About Chesterfield

D2N2 Growth Hub celebrates four years in business

The D2N2 Growth Hub marked its fourth ‘birthday’ in December with a celebration event including some of the more than 7,000 businesses it has engaged with.

Launched in December 2014, by the then Business and Enterprise Minister Matthew Hancock MP, the D2N2 Growth Hub uses its wide range of (mostly free or heavily subsidised) services to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Services offered through Growth Hub advisors include help with starting and growing a business, accessing growth finance, training and skills development, leadership training, and expanding into new and international markets.

The D2N2 Growth Hub is part of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP); a private sector-led Partnership of business, local authorities, skills and training providers, and community and voluntary organisations, which promotes economic growth, jobs creation and business start-ups in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

The celebration event featured speakers from some of the D2N2 LEP area businesses which have benefited from the D2N2 Growth Hub’s help; including physiotherapy service Jolly Back, Lucy Rennie Communications and business consultancy Talk Staff.

In customer surveys, D2N2 Growth Hub clients have consistently given its services high ‘satisfaction’ ratings. Video testimonies from businesses helped by the D2N2 Growth Hub are on its YouTube channel.

In September 2017, the Growth Hub launched its ScaleUp Service; giving specialist help to SMEs experiencing high growth; characterised as having a turnover of between a million and £15m a year, and which had experienced consistent annual growth of at least 20% for the past three years.

For more information on the D2N2 Growth Hub and its services see its website at www.d2n2growthhub.co.uk


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Made in Chesterfield

Have your say on Local Plan for Chesterfield

A six-week public consultation is to be held to get the views of residents and businesses about Chesterfield Borough Council’s draft Local Plan.

The plan sets out the proposed future housing, industrial, commercial and leisure land use in Chesterfield until 2033. Residents and businesses can give their views on it between Monday 14 January and Friday 22 February.

Once the consultation is completed the plan will then be considered by an independent Government planning inspector at a public planning inquiry, which it is expected will take place later this year. The inspector will consider any comments made as part of the consultation as well as take representations at the hearing.

Two drop-in information sessions are being held so residents and businesses can find out more about what the plan could mean to them. They will be held on:

  • Tuesday 5 February  at Chesterfield Market Hall, Market Place, between 10am and 7pm
  • Wednesday 6 February at the Speedwell Rooms, Inkersall Road, Staveley, between 1pm and 6pm

The draft Local Plan can be seen by visiting www.chesterfield.gov.uk/localplan, which will also have details of how to respond and make any comments.

Paper copies of the plan, along with consultation documents, will be available at Chesterfield, Brimington, Newbold, Old Whittington and Staveley libraries, as well as Chesterfield Town Hall in Rose Hill East and the Chesterfield Borough Council Customer Service Centre in New Square.

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “This stage of the Local Plan builds on the previous public consultations and is a more formal process which requires us to ask for the public’s views on the soundness of the plan and whether it meets the legal duties the Government sets out.

“The Local Plan is important to local residents and businesses because it is the starting point for assessing the merits of individual planning applications.”

“I would encourage everyone to give us their views and make sure they do it within the six weeks as we are not allowed to accept any late representations.”

Between now and 2033 the plan proposes:

  • Setting aside enough land for around 5,250 new homes, with a requirement to build at least 4,374 of those. This is a lower figure than in previous versions of the Local Plan. Most of the sites identified were included in the 2017 draft Local Plan but have been updated following comments made during that consultation process.
  • Continuing to use the existing Community Infrastructure Levy and ‘Section 106’ planning agreements to provide community facilities, such as schools and GP services, in places where development takes place
  • That major housing developments have up to 20 per cent affordable housing included within them
  • Up to 25 per cent of homes on major developments meet the higher ‘accessible and adaptable’ standard in the building regulations, which means they can be altered to suit people with mobility issues
  • All new homes and commercial developments are required to include electric vehicle charging points
  • Continued support for the restoration of Chesterfield Canal
  • Continued protection of the Green Belt, and a group of new ‘green wedges’ and ‘strategic gaps’
  • Developing 44 hectares (108 acres) of employment land
  • Providing 7,736 square metres of new retail space

Most of the proposals within the draft Local Plan build upon the existing document but have been updated to reflect new planning guidance and legislation, as well as the latest statistical information on a range of topics including population size, housing need and requirements for open spaces.

Recycle week

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Leisure

Council consults on changes to learning disability support

Residents are being asked for their views on proposals to change the way people with learning disabilities and autism are supported to lead fulfilling lives.

Derbyshire County Council plans to transform support so it focuses on an individual’s strengths to help them achieve personal goals rather than fitting people in to services that are available.

The introduction of the Care Act 2014 gave the council greater responsibility to ensure people with learning disabilities and autism lead independent lives.

Members of the county council’s Cabinet have approved the launch of a 12-week consultation which will run until 31 March 2019. Letters have been sent to everyone who currently uses learning disability services together with a questionnaire which they, their family and carers are invited to complete. Residents can also fill it in online.

A series of events have been planned for people who currently attend day services and their relatives and carers to give their views. The below events will be held in Chesterfield will run from 10am-12 noon on:

  • Monday 4 February – No Limits, Lower Ground Floor, West Street, Chesterfield, S40 4TY
  • Wednesday 27 February – Markham Vale Land Services, Unit 14, Markham Lane, Chesterfield, S44 5HY
  • Wednesday 13 March – Bolsover Day Centre, Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover, S44 6DJ

A meetings will also be held for young people with learning disabilities who are due to move from the support of children’s services on Monday 25 February – St Thomas Centre, Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield, S40 3AW.

Other meetings have been planned for outside the Chesterfield area, please click here to find out more.

Places need to be booked by contacting the county council on 01629 531307 or emailing telladultcare@derbyshire.gov.uk

Under the council’s proposals:

  • People who are assessed as having the most complex needs could continue to use suitably equipped day centres to access community activities – although the activities and location offered may change
  • People who are newly-referred to the service but do not have complex needs would be offered one-to-one support to access activities which could include paid work, training or volunteering.
  • Current service users who are not assessed with complex needs can choose to continue using day services.
  • In the future everyone would be assessed under the council’s transport policy and if they are not eligible for support may have to make and pay for their own travel arrangements to and from the day centre.
  • The council would support voluntary and independent organisations to develop a wider range of opportunities available for people with learning disabilities and autism.
  • Redesign work-based day services offered by the council to become employment skills and training hubs. These would offer people the opportunity to receive training and support them into work and, where appropriate, paid employment.

Councillor Jean Wharmby, the County Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Care, said: “We want to make sure our services help people with learning disabilities lead fulfilling lives.”

“They have told us they want to be involved in their local community, going out with friends, learning new skills or getting a job.”

“Instead of trying to fit people in to services we have available, we are keen to make sure our support focuses on an individual’s strengths to help them achieve personal goals.”

The county council currently supports around 680 people aged from 18 to over 65 with learning disabilities – of those, around 460 currently attend a county council day centre. Figures show that the number of people, particularly younger people, using day centres has fallen. Of the 15 council-run centres around the county, 14 have empty places as people are choosing to do other things.

Councillor Wharmby added: “I’d like to reassure people that no decisions will be taken until we have heard everyone’s views as we are committed to working together to come up with a service shaped by the people it affects most.”

Chesterfield Local History Open Day

Posted in About Chesterfield

Free Employability and Skills Conference to be held to ensure school leavers are work ready

Business leaders and the education sector in North Derbyshire are being urged to come together to address employability and skills in the area at a free conference next month.

With more than 14,000 students in North Derbyshire set to gain their GCSE and A Level qualifications over the next five years, the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference aims to strengthen links between education providers and local businesses to ensure school leavers are work ready.

Returning for a third year, the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference, will be held at Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa from 8.00am – 10.30am on Wednesday 13 February 2019.

The conference is organised by Chesterfield Borough Council, Gail Widerman of Placing Futures, D2N2 Enterprise Advisor Network and Destination Chesterfield.

The conference is an opportunity for employers and education providers to develop solutions together that will ensure young people leaving education have both the skills employers in the area require and are also aware of the employment opportunities available to them.

One of the headline speakers at the event includes Brendan Kelly, Managing Director of Heathcotes Group, the industry-leading providers of residential care for adults which is headquartered in Chesterfield.

Brendan Kelly commented: “Bringing on talented and dedicated people through apprenticeships has been vital to Heathcotes’ success in what is currently a very challenging health and social care sector.  Working with our learning partners, Chesterfield College, we have developed a work-based learning programme which has been very successful in developing long-term careers in this region, so we welcomed the opportunity to speak at this conference to advocate the enormous value of apprenticeships for school leavers and businesses alike.”

Mr Kelly will also be joined by representatives from Capgemini, Brookfield School and St Marys Roman Catholic High School, who will be speaking at the event.

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, explained why the conference is so important to Chesterfield and North Derbyshire. He said: “One of the council’s priorities is to ensure that local people benefit from the economic growth that we are seeing in Chesterfield.

“We have to plan now for future opportunities like HS2 and some of the other large developments so that, when those jobs become available, local people are skilled and able to take advantage of them.

“People in well paid jobs get more life opportunities, which means their health and wellbeing tends to be better and they have more cash in their pocket. This means they can spend more in the local economy. In turn, this supports other jobs.”

Gail Widerman, Director of Placing Futures Ltd – an independent consultancy service based in Chesterfield which links vocational learning to schools and employers, said: “Research has shown if a young person has four or more encounters with people from the world of business from year 7 to 11, they are 86% less likely to leave school and fall into NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and on average earn 15% more in their working lifetime. The more engagement students have with businesses while in school helps inform their aspirations and choices post education.  It also gives businesses the opportunity to inspire young people to look at careers in our local industries.”

Chesterfield Employability Conference

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

One week left to apply for primary school places

Parents have just one week left to apply for their child’s primary school place for September 2019.

Parents of children who were born between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015 must apply to Derbyshire County Council by midnight on Tuesday 15 January 2019. Councillor Alex Dale,Cabinet Member for Young People said:

“Parents have just one week left to apply for their child’s primary school place so if you haven’t already applied please send us your application as soon as possible.”

“Applying before the deadline gives parents the best chance of getting a place for their child at their preferred school so please don’t leave it until the last minute.”

“It’s really quick and easy to apply online and we’re here to support you throughout the application process.”

Applying online is the easiest method. This allows parents to make changes to their application at any point up to the closing date. Anyone who applies this way will receive an email to confirm their application has been received and another email on Primary National Offer Day – Tuesday 16 April 2019 – stating the outcome of their application.


Apply for a primary school place.

You can also apply by phone. Ring Call Derbyshire on tel:01629 533190 between 8am and 8pm on weekdays and 9.30am to 4pm on Saturdays.

When completing the application form parents will be asked to list, in order of preference, the three schools they would most like their child to go to. Parents are advised to consider including their normal area school as one of their preferences. Although parents have a legal right to express preferences they have no automatic right to a place at any particular school.

Parents can still choose to complete a paper form, which they can get by emailing admissions.transport@derbyshire.gov.uk or by calling tel: 01629 537499. This must be returned to our admissions and transport team at the address shown on the form by the closing date.

Applications submitted to us after the deadline will not be considered until places have been allocated to those children whose parents did return their form on time. Parents who fail to meet the deadline may find that the school they want their child to go to is full.

Any parents who are a refused a place for their child have a right of appeal to an independent panel.

primary school place chesterfield derbyshire

Posted in About Chesterfield

New Year message from Chamber President

On the day that many people returned to work after a long Christmas break, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) published a video message from its President, Kevin Harris.

In it, he talks about the need to focus on the challenges, positives and opportunities that 2019 will present, rather than the negatives, particularly around whatever happens with Brexit.

“It’s essential we have the building bricks in place to ensure our growth this year, that’s the key to success,” he says.

Kevin, who is Office Managing Partner at RSM, the world’s 6th largest accountancy and advisory firm, based in Leicester, also talks about his goals for his year as Chamber President.

Looking back at 2018, he described the year as “busy”, but one that ended well when the Chamber took the top accolade of Chamber of the Year at the British Chambers of Commerce Awards.

The message ends with Kevin wishing all businesses a prosperous 2019.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Local restaurant wins two prestigious awards

The Tickled Trout has won Restaurant of the Year and its Owner Chris Mapp has been awarded Chef of the Year in the Derbyshire Life and Countryside Food & Drink Awards 2018.

Hailing from the kitchens of Marcus Wareing and Gordon Ramsay, Chris returned home after working in London and Cornwall, and fate had it that his old local pub was up for sale. Since opening in summer 2014, Chris and his team have worked tirelessly to create an independent pub and restaurant that the village can feel proud of. The Tickled Trout’s reputation has grown and it is now regarded as one of the best places to eat in the Chesterfield area.

Chris and his dedicated team believe in using great fresh ingredients, sourced from local suppliers they know and trust. The award winning gastro pub serves fine wine, great local ales and combines a relaxing atmosphere with excellent customer service. The team welcomes families and has a private dining room for small functions and private or corporate hire.

The Derbyshire Life Food & Drink Awards are designed to recognise the best in the region’s food and drink industry – including local producers and suppliers, chefs, restaurants, pubs and individuals who work within the hospitality industry. The companies are nominated by readers of Derbyshire Life, and the winners have been voted for by people throughout Derbyshire.

Chris said: “I am extremely humbled to be awarded the Chef of the Year in Derbyshire Life, it was a great surprise to me but I am really pleased. However, winning the Restaurant of the Year also confirms that I have a fabulous team that helps me and each other achieve excellence in what we do. We are forever learning and evolving but this group I have are just amazing, these awards represent their hard work and they absolutely deserve the recognition.”

The Tickled Trout was also named the Best Out of Town venue at the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards in October 2018, adding to numerous awards won by the restaurant since opening.

The Tickled Trout awards Derbyshire Life

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Visiting

Archaeological survey to take place at Chesterfield car park

A number of parking spaces at Holywell Cross (Donut) car park will be temporarily unavailable while an archaeological survey is carried out on the site.

Chesterfield Borough Council submitted a planning application in October seeking permission to build a three-floor Enterprise Centre for small businesses on the car park, known locally as the Donut car park, as part of the Northern Gateway scheme.

Before the application can be considered the council is required to do an archaeological survey of the site to identify if there are any significant archaeological features beneath the planned development area.

To enable this work to happen some spaces within the car park will be out of use from Monday 7 January. The work is expected to take between two and three weeks, depending on the weather.

The rest of the car park will remain open as usual but if motorists find the car park is full then nearby alternatives include Soresby Street, Rose Hill, St Mary’s Gate and Durrant Road. Full details can be seen at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/carparks

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “The Enterprise Centre is needed to meet the demand from start-up businesses and existing small and medium sized businesses for office accommodation in a town centre location.

“Having a centre at this location creates jobs and also supports existing businesses in the town centre, particularly around the northern part, by providing extra customers during the day.

“We will carry out the archaeological surveys as quickly as possible to minimise any possible disruption for motorists.”

The planned Enterprise Centre building would include:

  • 32 air conditioned offices, of different sizes, to suit a range of start-up and small companies
  • Two meeting rooms
  • High speed broadband access and wi-fi throughout the building
  • A reception and shared lobby area
  • CCTV in communal areas inside and outside the building
  • Facilities for staff working in the building including kitchenettes, break out spaces, showers and a bicycle store

The planning application is due to be considered by the council’s planning committee in February.

Enterprise Centre

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

£220,000 of support to create a North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone

Communities Secretary Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP has announced the creation of a North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone.

The £220,000 funding will support the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership to develop the Northern Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone which aims accelerate development on 6 sites across 3 local authorities in northern Derbyshire (Bolsover, North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield). They all have a recognised manufacturing heritage and presence to enable the area to benefit from potential investment associated with the development and maintenance of HS2.

The North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone aims to provide greater certainty on planning issues to unlock investment for growth by manufacturing businesses in the zone, ensuring more productive land-use and boosting investment and productivity in the area.

This is one of four projects, announced today, involved in the space industry, food sector, and the development of HS2, which will form the new and innovative East Midlands Manufacturing Zones,

Melton Mowbray, Space Park Leicester, and the areas across North Derbyshire and Greater Lincolnshire will together benefit from a total of £500,000 funding to develop their plans.

The investment builds on existing strengths in space, food and advanced manufacturing across the region, helping these important sectors to flourish and boost economic growth and jobs in the Midlands Engine.

The East Midlands Manufacturing Zones aim to reduce planning restrictions to allow land to be used more productively and provide certainty for business investment.

The announcement comes as the Secretary of State, who is also the government’s Midlands Engine Champion, visits organisations across the East Midlands today to hear how they are contributing to a thriving region at the heart of the UK’s economic success.

Communities Secretary Rt Hon James Brokenshire said: “Manufacturing, innovation and trade are at the heart of the East Midlands economy, so it is the perfect place for the UK’s first Manufacturing Zones.”

“This is another example of how the government’s is delivering for the Midlands with our modern Industrial Strategy backing local businesses and building on local strengths.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “ This announcement is further proof that Chesterfield’s manufacturing sector has the ‘ingredients’ ready and waiting to attract further investment and respond to HS2 opportunities. Thanks to the town’s strong manufactured heritage, we have the skilled workforce with support in place to deliver future skilled workers through both the Apprentice Town and Made in Chesterfield initiatives.

“For the last four years Destination Chesterfield has worked hard to promote jobs and careers in the engineering and manufacturing industry to schools and students in North Derbyshire. The funding for the North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone not only signals further investment in the town, but also future job prospects for the 14,000 young people who will leave school in the next six years.”

The government’s Midlands Engine strategy is supporting the East Midlands to realise its huge potential.

Initiatives including over £1.9 billion of funding from the Local Growth Fund and an investment of £20 million in the Midlands Skills Challenge to boost people’s employment prospects are enabling businesses to create more jobs, export more goods and services and grow their productivity. Since 2010 unemployment has fallen 38% and there are 64,500 more small businesses.

The East Midlands has also received sustained investment in recent years, including more than £400 million for the strategic road network, more than £60 million to tackle congestion and improve local transport.

Made in Chesterfield launch

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development

One to One Support Services praised in Care Quality Commission report

One to One Support Services is celebrating due to a glowing Care Quality Commission report. The local care and training provider, with head offices based in Holmewood, and offices in Hasland and Sheffield, has been rated “Good” overall by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

One to One Support Services provides personal care to people living in their own homes in Chesterfield, north Derbyshire and parts of Sheffield. The service supports older persons, younger persons, children and families. This includes people with learning and physical disabilities, mental health needs and people with multi-sensory impairments.

Staff were spoken to about their experiences within the company. One member of the team said: “We get regular supervision sessions and our practice is observed. In between all of those, if we need anything from advice to actual hands-on support it’s there, from our buddy system right through to the seniors and the managers.”

Another commented on the training they received: “The training is good and our competency is assessed to ensure we have understood. It covers all the mandatory areas like moving and handling safeguarding, mental capacity and food hygiene. We also then have training in areas that are specific to the individual care needs of people we support.”

Clients were asked about their care plans: “I have full input into my care plan together with my family and I have it here.” Another said: “My care plan is reviewed with me I review it with them and is up to date. I have a copy here.”

The report stated that people were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. Where people needed support to make specific decisions, their capacity had been assessed.

Finishing quotes in the report from clients stated: “I am happy with the service. It runs well. I have no issues over the running of it at all.” Another client said: “I would certainly recommend them with no improvements required.”

Melanie Ulyatt MBE, Managing Director of One to One Support Services, said: “We are happy about the report as it shows the high quality, bespoke care we provide to our clients. We care for the whole family and value what they say to us.”

“The care staff are committed people with amazing skills and their attitude towards their clients and personal development is exceptional. I am very proud of the whole company and team that makes this happen.”

one to one support services

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Destination Chesterfield

Welcome to 2019 – Blog of Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield

I’d like to kick off 2019 by saying Happy New Year to you all!

2018 was a formative year for Chesterfield – This was the year that all the hard work that has been taking place behind the scenes started to take physical shape and create a presence in the town.

Delivery of the much discussed Northern Gateway development is within touching distance. The new Premier Inn hotel on Elder Way will open early this year and the Saltergate multi-storey car park is well underway; all of which is beginning the visual transformation and regeneration of this area of the Town Centre.

2019 is the year that we’ll also see spades in the ground at Chesterfield Waterside; bringing new life into the area adjacent to the train station and the town centre, as well as adding to the housing, work and leisure offering of the  town.

Chesterfield’s rail offering will come further under the spotlight too. We’ve long appreciated the fantastic connectivity of the town, but it has really been brought to the fore with the interest shown in us a result of the HS2 proposals, and by Spanish train manufacturer Talgo.

How ironic that Chesterfield is the final resting place of the father of the railways, George Stephenson, but the town could also be involved in the start of the next rail revolution. This isn’t a pipe dream this could be a reality. The town may have missed out on Talgo’s train manufacturing facility, but we will be getting its £9 million innovation and training centre at Barrow Hill.

Talgo’s interest in the town wasn’t accidental. This, like the developments that are starting to take shape, is the result of the hard work of many people working behind the scenes marketing the town at home and abroad.

The plans which have been taking shape over many years are  starting to come together and arebringing job opportunities with it. By way of example, at the end of last year, I was delighted to hear that I-Grunwerg will be taking over the former Franke Sissons site at Sheepbridge. Opening in May, the company will create 60 local jobs.

It is important, however, that we maintain the pace of progress, and everyone has a part to play in Chesterfield’s ongoing success. Let’s make sure we all take the opportunity to praise and promote the town when ever the opportunity arises rather than talking it down. Praise the development you see and call out the nay-sayers. Chesterfield is still very much on the rise and we must continue to recognise and celebrate that.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Destination Chesterfield, Development

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