About Chesterfield

Stacy set to swap running for rowing to raise funds for Ashgate

A determined injured runner is set to compete in the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon but instead of running the course she will be rowing!

Stacy Kirton, from Hollingwood, has suffered an achilles injury during her training for the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon, however she is determined to row all 13.1 miles in Queens Park in order to raise money for Ashgate Hospicecare.

Since entering the half marathon in January, Stacy (42), has struggled with multiple injuries but recent damage to her achillies has left her to withdraw from the upcoming event. Stacy contacted the race organisers with her idea to row the course, so she is still able to fundraise for Ashgate Hospice.

With the help of her local gym, who are supplying the rowing machine, she will be positioned close to the finish line with the event starts.

Stacy said: “I was really disappointed I’ve previously done numerous events for Ashgate and there is a real buzz to this race, both in the town and with everyone taking part. I sat thinking what I could do to still raise money and avoid hurting my leg further.”

“I go to a CrossFit gym called The Project and on New Year’s Day every year we do an event called Marathon Row where in teams of three we complete a full rowing marathon, so the idea stemmed from that.”

“I asked if on Sunday 20th October, I could plonk myself on a rower for a few hours so I could cover the whole distance in the gym. It was actually the gym manager who suggested I actually take a rower down to Queen’s Park and once I have rowed 13.1 miles, I could walk across the finishing line and pick up my medal.”

The annual Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon has already raised over a £100,000 for charities over the past two years and with participants like Stacy, going above and beyond in raising money for charities including Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

Having already raised £3,000 for Ashgate in 2012 by running the London Marathon, Stacy is inspiring those around her to do the same.

She added: “I have found a willing friend to do the challenge with me. Jess is also a keen fundraiser for Ashgate Hospicecare and we are hoping to top how much we earnt in London.”

“The hospice is one of those places you hope you never need, but one of my best friend’s father fell ill last year and spent a considerable amount of time there. They are a fantastic local charity, which local people benefit from and I am delighted to be supporting them once again.”

John Timms, Event Director at Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon, said: “Stacy is a real inspiration and it’s fantastic how she has changed an injury into something positive.”

“It will be great to see Stacy rowing the length of the course on the day and we wish her all the best.”

The 2019 Redbrik Half Marathon will take place on Sunday the 20th of October, starting 9:30am in Queen’s Park, followed by a Peak FM Five Mile Run and Blachford Fun Run. For more information or to enter, click here.

Photo courtesy of Charles Whitton Photography

Posted in About Chesterfield

Two elements of A61 Corridor Scheme secure D2N2 funding

Two projects to improve transport links through the A61 Growth Corridor Scheme will now benefit from D2N2 funding.

The Sustainable Transport project has been awarded £1.69 million from D2N2’s Local Growth Fund of the total £2.12 million cost whilst 21st Century Transport’s £3.75 million total cost will benefit from £3 million Local Growth Fund injection.

D2N2 Chair Elizabeth Fagan said of the news: “Creating strong and faster transport links across the north of our region are key to helping the economy of our region grow, particularly with work on the nearby North-Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone continuing at pace.”

“D2N2 has a strong commitment to clean growth and maintaining our natural assets, therefore I’m delighted that the projects we’ve funded as part of the A61 Growth Corridor will make it easier for local people to cycle to work as well and help make the air they breathe cleaner.”

With a number of significant residential and employment developments proposed within the corridor including Peak Resort and the Avenue, both projects form part of the larger Transport Mitigation Strategy for the area and aim to improve the resilience of the local transport network.

A more resilient transport network will lead to additional investment in the area including more employment opportunities and a greater number of homes, allowing the area to become more productive, more prosperous, and more inclusive.

This package of measures will provide infrastructure improvements and reduce commuter journey times, provide sustainable transport routes, and also ‘unlock’ further opportunities for major housing and employment growth along the A61 corridor through Chesterfield and into north-east Derbyshire.

Furthermore, as part of D2N2s commitment to clean growth, the improvements to the transport network will prioritise active travel, cycling, and pedestrianisation through new and upgraded paths and cycle routes.

Once works are complete in 2021, residents and local businesses will also benefit from a technology package which will include bus real-time information for bus passengers, car parking guidance and information, and CCTV.

The ‘A61 corridor’ into and through Chesterfield was among the first of D2N2’s named Growth Deal projects.

In addition to The Sustainable Transport and 21st Century Transport projects, the A61 Corridor scheme also includes 3 additional elements: The Chesterfield Station Masterplan, The Avenue Southern Access, and Clowne North projects.

Each element of the plan will be accessed by the D2N2 Investment Board ahead of any final decision on funding allocation.

D2N2 is the private sector-led partnership which promotes economic growth across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. It has been allocated more than £250m in LGF funding from the Government, to part-fund infrastructure projects which directly help its area’s economy and create jobs.

Local Enterprise Partnerships are playing a vital role in driving forward economic growth across the country, helping to build a country that works for everyone. By 2021 Government will have invested over £12billion through the Local Growth Fund, allowing Local Enterprise Partnerships to use their local knowledge to stimulate economic growth across the country.

Local Growth Minister Jake Berry said of the project securing funding: “This Government is committed to boosting economic growth across the Midlands Engine and throughout the UK as we leave the EU on October 31.

“Supporting the development of a more resilient transport network is just one of the ways that the Government helps local communities to thrive. The Local Growth Fund’s £4.69 million investment will drive economic development within the area – tackling traffic congestion, improving air quality and enabling greener transport choices”.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Visiting

University of Derby wins three awards in national student accommodation survey

The University of Derby is celebrating after winning three major awards in this year’s National Student Housing Survey. The University won the Best Customer Service, Best Student Wellbeing and Best Environmental Management awards.

The annual survey, conducted by independent market research agency Red Brick Research, is based on a comprehensive look at all aspects of the student accommodation experience, and the awards are given to the accommodation providers achieving the highest levels of satisfaction with their students. This year the survey attracted 40,000 responses from students across 200 universities and colleges.

The University of Derby was a finalist for three other awards; Best Booking Experience, Best Moving in Experience and Best University Halls, and gained a quality mark of recognition for its accommodation for international students for the third year running.

Steve Ward, Customer Services Manager at Student Living Derby, said: “This is a fantastic achievement for the University of Derby and for Student Living; which once again demonstrates that the pastoral services our staff are providing to students in our accommodation is the best in the country.”

“To achieve Best Customer Service for the second year running and the inaugural Best Student Wellbeing means we can proudly say that our students rate the support they receive in those areas higher than any other students across the UK do!”

Every year Student Living takes the feedback from the National Student Housing Survey to improve its offer to students. This process of continual improvement and refinement ensures it commits to best practice, creating a great living environment for students to thrive.

University of Derby Accommodation staff outside Sir Peter Hilton Court

Posted in About Chesterfield

New phase of rooms completed at GoStore Self Storage Chesterfield

GoStore Self Storage Chesterfield are pleased to announce the completion of a further phase of self storage rooms at their Grassmoor facility.

The new rooms vary in size, from 25 sq ft up to 100 sq ft, meaning there are now over 150 rooms in total at the Chesterfield site. All rooms are located on the ground floor and are inside an insulated building, covered by 24/7 CCTV and alarm systems to ensure items will be safe and secure. Customers are provided with £1000 of free insurance cover that can be upgraded if necessary. The premises are open 6 days a week however 24/7 access is available.

Stephen Molyneux, MD at GoStore Self Storage Chesterfield, said: “We now have over 150 internal self storage rooms of various sizes, up to 150 sq ft. Further expansion is planned in the near future with more rooms at the Grassmoor and Hope Valley sites to be announced shortly”.

He added: “We understand that everyone’s storage needs are different and we work very hard to make sure we offer the most cost effective solution to our customers.”

The minimum term for storage is just 1 month, however to celebrate their recent expansion, their team can offer you up to 2 months at half price if you store at their facility for 6 months, or, 4 months at half price if you store at their facility for 12 months.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Internet grows the high street star

Social media plays an important role in supporting retailers by driving footfall and ultimately increasing sales.

It isn’t a case of the internet destroying retail; the businesses that use it effectively can create interest and build a relationship with customers.

Social media is fundamentally changing the rules of doing business.

At the Chesterfield Investment Summit, Polly Barnfield OBE from tech company Maybe* said: “Social media is fundamentally changing the rules of doing business.  It’s not a question of a business being online or offline anymore – they must be both.  There has been a huge shift in human behaviour over the last 15 years driven by social media.  For the first time ever, people now spend more time on their mobile phone than watching TV.”

Polly Barnfield OBE - Chesterfield investment Summit

Social Media from businesses shouldn’t just be me, me me!

As someone who encourages people to promote their place, it was great to hear Polly reinforce the view that activity on social media from businesses shouldn’t just be me, me, me!

Polly urged retailers not to focus on selling themselves on social media. “Engagement with the community around you is key. You can’t just sell your own product on social media if you want to be successful.  Retailers should post on social media every day and talk to their audience not just about what is happening in their business, but what is happening around them.”

Since Maybe* has been working with Vicar Lane Shopping Centre in Chesterfield, footfall has increased by 29%.  Through social media, the centre is interacting with its customers, asking them what they want and developing new events and facilities based on feedback.  It is not surprising that giving customers more of what they want keeps them coming back.

As a marketeer who has worked with social media for many years, I find it amazing how many people forget where these sites came from.  The clue is in the title!  They are all about social engagement and for conversations, not for shouting views or asking customers to buy.  It’s about engaging, listening, building relationships and creating a community.

Social media is the modern form of word of mouth and with everyone’s support, we can all play a role to engage with local businesses and share Chesterfield’s story far and wide.

Case Studies from Chesterfield business

We have some excellent case studies of businesses in Chesterfield, which are using social media to grow:

Geeks Headquarters

Geeks Headquarters

Alberto Naso

“We use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitch live streaming to showcase our products and tournaments. This has led to us increase our national and international sales. We have recently sent our 3D printed miniatures across Europe, China, and the USA.”



Andy Ingman, 
“By posting on social media it’s a constant reminder to customers that we are here and keeps the business in the front of their minds. The more independent retailers within the town that use social media to promote local activities, the more it benefits all the other companies and shops.  We are big on supporting each other.”

Adorn Jewellers at Chesterfield Retail Awards

Adorn Jewellers

Laura Jo Owen

“We’re active on most major social platforms, but customers prefer to contact us via Facebook and Instagram. Jewellery lends itself to image-based platforms and our customers can browse, ask questions, buy jewellery and have it delivered all from the comfort of their mobile phone. Join us @adornchesterfield”



Louise Peel

“As a town centre furniture retailer we have found that using social media campaigns have been vital in successfully promoting our business. It is also a great opportunity for our customers to visit Chesterfield, supporting the town centre by creating awareness and driving footfall, which helps increase both local and visitor spend.”

Etienne Blinds

Etienne Curtains & Blinds

Stephen Holland

“I only recently started using social media to promote my business, but already I can see it is a great way to reach out to customers and potential new customers by getting them to follow you, and it’s absolutely free. My advice – grow your audience to grow your business.”

Please do give the Destination Chesterfield social media channels a follow and engage with us.





You can follow or use the following hashtags across all social media channels.

#lovechesterfield – positive posts about the town

#chesterfieldnews – local news

#chesterfieldevents – local events

#shopchesterfield – Shopping in Chesterfield

#eatchesterfield – Food and Drink in Chesterfield

Blog by Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager at Destination Chesterfield.

Chesterfield Town Centre

Posted in About Chesterfield, Blog, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield

Independent giftware and home décor store to open at Vicar Lane

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre is delighted to announce the opening of a brand new independent giftware and home décor store, ‘Shop Indie’ at the centre on 1st October.

The ethos of Shop Indie is to showcase fabulous products from independent makers and designers from across the UK.

The collection includes unique handmade jewellery, stationery, prints & art plus baby & child décor, cards for every occasion and a selection of gifts available to personalise.

Lisa from Shop Indie said, “As an independent maker myself, I have been constantly impressed by the talent and creativity of people from across the UK. After being in business the last 10 years, John and myself have seen a massive shift towards online shopping which we have so far embraced. However, nothing beats being able to see the detail and work that goes into every product in person, and we wanted to bring this back to the high street.”

Lisa added: “Chesterfield has a lovely range of independent shops already, and we feel that the town would be a great fit for us. We look forward to giving the people of Chesterfield the opportunity to discover something a little different on their high street.”

Shaun Brown, Centre Manager at Vicar Lane said, “Shop Indie really does offer our customers something special on their visit into Chesterfield. As the high street only continues to face increasing pressures from the rise of online shopping, it’s imperative that we offer our customers a unique and high quality shopping offer, which stores like ‘Shop Indie’ provide.”

The addition of ‘Shop Indie’ to Vicar Lane brings a high-quality, exclusive product offering to the heart of Chesterfield, offering customers greater choice when shopping for a special gift or new addition for their home.

Click here to find out more about town centre shopping

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Perez Ready for penultimate Porsche contest

19-year-old Amigos Redline Racing star Seb Perez hopes that his birthday weekend will bring luck to Silverstone in the Porsche Carrera Cup GB Championship this weekend (28-29 September) after a four week break.

Perez, from Chesterfield, turns twenty years old on Monday (30 September) and hopes to celebrate it with a trophy or two, following last year where he took two podium places.

This weekend will be his third race weekend at the Northamptonshire circuit, the last two on the Grand Prix circuit that started in July at the International Porsche Supercup as a British guest driver racing alongside Sir Chris Hoy supporting the British Grand Prix and then a support to the FIA World Endurance Championship.

A disappointing Silverstone weekend in August saw him and the Amigos Redline Racing team struggle to find the pace in the car during the two free practice sessions that saw him finish ninth and eleventh respectively. The team worked hard on the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup supercar chipping away at the performance from then on.

Qualifying proved that Perez was still in the Porsche rankings, he stormed the sessions finishing sixth and a third row slot for race one.

An entertaining thirty-five minute race one saw Perez in a battle that resulted in a solid sixth-place finish and was looking to secure an even better finish in race two.

His race two encounter didn’t quite weigh up to expectations through, after a slow start but a fantastic recovery Perez ended up in fourth place by lap 12 of the 17 lap contest when he lined up a move on the outside of Brooklands before disaster struck, contact sent him off track and with dirty tyres he then lost control of the car into Luffield, getting stuck in the gravel and being forced to retire.

Not one of the best weekends for the Derbyshire race ace, commenting on the weekend he said “the speed we had in the second race was brilliant, so we need to bear that in mind and keep our heads high. We need to do what we did in race two and hopefully we’ll have a solid result this weekend on our return to Silverstone.”

Perez is back on the shorter 1.639 mile Silverstone National circuit for the penultimate weekend’s two races, last year he took to a double Porsche ProAm podium success, winning the second race and taking a third in race one.

He commented “I’m looking forward to Silverstone after the four week break and hoping for a weekend like last year that was faultless taking two race podium finishes a first and third place.”

Perez is currently in sixth place in the championship and Amigos Redline Racing third in the Entrants Championship.

The final round of the Championship sees the Amigos boys back at Brands Hatch on the Grand Prix Circuit (12 – 13 October) where it all started in April this year

This year’s 16 race Porsche Carrera Cup GB Championship series is one of the most highly regarded championships in Europe and follows the Kwik-Fit British Touring Car Championship as a support package.

Editorial by Paul Horton and Images Paul Horton Motorsport Photography

Posted in About Chesterfield

Chesterfield College organise Half Term taster sessions

During October half term (28-31 October), Chesterfield College are offering a range of free taster courses for 14 to 17 year olds. The taster sessions are a great way to find out more about college life and the range of subjects available to study at college.

With over 25 different morning and afternoon sessions to choose from, there really is something to suit all tastes; from acting to graphic design, app development to welding, childcare to fashion design and much more. Please see the full list below.

Monday 28 October

  • Sport – 10am-12pm
  • Uniformed Public Services – 10am-12pm
  • Intro to Game Design – 10am-12pm
  • Acting Techniques – 10am-12pm
  • A Level Carousel – 10am-12pm
  • Bread Dough and Pizza Making – 10am-12pm
  • Hairdressing – 10am-12pm
  • Beauty Therapy – 10am-12pm
  • Scientific Skills – 1-3pm
  • Hairdressing – 1-3pm
  • Beauty Therapy – 1-3pm
  • Intro to App Development – 1-3pm

Tuesday 29 October

  • Media (Make a Video in a Day) – 10am-3pm
  • Graphic Design and Mixed Media Applications – 10am-12pm
  • Travel and Tourism – 10am-12pm
  • Automotive Pit Stop Challenge (Lockoford Lane campus) – 10am-12pm
  • Vehicle Body and Repair – 1-3pm
  • PC Strip and Build – 1-3pm
  • Business Studies – 1-3pm

Wednesday 30 October

  • Robot Challenge – 10am-12pm
  • Intro to Welding – 10am-12pm
  • Construction – 10am-12pm
  • Health and Social Care – 10am-12pm
  • Intro to Welding – 1-3pm
  • Robot Challenge – 1-3pm
  • Construction – 1-3pm
  • Childcare – 1-3pm
  • Intro to 3D Modelling – 1-3pm

Thursday 31 October

  • 2D Animation – 10am-12pm
  • Art and Design – 10am-12pm
  • Photography – 10am-12pm
  • Fashion Design – 1-3pm

There is no limit to the number of taster sessions you can try to help you narrow down which course you would like to study after school. However, places are limited and offered on a first come first served basis so it is vital to book your place early to avoid disappointment. For more information and to book click here.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business

Progress made on North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone

Work has now started on bringing six key development sites across north Derbyshire into use to help regenerate the area and provide a jobs boost.

In January 2019, the government announced a £220k investment for local councils across northern Derbyshire to help look at ways to accelerate growth across key manufacturing sites.

The sites include the Staveley and Rother regeneration corridor, Clowne North, The Avenue, Coney Green, Egstow Park and Callywhite Lane.

The region has a long and cherished history of manufacturing, something which all the partners involved want to build upon and make it easier for businesses to set up or expand.

Three key strands had been identified to move the project forward, which consultants have now been appointed to lead on and they will report back their findings in spring 2020:

  • A Mobility Strategy that will look at innovative and sustainable ways of allowing people to get to and from the new jobs to be created on the sites.
  • Look at ways of simplifying planning processes for new developments on the sites.
  • Prepare commercial design guidance to help inform the look and style of new buildings and landscapes.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Coupled with regeneration already happening in Chesterfield, the project will look at key ways we could develop sites in Staveley. We look forward to seeing how the regeneration will benefit our residents and businesses.”

Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development County Councillor Tony King, said, “Derbyshire County Council are leading on the mobility strategy looking for new, better and easier ways for people to access the jobs on these sites.”

D2N2 Chief Executive Sajeeda Rose said,”D2N2 is the spark in the UK’s growth engine. Government is keen for this project to demonstrate lessons learned that can be used here and elsewhere in the country. The Zone will help us drive forward and deliver on our ambitions for growth across northern Derbyshire.”

Bolsover District Council Leader, Councillor Steve Fritchley said, “Regeneration and development are key to the success of the area, but it’s important that we have the right development in the right place. The design guidance will not only make sure we have this but also make sure we build on our strengths and support existing and new businesses.”

North East Derbyshire District Council Leader, Councillor Martin Thacker MBE said, “The different strands will help us focus our minds on what is needed to bring it all to fruition. These are exciting times for north Derbyshire and this zone will help us fast-track growth and development in the area.”

The work is being undertaken jointly by Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire County and North East Derbyshire councils along with D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.

MSE Hiller Welding

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Reasons to visit Chatsworth this Autumn

Autumn at Chatsworth is a chance to explore something new, from the changing colours of the landscape with a new garden trail to seasonal walks, talks and workshops and an abundance of best seasonal produce from the estate.

There are many reasons to visit, stay, shop and eat at Chatsworth this autumn.

  • Explore the great outdoors and enjoy the changing views and colours of the 105-acre garden with a new autumn trail. Discover 16 places with great views and learn more about the plants, trees and Capability Brown designed landscape. Enjoy the remodelling of the five-acre Rockery, the first part of the largest transformation of Chatsworth’s world-famous 105-acre garden for 200 years.
  • Get busy with the family outdoors with lots of autumnal activities at the farmyard. Create a hay crown, learn about wool craft, make a bug hotel, watch a dry stone waller or get up close with creepy crawlies this autumn in the farmyard.
  • Harvest events for food lovers include cream tea at the Cavendish restaurant with scones, bramble hedge jam & cream, and the Farm Shop to Table Top dinner in the Carriage House café on 25 October.
  • Try something new and explore the programme of autumn talks, walks and more. Find out what the foresters are busy with this autumn with a forestry walk through the woodlands; capture the changing colours with a watercolour workshop; find out more about the herbs, plants and flowers grown in the kitchen and cutting garden on a walking tour or join a plant hunters walk and talk inspired by the expeditions the 6th Duke encouraged from Chatsworth during the 19th century.
  • Capture the essence of autumn at Chatsworth in this photography competition for a chance to win a top prize of a deluxe package including an overnight stay for two at The Cavendish, a one year Gold Friends family membership, £250 vouchers for the estate farm shop, a ‘Paxton’ farm shop hamper, plus a brewery tour at Peak Ales. Find out more here. Post photos on Instagram using the #AutumnAtChatsworth tag for a chance to win first and second prizes for the best photo encapsulating autumn at Chatsworth primarily featuring the house or the best photo encapsulating autumn at Chatsworth primarily featuring the garden.
  • Shopping goes seasonal too with inspirational ideas to wrap up warm, all you need to get out dog walking, recipe books, hats, gloves and blankets and delicious seasonal produce to take home.
  • Explore the changing landscape with an autumn Tractor & Trailer ride from the farmyard. Suitable for all ages with commentary, the trailer riders are also fully accessible.
  • It’s also the last chance to see The Dog: A Celebration at Chatsworth which closes on 6 October: displaying a myriad of paintings and objects from letters, snuff boxes, jewellery, sculpture and ceramics to tapestries, drawings and painted ceilings this new exhibition celebrates the Cavendish family’s centuries-old relationship with dogs.

More information on Autumn at Chatsworth is available here.

Images: Chatsworth House Trust

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Farm to Fork experience gives college students a taste of the food industry

A class of young Chesterfield chefs have been given a taste of the local farming industry in a Farm to Fork experience, organised by Destination Chesterfield and Owen Taylor & Sons.

The group of aspiring young chefs included Chesterfield College Level 2 cookery students, Jake Parkin (18), Sophia Johnson (18) and Callum Fitzpatrick (18) who have all been shortlisted for the prestigious Young Chef of the Year 2019 title (right).

The winner of the award will be announced on Wednesday 23 October at the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with Chesterfield College.

Designed to give the students an appreciation for the best farming, butchery and culinary skills, the experience included a visit to The Tickled Trout in Barlow, Owen Taylor & Son’s factory butchery and the Red Tractor-assured Butterley Top Farm in Ashover.

Eleven students from Chesterfield College’s Level 2 Cookery course got the chance to undertake the Farm to Fork experience.

The visit followed a specially organised cook-off earlier this year which saw Jake, Sophia and Callum each prepare a two-course meal for judges, who included Chris Mapp, owner of The Tickled Trout and Richard Taylor, Managing Director of Owen Taylor & Sons.

Carl Evans, Operations Manager of Owen Taylor & Sons, who accompanied the students on the visit, commented: “Following the success of hosting a Farm to Fork experience for last year’s Young Chef finalists, we were honoured to be asked to host the event again but, this time, for the entire class.”

“It’s important for students to have this experience so they can appreciate for themselves how beneficial it is for catering businesses to put local meat on the menu. They can see the sustainability and high welfare at the farm and how that helps to create a high-quality final product.”

“We are proud to sponsor the Young Chef of the Year category at the Food and Drink Awards and were impressed by the final dishes produced under the pressure of the competition. Hopefully, the students will be inspired by the experience and will progress well in catering.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, praised The Tickled Trout and Owen Taylor & Sons for their involvement in the 2019 Food and Drink Awards, saying: “The Farm to Fork experience is great for the young chefs from Chesterfield College. It gives them a real insight into where our food comes from and how it gets from the farm to the plate – it’s important for any chef to understand that.”

“When we established the awards six years ago, we wanted to make people aware of the thriving food and drink sector in Chesterfield, including aspiring young chefs. Hopefully the students now have a clearer view of the fantastic opportunities in the town.”

As well as the Young Chef of the Year title, the winners of all 15 categories in the 2019 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards will be announced by celebrity chef, Brian Turner, who is hosting this year’s glittering black-tie awards ceremony at the Winding Wheel.

In addition to Owen Taylor & Sons, other supporters of the awards include Apprentice Town (Led by Chesterfield Borough Council), Banner Jones Solicitors, BHP Chartered Accountants, Casa Hotel, Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire Times, Distinctive Magic, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), Edge Events Management Ltd, Elder Way (Jomast Developments), FEAST – Food and Drink Forum, Hoods Florist, Jumble Creative Design, Kier Group, Learning Unlimited (The Chesterfield College Group), Magnifica, MSE Hiller, Peak FM, Reflections Magazine (Bannister Publications Ltd), Shorts Chartered Accountants and Vicar Lane Shopping Centre. For more information about the awards, visit www.chesterfield.co.uk/foodanddrinkawards.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Destination Chesterfield

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