
Funding for part of Chesterfield Station Masterplan approved

D2N2, the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, has approved a £3.8m grant towards the construction of the Hollis Lane Link Road in Chesterfield.

The £7.42m project will form a critical part of the Chesterfield Station Masterplan, bringing forward wholescale regeneration and supporting sustainable economic growth in the centre of Chesterfield. This regeneration will include new commercial development, as well as significantly improved connectivity.

D2N2 will be funding the development through its Local Growth Fund allocation, an investment programme to support projects that benefit the regional economy.

The funding for the Hollis Lane Link Road follows similar awards for infrastructure projects that benefit Chesterfield residents including the A61 Corridor, HS2-related development, and the Chesterfield Higher Level Skills Centre worth a combined £10.57m.

The new Hollis Lane Link Road will extend from the junction of Hollis Lane and Spa Lane and will terminate at the southern extent of the Chesterfield Station car park, providing direct access to the railway station from the south.

Furthermore, the Hollis Lane Link Road will unlock 0.92 hectares of early development plots within the Chesterfield Station Masterplan area which it is hoped will lead to over 500 jobs being created by businesses moving into the new development.

Remedial works are due to begin in September 2020 with work expected to be completed by late 2021.

D2N2 Chair Elizabeth Fagan CBE said: “Our investment into the construction of the Hollis Lane Link Road will be another important milestone for Chesterfield’s regeneration ambitions, bringing significant growth and investment opportunities whilst creating more homes, jobs, and learning places.”

“D2N2 is pleased to support investment in our town centres to stimulate economic growth which will be central to supporting the region’s recovery from the impact of Covid-19.”

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure, Councillor Simon Spencer, said: “The Hollis Lane Link is a great example of the ambitious work now being undertaken by the Joint Growth Board.”

“It is a key part of the Chesterfield Masterplan which will bring a range of economic benefits to the town and surrounding area.”

The Joint Growth Board is body set up between Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council tasked with delivering key regeneration projects which will aid the borough’s growth strategy.

Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, Councillor Tricia Gilby, said: “The Hollis Lane Link road adds value to the work we are already doing on the emerging station masterplan, which is a significant project for Chesterfield and northern Derbyshire’s economy.”

“We are in the process of finalising the station master plan and will be undertaking public consultation later this year.”

“The station masterplan will define our aspirations for the economic future of the area and we continue to work closely with partner agencies to maximise this huge opportunity for Chesterfield Borough and beyond.”

Click here to find out more about HS2 and the Chesterfield Station Masterplan

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Grants available for Derbyshire Visitor Economy Businesses

Visitor economy businesses in Derbyshire are being encouraged to apply for grants of up to £10,000 to rebuild their business and develop valuable digital assets in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire is offering business grants to support a range of activities such as website development, new photography, the creation of virtual tours and the implementation of cashless payment systems to help businesses bounce back and drive the recovery of the sector.

The grant programme is part of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire’s European Regional Development Fund project, and has been recently updated to reflect new business needs that have emerged as a result of the current climate.

Alongside digitalisation, grants of £1,000 to £10,000 are also available in the following areas:

  • Accessibility – e.g. accessible equipment and facilities for people with disabilities.
  • Environmental – e.g. electric car charging points, e-bikes or a water system for use by visitors that replaces the need for plastic bottles.
  • Cycling – e.g. secure cycle storage and maintenance equipment for use by visitors.
  • Internationalisation – e.g. website translation or the implementation of online booking/cashless payment systems to encourage international visitors.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, the area’s official tourist board, said: “I’m delighted that we are able to offer this funding through our European Regional Development Fund project. Derbyshire’s tourism industry is incredibly important to the local economy and these grants will enable businesses to rebuild and bounce back stronger than ever.

Jo added: “Grants are available for things such as online booking systems and virtual tours, which are both key in the current climate and will help to enrich the area’s tourism offer and power our recovery plans. I would urge businesses to visit the website for more information and get your applications in as soon as possible.”

Businesses applying for the funding must meet the following criteria:

  • They must be part of the visitor economy and its supply chain, including sole traders, partnerships and limited companies.
  • They must be located in Derbyshire.
  • They must have less than 250 employees.
  • They will need to demonstrate how the grant funding will help their business to become more competitive and support the area’s wider visitor economy.

Successful applicants will receive a 50% grant towards the cost of the overall project, with a minimum 50% grant contribution being £1,000 and the maximum £10,000.

A free webinar providing more details on the business grants programme is being held on Thursday 21 May.

Eligible businesses can register their interest for a grant now at

staying tourists

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Chesterfield Royal leads the way in Covid-19 research

Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s Research Team has become one of the UK’s leading figures in the country’s efforts to treat COVID-19.

The team has been recruiting to a number of urgent public health research trials, some of which are designed to explore potential treatments for COVID-19.

Amanda Whileman is the Royal’s Matron for Clinical Research, she said: “We’re recruiting to a number of urgent public health studies, namely a study looking at how our genes play a part in the virus, an observational study to find better ways of diagnosing and managing COVID-19, and ‘RECOVERY’. We are also collecting data for a COVID-19 in pregnancy study using the UK Obstetric Surveillance System (UKOSS) to inform guidance on care for women and babies.”

“For us, the ‘RECOVERY’ trial is particularly significant as we’re looking very closely at several different existing treatments recommended for testing by the Chief Medical Officer. The purpose of the research is to find out whether treatments are effective for COVID-19. Patients are randomly selected through a computer process to receive one of the treatment options or no additional treatment. Our results will be combined with those from other hospitals to assess the effectiveness of these treatments.”

The Research team was able to act very quickly to national calls for patients to become involved in these trials. Their approach has been particularly impressive given that some of the team are themselves in the ‘at risk’ category.

Amanda added: “There are two studies that we are about to embark on, one being the ‘Principle’ trial which takes us out into the community, working with our Royal Primary Care colleagues. This study is about reducing the rates of hospital admission for patients with suspected COVID-19 for those aged over 50 years with certain underlying health conditions and over the age of 65 with or without an underlying condition. Again, it’s about assessing the effectiveness of trial treatments in preventing hospital admissions.”

“It is quite remarkable that we only started on our journey of recruitment to COVID-19 studies on 19th March, yet have managed to collect a significant amount of data. We commenced recruitment to the RECOVERY trial on 26th March and the genetics study on 21st April.”

“We’ve had to split ourselves into two teams; those that are able to be patient facing and those who are in the ‘at risk’ category themselves. Both teams have been working on a rota, seven days a week to ensure we are able to offer the research studies to all eligible patients.”

“The team that is unable to attend the wards has been working closely with critical care in order to enroll patients remotely into studies. They have been liaising with patients’ families to explain the nature of the studies to keep them informed, working tirelessly to input the much needed data onto the databases. We’ve worked around the clock to ensure that the answers we are looking for in relation to COVID-19 and its treatment are found as soon as possible.”

“We are extremely proud that we are one of the highest recruiting sites in the UK for the RECOVERY trial. This, without a doubt, is down to the passion and commitment the research team and our colleagues have shown to deliver a gold standard service to the patients in our community. We also cannot forget that without patients volunteering to take part, none of this research could take place. We are incredibly grateful for their participation and support.”

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

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Action Grants available for local groups with ‘Derbyshire Spirit’

Derbyshire County Council are re offering support to community groups, clubs and charities that are at the heart of local communities and show ‘Derbyshire Spirit’.

‘Derbyshire Spirit’ is about us looking out for each other, following the guidance, staying safe and being kind during the coronavirus pandemic. For more details please visit the Derbyshire Spirit website (opens in new tab).

Through the Action Grants scheme money is available to help groups get back on their feet when the coronavirus pandemic is over so they can continue with their invaluable work.

Derbyshire County Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis said: “We’re very aware that many groups in our local communities have had to stop their meetings and activities during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic but we want to reassure them that we’re still offering support for when they can resume. Their work makes a real difference to peoples’ lives and they’re a glowing example of what we’ve termed ‘Derbyshire Spirit’ through their selfless dedication to others and especially those in greatest need.”

“I know that when the pandemic has passed there will be more inspiring projects going on and I would encourage residents to apply for our Action Grants now. It could be just the helping hand needed.”

The Action Grants scheme has been running for nearly 2 years and the final round closes at the end of May. The grants are mostly up to £500 and Derbyshire County Council are looking to support the following activities:

  • Community Safety: grants for projects to reduce crime and the fear of crime including raising awareness about scams and rogue trading, schemes to tackle anti-social behaviour and initiatives to help residents keep themselves safe
  • Youth Activity: including setting up youth clubs, organising activities for young people, projects to help young people gain new skills or schemes to help them deal with mental health issues
  • Physical Activity and Sport: money for schemes to encourage residents of all ages to take part in physical activities, keep fit and stay healthy – or which encourage people to get active if they’re not already.

There are also a small number of £5,000 and £10,000 grants available in these 3 categories and for another category called ‘community activity’. The community activity category covers things such as setting up new community groups, organising a local event or starting a community project.

The Action Grant process is quick and simple and decisions are usually made within 4 weeks of the closing date. The deadlines for the final round of applications is 31 May 2020.

To find out full details of the scheme, including all the projects awarded grants so far, click here (opens in new tab).

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Specialist Ashgate Hospicecare teams supporting NHS staff at Chesterfield Royal looking after COVID-19 patients

Ashgate Hospicecare is now delivering support sessions for NHS teams at the hospital who are working with patients who have received a positive diagnosis of COVID-19.

The confidential group sessions offer NHS staff a safe place to talk openly about their anxieties, concerns and experiences in a supportive way. This is designed to prevent trauma and support those colleagues to come to terms and process their experiences looking after those patients.

Ashgate are experts in providing bereavement counselling and support – both to their own teams and to friends and families of patients at the hospice. There are now four team members from Ashgate Hospicecare based in the hospital four times a week offering support to NHS teams.

Arlene Honeyman, Head of Supportive Care at Ashgate Hospicecare, says: “Even for our hospice teams who are used to looking after end of care patients we’ve had to provide wobble rooms where they can go and have a moment and get support. There’s all sorts of issues coming into play – providing end of life care while wearing PPE, patients not being able to have the same number of visitors they normally would, worry about their own health and loved ones back home – so emotional support is vital.”

“NHS teams and hospice teams aren’t superhuman, they need care and support like anyone else. And for the staff at Chesterfield Royal many haven’t had to look after so many end of life patients in such a short space of time. We are so pleased to be supporting our colleagues at Chesterfield Royal Hospital. Our aim is to take Ashgate ‘care and compassion’ to those who are working in this challenging environment.”

“We are so impressed with the commitment and care they offer and will do whatever we can to support them to continue and stay well themselves.”

Staff receiving supportive care will also be offered access to the hospice’s ‘wobble room’ which was set up for hospice staff who need and can go for a wobble, pause and recharge or be supported to pause, recharge and move on. Staff from Chesterfield Royal Hospital will be able to receive this service next week and have access in between group sessions if they need support at other times.

Susan Hawkins, Ward Sister at Chesterfield Royal has receiving supportive care from Ashgate Hospicecare along with a lot of her team. Susan said: “Both myself and members of the team feel the support service provided by Ashgate Hospicecare has been brilliant, being able to express ourselves about the issues we’ve been facing in a calm environment and not be judged. We have all felt relieved that we’re able to unload our thoughts and anxieties during this extremely difficult time.”

She added: “To go from where we usually work on the Urology department to go completely out of our comfort zone and away from our speciality has been really frightening and challenging. To have that extra support and for someone to come in and say it’s alright to talk and listen with empathy, it has been really beneficial to all of us.”

Click here to find out more about Ashgate Hospicecare

Ashgate Hospicecare

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Help ‘Protect Your NHS’ with free will writing service offered by Chesterfield solicitors

Until 31 May 2020, Chesterfield Champions BRM Solicitors will not charge their usual fees for making a will. Instead, clients will be encouraged to make a voluntary donation to Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s “Protect Your NHS” appeal.

The choice and amount to donate is entirely up to each client, but the suggested minimum donation is just £75 for a single will, or £150 for a mirror will for a couple.

All donations will be used to gift health and well-being experiences to staff as well as gifting enhanced care and facilities to patients.

A regulated professional will advise you throughout the process to ensure that your will is appropriate for your personal circumstances, and that it fully reflects your wishes. When completed, all wills are stored securely for free, and registered with Certainty, the National Wills Register so that your will can be found when it is needed.

Rob Woodhead (right), Head of Wills and Probate at BRM said: “By making a will with us in May, you can show your support to the staff and patients at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, who have been affected directly, or indirectly by the Covid-19 pandemic.”

To find out more and register for an appointment, visit or telephone 01246 555111.

Click here to find out more about BRM Solicitors

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CityGrab food delivery app to donate this weekend’s delivery fees to two Chesterfield charities

CityGrab, a local food delivery app created by City Taxis, will donate all delivery fees from this weekend’s orders to two Chesterfield charities, Ashgate Hospicecare and Chesterfield Royal Hospital Charity.

For each of the ‘31 Days in May’ you can order local food and products on the citygrab app, with each weekend dedicated to supporting a local charity. Friday 15th May to Monday 18th May will see funds raised for two local Chesterfield charities, Ashgate Hospicecare and Chesterfield Royal Charity, to help support the fantastic work they are doing providing patient treatment and specialist end of life care under the most challenging circumstances.

Since its launch, local businesses including Afats Grill, Odyssey Greek, Qoozies, Pizza Pi, North Sea Fish Bar, Fat Pig BBQ, Tiffin & Casa Hotel now have food and products available to order through the app.

Russ Wilkinson, Manager of City Taxis said: “To say these are difficult times for our local charities is an understatement, as every penny counts for individuals, families and local businesses”.

He added: “I hope that by donating the citygrab delivery fees to our charity partners, reflects the gratitude we have for the support they give to the community of Chesterfield. I would like to add that these donations are made possible by the continued hard work of our drivers.”

Karen Walker, Ward Sister at Ashgate Hospicecare, said: “Our patients need us more than ever before, but providing that care has never been so challenging. With the support of our community and local businesses like citygrab, we can be there for those who desperately need our care.”

Beverley Webster, Chesterfield Royal Hospital Charity Chair, said: “On behalf of the Charity I would like to pass on our thanks and appreciations. It’s a challenging time for businesses, so this is an incredibly kind and generous gesture. The ‘31 days of May’ campaign that City Taxis are running through their citygrab app is a really innovative way to support local charities like ours. We have some really exciting plans that will make a real difference to patients in hospital – and to the staff who are working hard to provide exceptional care in unprecedented circumstances.  Any donations we receive will be used wisely and for maximum benefit.”

To show your support, simply place an order on the citygrab app between 6pm on Friday 15th May and 6am Monday 18th May and your delivery fee will be automatically donated. The total amount raised will be split evenly between the charities.

Download the citygrab app here.

Click here to see a list local food & drink suppliers offering takeaways

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Chesterfield technology firm recruits four new staff to improve customer support

Chesterfield-based technology firm and Chesterfield Champion, Central Technology, has this month hired four new staff members in order to continue valuable business support to their customers and the wider business community.

Central Technology has welcomed three new team members to their Sales department (pictured below) as well as a new member of the Service Desk team. The new team members will help to support the company’s growing new customer base by providing an enhanced customer experience.

Tom Aplin-Ward, Senior Account Manager, has a wealth of experience in technical, account management and senior client service roles. Stephanie Markham, Internal Account Manager, has exceptional customer service skills and will help maintain and deliver high levels of customer service across all accounts. Loui Fox, Account Manager, worked for the past six years in electrical wholesale & manufacturing and was ready to transfer his experienced sales skills to the challenge of the technology world.

Nathan Carlsson has joined the busy Service Desk team as Junior Development Operations Engineer. Nathan is currently working part time but will take on a full time role upon completion of his degree in Computer Software Development. Nathan will be helping to streamline processes within CT and drive greater efficiencies to provides a more seamless experience for customers.

Managing Director, Ian Snow, said: “It is great to be welcoming new joiners to CT. Now more than ever we need to ensure we have the right skills and efficiencies within our own business to ensure our customers are still receiving a reliable, stable and uninterrupted service from wherever they are working. This is a new chapter for all of us and we need to ensure we are constantly innovating, adapting and improving the way we deliver our services. Having great people is critical at this time so we are delighted to have such fantastic new talent join our team.”

Central Technology are proud members of the Chesterfield Champions business membership scheme. Joining the scheme is a direct statement of belief from organisations about their commitment to Chesterfield and its successful future.

Ian said: “Being a Chesterfield Champion affords us with links into a vibrant and growing business community for us to share learning and business ideas.”

Click here to find out more about Central Technology

Click here to find out more about becoming a Chesterfield Champion

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Chesterfield manufacturer launches click and collect service providing sanitiser to local businesses

Pronto Paints has launched a click and collect service for businesses in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire for its newly developed hand sanitiser.

Since April, Pronto Paints has supported essential organisations with its WHO formulation Handrub Sanitiser by donating supplies to local care homes, charities and frontline services.  The rub has also been available in bulk quantities for manufacturing companies and frontline services to purchase.

As the lockdown period is changing and more businesses are starting to reopen, the handrub has now been made available in 5 litre refill bottles for businesses based across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

David Beckford, Managing Director of Pronto Paints said “We really want to help our community get back to work safely.  We are pleased to announce that we are making single packs of our handrub sanitiser available for Chesterfield businesses to order on a click and collect basis.  The rub will be provided in 5 litre refill bottles at a discounted rate for local companies. We will continue to make donations to local care homes, charities and frontline services.”

Founded in 1989, Pronto Industrial Paints is a family-run manufacturer of high technology surface coatings, supplying commercial partners and clients with paints specific to their exact needs. The business has doubled in size over the last 10 years and the aim is to continue this growth and double the size of the business again over the next 10 years.

Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire based businesses can find out more about the new service at

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10 caregiver jobs created by Home Instead

Chesterfield Champion Home Instead Chesterfield has launched a major recruitment drive to meet increasing demand for its services.

The company is currently advertising 10 CAREGiver roles to help more people in Chesterfield to stay independent in their own homes.  Services are tailored to the needs of individual clients and provide a variety of non-medical services that include respite care and palliative care.

Stephanie Metham, Care Director at Home Instead Chesterfield has welcomed applications from people who may be new to the profession, but who are compassionate and want to make a true difference to the quality of life for their clients:

“Quality care workers are key to our organisation’s services and we work with a team of experienced, friendly CAREGivers from all over Chesterfield and the surrounding areas.  But we need to recruit more if we are to meet the current challenges.

“You do not need any experience or particular qualifications to become a CAREGiver. However, it would be useful to have some experience of working in a care setting or interacting with older people.

“This could be personal experience of caring for a family member or voluntary experience. You will have a passion for supporting others and pride yourself on delivering an outstanding service. You will be reliable, trustworthy and respectful. You will enjoy building professional friendships and comfortable in spending time in the company of others.”

For more information, please contact Stephanie Metham, Care Director at Home Instead  Chesterfield by email:, by calling 01246 580187 or by visiting

Home Instead supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.  Find out more about Chesterfield Champions at

Image: Nigel Metham and Stephanie Metham, Home Instead Senior Care, Chesterfield.

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Furlough scheme extended until October

It has been announced the furlough scheme will be extended by a further four months with workers continuing to receive 80% of their current salary.

From the start of August, furloughed workers will be able to return to work part-time with employers being asked to pay a percentage towards the salaries of their furloughed staff.

The employer payments will substitute the contribution the government is currently making, ensuring that staff continue to receive 80% of their salary, up to £2,500 a month.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: “Our Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has protected millions of jobs and businesses across the UK during the outbreak – and I’ve been clear that I want to avoid a cliff edge and get people back to work in a measured way.

This extension and the changes we are making to the scheme will give flexibility to businesses while protecting the livelihoods of the British people and our future economic prospects.”

New statistics published today revealed the job retention scheme has protected 7.5 million workers and almost 1 million businesses.

The scheme will continue in its current form until the end of July and the changes to allow more flexibility will come in from the start of August. More specific details and information around its implementation will be made available by the end of this month.

The government will explore ways through which furloughed workers who wish to do additional training or learn new skills are supported during this period. It will also continue to work closely with the Devolved Administrations to ensure the scheme supports people across the Union.

The Chancellor’s decision to extend the scheme, which will continue to apply across all regions and sectors in the UK economy, comes after the government outlined its plan for the next phase of its response to the coronavirus outbreak.

The scheme is just one part of the government’s world-leading economic response to coronavirus, including an unprecedented package for the self-employed, loans and guarantees that have so far provided billions of pounds in support, tax deferrals and grants for small businesses.

Today the government is also publishing new statistics that show businesses have benefitted from over £14 billion in loans and guarantees to support their cashflow during the crisis. This includes 268,000 Bounce Back Loans worth £8.3 billion, 36,000 loans worth over £6 billion through the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, and £359 million through the Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), said: “Businesses will welcome the further extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme beyond June, which will help eliminate some of the uncertainties that businesses and their employees are still facing.

“The potential to keep the scheme running to October, albeit with employers contributing, will help to aid the transition back to work, while allowing flexibility to bring people back into the workplace on a part-time basis, where it is safe to do so, is also something we’ve been campaigned for.

“The furlough scheme has seen the Government provide an unprecedented level of financial support to workers affected by the pandemic with the objective of protecting jobs and businesses, for which it should be applauded.

“However, such a huge financial commitment is not sustainable over the long-term, which is why the focus now needs to shift more towards safely restarting the economy as quickly as possible so businesses can start the process of building the UK’s economic recovery, which is the best – and most sustainable – way of securing people’s livelihoods.”

Read our Coronavirus Business Support Page

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