic is also looking forward to welcoming clients back. She said: “Clients have missed us as much as we have missed them. As a business specialising in wellbeing and health we have had to close at a time when, arguably, people needed our services the most. Within minutes of Boris Johnson announcing the road map out of lockdown, my inbox was full of people requesting appointments. The diary is already full and we have everything crossed that the roadmap for the 12th April goes to plan.”

Goldsmith Group

Like many businesses, social media has been used extensively by The Goldsmith Clinic to keep customers engaged and informed during lockdown.

Laura Jo explained how Adorn has been using social media to remain connected with its customers during lockdown: “We’ve been keeping in touch with our sparkly community online through our YouTube channel and with our Friday night live each week on Facebook. We’ve been so happy with the love and support that our customers have shown us throughout this difficult time but we’re very much looking forward to seeing them in person again.”

Emily Lord, owner of Fred’s Haberdashery agreed, adding: “We are looking forward to welcoming customers back into the shop again and hope people will continue to make use of all the shops and services in the town centre.”

Emily bought the long-established business last year and moved to new, larger premises in the town centre just weeks before lockdown. Despite the setback, the business continued to trade using the click and collect service and has since added a new service.

She explained: “There has been one significant change for us during lockdown and we are thrilled to be reopening with the addition of Fred’s Frames, a bespoke picture framing service. I would like to thank all of our customers that have used the Click and Collect service and extend my warm wishes to all of the other town centre businesses as they reopen.”

Fred’s Haberdashery is just one of a number of non-essential retailers that added a Click and Collect service to their offering during the pandemic.

To support non-essential retail and hospitality businesses during lockdown, Destination Chesterfield dedicated a full page on its website to supporting businesses in the sectors by listing details of how shopper could access online shopping, click and collect and delivery services.

A new web page has since been launched to Destination Chesterfield’s website supporting the partial reopening of the hospitality sector. The page – https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/2021/03/top-tips-for-outdoor-dining-and-activities-in-chesterfield/ – gives details of business in the sector who are providing outdoor dining and activities from 12 April.

Junction Bar

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “We’re all incredibly excited to welcome shoppers back to the high street and see our town centre thriving once more. Seeing our favourite businesses adapt with online shopping and click and collect services has been inspiring, but shopping in Chesterfield is an experience you just can’t replicate at home.

“We’re encouraging everyone to #LoveChesterfield and support our local high street in what’s such a crucial time for small, local independent businesses – your purchase could make a real difference.”

Neil Johnson, Director – Economic Growth at Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Our local shops and retailers really need our support at the town centre opens again. Spending a few pounds a week with local businesses will make a massive difference to them. Chesterfield is a fantastic place to shop. We pride ourselves on being a friendly town, with many great independent businesses who are ready to welcome everyone back.”

To find out more about shopping in Chesterfield and how you can support local independent businesses, please visit: www.chesterfield.co.uk/wereback

Posted in About Chesterfield, Blog, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Featured, Leisure, Love Chesterfield, Visiting

Conference hears how Chesterfield’s resilience has set the town on a path of swift pandemic recovery

Chesterfield’s resilience in the face of adversity has been borne out by figures shared at today’s (31 March) Celebrate Chesterfield event organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with Addooco IT.

At the virtual conference it was revealed that SMEs are reporting growth in turnover and staff numbers during the pandemic, while estate agents in the borough are achieving up to 103 per cent on asking price with up to eight buyers per property.

Despite the pandemic, more than £1bn of regeneration projects are currently underway in the borough, including the multi-million pound Chesterfield Waterside, Glass Yard, Northern Gateway and PEAK schemes.

Speaking at the conference Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council praised the sector’s can-do attitude during the pandemic.

He said: “There is a fantastic landscape of development happening in the town in the middle of the pandemic. I think it says everything about Chesterfield in terms of the ambition of the place and the fact we are not going to just bunker down but actually get on and invest in quality developments right across the town and borough.”

Work has also begun on a McDonalds restaurant and drive-thru on the site of a long-derelict former multi-storey car park at West Bars. Sixty-five jobs will be created when the fast-food giant opens at the location later this year.

Most recently, Staveley received £25.2million from the Government’s Town Deal programme. It is being billed as one of the largest economic programmes in the borough in recent history.

Speaking at the conference Ivan Fomin, Chair of Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “We want Staveley to become a place to start, to stay and grow to deliver inclusive growth opportunities for the people of Staveley over the next five years.”

While 1,100 Chesterfield businesses temporarily closed during the latest lockdown, Dr Bowen is optimistic they will re-open and access the support and grants the Council has put in place to enable them to re-start. Nearly £60million in business rates relief and grants has been distributed by Chesterfield Borough Council to businesses during the pandemic.

“Our first priority is to support existing businesses to survive and restart,” added Dr Bowen.

Marketing the town, he said, was critical to the council’s Economic Recovery Plan post pandemic and praised the work of Destination Chesterfield in its work to attract inward investment.

He added: “We want people to relocate and start up in business here, so we are working closely with other Derbyshire councils and the East Midlands Chamber to make available start-up funding to encourage entrepreneurs to the town and borough.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield welcomed Dr Bowen’s comments saying: “Chesterfield has proved time and time again that it is a resilient and strong town which consistently performs well in the face of adversity.

“During the pandemic we have seen major projects start to come out of the ground which is testimony to our forward-thinking council and a key reason why investors from outside the area are keen to do business with us on major projects like PEAK, Waterside and HS2.

“Twelve months ago our annual Celebrate Chesterfield event looked to be anything but a celebration. However, we have attracted investment, jobs have been created and a plan is in place to ensure not only that we recover quickly from the pandemic but that we are stronger because of it. There is much to celebrate now and for the future of Chesterfield.”

In addition to Dr Bowen, speakers at the annual free event also included Andy Dabbs and Jillian Mitchell the Chair and Vice Chair respectively of the newly formed Property and Construction Group, which is organised by Destination Chesterfield and was launched at Celebrate Chesterfield 21

The group brings together leaders from the area’s property and construction sectors to shape and drive forward collaboration, investment, sustainability and skills within Chesterfield.

Celebrate Chesterfield 2021 was sponsored by University of Derby, Whittam Cox Architects and Markham Vale – Derbyshire’s flagship regeneration scheme, who joined headline sponsor Addooco IT.

Richard Walters, owner of Chesterfield technology specialist Addooco IT Ltd, commented: “The concept of ‘Celebrating Chesterfield’ really resonates with me as there is such a rich history of innovation here. Having identified early in 2020 how challenging the next 12 months and beyond would likely become we accelerated our investment plans to help minimise the impact of the situation, whilst creating four new job roles to help cope with demand. This ensured ample capacity and performance for our existing clients and those who we’ve welcomed to Addooco over the last year.”

If you were unable to attend the live Celebrate Chesterfield 2021 event, the presentations are available to watch via the online platform until 14 April. For free access to the platform please contact mollie.brown@chesterfield.co.uk.

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Whittam Cox appointed on £107 million regeneration scheme in Gloucester

Chesterfield’s Whittam Cox Architects have been appointed by Reef Group as Executive Architects on The Forum, an innovative new campus project in Gloucester that is part of the £107 million Kings Quarter regeneration.

The scheme will be a catalyst for an emerging digital and cyber security sector in Gloucestershire.

The 600,000 sq. ft masterplan for The Forum includes more than 125,000 sq. ft of new office space, as well as a shared workspace club and an innovation hub for emerging cyber businesses and incubator businesses.

This will sit alongside a 135-bedroom four-star hotel, a 9,000 sq. ft gym, restaurants, shops, bars and apartments, a multi-storey car park, alongside over one acre of public realm and landscaping work.

Whittam Cox Architects will lead the technical implementation as Executive Architects working in collaboration with Architects Urban R who are leading the concept and planning stages of the project.

David Skelton, Director at Whittam Cox, commented: “We’re delighted to have been appointed by our client Reef Group on such an important scheme for Gloucester. The new digital campus will help transform the City Centre creating a modern sustainable destination for its residents to thrive.”

Esther Croft, Development Director at Reef Group added, “This is set to create one of the UK’s first truly integrated digital societies and will provide the space and the infrastructure to build a seamless link between city centre living and working, in a new social and digital hub.”

Works are due to start on site later this year.

This scheme is the latest in a series of projects Whittam Cox are involved in, including Chesterfield’s Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre. You can find out more about the development here.

Whittam Cox Architects supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Work progresses at pace on the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

Work on the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre is progressing at pace – on track to be ready for tenants in the summer.

In March the dry lining and external cladding will be completed, progress has been made on the brickwork and a local contractor has finished the plastering works.

Councillor Dean Collins, cabinet member for economic growth, said: “It’s fantastic to see this building progressing – it sends a clear message that Chesterfield is open for business and a thriving place to invest in.

“This is a key site which will provide new opportunities for local businesses to start, grow and thrive as we move forward from the impact of the pandemic. Supporting new and growing businesses to develop in the borough ultimately creates more jobs and opportunities for local people.

“As well as helping us build back stronger from the impact of Covid-19, the Enterprise Centre also marks a new standard in environmental sustainability in Chesterfield. The building has excellent environmental credentials which not only means reduced emissions, it also helps save on running costs.”

The Enterprise Centre has been designed to a BREEAM Excellent standard. BREEAM (Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method) is a sustainability rating scheme and focuses on building design, construction and use. It helps measure and reduce the environmental impacts of buildings.

Some of the features in the new development include:

  • Encouraging sustainable forms of transport with enough cycle storage space to cater for the number of occupants
  • A flexible building, allowing for future expansion, room subdivision and to allow further segregation and / or open-plan office spaces
  • Refuse areas have space for recycling containers, in compliance with the council’s recycling policy
  • Incorporating the latest water minimisation technologies where possible which will substantially reduce water use
  • Low energy lighting throughout
  • High performance double glazing
  • Bird boxes and mixed planting around the building to attract urban wildlife

Andy Dabbs, Board Director at Whittam Cox Architects, said: “It’s great to see the project progressing so well on site. The Enterprise Centre is such an important part of the Northern Gateway regeneration, providing a unique commercial offer which is designed to be a catalyst for further investment and development.”

“As well as providing high quality facilities for businesses wanting to locate in the town centre, the architecture provides a new contemporary landmark that sets a benchmark, not only in the aesthetic, but also in the environmental credentials it has been designed to achieve. The Enterprise Centre is further evidence that Chesterfield can deliver its ambition and realise a building fit for a long and sustainable future.”

Daniel Cove, Project Manager at Robert Woodhead Ltd, added: “Works are progressing extremely well and we are pressing ahead with the next stages of the internal work.

“Externally we are taking brickwork up to second-floor level, finishing final cladding works in preparation for removing the scaffold. We will then start the external hard landscaping and paving.”

The centre is well connected in a town centre location and is classed as ‘grade A’ office accommodation – a mark of the highest quality. Prospective tenants can find out more about the centre at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/enterprise, by email at economic.development@chesterfield.gov.uk, or call on 01246 345255.

Whittam Cox Architects and Woodhead Group support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield says ‘we’re back’ for friendly local shopping

Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield are supporting the re-opening of the high streets this April with the message ‘we’re back’ to encourage shoppers back to Chesterfield’s high streets. Find out more at www.chesterfield.co.uk/wereback

The mini campaign includes a video on social media, featuring some of Chesterfield’s many independent businesses and market traders, asking people to come back shopping in Chesterfield. The video reminds people that safety is everything, but we do need to support our local high streets.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “It will be great to see the start of the re-opening of our town centre and high streets this April.

“It is however essential that we keep our own and everyone else’s safety in mind when we go back to shopping locally in Chesterfield to make sure our town centre stays open. I urge everyone to continue with hands, face and space as we start to re-open.

“Our local shops and retailers have worked so hard over lockdown, offering click and collect and delivery options but it has been a massive struggle for businesses and now it’s up to us to get back out shopping locally. Our businesses really need your support.

“Spending a few pounds a week with local businesses will make a massive difference to them. It’s been convenient to shop online but let’s do more of that with local businesses and also shop safely with them once again in our town centre and high streets.

“Chesterfield is a fantastic place to shop. We pride ourselves on being a friendly town, with many great independent businesses who are ready to welcome everyone back. So, come back and support your town this April.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “The lifting of restrictions on non-essential retail is very much welcomed and further progress in the high street’s journey towards normality. Seeing our favourite businesses adapt with online shopping and click and collect services during lockdown has been inspiring, but shopping in Chesterfield is an experience that can’t be replicated at home.

“Lockdown has shown us all the importance of the high street and the contribution it makes not only to the economy but to the lives of local people and I would encourage everyone to support the high street and shop local to help the many businesses based on it in their recovery.”

To also help support local businesses that are re-opening, and to showcase Chesterfield as a great place to visit, the council is offering local businesses the chance to take out free listings on the Visit Chesterfield website until 31 March 2022.

Independent businesses who are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity can find more details on www.visitchesterfield.info/advertising. Businesses will need to complete an application form and send it along with high resolution images or videos to tourism@chesterfield.gov.uk.

Find out more about shopping in Chesterfield here.


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Over £23m to be invested in council housing across Chesterfield

More than £23 million is to be spent improving and increasing the housing supply across Chesterfield – as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s commitment to enhance the borough’s housing offer and meet the needs of residents.

Councillors have agreed to the ambitious Housing Capital Programme – which sets out the council’s investment priorities for 2021/22 and the medium-term investment through to 2024/25.

The Housing Capital Programme sets out the priorities to ensure that council housing in the borough continues to meet the decent homes standard and provide the good quality, affordable homes for people in Chesterfield.

Modernisation and refurbishment of the council’s existing housing stock continues to be a main focus of the council’s programme of works – including roof repairs, the installation of windows and improvements to estate environments to ensure all properties continue to meet the decent homes standard.

Since 2019 the council will have added 64 new homes to its housing stock and a further 53 homes in the pipeline for 2021-2023, meaning the council will meet its target of adding new 100 new homes to the housing register by 2023 – giving local families more choice and access to modern properties.

The council will also continue to invest in homes for older people, with works currently progressing well at Mallard Court and Leander Court. When completed, this will offer modern, affordable and attractive housing for older people in Staveley for the future.

In response to the climate emergency that was declared by the council in July 2019, the council is also committed to ensuring that all of its homes are energy efficient – allowing Chesterfield to become a low carbon, resilient and sustainable borough.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, cabinet member for housing, said: “Our aim as always is to enhance Chesterfield’s housing offer so that people of all ages can find, and live in a quality home they can afford. Our capital programme shows that we are committed to improving our housing stock to ensure it meets the needs of the people of Chesterfield, as well actively contributing to the climate change agenda by ensuring all homes are energy efficient.

“Investing in affordable and social housing has never been as important, given the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has had on many people financially, so it is vital that we continue to enhance the borough’s housing needs and supply affordable living. Our programme of investment has been developed and amended to recognise the challenges which have arisen from the Covid-19 crisis and, together with our partners, we are doing all we can to ensure any minor delays to key projects are resolved, allowing us to achieve our goals.

“We are committed to building a sustainable future and in response to the climate change emergency declared by the council in 2019, we’re taking measures to ensure our homes are energy efficient – which will not only help the planet, but will also give our residents access to affordable warmth.”

“During 2020 – 21 we achieved some key milestones in improving our housing stock and we’re proud that 100 per cent of our properties meet the decent homes standards. By continuing to refurbish and modernise our homes and estates, we can continue to ensure we maintain these standards for local families.”

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Funding available for Chesterfield businesses to take on remote-working interns

Small businesses in Chesterfield and Derbyshire can receive up to £7,000 in funding and support to recruit remotely-based student and graduate talent into their workforce.

The rise in remote working due to the COVID-19 pandemic means the University is now able to work with more businesses than ever before, including those who previously may not have had the office space to accommodate a graduate.

The opportunities are provided by the GRADS for D2N2 project which is part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and is part of the ESF High-Level Skills programme.

ESF supports activities to extend employment opportunities and develop a skilled workforce. The GRADS for D2N2 project is delivered by the University of Derby as part of the High Level Skills consortium which also includes Nottingham Trent University, Derby College, Nottingham College, and Nottingham City Council.

Chesterfield small business (SME) owner Rebecca Erskine, owner of Yellow Bird Marketing and Communications recounted the benefits of working alongside the University after taking on a graduate, Maciej Rus and current University of Derby student, Freya Padmore.

The team put together a series of remotely-filmed videos showcasing the virtues of remote working and the importance of internships as a way for students and graduates to gain “a competitive edge” and “apply the skills learnt at the University to the workplace.”

Rebecca said: “I recently took on two interns from the University of Derby. I think it is really important that the University, regardless of its name, supports businesses across the county of Derbyshire and that is the benefit of this particular programme.

“I think that when people are hard-working, they deserve real opportunity in life. Very often there are things that sit on the back-burner as far as your business is concerned.

“As a small business owner, obviously what brings in the money is the billable work and that has to be your priority, but it can’t be at the expense of business development or promoting your business so the interns coming into the project have really helped me make sure that I am looking at every element of the business. Remote working has given me the perfect opportunity to get the candidates that I really wanted for the project, regardless of where they’re based.”

Freya said: “Having experience that I can talk about in interviews and my applications gives me just that competitive edge compared to some other students who haven’t had any experience yet.

“I’m working in a really small team now so we can really bounce ideas off each other. It’s just given me a much better idea about what I want to do when I graduate.

“I don’t have to commute to work anymore. I can literally just sit at my desk and everything’s there that I need. I can literally log on whenever I want to, finish working when I want to, just based on when I feel like working.”

Support available to SMEs includes organisations needs assessments, talent grants, graduate internships, Employability and Apprenticeship workshops, curriculum co-design and more.

For more information please contact driven@derby.ac.uk

The University of Derby supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through  Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Chatsworth supplies hundreds of ready meals to the vaccination frontline

Chefs at the Chatsworth Estate have begun creating ready meals for distribution to Covid vaccination centres across Derbyshire, with hundreds of meals being delivered to frontline workers every week.

Hot food for hard working volunteers and staff includes Chatsworth favourites such as lasagne, macaroni cheese, cottage pie made with local beef, and mushroom and leek risotto among others.

Instead of preparing meals for visitors to Chatsworth, for the past few weeks chefs in the Carriage House Café kitchen have been cooking ready meals to provide vaccination staff working long hours with fuel for the fight against Covid. Chatsworth’s delivery drivers have been dropping off meals at destinations including Chesterfield Royal, St. Oswald’s in Ashbourne, Royal Derby and others among the county’s 24 vaccination centres.

Derbyshire has shown that it is leading the nation’s vaccination roll-out – in one week recently, the country vaccinated the second highest proportion of eligible residents in the whole of England.

Chris Baily Jones, Head of Catering at Chatsworth: “The vaccination drive in Derbyshire and elsewhere is absolutely vital in making us all safe for a way out of lockdown. We’re determined to do our bit to support Derbyshire NHS and all the people working such long hours to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible.”

Ready meals for Derbyshire vaccination centres has been made possible with funding from Chatsworth Estate alongside personal contributions from a number of individuals at Chatsworth. The Devonshire Group community forum, which includes Chatsworth, is chaired by Lord Burlington, son of the Duke of Devonshire, and was set up at the start of the Covid pandemic to reach out and support local communities.

A large number of charitable organisations are supported by the Devonshire Group through donations of money, items and complimentary tickets, and by offering savings on commercial rates. In 2019, charitable giving across the Devonshire Group amounted to £334,452.

For more information on Chatsworth and the community, visit https://www.chatsworth.org/about-chatsworth/our-shared-future/

Chatsworth supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through  Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Images supplied by the Chatsworth House Trust

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Chesterfield Waterside progressing well in 2021

The town’s £340 million Chesterfield Waterside scheme continues apace following the submission of an additional Reserved Matters application for the remaining elements of Basin Square, to the new ‘One Waterside Place’ office accommodation.

Recognised as being one of the UK’s largest regeneration projects, Chesterfield Waterside is being led by Chesterfield-based Bolsterstone Group Plc working in conjunction with Arnold Laver Group and Chesterfield Borough Council.

Since 2019 the scheme has made significant progress with construction beginning on 173 two, three and four-bedroom homes at Waterside Quarter in 2020 followed by the start of construction on the seven-storey office block – One Waterside Place at Basin Square, in 2020.

Avant Homes’ £36 million development forms part of The Park character area of Chesterfield Waterside and is the company’s largest site in the Chesterfield area to date.

The showhomes opened in August last year and in only six months nearly 20% of the 173 homes at Waterside Quarter have been sold with some already occupied.

Avant Homes Central head of sales, Dawn Bennett, said: “We’ve received a great response from buyers at our Waterside Quarter development and interest in our homes has remained consistently strong since its launch in 2020.

“In September, we unveiled three of our design-led two, three and four-bedroom showhomes, which were shortly followed by our first residents moving into their homes.

“Work on-site is still progressing well and with more than 30 homes now sold, we’re hugely excited to continue to see great success at Waterside Quarter.

“The showhomes comprise of The Beckbridge, The Northbridge and The Westbridge house types, all of which have elevations that are entirely bespoke to this development. These properties have given interested buyers a chance to see the Avant Homes specification first-hand by personal appointment and, as a result, we’ve seen a surge in interest for our homes.”

Last year, the Basin Square character area at Chesterfield Waterside also made significant progress. The first phase will see the delivery of Grade A office space, known as One Waterside Place, to meet the requirements of local occupiers. Tenants have already been secured for part of the building, and further tenants are being sought by property agents Knight Frank and FHP. In September 2020 Chesterfield Borough Council secured a forward funding agreement with Chesterfield Waterside Ltd, to bring forward construction of Waterside Place in the Basin Square neighbourhood of the development.

Harry Orwin-Allen from the Sheffield office of Knight Frank, said: “Chesterfield Waterside is an exciting, high quality, mixed-use scheme which will revitalise the eastern side of Chesterfield on an unprecedented scale for the town.

“This development comes at a time when Chesterfield is becoming a popular base for SMEs with its good town centre facilities and links to the motorway network.”

The office block is part of a wider business and residential offering in phase one of Basin which comprises offices, a hotel, multi-storey car park and build-to-rent apartments, which will be centred around the new canal basin and pedestrianized public realm which will be home to the renowned Dame Barbara Hepworth sculpture.

Britcon (UK) Ltd, a leading Civil Engineering, Building and Steel Frame Solutions company began construction of the office block in October. As part of the contract with Chesterfield Borough Council, Britcon will utilise local labour and local contractors across the whole build process as well as working closely with Chesterfield College.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Work is progressing well on site and we hope that One Waterside Place will be complete and ready for businesses to move into from September 2021. The development, which is being led by local company Bolsterstone PLC, has already created around £1.7 million of orders for local contractors. The project is also helping young people develop skills – an innovative partnership with the college is allowing students to track the process and learn more about the construction industry. When Covid-19 restrictions allow, there are further plans for site visits for local schools, and on-site work experience opportunities.

“Waterside is just one of several major developments in Chesterfield that will help ensure the town has a strong economic recovery following the pandemic. Together with our HS2 Station Masterplan it will see that area of the town completely transformed, making it more attractive for visitors and businesses, which will help further strengthen the local economy and ensure there are great opportunities available to everyone in our community.”

Peter Swallow, Managing Director of Bolsterstone Group PLC which is leading the Chesterfield Waterside scheme, said: “We are delighted with the progress Chesterfield Waterside is making with both the residential and commercial offering. The strong interest from both residents and businesses is testament to both the progressive design and quality of the buildings at Waterside.

“The submission of the Reserved Matters application ensures that the progress we are making continues at pace despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.”

You can find out more about the Chesterfield Waterside development here: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/developments/chesterfield-waterside/

To book an appointment to view the showhomes at Waterside Quarter call 01246 889 450 or visit www.avanthomes.co.uk/waterside-quarter/

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Chesterfield welcomes new pop-up events company

A new luxury pop-up events company has arrived in Chesterfield, providing people with the opportunity to hire exclusive garden igloos for use in their private spaces.

Diamond Domes and Dining is aiming to help people celebrate occasions safely, while remaining within their own household group or support bubble.

The company, founded by Chesterfield resident Chloe Britland has already achieved a number of successes since its launch, and is now looking forward to taking bookings for multiple households and groups getting ready for their long-awaited catch-up from March 29th.

Chloe explained how she hopes the new venture will help local people re-connect in a safe way when restrictions are eased: “Throughout the lockdowns, there have been so many people that have missed out on special events, dates which should have been memorable occasions and I felt that something was needed to fill the gap. I saw the garden igloos a while back, they’re manufactured overseas and I knew I could dress them up and make them look fantastic!”

The company’s signature ‘Diamond Dining’ package includes a fully-decorated igloo in the customer’s garden with mood lighting, luxury tableware and options to add flowers, balloon designs and cakes. There is flexibility for the customers to make the event completely bespoke around their needs.

Diamond Domes and Dining has also been launched with the ethos of promoting and celebrating as many small local businesses as possible at a time of need. As part of this, the company is running a Mother’s Day giveaway competition on its social media pages in collaboration with other businesses in the area.

Other local companies included in the giveaway include:

  • Talking Balloons
  • Totally Cheesecakes
  • Sam’s Flower Boutique
  • The Tupton Tap
  • Farview Farm Creations
  • Massage by Bec Needham
  • Small Town Girl Bakery

Chloe added: “I feel that the area is really growing with new businesses and is proving an exciting time for entrepreneurs and business owners. The lockdown has placed a huge emphasis on supporting your local small businesses and I believe this should be celebrated and businesses should work together to support one another.

“I have had a crazy response since launching in February and I am so excited for the future.”

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