About Chesterfield

Share your views to help improve where you live

Residents are invited to help set priorities for their area at the next round of Chesterfield community assembly meetings.

Held four times a year, the meetings allow people to receive information and ask questions about projects led by the council and other partners that will affect them and their families.

In September the focus will be on health and wellbeing, community safety and crime, growth, the local economy and Chesterfield as a thriving borough.  Responses will be used to create a community action plan for each area.

Locals will also hear how they can become involved in the commemorations of the Battle of Chesterfield and be invited to vote on funding of up to £200 for local projects as part of the council’s minor grants scheme.

Councillor Sharon Blank, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for governance, says: “The best way for us to develop action plans for each area is for us to have the thoughts, ideas and opinions of residents so I would encourage people to come along to their community assembly meeting in September and have their say.”

The meetings will take place across the town including:-

  • Chesterfield North: Tuesday 15 September at Whittington Green School, High Street, Old Whittington
  • Chesterfield East: Wednesday 16 September at Netherthorpe School, Ralph Road, Staveley
  • Chesterfield South: Wednesday 23 September at the Town Hall, Rose Hill
  • Chesterfield West: Thursday 24 September at Loundsley Green Community Centre, Cuttholme Road.

The meetings are held at 6.30pm and anyone attending will have their opportunity to speak to their local councillors at the end of discussions.

Chesterfield Town Hall spring

Posted in About Chesterfield

Beat post-holiday blues with ‘Shake Up September’

People across Chesterfield are being encouraged to shake off the post-holiday season blues by taking part in the Derbyshire Workplace Challenge’s Shake Up September.

The campaign – administered by Derbyshire Sport – aims to help individuals of all abilities get into shape by joining forces with their work colleagues to log points from their fitness activities which are listed on a leaderboard.

Getting involved can also help you sleep better, reduce the risk of disease and stress and improve life expectancy.

It will also assist adults in meeting the government’s recommendation of getting at least 150 minutes of regular exercise every week.

And if you can get together a group of people from your organisation, you could win a team prize by earning the highest average number of points.

Vickie Maris, from Chesterfield, who works at Rykneld Homes in Wingerworth, took part in the January Workplace Challenge along with a number of her colleagues and is looking forward to ‘Shake Up September’ after recently getting married.

“The Workplace Challenge is something we use particularly when there are active challenges, such as the walking one which ran in May and the cycling one throughout August,” said the 28-year-old.

“Most of us at Rykneld take part in our own separate activities to get our points, but we do have a circuit session that we host on-site too, while we also have regular Walking Wednesday sessions when we walk a couple of miles.

“As you start to get your points, you can see how you are doing against previous weeks and also against other people in the office. Quite a few will be logging their points when they walk to work.”

To sign up for ‘Shake Up September’ go to http://www.workplacechallenge.org.uk/derbyshire and for more ideas on what activities you might want to try go to www.derbyshiresport.co.uk/get-active

Derbyshire Sport

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Ey Up Me Little Yellow Duck

Over the next few weeks, more than thirty little ducks will be released in Chesterfield and the surrounding area.  But don’t call the RSPCA just yet! The ducks are all knitted or crocheted by the StraightCurves Charity Knitting Group and are part of a worldwide project aiming to raise awareness of the importance of blood and organ donation.

The Little Yellow Duck project was originally launched in 2014 in memory of Clare Cruickshank, who passed away aged just 26 whilst awaiting a double lung transplant. Due to a chronic shortage of organ donors here in the UK, Clare never got her second chance at life, but her friends and family pledged to her that they would try to change the situation so that other families don’t suffer in the same way.

They set about spreading random acts of kindness by making cute yellow ducks and leaving them in public places for strangers to stumble upon. Each duck has a tag with its name on, and finders are asked to take the duck home, record the spot where it was discovered on the project’s interactive map, and most importantly, to consider registering as a blood or organ donor. In just over a year, more than 4,500 ducks have been found in over 75 countries!

The StraightCurves Charity Knitting Group decided to join in with the project having seen first hand what a difference an organ transplant can make to somebody’s life. Studio Manager Roz Vincent explained some of the motivation behind the group’s decision:

“My father-in-law received a kidney transplant in 2008 after several years on the waiting list. The difference it has made, not only to his quality of life, but to our whole family is unbelievable.”

The group will be releasing their ducks in several locations around the local Chesterfield area in the run up to StraightCurves’ next Open Day on 5th September so keep your eyes peeled and if you’re lucky enough to discover one of the little ducks, log onto the project website at www.thelittleyellowduckproject.org and record your find. The World Map on the project website shows the locations of all the ducks that have been found, so you can also see if there was one nearby that you missed!

If you would like more information about StraightCurves or the StraightCurves Charity Knitting Group, call Karen or Roz on 01246 807575, visit the website at www.straightcurves.co.uk or pop in to the studio open day at 104 Saltergate, Chesterfield on Saturday 5th September from 10am until 2.30pm.

StraightCurves Little Yellow Duck Project

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

More volunteers wanted for Chesterfield Marathon

Organisers of the Chesterfield Marathon are on the hunt for more volunteers to help make the second event a success.

Set to take place on Sunday 20th September, the full and half marathon, as well as the fun run will all start and finish at Queen’s Park – where an all-day party has also been planned.

Those keen to get involved will be asked to assist on the day of the race from 7.30am until early afternoon, with duties ranging from marshalling to manning drinks stations.

All volunteers will be given a high vis vest, branded t-shirt, refreshments and food whilst on duty, as well as a ‘Volunteers Village’ to return to in Queen’s Park, where everyone can meet, swap stories and relax after the race is complete.

Those sparing their time will also receive a share of the profits from the event for a charity of their choice, thanks to a scheme announced earlier this year.

One group already to sign up as volunteers include ‘Team Inspire’, made up of an inspiring young people who have undertaken a National Citizen’s Service (NCS) project to create a legally designated wall space for graffiti in Chesterfield. The team, accompanied by their parents, will look after the first drinks station of the race on the A617.

Mike Hyman, founder of the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Marathon, said: “Volunteering is a great opportunity for local people to get involved in a brilliant event in Chesterfield and show their support without actually taking part in the race itself.

“Organising an event of this scale takes a huge amount of time and effort, so volunteers provide us with such vital support, both in the run up to and on race day itself, to ensure things run as smoothly as possible.

“We are all excited about the marathon. It is going to be a fantastic day for everyone in the community and we hope as many people as possible can be involved with it.”

To volunteer for the Chesterfield Marathon register at www.chesterfieldmarathon.org.uk/registrations or contact Julie Harrington on 01246 269023 or e-mail julie@chesterfieldmarathon.co.uk.

Image: Team Inspire’, made up of an inspiring young people who have undertaken a National Citizen’s Service (NCS) project to create a legally designated wall space for graffiti in Chesterfield.

Team inspire

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Spireites sign Premiership player

Chesterfield have signed Liam O’Neil from West Bromwich Albion for an undisclosed fee.

O’Neil, 22, who can play in defence or midfield, has made five Premier League appearances.

After completing the signing, Spireites manager Dean Saunders said: “Liam is a young player who has played in West Brom’s first team. He’s exactly what we want – a midfield player who can also play at the back, if required.

“He’s one for the future for us, having been tracked by the club for two-and-a-half years. We were going to loan him but we’ve managed to sign him permanently, which is great for the long-term future of the club.”

O’Neil admits that he cannot wait to get started. He said: “ I want to get some experience and develop as a player and I think I’ll be able to do that here. I’m looking forward to it and I’m excited.”

O’Neil revealed that Spireites manager Dean Saunders was an influential figure in his decision to sign. “The gaffer got in touch with West Brom and has shown good interest,” he said.

“He’s been on my case to get down here all the time and that’s what I like. He sees me as part of his plans and that’s what I want. I want to be getting regular football and that’s key for me now. I’m 22 and this is perfect timing.”

O’Neil made 22 appearances in League One last season while on loan at Scunthorpe United.

The length of the contract signed by O’Neil has not been disclosed.

Luke O'Neil Chesterfield Football Club

Photo: Luke O’Neil is photographed after signing for Chesterfield (courtesy of Tina Jenner).

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Chesterfield charity requires new trustees

The Chesterfield Children’s Charity is seeking new trustees to develop the charity further.

They are seeking expressions of interest from potential individuals to appoint 3 new Trustees, this is a voluntary role. and will ensure C3 can continue the work of the past 10 years with over £108,547 of fundraising so far.

Vic Risorto said ” The aims of the charity are to relieve sickness suffering and poverty as well as improve the conditions for sick and terminally ill and under privileged children, their families and carers in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire or such other geographical area the trustees determine”

They are looking for trustees with skills in marketing, fundraising, events management, project management, financial management and graphic design, supporting the planning and final delivery of 2 main fund raising events and 4 locally held meetings.

Anyone interested in getting involved can email events@c3.com before the closing date of the 7th September 2015.


Posted in About Chesterfield

New category added to Derbyshire Sport Awards

The search is on to find an outstanding Derbyshire organisation or individual who has used sport or physical activity to make a real difference to people’s lives.

New for 2015, the Active4Life Award recognises the role played improving the health, quality of life or wellbeing of the county’s people, or influencing their achievements.

Applications are welcome from schools, workplaces, community organisations or individuals with a compelling story to tell.

It could be a teacher who goes above and beyond the call of duty in supporting extra-curricular physical activity, or it could be a community club which has gone that extra mile to provide a wide range of activities for disabled people.

Deadlines for nominations are fast approaching, so don’t miss out, with a cut-off date of August 25 for Chesterfield Borough.

You can access an online nomination form, and find out more, by going to www.derbyshiresport.co.uk/nominate

Image shows Chesterfield table tennis player, Liam Pitchford.

Liam Pitchford

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Remembering Alderman Jim McManus

The funeral of Alderman Jim McManus will take place on Tuesday 25 August.

Jim’s family have asked that people gather at Staveley Methodist Church at 12.30pm with the service due to take place at 12.40pm.

The funeral cortege will drive past the Town Hall, Rose Hill on its way to the church.

A private cremation will be held at Chesterfield and District Crematorium for close family and friends only, but all are welcome to attend a reception in memory of Jim at Poolsbrook Miners’ Welfare Club after the service.

Donations in lieu of flowers are requested in aid of the new Chesterfield Royal Macmillan Cancer Centre.

Jim served as a Chesterfield borough councillor for 28 years from 1987 to earlier this year.  He served as mayor in 2001 to 2002 and was the council’s executive member for housing from 2011 to 2015.

Chesterfield Town Hall spring

Posted in About Chesterfield

Uncovering treasure at Chesterfield Canal

A mini archaeological dig was carried out at Chesterfield Canal in Staveley at the weekend after volunteers unearthed the remains of the walls and floor of the original Eckington Road Bridge, built over the canal in about 1776.

Chesterfield Canal Trust says it is quite incredible the bridge has remained intact, because three other bridges and a railway line have all since been built within a few yards.

The site was roughly cleared by a mini digger, before a team of helpers set to work. There was lots of heavy clay that had to be shovelled and barrowed out, however the majority of the task was very slow and painstaking – with 24 volunteers on their hands and knees removing the last of the muck from the stonework using trowels and brushes.

As more and more was revealed, the story of how the construction was done began to emerge. It became obvious that the bridge had been constructed first and the towpath put in afterwards.

There were also lots of objects found in the mud, such as old bottles, miners’ lamp and candle holders, a gentleman’s sword stick and a clay pipe.

Of particular interest were three coins, including a George III half penny, dated 1772 or 1773.  Dr Geraint Coles, archaeologist and former Chesterfield Canal Development Manager said “This coin is probably a forgery as the obverse and reverse are inverted. This would not be unusual as the county was flooded with forged copper coins during the 1770’s. What a great find and bang on date!”

Now remaining are the tasks of accurately measuring and photographing the site and washing and cataloguing the finds.

Eventually the entire site will be removed because the new, restored canal has to be lower in order to get under a nearby railway, however there is now a desire to do more such digs. A Cuckoo boat, unique to the Chesterfield Canal, is believed to be buried not far away. It is hoped that this will be next on the list.

Chesterfield Canal dig

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Spireites land Spanish midfielder

The Spireites are pleased to sign experienced Spanish midfielder Angel Martinez.

Known simply as ‘Angel’, the 29-year-old flew in to watch this weekend’s game at Sheffield United and has now agreed a two-year contact. He was previously with Millwall and Blackpool after starting out at Espanyol in his native country.

Chesterfield manager Dean Saunders is delighted to have landed Angel. He said: “We’ve been waiting and waiting to sign him. He’s got good pedigree having played at Espanyol and been capped by Spain at under-21 level.

“He’s good on the ball and he knows the central midfield position. With his experience of English football, I’m sure he’ll make us better.”

Angel’s signing comes soon after the capture of Lee Novak who was signed on a season-long loan from Birmingham City and made his debut in Saturday’s game at Sheffield United.

Chesterfield Football Club

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Time is running out to enter Chesterfield Marathon

Runners wanting to take part in this year’s Chesterfield Marathon are being urged to sign up soon – as the deadline for entry is approaching quickly.

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 4 of September, meaning there are only around three weeks left for runners to secure their place.

Approximately 1,500 participants from across the UK are expected to take to the streets of Chesterfield on 20 September, running in the full marathon, half marathon and the team relay event, where four competitors take a share of the course.

The event, which has been granted an official road race licence from UK Athletics (RunBritain), will raise funds for children’s charity Kids ‘n’ Cancer, along with several other charities, including MacMillan Cancer Support, Ashgate Hospicecare, The Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity and the British Heart Foundation, as well as community groups like Chesterfield District Scouts and the Friends of Holmebrook Valley and Eastwood Park.

This year, the full and half marathon – as well as the fun run – will start and finish at Queen’s Park in Chesterfield, where an all-day party will also take place.

Andrea Hooley from the Chesterfield Marathon, said: “We would encourage people to get their entry in as soon as possible to ensure they don’t miss the deadline.

“We are excited to welcome people of all ages and abilities to Queen’s Park for what is set to be a fun and memorable day for everyone, helping to put Chesterfield on the map and boost the local economy.”

As last year, any individuals raising £250 (or teams raising £500) for Kids ‘n’ Cancer can enter the race for free.

Runners will have the option to either pay for their ‘chipped’ race bib to be posted to them – or to pick it up for free and register at the Marathon’s Head Office on the day before race day, Saturday 19 September.

Entry for the Fun Run will remain open until race day.

The male and female winners of the full marathon will receive a cash prize of £250 and free entry for next year, and the half marathon winners will get £200 and free entry next year.

To sign-up as a runner or volunteer for the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Marathon visit www.chesterfieldmarathon.org.uk.

Chesterfield Marathon

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

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