About Chesterfield

Chesterfield Take Me Out star to judge Mr Heart Throb Event

Victoria Elliott from Chesterfield has joined the judging panel to help find Mr Heart Throb 2016 whilst raising vital funds for Ashgate Hospicecare.

She certainly made an impression with Paddy McGuinness, the host of ITV’s Take Me Out, when she proved she could plank continuously for seven minutes.

Victoria is now set to bring her chatty personality to this annual, fun-filled charity event, taking place at the Proact in Chesterfield on Friday 19th February.

Charlotte Gratton, Events Fundraiser at Ashgate Hospicecare says, ‘Events like this really put the fun in fundraising. It’s great to see the community coming together and helping local people by raising funds for Ashgate Hospicecare.’

Victoria is joined on the judging panel by Annette Gibson, Ward Sister at Ashgate Hospicecare, reigning champion Scott Timbrell and Chesterfield Netball Club’s Amy Revell.

Each contestant will be sponsored to take part and the money raised will make a big difference Ashgate Hospicecare. Last year this event raised over £5,000.

The contestant line up includes, Paul Mahmood, Production Director at TM Steels, Chris Maloney, Director of North South Training. Dave Trickett Landscape Gardener who is taking part in memory of his daughter Kimberley who was cared for by Ashgate Hospicecare. Logan Clark and Bus Driver, Rob Hall.

Mr Heart Throb is organised by TM Steels and North South Training with all proceeds going to local charity Ashgate Hospicecare. For more information click here.

Mr Heart Throb 2016

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield sports stars share over £1000 of funding

IAAF World Youth Championships finalist Alicia Barrett is among seven talented sports stars from across the borough of Chesterfield who have shared £1,375 in funding support, thanks to Derbyshire Sport’s business network ICON.

The athletes – including Newbold’s Barrett, who set a UK under-18s 100m record en route to that final in Colombia last July – have received a grant of up to £250 each in their bid to reach the top.

They can use their bursary to help meet travel, equipment, coaching or competition costs and received their cheques at a celebration event held this week at the new Queen’s Park Sports Centre in Chesterfield.

Each were also handed a leisure pass by the Chesterfield Borough Council, which will further help with their training.

All of the athletes are tipped for further success in their respective sports and have either been selected to compete for Great Britain or a home nation, have won a national championship medal, are part of a recognised national development squad or club academy structure or are a member of the Derbyshire Institute of Sport (DIS).

Others to receive ICON backing include Alicia’s twin sister and fellow athlete Ella Barrett (Newbold), Taekwondo player Aaron Cobley (Chesterfield) and tennis player Bradley Buckland (Brampton).

Also supported through the programme are table tennis player Isobel Ashley (Barrow Hill), squash player Ashley Davies (Chesterfield) and equestrian rider Emily Hedger (a member of Dunston Park Equestrian Club, Chesterfield).

Hayley Lever, Director of Derbyshire Sport ,and Cllr Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for Health and Wellbeing, met athletes to hand over their bursaries and leisure passes.

“We’re delighted to once again be backing ICON – and that athletes from our borough continue to benefit,” said Cllr Ludlow.

“Chesterfield Borough Council is proud to be giving dedicated local athletes a deserved helping hand in their bid to achieve at the highest level. We hope the new Queen’s Park Sports Centre facility that has just been built will help in those aims.”

Chesterfield Borough Council is among 10 local authorities across the county who are members of business network ICON, which was set up by Derbyshire Sport as part of the work to create a lasting legacy from the London 2012 Olympics in Derbyshire.

It is also backed by a number of businesses in the private sector, who contribute an annual membership fee, and this money goes directly to athletes through the bursary scheme.

Chesterfield sports stars share £1,375 of ICON backing

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Plan launched to get more bums on bikes in Derbyshire!

An ambition for Derbyshire to be the most-connected cycling county has been outlined in the newly-launched ‘Derbyshire Cycling Plan 2016 – 2030’.

Developed by the Derbyshire Cycling Plan strategic group, the aim is to develop a world-class cycling destination with double the number of people cycling regularly by 2030.

It seeks to double the percentage of commuters travelling by bicycle as their main mode of transport, and double the number of children who regularly cycle to school.

It is hoped that greater participation across Derbyshire will result in healthier communities, more visitors, a stronger and more productive economy and a better environment.

Following a consultation process with partners and the wider public, the plan has been developed by the Derbyshire Cycling Plan Strategic Group which is made up of representatives from Derby City Council, Derbyshire County Council, Derbyshire’s district and borough councils, Derbyshire Sport, the University of Derby, British Cycling, Sustrans, Peak District National Park Authority, and the National Forest Company.

Hayley Lever, Director of Derbyshire Sport, said: “This Cycling Plan demonstrates the commitment to cycling development shared between all partner organisations, from those strategically involved, to the hundreds of individuals and community level groups who have helped to shape it. We are working together to get more people cycling more often, and the future is very exciting.

“We will work together to bring inward investment for identified priorities, through funding and sponsorship, ensuring that we align our work to the government Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy.”

The ‘Derbyshire Cycling Plan 2016 – 2030’ is available to download at www.derbyshiresport.co.uk/derbyshirecyclingplan

Derbyshire Cycling Plan launch

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Unemployment falls again in East Midlands

The number of people out of work in the East Midlands fell by a further 8,000 in the three months to November 2015, according to figures released today by the Office for National Statistics.

They showed that between September and November last year, there were 100,000 people registered as unemployed across the region, compared to 108,000 in the three months to August, meaning the region’s unemployment rate has fallen from 4.7% to 4.4%.

The number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire, fell by 615 to 29,375 in December, meaning that there were 7,845 fewer JSA claimants in December 2015 than there were a year previously.

In Chesterfield the number of people claiming the benefit in December 2015 fell to 882, which is 503 lower than the figure reported in the same month in 2014 and remains below the national average (1.3% compared to 1.5%).

East Midlands Chamber has welcomed the figures, but warned that the economy faces several challenges in the year ahead which could affect the pace of job creation across the region.

Its Chief Executive, Scott Knowles, said: “Another set of positive employment figures for December shows once again that throughout 2015 the East Midlands was at the front of the pack when it came to creating jobs.

“However, while the strength of the labour market remains an important driver of economic growth, and the economy is continuing to expand, there are several challenges ahead which could impact employment prospects in 2016.

“Several underlying issues will play out in the months ahead, such as the wider impact of interest rate rises in the United States, the developing arguments – and potential vote – on the In/Out EU referendum and the deterioration of recovery in the health of some of the world’s largest economies.

“We also have uncertainties around things like changes to apprenticeships funding, the introduction of a new national living wage and the continued roll out of auto enrolment and we can’t yet fully appreciate what impact these might have on business.

“Overall, today’s figures demonstrate that our flexible and vibrant labour market remains a source of strength for the economy, but more must be done to support the businesses that fuel the Midlands Engine and, in turn, UK plc.

“Business policy needs to reduce barriers to growth and provide the right support and environment to facilitate job creation, particularly in the production sectors, which is where the East Midlands’ real strength lies.”

East Midlands Chamber logo

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Have Your say for Development Sites

Chesterfield Borough Council is asking landowners, developers and local businesses to put forward sites that might be suitable for development.

This is part of the council’s land availability assessment (LAA) which identifies land appropriate for development and assesses the suitability of the sites.

This will form the basis of the council’s new local plan and help the council decide which sites should be allocated for a range of types of development including housing, employment, retail and traveller sites.

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for planning said: “We are encouraging landowners and developers to send us information on sites which might be suitable for development

“We will then assess those sites and take them forward through the Local Plan process if they are suitable.”

Because a site is considered in the assessment does not mean it will necessarily be considered suitable for development.

Should anyone wish to include a site for consideration, we need to collect as much information possible to ensure an accurate assessment.

Anyone who has a site to be considered for development should complete the form on the council website: www.chesterfield.gov.uk/laa and email to the strategic planning and key sites team: forward.planning@chesterfield.gov.uk

Great Bear Development Markham Vale

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Local employer offers extra holiday for Challenge Derbyshire

As 2016 is a leap year, employers are set to benefit from an extra day of work from employees on Monday 29th February at no extra cost. In light of this, businesses are being challenged to offer an extra day of holiday in exchange for employees making a donation to three local charities.

Part of the new #ChallengeDerbyshire campaign, run by Ashgate Hospicecare, Blythe House Hospice and Helen’s Trust, it is hoped this latest challenge will raise much needed funds to support patients with life-limiting illnesses across North Derbyshire.

Markovitz on Whittington Moor in Chesterfield is the first business to sign up to offer staff an extra day of holiday in return for them making a donation to the three charities. Chief Executive, Rob Turner said:-

“Our staff work hard every year so when #ChallengeDerbyshire asked us to offer them a days holiday in exchange for a donation, I couldn’t say no. Our staff are paid monthly so we won’t be paying them any more in February with it being a leap year so it doesn’t actually cost us anything.

“We have asked staff to donate 50% of a day’s salary and they can take their extra day’s holiday at any time throughout the year. We hope this will raise a lot of money for these three local charities who really need our support.”

One employee, Gemma Wray, was quick to take part. She said: “When I heard from my manager that Markovitz were offering this I thought ‘What an absolutely brilliant idea!’

“The extra day will benefit me and three truly amazing charities. Company employees pay half of what they would normally earn in a day to Challenge Derbyshire and receive an extra days holiday from the company in return. The company get their extra day of trading and everyone’s a winner, especially the charities!

“From personal experience I know Blythe House, one of the three charities that make up Challenge Derbyshire, offer amazing and well needed support to not only the people affected by a terminal illness but their family members too. I don’t know where we would be without them!”

Ashgate Hospicecare, Blythe House Hospice and Helen’s Trust have collaboratively met the needs of local patients through their variety of services for many years. Mary Atkinson, who was diagnosed with Corticobasal Syndrome 5 years ago, is just one of the many patients that receive care and support from all three charities. Her husband and full time carer, Bob, shares his story on the help they’ve both received from the local charities.

Bob says, “For a while I felt like everything was closing in on me. I was finding it really difficult to cope and there were concerns about my health in terms of depression. But the support I received from all three charities really helped me deal with everything – they’ve really helped both of us. It’s much better that I can look after Mary in our own home because that’s what we would both prefer, her here with me. I wouldn’t have been able to look after Mary without the support of these organisations. Because of them, we can continue living our normal lives.”

Ashgate Hospicecare, Blythe House Hopsice and Helen’s Trust joined together last December to form #ChallengeDerbyshire. Supporters can also join in by choosing their own challenge by videoing themselves pledging to complete a challenge to raise money for three local charities and using the hashtag #ChallengeDerbyshire when posting to Facebook and Twitter.

If you are an employer and would like to get involved in the leap year challenge please email challengederbyshire@gmail.com or visit www.challengederbyshire.org.uk for more information.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure

Museum Celebrates Chesterfield’s Black and White Buildings

Visitors to Chesterfield Museum can find out about the history of the town’s black and white buildings in a new exhibition.

The exhibition runs at the popular Chesterfield Borough Council museum celebrates Chesterfield’s black and white buildings from Monday 18 January to Saturday 12 March.

Chesterfield town centre has nearly 50 black and white buildings, most of which were built in the 1920s and 1930s. Knifesmithgate is perhaps the most striking series of black and white buildings in the town.  This exhibition explores the story behind them.

On display are objects associated with some of the well know black and white buildings in the town, for example Swallows, John Turner’s, The Co-op and the former Picture House on Holywell Street (now the Winding Wheel).

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centre and visitor economy, said: “Along with the Crooked Spire, the black and white buildings are some of the most iconic around Chesterfield town centre.

“This is a chance for visitors to the museum to find out more about their history and have a go at designing their own black and white buildings.”
The inspiration for the exhibition came from Janet Murphy, who has given many talks on the subject and developed a trail around the town. She has also developed a website www.blackandwhitebuildingsofchesterfield.co.uk

Chesterfield Black and White Buildings

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Cricket Derbyshire seeks charity partners

Local charities can now apply to be one of Cricket Derbyshire’s official charity partners for 2016.

Three partners will be selected to work closely with the club as well as with the Derbyshire Cricket Board and the Cricket Derbyshire Foundation throughout the year to support the charity’s fundraising efforts and to increase recognition for its cause.

Derbyshire will also promote all three charities through their channels of communication, as well as donating signed cricket memorabilia for fundraising events.

The selection process will focus on association with Derbyshire, project delivery within the county, previous partnership work and the opportunity for Cricket Derbyshire to make a real difference.

Commercial Director, Ryan Duckett said: “We have worked with chosen charities for the past three years and we hope to develop similar successful partnerships in 2016.

“This is a great opportunity for us to use our profile and network to enhance the incredible charity work that is already being done across the county.

“As well as providing exclusive support for our three charity partners – in terms of player appearances, hosting events and fundraising activities – we have also donated almost £20,000 worth of tickets and merchandise to support good causes across the county.”

Charities can be local or national but must be active in the county of Derbyshire. Applications should aim to demonstrate a relevance to cricket in Derbyshire and a positive impact on the local community.

Any registered charity interested in becoming an official partner should email with an expression of interest to info@derbyshireccc.com or write to the Official Charity Partner panel at

Cricket Derbyshire
The 3aaa County Ground
Nottingham Road
DE21 6DA

The deadline for applications is Friday 19th February 2016.

Chesterfield Cricket Club

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure

New way of Doing Rotary to Help the Local Community

Busy younger business people in Chesterfield who want to help others will soon get the chance to get together with an exciting new Rotary venture.  The Rotary Club of Chesterfield is looking to set up a satellite club, which is a brand new concept of Rotary where busy people who are time poor, with a variety of skills to offer, are invited to work with others to give something back to the local community.

Chesterfield Rotary member Rob Woodhead of BRM Solictors said: “Satellite members can meet when it suits them during business hours, or in a bar after work. They get to choose their own projects and priorities but still remain part of the worldwide organization of Rotary International.”

He added:  “We recognize that busy professionals will want to do things their own way with less formality and this new satellite club gives them that chance in Chesterfield for the first time.”

A launch meeting for interested people is being held at Calabria Italian Restaurant, Glumangate, Chesterfield, on Wednesday 27 January 2016 from 5.30pm.  Potential members can obtain more details from Rob Woodhead 01246 555111 or email rob.woodhead@brmlaw.co.uk

Chesterfield News

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Reserve your place at Celebrate Chesterfield now!

High demand already for places at breakfast event celebrating Chesterfield’s success and plans for 2016

With £1 billion of regeneration taking place in Chesterfield, the annual Celebrate event, which is taking place on Thursday 17 March, is the hottest ticket in town.

Taking place at the Winding Wheel from 7.30am – 11.00am, already 190 places at the 250 seat event have been reserved.

Organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with The University of Derby, the town’s leaders will update the business community at the event on the progress made with developments, including the £340million Chesterfield Waterside and the £400million Peak scheme.

Later this year The University of Derby will open its new Chesterfield campus at the former St Helena’s Grammar School, where it will offer world class university facilities for Nursing, Business, Computing, Law and Engineering students.

“Expanding our work in Chesterfield with the refurbished campus in such a wonderful building comes in the same year the University celebrates a decade in Buxton’s historic Devonshire Dome,” said Professor Rod –Dubrow-Marshall, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University.

“Research commissioned by the University into the economic impact of the Buxton Campus on the local economy revealed that it supported 500 jobs through a total spend of £32 million – and we hope to have a similar impact in Chesterfield.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield and Managing director of Bolsterstone which is developing Chesterfield Waterside, will also speak at the event. He said: “Celebrate is an important and popular event for the town’s business community. It is an opportunity to reflect on the success we have had and to hear, first-hand, from decision-makers about forthcoming plans.

“2015 was a significant year for Chesterfield; it was the first in the town’s history that unemployment was lower than the national average. With the current and future developments in the town and inward investment it is attracting, it looks like 2016 will deliver similar successes for the town. It is a very exciting time for Chesterfield.”

The event is free to attend and last year was the largest and fully subscribed Celebrate Chesterfield since the first was held in 2011. This year, the headline sponsor of Celebrate 2016 is joined by fellow sponsors Central Technology and Markham Vale.

Richard Thompson, Sales Director of Central Technology commented: “We are delighted to be one of the sponsors of one of the most significant Chesterfield business events of the year.

“The exhibition is a fantastic opportunity to present our well-established business to leading industry heads in Chesterfield and to demonstrate how we are passionate about supporting business in the area though IT support and Telecoms Solutions.”

“Our experienced team and technological knowhow already provides many local businesses with the IT Support and security they need to help grow their business and we hope that through continued collaborative working between local organisations in the region, we can help place Chesterfield and its business strengths on the national map.”

Ben Ward, Director, Henry Boot Developments, said: “We are proud to return as sponsors of this year’s Celebrate Chesterfield event. The event is fantastic in promoting the local area and showcasing the upcoming activity in 2016. Markham Vale is a key economic development for the area; it has created over 700 new jobs since development commenced, which is contributing to the improvements that continue to transform Chesterfield into a destination.”

Book your place


Celebrate Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development

Franke Sissons donates to Nenna Kind

Chesterfield firm Franke Sissons has once again shown its generosity by making a £500 donation to local cancer charity, Nenna Kind. The charity is close to the company’s heart having received regular donations from Franke over the last few years.

Located in the heart of the town on the 3rd floor of Dents Chambers, Nenna Kind offers support and provides services for cancer sufferers and their families which other statutory bodies in the area don’t make available. Last year, with the support from local organisations, the charity were able to fund a minibus which operates twice daily service to Weston Park hospital, enabling patients and their families to attend appointments which they may have previously found too stressful to attend.

Barbara Wallace from Nenna Kind commented: “The donations we receive from local companies are essential for continuing the work we do here and we can’t thank Franke Sissons enough for continuing to support us over the last few years.”

Image: Barbara Wallace and Ann Smith from Nenna Kind receiving cheque from Dale Hardy (Franke Sissons)

Franke Sissons donates to Nenna Kind

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

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