
Chesterfield businesses encouraged to take up free membership of crime-fighting partnership

Chesterfield businesses can now access free membership of crime-fighting partnership run by East Midlands Chamber and Derbyshire PCC after funding from Chesterfield Borough Council.

Up to 2,000 businesses in Chesterfield and Staveley can now sign up for free to an East Midlands Chamber-run scheme that helps to reduce town centre crime and anti-social behaviour – as new figures show the cost of crime is rising for retailers.

Starting this month, retailers, hospitality venues and other companies can access Disc, an online crime information-sharing system that connects businesses with local police forces, as part of the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP).

The BCRP, which is run in partnership with Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner Angelique Foster, secured funding from Chesterfield Borough Council to roll out the scheme, which usually costs up to £100 to join, at no cost for the first 12 months in a bid to maximise its effectiveness by encouraging more businesses to join the 80 current members.

It follows the launch of the Love Chesterfield campaign by the council and Destination Chesterfield last month to support the town’s retail, hospitality and leisure sectors as national lockdown eases.

Jackie Roberts, BCRP manager at the Chamber, said: “Businesses in town and city centres have struggled during the pandemic and crime will only make this worse, so it’s important to have a safe town centre to attract people back after lockdown.

“The Disc portal is an integral part of crime reduction strategies as it makes it so much easier for businesses to share intelligence about incidents and offender images between members, police, community safety officers and other partners such as the BCRP team.

“We’ve had a lot of reports during lockdown because police resources have been really stretched due to Covid, so the BCRP fills the gap where police can’t deal with petty crime.

“By working with local authorities such as Chesterfield Borough Council, we’re delighted to offer this scheme for free to businesses in order to make them more resilient – a key theme during the post-Covid economic recovery.”

New Derbyshire PCC and Chesterfield Borough Council support BCRP

The British Retail Consortium’s 2021 Retail Crime Survey, published last week, found there were 455 violent or abusive incidents towards staff per day nationally in 2019/20 – up 7% from the previous year.

The total cost of crime has also risen from £700m in 2016/17 to £1.3bn in 2019/20 – with customer theft the most significant, costing companies £935m – while the cost to retailers of crime and crime prevention was £2.5bn last year, an increase of 14% on the previous 12-month period.

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “This project will help strengthen the link between business and the police, which in turn will help tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in our town to encourage more people to visit Chesterfield and give local businesses the boost they need.

“I want to encourage every local business to sign up to this programme because I believe it will be a positive step for our town. It shows how we can work together to build a thriving borough.”

Benefits of widening BCRP for gathering intelligence

Jackie added: “The hope is that by signing up businesses for the first year, they will be able to see the benefits of continuing with the scheme thereafter.

“The more businesses that are involved in the BCRP scheme and sharing information, the stronger it will be – and the better the area will be as a result.

“Councils and regeneration teams are placing crime reduction high on the agenda in order to bring back footfall into their towns.

“It also removes barriers to reporting crime as the Disc system automatically notifies the police when an incident is logged, while police are able to input feedback so businesses can follow what happens to offenders.”

Anyone interested in discussing how to get involved with the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership can email

Chesterfield derbyshire World Mental Health Day 2019

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Leverton UK launches charity drive urging fellow businesses to donate defibrillators

A Chesterfield business is urging other local companies to come together as part of efforts to increase the number of defibrillators available in the area.

Leverton UK has launched the #donateadefib campaign in order to ensure the devices are installed at community spaces and sporting venues across Chesterfield and Derbyshire.

It follows the incident which took place in the European Football Championship match, in which Danish player Christian Eriksen required urgent medical attention after collapsing on the pitch.

Marcus Leverton, Director of Leverton UK said: “The majority of the world’s football lovers stood in shock at the weekend as we watched an incredible footballer, an elite athlete in exceptional physical condition, stumble and fall to the ground as the result of a cardiac arrest. Aged just 29, Christian Eriksen loved by millions suddenly was fighting for his life.

“The quick actions of his teammates, the medical staff on hand and the right type of emergency equipment are undoubtedly the reason he is now recovering in hospital.

“I was sat in my kitchen working on my laptop with the TV on in the background and my wife beside me as we watched the situation unfold, his teammate administering cardio massage and the crowd, the commentators and the world watching in total shock.

“I am a father of two boys, Harry (13) and Samuel (9) who live for football. My boys came in to the room with lots of questions clearly as disturbed as we were at the situation unfolding and it sent my mind in to a spin.

“What would happen if we were at training or had a match at the Avenue, home ground to the Wingerworth Junior Sports Association (WJSA) and a player or a parent suffered a heart attack? Or even a passer by walking through the country park?

“I talked to my fellow Directors at Leverton UK; Tony, Allyson and Mandi, and we agreed that we would provide a defibrillator and secure box to be located near the pitches, to be there just in case.”

The call has been echoed by Darren Parkinson, Chesterfield Football Club’s Activity Officer and WJSA Chairman and Under 14’s Coach in a recent social media post:

Marcus continued: “While it is a truly rare occurrence for a young player to suffer with a heart attack, each player has parents, guardians, brothers, sisters and grandparents who love to watch them play, and unfortunately this increases the chances of this situation becoming a reality.

“While we hope that this defibrillator is never required, we understand and have seen first-hand with Christian that access to equipment such as this can be the difference between life and death, and perhaps other local companies will follow suit and help other local grass roots clubs.

“As a company, personally and as a family we support many local and national charitable causes. It is important that if you are in a position where you can help others, that you do!”

Leverton UK supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Nominations open for Derbyshire Times Business Excellence Awards

The Derbyshire Times is celebrating the very best in business across the county, with the launch of this year’s  business excellence awards.

The awards have been running for over a decade, highlighting and honouring our amazing local firms – and the people that work for them.

Phil Bramley, editor of the Derbyshire Times, said: “The dynamics of many of our businesses have changed over the past 18 months. Every organisation has had to pivot, adapt, collaborate or change the way they were doing things and we want to celebrate them.

“We’ve made a few changes to our awards categories and we won’t be asking for any financial evidence this year.

“For the first time we also have the opportunity for our community to nominate their Retail Hero

“Preparing your entry for the awards should provide an opportunity to reflect on the positives, rather than the negatives and to share your success with the wider community.

“You might question if you’re ‘good enough’.

“Who says you’re not? How do you know if you don’t try? Or you might be fearful of failure, but entering awards isn’t always about winning, it’s also about what you make out of the opportunities and your journey.

“We invite you to put your entries forward and join the celebration of what has been a very challenging time and are really looking forward to hearing your stories and hopefully celebrate success at the awards ceremony scheduled to take place on Thursday November 25 held at the Casa Hotel.”

Entries are now open and will close on September 23 at 6pm – visit for more information and for further details on how to submit an entry.


Covid response: The past 12 months rocked our community and economic foundation. Many organisations took the opportunity to make exceptional changes, which for many allowed their business to remain viable and open to their target audience and for others helped to support the NHS. We will reward the business that best describes their response to the crisis.

Community Initiative (Sponsored by Blachford UK): We want to recognise charities, CIC’s, volunteer groups or community groups that are doing great things to support people in their community. Whether you are a small grassroots organisation or a larger charity with a local presence, this award is open to you. We want to hear about what you do, the people and communities you help, the amazing projects you are running and the impact this is having.

Innovation Award (Sponsored by Radius by Shorts): The winning business will be able to demonstrate their ability to navigate market conditions and be at the forefront of their industry. What ways has your business adapted to change or brought to market a new product or service? Or implemented an innovative process or solution?

Apprentice of the Year: With close to a million active Apprenticeships across England alone, apprenticeship schemes have fast become a preferred route to employment for thousands of school leavers. This award recognises an apprentice who has excelled in their training and goes above and beyond for the benefit of both their business and their future career.

Team of the Year: This award recognises teams that have overcome obstacles or have shown an outstanding performance in the last 12 months.. Either a team who usually work together or did so for a special project or task.

Employee of the Year: Open to Employers to put forward an employee who is deserving of recognition. Nominations should reflect the merit and achievements that the employee has demonstrated.

Property and Construction Award: Entries open to property and construction businesses of any size. Judges will be looking for businesses in this sector who can demonstrate effective project management, excellent customer service, environmental awareness and deliver exceptional results.

Excellence in Manufacturing and Engineering Award (Sponsored by United Cast Bar Ltd): This award will be presented to the company that demonstrates a modern, efficient and innovative approach to manufacturing or engineering.

Professional Services Award: This award will look at businesses that demonstrate excellence in the professional services sector. Open to organisations of any size. We want to hear about your business and what measures you undertook to continue with your services to the community during the pandemic. There is no definitive list of occupations, but examples include accountants, architect, dentists, engineering, healthcare, law, IT, investment and finance and training

Business Leader: This award will recognise the achievements of an individual that had made an outstanding contribution to their business and industry through dedication and hard work. This person can be the owner or one of the senior leadership/management team.

New Business of the Year: Open to all businesses that have been operational for less than 3 years (as of November 2021) Businesses should have been successful in identifying a market gap to launch a new business and be able to showcase how innovation, product development, market knowledge and effective leadership have played a part in their growth to date. We would also like an understanding of plans for future growth.

Small Business of the Year: Open to organisations with 15 or fewer staff. Judges will be interested in the ethos and background to the business, its profitability and the unique selling points, which make it a success. We would also like to hear the impact made within its sector since trading and how it has overcome any challenges it has encountered.

Customer Service Award (Sponsored by Beesleys): Over the past year customers have encountered a new way of dealing with businesses, face to face contact has been less and service with a smile has been removed due to face masks. However customer service remains an essential part of any successful business. This award aims to reward and recognise a company, individual, or team, for their outstanding achievement in providing exceptional customer service.

Retail Hero (open to public nomination): The past year has been challenging for our local retailers. This award is open for the public to nominate their favourite local retailer, big or small. How did you still manage to buy and replenish your wardrobe? Nominate your retail hero.

Lifetime Achievement Award (Sponsored by Future Life Wealth Management Ltd): The judges are looking for an individual who has had a major impact on their business and the area over a number of years. If there is someone we should consider for this award, please provide a name and brief overview of their achievements for them to be a contender.

2021 Business of the Year (Sponsored by CityFibre): This award is the ultimate accolade for all our entrants and the winner will be chosen from each of the category winners. The judges will be looking for the company/person who has shown the most enterprise, passion and drive in taking their business forward. Dedication and innovation will be key to the winner of this most prestigious award.

Derbyshire Times supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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New bee-friendly ‘pocket park’ created by Chesterfield residents

Community-spirited residents have pulled together to create a new ‘pocket park’, with support from Chesterfield Borough Council.

The new space at Edinburgh Road Park features a number of raised beds that have been planted with wildflowers and plants to support pollinators like bees, new paving, 15,000 spring flowering bulbs and local urban artist Peter Barber has created a wall mural that celebrates nature behind the raised beds.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt said: “I had a great time getting stuck in and helping out at one of the planting sessions. The pocket park is a fantastic space for the local community and offers something unique for them to enjoy. We also had a wonderful array of daffodils in the spring thanks to the efforts of the group and the children who enjoyed planting in the mud!”

“Working together with The Healthy Friends of Edinburgh Road Park, to develop this park shows how projects like this can help bring the community closer together. I know local people of every generation have been involved in this project throughout and I hope they will all get to enjoy it for many years.”

The work is being led by The Healthy Friends of Edinburgh Road Park after securing funding worth almost £20,000. Working in partnership with the Healthy Friends of Edinburgh Road the council submitted a bid to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government and were awarded £14,500, Chesterfield Borough Council through its Housing Tenant Participation programme provided £5,000 and Derbyshire County Council Public Health also contributed a further £1,000 towards the project.

More improvements are planned, and volunteers are still welcome to get involved.

James Green, Chairperson of The Healthy Friends of Edinburgh Road Park, said: “I’ve lived near Edinburgh Park all my life. As a child I used the play area and used to play football on the field. Nowadays, I walk my Border Terrier, Missy down there for exercise and a bit of relaxation.

“It was clear that Edinburgh Road Park was in need of some tender loving care so after many months of working with local residents, the council and a number of funding bodies it’s been pleasure to get to this point in the project. There have been many positive comments from local people on the improvements we’ve made. I hope more people visit the park to take a look!”

The first phase of improvements, including the raised beds and paving, were completed during the first lockdown in late spring 2020, closely followed by a socially distanced bulb planting in the autumn of 2020. In the autumn the group will complete the project with the planting of 40 trees in the same area as the bulbs and local people are still welcome to volunteer and get involved.

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East Midlands unemployment rate continues to fall as economy gradually reopens

More people in the East Midlands are returning to work, according to the latest Government figures.

The unemployment rate reported by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) fell to 4.8% in the February to April period this year, down 0.4% compared to the previous three-month period and only 0.1% above the UK average.

However, it remains 0.9% higher than the unemployment rate for the same quarter in 2020.

Nationally, the number of job vacancies in March to May this year was 758,000 – just 27,000 below pre-pandemic levels.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “The jobs market appears to be moving in the right direction, with yet another decline in the unemployment rate alongside an increasing number of vacancies and people on payroll.

“For much of the pandemic, the East Midlands has suffered disproportionately, with a significantly greater proportion of people in our region out of work than across the UK, so it’s a relief to see the gap being narrowed.

“This trend no doubt reflects the reopening of outdoor hospitality towards the end of this period, on 12 April, as well as the greater resilience of our manufacturers to both the ongoing restrictions and post-Brexit trade changes.

“We’d expect to see further positive news for the three-month period to May, as step three of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown commenced, and more people came out of furlough.

“Our latest Quarterly Economic Survey for Q2 2021 shows that a net of one in five businesses in the East Midlands increased their headcount during this period*, while a net 41% expect to hire more people over the coming three months – with only 3% anticipating a decrease.

“This is clearly very positive news and also comes with big expectations of confidence in turnover (a net 62% of businesses expect this to increase) and profitability (a net 41% believe it will rise).

“The latest ONS data again shows the huge impact of the pandemic on young people, with the unemployment rate for 16 to 24-year-olds at 13.2%, but we’re delighted with the take-up among businesses of the Kickstart scheme, which creates Government-funded six-month work placements for people in this age group who are on Universal Credit or at risk of long-term unemployment.

“So far, the Chamber has helped about 500 young people find employment, with another 1,400 vacancies, among more than 700 businesses.

“However, as yesterday’s announcement that stage four of the roadmap will be delayed for four weeks also demonstrates, we can’t get complacent and sectors such as hospitality, events and leisure will continue to suffer from reduced capacity or complete closure – which in turn has an impact on jobs.

“This means it’s crucial the Chancellor postpones the tapering of furlough, which is due to commence on 1 July, for the duration of the roadmap delay, while grants would also help many of these businesses that have lost both expenditure and expected income.”

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber

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Ascento announces innovative company ownership change after successful pandemic period

Staff at a Dronfield-based training firm have been handed an opportunity to share in the financial success of the business after its owner sold the company to an Employee Ownership Trust.

Ascento has switched to an employee-owned business model, meaning all 20 employees have been given indirect ownership in the company via the trust.

Previous sole owner Chris Ash will continue to act as Managing Director for the business but its future profits will be shared with staff on a yearly basis.

As outgoing owner, Chris Ash, says “I am excited to step aside as the sole owner and cannot wait for the whole team to share in the next exciting stage of our journey.

“Becoming employee owned means we are stronger together, means we can all share in our successes and means the culture we have strived, and continue to strive, to develop is maintained through a collective spirit and drive”.

Oliver Simpson, Commercial Director explains “Due to the changing nature of business as a direct result of the Covid19 pandemic we have seen an overwhelming increase in demand for our industry leading digital marketing and management apprenticeship qualifications, this is primarily due to the huge migration to remote working over the last year and because of the strong likelihood of this remaining in place for a larger proportion of the workforce than usual, businesses now recognise the urgent need to up-skill their existing staff as the existing management structures need to be adapted and their traditional routes to market have changed.

“We have ambitious growth plans in place for the coming years as we look to cement our place as the leading provider of Digital Marketing and Management apprenticeships in the country”.

While the pandemic resulted in a cessation of in-person learning, with education undergoing significant transformations in virtual classroom courses and on-demand online courses growing in popularity through digital platforms; Ascento has thrived as an online learning and development provider increasing retention and time efficiencies. This has provided flexibility for our staff and learners as well as their employers.

Notably, with a recent wave of high profile model conversions to an employee owned model, including Aardman Animations, Richer Sounds, and Riverford Organic Farmers, the business world is being transformed, refocused and inspired. The positive shift for Ascento  in cultural terms shows the company is positively focused on changing lives, empowering people and motivating them in their working lives.

Chris Ash, founder of Ascento Learning and Development, said, ““I am excited to step aside as the sole owner of the company and cannot wait for the whole team to share in the next exciting stage of our journey”.

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Casa Hotel hosts recent Derbyshire County Council meeting

Chesterfield’s Casa Hotel played host to the Derbyshire County Council meeting as the authority’s Matlock HQ was not big enough to provide social distancing in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

The meeting was the council’s first in-person meeting for a year, with the pandemic pushing meetings on to virtual platforms, such as Microsoft Teams.

Central government opted not to extend emergency legislation allowing councils to hold meetings online during the pandemic on May 7th. The council subsequently required space for the meeting to be held where members could be physically present.

Steve Perez, who owns Casa Hotel, Peak Edge Hotel and Global Brands stated: “It was a pleasure to host the first council meeting post pandemic, we are delighted to have been chosen to host the event. We are especially grateful for the business which successfully enabled further team members to return to work and off the government furlough scheme. We are an idyllic venue for social distanced events, with complimentary parking, capacity of up to 100 with social distancing and a range of function suites to choose from.”

Casa have supported the NHS with complimentary bedrooms, played host to the COVID vaccine centre, offered a complimentary dining service for employees of Chesterfield Royal Hospital enabling workers to enjoy freshly cooked, locally sourced meals and in addition supplied a delivery of Franklin & Sons’, Mango Go Natural Energy Drinks from Global Brands, which is also located within Casa, Chesterfield.

Casa Hotel supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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D2N2 Growth Hub launches phase 2 of the Peer Networks Programme

The D2N2 Growth Hub Peer Networks programme is set to be repeated following a successful first phase which supported almost 300 businesses.

The Peer Networks programme is led jointly by the D2N2 Growth Hub and East Midlands Chamber of Commerce. It works by bringing together individuals from different businesses to share ideas, discuss challenges and ultimately, develop and find solutions from peers.

Each cohort is guided by an expert facilitator and includes groups of individuals who collaboratively work through common business issues, using interactive action learning, we to discuss challenges, gain and reflect on valuable feedback and implement practical solutions.

The results are hugely beneficial, giving participants the flexibility to create a trusted support network, helping you to build and strengthen their business and improve its overall performance.

Phase two will start in July and will include the following groups:

  • Manufacturing
  • Hospitality and visitor economy
  • Creative industries
  • Medtech and life sciences
  • Food and drink
  • Women owned businesses
  • High growth businesses
  • High growth: leadership and management
  • High growth: women owned
  • High growth: sales
  • High growth: digital

To be eligible for the programme, your business must be an SME which fits the following criteria:

  • Operated for at least one year
  • At least five employees
  • A turnover of at least £100,000
  • An aspiration to improve
  • The potential to scale up or export or is exporting already
  • Not already accessed the Peer Networks programme

Peer Networks are fully funded so there is no cost to the business, just a time commitment of approximately 18 hours across the duration of the programme.

Vicki Thompson, Business Training Manager at East Midlands Chamber said: “We are delighted to be able to offer to businesses across the D2N2 area the opportunity to access the Peer Network Programme again.

“The impact phase one of this programme had in supporting businesses during a time of such uncertainty cannot be underestimated and as we move forward along the government roadmap, we are again able to offer support and guidance through this highly impactful programme, bringing businesses together to form long and lasting support networks – it’s a very exciting time!”

Find out more and register your interest in joining a network. 

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Work Placements For Young People On Offer at Chatsworth Under New Kickstart Scheme

Work placements have been created across the Chatsworth Estate under the Government’s new Kickstart Scheme set up to help young people at risk of long-term unemployment.

The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create new jobs for young people aged 16 to 24 who are receiving Universal Credit. To support the national ‘Plan for Jobs’ scheme launched by the Department of Work and Pensions, employers must create new high quality employment opportunities that would otherwise not be available. These can either be entirely new roles or existing roles but additional to the employer’s normal workforce.

The Devonshire Group, which comprises Chatsworth, Bolton Abbey and the wider estate operations has created a range of exciting six-month placements including: gardeners, farmyard and adventure playground assistants, drystone waller, collections assistant and commis chef.

Devonshire Group Engagement and Development Co-ordinator, Nathan Fairhead said: “We are proud to be supporting the Kickstart scheme to provide young people in our communities the opportunity to gain valuable work experience. We are eager to do what we can to help young people through the extremely challenging context that the Covid-19 pandemic has created for jobseekers. We’re looking forward to welcoming our first Kickstart colleagues to these new roles and equipping them for their future careers.

“We have identified a variety of exciting opportunities across the Devonshire Group and our management team have been keen to support the scheme. Some will be roles that are the same or similar to roles already in place but will be additional to existing numbers. Other posts are entirely new such as placements in Sustainability, Retail Efficiency Support and Forestry.”

All the candidates will be closely supported by their department managers to ensure they receive relevant ‘on the job’ training and paired with a ‘buddy’ for personal one-to-one support. They will also be offered employability skills training to be delivered remotely by Buxton and Leek College working in partnership with the Devonshire Group.

Many of the 33 placements are already live with several more across the Devonshire Hotels and Restaurants Group in Derbyshire and Yorkshire due to be posted shortly.

Candidates can apply for live placements via Job Centre Plus, who will then pass the application to the employer.

For more information, go to or speak to a Job Centre Plus work coach.

Chatsworth supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Ground-breaking role created at Chesterfield FC Community Trust

Mollie Ward is relishing her ground-breaking role as a young people’s physical activity link worker, based in the HUB at the Technique Stadium.

Mollie recently took on the newly-created post, which sees her working with young people aged 14 to 25 who face challenges that prevent them from reaching their full potential.

The role has been created as a result of a partnership between Chesterfield FC Community Trust and Derbyshire Voluntary Action, who have come together to create a brand new social prescribing service for young people in Chesterfield.

Connect to… @ The HUB harnesses Derbyshire Voluntary Action’s experience in running social prescribing services for older adults for the last eight years, with Chesterfield FC Community Trust’s expertise, experience and facilities in supporting health and wellbeing in the community.

Summing up her role, Mollie says: “My job is to provide a person-centred support service for young people, working with them to highlight their interests and strengths, address their challenges, and to help them make the connections they don’t feel able to make by themselves.

“The connections could be to a community-based advice or counselling service, or to something sporty, arty, creative or social. Alternatively, it could be to volunteering, or literacy support, or a combination of several of those things – all of which will give them a strong foundation, positive wellbeing, basic skills and reliable relationships.”

Her new role represents a homecoming for Mollie, who was born in Bolsover and went to Heritage School in Clowne and the sixth form at Brookfield School before gaining a degree in psychology and working in London.

She worked in mental health services during her time in the capital, helping people in supported housing following discharge from hospital.

“For complete independent living, the people I supported needed help with community reintegration and engaging in community activities because often they had complex mental health needs like psychosis, schizophrenia and personality disorders,” Mollie explains.

“My clients were people who had been very withdrawn from society and had had long stays in hospital, some lasting five to ten years.

“My experience in London transfers into this role because you’re talking person-centred care and that’s what this role is about, it’s working with a person holistically, so not just the things that are holding them back, but also the positives.”

Mollie is delighted to have been given the opportunity to take on this new challenge, saying: “I’m really honoured because it is such an exciting thing to be part of what feels like a grassroots project. We really are building this new service from the ground up.

“I’m excited to get started – to have some young people come through the door and be able to work with them and follow their stories.”

Mollie can be contacted by emailing or on 07522 023571.

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Deadline approaching for businesses to register for latest cohort of RISE graduate scheme

Chesterfield businesses are being encouraged to find out more about the latest cohort of RISE, a scheme matching SMEs with a pool of talented graduates.

Businesses have until 16th June to sign up to the RISE 6 scheme, which enables them to access people with the correct skillset in order to help their business grow.

RISE has been effective in helping SMEs overcome the barriers faced in graduate recruitment and equipping them with the tools and know-how to become successful graduate employers.

Since 2013 RISE has supported more than 400 regionally based SMEs successfully recruit over 500 graduates. Many of those businesses have gone on to report increases in turnover, productivity, innovation and growth as a result. The enhanced RISE project now provides even
more comprehensive business support and business benefits.

RISE is delivered in partnership by Sheffield Hallam University, the University of Sheffield and Sheffield City Council. The project is receiving up to £684,132 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.

RISE typically runs three campaigns every year. The key dates for the next campaign are:

  • 16th June 2021 Deadline to access support and be part of this campaign
  • 21st June – 11th July National RISE advertising campaign, including your role
  • 25th August Your graduate will attend a one-day graduate induction
  • October/November RISE 3-month business support meeting
  • January/February RISE 6-month business support meeting

Simon Thompson, Head of Student and Graduate Employability at Sheffield Hallam University said:  “Sheffield Hallam students get real-world experience throughout their degree and are able to bring fresh energy, new perspectives and specialist skills that can really support the growth of local businesses.

“RISE is widely revered for its expertise in bringing together talented local graduates and successful local SMEs to create a unique regional offer that delivers real impact and supports growth in the region.”

To find out more about the scheme, go to

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