About Chesterfield

Working Towards an Active Derbyshire

Derbyshire Sport has made tackling inactivity the number one priority in its new draft strategy for 2016 to 2021, Towards an Active Derbyshire.

The ambition is to engage 50,000 more people in physical activity and sport over the next five years as a response to a decline across the county in those getting regularly active.

The strategy acts as a call to action for partners and communities across Derbyshire to help address big inequalities in participation from one area to another.

It also sets out women, young people and those from lower socio economic groups as clear priorities.

“There is a need to work differently, understanding the attitudes, fears and barriers that stop people becoming more active and engaged in sport,” said Hayley, Lever, Director of Derbyshire Sport.

“We want organisations and people across Derbyshire to support and encourage less active people on a journey to happier and healthier lives.”

“There is a growing recognition nationally, that, for many people, activity and sport simply isn’t on their radar. Even for those who are engaged, many factors get in the way and people need information, support, encouragement and help to motivate and nudge them to change their lifestyles.”

The draft strategy, open for public consultation until June 20, calls for a commitment to change at every level and across sectors, including health, transport, business and planning, as well as sport and recreation.

It supports Sport England’s new strategy released last week – Towards an Active Nation 2016-2021 – which outlines that future investment will target seven key areas: tackling inactivity, children and young people, taking sport and activity to the mass market, supporting sport’s core markets, local delivery and creating welcoming sports facilities.

As part of its fresh approach, Derbyshire Sport has also adopted a new constitution and board, which features openly-recruited skills-based members.

New board chair Kathryn Mitchell added: “I’m delighted to join the new Derbyshire Sport board as Chair at this time of exciting change in the landscape of activity and sport.

“We welcome the opportunity to support the Sport England vision, working with our partners locally to create positive and sustainable changes for those living, working and visiting Derbyshire.”

The draft strategy, Towards an Active Derbyshire, can be viewed and downloaded by visiting the Derbyshire Sport website and searching for Derbyshire Physical Activity and Sport Strategy 2016-2021.

chesterfield cycling

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure

Green + Benz scoop coveted Chesterfield Retailer of the Year title

Four retailers retain titles in 2016 awards

Only six months after opening its new flagship store, Green + Benz has scooped the coveted title of Retailer of the Year, Sponsored by East Midlands Chamber at the 2016 Chesterfield Retail Awards.

Green + Benz was among 14 Chesterfield retailers to scoop one of 18 prestigious awards, which are organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with The Chesterfield College Group.

The awards which returned for the third year running were the biggest yet and saw four retailers – Adorn Jewellers, R P Davidson Cheese Factor, Libby’s and Debenhams, retain their 2015 titles.

As well as Retailer of the Year, Green + Benz also took the title of Best New Store following the relocation of its Chesterfield store on Glumangate to 120sqm of premium retail space on South Street in December last year.

The increased space means Green + Benz can accommodate an open shop floor, a private viewing room and a workshop for bespoke commissions. Inside, the store boasts luxurious leather and velvet upholstery, glittering chandeliers and individual branded display bays which are framed by polished chrome edge details and numerous mirrors, which all adds to the overall sense of glamour of the store. Figures for Green + Benz showed a 68% overall growth in prior year sales results in December 2015 following the opening of the new store.

Manager of the Chesterfield store, Abi Noakes was presented with both awards at the sell-out award ceremony, which was held at the town’s Winding Wheel venue and hosted by Peak FM breakfast show presenters Cat and Stu.

Abi said: “We’re so overwhelmed and very proud and happy to receive the awards. It means so much that the awards have come from Chesterfield and everybody in Chesterfield. We really try and strive to make our clients ultra-happy and give them the best service that we can.”

Peter Swallow, Chairman of Destination Chesterfield said: “Once again the retail awards were a huge success and highlighted how strong Chesterfield’s retail scene is. The town has an excellent mix of independent and high street retailers as well as an historic market and a key reason why so many people, locally and nationally, visit each year. It’s a winning mix that consistently sees Chesterfield buck the trend for shop vacancy rates, contributing significantly to our growing economy.”

Discover all the winners of the 2016 Chesterfield Retail Awards 

Chesterfield Retail Awards 2016

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards

Sheffield City Region secures funding for sustainable transport

Sheffield City Region has been successful in its bid to the Department for Transport to continue with a programme of activity to make travelling to work better for businesses and employees.

The Local Sustainable Transport Fund is aligned to the Sheffield City Region Growth Plan, which aims to create 70,000 and jobs and create 6,000 new businesses over the next decade. The fund covers a range of projects which aim to realise the economic potential of sustainable travel, make cycling easier and safer, and support businesses to increase productivity and efficiency. Projects including loans for electric bikes, cycle training and a programme to make HGVs, buses, coaches and vans more fuel efficient.

Councillor Julie Dore, Transport lead for the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority, said: “The news that Sheffield City Region has secured £2.5m of revenue funding from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund is very welcome. It will help us sustain a number of successful, locally developed schemes that encourage sustainable travel, and will provide a platform for more substantial bids later in the year.”

Martin McKervey, Sheffield City Region LEP Board member, said: “This investment by Government in sustainable transport in Sheffield City Region is excellent news. As a LEP we are committed to bringing together the public and private sectors to make it even easier to do business in the City Region. Connectivity is key to this and this additional funding will enable us to continue on our journey to build a better connected economy which supports businesses to grow and creates job opportunities for residents.”

The funding for Sheffield City Region Combined Authority is part of £20.6m that is being given out nationally for 23 sustainable travel initiatives across England that boost local economies by supporting people’s ambitions – offering cheap, clean and healthy travel options to access jobs and education opportunities.

Transport Minister Robert Goodwill said: “Green transport cuts congestion and improves air quality. It also offers the cheapest and healthiest way for people to access jobs and education.

“Sheffield’s green travel scheme will make a real difference for residents and help provide better air quality for everyone. Our £21m funding across England shows we are committed to improving lives through investment in sustainable transport.”

Sheffield City Region

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Spireites announce second summer signing

Chesterfield have made their second summer signing, clinching the signature of midfielder Jon Nolan.

The 24-year-old was a free agent after coming to the end of his contract at Grimsby Town.

Nolan, who started his career with Stockport County before spells at Lincoln City and Wrexham, played a key role in Grimsby’s return to the Football League via the play-offs. The Mariners also enjoyed another trip to Wembley in last weekend’s FA Trophy final.

Nolan joins striker Kristian Dennis in signing for the Spireites since the end of the season.

Chesterfield Football Club Chester the Field Mouse

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Thrills galore at Chatsworth Country Fair

Split second timing, breathtaking fire jumps and pyramids on wheels are just some of the stunning tricks crowds can expect at the Chatsworth Country Fair this September as the world-famous Imps Motorcycle Display Team returns for the first time in a decade.

The youngest member of the team is just five years old and will take part in a spectacular show of revving engines, billowing fire jumps and multiple motorcycle routines to bring visitors an unmissable display of discipline and skill.

The Imps Motorcycle Display Team forms part of the action-packed schedule of family friendly entertainment at the hugely popular annual event.

The Grand Ring will also be the site for thrilling landings from the Jump4Heroes human flight team, made up of serving and former members of the military. Continuing with the aerial attractions, visitors to the fair will once again be treated to an awe-inspiring aerobatic display by the Red Arrows, the Royal Air Force team famous for their trademark combinations of close formation flying, dynamic loops and rolls appearing on Friday and Sunday.

The popular Household Cavalry Musical Ride will be back performing cavalry drill movements set to music showcasing the courage, skill, precision and discipline required by the riders. As part of the display, Stablemen, or “Rough Riders” lie on the ground with their horses, a skill which can take up to four months of training to teach and is a throwback to when horses went into battle and would need to take cover.

Birds and animals once again feature prominently over the three days. Always popular is CJ’s Birds of Prey, a unique father and daughter act lead by Charlotte Hill who has trained in the art of falconry in various countries across the world. The duo’s bubbling enthusiasm and skill has led to them becoming one of the most popular Birds of Prey display teams in the UK.

The Chatsworth Country Fair takes place from 2 to 4 September 2016 and discounts are available for tickets purchased in advance online. For more information click here.

The Imps Motorcycle Display Team - Chatsworth Country Fair

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield gets new-look half marathon

One of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire’s most prominent running events has been launched with a new look route – which promises to be flatter and faster than previous years.

Organisers of the Chesterfield Half Marathon believe that the runner-friendly route will attract more participants and elite runners from around the world.

The route changes come alongside a suspension of the full marathon for 2016, to enable organisers to focus on creating a much-improved route for the 2017 event.

Runners can now register to take part in the 2016 event, which takes place on Sunday 2 October. It will also include a fun run and a relay race, where four competitors take a share of the course over a distance of either 5km or two people over 10km each.

The charity race, which is sponsored by Chesterfield-based Drainage 2000, will once again be entirely in support of a number of local and national charities and community organisations.

Starting and finishing in Chesterfield’s Queen’s Park, the route has retained popular stretches through areas like Hasland whilst also incorporating Chatsworth Road and more of the town centre. As well as being a faster and more attractive route for runners of all abilities, the new route will allow more residents to get out onto the streets and support the runners. The route is all road-based, so fully wheelchair accessible.


As in previous years, there will also be an all-day ‘Party in the Park’ in Queen’s Park, with food, drink and entertainment for all the family. Along the route organisers are also aiming to create festival zones in areas such as Hasland and Chatsworth Road, where the Chatsworth Road festival will be taking place on the same weekend.

Mike Hyman, from the event organisers, said: “It has always been our intention for the Chesterfield Half Marathon to be a world class event that will attract runners and visitors to our town from across the UK and beyond. So that, as well as the thousands of pounds the event can generate for many charities, the Chesterfield Half Marathon also benefits the local economy, from the influx of visitors to our town who will spend their money in our shops, restaurants, bars and hotels.

“The route we have designed for this year definitely achieves our ambition. We have been working closely with the local authorities and other agencies for many months, as well as listening to runners’ and residents’ feedback to try and design an equally attractive full marathon route, but there is still more work to do to achieve the optimum route.

“In relation to the full marathon, it is a very difficult task to agree a route that is attractive enough to runners to make it commercially viable, while at the same time limits disruption to residents and satisfies all the agencies concerned, including the emergency services and Highways England. Therefore in 2016 we have decided not to hold the full marathon and instead focus on building the half marathon and the 4 X 5K team relay event.”

Drainage 2000 returns as headline sponsor for the second year. The company, which was launched in 2000, maintains drainage systems all across the UK and employs 20 people locally from its office in Old Whittington.

Entry is £30 for the half marathon, £25 per person for the 2 X 10K team relay, £15 per person for the 4 x 5K team relay and £5 for the fun run. Runners will also have the option to have their ‘chipped’ race number posted to them before race day.

To register as for the Half Marathon, team relay, fun run or as a volunteer visit www.chesterfieldmarathon.org.uk/registrations. To find out more about sponsorship opportunities, festival zone packs or getting involved in other ways contact Andrea on 01246 269023 or andrea@chesterfieldmarathon.co.uk.

2015 runners

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Chesterfield entrepreneurs urged to kick start their business ideas

Budding entrepreneurs from Chesterfield looking to be the next Sir Alan Sugar or Dragon’s Den multi-millionaire are being urged to take advantage of help to kick-start their business ideas.

A free support service, called Launchpad, has been established by Sheffield City Region’s Growth Hub as part of the package of support being offered to Chesterfield businesses through membership of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority.

The free help is aimed at encouraging more budding entrepreneurs to set up and run successful new businesses. The aim is to create hundreds of new businesses across the Sheffield City Region, of which Chesterfield is a part, over the next three years.

Available help includes:

  • Guidance and advice from start-up business advisers
  • Workshops and seminars on issues facing new start-up businesses
  • One-to-one coaching and mentoring services from successful business leaders and entrepreneurs

Councillor John Burrows, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and cabinet member for regeneration, said: “One of the reasons why we are seeking full membership of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority is that it can deliver projects like this straight away to the benefit of Chesterfield’s new businesses and entrepreneurs.

“Chesterfield has a lower number of entrepreneurs setting up new businesses than the national average and we are keen to do everything possible to change that as successful businesses bring more jobs to the town, with the knock-on benefits that come from that for the families of the people employed.

“One of the hardest things as an entrepreneur is taking that initial gem of an idea and turning it in to something that makes a viable and successful business.

“Many great ideas have fallen by the wayside because the entrepreneurs behind them didn’t have the support and knowledge of how to sell their product or service.

“I would urge anyone thinking about setting up a business, or in the early days of doing so, to get in touch with the Launchpad programme and get the free support on offer.”

More information is available by ringing 03330 00 00 39, emailing growthhub@sheffieldcityregion.org.uk  or visiting www.scrgrowthhub.co.uk/services/start-up/

The £4 million programme is being delivered through the Sheffield City Region (SCR) Growth Hub, launched by the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership last month, and involves a consortium of local authorities, and the Princes Trust.

The initiative is backed financially by the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority and has attracted £2,359,613 investment from the European Regional Development Fund.

Chesterfield views - Crooked Spire

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Celebrity host of 2016 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards confirmed

Professional cake designer to the stars, Mich Turner MBE, has been confirmed as the celebrity host of this year’s Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards.

Founder and director of London-based Little Venice Cake Company, Mich has created cakes for Her Majesty the Queen, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Gordon Ramsay, David Beckham and Pierce Brosnan. Her bespoke cakes start from £2500.

As well as her high profile cakes that have been featured in films,  Mich has also presented and judged Britain’s Best Bakery, one of the top five performing daytime TV shows on ITV, as well as her own Mich Turner’s Couture Cakes for Sky. In addition to her TV credits, Mich also has five international best-selling books to her name.

Delighted to be hosting the 2016 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards Mich Turner said: “I am a firm believer in using quality ingredients whether you’re creating indulgent cakes or a memorable meal. A cake, like any food or drink, should be a feast for the eyes and a memory for the palate. 

“Chesterfield has a thriving food and drink sector we all have our own personal favourites. It will be wonderful to see so many businesses and individuals within the sector recognised at the awards.”

Mich will be announcing the winners of 13 awards at a glittering award ceremony which will, once again, be held in Chesterfield College’s Heart Space building.  The popular awards return for the fourth year running and are organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with Chesterfield College.

The winners of the Chesterfield Food and Drink awards are decided following a public nomination. People can nominate cafes, bars, restaurants, pubs and food producers online across 10 categories in the awards until midnight on Monday 13 June at www.chesterfield.co.uk/foodanddrinkawards

The 10 categories in which you can nominate in the 2016 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards include:

  • Restaurant of the Year – sponsored by Chesterfield Borough Council
  • Café/Tea Room of the Year – sponsored by Kier
  • Gastro Pub of the Year – sponsored by arvato
  • Pub / Bar of the Year – sponsored by Custom Solar
  • Best Newcomer – sponsored by BHP Accountants
  • Best Customer Service – sponsored by East Midlands Chamber
  • Best Out of Town (within 10 miles of Chesterfield) – presented by Chesterfield College
  • Chesterfield Food Producer – sponsored by Casa Hotel
  • International Restaurant of the Year – sponsored by MSE Hiller
  • Family Friendly Award – sponsored by Jumble Design

Other supporters of the awards include the Derbyshire Times, Peak FM, Holdsworth Foods, Banner Jones, the Crooked Spire Church, Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, Central Technology Ltd, ra Information Systems, Black Eyed Susan and Reflections.

Food and Drink A6 Card 16

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Visiting

Spireites appoint new catering and events manager

Peter Clarke has been appointed as the new catering and events manager at Chesterfield FC’s Proact Stadium.

Clarke, 49, joins the Spireites from A&S Leisure to strengthen the award-winning catering & banqueting department.

He started his career at Owlerton Stadium in 1984 after completing a business studies course at college before leaving in 1997 to take up the role of assistant general manager at one of Sheffield’s premier nightclubs, Josephine’s (also owned by A&S Leisure at the time).

After a couple of years he moved on to the Pinegrove Country Club as general manager. In 2003, Clarke joined Out of Town Leisure Group as general manager and managed a varied range of businesses including sports bars and restaurants, some of them in Meadowhall.

Clarke, who returned to Owlerton Stadium in 2009 as assistant general manager, is thrilled to have been presented with the challenge that awaits him. He said: “I am obviously aware of the high standards that the chairman expects and I want to ensure that the Proact Stadium remains the number one venue in North Derbyshire. I understand that I am going to be working with an excellent team of staff, some of whom I have met in the past.”

Chesterfield director Ashley Carson said: “I was delighted when Peter applied for the job. He is very highly regarded by A&S Leisure and I know that they will really miss him. It was vital for us to appoint someone who has the experience of dealing with both large numbers and small numbers of customers.”

Clarke will take up his new role at the beginning of June.

Spireites appoint new catering and events manager Peter Clarke

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Leisure

Proact hosts world’s largest first aid lesson

A new world record for the largest first aid lesson was set at the Proact Stadium on Friday 20th May when 1,795 people learned essential lifesaving skills.

The event was organised by the Community Save a Life Scheme and Bolsover District Council, with support from Chesterfield FC, the British Heart Foundation, Rotary International and Inner Wheel.

Children from a number of local schools were joined on the pitch by residents of the town to beat the previous record figure of 1,700, set in Abu Dhabi three years ago.

The participants watched videos demonstrating key lifesaving skills before carrying out their newly-learned first aid methods on the pitch to hone them.

Dr Cheryle Berry, one of the organisers, expressed her delight at the achievement. She said: ”This is a dream come true for all of us and I’m particularly proud of all the children. It was like waiting for your exam results all over again and my knees were trembling as we waited for the numbers to be announced!

“As soon as the numbers were said there was huge euphoria and pride, because this will mean a lot. We wanted to give the football club a lovely birthday present for their 150th year.

“We also wanted to give Chesterfield a boost because it’s a town that deserves to be put on the map and we feel that in our little way we’ve done that.”

The attempt was overseen and verified by Glenn Pollard – an official Guinness World Records adjudicator – who gave his observations after confirming that a new record had been set.

He said: “I had been working with the organisation team leading up to the event and explaining what I would be looking for. Right from the very start, I got a real sense of the organisation that had gone into it.

“I was overwhelmed by the organisation and the hard work and I have to say that it is one of the best organised events I have been to.

“This is about a Guinness World Records title, but it’s also about training people in first aid. If one person is able to save a life on the street as a result of what they have learned, then it’s been worth it. The certificate is the icing on the cake for what they’ve achieved.”

Images courtesy of Tina Jenner.

Proact's world record for largest first aid lesson - courtesy of Tina Jenner

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Banner Jones duo take on 40 miles for Dementia Awareness Week

Directors Richard Barlow and Rob Stubbs from Banner Jones Solicitors each completed a 40 mile ultra marathon on Saturday 14th May to show their support and help raise money for the thousands of Derbyshire people affected by dementia.

The pair were inspired to run the Sherwood Forest Dukeries Ultra by Dom Stevens from Destination Chesterfield who also completed 30 miles on the day.

For Dom the event was number six in a series of sixteen team challenges designed to raise awareness locally for the Alzheimer’s Society and brings Dom’s current fundraising total to over £3000.

Explaining his reasons for joining the team, Richard Barlow, Head of Wills & Probate said:-

“I’ve always fancied having a go at the ultra. It was a great chance to support Dom, raise money for the Alzheimer’s society and complete a challenge of my own all in one go. It’s also national Dementia Awareness Week between the 15th- 21st May and so raising money for something that affects so many of my clients seemed like the right thing to do.”

Speaking about the challenge, Rob Stubs, Head of Dispute Resolution said:-

“The first few miles were quite tough going as part of the course had flooded, so we ran for some time in wet shoes. The scenery along the way helped to make up for it though. As a rather cruel twist the organisers gave us a ‘free mile’ so we actually ended running 41 miles, but we dug in and encouraged each other to the end. The finish line was a welcome sight and reaching it felt like a huge achievement. It was a great event and we’ve even suggested we might run the course again, but not for a while!”

Commending Richard and Rob, Marketing Manager, Ann-Marie Lowe commented:-

Banner Jones Solicitors does a lot of charity work throughout the year and regularly enters teams into sporting events. The pair took this on with absolute determination and have helped Dom to reach his fundraising target of £3000 in the process, which is absolutely fantastic. We are very proud of our runners!”

To sponsor the team or to see the full list of challenges, search for Sixteen in 16 online.

Image (L-R): Richard Barlow and Rob Stubbs from Banner Jones Solicitors and Dom Stevens from Destination Chesterfield.

Richard Barlow, Rob Stubbs - Banner Jones Solicitors and Dom Stevens - Destination Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure

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