Apprentice Town

UKATA urges employers to ensure apprentices are asbestos aware

As part of National Apprenticeship Week 2020 (3 – 9 February) the UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) is urging employers to deliver asbestos awareness training to all apprentices.

The message comes amid efforts by UKATA, which is one of the UK’s leading authorities on asbestos training, to halt the growing numbers of tradespeople contracting fatal asbestos related diseases.

Research has shown that younger people, if routinely exposed to asbestos fibres over time, are at greater risk of developing deadly asbestos related diseases than older workers.

Providing apprentices with key information about asbestos at an early stage will enable them to challenge poor work practices and protect themselves.

Craig Evans, Chief Operating Officer of UKATA urged: “With the death toll from occupational exposure reaching crisis levels in the UK, UKATA is calling on all employers of apprentices working in trades, to receive asbestos awareness training as soon as possible, whether that’s through a college or with their employer.”

Apprentice electricians, plumbers, carpenters. joiners, heating and ventilation engineers, painters and decorators are just some of the 1.3 million tradespeople that are at risk from exposure to the killer building material. And the facts are startling:

  • Asbestos kills around 20 tradespeople in the UK every week, making it the single biggest cause of work-related deaths (Health & Safety Executive)
  • Electricians are almost 16 times more likely than the general population to develop the killer lung disease mesothelioma in their lifetime. (Occupational, domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks in the British population: a case-control study.)
  • Asbestos exposure kills 4 plumbers every week (Health & Safety Executive)
  • 598 carpenters and joiners died between 1991-2000 as a result of an asbestos disease
  • 1 in 17 British carpenters born in the 1940s will die of mesothelioma (Cancer Research UK and Health & Safety Executive)
  • The UK has the highest death rate from mesothelioma in the world. The risk is highest in people who were exposed to asbestos before age 30. (Institute of Cancer Research)

Despite the well-publicised health risks posed by asbestos, a 2017 survey conducted by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of 500 tradespeople showed that less than a third were aware of the correct ways to deal with and handle asbestos in the workplace.

Craig explained: “It’s never too early to deliver asbestos awareness training to your workforce. The statistics show that the earlier in a person’s career they receive the appropriate training, then the better protected they are against developing asbestos related cancers in later life.

“A simple half day awareness course could prevent them from contracting a deadly disease and also ensure they don’t expose others to the dangers of asbestos.”

To ensure young people have access to asbestos awareness training before entering the workplace, UKATA is supporting the Learning Occupational Health by Experiencing Risks (LOcHER) project.

The LOcHER project idea originated within the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and aims to support colleges to help students develop valuable employment and life skills, so they feel equipped to lead change in their careers and the industries into which they progress.

For employers whose apprentices are yet to receive asbestos awareness training, UKATA advises that they access UKATA approved asbestos awareness training, either with a local provider or online.

“Asbestos awareness training is low cost and readily available. I urge all employers to book their apprentices on these half-day courses and provide them with a safe foundation for a long and safe career within the construction industry,” added Craig.

UKATA approved asbestos awareness courses are available both online and in training centres throughout the UK. Alternatively, the training provider may deliver on site.

To find out more about UKATA, click here.

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Success for young Financial Services Apprentice in Chesterfield

Apprentice Ethan Noakes has been offered a permanent position and opportunity to progress at Chesterfield company Mortgage 1st after successfully completing his apprenticeship scheme.

Ethan left school in 2017 and was keen to get straight into the workplace instead of continuing in further education. He secured a position at Mortgage 1st in Chesterfield on their apprenticeship scheme, studying Level 2 Financial Services Customer Adviser through a local training provider.

Ethan worked within the Mortgage Processing Department and with the support of his line manager Carly and all his colleagues, he began to learn the role and expectations of a Mortgage Administrator.

After 18 months, he successfully completed his apprenticeship and was offered a permanent position at Mortgage 1st. Not only had he passed the course work and exams, he had also impressed the management team with his professionalism, commitment and hard work.

Ethan has now been given an opportunity to progress further within the company and has begun training to become a General Insurance Adviser at Mortgage 1st. This has involved moving upstairs to the broker floor to join Louise and her team of advisers, as well as meeting with insurers such as Legal & General & Aviva to begin learning about their products and services.

Ethan said: “I have really enjoyed my time within the processing department and am excited to begin the training for my new role. I hope to continue learning, growing in knowledge and confidence, and keep progressing further and further. I know with the support that Mortgage 1st continuously offer that this is more than achievable. Everything being well, my dream goal is to be a Mortgage and Protection Advisor.”

Mortgage 1st continues to offer both work experience and apprenticeship opportunities to ambitious and driven young people in and around Chesterfield. For further details please contact the company to register your interest with HR Director Lisa Stones.

Ethan and his Mortgage 1st colleagues took part in the 2019 Redbrilk Chesterfield Half Marathon

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North Derbyshire Careers Hub launched by D2N2

Over one hundred people attended the launch of the North Derbyshire Careers Hub on 14 January. The hub is an initiative between D2N2 and the Careers and Enterprise Company designed to improve the life chances of the region’s young people.

At the launch, hosted at the Casa Hotel in Chesterfield, guests learned first-hand how the ambitions of the Hub will shape the future of young people. Attendees were encouraged to think about the skills that will be needed in the future workplace and new careers available in a rapidly changing landscape.

The North Derbyshire Careers Hub is made up of 21 schools and colleges working together to transform careers education for young people across the region. Careers Hub will maximise the quality and impact of careers support for young people across the north of the county.

Led by D2N2 with £80,000 in financial support from the Careers & Enterprise Company; the Careers Hub works collaboratively with universities, training providers, employers, Enterprise Advisers, and careers professionals alongside lead school Shirebrook Academy to deliver the Gatsby Benchmarks and improve careers outcomes for young people.

In addition, the hub also offers a central fund for employer engagement activities and training for a ‘Careers Leader’ in each school.

Amongst the speakers at the launch event were D2N2 Head of People & Skills Rachel Quinn, Abdul Bathin from the Careers & Enterprise Company, and Dom Stevens from Destination Chesterfield.

Local students also helped support the event with compare duties performed by Head boy of Tibshelf school, Max Derbyshire and refreshments provided by pupils from Stubbin Wood Special School.

Chloe Pearce, 14, from Outwood Academy Newbold said: “The event has been really interesting, especially seeing what goes on in careers behind the scenes and it’s been great getting students involved in the whole experience.”

D2N2 Careers Hub lead Dan Heffernan said of the launch: “I’m delighted to be managing this project on behalf of D2N2. This launch event showed the real appetite for change across North Derbyshire, and the team and I look forward to working closely with all our partners in the coming months.

“The North Derbyshire Careers Hub will play a key role in the long-term success of our region’s economy, building on the success of our existing Enterprise Advisor Network, and the strong partnerships between schools, colleges, and businesses.”

“We want to ensure young people get timely and relevant careers advice and meaningful encounters with the world of work. This will help lead to improved employment opportunities and subsequent economic growth.”

John Yarham, Interim Chief Executive of the Careers & Enterprise Company said: “This is brilliant news for young people in the county. The North Derbyshire Careers Hub will mean more and more young people get the opportunity to meet all and interact with a huge range of employers.

“These opportunities will help inspire young people, inform them about the different paths open to them, and prepare them for the world of work.”

The North Derbyshire Careers Hub is part of a wider network of hubs set up across the country by LEPs and supported by the Careers & Enterprise Company.

Hubs have garnered support from the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) and more than 100 ‘cornerstone employers’ across the country who have committed to driving and championing connections to the world of work; including Airbus, KPMG, Anglian Water and GCHQ.

The Careers Hubs are based on a pilot scheme by the Gatsby Foundation (which is behind the Gatsby Benchmarks, an internationally recognised ‘checklist’ of what schools and colleges need to do to provide the best careers advice) and the North-East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), run from 2015 to 2017.

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Chesterfield training programme equips people for a career in construction

Ten local people who want to carve a career in construction were celebrating recently after successfully graduating from a training programme at Chesterfield College. The programme gave them the qualifications and experience they need to secure a job in the industry.

The Pathways4Life programme, designed by national maintenance and refurbishment contractor company Fortem in 2005, was delivered in Chesterfield earlier this month in partnership with Chesterfield College, Job Centre Plus and Chesterfield Borough Council.  The programme was driven by Chesterfield Borough Council’s planning condition designed to ensure local residents and businesses can benefit from new investment and development in the town.

The 4 week programme, which gave many unemployed people the chance to retrain, was a mix of classroom lessons and work experience on local building sites. Participants graduated from the programme with an Asbestos Awareness Certificate, a CSCS card and valuable experience of working in a range of roles on building sites. Chesterfield College also helped the people on the programme to pass Level 1 qualifications in Employability and Health and Safety in a Construction environment.

Christian Smallwood, a participant on the course, said;

“It’s been really beneficial to be part of this. The skills and qualifications it has given us on top of the experiences we have had are fantastic. I’ve tried to get into the construction industry before but this time I feel like I have come away with people management skills too. I have learnt so much that I can take away into my next career.”

Andy Green, Regional Operations Director from Fortem explained why it was important for the organisation to develop and run training programmes like this.

“Our organisation has a genuine passion for leaving a legacy in the communities in which we work. Most of our work is on public sector projects and in social housing, so a lot of the people we engage with are in similar circumstances to the people who have come through the course today.  Pathways4Life offers people a way into employment and that is why it is so important to us. We’ve equipped the people graduating from the programme with essential skills needed for a career in construction, and there could be opportunities for them on our sites in the future.”

Councillor Terry Gilby, Cabinet Member for Economic Growth from Chesterfield Borough Council said;

“As a council we are keen to support local people into local jobs and good careers through apprenticeships and training. When we receive a planning application for a large project it is fantastic to be able to work with developers, education partners and the Job Centre to give local residents the opportunity to get the skills they need.  I am sure the people who have graduated from this programme will go on to good careers because of their experiences here.”

To find out more about courses available to help you get the qualifications you need to start a new career the Workskills team at Chesterfield College on 01246 500701.

Christian Smallwood, Graduate of the Construction training programme

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Apprentice turns life around with Chesterfield FC Community Trust

Alice Hodgson, a football coaching apprentice at Chesterfield FC Community Trust, has explained how the organisation’s traineeship programme has helped turn her life around.

Alice, aged 17, joined the programme in February after mental health issues resulted in her losing her place at college.

She said: “I was told to leave college because I’ve had issues with mental health and I had a few incidents there.”

“When I came here, I still had a few issues, but I got over them due to the people who were here as they helped me. They didn’t push me away or tell me to leave if I was struggling.”

“I really don’t think I’d be alive without them because they’ve given me the motivation to see life for what it is again, which is great.”

Alice joined the Trust’s traineeship programme, which is for NEET individuals – those aged 16 to 24 who are not in education, employment, education or training – and now hopes to work as a football coach.

“I’ve got such a strong love for football and I feel that would be a positive step for me,” she said. “I hope to become a fully-qualified coach and have a positive effect on people.”

“Kids bring a lot of joy to me because they are very hopeful and optimistic about things. One bit of reassurance from a coach or a teacher makes them feel a lot better about themselves because they’re always in need of reassurance.”

“Knowing that I could help someone in the future is what I want to do and I’m on an apprenticeship now, so it’s all going in the right direction.”

Scott Atkinson, the Trust’s Head of Education & Wellbeing, said: “What Alice was really in need of was something that was more than an education programme and could provide emotional support.”

“She needed something that could nurture her and build her self-esteem, confidence and resilience and develop her communication skills, to really get her believing in herself.”

The traineeship programme takes place over a 12-week period with new cohorts starting every six weeks. The next cohort begins on January 13. To enquire about the opportunities to take part in the traineeship programme, please email

Photo credit: Nick Johnson

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Leading asbestos authority welcomes two new apprentices to the team

Olivia Anderson and Alicia Higgins have joined UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) as apprentices.

Olivia (below right), from Chesterfield, is a former Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School student and is undertaking a Level 3 Digital Marketing apprenticeship with UKATA. In her work-based learning role she will be working in both the Brand Development department and Events & Marketing department, assisting in the management of UKATA’s social media channels and wider marketing activities.

Olivia explained: “I really enjoy creative thinking – coming up with a solution that’s a little more out of the box. I’m of a generation that has grown up with fast-growing technology and social media, so marketing is something that I’ve always been exposed to. It made perfect sense to combine these things and go for the apprentice position with UKATA.”

She added: “All of the staff have been lovely – I immediately felt comfortable with the team and my days are flying by. I’ve been made to feel so welcome and couldn’t really ask for more. I’m really excited to learn and grow with the organisation.”

Alicia (below left), also from Chesterfield, is a former Netherthorpe School student. She is undertaking a Level 2 Business Administration apprenticeship. Within her new role as a Membership Assistant at UKATA, Alicia will be supporting the membership department in liaising with and supporting UKATA’s members and associates nationwide.

Alicia commented: “UKATA’s objectives are so important and incredibly interesting, I’m really glad to have been able to secure a role with the organisation and embark on my goal to undertake a Business Admin apprenticeship. I love how much there is to learn at UKATA – I’m never bored!”

She added: “Everybody at UKATA is very friendly and professional and I’m really enjoying it. The professional environment is great to be in and the personal development involved with the apprenticeship is exactly what I’d hoped for.”

UKATA’s Chief Operating Officer Craig Evans (right) welcomed Olivia and Alicia to the UKATA team and their new roles, saying: “We are passionate about apprenticeships and using them to develop people. I started my career as an apprentice, so I understand first-hand the very real benefits they bring to both a business and to the people who choose to undertake them.

“Olivia and Alicia are a great fit for the UKATA team; we’re excited for their future with us.”

UKATA is one of a number of Apprentice Ambassador companies in Chesterfield that are committed to working together to promote apprenticeships in the town.

Click here to find out more about becoming an Apprenticeship Ambassador.

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Heathcotes appoints Group Managing Director

Chesterfield care provider, Heathcotes Group, has appointed Brendan Kelly as Group Managing Director to provide nationwide strategic leadership.

Brendan was a Regional Director with a national charity prior to joining Heathcotes Group in 2009 as Regional Director for Heathcotes Northern. In his new role, Brendan will now oversee all regions with key responsibilities for the operational aspects of the organisation, including quality and compliance, learning and development and employee relations. Brendan has over 20 years’ experience in Health and Social care, primarily in adult mental health and learning disabilities, as well as a wealth of expertise in delivering, managing and developing services including crisis services, supported living and carer education.

David Harrison, CEO at Heathcotes Group, said: “It is fitting that, having reached his tenth anniversary with the company, Brendan is stepping up to this new role – he has been at the heart of Heathcotes’ success over the past decade. Brendan is someone who understands how the culture of an organisation is vital to the delivery of high quality care and he has led that culture at Heathcotes, making us one of the UK’s fastest-growing specialist care providers. We now employ over 2,200 staff as a trusted partner to over 50 local authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups. I know that Heathcotes’ continued success will be driven by Brendan’s strategic vision and passion for the work we do.”

Brendan said: “I’m delighted to be appointed to this position, with some exciting times ahead for Heathcotes. The company’s ethos remains the same as it was when I joined ten years ago – a commitment to providing a better quality of life and greater opportunities for some of the most vulnerable people in society.”

He added: “We have achieved a great deal in recent years, including the development of a unique model of residential therapy for people with personality disorders, an award-winning apprenticeship programme which has become a benchmark for recruitment in the care sector and the successful introduction of a new independent supported living provision to complement our full-time residential care services. Heathcotes has the potential to achieve much more in the coming years and I’m looking forward to being part of that.”

At the Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference at Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa in February, Brendan spoke to delegates about the importance of embedding apprenticeship and skills initiatives into workforce development strategies to facilitate business growth. In March, Heathcotes Group joined the town’s Apprenticeship Ambassador Network, helping to increase local apprenticeship participation.

Heathcotes Group currently provides 72 specialist residential services supporting adults with learning disabilities and mental health needs, specialist children’s services, and a pioneering service model for people with personality disorders.

Click here to find out more about the Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference 2020. 

Click here to find out more about becoming an Apprenticeship Ambassador.

Heathcotes Group joined the town’s Apprenticeship Ambassador Network following the Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Employability & Skills conference, where Brendan Kelly was a key note speaker.

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Chesterfield manufacturer expands

Pronto Industrial Paints in Chesterfield has expanded the size of its Holmewood premises for the second time this year after acquiring an adjoining one-acre site.

A £575,000 funding package from NatWest was used to  purchase the land and an empty workshop at its Stainsby Close site, growing it to three acres. Over the next 12 months, the site will be transformed into a training academy, allowing the firm to educate both customers and apprentices on the use of its specialist paints, including compliant coatings, one coat systems and CV systems.

The funding will also support the purchase of new machinery in the main factory to enable Pronto Industrial Paints to increase its production capacity in 2020. The investment will create 10 new jobs, which will increase the size of its staff base to 49 employees.

David Beckford, Managing Director at Pronto Industrial Paints, said: “We are committed to investing in the future of our business by expanding our premises and machinery assets, but also investing in the future of others by educating customers and apprentices on how to use our paints.

“As we transform our expanded premises into a training centre, we are keen to partner with local colleges and support a recognised apprenticeship scheme for Industrial Applicators that will set young people up for a future career in the industry. With the support of NatWest, we look forward to incorporating our additional acre-site into our current premises and renovating it into a fit-for-purpose academy.”

Founded in 1989, Pronto Industrial Paints is a family-run manufacturer of high technology surface coatings, supplying commercial partners and clients with paints specific to their exact needs. The business has doubled in size over the last 10 years and the aim is to continue this growth and double the size of the business again over the next 10 years.

Pronto Industrial Paint

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Outwood Academy students launch Made in Chesterfield’s new schools’ programme

Students from Outwood Academy Newbold have kicked off the first of a year-long programme of Made in Chesterfield events which are designed to introduce young people to careers in the manufacturing, engineering, science and technology industries in the town.

Seven A Level Chemistry students from the school visited Aztec Oils in Bolsover to learn about the company, wider industry and career opportunities available. The students had a tour of the manufacturing facility with particular emphasis on the laboratory where Aztec Oils carries out extensive quality control procedures as well as Research and Development into new products.

Aztec Oils is one of a number of companies operating in the town’s STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) sector that have signed up to the Made in Chesterfield.

Launched in 2015 in response to companies in the sector reporting long term recruitment difficulties, Made in Chesterfield has been instrumental in raising awareness of careers in the sector with 3,000 students reached since the campaign began.

As part of the year-long campaign, which is co-ordinated by Destination Chesterfield in partnership with Derbyshire Education Business Partnership, a number of companies in the sector will be following Aztec Oils; lead and hosting hands-on tours of their sites and going into schools to meet students and give talks.

Mark Lord, Managing Director of Aztec Oils, commented: We welcome the opportunity to partner with local education establishments to bridge the gap between learning and workplace environments. Aztec Oils is a rapidly growing company and we recognise the real need to encourage youngsters to consider a career in manufacturing.  By showcasing the company, we hope to demonstrate what great opportunities there are for well-paid, long term employment with good prospects for career development.”

Kirsty Beggar, a Chemistry teacher at Outwood Academy Newbold who led the trip to Aztec oils commented: “Trips like these really benefit our students. It gives them a chance to see some real-life application of what they learn in their textbook. When they are going through what they’ve learnt and are revising it, they’ll think of this visit to Aztec Oils, what goes on in the labs and what the industry is about.”

All primary and secondary schools throughout North East Derbyshire are being encouraged to sign up to the campaign and discover the opportunities in the sector available to current and future school leavers. Employers in the sector are offering school leavers a variety of opportunities, including apprenticeships, degree apprenticeships and graduate training scheme.

Ivan Fomin, Destination Chesterfield board member responsible for manufacturing and engineering in the borough, highlighted the importance of attracting young people to companies operating within Chesterfield’s STEM sector. He said: “With HS2 on the horizon and Talgo’s recent investment in the town, there is the opportunity for the region to become recognised as an international centre of rail research and innovation.

“Made in Chesterfield is playing an instrumental role in bringing together education providers and businesses to ensure local young talent is aware of the myriad of STEM jobs and careers available here.”

Charlotte Land, STEM Ambassador Hub Manager at DEBP, added: “The Made in Chesterfield programme is a brilliant opportunity for young people and teachers to gain an insight into the amazing companies on their doorstep.  DEBP work with employers to develop their programme offer and introduce them to local schools.

“The programme is an essential part of our work as a STEM Ambassador Hub to bridge the STEM skills gap through challenging perceptions of engineering and manufacturing by introducing young people to positive role models and work environments.”

Sponsored by University of Derby, the 2019/20 Made in Chesterfield campaign was officially launched at Barrow Hill Roundhouse in November following news that Spanish train manufacturer Talgo has established its UK head office at the facility. At the event, plans were also unveiled for an innovation centre which Talgo has plans to build on land at Barrow Hill Roundhouse.

In addition to the University of Derby, Made in Chesterfield is also run in partnership with MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd, NatWest and Placing Futures.

To find out more about Made in Chesterfield and discover how your school can get involved, please visit

Outlook Academy at Aztec Oils - Made in Chesterfield

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Winners of Derbyshire Times Business Excellence Awards 2019 announced

The winners of the Derbyshire Times Business Excellence Awards 2019 have been announced, with local company O’Connor & Co Removals named 2019 Business of the Year.

The awards ceremony took place at Chesterfield’s Casa Hotel on Thursday 14th November and honoured the very best of trade and commerce in the area, as well as recognising the outstanding contribution of local business leaders and entrepreneurs.

Chesterfield’s Fairplay, a children’s charity that supports children and young people with disabilities and their families, was named Charity of the Year.

The Derbsyhire Times website states: “Our awards attract a wide range of entries from across all sectors from both small and larger organisations. But the winners all have one thing in common – they are truly excellent at what they do and have proved this by winning a Derbyshire Times Business Excellence Award.”

The headline sponsors for the Derbyshire Times Business Excellence Awards 2019 were Global Brands & Casa Hotels.

A full list of winners can be found below.


Innovation Award
Winner: Jane-Louise Photography UK
Shortlisted: UK Asbestos Training Association

Community Contribution
Winner: Men-Talk
Shortlisted: Move with Mumma, Bookworms

Customer Service Award
Winner: O’Connor & Co Removals Limited
Shortlisted: Casa Hotel, Dales and Peaks, Morley Hayes

Apprentice of the Year
Winner: Millie Walker – Auto Windscreens/ Markerstudy Group
Shortlisted: Carrie Price – KT Hair Academy for NJUK and Megan Thompson – Van Dyk by Wildes

Independent Retailer of the Year
Winner: Adorn Jewellers of Chesterfield
Shortlisted: OhSoBoss, Timeless Life Casting & Keepsakes

Leisure and Lifestyle
Winner: Morley Hayes
Shortlisted: Casa Hotel, Matlock Farm Park and Peak Edge Hotel & Red Lion Pub and Restaurant

New Business of the Year
Winner: Edwards Employment Solutions
Shortlisted: Jane – Louise Photography UK, O’Connor & Co Removals Ltd, Timeless Life Casting & Keepsakes

Professional Services Award:
Winner: BHP
Shortlisted: Dales and Peaks, Mortgage 1st, Shorts

Small Business of the Year: 
Winner: Dales and Peaks
Shortlisted: Dawson Radford Solicitors, Moss Valley Fine Meats, Recruit 2 You Ltd, The Accountancy Recruitment Group

Excellence in Manufacturing
Winner: Moss Valley Fine Meats
Shortlisted: H D Sharman Limited

Charity of the Year
Winner: Fairplay
Shortlisted: Nenna Kind

Business Person of the Year:
Winner: Peter Botham – Shed Grounds Maintenance Ltd
Shortlisted: Jon Stones – Mortgage 1st and Tom Currey – Dales and Peaks

People Development Award
Winner: Banner Jones

Lifetime Achievement Award
Winner: Robert Banner, Banner Jones

2019 Business of the Year
Winner: O’Connor & Co Removals Ltd

Winners of this years Business Excellence Awards pictured. Picture: NDET-14-11-19-DTBusinessAwards-1

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Chesterfield College Group students and higher apprentices celebrate graduating with university-level qualifications

Students and higher apprentices from Chesterfield College celebrated their graduation last week after studying for university-level qualifications. Proud friends, family and employers of almost 100 graduates attended a special ceremony at Casa Hotel in Chesterfield.

Graduates received their university-level qualifications in a wide range of subjects from computing to criminal justice. Graduates celebrated achieving a range of higher national certificates and diplomas as well as foundation, full and postgraduate degrees in engineering, public services, social care, education, sports and creative media. Those celebrating success with higher level professional qualifications in business, management, accounting and education were also recognised in the ceremony.

Dion Cowen (right), from Chesterfield, graduated with a first class BSc Hons in Sports Coaching was chosen to give the student vote of thanks at the ceremony. She said: “The fact that we have made it here to receive our awards is just a testament to our perseverance and commitment to excellence. It is also thanks to the camaraderie, care and encouragement we received from each other, and from the staff at college, who have helped us to reach this special moment. Massive congratulations to all my fellow graduates.”

Dion is now studying for a post-graduate certificate in education and has a teaching placement working at Chesterfield College. Her end goal is to work in prisons or a similar environment where she can bring her knowledge of sports psychology to make a difference to people.

Higher apprentice, Gavin Glidewell, from Bolsover, graduated with a Diploma in Management and Leadership. He said: “Starting this education programme so long after leaving sixth form felt very daunting, but I have to say the support and encouragement of my line manager and tutor has been fantastic! The impact of studying at university-level has been great. I wanted to continue my career progression, and I really believe completing this diploma has supported my recent promotion within the business.”

It was a double celebration for Ellie Anderton-Brown, who graduated with a HND in Public Services and also found out she was one step closer to starting her dream job. On the same day as her graduation ceremony, Ellie passed a fitness and medical test as part of the process of becoming a Police Constable. She said: “It feels amazing to be graduating today and to know that the hard work I have put into studying, the 500 hours of volunteering I have done with the police force and the applications process to become a police constable has all paid off. I will be going for my uniform fitting next week then I have a 17 week training programme to complete.”

Julie Richards, Principal and Chief Executive of the Chesterfield College Group congratulated the graduates at the ceremony. She said; “Today is about celebrating all that you have achieved throughout your time in education. On behalf of the Chesterfield College Group and our partner universities, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you on reaching your own personal goals; your dedication and hard work has finally resulted in today’s incredible achievement. We have thoroughly enjoyed our partnership with you and, on behalf of the staff at the college; I wish you every success in your future career.”

Chesterfield College works alongside a range of partners to deliver university-level and professional courses, including Sheffield Hallam University, University of Derby and Pearson. This allows people who want to work towards higher education qualifications the opportunity to access an affordable and quality provision on their doorstep.

To find out more about the courses available at the University Centre visit

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