About Chesterfield

Chamber Comments on Appointment of New Business Secretary

The Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP has been appointed as Secretary of State for Business in Prime Minister David Cameron’s new Cabinet.

Mr Javid, the Member for Bromsgrove, was Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport in the previous Cabinet. He takes over the business brief from former Lib Dem MP Dr Vince Cable, who lost his seat at last Thursday’s election.

Chris Hobson, Head of Information and Representation at East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), said: “We look forward to working with Sajid as he looks to move the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) forward to maintain and build on the momentum in the economy, which has been largely driven by business.

“In order to do this, he needs to ensure the team at BIS is talking to businesses here in the East Midlands, which as a region, has been a national leader in terms of creating jobs and driving economic growth in the UK over the past five years.

“The region has a broad-based and balanced economy, with real strengths in manufacturing and engineering and these are key sectors which need to be supported in order to secure the long-term success of the UK’s economy.”

East Midlands Chamber logo

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Free adult cycle training in Chesterfield

Adults in Chesterfield can upgrade their cycling skills for free thanks to Derbyshire County Council’s new County Rider scheme.

County Rider offers free one to one cycle training to people aged 18 or over who live, work or study in Chesterfield

Councillor John Owen, deputy cabinet member for highways, transport and infrastructure at Derbyshire County Council, said:

“The great thing about County Rider is that the programme can be tailored to suit your needs.

“Your instructor will design a programme to suit you whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced cyclist who wants to become an even better rider. The training is not strenuous and can be done at your own pace.

“Cycling is great for you and for the environment − and we will teach you how to do it safely. You can get fit and save money on travel while reducing the pollution caused by traffic congestion.”

County Rider offers learners up to four training sessions and each one can last up to two hours. The amount of coaching required will depend on what the learner wants to achieve and their instructor’s assessment of their skill level.

County Rider training meets national standards recognised by the Department for Transport.

Apply for County Rider training or contact the Derbyshire County Council road safety team for more information, tel: 01629 538060.

chesterfield cycling

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure

Results Announced for General and Local Elections in Chesterfield

The General and local elections in Chesterfield were held on Thursday 7 May.  The full results are below.


Chesterfield Parliamentary Election

Toby Perkins (Labour) has been re-elected as the MP for Chesterfield.

Natascha Engel, (Labour) has also been re-elected as the MP for North East Derbyshire.


Chesterfield Borough Council elections

All 48 seats on the council across 19 wards were up for election.  Listed below are the candidates elected in each ward:-

Barrow Hill and New Whittington
Seats: 3
Elected Candidates
Barry Bingham    Liberal Democrats
Lisa-Marie Derbyshire    Labour Party
Richard Bexton    UK Independence Party

Brimington North
Seats: 2
Elected Candidates
John Burrows    Labour Party
Terry Frank Gilby    Labour Party

Brimington South
Seats: 3
Elected Candidates
Ian William Callan    Labour Party
Tricia Gilby    Labour Party
Andy Bellamy    Labour Party

Seats: 3
Elected Candidates
Maureen Davenport    Liberal Democrats
Steve Brunt    Labour Party
John Anthony Dickinson    Labour Party

Elected Candidates
Gordon Simmons    Labour Party
Sarah Hollingworth    Labour Party
Mark David Rayner    Labour Party

Seats: 3
Elected Candidates
Mick Brady    Labour Party
Amanda Jayne Serjeant    Labour Party
Andy Slack    Labour Party

Hollingwood and Inkersall
Seats: 3
Elected Candidates
Helen Ann Elliott    Labour Party
Barry Dyke    Labour Party
Anthony Hill    Labour Party

Seats: 2
Elected Candidates
Stephen Paul Hitchin    Labour Party
Suzie Perkins    Labour Party

Seats: 2
Elected Candidates
Jeannie Barr    Liberal Democrats
Peter Ian Barr    Liberal Democrats

Loundsley Green
Seats: 2
Elected Candidates
Avis Joan Murphy    Labour Party
Mick Wall    Labour Party

Lowgates and Woodthorpe
Seats: 2
Elected Candidates
Dean Collins    Labour Party
Lisa Kelly Collins    Labour Party

Middlecroft and Poolsbrook
Seats: 2
Elected Candidates
Chris Ludlow    Labour Party
Donald Parsons    Labour Party

Seats: 2
Elected Candidates
Kate Caulfield    Labour Party
Keith Brown    Labour Party

Old Whittington
Seats: 2
Elected Candidates
Jean Mary Innes    Labour Party
Peter Innes    Labour Party

Seats: 3
Elected Candidates
Jenny Flood    Labour Party
Stuart Brittain    Labour Party
Keith Miles    Labour Party

St Helen’s
Seats: 2
Elected Candidates
Helen Claire Bagley    Labour Party
Tom Murphy    Labour Party

St Leonard’s
Seats: 3
Elected Candidates
Sharon Lesley Blank    Labour Party
Ken Huckle    Labour Party
Kate Sarvent    Labour Party

Seats: 3
Elected Candidates
Alexis Saliou Diouf    Liberal Democrats
Vickey Diouf    Liberal Democrats
Nick Redihough    Liberal Democrats

Seats: 3
Elected Candidates
Howard Borrell    Liberal Democrats
Ray Catt    Labour Party
Shirley Anne Niblock    Liberal Democrats

Chesterfield Borough Council Election Results Overview

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Majority Government Welcomed by East Midlands Chamber

Businesses will welcome the stability and certainty that a majority Government can provide, according to the East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire).

The Chamber met with a number of its member businesses at a round table event earlier today to watch the final seats come in and get some initial business reaction to the results of yesterday’s ballot.

There was general agreement that a majority Government will be better for business than another coalition because of the additional certainty and stability it can provide.

There was also a common view that MPs from all parties should present a united view of the East Midlands to ensure the region does not miss out on vital resources and funding needed to support infrastructure investment and drive job creation and economic growth.

Chamber President Liz Fothergill CBE will write to the new cohort of MPs across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire to congratulate them on their election and share the Chamber’s business manifesto*, which outlines the top priorities for Chamber members. These include measures to:

• Place business at the centre of local growth
• Deliver on the UK’s long-term infrastructure needs
• Fix the link between education and the world of work
• Reduce the cost of doing business
• Support firms to succeed overseas

Chamber Chief Executive George Cowcher said: “The General Election ended with a clear result, perhaps unexpected, which will help to provide the stability and clarity that businesses need to move forward.

“The Conservative Government must now build on the economic progress that businesses here in the East Midlands have driven over the past five years. It needs to set the conditions to encourage a culture of entrepreneurism, where businesses can look to the rest of the world as a potential marketplace and where our young people leave school with the skills and qualities they need to set out on dynamic, rewarding careers.

“The Chamber is apolitical and has a proud track record of working constructively with its MPs locally and in Westminster to promote the needs of business and support growth for the East Midlands’ economy.

“Over the past five years, businesses in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire have demonstrated a robustness and tenacity that has marked the region out as a leader for UK growth. Over the course of the next Parliament, a number of key national and local issues will need to be addressed to ensure this growth can be balanced and secured for the long term.”

Ballot Box

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Chesterfield’s Darikwa Lands Four Awards

Chesterfield full-back Tendayi Darikwa was the star of the show at the club’s Player of the Year awards night, picking up four awards at the sold-out event.

Darikwa was named Player of the Year – as voted for by the fans – and also Players’ Player of the Year.

Jay O’Shea picked up the Goal of the Season gong for his stunner in the Good Friday match at Yeovil Town – a strike that came at the end of a 17-pass team move as the Spireites came from 2-0 down to win 3-2 at Huish Park.

The Fan of the Year award went to Lesley Brentnall, who has not missed a game, home or away, for 18 years and acts as a matchday steward for True Blue Travel.

Ian Browes and Jean Roper received an Outstanding Contribution award as recognition for running Young Spireites, which is now in its tenth year.

Around 500 people attended the event, which was held in a large marquee erected in the Proact Stadium car park. Sky Sports broadcaster Nick Johnson and BBC Radio Sheffield commentator Phil Tooley were the comperes.

Those who attended were also treated to an exclusive unveiling of the new home and away shirts for next season, which were modelled by Academy Player of the Year Jake Beesley and fellow new professional Laurence Maguire.

After the awards ceremony, guests were entertained by multi-hit band The Christians, whose set included ‘Harvest for the World’, ‘Hooverville’ and ‘Words’.

Spireites chairman Dave Allen said: “It was a superbly organised event and I’d like to praise Paul Watts, Kevin Fitzgerald and Nick Johnson for putting it all together. It was the biggest Player of the Year event ever staged by the club and I think it was Premier League standard.”


Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Apprenticeships celebrated for helping to deliver quality care

In a special celebration at Learning Unlimited, 64 apprentices from across the East Midlands, North and North West working with Chesterfield based company Heathcotes Care were recognised for their hard work and commitment to training and successfully completing their apprenticeships. The event marked the achievements of learners at all levels including the first higher level health and social care apprentices who are working in managerial positions within the organisation.

At the event, all the apprentices received certificates and special awards were given to the apprentice of the year, a leader in learning and the most improved learner. All 64 apprentices are now working with the company in a variety of roles at all levels in the organisation.

Heathcotes Care, who provide specialist residential care for adults with learning disabilities across the East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humber and the North West, highlighted how important apprenticeships are to give their workforce the skills they need to deliver a quality service. The organisation has been working in partnership with Learning Unlimited for the last two years to provide a work based learning formula that has helped them to reduce staff turnover and improve retention and progression rates.


Brendan Kelly, Operations Director from Heathcotes Care said: “For us, service user experience is the key to success. Apprenticeships help us to deliver that. When we have attracted the people with the right qualities to care, apprenticeships help us to give them the skills to do their job well.  When staff are happy and feel that they can do their job well they stay with us which means the adults we care for get quality and continuity and that makes a difference to their quality of life.

“The different levels of apprenticeships on offer mean that we can progress people from entry to managerial level and equip them with an in-depth knowledge of how we work. We can see how this benefits the people we care for, our staff and our organisation which is why we have just started 75 new apprentices with Learning Unlimited. ”

Steve Hepworth, Head of Learning Unlimited said: “Celebration events like this really make you realise how important getting the right skills can be for an organisation and for a learner. It is inspirational to see so many successful learners keen to celebrate their apprenticeships as well as recognising the journey they go on to progress their careers. The success rate for Heathcotes Care is way above national average and I think that is partly down to the culture within the organisation and partly due to the way our work based tutors ensure learners are supported to succeed. The partnership approach pays off and we are looking forward to supporting the new apprentices thorough to the next celebration event.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Peak FM breakfast pair to host 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards

Peak FM breakfast show presenters, James Summers and Becky Measures have been confirmed as the hosts of the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards.

The popular pair will host the glittering award ceremony, which will honour the town’s very best jewellers, independent stores, food and drink retailers, and multiple retailers at Chesterfield’s Winding Wheel on Wednesday 24 June 2015.

The awards are organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with Learning Unlimited – part of the Chesterfield College Group. More than 150 businesses have been nominated across 15 award categories, and the shortlist will be announced at the next Destination Chesterfield Champions Breakfast on the 21st May.

Destination Chesterfield Manager Dominic Stevens said: “We’re delighted James and Becky have agreed to host the awards ceremony. They’re big, familiar personalities in the town and I’m sure they will make the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards ceremony a memorable event.”

For more information about the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards visit http://www.chesterfield.co.uk/retailawards or follow on Twitter using the hashtag #retailawards15.

At the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards ceremony, James and Becky will announce the winners of the following categories:

  • Hair and Beauty Business of the Year
  • Fashion and Footwear Retailer of the Year
  • Jewellery and Accessories Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by the Pavements Shopping Centre
  • Home and Gifts Retailer of the Year
  • Children’s Clothes, Toys & Accessories Retailer of the Year
  • Food and Drink Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by BHP Accountants
  • Phones and Technology Retailer of the Year
  • Leisure Retailer of the Year (Sports, Hobbies, Crafts or Outdoor) – Sponsored by Peak FM
  • Market Trader of the Year – Sponsored by Chesterfield Borough Council
  • Independent Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by Jumble Design
  • National/ Multiple Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by Vicar Lane
  • Excellence in Customer Service – Sponsored by Learning Unlimited
  • Market Hall Business of the Year – Sponsored by Kier
  • Best New Store (Opened 2014/2015) – Sponsored by Banner Jones Solicitors
  • Vicar Lane Retailer of the Year
  • Retailer of the Year – sponsored by East Midlands Chamber

Other supporters of the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards include eBusiness works and the Derbyshire Times.

There are limited sponsorship opportunities still available if you are interested in becoming involved please contact Dom Stevens on 01246 207207 or email dom.stevens@chesterfield.co.ukPeak FM Breakfast Team

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

babyluv Website Goes Live

Chesterfield’s award-winning baby shop babyluv is pleased to announce the birth of its new website babyluv.co.uk.

As well as giving customers more flexibility over their shopping times, the babyluv website also offers free local delivery and a new ‘Click & Collect’ service.

There’s also lots of extras such as the ‘Share the luv’ section, which includes tips and advice on a variety of subjects from becoming parents to creating a hospital bag -including one for Dad!

The team is also on the look out for parents to join its product testing panel and is asking anyone who is interested to get in touch.

Sharna Nessling, Owner of babyluv, said:-

“We’re so excited about the birth of our new website and we are busy adding new products every day.

“The reaction we have had so far has been amazing and I cannot thank my customers enough for all their ideas and patience whilst we developed it!”

babyluv was originally started by Sharna and her partner Damian back in October 2012 after being made redundant and finding out they were expecting all on the same day.

Since then the business has gone from strength to strength and last year was proud to win Clothes, Toys and Accessories Retailer of the Year at the 2014 Chesterfield Retail Awards.

Babyluv website

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Chesterfield College Student Wins BBC Art Competition

An art student from Chesterfield College has gone from delivering the Radio Times on a paper round to being featured in the magazine as a winner of the BBC’s Little Painting Challenge.

Charlotte Wood, aged 17 was one of 29,000 artists to submit artwork on a postcard and her image of two people sleeping on a train came first in the post 16 beginners category winning her £500 of art supplies and a place in an exhibition at Whitworth Gallery in Manchester.  She attended a celebratory event in Manchester on Friday 1st May where the work of the winners and the runners up will be on display until 22nd May.

Charlotte said: “I was so happy when I found out I had won but just being part of this exhibition is amazing. I never would have thought that my paper round and my passion for art would give me this opportunity!  Meeting the other winners and seeing the artwork by the runners up was really inspiring too.”

Charlotte’s dream would be to study art in New York but her short term plans include finishing her level 3 extended diploma in art and design studies at Chesterfield College before going to Leeds or London to do her degree.

Rob Baxter, Curriculum Manager for Visual Arts at Chesterfield College said: “We are really proud of Charlotte. She has got a real talent and the judges obviously recognised this.  Over the time she has been studying with us we have seen her talent grow and develop really quickly. I think this is the first step on a really exciting career for her.”

Charlotte Wood competition winner featured in the Radio Times

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Joseph Clayton and Sons Ltd takeover rival

Joseph Clayton and Sons Ltd of Chesterfield have taken over J & E Sedgwick & Company Limited

This will create the largest vegetable tanning group in the UK. The acquisition was initiated to fit with the long term plans of the shareholders and senior management of Claytons.

While the two businesses will continue to run as separate units, retaining the existing management teams, the deal will create an operation with a combined turnover exceeding £6 million. All members of staff will be retained from each company, creating a joint workforce of around 60.

Certain functions such as finance, purchasing and sales will be coordinated to ensure the enlarged organisation will be better placed to support the powerful brands of Sedgwicks and Claytons in the marketplace.

The acquisition will make Claytons the largest vegetable tannery group in the UK.

Ian Walker, Chairman & Managing Director of Claytons said: “While it is easy to see us as two very similar vegetable tanning units in fact our product ranges only have a narrow area of overlap.

“Claytons produce a wide range of bespoke leathers with a variety of end uses while Sedgwicks focus on bridle and saddlery leathers. This is not surprising given that Claytons have developed from an industrial leather background while Sedgwicks have developed out of an equestrian; our processes, leathers and customers are distinct. So this is not an exercise in consolidation but in growth for two longstanding businesses. We are also pleased to be manufacturing in a location near Walsall, the important centre of UK saddlery and leather goods.”

“We are delighted with this outcome for our business” said Richard Farrow, the current Managing Director of Sedgwicks. “Claytons understand our world of vegetable tanned leathers and have a similar heritage to ours. There could be no better custodian to pass our business to.”

Richard is the grandson of one of the early owners and managers of J.E.Sedgwick and with his fellow shareholders has been looking at the future of the company as he comes towards retirement. He will remain as Managing Director and also join the board of the expanded group.

“Our specialist manufacturing teams regularly work with firms to ensure that they have access to the support and guidance necessary to continue to drive their growth, and also receive training from the University of Warwick to ensure that they fully understand the issues faced by firms in the sector.”

Joseph Clayton & Sons Ltd was founded in 1840 in Chesterfield to make leathers for industrial belting, the textile industry, harness leathers and other purposes. It has recently introduced an acclaimed new line of Cordovan Leather for the luxury sector.

Sedgwicks is recognised throughout the world for its bridle leathers and was founded in 1900 in Birmingham in order to make equestrian leathers.

The Camlee Group acted as lead advisors in a deal

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

From canvas to canvas for St Mary’s students’ winning tent design

Two Year 10 students from St Mary’s School have finally seen their winning tent design brought to life by Staveley-based outdoor products designer FieldCandy.

Students Rhys Rossello (15) and Louis Rafferty (14), both studying Graphics Products at St Mary’s, took part in the tent design competition organised by Destination Chesterfield as part of the Made in Chesterfield festival last year. Made in Chesterfield brought together the town’s thriving manufacturing sector and schools to highlight to career opportunities within it.

The winning design, which features Chesterfield’s crooked spire, the Proact Stadium roof, the train station, Town Hall and Growth Sculpture, was selected by Crush Design and Derbyshire Education Business Project.

Dominic Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager commented: “The judges felt that Rhys and Louis’ design reflected Chesterfield and it was a good modern adaptation for a tent.”

Rhys and Louis worked at Crush Design’s studio on Marsden Street in Chesterfield to transform their design into a format ready for printing on the FieldCandy tent.

Headteacher of St Mary’s Sean McClafferty added: “Both Rhys and Louis are a credit to St Mary’s. They have excelled themselves and I am sure this success will encourage them to consider careers in the area of design as they are both clearly gifted students.”

The design was reproduced on a stunning two-man tent by FieldCandy. John Harris, Director of FieldCandy, said: “We were delighted to be able to participate in Made in Chesterfield. We’re even more thrilled with the wonderful design that Rhys and Louis have produced. It’s translated excellently into a tent and we’re very proud of it.

“Taking part in Made in Chesterfield was a great opportunity for FieldCandy to give something back to the Borough. The Council has been exceptionally supportive of the business and has helped us access grant funding to grow and create jobs here.”

Since launching in 2011 FieldCandy has taken the camping world by storm with its unique eye-catching luxury designs which are all made at the company’s headquarters on Colliery Close in Staveley.  The designer tents, which feature offbeat graphics such as leopard print, a block of cheese and floral motifs, have developed a celebrity following and are seen at festivals over the world. Some of the designs have even been showcased at the 54th Grammy Awards in the US.

FieldCandy and Crush Design were just two of a number of companies that took part in Made in Chesterfield 2014. The manufacturing festival will return later this year in November for a full month of events. It is coordinated by Destination Chesterfield and is designed to showcase Chesterfield and North Derbyshire’s thriving manufacturing sector and its associated industries to students, raising awareness of the employment opportunities within it as well as the number of varied and exciting roles.

To keep up to date with events and developments in Chesterfield, as well as plans for Made in Chesterfield 2015 visit www.chesterfield.co.uk

Made in Chesterfield Tent

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

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