About Chesterfield

Barlborough-based Avant Homes appoints Mark Pearson in newly created role

Barlborough-based housebuilder Avant Homes has appointed Mark Pearson to the newly created role of group director of marketing technologies as it looks to further strengthen its customer experience through technology.

Mark Pearson joins Avant Homes with more than 17 years of experience in the housebuilding industry across graphic design, studio management and technical solutions.

In his new role, Mark will be responsible for evolving the way Avant Homes communicates to its customers by providing technology solutions that enhance the house-buying journey while also improving internal processes and systems.

Commenting on his appointment, Mark said: “I am very excited to be working for Avant Homes. They have many things embedded that already make them a brilliant housebuilder, and I hope to be able to add further layers to the business’ already established success.

“I will bring my technology-based approach to the business by working to humanise and personalise the marketing communications experience, and ultimately further improve a customer’s journey from that first interaction to purchasing a home and beyond.”

Avant Homes is one of the UK’s leading private residential property developers. The company currently has 60 live developments being delivered by five regional operating companies located within the Midlands, Yorkshire, north east England and Scotland. The Avant Homes Group builds approximately 2,000 homes each year, has a turnover of circa £500m and employs around 780 people.

Avant Homes chief executive officer, Colin Lewis, said: “We are constantly seeking new ways to improve our technology and processes for the benefit of our customers. This newly created role will allow us to explore the latest solutions, systems and forward-thinking processes – both internally and externally – to further advance the digital experience for our customers.

“Mark’s expertise in marketing technologies teamed with his natural ability to grasp cutting edge solutions makes him an ideal fit to work with us on achieving our ambitious growth objectives, and we are very pleased to have him on board.”

Avant Homes supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield’s Custom Solar complete work on £74,000 green energy project with local e-commerce firm

Chesterfield based Custom Solar has completed a £74,000 project at a fellow North Derbyshire business, creating energy savings equivalent to supplying eight average UK homes with electricity for one year.

Xbite is an e-commerce firm based in Chesterfield in which operates retail brands including 365Games.co.uk, Roov.co.uk, Maison & White, Pukkr and Shop4. The firm was awarded a maximum value £20,000 low-carbon energy grant to help install over 270 solar panels at its HQ offices at Barlborough and warehouse at Markham Vale.

The grant was made available through the DE-Carbonise project, a collaboration between the University of Derby, Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council which offers help to SMEs seeking to lower their carbon emissions and will contribute to the total project investment of £74,000.

Custom Solar installed 278 panels onto the Xbite HQ at Balborough, which will generate 74,760 kw/h per annum, enough to power 21 residential homes for the year. This solar installation will also reduce CO2 emissions by 21 tonnes per year which is the equivalent to the tailpipe emissions of 10 fossil fuel cars.

Gary Sucharewycz, development director at Custom Solar, said: “We are delighted to be working with Xbite. Whilst we are a national developer and provider of solar systems it is great to support local projects such as this. Investing in sustainability and renewable energy projects is majorly important to the environment, good for our communities, and great for businesses wanting to make an impact by generating their own power on site, which in turn makes significant savings on their power expenditure.”

Nick Whitehead, managing director at Xbite, said: “As part of our values to innovate and invest today for tomorrow, we are investing heavily to install solar panels at our Barlborough HQ. This installation means we can look to decrease our environmental impact, with beneficial gains towards operational performance, therefore improving our overall economic performance.

“The DE-Carbonise Team took all the hassle away from applying for the grant and were great to work with. Solar panels will help us reduce our CO2 emissions by 20,731kg per year, and generate 74,760 kWh per year of electricity, some of which we will be able to sell back to the National Grid.”

Ade Agbonyin, project officer at De-Carbonise, said: “Through our guidance, Xbite saw the chance to radically improve the company’s energy and environmental efficiency and make the shift to more sustainable business practices.”

The DE-Carbonise project launched in November 2019 and is a 3-year extension to the previously successful and award-winning D2EE project, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Grants of up to £20,000 are available for businesses looking to improve their environmental practices. Over 500 businesses in Derby and Derbyshire have been supported to date.

Custom Solar Ltd. supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Chesterfield to fall under highest level of local restrictions (Tier 3)

Chesterfield – along with the whole of Derbyshire – will be under the highest level of local restrictions when the national lockdown ends on 2 December.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We understand the concern and frustration that today’s announcement will cause for many people, particularly local businesses which have already endured so much disruption and hardship this year.

“In particular, we know the county-wide tier three restrictions will hit our hospitality and tourism industry hard in the run-up to the festive period. This is something which I and all other Derbyshire council leaders highlighted in an urgent letter to Government this week, urging them to consider less strict rules for our area.

“But unfortunately, while we have seen some improvements in infection rates, they remain too high.

“We must all continue to play our part and abide by the updated restrictions when the national lockdown ends, to continue to slow the spread of the virus, reduce pressure on the NHS and protect the most vulnerable. In doing so we can lower infection rates, and hopefully move to a lower tier in time.

“Our community’s resilience will continue through these ongoing challenges, and as we prepare for the festive season I know this spirit will keep shining through, even though our celebrations must be different this year.

“As a council we will do all we can to keep essential services running for local people, as we have since the start of the pandemic. However, there will be some ongoing impact on some of our services when national restrictions end on 2 December – we are currently reviewing this and more information will be available on our website and social media channels as soon as possible.”

Find out more details about the current restrictions on the Government website: www.gov.uk/guidance/local-restriction-tiers-what-you-need-to-know#very-high-alert

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Summit details roadmap key to Chesterfield thriving post pandemic

Public health will dominate the agenda in 2021 as Chesterfield looks to recover financially from the pandemic.

That was the message from Chief Executive of the Association of Town & City Management, Ojay McDonald, who headlined the fourth annual Chesterfield Investment Summit held on Wednesday 25 November.

Speaking at the virtual event which was organised by Destination Chesterfield, Mr McDonald said: “Public health will absolutely dominate the debate and will dictate how our town centres evolve going forward. We need to see town centres as ultra safe zones. People want safe, regulated spaces where they can meet, greet and network.”

He stressed that, despite the imminent vaccine, no-one knows whether the current town centre issues caused by the pandemic are short or long-term.

Mr McDonald did, however, highlight opportunities for the town centre brought about by the increase in home working. “Town centres can look to Paris in France for inspiration and its 15-minute city plan which has everything you need within a 15-minute radius on foot or bike.”

As well as addressing the challenges facing the high street and its long-term survival, the summit also outlined how the town plans to capitalise on the office and rail opportunities that are projected to emerge post Covid.

Office expert Darren Mansfield, Partner at Global Real Estate Consultants Knight Frank, who also spoke at the summit, agreed that home working would continue however demand for high quality office space locally was also forecast to increase.

He explained: “Employee fatigue and deficiencies in data protection have all emerged from working from home, therefore it is not a long term option. Instead, a hybrid model of home and office working is at the heart of the workspace strategy of the future. Offices will become showcases that are the centre of innovation, education and employee wellbeing.”

Rather than having a single large office, Mr Mansfield said that businesses will want to spread risk. As a consequence, large businesses will look to regional markets like Chesterfield, which is well positioned to capitalise on the increased demand for quality office space, with new developments at Chesterfield Waterside and Northern Gateway as well as having excellent road links and mainline rail connectivity.

At the summit, Chesterfield’s SMEs operating in the rail sector were identified as having a critical role to play in the ‘Building Back Better’ 2030 agenda.

Speaking at the summit Elaine Clark, Chief Executive of the Rail Forum Midlands, urged SMEs in the town to collaborate and work better together to capitalise on the opportunities available now in the rail sector.

“HS2 construction is well underway and there are opportunities now. There is a lot of expertise in the area but Chesterfield cannot be complacent and rely on its rail heritage. Local companies are well-placed to support future investment however they must collaborate with each other in order to compete with large companies on the continent.”

Capitalising on the forthcoming HS2 stop in the town, Chesterfield Borough Council has recently taken a part freehold, part leasehold interest in the former Chesterfield Hotel site. The site, which has been vacant for a number of years, has been identified as a key development opportunity in the emerging HS2 Station Masterplan, which aims to harness the opportunities presented by HS2 and revitalise the area around Chesterfield.

In addition to rail, the office sector has also been identified as a strategic priority for Chesterfield Borough Council. Speaking at the Summit, Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council referenced the council’s commitment to funding both the new town centre Enterprise Centre and the new seven-story office block at Chesterfield Waterside. He said that it was ‘absolutely the right thing to do’ to make these investments at the height of the pandemic when sadly too many Chesterfeld residents were losing their jobs.

The new Enterprise Centre, once complete, will support up to 32 new start-up businesses providing not only technology enabled space but also on-site business advisers to support the town’s entrepreneurs to develop their ideas and establish great businesses for the future.

He commented: “Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, Chesterfield continues to move forward. Town centre regeneration – and supporting retailers and office-based businesses to adapt to changing work practices post-Covid – is a key element of the council’s Economic Recovery Plan.

“This includes the Northern Gateway Scheme where construction of the new Enterprise Centre on Holywell Cross (Donut) is well underway, and the new office development at Chesterfield Waterside. Well done too to Blue Deer Ltd. who are also on site progressing The Glass Yard development at Sheffield Road.

“The town won’t have seen office accomodation of this quality before. The key now is to make sure that these offices meet the needs of employers looking to provide socially distanced, flexible and creative work space in the post-Covid world.”

Cllr Tony King, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, Derbyshire County Council also spoke at the free event which was broadcast live by Virtual World and organised by Derbyshire Economic Partnership, Destination Chesterfield and Marketing Derby and is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

You can watch the Investment Summit at https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/events/chesterfield-investment-summit/

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Funded training available to employers and individuals facing redundancy in Chesterfield

Funded training has been made available to employers and individuals facing redundancy in Chesterfield and the wider Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire region.

Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) and Skills Support for Redundancy (SSR) are programmes developed to upskill employees within small and medium-sized businesses in the D2N2 area, along with offering tailored training for individuals at risk of redundancy or those who have recently been made redundant.

SSR helps people access training courses in order to further their skills and qualifications to help them get back into the workplace. The project works in collaboration with the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) and the National Careers Service (NCS).

It helps provide advice on how to claim benefits, how to create a CV and provides career guidance. It also works to bridge any skills gap an individual may have that prevents them from getting back into the workplace.

Courses include IT skills, administration, leadership and management, education, health and social care, warehousing and storage and retail operations.

SSW provides recognised accredited qualifications and bespoke training courses to enhance your employees’ skills, increase the competitiveness of your business and boost the local economy.

Training on offer includes:

Upskill for workplace success

-Training and advice in a wide range of vocational and sector specific training to help secure employment in your existing business or to help you change your career

Career progression training 

-Developing higher skill levels to take you to the next step in your career, such as leadership and management or supervisory skills and training

Support with securing a new job

-To give you the best chance of securing a new role, the project can help build on your transferable skills and support where required with CV writing, online job searching, completing applications and interview techniques, or signpost you to local services that will be able to offer additional support

Rob Matts, Head of Skills Support for the Workforce at Serco, said: “I would urge businesses looking to train their staff, and individuals looking to progress their career, to take advantage of the funded training on offer. We look forward to enabling more businesses to upskill their staff and grow.”

For more information and eligibility criteria, email skillssupport@serco.com or visit www.serco.com/ssr

To find out more about working in Chesterfield, click here 


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Proof will be in the pudding for ‘levelling up’ funds, says Chamber in response to Rishi Sunak’s spending review

Responding to Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s spending review statement on Wednesday (25 November), Scott Knowles, chief executive of East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), said: “The Office for Budget Responsibility’s forecast that GDP will contract by 11.3% in 2020, the largest fall in output for more than three centuries, underlines the massive scale of the problem we face as a nation.

“It’s important the Government recognises it’s the private sector that will get us back to growth so it must have a proper plan in place to provide the continued support for businesses to get them through this pandemic.
“The £3bn Restart programme, which will help more than one million people who are unemployed for over a year find new work, is a significant intervention that will help both young and old people enter sustainable employment. It builds on the work of the Work & Health Programme, the Kickstart scheme and Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) scheme – three projects the Chamber is helping to deliver.

“If the 2.2% increase to the National Living Wage is going to come into force in April like the Chancellor has promised, he must be prepared to ensure support is in place for the businesses that will have to bear these increases, many of which are in the sectors hit worst by the pandemic, such as hospitality, leisure and retail – otherwise this may only add to the burden of firms already struggling to survive amid continued shutdowns.
“It was positive to hear the Chancellor commit to the new Shared Prosperity Fund matching the numbers involved with current EU structural funds, which have been essential to parts of the country such as the East Midlands, and we await more detail on what the pilot programmes next year will involve.

“Finally, the £4bn pledged on levelling-up and a new UK infrastructure bank to be set up outside London appear to be positive moves, and it’s good to see various Government departments working together on this rather than in siloes.

“However, it must be noted that there have been so many announcements like this over the years by successive chancellors from different political parties, and it is not always clear which funds are new and which ones are repackaged from previous commitments.

“Ultimately, all these pledges amount to absolutely nothing until we see this money spent on the ground. We already know the East Midlands receives less infrastructure investment per head than anywhere else in the country – £268 per capita in 2018/19, just 56% of the £481 national average – and we still await confirmation of the Eastern Leg of HS2. On this one, the proof of the pudding will very much be in the tasting.”

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Work completed on 10 new apartments in the heart of Chesterfield

A-Rock Construction have completed a new development of 10 luxury apartments located on Saltergate, in the heart of Chesterfield town centre. Moss Court has been designed with the over 50’s in mind. The one and two bedroom apartments are available for rent from December 2020.

Following a selection process, A-Rock Construction commissioned Derbyshire based artist, Dennis O’Connor to create a piece of public art which would be visible from the street and encourage people to reflect on the past use and history of Saltergate.

The road itself is named Saltergate due to its past association as the principal route used by the Cheshire to Chesterfield salt trade; believed to date from at least the 12th Century. Currently, there is nothing to commemorate or recognise this aspect of the town’s history and this design celebrates this historic trade route which gave the name to one of Chesterfield best known roads.

The gate is highly decorative and is constructed from stainless steel. Dennis O’Connor of Sculpture Works researched the history and created a beautiful design to fulfill the brief. The design includes reference to the rich history of Chesterfield as a market town, depicting a market stall on the cobbled marketplace. The Crooked Spire can be seen giving the piece a nod to the site’s more recent history as the home of the former Chesterfield FC Social Club and previous home to the Spireites.

Rockie White, Director of A-Rock Construction Ltd – “This project has been a great experience to be part of. We have enjoyed the process, from understanding more about local history of Saltergate through to manufacture and installation of a piece of art that can be enjoyed by residents and local people alike. We are delighted with the gate and feel it gives Moss Court a unique piece of artwork that finishes off the development perfectly.

Local Estate Agents, Lime Living have also been appointed as letting agents for the new development, which has been named after Chesterfield F.C’s record goal scorer, Ernie Moss.

Lime Living owner, Jamie Wajs said: ‘We are delighted to be appointed as the letting agents for Moss Court and to be associated with a famous local name which is held in high regard by many Spireites. The apartments are finished to an excellent standard throughout, thoughtful in detail & stylish appearance and offer excellent close to town centre living.

The interest shown so far as we start to conduct initial viewings has been very encouraging and the feature gate is receiving many complimentary comments. It is great as a local independent agent to be working with a respected local business in A-Rock Construction.’

Lime Living Estate Agents supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chatsworth Chefs Create Hundreds of Ready Meals to Support Families in Need

Chatsworth will be providing more than 1,200 freshly prepared ready meals to a Derbyshire food bank in the run up to Christmas to help support families in crisis.

Every week, 150 of the family favourite recipes created by the Chatsworth chefs are being delivered to the Jigsaw Food Bank. Operated by Church in the Peak, the food bank serves communities across Derbyshire and the Peak District.

More than 4,000 meals have already been provided to those in need since the initiative began earlier this year. Chatsworth initially contacted the food bank looking to donate produce unlikely to be used in its restaurants due to the lockdown. The chefs swung into action after finding out good quality ready meals would make a real difference to the people being referred to the food bank for help.

Since April, chefs in Chatsworth’s Carriage House Café kitchen, who usually prepare meals for visitors, began cooking a range of ready meals for those in need. The meals are then frozen and donated to the food bank in Matlock.

On the menu are family favourites developed by the Chatsworth Estate Farm Shop including cottage pie made with local beef, lasagne, macaroni cheese and mushroom and leek risotto, to name just a few.

Head of catering Chris Bailey-Jones said: “Being able to provide a service that plays to the strengths of our team at such a challenging time has been wonderful. We’ve all felt that by taking a little extra time in our working week we’ve been able to do something that really makes a difference to the local community.”

The meals are delivered weekly to the Jigsaw Food Bank which provides food to individuals and families in the local community who find themselves in a crisis situation.

The ready meals initiative is made possible with funding from Chatsworth alongside personal contributions from a number of individuals at Chatsworth. The Chatsworth Estate is represented on the Devonshire Group community forum. Chaired by Lord Burlington, son of the Duke of Devonshire, this group-wide forum was set up at the start of the Covid pandemic to reach out and support local communities.

Andrew Lavery, Chief Executive of the Chatsworth House Trust and Chief Financial Officer for the Devonshire Group, said: “As part of our commitment to our shared future we have been looking at how we can work with our local communities, and also help in the fight against the coronavirus. Donating to the food bank to help support families in these difficult times is important and we hope to continue this throughout the winter months.”

A large number of charitable organisations are supported by the Devonshire Group through donations of money, items and complimentary tickets, and by offering savings on commercial rates. In 2019, charitable giving across the Devonshire Group amounted to £334,452.

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Get involved in shaping Derbyshire County Council services and budget priorities

Residents from across Chesterfield and Derbyshire are being asked to take part in online focus groups which will help to shape Derbyshire County Council’s services and budget priorities for the year ahead.

The online focus groups are currently being arranged and Derbyshire residents who would like to take part are encouraged to find out more and register their interest.

People signing up will be able to get involved in discussions and give their views on a wide range of issues affecting them and the council, with the results feeding into its wide-ranging annual residents survey, ‘Your Council Your Voice.’

The focus groups will be held via Zoom and are designed to give us a greater understanding of residents’ satisfaction with how the council runs its services and how it sets budget priorities, as well as topics including value for money.

Derbyshire County Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis said: “Due to the challenges we are all facing this year it is more important than ever that we know if Derbyshire residents think we’re getting it right, what changes they’d like to see and whether their priorities have changed from last year.

“While we’re encouraging people to take part in the Your Council Your Voice survey, we’d also like people to get more involved if they can and be able to go into more depth about their views.

“We’re hoping people from all walks of life, all ages and backgrounds will consider taking part in one of the focus groups so we get a really clear picture of what people think, what their priorities are and what they think we should be prioritising for the coming year.”

The online focus groups will run until Tuesday 8 December 2020 and people wanting to take part are being encouraged to register as soon as possible.

Groups will meet at different times of the day to make it easier for people to take part, and each session will take 90 minutes.

Places at each of the focus groups are limited and people who register will have their place confirmed with further details provided along with the date and time of their session.

People with any queries about taking part should email haveyoursay@derbyshire.gov.uk or tel: 01629 533091.

The Your Council Your Voice survey runs until Sunday 13 December 2020.

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National Award for School Games collaboration work in Derbyshire and Notts

Active Derbyshire, Active Notts, and the School Games Organiser Networks in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire have won a School Games National Award for collaboration.

The award comes after the organisations pooled resources and expertise to support schools with a new virtual School Games offer during lockdown in the Summer term 2020.

Working together, colleagues produced 11 weekly resources featuring a range of sporting activities themed around daily physical challenges and cultural competitions.

The development of the resources also involved colleagues from National Governing Bodies, and partners within education, health, community groups, sports clubs and associations supported by circulating resources more widely.

Resources were developed further to help local communities include physical activity cards in food parcels for those in deprived areas, assist with the provision of physical activity at the Royal School for the Deaf Derby, and for a Staycation resource to help keep young people physically active over the holidays.

Naomi Bennett-Jones, who leads young people work for Active Derbyshire and Active Notts, said: “It is fantastic to be recognised for what was a truly collaborative approach to keep children and young people active at home and school during lockdown at what was a very challenging time. The trust and relationships between a range of colleagues that have developed through this work have established a new culture and ways of working that will benefit all future work.”

Paul Ryan, Tupton Hall School Games Organiser and Partnership Development Manager for SHAPE Learning Partnership in Derbyshire, said: “I am extremely proud to have been part of this collaboration. It was vital that we came together as a School Games network at a time of real challenge and it was amazing how well we worked across the districts and counties. The unity showed, created a real opportunity to share the vast knowledge and experience we have as a collective and resulted in a meaningful and worthwhile set of resources that provided support for teachers, parents and young people.”

Chris Ballard, School Games Organiser for Rushcliffe School Sport Partnership, said: “The weekly resources enabled schools to be able to simply follow and deliver a variety of tasks and activities with and to their pupils. The consistency of format and challenge ensured that pupils were able to engage whether that be within a school environment or at home.”


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Derbyshire Voluntary Action welcomes new recruit to help Chesterfield residents feel more connected

Debbie Fennell has joined Derbyshire Voluntary Action in the newly-created role of ‘Social Connectedness Development Worker.’

Derbyshire Voluntary Action is a membership organisation for North Derbyshire’s health and wellbeing related voluntary and community sector. North Derbyshire spans the districts of High Peak, Derbyshire Dales, Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Bolsover.

Through specialist infrastructure services, the organisation actively engages with and support 320+ members, which range from tiny volunteer-led self-help groups through to local and regional charities delivering projects to the benefit of large numbers of Derbyshire residents.

Debbie joins the DVA team to play a key role in the ‘Feeling Connected in North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield’ project – an initiative to improve local approaches to tackling social isolation and reducing the impact of loneliness.

Debbie, who describes herself as a ‘people person,’ has nine years’ experience of working in the voluntary and community sector, most recently as a Project Coordinator at Age Concern Chesterfield and District, where she was responsible for the ‘Active Age’ project.

In her new role, she will work out and about in communities across Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire, supporting residents and communities to create and take up opportunities to be better socially connected.

Debbie says, ‘My role is about building relationships with people who want to make a difference in their street, estate, village, town or workplace – and to be responsive in helping them in whatever way they need. It’s a challenging time to be starting a job like this, but even in lockdown there are many ways we can all keep our spirits up and continue to connect with family, friends and the people who live around us.’

If you have ideas about keeping your community connected this winter, Debbie would love to hear from you. Call her on 07547 342251, email debbie@dva.org.uk or find her on Facebook: FeelingConnectedNEDC.

Derbyshire Voluntary Action supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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