
Chesterfield’s BRM Solicitors supports Children’s Hospice with its ‘Make a Will’ month

A community-spirited Chesterfield law firm is waiving its fees for its bespoke Will writing service to help raise much-needed funds for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

BRM Solicitors have partnered with the charity to offer the service throughout February in return for a donation to the hospice. BRM’s ‘Make a Will’ month comes at a time when much of Bluebell Wood’s planned fundraising activity has been cancelled or postponed as a result of the latest Covid restrictions.

BRM’s suggested donation of £75 for a single will can pay for two counselling sessions for parents coming to terms with the devastation of losing a child.

For a Mirror Will, often used by couples, BRM are suggesting a £150 donation. This amount would contribute to a short break for a family at Bluebell Wood to give them some much-needed me time.

Counselling and short breaks are two incredibly important aspects of the wraparound care the charity offers, something Saki and Rudi’s families know all too well.

Saki, who was always the life and soul of the party, passed away in 2019 after a lifelong battle with a series of complex conditions. Since saying goodbye to her son, mum Sharon has relied on Bluebell Wood’s support through the dark days that followed.

“I didn’t grieve properly to start with. I struggled on for months but then I literally broke,” said Sharon, from Barnsley.

“One of Bluebell Wood’s counsellors, picked me up and put me back together again. Without them there’s a massive possibility I wouldn’t have been here today.”

Four-year-old Rudi, from Chesterfield, loves visiting Bluebell Wood for short breaks and wows staff and volunteers alike with his infectious smile and bubbly personality. Mum Daniella explains just how important a break from the pressures of caring for a child with a life-shortening condition is to her family.

“Everyone’s welcoming, understanding and has empathy for our situation,” she said.

“Nothing’s ever too much trouble. It’s a safe and comfortable place for us to go and having that support to rely on really does mean the world to us.”

To book an appointment, which can be done in person, over the phone or via video call, contact BRM on 01246 555111 or

Rob Woodhead, Head of Wills and Probate at BRM Solictors, said: “We’re delighted to be supporting Bluebell Wood this year with our Make a Will month after several successful years of supporting amazing local charities.

“As well as helping to raise money for local charities, our free will months are a great way to promote the importance of making a Will and ensuring money and possessions go exactly where you want them to.

“We are hoping to raise as much money as possible to support Bluebell Wood through these challenging times, so please do get in touch if you’d like to put your affairs in order whilst supporting a good cause.”

Rachael Dawes, Individual Giving Manager at Bluebell Wood, said: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to BRM for supporting Bluebell Wood with their Make a Will Month.

“We need to raise over £5 million each year to keep our doors open, and our ability to fundraise has been significantly impacted by the pandemic.

“So a gift left in someone’s Will, of any amount, will help us to continue to be there for children and families at a time when they need our support more than ever.

BRM Solicitors supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Derbyshire Institute of Sport offers Chesterfield companies the chance to Inject Olympic know-how into their business

Imagine the difference it would make to your business if you could recruit a team of high performance experts to boost happiness, wellness, productivity and resilience.

That’s what Derbyshire Institute of Sport is offering as part of its new Thrive programme – an EXTRA package of benefits launched in Chesterfield this month for current and new business sponsors.

DIS is a Community Interest Company on a mission to develop, inspire and support champions. Since 2012 it has helped many talented young athletes to become world-class. It receives no Government funding and relies on business sponsors to keep the cost of its support services as low as possible for athletes who already face high costs and sacrifices to pursue their dreams.

Managing director Chloe Maudsley, said: “We have been looking closely in recent weeks into how we can better support our community and help protect and improve people’s mental and physical health and wellbeing. We’ve now put together Thrive, a package that gives all our sponsors access to our team of experts and coaches.

“They have supported elite athletes and professional sports stars to become world class and now they can lend their support to our business sponsors to help them boost workplace wellness.”

Key benefits include:
• Access to an online, weekly group exercise session.
• Access to a monthly ‘lunch and learn’ online health and wellbeing workshop.
• Online physiotherapy screenings and nutrition consultations.
• Discounts on team development days.

Chloe added: “These new benefits are on top of the existing promotional benefits of being a DIS supporter.”

UK Government guidelines say that adults should aim for 150 minutes of physical activity per week. Yet, an estimated 11 million people in England (that’s 24.6% of adults) are doing LESS than an average 30 minutes activity a week. A study in the Lancet found that spending eight hours a day sat at a desk increases the chance of early death from diseases such as cancer and heart disease by 60%.

Regular, moderate exercise reduces that risk. It also boosts mood levels and, along with healthy eating and lifestyle choices, it can help you enjoy improved sleep and reduced anxiety levels.

Head of Athlete Development at DIS, Laura Wake, who is a former Commonwealth Games athlete, said: “If your staff members are working in various locations, some from home, it’s easy to feel disconnected and isolated. Coming together online for an exercise session can build relationships and improve everyone’s mood, as well as their health, leading to a more optimistic view of life.

“If you have people coming back from furlough, some team activity online can help them feel part of the team again.”

During the first UK lockdown, a Sport England survey found that an average of 63% of respondents said exercise and physical activity had been an effective way of helping them manage their mental health, as well as benefiting their general health. One of the current DIS sponsors is Ilkeston-based logistics firm Lobina Transport.

Managing Director Luigi Lobina said: “Being a sponsor has given us some great stories to tell online and we’ve had some energising and exciting team-building experiences in the office thanks to DIS athletes and coaches.”

Derbyshire Institute of Sport supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Record 2020 results for Mortgage 1st despite pandemic

Back in March last year when the pandemic began no one had any idea how the year would pan out and like most businesses Mortgage 1st’s objective was to survive. They have done more than that since and are absolutely thriving!

Their business model was already built around offering remote advice so when COVID hit they didn’t have to change anything about how they operated. This meant there were no interruptions for their customers who continued to receive the same quality service and support.
Other than adjusting to working from home (whilst juggling home-schooling!) for their Chesterfield based head office team, it was pretty much business as usual for Mortgage 1st.

The team confidently navigated and adjusted to all the changes in the mortgage application process and sympathetically dealt with the delays caused by the initial lockdown and tighter lender restrictions ensuring their customers remained top priority throughout.

When the Estate Agents re-opened and valuations and surveys were allowed to take place again in the spring, it was like someone had flicked a switch and the new enquiries came flooding in. So much so that Mortgage 1st were then able to confidently continue with their ambitious growth plans and recruited 7 new Mortgage Advisers and a Mortgage Processor during the summer adding to the 2 new Advisers that had already joined the team earlier in the year.

With a strong team in place and the abundance of new customer enquires meant a record year of results across the board for Mortgage 1st. Their Advisers applied for 1,672 new mortgage applications equating to £301m worth of lending and they arranged 827 insurance policies to ensure their customers were fully protected financially.

Lisa Stones, HR & Marketing Director, Mortgage 1st said: “We are unbelievably proud of our team and the resilience they have shown during 2020. It’s been the craziest and toughest year in our history and to achieve record results is testament to everyone’s hard work and sheer determination. We have grown even stronger as a team over the last year and are all feeling very positive about what 2021 will bring for our industry, the business and us all personally.

January is always the busiest month for new mortgage enquiries and already 2021 is shaping up to be another fantastic year for Mortgage 1st. Their recruitment plans continue at pace and by the end of March an Apprentice, Mortgage Administrator, Mortgage Processor and 4 new Advisers will have also joined the team.

Mortgage 1st supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Councils Team up to Host Third Virtual Apprenticeships and Jobs Fair

Chesterfield Borough Council, North East Derbyshire District Council and Bolsover District Council have teamed up to host a third virtual jobs fair, that aims to highlight career opportunities for local residents in all three areas.

The virtual event will take place across all three council’s social media pages on Wednesday 27 January between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm. All the vacancies and opportunities can be found by searching for #DerbyshireJobsFair on social media. The councils will also be sharing vacancies from organisations across the area throughout the event.

After the great success of the first two virtual jobs fairs, which featured hundreds of available roles, it is hoped that even more employers will get involved and showcase the current opportunities they have available.

Many employers have already signed up to advertise vacancies but there are still spaces available.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It’s fantastic that following the success of the first two virtual jobs fairs that we can work together again to support our communities.

“Covid-19 is having a serious effect on the local economy and it is absolutely vital that we support both businesses and local people. Lots of people have lost jobs this year and we must do everything we can to support our residents at this difficult time.”

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Councillor Carolyn Renwick, said: “Our last online jobs fair proved extremely successful, reaching tens of thousands of residents who were interested in the vacancies. By working in partnership with our neighbouring authorities we can really escalate the opportunities available to a wider audience, at a time when help and opportunity is so desperately needed.”

Liz Smyth, Cabinet Member for Economic Development at Bolsover District Council, said: “A virtual Jobs Fair is the ideal way for people looking for work to find new and exciting opportunities. With the difficulties we have all faced during the pandemic it is important that we do what we can to support residents who may have lost their jobs or need to find further employment.”

The event will be held on 27 January 2021 from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media channels. Businesses wishing to advertise and take part can do so free of charge, email with your expression of interest.

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Staff from Ashgate Hospicecare join vaccine rollout

Retail staff who are furloughed due to Ashgate Hospicecare’s charity shops being closed in lockdown have stepped forward to support the NHS with the vaccine rollout in North Derbyshire.

The partnership comes after the charity had  called on its staff and volunteers to come forward to help protect the local community and save lives.

Staff who volunteer will be assisting at the vaccination centres, ensuring smooth arrival onsite of those coming for vaccination, efficient patient flow to the clinical assessment and overall onsite safety and security.

Some 76 Ashgate Hospicecare staff are currently on furlough, and the charity said that they had the ideal skills to help with the rollout efforts.

Barbara-Anne, Chief Executive at Ashgate Hospicecare, confirmed that staff had begun volunteering at the Winding Wheel in Chesterfield and that the charity had received huge interest from furloughed employees.

She said: “We are incredibly proud that staff from Ashgate Hospicecare are volunteering their time to be at the forefront of the fight against this dreadful virus. They have helped to ensure that the sites are safe and that as many people as possible are able to receive the jab.

“They are making a real difference to the national effort to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Not only are they supporting members of the local community, but they are there to support our own frontline workers to receive their vaccine.

“How wonderful that our team can come together, supporting each other and the wider community.”

Paul Street, 60, is a driver for Ashgate’s Furniture shop at Hasland and was one of the first to volunteer. Last week he began supporting the vaccinations at the Winding Wheel.

Paul said: “Putting myself forward as a volunteer was an easy decision because I wanted to give something back and help get the world back to normal. We are living through a global crisis and it will take the actions of a lot of people to stop the spread of COVID-19, and we need
that to happen sooner rather than later.

“It is incredibly rewarding volunteering at the vaccination centre, supporting people to overcome the fear of needles or the vaccine itself. The best part is seeing those same people come out relieved and happy, realising there wasn’t anything to be afraid of.

“At the end of the day, I’d rather be out there doing something to help rather than sat at home doing nothing, it’s a great feeling knowing that you are there to put people’s minds at rest as they walk in and direct them to where they need to go.

“It means a lot to me that I am helping make a difference in stopping this virus.”

Last week the charity announced that it was supporting its NHS colleagues by deploying all available nursing staff to its inpatient unit in order to relieve pressure at the nearby Chesterfield Royal Hospital.

Hayley Wardle, Director of Patient Care at Ashgate Hospicecare, said: “It’s really important that we do everything we can to support our colleagues during this time of national crisis. Our staff on the frontline are helping to keep people out of hospital, whether that is providing
care on the ward or in a patient’s own home.

“It is heartening to see so many staff from right across Ashgate Hospicecare coming together to help stop the spread of COVID-19.”

To date, the pandemic has already cost the charity £2.4 million in lost revenue with the current lockdown expected to cost an additional £350,000 in lost sales. To support Ashgate Hospicecare’s fight against COVID-19, go to:

Ashgate Hospicecare supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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D2N2 Growth Hub Launches Peer Network Programme

The D2N2 Growth Hub launches it’s Peer Network programme which aims to bring together diverse cohorts of SMEs to work together collaboratively to discuss challenges, share feedback and devise practical solutions.

The programme, which is being delivered locally by a network of Growth Hubs, forms part of the Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing EU transition. It seeks to improve the resilience of SMEs, their capability to adapt their business models to the “new normal” and position themselves for future success, driving longer-term productivity gains.

The programme, which will be delivered by a network skilled facilitators, will consist of the following sector based Peer Networks:

  • Manufacturing
  • Hospitality and Visitor Economy
  • Creative Industries
  • Life Sciences
  • Retail
  • Construction
  • Food and Drink
  • Social/Healthcare

The Growth Hub will also deliver the following mixed-sector groups:

  • High growth businesses
  • Women-owned businesses
  • BAME businesses
  • High growth businesses with a focus on digital (technology, cyber security)
  • High growth businesses with a focus on leadership and management
  • High growth businesses with a focus on sales/e-commerce

Each of the above networks will bring together groups of 11 SMEs which will run from January to March 2021. In total 18 hours of Peer Network support will be provided to each business with an additional 3.5 hours of one to one support. The key benefits to businesses are:

  • Overcoming business challenges and recognising new opportunities
  • Build a trusted network of connections
  • Improving long-term personal and business performance
  • Achieving higher turnover, employment levels and productivity growth – as research indicates for businesses adopting formal management practices

Chris Pook, D2N2 Growth Hub Manager said: “The Peer Networks are a welcome addition to the wealth of business support already delivered via the Growth Hub. This tried and tested action learning methodology will provide added value to the businesses involved, especially during these challenging economic times.”

For more information and to register your interest in joining a network please click here.

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Award for Redbrik’s Chesterfield Lettings Team

Redbrik’s Chesterfield Lettings team have won the British Property Awards Letting Agent of the Year for Chesterfield.

Lettings Manager, Abigail Wilks, commented: “The award is very well deserved and is a credit to our fantastic team at Chesterfield Lettings.

“The team consistently show outstanding customer service in everything they do. I was thrilled this was highlighted throughout the extensive British Property Awards judging period, which included mystery shops assessing customer service, knowledge and helpfulness.”

The British Property Awards provide agents throughout the UK with the opportunity to compare the service that they provide against the service provided by their local, regional and national competition.

Agents who go that extra mile and provide outstanding customer service levels are rewarded with an accolade, which acts as a beacon to highlight these attributes to their local marketplace.

Robert McLean, from The British Property Awards, added: “If an agent has been attributed with one of our awards, it is simply down to the fantastic customer service levels that they have demonstrated across a prolonged period of time.”

REDBRIK is one of Chesterfield’s leading independent sales and lettings agents. Founded in January 2013 by directors and experienced agents, Mark Ross and Julie Bulheller, REDBRIK is built on an ethos of honesty, unrivalled customer service and innovative marketing.

Since opening their first branch, REDBRIK has enjoyed continual success, expanding into two Sheffield offices at Crystal Peaks and Millhouses, and a substantially larger office in Chesterfield to accommodate company growth.

Going from strength to strength, the company started out with two directors in one small office, and now employ more than 40 members of staff and provide services across Chesterfield, North Derbyshire and Sheffield.

Redbrik supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Global inspirational education speaker to headline town’s 2021 Skills and Employability Conference

One of the most inspirational leaders of his generation, award winning speaker, author and former Long Eaton headteacher Richard Gerver, will headline this year’s Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Skills and Employability Conference.

Passionate about collaboration between businesses and education, Richard will address the profound challenges that now face young people and educators at the conference, which is being held virtually on Wednesday 10 February from 8.30am – 10.00am.

He will bring his own experience of turning around a failing primary school 10 years ago, to highlight the need to radically transform the education system from its current highly prescriptive environment to one of flexibility, to enable more young people to get the jobs they aspire to.

Usually speaking on the international stage and working with governments and global corporations including Microsoft and Google, the pandemic has seen Richard locked down which gave the event organisers the opportunity to secure him for the virtual conference.

Richard commented: “Schools are under immense pressure right now so I am delighted to have the opportunity to speak to educators and businesses in my home county of Derbyshire and bring my insight and experience to the conference which I hope will provide support and reassurance during this unprecedented time.”

He added: “It is fantastic to be in Chesterfield, albeit it virtually. I know the town well and am a regular visitor to Queen’s Park through my work with Derbyshire County Cricket Club.”

At the virtual conference Richard will also be joined in the speaker line-up by Rachel Quinn, Head of People and Skills at D2N2 LEP who leads on D2N2’s People and Skills strategy and programmes and policy relating to careers, employability, social inclusion and inclusive growth.

The event, which is free to attend, is organised by Chesterfield Borough Council, D2N2 Enterprise Advisor Network, CEC and Destination Chesterfield, and is open to businesses, schools and education providers in North Derbyshire.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It’s vital that young people and businesses can access all the information they need to plan for their future, and the Employability and Skills Conference is always an important source of information for them. We are delighted to be joined by Richard as keynote speaker at this year’s event. His experiences in educational change make him the ideal speaker after the last year, I look forward to hearing his insights and I’m sure he will be a real hit with other attendees.”

To secure your place at the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference, please visit

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Radical Rebrand for Chesterfield-based Robinson

Robinson – the leading manufacturer specialising in value added custom packaging – is starting the new year with a dynamic, refreshed, radical rebrand.

The modern, new look Robinson – formerly Robinson Packaging Innovation – is the result of investment into months of intense external and internal research into the evolving packaging market and the markets it serves, offering unique insights into customers, competitors, from employees, and the status of the company, while aligning with its strategic direction.

The heritage, values and personality of the brand have been brought to life in a confident, striking new look and strategic blueprint.

The research demonstrated that Robinson’s identity is refreshingly real and honest; always agile, working flexibly and responsively with its customers as a trusted partner, completely committed to its customers’ success.

CEO Dr Helene Roberts says the rebrand is a stimulating development for the company. She says: “We are staying true to ourselves, reflecting on who we really are as a company today – we are and always have been very proud of our heritage. We have been in the packaging business for more than 180 years  but need a brand that remains relevant and supports our ambition, captivating to our customers and aligned with the future of the industry.

“We lead our business with purpose to go above and beyond to create a sustainable future for our people and our planet, and our revitalised identity reflects this.”

The new logo has been handcrafted to reflect the Robinson character, which is defined as confident and straightforward. It is complemented by a modern Stag icon, which was the old family crest of the Robinson family and based on the company’s original registered trademark for surgical dressings. It was used from Robinson’s inception in 1839 through to the 1930’s.  Dr Roberts says: “The stag is Robinson’s connection to its history and its people, with our modernised symbol representing the close-knit family business we still are today”.

The company’s new sign-off says simply ‘Together since 1839’ and is designed to represent the proud, unique heritage of a dependable partner with collective spirit that goes above and beyond to get the job done and which is truly working towards a more sustainable future.

The colours replicate Robinson’s personality and help differentiate them, with teal being their new core brand colour, which is open, calm, and natural. The brand’s supporting palette of red, yellow, grey, black and white complement the core teal colour and bring depth and optimism to the broader brand world.

The change in branding is reflected in both visual and verbal identity. Lubna Edwards, Sustainability and Marketing Director, is working with the entire team at Robinson to showcase the new branding internally and externally. She says: “We are building a committed culture by applying our core values and behaviours in everything we do – being honest, agile, empowered and engaged – that’s how we do business.

“As an organisation we are genuine, open, and trusted in our knowledge and delivery.  Our small business allows us to be nimble and to work flexibly and responsively to keep on track and maintain speed of execution, while being a provoker of change. We have comprehensive initiatives to help our people thrive while doing things better in our processes and operations.

“We are trusted by our customers – it’s why they keep coming back and why we continue to attract more. We believe our new branding that comes from our DNA is not just a change of logo; it really reflects who we are and will be in the future.”

The Robinson roll out of the new branding will be followed with the announcement of a new website and sustainability pledge.

Robinson supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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New owner sees a bright future for Peak Shopping Village

Situated in the village of Rowsley, on the edge of the Peak District National Park, the Peak Shopping Village has been bought by the Devonshire Property Group Ltd (DPG) which says the outlet centre has “exciting potential”.

The company has acquired the site for an undisclosed sum with the intention of growing customers and jobs through a fresh approach based on its local expertise. The Devonshire Property Group is a part of the Devonshire Group of companies that represent the interests of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and includes nearby Chatsworth, as well as Bolton Abbey in Yorkshire and Lismore Castle in Ireland.

Located in the Derbyshire Dales, just three miles from Chatsworth, DPG approached the previous site owner, a significant property investor in multiple countries, and completed the sale today (11 January 2021) following several months of negotiations.

DPG will work with the existing management team to improve the site, with immediate actions to include some essential repairs and redecoration. By revitalising the customer experience at Peak Shopping Village, with more units occupied and stronger marketing, DPG aims to boost footfall for the benefit of all occupants. There are no current plans to expand the site or create a discount Chatsworth Gift Shop or Farm Shop.

More than 30 shops currently operate at Peak Shopping Village, which employs between 80 and 100 people. National names such as Pavers Shoes, Leading Labels, The Gift Company and Regatta operate alongside independents such as The Woolroom. The site hosts events year round, including regular Makers Markets showcasing the talent of local artisans, and its biggest event, the ‘Peak Festive Spectacular’ at Christmas.

The Devonshire Group believes Peak Shopping Village is perfectly located as a gateway to the Peak District National Park and the Chatsworth Estate.  It views the purchase as a long term investment and an opportunity to create both a local retail outlet for the community and an exciting retail leisure destination for visitors to the Derbyshire Dales.

The Devonshire Group has strong experience in retail through its existing operations at Chatsworth (the estate farm shop and gift shops) and at Bolton Abbey and is a landlord to many retail outlets across its estates.

Lord Burlington, the Duke of Devonshire’s son, and Stephen Vickers, CEO of the Devonshire Group have been heavily involved in the planning and negotiation of the purchase.

Stephen Vickers: “We believe Peak Shopping Village has exciting potential and we see a bright future for jobs and growth. Our ultimate aim is for the site to realise its full potential as an important contributor to the fabric of the local economy, and we will be developing our plans for achieving this in the coming months.”

Lord Burlington: “Our team has the experience and expertise to help to reinvigorate Peak Shopping Village so that it’s a better experience for shop owners and those who use the office space. We are determined to make it the best it can be, both for our local communities and for the experience of visitors to the area. For us, it’s an exciting, long-term investment in Derbyshire, at the gateway to the Peak District National Park and the Chatsworth Estate.”

This investment is unrelated to any of the visitor facing businesses at either the Chatsworth or the Bolton Abbey Estates. The purchase is a capital transaction funded from the sale of commercial assets in Eastbourne.

The nearby conservation area and nature trail managed by the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust is part of the sale and the Devonshire Group aims to support it in future with a renewed education focus and experience for visitors to the shopping village. The nearby allotments are not part of the sale.

The Devonshire Group supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

All images supplied by the Chatsworth House Trust

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Chesterfield Champions work together in offering support to local vaccine rollout

Two Chesterfield businesses are working in tandem as part of efforts to speed-up the covid-19 vaccine rollout across Chesterfield.

Casa Hotel has been working closely with PCT Healthcare, the parent company to get the green light from the government and NHS England to vaccinate residents at Casa Hotel.

Casa Hotel owner, Steve Perez announced on his official Twitter account on Monday, 18th January that Casa has been given the go-ahead to become a vaccination centre from 1st February until the end of June.

Darryl Dethick, head of business transformation at PCT Healthcare said: “We’re delighted to be working with the team at the Casa hotel in Chesterfield along with the team at NHS England to get our Covid vaccination site up and running as soon as possible.  It’s great to be able to work together and support each other in helping to protect our local community.

“Community Pharmacy is really well placed to help look after the health needs of the local population and our Pharmacists and teams are really excited about being able to be part of the national vaccination campaign.”

Joe Cattee, PCT Healthcare director

Casa Hotel owner, Steve Perez said: We have a big car park, lots of space and being a modern building. We are very accessible, including toilets which is very important to the elderly. Instead of waiting in line on a cold pavement, waiting before and after the vaccination can be done in the warmth, under cover.

“We are used to being a 24 hour operation so that poses no issues to us.  We have the resources between us. We have come together as Chesterfield Champions with very different businesses for the benefit of the town.”

The collaboration comes as Chesterfield Borough Council recently announced vaccines are beginning to take place at Chesterfield’s Winding Wheel, along with several other venues across Derbyshire.

PCT Healthcare and Casa Hotel support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

steve perez honorary degree

Casa Hotel owner, Steve Perez

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