About Chesterfield

Chatsworth at forefront of accessible tourism campaign

Chatsworth is one of eight businesses across the Peak District and Derbyshire playing a leading role in a pioneering project promoting England as a leading destination for accessible tourism.

Official tourist board Visit Peak District & Derbyshire was one of just seven top destinations to net a share in national tourist board VisitEngland’s ‘Access for All’ project, funded by a 125,000 Euros (more than £93,000) grant from the European Commission.

Chastworth has had a site audit to review facilities and pinpoint areas that could be improved, classroom-based and on-line training to boost customer service, a ‘mystery shop’  by people with a range of disabilities and tips to improve their accessibility statement and websites.

It also shared in a £100,000 print and on-line media and marketing campaign by VisitEngland in partnership with Express Newspapers throughout September, which aimed to raise awareness of accessible destinations and businesses across England.

VisitEngland research reveals that the overnight accessible tourism market is now worth £3 billion per annum to the English economy, with day visits boosting the figure to £12.1 billion. Over the past few years, overnight trips by disabled tourists and their companions have increased by 19 per cent, and their spending is up by a third.

“VisitEngland estimates that the overall annual value of overnight accessible tourism to Derbyshire is £45 million, so it makes sense for local businesses to invest in improving their facilities and services for this key sector of the market,” said Lindsay Rae, Deputy Director and Head of Industry Engagement at Visit Peak District & Derbyshire

James Berresford, Chief Executive of VisitEngland, said: “The accessible tourism market is worth a sizeable £12.1 billion to the English economy, and many tourism businesses are realising that catering for disabled customers is not only a necessity but a wise investment that brings a host of business benefits. Many of the changes businesses make may be small, but combined contribute significantly to the visitor experience.”

Sally Ambrose, Head of Marketing and Visitor Services at Chatsworth said: “Chatsworth is delighted to be part of VisitEngland’s Access for All initiative. We have always been committed to providing the best possible service to all our visitors, including those with mobility impairments, and this scheme has enabled us to ensure we are constantly improving our facilities to provide the best possible visitor experience for all.”

Chatsworth- accessible tourism

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Christmas, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Chesterfield Museum highly commended in industry awards

Chesterfield Museum has been highly commended for its successful events at the recent Derbyshire Heritage Awards.

The popular Chesterfield Borough Council run attraction received the commendation in the inspiration category for its special project ‘What’s on at Chesterfield Museum’.

This campaign has seen a series of special events including using professional reenactors, talks from local organisations, as well as talents from the museum staff for storytelling, Meet George Stephenson and children’s craft workshops.

There are several events coming up over the coming weeks including:

  • Children’s Craft Workshops on Saturdays 30 October and 27 November with hands on craft activities for children aged three to five years
  • Storytelling on Saturdays 7 November and 5 December with an opportunity to handle and talk about objects from the museum’s collection
  • Meet George Stephenson Saturday 21 November 10am to noon and 1pm to 4pm.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centre and visitor economy said: “I’m very proud that Chesterfield Museum has been highly commended in the Derbyshire Heritage Awards.

“The museum has lots of regular visitors and our staff have also been working hard to attract new ones with a series of interactive special events – we have a full programme of events coming up suitable for families.”

Chesterfield Museum is open each Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10am to 4pm. Admission is free.

The current exhibition on display is Made in Chesterfield taking a look at the many items that are made in the borough today with displays from 27 different companies.

Chesterfield Museum

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Visiting

Bloodhound and Mantra set to roll into town for Made in Chesterfield

Engineering and manufacturing companies in north east Derbyshire are being called on to support the annual Made in Chesterfield festival, a celebration of the town’s manufacturing sector throughout November organised by Destination Chesterfield.

Chesterfield Museum’s very own George Stephenson will attend the official launch of Made in Chesterfield 2015 to the business community at a special evening event on Tuesday 3 November.

The museum is also hosting a special Made in Chesterfield Exhibition, celebrating the wide range of amazing and sometimes quirky products being made in Chesterfield both today and bygone days, including George Stephenson’s cucumber straightener.

Meet George Stephenson Chesterfield Museum

As well as George Stephenson, Chesterfield is welcoming a number of high-profile names from manufacturing and engineering during the festival, including Mantra – AMRC’s travelling showcase for advanced engineering, and Bloodhound, the vehicle which is Britain’s latest attempt to break the world land speed record, travelling at a speed of 1,000mph.

A replica of the vehicle will be at Chesterfield College on Wednesday 18 November as part of the Made in Chesterfield festival and is central to a special drinks reception for Chesterfield Champions.

The arrival of Bloodhound in Chesterfield has special significance for the town as local industrial weighing specialists Weightron Bilanciai Ltd have supplied the weighing systems that have been used throughout the build of the project. The company also supplying a system to measure the weight distribution through the wheels of the car, to allow the balancing of the vehicle.
















Councillor Amanda Serjeant, vice chair of Destination Chesterfield and cabinet member for town centre and visitor economy at Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Engineering has always played a major part in Chesterfield’s economy and these events show that this heritage is continuing today.

“Engineering companies are also at the forefront of work in the town to create apprentices to give young people high quality job opportunities.

“This festival is an opportunity to showcase all they do and raise awareness of the many different types of products being manufactured in the town.”

As well as the launch and Champions’ Bloodhound event, there is a packed programme of business events being held during Made in Chesterfield, including a manufacturing conference, business masterclasses and networking events.

Made in Chesterfield is organised by Destination Chesterfield in partnership with MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar, NatWest, Derbyshire Education Business Partnership, Chesterfield College, Derbyshire County Council, Chesterfield Borough Council, Placing Futures, NLT Training, UKTI, East Midlands Chamber, Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Positive 4 Young People.

Ivan Fomin, managing director of MSE Hiller and Destination Chesterfield board member responsible for manufacturing and engineering, said: “The support of companies in the sector is vital to the success of Made in Chesterfield. Manufacturing is the lifeblood of the economy, feeding other sectors such as retail and leisure and its continuing success relies on today’s students considering it for a future career. Made in Chesterfield is designed to open their eyes to this and show them the varied job roles available and also how the sector has changed. However, we can only do this of companies come forward and actively get involved.”

Ian Harrison, UKTI Regional Director in the East Midlands, said he was delighted to be involved in Made in Chesterfield.

He added: “Our breakfast event Made in Chesterfield – Sold to the World, on 9 November, will include an in-depth look at the exciting opportunities for local companies to trade internationally.

“As part of UKTI’s Export Week programme, we hope the event will show businesses that whatever their size, we can help them take their goods and services worldwide.

“The Chesterfield event is also timed to coincide with the launch of the Government’s new Exporting is GREAT Campaign (www.exportingisgreat.gov.uk), which seeks to inspire 100,000 new exporters.”

To find out more about any of the Made in Chesterfield business events and to register to attend, please visit www.chesterfield.co.uk/made

Made in Chesterfield - Mantra at the Proact Stadium


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

Further progress in devolution deal talks

An historic devolution deal, which would put more power in the hands of the people of the East Midlands, remains on course to be agreed before the end of the year.

A devolution delegation of local authority and business leaders from Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire met with Government ministers and Treasury officials in London on Monday 19 October 2015 to thrash out more of the finer detail of the deal.

Further positive progress was made towards an agreement during the hour-long meeting and ministers asked the delegation to report back with further finer detail relating to two of the individual proposals in two weeks’ time.

Local politicians from Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire have been pushing for significant decisions on issues such as housing, transport, economic development and skills to be taken locally, rather than providing much greater influence for local people.

Following the meeting, Derbyshire County Council Leader Councillor Anne Western said:

“Once again, our discussions with Government have been extremely positive. Ministers have asked us to provide some further, finer detail on two specific points which we have agreed to go back with, in the next fortnight.

“We are closing in on an agreement which satisfies the Government’s requirements for devolution but, most importantly, a deal which will bring massive benefits to the people of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

“We have reassured ministers that whilst the bid currently relates to Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, our door is always open if other areas within the ‘Midlands Engine’ would like to join our devolution deal.”

Growth Sculpture Horns bridge Roundabout

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Local businesses call for Chesterfield residents to join them to fight dementia

The Chesterfield Dementia Action Alliance is encouraging Chesterfield residents and businesses to become dementia friends.

Scott Golland, Chair of the Chesterfield Dementia Action Alliance said “We aim to make Chesterfield a dementia friendly town, by encouraging the residents and businesses of Chesterfield to become dementia friends.  People will learn more about the impacts of dementia and how they can deliver actions, however small, that can make a real difference to people with dementia.

The Dementia Friends Sessions are free to attend and run by alliance members are happening across Chesterfield on the following dates:

  • Thursday 5th Nov: Burns Close Community room, Grangewood, S40 2SW.      1-2.30pm
  • Wednesday 11th Nov: Loundsley Green Community Trust, Cuttholme Road, S40 4QU.    1 – 2.30pm
  • Wednesday 18th Nov:  Community Room, Edensor Court, Middlecroft, S43 3NW 6.30-8pm
  • Wednesday 23rd Nov: Community Room, Monkwood Road, Newbold, S41 8DG  6.30-8pm

Chesterfield Dementia Action Alliance is a collective of local businesses who have committed to make Chesterfield a dementia friendly.  There are 800,000 people living with dementia in the UK now and by 2025 there will be over one million. Dementia is an incurable condition caused by diseases of the brain which over time seriously impairs the ability of someone with dementia to live independently. Symptoms can include severe memory loss, mood and personality changes and behaviour that challenges others such as serious confusion, agitation and aggression.  By making a few simple changes within an organisation it can make a big difference to someone living with dementia. It does not have to be an onerous task.

To register for a dementia friends session please visit: www.dementiafriends.org.uk and search for sessions in: Chesterfield OR contact 01246 205016.

Dementia Friends logo

Posted in About Chesterfield

Young people step up to debate

Young people in Chesterfield have been engaging in political debate to mark Local Democracy Week.

The annual event runs from Monday 12 to Sunday 18 October to give young people the opportunity to learn more about democracy.

Pupils from Springwell Community College and St Mary’s Roman Catholic High School, took part in debates chaired by borough councillors.

The young people chose the topics they wanted to debate putting together arguments for and against the motions put forward followed by a vote.

The debates followed the same format as the debates at council meetings to allow them to understand how they work.

Neely Middleton, 17, from St Mary’s Roman Catholic High School put forward a motion that political education should be compulsory in schools.

She said on taking part in the debate: “By taking part in debates such as this, it is good for democracy because it’s a good opportunity to learn more about politics – and an opportunity that we don’t usually have.”

Councillor Sharon Blank, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for governance, added: “Local Democracy Week is all about giving young people experience of how democracy works.

“By giving them the opportunity to meet councillors and take part in debates, it helps break down barriers and gives an understanding of how we are here to help them and to learn about how to take part in politics in the future.”

As well as debates with secondary school pupils, Wednesday’s council meeting also saw a petition presented to council by local young people on the subject of legal highs.

Groups of primary school children from schools including Barrow Hill Primary School, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School and St Peter and St Paul School have visited the mayor’s parlour at the Town Hall and had an opportunity to meet Chesterfield’s mayor and mayoress.

Local Democracy Week - Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield

Awards for green-fingered residents and businesses

Chesterfield residents and businesses are celebrating after scooping prizes in the annual Chesterfield in Bloom awards.

The prize for the best overall garden was won by Richard and Sharon Smithson, who also won the best back garden (smaller than 80m2) category.

The judges praised their beautifully laid out garden, which they described as ‘a real haven of greenery, with colour and interest all year round, beautifully landscaped and maintained to a high standard. Excellent use of plants with bold foliage giving real structure to the garden.’

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing said: “Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Smithson and all the award winners in the Chesterfield in Bloom competition. The awards are as a result of months of hard work and toil.

“This is a great example of the way in which residents and businesses have taken pride in their area to improve where they live.”

Tom and Penny Gavan were also noted in the most improved category for the improvements made to their allotment plot.

Best Overall Garden - Chesterfield in Bloom Awards

The other category winners were:

  • Best front garden: Terry and Eileen Kelly
  • Best back garden (greater than 80m2): Jointly to Terry and Eileen Kelly and  also to Philip Brighton
  • Best pub or restaurant: The Britannia Inn
  • Best hanging basket: Dorothy Smith
  • Best allotment site: Rufford Close Allotments, Nigel Masters
  • Best allotment plot: Glynn Barnett
  • Best container garden: Dorothy Smith
  • Best newcomer: Jeff Webster Bakery
  • Best plant stall: Mark Brooks, Unstone Plant Centre
  • Best general trader: George Cockburn Handbags
  • Best fruit and veg stall: Simon Harding
  • Best overall market stall: Simon Harding.


In the schools’ competition, St Joseph’s Primary and Junior School was named as the best overall school. The judges were impressed with a good range of vegetable and salad crops grown outdoors in raised beds and under glass and a garden which is having a positive impact on those children taking part.

Other winners in the competition were:

  • Vibrant vegetables: Whittington Green School
  • Best environmental garden: Calow CE Primary School
  • Wonderful wildlife: Calow CE Primary School
  • Radical recycling: St Joseph’s CofE Primary School
  • Fabulous flowers: St Marys RC Infant and Junior School
  • Best school hanging basket: St Marys RC Infant and Junior School
  • Painting competition (year 3 to year 6): Isabel Riddell, Henry Bradley School
  • Painting competition (reception to year 2):  Holly Grace Miles, Christ Church Primary School.

Both award ceremonies were held at Ringwood Hall Hotel, which sponsors the awards.

Chesterfield in Bloom is a council-led project to improve the borough’s environment and forms the borough’s entry into the regional East Midlands in Bloom competition.

To become involved in a range of volunteering opportunities, contact John Ramsey by email: john.ramsey@chesterfield.gov.uk or call 01246 345097.

chesterfield in bloom

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Museum celebrates everything Made in Chesterfield

Visitors to Chesterfield Museum can learn about the borough’s manufacturing industry through a new exhibition named ‘Made in Chesterfield’.

Items from at least 27 different Chesterfield companies will be on display including a drill collar from Techman Engineering, pottery, strapping from Damar Webbing and leather items from Claytons.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centre and visitor economy said: “Chesterfield has a rich and varied manufacturing history which continues to this day.

“The borough is known for producing specialised and bespoke items, working closely with the customer, and has a reputation for quality.

“This is a great opportunity to see the work which still continues today and I’d encourage families to visit the exhibition and learn together.”

The exhibition runs until Saturday 9th January and will include some ‘hands on’ elements for the museum’s younger visitors, including boxes allowing them to feel and explore different materials.

Chesterfield Museum is open each Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10am to 4pm. Admission is free.

The exhibition is part of the town’s annual Made in Chesterfield Festival which takes place across the town throughout November.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield which coordinates the celebrations said: “Made in Chesterfield is a flagship event for the town’s manufacturing and engineering sector, which is the foundation of our economy and a large contributor to the region,

“However lots of young people don’t know the companies or careers that exist within it. Made in Chesterfield is an important tool in raise awareness of this sector.

“Last year during Made in Chesterfield we introduced more than 400 young people to the sector through a programme of events. This year, we’re running an entire month of school and business events throughout November.

“It is these events, combined with the exhibition at the museum,  that will help us reach more people this year and enable the borough’s thriving manufacturing sector to survive and prosper for many more generations.”

More information can be found at www.chesterfield.co.uk/made

Made in Chesterfield MSE Hiller

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Visiting

Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards declared a sell out!

Celebrity chef, Theo Randall will be in town on Wednesday 28 October to host Chesterfield’s annual Food and Drink Awards. Organised by Destination Chesterfield and in association with Chesterfield College the awards are a sell out yet again with more guests than ever attending the prestigious event.

Over 250 guests – 100 more than attended in year one, will come together to celebrate the success of the town’s food and drink industry at Chesterfield’s third glitzy ceremony.

31 businesses and individuals are up for 13 awards which will be announced on the night by Theo Randall. He said: “I am thrilled to be involved with the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards 2015. The awards are a great demonstration of how the food and drink scene in Chesterfield has evolved in recent years. It is now catering for many tastes, from authentic Japanese and Jamaican to Italian and Great British. The town has everything and is continuing to develop its thriving and increasingly successful hospitality scene.”

The awards are being held at Chesterfield College’s Heart Space building. As well as hosting the ceremony, 50 of the college’s hospitality students will catering a delicious two course meal for the evening and providing silver service to guests. The college’s students will also be taking centre stage on the night, as three students from its Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Professional Cookery course have been shortlisted for the prestigious Young Chef of the Year award.

This year’s full shortlist in the 2015 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards include:


Restaurant of the Year – sponsored by Chesterfield Borough Council

Blu Bistro & Coffee House
Cocina at Casa Hotel


Café/Tea Room of the Year – sponsored by Kier

H & F Vintage Tea Rooms
Stephenson’s Coffee and Tea House


Gastro Pub of the Year – presented by headline sponsor Chesterfield College

Red Lion Bar & Bistro at Peak Edge Hotel
The Tickled Trout
The Three Cottages


Pub / Bar of the Year – Sponsored by Hooper’s

Coco Bar Bistro
The Manor at Brampton
The Market Pub


Best Newcomer – sponsored by Barber Harrison and Platt

Coffee St
Four One Three


Best Customer Service – sponsored by East Midlands Chamber

Blu Bistro & Coffee House
Stephenson’s Coffee and Tea House


Best Out of Town

The Bateman’s Mill
Red Lion Bar & Bistro at Peak Edge Hotel
The Tickled Trout


Chesterfield Food Producer – sponsored by Natwest

Granny Mary’s (Original Recipes)
Liza Bakes
Teresa Lambarelli’s


Young Chef of the Year – sponsored by Saint Mary & All Saints, Chesterfield (the Crooked Spire Church)
James Greatorex
Leanne Billyeald
Liam Slinn

International Restaurant of the Year – sponsored by MSE Hiller
Dehli 41
Indian Blues
O Tokuda


Family Friendly Award – sponsored by Jumble Design

The Little Castle
The Manor at Brampton


Conference Venue of the Year – sponsored by Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers

Casa Hotel
Peak Edge Hotel
The Proact Stadium

On the night, a special award honouring a Food Hero in the town will also be presented by sponsor Banner Jones Solicitors.

Other supporters of the awards include the Derbyshire Times, Peak FM, Franke Sissons, Holdsworth Foods, Black Eyed Susan, Reflections and magician Steve Faulkner.

To find out this year’s winners of the Chesterfield Food and Drink awards live on the night, follow @DesChes on Twitter using the hashtag #CFDA15 or visit www.chesterfield.co.uk

Theo Randall Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield College wins prestigious automotive award

Chesterfield College has been crowned education provider of the year at the automotive industry’s Bodyshop Awards.

The college beat stiff competition from across the country to bring home the award which recognised the quality of training provision that they deliver as well as the passion and commitment of staff.

Industry experts on the judging panel commented on how the college was helping to produce excellent technicians and helping to meet the skills needs of the industry. Judges recognised that the college is being very proactive and highlighted, that while not the largest organisation in the nominees, they clearly demonstrated that they are growing and developing through their own ambition, matching the needs of the industry to attract more talent and improve skills.

Paul Sewell, Chesterfield College Vehicle Body and Paint Lecturer said:  “Winning this national award was a fantastic achievement for all involved in the department. The team here are delighted that the industry has recognised our hard work and dedication.”

“Awards like this prove how important the work we do is in creating opportunities for learners and employers in the area. They also put us in the spotlight and open up doors to partnerships with bigger companies who donate equipment and expertise that helps our students to get a competitive edge by training with the latest industry materials and designs. These relationships are vital as we want to help everyone who comes through our door to be the best technicians of the future.”

This award adds to the department’s recent list of accolades including two gold medal winners at Skill Auto, part of WorldSkills UK, competitions and been crowned a centre of excellence by Bodyshop magazine.

Bodyshop Awards Chesterfield College

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Derbyshire tourism boosts local economy

Tourism’s contribution to the Peak District and Derbyshire economy continues on an upward curve – generating more than £1.9 billion in 2014.

New research confirms that the area’s tourist economy has made solid progress since 2009, despite the challenging financial climate.

The industry’s value to the local economy increased from £1.47 billion in 2009 to more than £1.9 billion last year – an increase of five per cent  on £1.8 billion in 2013 – while the number of full-time equivalent jobs it supported rose to 27,720 in 2014, compared with 25,285 in 2009.

Visitor numbers increased by more than 800,000 to reach more than 38.8 million in 2014, compared with 38 million in 2013 and 36.25 million in 2009.

The number of nights staying visitors spend in the area continues to grow steadily each year, from around 9.8 million in 2009 to more than 10.8 million in 2014.

“It’s very reassuring to see that, in spite of tough economic times, tourism in the Peak District and Derbyshire continues to thrive and to make a key contribution to the local and regional economy,” said Jo Dilley, Director of Peak District & Derbyshire, the area’s official tourist board.

“We’re particularly pleased that visitor numbers are up and that there’s a gradual increase in the total number of nights they stay, helping to add five per cent more value to the area’s economy from 2013 to 2014.

“The latest figures also reveal that more people are visiting at traditionally quiet times, such as post-Christmas, early spring and autumn, which is excellent news, as our marketing campaigns consistently emphasize that we are the ideal destination for a short break or longer holiday at any time of year.”

Councillor Lewis Rose OBE, Leader of Derbyshire Dales District Council and Visitor Economy Champion for the D2 Joint Committee, added: “A thriving visitor economy plays an important role in maintaining the economic health of our area – indeed our accommodation providers, attractions, pubs, cafés and shops rely on it to support jobs and livelihoods.

“Our goal is to further increase the value of the sector and visitor spend by helping local businesses exploit growth markets such as cycle tourism, improving the quality of the visitor experience and promoting the area as a wonderful destination at any time of the year.

“However, while the influx of visitors to the Peak District and Derbyshire is great news, it is crucial we turn increased visitor spending into better paid jobs for local people.”


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

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