About Chesterfield

Next phase of Staveley Basin development underway

Staveley Basin’s next phase of development has begun with contractors currently on site working to build wing walls to support the basin’s lock bridge.

Derbyshire County Council, which manages the project, has agreed to fund £89,000 towards the scheme, with Chesterfield Canal Trust contributing £76,000 in funds and volunteer time.

Ace Developments from Chesterfield has started an eight week contract to build the wing walls which will support the unfinished lock bridge already in place ready to carry a road over the canal.

The Staveley Basin project is part of work being completed with the help of volunteers to restore and improve Chesterfield Canal; making more of the waterway navigable.

The project has already seen the development of a mooring basin which can house up to 20 large canal boats and 12 smaller crafts.

Councillor Joan Dixon, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Jobs, Economy and Transport said:-

“This latest work on the Staveley Basin project is part of plans to help develop Chesterfield Canal as well as improve the area for visitors and boats. The work of the volunteers helping us to develop the project has been fantastic and we cannot thank them enough.”

Groups who have been involved in helping the project include the Chesterfield Canal Partnership and the Waterway Recovery Group.

Chesterfield Canal Trust, which has also been helping since 2012, has raised over £45,000 towards the project through donations.

A group of around 15 volunteers from the trust meet every Sunday to help build the lock at Staveley Basin.

George Bunting, 65, from Brimington has been a member of the trust since 1995 and is currently helping with construction.  He said:-

“The main benefits of the work at Staveley Basin will be the boost it gives tourism with people who come in on boats hopefully spending money in Staveley.  The thing I most enjoy about volunteering is the camaraderie and the idea that we are achieving something for the local community and leaving something for future generations.”

(Image courtesy of Chesterfield Canal Trust

Source:Derbyshire County Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Hopes for leisure centre funding boost

A grant application of more than £1 million will be made by Chesterfield Borough Council to fund extra facilities at the proposed new Queen’s Park Sports Centre.

An expression of interest to Sport England’s Strategic Facilities Fund has been successful and the council has now been formally invited to submit a full application.

A decision on whether the bid will be successful or not is expected to be made by Sport England’s board in the summer.

If funding is granted, it will enable the council to add extra facilities requested by users, the public and sports groups during the public consultations.

This could include increasing the number of lanes in the swimming pool from six to eight and adding two more courts to create an eight court sports hall, which would enable a wider range of sporting activities to take place at the same time.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council’s executive member for leisure, culture and tourism, said:-

“We said from day one of this project that we would be seeking to make grant applications that could enable us to add more facilities as soon as we were at the stage in the process that enables us to do this.

“The application will have to be considered by Sport England against other worthy bids so there are no guarantees of success.

“But we are pleased that Sport England recognised the local importance of this project and its potential to contribute to their community sport objectives when they supported us in the expressions of interest stage of the process.

“We believe we can put forward a really good and convincing bid as the grant would enable us to deliver an even better leisure centre that inspires more Chesterfield residents to get fit, active and healthy.”

Sport England’s Strategic Facilities Fund offers grants of up to £2 million for local authority projects that bring together multiple partners, including input from the public and private sectors. The fund is also designed to encourage applicants and their partners to invest further capital and revenue funding to ensure sustainability.

It is expected a decision on the planning application for the replacement Queen’s Park Sports Centre can be made within the next couple of months.

If the bid to Sport England is successful the grant funding would be added to the money already committed to the building by Chesterfield Borough Council and Chesterfield College.

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

New business centre and community park for Chesterfield

The first phase of the £3.8m restoration programme at Staveley Hall is nearing completion.

This follows several years of hard work from the Heart of Staveley Project, set up to transform the semi-derelict building and its historic walled garden into a centre focused on community, education, heritage and arts activities.

The project is creating Staveley Hall Business Centre, which will provide up to 70 jobs, as well as restoring the historic walled garden – transforming it into a town centre community park.

The first phase of the project, the revival of the stable block, will open in early June 2014, with office space available for 11 small businesses.  

Once complete in June 2015, Staveley Hall will also provide space for another 7 businesses to be located on the upper floors, with meeting rooms and a café on the ground floor.

The Heart of Staveley, which was launched in 2008, has so far secured £3.4m towards the cost of the £3.8 million project and there is a robust fundraising strategy in place to raise the remaining balance.

Funding has come from a range of charitable grant giving trusts including the Heritage Lottery Fund and the European Regional Development Fund.  Staveley Town Council has also borrowed £750,000 from the Public Works Loans Board.

It is envisaged that Staveley Town Council will ratify the tender price in July 2014 and take a 33 year lease of the Hall and walled garden once work has been completed.

A small team of staff will be appointed, led by a hall manager and administrator, heritage and education officer, head gardener and volunteer coordinator who will be supported by up to 50 volunteers.

There are also plans for a garden team of 20 which will be established to work with the head gardener to restore the garden and then maintain it as a community park, based on the historic 17th Century structure, for the local community.

An public event is to be held at Staveley Hall on 15 April 2014 (4pm – 8pm) to provide an explanation of proposals, to seek support and start to create a team of volunteers.  Representatives of Staveley Town Council, the Heart of Staveley and the professional team will be available to explain the scheme and answer any queries.

Tours of the stable block will be available for those who are interested.  For more information please contact Staveley Town Council on 01246 473132.

Source:Staveley Town Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Chesterfield is the perfect blend for Ringtons tea

Ringtons tea is moving to Chesterfield following its purchase of two industrial units on Dunston Trading Estate, Sheepbridge.

The move signifies the merging of two of the company’s existing regional sales offices – Nottingham andSouth Yorkshire– to create one centralised 2,400 sq ft base.  The new site will be home to 24 employees and will contain modern office space, storage solutions, loading areas, meeting rooms and training facilities.  In addition the move will create four new jobs.

Ringtons is a British tea and coffee merchant which was established in 1907 by Samuel Smith who sold tea door to door via horse and cart.  Today the family business still offers a traditional doorstep delivery service to over 260,000 customers throughout the UK albeit via vans instead of horse and cart.

Ringtons’ new Chesterfield office is one of the company’s 20 sales offices based throughout the UK from which its doorstep delivery service is operated.  Sales offices are as far north as Edinburgh and as far south as East Anglia. The relocation to Chesterfield will allow Ringtons Salespeople to bring its selection of quality tea, coffee, biscuits, edibles and seasonal specials to the doorsteps of a greater number of customers from this key location.

Stephen Killinger Ringtons Operations Manager who oversaw the Ringtons move said: “We chose Chesterfield as it is a great central location which is close to the M1, allowing us to continue to offer first class service to our existing customers and reach an even wider area including Derby, Sheffield, Nottingham, Rotherham, and Burton on Trent.  Merging the two Sales Offices allows us to operate more efficiently from one single site and upgrade from the two former sites which were in need of substantial repair.

“The units themselves on Dunston Trading estate are currently undergoing a refurb and we look forward to merging both our offices there at the end of March.  The site itself is going to allow for greater access to the surrounding area, make incoming deliveries easier and we also hope to bring business to our neighbours which include local caterers, car garages and maintenance providers.  It’s an exciting move for Ringtons and we look forward to filling our four vacancies from our new hub.

The Council’s Economic Development Unit assisted the company to find the right business premises.  CouncillorJohn Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said: “We are always pleased to see new businesses opening in the borough. I am pleased that Ringtons Tea has chosen Chesterfield for their new base – they could not have chosen better,Chesterfield is on the up and our transport links both regionally and nationally are second to none.”

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Route confirmed for Chesterfield Marathon

Organisers have officially confirmed the 26-mile route for the Chesterfield Marathon, which takes place on Sunday, September 14, in aid of children’s charity Kids ‘n’ Cancer UK, along with other local charities and good causes.

The Chesterfield Marathon, which is set to be one Chesterfield’s biggest mass participation events in more than 30 years, will begin and finish at Queen’s Park in the town centre, while taking in most of Chesterfield and surrounding area.

Runners will head through the town centre onto the A617, before looping around Williamthorpe Ponds on to the B6039, towards the A632 and then the A61 heading for The Casa Hotel towards Sheffield Road where the half marathon will finish.

From there the route heads towards Whittington Moor and near to Cobnar Wood before turning around towards Newbold and the B6150, through Ashgate onto the Old Road and back into Queens Park.

Runners can take part in a full marathon, half marathon and a relay race, where four competitors take a share of the course.  There will also be a fun run for parents, children and anyone wanting to take part in shorter distances up to two miles around the town centre. Fancy dress is welcome!

More than 1,000 people are expected to take part with entries now open for all events.

In addition to the running events there will be a fun fair, Blackpool Children’s Circus, human statues, children’s entertainers and street entertainment, plus market stalls, food and beer tents, live music and a firework display in Queen’s Park for all members of the public to enjoy.

Mike Hyman from Kids ‘n’ Cancer UK is one of the race founders. He said:

“We want the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Marathon to be open to all ages and abilities. This is why we have arranged a series of races at varying distances to accommodate as many people as possible.

“The event will stimulate the economy in Chesterfield and will be an annual event where we are able to generate the foundations to support the growth of Kids ‘n’ Cancer UK – helping more children and their families plus local charities and good causes.”

Chesterfield based children’s cancer charity Kids ‘n’ Cancer UK was founded by Mike and June Hyman.  The charity has helped more than 65 families in three years, specialising in securing Proton Therapy treatment for children with different forms of cancer and at the same time helping and funding living and accommodation for patients who receive government funding for their treatment.

Proton Therapy is currently unavailable in the UK, but plans are now in place to establish new facilities in London and Manchester within the next six years to provide the treatment.

Sponsors and supporters of the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Marathon 2014 include Utopia Tableware, Casa Hotel, Natwest, BRM Solicitors, Stopfords Accountants, Spire Marquees, Forever Living, Peak FM, Modiri Chartered Accountants, Caldic, One Health Sharks, Red Butterfly, Klasse Spa, Holywell Healthcare, MLS, Traffic Management Services (Retford) Limited and MK.

Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire Police, Destination Chesterfieldand Derbyshire and Nottingham Chamber of Commerce have all given the race their backing.

To sign-up for the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Marathon visitwww.chesterfieldmarathon.co.uk.

Follow the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Marathon on Twitter @CDMarathon2014 and on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/ChesterfieldDerbyshireMarathon.

(Pictured (left to right): Andrea Hooley from Chesterfield Marathon, Alison Bridge of MLS and Bill Wilson, June Hyman and Mike Hyman from Chesterfield Marathon.)

Source:On behalf of Kids ‘N’ Cancer by HR Media Ltd

Posted in About Chesterfield, Visiting


Chesterfield FC officials have received a glowing endorsement from UEFA following the European Women’s Under-17 Championship, which featured four games staged at the Proact Stadium.

The club hosted the final of the tournament, which saw Germany beat Spain in a penalty shoot-out after the two sides were tied at 1-1 at the end of normal time.

Tournament director Adrian Bevington praised the club’s handling of the matches. He said: “Chesterfield FC have been fantastic hosts of the UEFA European Women’s Under-17 Championship and provided us with a great stadium for a final of this level.

“We have been really impressed with the modern facilities. The staff worked really hard to provide a great service to UEFA, The FA, the players and the fans who attended the matches.

“The final was a wonderful occasion and Chesterfield FC and their partners should be proud of the grand event they staged.”

The stadium previously hosted men’s England Under-21 and Under-19 matches.

Source:Chesterfield FC

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield

Free workshop aims to help Chesterfield businesses shine

Chesterfield-based businesses are being given the opportunity to shine by local award writing specialist and Chesterfield Champion, Pure Events. Lucinda White, Director of Pure Events is hosting a free Business Awards workshop on Wednesday 27th November at Tapton Innovation Centre.

The workshop, which is organised in partnership between Destination Chesterfield and Chesterfield Borough Council’s Innovation Support Project, will give people the skills, information and top tips they need to submit creative and well-written award entries.

The workshop itself has been shortlisted for the ‘Business Idea of the Year’ Award in the 2013 Derbyshire Times Business Awards.

As a follow-up to the workshop, all delegates will also receive a free critique of next award entry, worth £175.

Dominic Stevens Manager of Destination Chesterfield said: “The town has many great business success stories that aren’t being told or recognised. By organising this free workshop we hope to give business the skills and know-how they need to get valuable recognition for their business.  They may have missed out on this year’s local business awards, but after attending this workshop there will be no excuse for missing out on next year’s.”

To reserve a place on the Business Awards Workshop visit www.chesterfield.co.uk/awards.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Public’s favourite design chosen for Hornsbridge Roundabout in Chesterfield

Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet has approved plans for a key entrance into the town, as chosen by the public and local businesses.

At their meeting on Tuesday 22 October, cabinet members approved plans for work by a local artist, guided by the outcome of a public consultation, to be installed at Hornsbridge roundabout, the main gateway into Chesterfield from the M1.

£300,000 in funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Barratt Homes, who is currently building 68 homes on the site of the former Chesterfield Football Club on Saltergate, has been provided to improve the area.

This funding can only be used for public artwork and work to improve the look and feel of the roundabout.

The aim of the project is to provide a talking point and to attract inward investment into the town centre.

Members of the public and business leaders in Chesterfield have chosen a design by Derbyshire-based artist Melanie Jackson for the site.

The public were given the opportunity to choose between four shortlisted designs during a consultation held during August and September, 507 members of the public commented online and in person during an event at the Pavements Shopping Centre.

The design was also chosen by the Chesterfield Champions, a network of local business leaders.

The chosen artwork, entitled Growth, features a wheel or cog, integrated into the landscape, symbolising Chesterfield’s strong industrial heritage with an opening bud or flower rising out of the centre.

Councillor John Burrows, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader and executive member for regeneration said: “At the junction of the A61 and A617 and next to the Midland Main Line, the area’s rail link to London, Hornsbridge is the most important entrance to Chesterfield, it is, therefore, only right that we take any opportunity to improve this area.

“The funding for this has been provided by the European Regional Development Fund and Barratt Homes and can only be used for this purpose with the aim of attracting more economic development in the town centre.”

A further £190,000 in funding will be spent on the pedestrian approach from Chesterfield Railway Station to the town centre.

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Markham Vale jobs boost as work on £8m development begins

Work has started on a new £8m manufacturing facility which will bring another 50 jobs to Derbyshire’s flagship regenerate site.

Northern Ireland’s biggest egg processor, Ready Egg Products has selected Markham Vale site for its new manufacturing facility – creating 50 jobs for local people over the next two years.

The company chose the site, next to the purpose built junction 29A of the M1, for its excellent transport links, saying it will help provide a more efficient service to its clients, 80% of which are based in the UK mainland.

Councillor Joan Dixon, Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Jobs, Economy and Transport, said:

“I am delighted to welcome Ready Egg Products to Markham Vale for the development of its new base which will bring 50 new job opportunities.

“A lot of hard work has gone into getting Markham Vale to the stage it is during extremely tough economic times and there have been some very positive recent developments with more in the pipeline.

“Everything we have done at Markham is geared towards long-term job creation and strong foundations are in place. During the last year alone over 500 new jobs have been announced and we will continue to work hard to attract more companies with the aim of bringing 5,000 jobs for local people.”

Work is underway on a state-of-the-art 34,700 sq ft warehouse on nearly three acres of land, which is expected to be ready for business by June 2014.

Ready Egg, which was set up as a family operation in 2004, currently employs around 80 people at its Northern Ireland headquarters near Enniskillen.

It processes over 1.4m eggs per day for a number of high profile clients to use in food-making including cakes, pastries, pies, mayonnaise and meringues.

Charles Crawford, Managing Director of Ready Egg Products, said:

“This is an exciting development for Ready Egg Products and we’re pleased to be bringing 50 jobs for local people to Markham Vale.

“Our new processing site will give our customers – the vast majority of which are in the mainland UK – a better service at a better price.

“Markham Vale is the ideal fit for us because of how close it is to the motorway network, meaning significant savings on transport. Having a purpose-built facility to exact specifications will also streamline operations meaning a more efficient service.”
We are working with development partner Henry Boot Developments Ltd which is managing and marketing Markham Vale.

Ben Ward, Senior Development Surveyor at Henry Boot Developments Ltd, said:

“This is more great news for Markham Vale. Ready Egg is the latest business to choose Markham Vale as a location due to its excellent transport links to the M1. We are currently finalising discussions with several other occupiers and hope to be able to release further details soon.”

Henry Boot Construction won the contract to construct the building which will accommodate Ready Egg’s operational needs and take 34 weeks to complete.

Markham Vale has been granted Enterprise Zone status by the Government, meaning firms moving to some areas of the site can apply for Enhanced Capital Allowances – offering tax relief for major investment in plant and machinery.

Source:Derbyshire County Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Revamped Market Hall prepares to open its doors

The finishing touches are currently being added to Chesterfield’s Market Hall, which opens later this month after a £4 million redevelopment.  Click here for photographs.

The new Market Hall, owned and operated by Chesterfield Borough Council, opens on Monday 28 October after the work, which has taken 12 months to complete.

The main retail hall has been transformed with a glazed atrium above first floor level providing natural light and the 1970s extension on New Square has been redesigned to be more in keeping with the original Market Hall whilst providing high quality offices at first floor level.

The majority of existing traders who were trading in the Market Hall were offered space in the new one and are currently fitting out their premises.

The new Market Hall will offer an improved shopping mix for the town centre with a wide variety of stalls including: perfume, mobile phone repairs, sweets, footwear, wools, butchery and seafood.

A new central café area is at the heart of the ground floor operated by Market Plaza Café, managed by mother and daughter team, Lynne and Shannon Benison.

Market Plaza Café is owned by SLIC Training.  The company will offer opportunities for new apprentices to train on the job in the new café.

The new Market Hall will open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm.  The butchers and café will open from 8am.

The shopping offer will be further improved as new external units prepare to open.  Fred’s Haberdashery has expanded and will be moving to the bigger former Douglas Turner unit on 28 October.  Further external pitches will be opening during December.

The upper storeys contain rented office accommodation for businesses.

The Assembly Rooms have been restored to their former glory.  They will host the CAMRA beer festival, sponsored by G F Tomlinson, which takes place on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 November.

The Assembly Rooms, based right in the heart of Chesterfield, will also available to hire for parties, weddings, business meetings from December.

Councillor John Burrows, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader and executive member for regeneration said: “I am proud that at a time of cuts, when many councils have been forced to scale down their markets, we have been able to invest in the Market Hall and the traders who offer a wide range of choice to shoppers in Chesterfield.

“I’d like to thank the traders for their patience while the work has been carried out and I hope they are as excited as I am to see the jewel of the market place restored to its full glory.”

£2.1 million for the project was provided by the European Regional Development fund and Lottery grant with the remainder by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The work has been overseen by the council’s asset management partner estate management partner, Kier with G F Tomlinson as main contractor.  Project management has been carried out by Mace with IBI Taylor Young as architects and Ramboll as engineers.

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development, Visiting

Traders all set to move into Chesterfield Market Hall

All of the traders who were previously trading from Chesterfield’s market hall have been offered space in the new market hall when it re-opens this autumn.

The iconic building, owned and operated by Chesterfield Borough Council, is due to open in October after a redevelopment which has cost £4 million in build costs.

The council has been working with traders to offer an improved shopping experience to customers new and old when the market hall opens again.

Each of the potential traders were asked to present a business case setting out what they can offer customers.

Support in putting together these plans was given to existing traders through Destination Chesterfield’s ‘Incubation Street’ campaign.

This initiative is funded by a grant secured by Destination Chesterfield from Government as a town team partner and via the contributions of the Chesterfield Champions, the network of local businesses that work together to promote and develop Chesterfield.

The council is committed to giving the first opportunity to existing traders – subject to them being able to offer sufficient quality, which happily has been the case. Each of the existing traders was able to offer good business plans with impressive levels of thought, detail and creativity.

During the last 12 months, the existing traders have been housed in a temporary market hall to the rear of the building on New Square. The council has provided this facility to traders at a reduced rate to allow them to trade while the redevelopment work took place.

In addition, six new traders have been offered spaces in the building, offering new opportunities to shop. There are currently only two internal and five external units available.

The council has also appointed a preferred operator for the café, which will be the focal point of the ground floor in the redeveloped market hall.

Local start-up business Market Plaza Café, managed by mother and daughter team, Lynne and Shannon Benison will run the new café.

Market Plaza Café is owned by SLIC Training and Shannon has completed a hospitality apprenticeship through SLIC Training and has progressed to a full-time role in the hospitality industry. The company will offer opportunities for new apprentices to train on the job in the new café

Shannon Benison said: “I’m really looking forward to putting my skills and knowledge to establish the new and exciting business venture in the new market hall.”

The new café will be open from 8am to 5pm Monday to Saturday offering breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea options.

Councillor John Burrows, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader and executive member for regeneration said: “At a time of cuts we have invested in the market hall project because we have identified how important this is to the town’s economy.

“I am looking forward to welcoming traders old and new to the market hall when it re-opens in October. I would like to thank the existing traders for their patience while the building work has been taking place and I hope they will be as happy as I am about the new facilities we will be able to offer them.

“I am also proud to welcome a local start up business to the new café and am pleased that they will be offering apprenticeship opportunities to our residents.”

Dominic Stevens, Destination Chesterfield manager added: “We are pleased that the existing traders are returning to the market hall and that we were able to offer them business planning support as part of the project.

“The interest shown from new market traders is testament to the fact the market hall is considered a superb business incubator, providing a firm foundation for growth.

“It is also really pleasing to see a number of Chesterfield Championsinvolved with market hall. SLIC Training is the preferred operator for the new café, combining skills and training in the hospitality sector with their business, while Straightcurves is taking a incubation unit for their new business venture.”

£2.1 million for the project was provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Lottery grant with the remainder by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The work has been overseen by the council’s estate management partner, Kier, with G F Tomlinson as main contractor.

Project management has been carried out by Mace with Taylor Young as architects and Ramboll as engineers.

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council

Posted in About Chesterfield

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