About Chesterfield

Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon Wellbeing Challenge up and running

An inaugural challenge which will give businesses and families the chance to get involved with the 2018 Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon has been officially launched.

Details for the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon’s ‘Wellbeing Challenge’ were revealed at a special Champions Breakfast held by new event partner, Destination Chesterfield – a leading regional place marketing partnership which has pledged its support for the Half Marathon.

Entry into the challenge, which is the best-value way of entering the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon Events at £80 in total, includes two entries into each of the event’s three individual elements – the 13.1-mile Half Marathon, the 5-Mile Run and the one-kilometre Fun Run. It is aimed at encouraging local businesses and families to get involved with what is set to become the region’s biggest mass participation event.

Destination Chesterfield kicked off its partnership with the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon by launching a competition to win free entry into one of the 2018 Half Marathon events – with more prizes and competitions in the pipeline.

John Timms, events director at MLS Contracts Ltd, organisers of the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon, said: “We are delighted to have Destination Chesterfield on board as sponsor for this year’s Chesterfield Half Marathon.

“As a Chesterfield business, they share countless values with ourselves, headline sponsor Redbrik Estate Agency and of course our charity partners Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

“After the success of last year’s event, we cannot wait for this year’s Half Marathon, and we’re excited about what this new partnership will bring to the 2018 event.”

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield manager, said: “We’re delighted to support the 2018 Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon. It has become an important event in the town’s calendar, helping raise the profile of Chesterfield, bringing people into the town to discover our offering and, crucially, spend money with our retailers and food and drink businesses here.

“It’s also a great example of Chesterfield Champions – Redbrik, Chesterfield Borough Council, Peak FM, Crush Design & Creative and Ashgate Hospicecare – working together for the benefit of not only the town’s profile but for the people who will benefit from the charitable proceeds raised from the event.

“The addition of the Fun Run and Wellbeing Challenge is an excellent opportunity to get even more people involved in this fantastic event. I speak from experience, having competed every year since the event was launched, and this year will be no different. I am very much looking forward to it.”

This year’s Half Marathon, which is backed by Chesterfield Borough Council, will take place on Sunday 21 October 2018, starting at 9:30am in Queen’s Park, Chesterfield. Leading estate agency Redbrik will return as headline sponsor for the second year of its five-year sponsorship deal.

New for 2018 is a 5-Mile Run and a Wellbeing Challenge for businesses, community groups and family groups to get involved in. The event schedule will also be bolstered by the return of the one-kilometre Fun Run, which is open to all ages and abilities and takes place within Queen’s Park. Entry is £5.

Entries for the marathon is open, it is simple and easy to sign up. For more information visit www.redbrikchesterfieldhalf.com.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Nominate your favourite store in the 2018 Chesterfield Retail Awards

The search is on to find Chesterfield’s top shops and traders in the annual 2018 Retail Awards.

Shoppers are invited to vote for their favourite retailers and market stall holders in Chesterfield town centre, on Whittington Moor, Chatsworth Road, Staveley and across the borough until midnight on Sunday 25 March 2018.

Everyone who nominates will be entered into a draw to win two tickets to the black-tie Chesterfield Retail Awards in the heart of Chesterfield on 13 June.

Now in its fifth year, the Chesterfield Retail Awards, which are organised by Destination Chesterfield, celebrate the town’s flourishing retail scene.

Chesterfield has a fantastic selection of both independent and major high street stores and its historic market attracts thousands of visitors every year.

In 2016 Chesterfield was identified as one of the UK’s top retail hotspots, highlighting it as an area of potential for investors. Hot on the heels of the report, in 2017 the town welcomed several new businesses including TJ Hughes, Patisserie Valerie and Trespass.

With so many developments underway, including the transformation of the former Co-op store and the creation of Northern Gateway, there’s no better time to recognise and honour the retailers who make the town so special.

Shoppers can nominate across 12 categories in the awards and a panel of professionals will select the winners with the ultimate accolade Retailer of the Year, being selected from the winners of the categories.

Nominations can be for any kind of retailer. It might be a shop, a bakers, a butchers, a market stall, beauty salon or crafter, as long as they trade within the borough of Chesterfield.

Members of the public can place their votes online at www.chesterfield.co.uk/retailawards/nominate until midnight on Sunday 25 March 2018.

The categories open for nominations in the 2018 Chesterfield Retail Awards include:

  • Hair and Beauty Business of the Year
  • Fashion and Footwear Retailer of the Year
  • Jewellery and Accessories Retailer of the Year
  • Home and Gifts Retailer of the Year
  • Food and Drink Retailer of the Year
  • Leisure Retailer of the Year (Sports, Hobbies, Crafts or Outdoor)
  • Market Trader of the Year
  • Independent Retailer of the Year
  • National/ Multiple Retailer of the Year
  • Market Hall Business of the Year
  • Excellence in Customer Service

New to this year’s ceremony will be the chance to commend the work of apprentice retail workers and employers of apprentices in the Apprentice of the Year and Apprentice Employer of the Year categories.  Applications for these two new awards will open over the next few weeks. The winners of the 2018 Chesterfield Retail Awards will be announced at the black-tie awards ceremony at the Winding Wheel on Wednesday 13 June.

In 2018 The Pavements Shopping Centre will also present a trophy to recognise the Best Retailer in the Pavements Shopping Centre voted by shoppers.  All eligible businesses nominated for the Chesterfield Retail Awards will automatically be put forward for this accolade.

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager, said: “The Chesterfield Retail Awards is an excellent opportunity for people to recognise outstanding retailers based in and around Chesterfield; both big and small as well as people and businesses within the sector that are going the extra mile in the realms of customer service and innovation.”

Supporters of the 2018 Chesterfield Retail Awards include: Apprentice Town, Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire Times, eBusiness Works, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), Jumble Creative Design, Learning Unlimited (The Chesterfield College Group), Peak FM, Temple Safety, The Pavements Shopping Centre and the University of Derby.

For more information about the awards, visit www.chesterfield.co.uk/retailawards

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Leisure, Visiting

Apprentice Town website launches

Chesterfield’s commitment to apprenticeships and the future of its young people is being demonstrated with the launch of a new website.

To mark National Apprenticeship Week 2018 (5 – 9 March 2018) the Apprentice Town website is being launched where job seekers will be able to find apprenticeship opportunities available in the town.

Last year Chesterfield become the first town in the UK to declare itself an ‘Apprentice Town,’ in a bid to help nurture the future and careers of youngsters while also helping companies meet skills gaps.

The initiative raises awareness of the huge positives of apprenticeships and brings together talented young people with local businesses for the good of the local economy.

With 1450 people starting an apprenticeship in Chesterfield in 2016/17, there are already more than 4,000 people currently participating in apprenticeships in Chesterfield across a variety of sectors and levels from traineeships to Higher Level Apprenticeships.

Currently, there are more than 50 apprenticeship vacancies within the town being advertised on the website in a wide range of sectors, including business management, animal care, IT, hospitality and childcare

As well as showing the all the apprentice opportunities available in the town, the Apprentice Town website also provides a whole host of useful information for employees, employers and parents.

There are also details on how businesses can benefit from apprenticeships with information about the new Apprentice Levy and case studies from current apprentices in the town.

Chesterfield Borough Council is leading the Apprentice Town initiative while Destination Chesterfield, as a partner, has developed the website for the project.

Councillor Terry Gilby, cabinet member for economic growth, said: “We were delighted to become the UK’s first Apprentice Town. Here in Chesterfield we recognise the importance of helping our young people secure careers while supporting the local economy.

“With so many new developments planned for the town more and more businesses are taking on an apprentice to address skills gaps and workforce needs.”

Dominic Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager added: “The Apprentice Town initiative shows the town’s commitment to supporting businesses to recruit and develop their workforce for the good of the local economy.

“A town which puts such a focus on developing the skills of its talented young will help attract more employers to invest in Chesterfield.”

In additional to Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield, other partners involved in the Apprentice Town initiative include Chesterfield CollegeNLT Training ServicesUniversity of DerbyEast Midlands Chamber, Jobcentre Plus, Enterprise Adviser Network and Derbyshire County Council.

The website can be viewed via www.chesterfield.co.uk/apprenticeships

apprentice town steering group

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

Chatsworth sparkles following biggest restoration for 200 years

The 10-year long programme, costing more than £32m, will see Chatsworth restored to its full glory, inside and out.

With its gold leaf and pale yellow stonework glinting in the spring sunshine, Chatsworth will reopen to visitors on 24 March, completing the biggest restoration and conservation of the house, garden and park since the 1820s.

A special exhibition, running between March and October this year and called ‘Chatsworth Renewed’, will highlight the work of those involved in the restoration process. From rebuilding the Belvedere turrets to replacing vast tracts of lead on the roof; carving the tiniest details in stone using dentistry tools to replacing huge blocks in the walls; careful restoration of priceless artworks to the renovation of famous water features in the garden; over the last decade Chatsworth has been fully restored and made ready for the next century.

Visitors will be able to hear the stories of the skilled people involved in the project, understand the challenges they met, and appreciate the quality of their work. As they peek below floors and behind walls they will be able to shine a light on hidden corners of the house and peel back the layers of craftsmanship and history.

In 2004, a comprehensive structural survey of the house and its many services was undertaken. This demonstrated that major work was necessary to renew the infrastructure of the building and ensure its preservation for the next 100 years, as it was deemed to be at significant risk from fire or flooding.

Weather damage and industrial pollution over hundreds of years meant cleaning and replacing gritstone across the whole exterior of the 300-room house. All the new stone used for repairs came from the same, specially reopened, quarry that provided the stone for the building of the North Wing in the 1820s by the 6th Duke of Devonshire.

The Duke of Devonshire:-

“The level of forensic research, expertise and craftsmanship applied by so many people has been absolutely inspiring. It has always been a thrilling moment to see the house come into view as you drive across the park and now that view has been made even more magical. With the years of blackened grime now removed from the stone, it looks truly magnificent.”

Traditional skills have been used throughout the restoration for both urgent repairs and to make Chatsworth ready for the future. The restoration of stonework, wood panelling, tapestries, flooring and other structures has revealed much about previous generations following the arrival of the Cavendish family in 1549, as well as how far the skills of masons, joiners, plumbers and weavers have changed, or remained, over centuries.

Among the most interesting finds have been objects and traces left behind by workmen over the centuries. As well as working sketches, newspaper cuttings and things that have been dropped, there are specific messages from the past to the future.

On one plank found in 2013 there are the names of those from nearby villages whose work and comment on the news of the day has become part of the fabric of the building: Mr John Taylor of Over Hodder, Mr Thomas Wright of Beeley and S Walker of Pilsley. “Chatsworth August 26th 1841. Parliament met on the 19th The Queen Victoria would not honour the Tories with her presence. The weather is very unfavourable for the harvest. Flour is 3/6 per stone. Joiner’s wages are 24s to 27 per week. Labourer’s wages 12s. Parliament was dissolved this summer on account of the Whigs bringing forward a measure to appeal the present system of the Corn Laws. The election is over. The Tories the majority. Trade is very dull. Many out of employ and starving. This winter will be a severe one. So down with the Tory rascals.”

Another joiner writing in the 1880’s about the 8th Duke, who was at that time leader of the Liberal Party, says: “God bless the Duke of Devonshire, the most liberal nobleman in the kingdom – he is now in his 51st year. May he live for ever for the sake of poor people.”

The joiners who found the plank have added their own inscription: Adam Clarke and Luke Thomas 15/01/2013.

Chatsworth Renewed is all about those men and women whose work, often unseen, transforms raw materials into the jewel that is Chatsworth today. During the season there will be opportunities to get hands-on with the materials they used, including stone, wood, metals and wool; as well as to discover what runs silently and invisibly in the pipes and conduits behind the walls and underneath the floors. Visitors will even be able to have a go at weaving to appreciate how the 17th century tapestries were made, and what it takes to care for them today.

Restoration of Chatsworth’s artworks has, at times, occupied most of the leading British conservation studios over the past decade. The extremely rare Mortlake Tapestries from the 1630s, based on Renaissance painter Raphael’s cartoons of Acts of the Apostles, represent the birth of the English tapestry industry. Although damaged by atmospheric pollution in the 19th and 20th centuries, they have now undergone significant restoration and will be hung together this year, covering 54 sq metres of the walls in the State Drawing Room.

Remodelling of the house has included the creation of new visitor routes and improved access. A new area, the North Sketch gallery, has been made from older, little used rooms. In 2014, in a ground-breaking fusion of art and architecture by Jacob van der Beugel, a representation of the DNA of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and their heirs became part of the fabric of the building. The entire North Sketch Gallery was lined with handmade ceramic panels. Each of the 659 ochre panels specifically corresponds to one particular slot on the wall, creating an artwork as individual as DNA itself.

Alongside this and other contemporary ceramic artworks, visitors will be able to see archaeological clay finds that have been unearthed during the process of digging new drains, including a rare fragment of the original Tudor house that Bess of Hardwick built.

Chatsworth has a long history of welcoming visitors. Since the first Duke’s time, people have been able to enjoy the park, the garden, the house and the collections. Having been closed during the Second World War, the house was reopened to the public in 1949 and in spite of petrol rationing 105,000 people visited that year. In the succeeding decades, the 11th Duke and Duchess successfully formed the foundations for the attraction that flourishes today, welcoming more than 600,000 visitors each year under the 12th Duke and Duchess.

In 1981, the charitable Chatsworth House Trust was set up by the 11th Duke to ensure the long-term survival of the house and collection. Since 1949 the entrance money paid by more than 25 million visitors has made a vital contribution to the maintenance of the house and garden and it is this income, rather than any public funding, that has enabled the current restoration works to be completed.

Chatsworth Restored

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure

Annual quest launched to find the cream of the region’s commerce

A quest to find the crème de la crème of the region’s commerce has been launched.

The East Midlands Chamber’s Business Awards are the only annual industry honours where submissions are judged purely by corporate peers.

And they are the only county-by-county accolades that offer winners a chance to compete on the national stage of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Awards.

The winner of the 2017 East Midlands Chamber Nottinghamshire Outstanding Growth Award – iCON Aerospace Technology, of Retford – went on to win the BCC High Growth Business of the Year Award for increasing turnover by 30% and creating 150 jobs in two years.

The company is a world leader in highly-engineered products utilising polymers in sealing, containment, propulsion and protection systems worldwide.

Scott Knowles, the Chamber’s Chief Executive, said: “You can’t overestimate the value of taking part in awards. They make organisations focus on what they do best, offer opportunities for outward promotion, raise the kudos of the firm and make employees more proud to belong to the organisation. It’s win-win at every level.

“The Chamber’s Business Awards are one of the most contested and prestigious awards programmes and the only ones that offer winning businesses on a county-wide basis the chance to compete on a regional and national scale.”

Organisations can enter as many awards categories as they like. The categories for each of the three counties are Apprentice of the year, Business Improvement Through Technology, Commitment to People Development, Community Impact, Education and Business Partnership, Entrepreneur of the Year, Excellence in Customer Service, Excellence in International Trade, Manufacturer of the Year, Marketing Campaign of the Year, Outstanding Growth and Small Business of the Year.

One of the category winners will also scoop the Business of the Year Award, sponsored by Mazars, one of Europe’s largest accounting firms and headline sponsor of the Chamber’s awards programme.

The deadline for entries to this year’s awards is 5pm on Friday 18 May. For further details and to download county-specific application forms visit http://www.emc-dnl.co.uk/businessawards.

The Chamber will host gala dinners in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire in the autumn at which the awards will be presented.

Winners of specific awards from each county will go forward to the BCC regional awards for a chance to compete for a national accolade.

improved infrastructure

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

BRM Solicitors announces formal collaboration with Milestone Financial Planning

Two of Chesterfield’s leading professional services companies have joined forces to offer a fully joined-up legal and independent financial services proposition.

BRM Solicitors has entered into a formal collaboration with Dunston-based Milestone Financial Planning to ensure its clients’ financial affairs are fully covered alongside their legal obligations.

Clients drawing up wills or embarking on a merger or acquisition in particular, will now benefit from the best legal and financial planning expertise. Prior to the collaboration, clients were required to make separate arrangements. Now BRM can provide a joined-up legal and financial planning service from its Saltergate-based offices under the new BRM Financial Planning brand.

With care home costs rocketing and many people having to sell their homes to pay the fees, it is believed that clients planning now for later life care will benefit greatly from the collaboration.

Explaining the collaboration, Paul Berresford, director at BRM Solicitors said: “We are delighted to be working with Milestone Financial Planning. Legal advice often gives rise to the need for independent financial advice. The formal collaboration of our firms is now enabling us to provide a more holistic client service.”

Working on behalf of BRM’s clients, the two firms will take ownership behind the scenes, talking to each other and liaising with other third party professionals, such as accountants, to deliver the fully joined up approach.

Michael Heath, Director of Milestone, added: “We are delighted to be working with BRM Solicitors. Like them, we are committed to achieving only the very best outcomes for our clients. It is testimony to Chesterfield’s close-knit professional services community that we are able to now formally offer our services in such a seamless way. It’s a very exciting way of working for all of us.”

Milestone Financial Planning was established by Michael Heath who believes financial planning shouldn’t be done in isolation of other professional services; rather everyone should work together in the interests of the client. This delivers a better, uncomplicated experience for the client enabling them to enjoy their money in later life rather than worry about it.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Community Trust’s New Corporate Plan Published

A new Corporate Plan for Chesterfield FC Community Trust has been published setting out the organisation’s vision for the next five years.

The 20-page publication outlines the five key areas covered by the Trust: Education, Health & Wellbeing, Activities, Heritage and Facilities.

Mike Goodwin, chairman of the Community Trust, explained the important role played by the organisation in the community. He said:-

“The Trust uses the brand of Chesterfield Football Club to market projects connected to football and wider sports but equally importantly to drive programmes not usually associated with football to the wider community.

“I think we are just touching on what the Trust can bring to the wider community and hope this plan shows how far we can develop the potential that made me want to be a part of this significant undertaking.”

Trust CEO John Croot explained the process of putting the plan together. “After meetings were held with our trustees and senior staff, we sent the plan out for consultation with our partners, to find out what people want from us and what they hope we can deliver as a charity,” he said.

“We are proud of the growth of the organisation, which is recognised around the town and employs around 50 people. The staff are supported by a board of trustees who bring a range of skills and who have played a significant role in formulating the new Corporate Plan.”

Anyone who wishes to obtain a copy of the Corporate Plan can do so by calling in at the HUB at the Proact Stadium. A video showcasing the Trust’s activities can also be viewed via the Chesterfield FC YouTube channel.

Corporate Plan for Chesterfield FC Community Trust

Posted in About Chesterfield

Promotion for high-flying sales manager at Redbrik

Leading regional estate agent Redbrik has promoted one of their high-flying sales managers.

Ross Bateman, 27, from Dronfield, will take on his new role as valuer after more than eight years in the industry and two with Redbrik.

As a valuer, Ross will give expert advice to homeowners on how to achieve the best price for their property and will formulate bespoke marketing strategies for every home.

Ross said:-

“I am delighted to have achieved this promotion – it’s everything I’ve been working towards since I started in the industry. The standards at Redbrik are higher than anywhere else I have worked or come across, so it is a real sense of achievement to have earned this position.

“Being a valuer is quite different to my previous role as a Sales Manager, but I’m able to bring all my skills and experience to the position. I am enjoying all the diverse aspects the job brings and looking forward to developing further.”

Mark Ross, director at Redbrik, said: “Ross is a dedicated and hardworking member of the Redbrik family, so it is with great pleasure that we have been able to offer him the position of Valuer.

“He epitomises our ethos and has been training for this role since he joined Redbrik. I am certain he will be incredibly successful and help our homeowners achieve the best price for their homes.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Banner Jones raises £1,870 through Free Wills Month

Chesterfield and Mansfield-based solicitors, Banner Jones, has raised £1870 to support the work of John Eastwood Hospice, following participation in the John Eastwood Hospice Free Wills Month late last year.

The multi-award-winning law firm, which offers tailored no-nonsense legal advice across Nottinghamshire and North Derbyshire, offered members of the public the opportunity to have their will written, or updated, free of charge, in return for a donation to the charity.

John Eastwood Hospice, an independent registered charity which provides palliative care to patients across Nottinghamshire, relies on the generosity of the local community and a team of volunteers to provide a range of vital services offered free of charge to those with a life-limiting illness.

Sarah Nadin, Head of the Private Client Department at Banner Jones said:

“We’re delighted with the success of the Free Wills Month. Several clients that we worked with also chose to include a legacy in their new will with part of their estate due to be donated to John Eastwood Hospice in the coming years as a result.

“It’s also been a fantastic opportunity to help and guide people through the process of writing a will, many of whom had not had one before. A will is such an important document – both in terms of ensuring that your wishes are carried out and making the process of dealing with your estate easier for your family and friends – and it’s therefore great that our latest charity campaign not only benefited such a wonderful cause, but also helped those who so generously donated.”

Helen Gregory, A Trustee from John Eastwood Hospice adds:-

“As the demand for our services grows, so does the need for funding which is why the support that local businesses provide through campaigns such as this is absolutely crucial.

“We have a long standing relationship with Banner Jones and are so grateful that they continue to support our work with their impressive fundraising efforts – it makes an incredible difference to the lives of so many, both the people that we care for and those closest to them.”

Banner Jones free wills month

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Celebrating inspirational women in Chesterfield

Residents can celebrate inspirational women in Chesterfield at an event organised by the Chesterfield Equality and Diversity Forum to mark International Women’s Day.

The event, supported by Chesterfield Borough Council, takes place at the Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield, on Thursday 8 March from 9.30am.

Motivational speaker, Beverley Burton will lead equipped2succeed sessions which enable people to develop the thinking and behaviours to continuously improve, achieve, overcome challenges as well as maintain balance in life and wellbeing.

An art therapy taster drop-in session will be provided by The Elm Foundation, a local charity which offers a range of services to support those affected by Domestic Abuse.

From 11am, there will be series of short talks from local inspirational women in Chesterfield including: Sally Goodwin, chief executive of SV2, an organisation which supports victims of sexual violence; Julie Richards, principal and chief executive of Chesterfield College; Councillor Tricia Gilby, the first female leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Beverley Burton, founder of equipped2succeed.

This will be followed by a question and answer session with these speakers.

The event is open until 1pm and lunch is provided by Gussie’s Kitchen, a community volunteer led social eating project where every week dedicated volunteers cook a fresh, healthy low cost meal for the community at St. Augustine’s Church.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader, said:-

“I am proud to be the first female leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and I am pleased to be hosting this event at the Town Hall to mark International Women’s Day.

“The event is a great opportunity to celebrate inspirational women from different background and is open to all – both men and women. I would encourage everyone to attend.”

To mark International Women’s Day, the Town Hall will also be illuminated purple in the evening.

inspirational women in Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield

NAPIT pull out all the stops to raise over £11,500 for Ashgate Hospicecare

Ashgate Hospicecare is thrilled to announce that NAPIT have raised over £11,500 through their various fundraising initiatives in 2017.

Employees from NAPIT, a Government approved membership scheme operator in the building and fabric sectors, took part in the gruelling Yorkshire Three Peak Challenge, sponsored the Hospice’s Open Air Cinema in August and hosted their annual summer BBQ with all proceeds going to the Hospice. The money raised will help to ensure that patients with a life-limiting illness and their families across North Derbyshire get the care and support they require.

Mike Andrews, Chief Executive of NAPIT Group, said:-

“It was heart-warming to see all the hard work NAPIT staff put in throughout the year, they volunteered their time and collected an enormous amount for Ashgate Hospicecare’s charity shops too, we were very pleased with the overall amount we raised.”

Ali Ward-Foster, Partnerships Manager at Ashgate Hospicecare, said:-

“We are thrilled to be partnered with NAPIT, it is great to see the staff so engaged and pulling together for hospice care. The money raised will make a real difference to the lives of our patients, thank you so much NAPIT.

“Ashgate Hospicecare is only able to provide excellent care to our patients and their families because of the generosity of our community, including our committed business supporters like NAPIT.”

Ashgate Napit Charity

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

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