About Chesterfield

Stories of bravery and strength celebrated at the Peak FM Awards 2019

Incredible stories of bravery, resilience and strength were heard as Chesterfield’s biggest local radio station once again hosted the glitzy Peak FM Awards at the Winding Wheel last Thursday.

Red carpet welcomed a VIP audience that ranged from councillors to local businesses who were treated to stellar live performances launched by Britain’s Got Talent’s acrobatic roller-skating duo Rosie and Adam who wowed the audience with an impressive array of stunts setting a dramatic tone for an evening that never failed to excite or move.

Peak FM presenters Ricky, Becky, Craig Bailey and Richie Pearson introduced live acts including Grenfell Tower survivor Leanne Mya who sang a beautiful and poignant rendition of Des Ree’s “You Gotta Be

The annual Peak FM Awards recognise the outstanding achievement of people from Chesterfield and the surrounding towns often in extraordinary situations.  We heard, for example the story of Annette Fathers whose young son was saved from drowning in a Menorca pool when his quick-thinking grandparents dived in and performed CPR earning them the Adult of Outstanding Bravery Award.

Other highlights included the story of Daniel Jones, who despite a dislocated knee managed to trek across Outer Mongolia in temperatures below minus 30.   Star of the show, though had to be 103 year old Edie Littlewood who was presented with the most prestigious trophy of the night, the Imogen Ellis Award (so named after Imogen herself received a Peak FM Award in 2017 ahead of her tragic death last year to a rare form of bone cancer).

The full list of recipients at the Peak FM Awards 2019:

Homegrown Talent – Charlie & Imogen Clark (aka “Sweet Harmony”)

Carer of the Year – Carla Bartley

Young Fundraiser of the Year – Hayden Hudson

Fundraiser of the Year – Dawn & Robert Mycroft

Special Recognition Award – Daniel Jones

Community Hero Award – Jason Cotton

Family of the Year – The O’ Halloran Family

Exceptional Sporting Achievement – Sophie Widdowson

Adult of Outstanding Bravery – Colin & Maggie Fielding

Child of Courage – Evie-Rose and Benjamin-Mark Wain

Young Person of Courage – Hannah Kinsell

The Imogen Ellis Award – Edie Littlewood

Peak FM Awards 2019

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield

Pronto Industrial Paints announces major investment in new factory

Pronto Industrial Paints Ltd have announced the acquisition of a new site that will open in the Holmewood community in the near future.

Named PP2, the main investment is an additional factory for Pronto Industrial Paints Ltd located within close proximity to their HQ. The premises will more than treble their existing footprint to 80000 sq. ft.

Further investment in their production site will increase potential output to over 36,000 litres of paint a day.

David Beckford, Managing Director at Pronto, commented “the new purchase comes at a time when other manufacturing businesses are pausing investment, I believe this is a time to be brave and believe in our team and what we can offer. A program of work at Pronto Paints HQ is also underway to make the most of PP2. It is yet to be confirmed how the company will utilise all of the new space. As the building is in need of some restoration we have plenty of time to decide on the most suitable use moving forwards.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development, Made in Chesterfield

New tourism sector deal set to boost tourism in Peak District and Derbyshire

The Prime Minister announced last week the UK’s first ever Tourism Sector Deal – providing a huge opportunity to boost tourism in the Peak District and Derbyshire.

The Peak District and Derbyshire’s valuable tourism industry is worth over £2.15 billion, attracting 40.45 million visitors each year and supporting over 28,000 jobs.

By 2025 experts predict that there will be an additional 9 million overseas visitors to the UK – and the new Tourism Sector Deal identifies tourism as a leading industry for the Government’s future economic planning.

The Tourism Sector Deal includes the creation of an independent Tourism Data Hub which will revolutionise the way data is collected – allowing organisations, including SMEs, to better understand activity and product preferences in their area so they can tailor their services as a result.

It will also support the creation of 30,000 apprenticeships per year, in England, by 2025. A mentoring programme will support 10,000 employees as they enter tourism careers.

In response to demand for improved infrastructure, the deal also aims to create 130,000 new hotel rooms – with 75% of these outside of London.

The deal also outlines the government’s ambitions for the UK to become the most accessible destination in Europe for disabled visitors – aiming to increase the number of international disabled visitors by 33%.

Developed in partnership with the British Tourist Authority and the industry, the sector deal forms part of the Government’s Modern Industrial Strategy supporting growth of the tourism sector.

By 2025, the Tourism Sector Deal will:

  • More than double the size of the UK’s tourism industry to £268 billion
  • Grow those employed in the sector to 3.8 million
  • Deliver a 1% increase in productivity worth £12 billion
  • Make the UK the most successful destination in Western Europe

Other commitments in the Tourism Sector Deal include:

  • A sum of £250,000 to improve broadband connectivity in conference centres across the UK for business visitors
  • Pilot of up to five new ‘tourism zones’, bringing businesses and local organisations together to establish a coordinated strategy for growth in their local visitor economy and a reduction in the impact of seasonality
  • Grow the number of Business Events and Conferences, helping to increase off-season visitors

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said:  “This tourism sector deal is fantastic news for the Peak District and Derbyshire – highlighting the importance of one of our most valuable industries which is worth £2.15 billion to the local economy.

“This deal ensures we can continue to compete internationally as a top destination for visitors, driving major economic growth across the area and helping us to make the Peak District and Derbyshire a truly world-class destination.”

Councillor Barry Lewis, Leader of Derbyshire County Council, said: “Culture and tourism is an essential part of the local economy, employing more than 28,000 people.

“We want Derbyshire to continue to be recognised as the key national and international tourist destination it is, with more visitors choosing to stay longer. Anything that helps us achieve this – and create more jobs – is most welcome and we look forward to the new opportunities the Tourism Sector Deal will bring.”

For more information on the Tourism Sector Deal, please visit www.visitbritain.org/tourism-sector-deal

Chatsworth House

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Centenary celebrations in Chesterfield

More than 400 school children came together to celebrate the centenary of the Treaty of Versailles on the 28 June.

The event, organised by Chesterfield Borough Council in collaboration with the Combined Ex-Services Association, saw the group meet at the Town Hall War Memorial to take part in a short service, followed by a walk down to Queen’s Park where the pupils took part in a range of activities all themed around the Treaty of Versailles and life during the war years.

All of the pupils are in Years 5 and 6 at Abercrombie Primary School; Cavendish Junior School; Hady Primary School; Hasland Junior School; Holme Hall Primary School; Mary Swanwick Community Primary School; New Whittington Community Primary School; Norbriggs Primary School; Old Hall Junior School and Staveley Junior School.

The children were joined by teachers, many of whom commented the importance of educating young people about the Treaty of Versailles which officially ended the First World War.

The 28th June marked 100 years since the treaty was signed, officially ending the conflict and returning Chesterfield to a time of peace. Scenes of thanksgiving were witnessed around the country including in our own Queen’s Park where over 20,000 people joined together to celebrate the war finally being over.

To mark this occasion, the World War One Commemorations Working Group recreated the atmosphere of the war being over, and invited everyone attending to join them for a thanksgiving celebration in the same park that had been the scene of the celebrations 100 years ago to the day.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “The Treaty of Versailles, signed in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, officially brought World War One to an end.  Unfortunately another world war was to occur just 20 years later.

“World War One took the lives of over 16 million people, both military and civilian. It continues to affect people’s lives and memories with over 280,000 British and Commonwealth soldier’s bodies yet to be recovered. Engaging our young people in this event will hopefully encourage a generation to pursue peace at all costs”.

The event began with a multi-faith Drumhead Service at the Town Hall War Memorial at 11am. This was followed by a short march to the park where the children enjoyed their picnics, and explored displays and exhibitions about life between from 1914 to 1918.

Local history and community groups hosted the stalls in the park, with many of the activities being hands-on to encourage the children to ask questions and want to learn more about what happened 100 years ago.

Treaty of Versailles event

Posted in About Chesterfield

Chesterfield local plan submitted to Government

The Chesterfield Borough Council’s Local Plan has been submitted to Government.

The local plan will provide the framework for the provision of the borough’s development needs up to 2033 – where the housing, retail and business needs of the community will be provided and how important countryside, ecological and heritage features will be protected.

Councillors agreed at the full council meeting on 12 December 2018 that a public consultation on the pre-submission local plan should be organised before submitting the plan to the Government for independent examination.

Cllr Terry Gilby, portfolio holder for economic growth, explained: “The public consultation on the pre-submission local plan took place between 14 January 2019 and 22 February 2019. A total of 438 representations were made.

“The local plan, along with supporting documents and copies of all the representations that were made during the consultation, will be submitted to the Government on 28 June 2019”.

The local plan will now be subject to an independent examination by a planning inspector. This will provide a detailed review of the entire document.

The council expects to receive a timetable for the examination shortly and this will be updated on the council’s website at: www.chesterfield.gov.uk/localplan.

The programme officer, who works on behalf of the planning inspector, will contact everyone who responded to the 2019 pre-submission consultation to provide further detail on the examination process.

The examination is likely to include a series of hearings on what the inspector deems to be critical issues affecting the plan.

Respondents who made representations proposing changes to the plan during the pre-submission public consultation may be invited to take part in a hearing. Those selected will be contacted by the programme officer once the hearing ti­­metable has been finalised.

During the examination period, the submission and examination material will be available to be viewed by the public on the council’s website www.chesterfield.gov.uk/localplan.

Printed copies of the local plan and submission documents will also be available to view at the council’s Customer Contact Centre, at Chesterfield Library and at Staveley Library.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Leading manufacturer joins Made in Chesterfield campaign

Another Chesterfield manufacturer, Blachford Acoustics Group, has pledged its support to the town’s campaign to get more young people interested in careers involving Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

A leading manufacturer of acoustic sound solutions, the company is part of the global Blachford group and employs more than 100 staff at its Holmewood facility.

Blachford is one of a number of businesses from the town’s manufacturing and engineering sector who have thrown their weight behind the Made in Chesterfield campaign which is coordinated by Destination Chesterfield and Derbyshire Education Business Partnership.

The campaign, which was established in 2014, is designed to bring together employers in the manufacturing and engineering sector with schools and education providers. It is run in partnership with University of Derby, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd, Natwest, and Placing Futures and has already been credited with helping increase the number of students studying STEM subjects at Chesterfield College from 265 in 2017 to 440 in 2018.

As part of their involvement in the campaign, Blachford will be welcoming school groups to its Holmewood site and hosting behind-the-scenes tours. A number of Blachford staff are also STEM ambassadors and will be visiting North Derbyshire’s schools to deliver careers talks.

Commenting on the company’s decision to support the Made in Chesterfield campaign, Stephen Hutt, Operations Director of Blachford UK said: “The manufacturing sector offers golden opportunities for careers, unfortunately many young people are unaware of the breadth of job roles available. By supporting the Made in Chesterfield campaign we hope to reach out to young people in North Derbyshire and ignite their interest in manufacturing and in a career at Blachford and the sector as a whole.”

Blachford now joins an exciting line-up of companies and organisations, including United Cast Bar, MSE Hiller, Kingfield Electronics, Aztec Oils, Penny Hydraulics, Chesterfield Police  and Trans-Tronic who have all opened their doors to teachers and pupils to help them discover more about careers and jobs on offer in the sector.

Ivan Fomin, Managing Director of MSE Hiller and Destination Chesterfield board member responsible for manufacturing and engineering in the Borough, commented: “I am delighted to welcome Blachford onboard with the Made in Chesterfield campaign. It’s a time of huge growth and opportunity for Chesterfield and to make the most of opportunities, like HS2, Chesterfield Waterside and Peak Resort, it’s important that the town has the people with the right skills and experience – and manufacturing and engineering feature heavily in this mix.

“Getting more businesses from the sector on board and opening more lines of communication between businesses, education providers and schools couldn’t be more important.”

Blachford’s commitment to recruiting new talent to the sector doesn’t stop at Made in Chesterfield. The company is offering three degree level apprenticeships to young people leaving school this year.

To find out more about Made in Chesterfield and how you or your school can get involved, please visit: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/made/.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

New sports pitch to inspire future athletes

Chesterfield’s new artificial sports pitch on the site of the former Queen’s Park Sports Centre is now taking bookings in readiness for its opening during the summer.

The floodlit all-weather pitch built and maintained by Chesterfield Borough Council is big enough to support either one seven-a-side game or two five-a-side games at a time.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, the council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing said: “With the success  of the Women’s World Cup and the great results so far the England team inspiring a new generation of sportswomen, the need for somewhere for them to train and play their games is greater than ever.”

“I would encourage any group, club  or organisation wanting to access this excellent facility to make contact as soon as possible as we are expending demand to be high given the high specification of the development.”

The pitch helps to meet a need identified by the Football Association and Sport England to increase the number of artificial pitches available in the borough.

The pitch is built on the site of the former Queen’s Park Sports Centre.

Anyone interested in using the pitch, contact the team at Queen’s Park Sports Centre by emailing qpscenquiries@chesterfield.gov.uk or call (01246) 345555.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Retailer commissions Chesterfield artworks

Chesterfield based independent retailer, H&F has teamed up with a number of artists to produce unique artworks of the town.

Louise Peel, Owner of H&F said: “We thought it would be a great idea to produce some artwork to represent Chesterfield in an interesting way. We spoke to two local artists to discuss ideas and landmarks of the town and surrounding area.”

Pete Spowage, a Nottingham based artist, who visits the town’s fleas market every Thursday, has created vibrant canvas pieces using oil, which capture the heart of the town, including Market Square and the Crooked Spire.

Andy Slater, Freelance Illustrator at Reyt Good Illustration has created a number of detailed pencil drawings of the towns landmarks, including Market Square, the Crooked Spire and George Stephenson.

Louise added:”We have had lots of great comments regarding the artwork and it is lovely to explain them to the many tourists that pass through the shop when on daily coach trips. Many of which are from overseas. Recently we had two paintings purchased to send over to our twin town Darmstadt as a gift.”

The artworks are available to purchase from H&F which is located on New Beetwell Street in Chesterfield next to the coach station.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Leisure, Visiting

Vicar Lane Joins Forces with The Pilgrim Bandits

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre, has announce a partnership with The Pilgrim Bandits, to offer customers the chance to win a stunning chair, upholstered in a replica uniform of Lance Bombardier Ben Parkinson MBE, in a charity draw.

The Pilgrim Bandits were established by a small group of Special Forces veterans in 2007 and registered as a charity in 2010, with the sole aim of using their unique training and experience to help and inspire injured personnel to live life to the full.

Shaun Brown, Centre Manager, Vicar Lane said, “We’re proud and excited to be working in partnership with The Pilgrim Bandits for their worthwhile cause. It’s a great opportunity for one lucky person to acquire a totally unique piece of furniture, while showing their support for a charity that helps so many people.”

The chair is worth over £1,000 and tickets are priced at just £5 each, available to be purchased on the  right up until the day of the draw itself all proceeds of the ticket sales will go to the registered charity, The Pilgrim Bandits.

The winner will be drawn at 4.30pm on Sunday 18th August – also the day of Chesterfield MotorFest – and the chair will be presented to the winner, in person, by Ben.

Chesterfield MotorFest is a must-visit for classic car fans, petrol heads and families alike, with over 200 cars on display throughout the town including an American car showcase and supercar experience in Vicar Lane itself, as well as live music and stalls.

To purchase a ticket/tickets for the prize draw visit https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/mypage/vicarlanecharitychairdraw

Posted in About Chesterfield, Summer, Visiting

Westminster deputation talks procurement with Minister

A range of companies from across the East Midlands joined the region’s biggest business-representation organisation, East Midlands Chamber, in Westminster this week for a Ministerial roundtable discussion on procurement.

They met with Oliver Dowden, Parliamentary Secretary and Minister for Implementation, to discuss his plans to ensure £1 of every £3 of Government contract spending goes to small and medium-sized firms.

The companies in the deputation were all members of award-winning East Midlands Chamber* and included representation from logistics, retail, business services, training and IT sectors. They fed back their own experiences, successes and challenges of dealing with Government.

Key issues raised included accessibility to contract information, the variable quality of initial evidence demanded, sizes of contracts and frustration over needing to complete multiple pre-qualification questionnaires.

Other matters of concern were a lack of proportionality or relevance in requirements around insurances, accreditations or procedural policies, management of top-tier suppliers and ensuring they deliver on promises to suppliers and recognising and rewarding social value in let contracts.

Transparency around the Government’s decision-making processes was also raised.

Martin Traynor, whose role as Small Business Crown Representative in the Cabinet Office is ‘to make sure the Government gets the best value from small business and that small businesses have the best possible opportunity to work with the Government’, supported the meeting.

Appointed to the role earlier this year, Martin is backing the Government’s drive to improve procurement.

The Chamber has been actively seeking to improve procurement contract opportunities for smaller businesses, working closely with HS2 and Heathrow Airport, for example, to encourage regional SMEs to get involved in major infrastructure projects.

Chris Hobson, the Chamber’s Director of Policy, said: “Getting smaller companies involved in major public sector projects is a win-win situation as it can offer greater competition and secures work for those businesses.

“Smaller companies often don’t chase opportunities on bigger projects because they don’t think they’ll have a chance of winning them, are daunted by the application process or don’t realise that most contracts are broken down into bite-size chunks.

“The Chamber is working hard to break down these mythical barriers and to help regional SMEs get involved in national projects, whether it’s HS2, Heathrow Airport expansion or any other major project. There are two sides to this work, one is about improving access to opportunities and the other is supporting businesses to create competitive bids.”

chamber video export

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Avant Homes given green light to bring 173 new homes to Chesterfield

Avant Homes is set to build 173 new homes at a new £36m development in Chesterfield after planning permission was approved by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Located  just off the A61 on Brimington Road, the 12-acre former timber yard site will form a key part of the residential area at Chesterfield Waterside – a £340 million regeneration scheme located close to   Chesterfield town centre.

Named Waterside Quarter, the development will form part of ‘The Park’ area of the scheme and will be Avant Homes largest site in the Chesterfield area to date.  Waterside Quarter will include a mixture of Avant Homes’ contemporary, two, three and four-bedroom homes, designed for modern living, offering buyers 11 different house types to choose from. Groundworks are due to commence in July and the first homes will be ready for occupation in June 2020.

Avant Homes Central managing director, Stuart Rowlands, said: “The Chesterfield Waterside scheme is a hugely important regeneration project for the town, and we are thrilled to be a key part of it.  Our design-led collection of homes will give customers more choice, more flexibility and the opportunity to live in an aspirational home at an attainable price.

“We are very pleased to have planning granted and now look forward to works commencing in the coming weeks and delivering what will be a highly desirable place to live for buyers in Chesterfield.”

Chesterfield Waterside is recognised as being one of the UK’s largest regeneration projects and is being led by Chesterfield-based Bolsterstone Group Plc working in conjunction with Arnold Laver Group and Chesterfield Borough Council.

Peter Swallow, managing director of the Bolsterstone Group Plc, said: “The granting of planning permission for Avant Homes’ construction of 173 new homes at Chesterfield Waterside is a significant step forward for the scheme in 2019.  Avant’s stylish and contemporary homes will now bring forward an exciting new phase in Waterside, one that I know is very much anticipated in Chesterfield and will go towards meeting the demand for additional high-quality housing in the local market.”

For more information about Waterside Quarter, visit To register your interest please contact 01246889785 or visit www.avanthomes.co.uk/waterside-quarter/

Find out more about the £1 billion of  developments taking place in Chesterfield

Avant Homes' Waterside Quarter Chesterfield Waterside

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development

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