About Chesterfield

AW Repair Group Opens at Markham Vale Bringing More Jobs to Chesterfield

A vehicle accident repair centre has opened up its new state-of-the-art bodyshop at a Chesterfield regeneration site bringing 14 new jobs.

AW Repair Group, which provides a range of crash repair services, opened its fourth bodyshop at Markham Vale this month in a £450,000 expansion.

The firm’s new premises just off junction 29A of the M1, adds to their existing sites in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire.

Managing Director of AW Repair Group, Andrew Walsh said:

“Markham Vale fitted perfectly with the group’s expansion plans being located just off the M1. We are excited to be opening up job opportunities in the surrounding areas and looking forward to working with the local community.”

AW Repair Group work in partnership with prestige manufacturers such as Land Rover, Jaguar and the Volkswagen Group, and currently employs 85 people across three sites.

A further 14 jobs have been created at the Markham site, 12 of which have been filled and two will be advertised shortly.

Peter Storey, Head of Markham Employment Growth Zone at Markham Vale said:

“AW Repair Group is the latest in a line of companies signing up to move in at Markham, bringing more jobs to the area.”Markham Vale continues to thrive and plays a key role in achieving the council’s long-term vision of building a strong economy in Derbyshire that creates jobs and provides a bright future for our young people.”

The firm’s 15,000 sq. ft. bodyshop was designed by our private sector developer, Henry Boot Ltd as part of the Waterloo Court building.

Ben Ward from Henry Boot Developments commented:

“We are delighted to welcome AW Repair Group to Markham Vale. The recent flurry of successful deals makes Markham Vale one of the most active enterprise zones in the UK.”We recently welcomed Ready Egg and Euro Garages, delivered additional space for Holdsworth Foods and are currently underway with significant new buildings for Gould Alloys and inspirepac for occupation this summer.”

Existing occupiers at Markham Vale include MSE Hiller, Squadron Medical, Industrial Ancillaries, Andrew Page, Holdsworth Foods and Ready Egg Products.

The regeneration site is one of the UK’s biggest Enterprise Zone developments and this latest development is being funded using a £14.2m Government grant awarded through the Sheffield City Region’s Enterprise Zone.

AW Repair Group opens at Markham Vale

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Lawyers of the Future Reach Finals in Regional Competition

Budding lawyers from Chesterfield College have battled their way through a courtroom showdown to secure a place at the final of the 2015 Inter-School Mock Trial.

The annual competition, held by Sheffield Hallam University, in partnership with the Sheffield Law Society, is an opportunity for A level students from schools and colleges across the region to compete for valuable work experience placements with local solicitors, as well as a trophy to take back home.

Students at Chesterfield College gave a winning performance before the jury and now wait to hear who they will face in the final which takes place at Sheffield Combined Courts in June.

Julie Fidorra, 6th form law lecturer said:-

“Competitions like this give students a fantastic insight into what it is like to be a solicitor or a barrister and where their studies can lead to.

“I am really proud of our students. They were articulate and presented their case eloquently. They have proven they can put the things they have learnt into practice without letting the pressure of a real life court room scenario affect their ability to think on their feet. They really did look the part too!”

Holly Cole, one of the A ‘level team members commented:-

“The competition has been an amazing and eye-opening experience. It has been fun too. It’s made me realise that I would definitely like to pursue law as a career.”


Photo: From left to right: Chesterfield College A’Level Law Students – Holly Cole, Freya Hindley, Bobby Cutts, Andre Beighton , Tom Ullyatt.


Chesterfield College - 2015 interschool mock trial competition

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

First Wireless Broadband Antennae in Chesterfield

Chesterfield Champion, Central Technology, has installed the first state-of-the-art wireless antenna in Chesterfield to create faster speeds.

The super-fast broadband speeds up to 160 times faster than currently available to all business tenants in close proximity to Beresford Way, Sheepbridge, Chesterfield.

Ian Snow, Managing Director remarks:-

“We are excited to bring the first antenna to Chesterfield, which will make a big difference to many of our neighbours who we know have been struggling with poor broadband for a number of years.  Our technical team has overcome complex challenges to deliver this much needed service which will naturally boost efficiency and productivity.

“Central Technology’s ISP infrastructure and antenna is an affordable alternative and offers business peace of mind that they are getting the best possible internet speeds and management of their broadband service.”

Beresford Way is the first of Central Technology’s sites to benefit from superfast broadband and will act as a blue print to roll out further antennas in Chesterfield at a later date.


Central Technology Broadband

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Destination Chesterfield

Young Spireites Duo to Sign Professional Deals

Chesterfield FC has offered professional contracts to youth team duo Laurence Maguire and Jake Beesley.

Maguire, who plays in central defence, has captained the high-flying Spireites youth team this season while striker Beesley has scored 20 goals so far. Both youngsters have a footballing heritage.

Maguire’s brother Harry is with Premier League club Hull City and Beesley’s father, Paul, starred for the likes of Sheffield United and Leeds United.

Commenting on the decision to offer contracts to the pair, Academy Manager, Gerry Carr said:-

“This is without doubt the most difficult part of my job. We have had an excellent season with the youth team and all of the players have played a huge part in that.

“Mark Smith and I have assessed all of the second years over a two-year period and Laurence Maguire and Jake Beesley have been the most progressive over that period. Hopefully they can both go on to represent Chesterfield in the first team. For those two the hard work to become a successful professional footballer is just starting.

“Those that have been unfortunate enough not to be offered a professional contract will hopefully go on to prove us wrong. We as a club will do our best to help them out in the next stage of their lives and careers. I wish them all the very best of luck in the future.”
Maguire expressed his delight at the news. He said: “It feels very good. When I got the news from Gerry and Mark, I was just relieved – now it’s onwards and upwards.”

Beesley added:-

“I’ve been at the club since I was 14-years-old. It’s nice to come all the way through, get my scholarship first and then after those two years I’m delighted now to get my first pro contract.”Spireites Duo

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Chesterfield’s Mud-loving Legals Endure Charity Challenge

A team from Banner Jones Solicitors – known as the ‘Mud-Loving Legals’ – has raised over £300 for Help the Heroes at the Endurer 8km Dash in Barlow.

The Endurer course, developed by former Royal Marine Commandos is a test of anyone’s stamina, strength, agility and determination and includes a muddy commando crawl, a 7ft wall, high bale stacks, a water slide and a freezing cold pond dip to name a few.

Kerry Anderson, Costs Lawyer at Banner Jones said:-

“I knew it would be muddy but I never expected mud up to my waist- we almost lost a team member!

It’s the best event I’ve ever done, we laughed all the way round and the support from Banner Jones was amazing. We were absolutely thrilled to discover that we had finished 18th out of 65 teams who entered.”

Marketing Manager, Ann-Marie Lowe comments:-

“Banner Jones do a lot of charity work throughout the year and regularly enter teams into running events, including the Chesterfield Marathon, but when the team decided they wanted to have a go at this we couldn’t help but support them.

“They took this on with absolute determination and have helped to raised £327 for Help for Heroes in the process. We are very proud of our Mud Loving Legals!”Banner Jones Endurer Event

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield Radio Team Reach The Sporting Peak

Earlier this month the presenters of Peak FM’s Total Sport narrowly lost out on claiming national honours at an awards ceremony at London’s Century Club.

Fresh from winning best Sports Content at the annual UTV Awards, the team was shortlisted for a prestigious IRN commercial radio award in the same category.  Despite not coming away with the top prize they were named as one of the top three commercial radio sports programs in the country.

Total Sport presenter Tom Hilton said:

“Obviously as sports guys we were desperate to go all the way and win the award, but to earn the recognition from a panel of industry experts is a pretty decent consolation prize.”

“As long as those loyal Spireites fans who tune into us on a match day are happy with what we do then we can’t really ask for more though.”

The nomination was based on Peak FM’s coverage of Chesterfield’s fantastic season 2013-2014 which saw the Spireites grace the hallowed turf at Wembley; clinch promotion away at Burton Albion and then seal the League Two Championship trophy at the Proact Stadium on the first Saturday in May.

They covered every angle of the season from the press box to pitch-side at Wembley to the open top bus ride around Chesterfield and the civic reception at the Town Hall.

You can listen to the team on Peak FM on Saturday afternoons between 2 and 6pm.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Leisure

Shorts Take on Cycle Challenge in Memory of Colleague

Partners and staff at Shorts Chartered Accountants are teaming up to raise money for The Lymphoma Association in memory of a long-serving Chesterfield colleague.

The group has been training over the winter in preparation for a 170 mile ‘Way of the Roses’ charity cycle ride in spring.

The marathon route, which starts in Morecambe and finishes in Bridlington is a highly popular yet extremely challenging cycling route. The team plans to complete the challenge in 3 days covering between 40 and 65 miles each day.

Senior Tax Manager at Shorts, Adrian Dunkley is organising the event and comments:-

“2015 marks Shorts’ 125th anniversary and we wanted to organise a charity event which would coincide.

“Sadly, over Christmas 2014 Shorts lost a long serving and greatly respected colleague, Brian Sewell to Lymphoma. It made sense that we complete this challenge, whilst raising money for this extremely worthwhile cause in his memory; it is fantastic that so many of the staff and partners are taking part.’

The team is scheduled to set off on Friday 8 May 2015, from Morecambe, aiming to arrive in Bridlington on Sunday evening. Those taking part include Paul Beeson, Chris Chambers, Howard Freeman, Simon Hollin, Andy Ryder, Linzi riley, Tom Winter, Adrian Dunkley, Martin Dean, Matt Milnes, Greg Taylor, Paul Snaith, Kate Smith, Eleanor Huddleston, and Claire Seedhouse.

Donations can be made by visiting the team’s Just Giving page at https://www.justgiving.com/shorts-accountants1/ or by texting the code BINE75 with the donation amount to 70070.

Coast to Coast

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Exciting Apprenticeship Opportunities on Offer With Derbyshire County Council

Derbyshire County Council has announced 50 apprenticeship vacancies across the county.  Roles in Chesterfield are varied and range from plumbing and joinery and youth work to marketing and social media.

Derbyshire County Council’s Chief Executive Ian Stephenson said:

“An apprenticeship offers a great way into the world of work and we hope as many people as possible come along to the recruitment days to see what we have on offer.”

Young people are invited to find out more at a drop in session on Thursday 16th April from 3.00pm – 6.30pm at The Peter Webster Centre on Sheffield Road.  On the day potential applicants will be able to talk to staff about the apprenticeships available, pick up an application form and participate in mini skills workshops on completing application forms and preparing for interviews.

Application forms will also be available online from 27 March to 10 May at by clicking here.  Alternatively, applicants can contact Learning Unlimited on 01629 535 850 for more information.
Chesterfield College-Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Chesterfield Homes to be Protected Against Flooding

More than 60 Chesterfield homes will be protected against flooding thanks to a specialist scheme supported from Chesterfield Borough Council.

Work is currently being carried out by specialist contractor Whitehouse Construction on three homes in Spital Lane.  The properties will be fitted with flood doors, drainage pumps and non-return valves as well as other works to seal against flood water.

A further 59 homes in Brampton are to benefit later in the year.

The Environment Agency has helped secure funding for the work with Chesterfield Borough Council contributing a further £53,000 towards the cost.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Executive Member for Environment said:

“Although the council is not directly responsible for flooding, we know that flooding has been a big problem for some of our residents and this is why we have contributed funding towards the work.

“The work carried out on these homes should offer real relief to people who have previously experienced flooding after heavy rainfall.

“We will continue to work with our partners to help alleviate the risk and effects of flooding for residents.”

Flooding prevention Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Volunteers Transform Local Footpath

Seven ramblers have joined forces with Chesterfield Borough Council to improve a boggy local footpath ahead of the annual Chesterfield in Bloom competition.

Running from the Sheepbridge Industrial Estate through to Cobnar Wood to link with the countryside around Barlow, the route is popular with walkers, wildlife enthusiasts and workers alike.

The volunteers are currently working with council park rangers to install edging boards and resurface the path with stone so that local people will soon be able to gain access to the ancient wood throughout the year.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Executive Member for Environment said:

“Chesterfield in Bloom is a project led by the council to encourage people to take pride in and help improve their local environment.

“Thanks to the volunteers from Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire Ramblers giving their time and effort, the community can now benefit from an improved path offering access to local countryside and wildlife.

Michael Sims from Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire Ramblers, who volunteered on the project added:

“We are very pleased that we were able to assist in the project.

“The Ramblers help everyone, everywhere, to enjoy walking and protect the places we love to walk.”

The council will launch the annual Chesterfield in Bloom garden competitions in early May.  Anyone interested in volunteering as part of Chesterfield in Bloom should contact John Ramsey on 01246 345097.

Volunteers Transform Local Footpath

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Last Chance to Vote in 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards

Time is ticking to nominate your favourite shop or store in Chesterfield. Nominations for the town’s popular retail awards, which are organised by Destination Chesterfield and sponsored by Learning Unlimited – part of Chesterfield College Group, close on Monday 6 April at midnight. Shoppers can nominate at www.chesterfield.co.uk/retailawards

However, if you miss the nomination deadline, shoppers still have one more chance to vote in the Vicar Lane Shopping Centre’s Retailer of the Year Award. Vicar Lane Shopping Centre and Destination Chesterfield want to help find the town’s favourite retailer based on Vicar Lane and Steeplegate in the town centre.

The Vicar Lane Award will be presented by the Centre at the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards being held on on 24 June 2015 at the Winding Wheel.

Voting for the Vicar Lane Award opens on the 2 April until 30 April and can be done in any of the 40 shops and stores in Vicar Lane Shopping Centre or online at www.vicarlaneshoppingcentre.co.uk

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre Manager Sonia Kolomijez said: “Last year’s Chesterfield Retail Awards were a huge success and really got the town talking – shoppers and retailers alike. It made sense to work in partnership with Destination Chesterfield in order to celebrate the best Vicar Lane retailer. It’s easy to vote and I would encourage as many shoppers as possible to take the opportunity to do so and help us find and celebrate their favourite retailer.”

The Vicar Lane Retailer of the Year winner will join winners from across 14 categories in the Chesterfield Retail Awards, which include:

• Hair and Beauty Business of the Year
• Fashion and Footwear Retailer of the Year
• Jewellery and Accessories Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by the Pavements Shopping Centre
• Home and Gifts Retailer of the Year
• Children’s Clothes, Toys & Accessories Retailer of the Year
• Food and Drink Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by BHP Accountants
• Phones and Technology Retailer of the Year
• Leisure Retailer of the Year (Sports, Hobbies, Crafts or Outdoor)
• Market Trader of the Year – Sponsored by Chesterfield Borough Council
• Independent Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by Jumble Design
• National/ Multiple Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by Vicar Lane
• Excellence in Customer Service – Sponsored by Learning Unlimited
• Market Hall Business of the Year – Sponsored by Kier
• Best New Store (Opened 2014/2015) – Sponsored by Banner Jones Solicitors

There is also an additional Retailer of the Year award, sponsored by East Midlands Chamber, which will be announced at the awards ceremony. Other supporters of the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards include eBusiness works and the Derbyshire Times.

This year, retailers can support their call for nominations by submitting a short 20 second video explaining why shoppers should nominate their business. Videos should be emailed to info@chesterfield.co.uk and will appear on Destination Chesterfield’s website, Facebook page and Twitter.

There are limited sponsorship opportunities still available if you are interested in becoming involved please contact Dom Stevens on 01246 207207 or email dom.stevens@chesterfield.co.uk.

Photo shows winners of the 2014 Chesterfield Retail Awards.

Chesterfield Retail Awards 2014, held in the Market Hall Assembly Rooms.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

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