
Mural celebrates NHS and key workers

A mural to celebrate the work of the NHS and key workers during the coronavirus outbreak has been commissioned by a Chesterfield pub.

The team at the Spotted Frog, which is in Brampton, has worked with local artist, Pete Barber to create a colourful rainbow mural to thank everyone, who is supporting the community.

Co-owners & Directors, Trevor & Nicky said “As part of the wider community, we really wanted to do something to show our support and appreciation, but were unsure as to what, We had discussed, having some sort of mural on the wall previously, then it clicked. How fitting, appropriate, lasting and rather large this would, be.”

The Spotted Frog and The Butchers Arms in Brimington are asking people, who like the mural and their situation allows, to donate £1 to NHS Charities Together at

The Spotted Frog has donated £250, which will be matched by with a further £250 from the Butchers Arms.

The campaign and mural were created with support from Pete Barber, Helen Rowan Photography and Just Cars Chesterfield.

For ideas for supporting local businesses during the coronavirus outbreak, visit the Destination Chesterfield Supporting Local Page.

For details of support available for businesses during the coronavirus outbreak visit the Destination Chesterfield Coronavirus Business Support Page.

NHS Mural - Image Helen Rowan Photography




Images: Helen Rowan Photography

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Home, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

Sister company of Chesterfield Waterside developers signs £150 million regeneration deal

The sister company of Chesterfield-based Bolsterstone Group Plc, the company delivering the Chesterfield Waterside project, Urbo (West Bar) Ltd, has signed a major £150 million funding deal with Legal & General.

The deal will bring forward the first phase of a Sheffield city centre mixed-use regeneration scheme – West Bar Square, which will deliver large footprint, modern office space, currently lacking within Sheffield’s property market. Once complete it will accommodate up to 1,800 workers, along with residential accommodation and car parking.

Peter Swallow, Managing Director of Bolsterstone Group Plc and Urbo (West Bar) Ltd, commented: “The world as a whole is in unchartered territory at the moment and these are deeply concerning times for everyone. However, the funding deal with Legal & General and the progress we are making with the office accommodation at Chesterfield Waterside are very much positive signs for the UK’s economy.”

“Although the country is currently in lockdown, investors are already starting to look beyond this, which points to an economic recovery sooner rather than later.”

The £150 million West Bar Square phase 1 scheme comprises 200,000 sq. ft. of Grade A office space, circa 350 ‘Build To Rent’ homes, a multi-storey car park and high quality landscaped public spaces.

Peter Swallow added: “ The funding partnership we have agreed with Legal & General will guarantee delivery of large scale regeneration in this important part of the city, linking the rapidly expanding Kelham Island district to the city centre.”

As well as West Bar Square, Bolsterstone’s £300million Chesterfield Waterside scheme continues to move forward apace. Avant Homes has begun construction of 177 new houses in the Waterside Quarter of the scheme, which already have a number of sales reservations, and the company is in advanced talks with occupiers for the majority of the space in the seven-storey office block planned for the Basin Square neighbourhood, which is due to start on site in the summer.

Click here to find out more about Chesterfield Waterside and what it means for the area

Posted in Business, Development

5 things to check both before and after furloughing team members

You may have heard the term ‘furloughing’ for the first time during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Yet, it’s likely that you’ve now placed one or more of your employees onto the Government Job Retention scheme (or if not yet, you have plans to do so imminently).

The Government announced it would reimburse 80% of usual wage costs for eligible employees for an initial term of three months*.

That is great news for your business.  It means you don’t have to go down the redundancy route.  And you will have core workers ready for the recovery phase.

But are you confident your business is complying with employment law?

Katie Ash, Head of Employment Law at Banner Jones Solicitors explains: “It is important that local businesses don’t fall foul of employment law when furloughing staff. “

“We’ve heard quite a few examples of where businesses have not checked contracts or have not received consent from the staff member.  And there are some businesses, which have allowed staff members to continue working while furloughed.”

“We worry that some businesses could end up with future claims against them. Please seek advice.”

Here are five things that Katie recommends you check:

1. Is your business eligible?

Katie says “Any employer can claim provided that they:

  • – Had created and shared a PAYE payroll scheme on or before 28 February 2020;
  • – Have enrolled for PAYE online; and
  • – Have a UK bank account.

This includes businesses, charities, recruitment agencies with agency workers paid through PAYE, and public authorities. Individuals who employ people and pay them through payroll can also claim, for example those who employ nannies.”

2. Do you understand how to implement the scheme?

Katie advises: “An employer will need to identify affected employees (those who are not required to work “by reason of circumstances as a result of coronavirus or coronavirus disease”) as ‘furloughed’ workers and inform their employees of this.

The most up to date version of the guidance states that even with the right to furlough in the employment contract, employers need to obtain their employees’ agreement to become furloughed workers. You must also be able to demonstrate this agreement.

Not only is it best practice to document any correspondence and/or action relating to furlough leave, it is essential that you document your employee’s agreement to become a furloughed worker in writing. HMRC have also said that records about furlough must be kept for at least 5 years, and the actual agreement regarding furlough leave will be vital in supporting your claim for support under the CJRS.

Once employees have been identified as furloughed workers, employers need to submit information to HMRC about the employees that have been furloughed and their earnings through a new online portal. It is understood that the government will have the portal set up by 20th April 2020 with the first payments being made to employers by 30th April 2020.

Claims should be started from the date that the employee finishes work and starts furlough, not when the decision is made, or when they are written to confirming their furloughed status.”

3. Do you know what your employees can do whilst furloughed (including working elsewhere)?

“Whilst on furlough leave, an employee must not undertake any work that generates revenue for your business or provides a service to you,” says Katie.  “However, they can carry out training or do volunteer work, as long as it is in line with Public Health guidelines.

“They can still receive furlough pay and go and work for another employer – unless they are contractually prohibited from doing so.”

4. Have you provided the correct notification to your employees who have been placed on furlough leave?

Katie advises: “You must notify employees in writing. It is not adequate to only notify them verbally.  You must also keep a record of this written notice and it must be kept for 5 years.  You also need to have the employee’s written agreement to be placed on furlough leave unless you have a contractual right to place them on furlough leave.

5. Are you following your responsibilities regarding the employment rights of your employees while furloughed?

“An employee’s rights will not change during furlough leave,” says Katie.  They will remain an employee of the business and will continue to accrue continuity of service and holiday pay.”

Banner Jones solicitors has provided more detailed advice on furloughing staff at

Check out Destination Chesterfield’s Covid-19 Business Support page for useful information for your business.

*The guidance continues to change, and the latest Government documents for the scheme can be found at

Posted in Blog, Business, Destination Chesterfield

DBCP helps fund and distribute PPE visors for healthcare workers in Chesterfield

Derbyshire Building Control Partnership (DBCP) is one of a number of businesses paying for the materials for 20,000 masks which are then donated free of charge to frontline NHS staff, GP surgeries, First Responders, care homes and hospices.

Ashgate Hospicecare, Whittington Moor Surgery and Lime Tree House in New Whittington are just three of the healthcare settings that are benefitting from visors that are being made by an army of volunteers from animal charity Broken Souls Rescue.

The masks are the brainchild of Stephen Greaves, a volunteer at Broken Souls Rescue and owner of SG Design Studio Architectural Services based in Swadlincote. He was inspired to produce the masks after talking to Simeon Cornes, a building inspector at DBCP who revealed how his wife, who is a nurse, desperately needed PPE in her workplace.

Stephen used his office’s 3D printer which is more used to printing architectural designs, to create an initial batch of 200 visors. Word spread and now, with an army of volunteers  and funding from businesses for materials, Stephen is hoping to make and supply more than 20,000 masks.

Stephen said: “Fundraising during lockdown is particularly difficult so the opportunity to both support the national pandemic effort locally and raise money for the charity is something I am delighted to be able to do.”

“We are relying on donations to enable us to purchase the material used to make the visors. Other than this, all time, cutting and expenses is given from volunteers. Without these volunteers, this would not be possible.”

As well as providing funding for materials and production costs, the team at DBCP is also helping distribute the visors. Hundreds have already been gratefully received by healthcare settings in and around Chesterfield.

Ali Ward-Foster, Partnerships Manager at Ashgate Hospicecare, thanked DBCP for the donation, saying: “We are incredibly grateful for the support of our community and local businesses like DBCP who have donated essential PPE supplies to the hospice. The equipment not only keeps our patients and staff safe but also enables loved ones to spend precious time together when it matters most. For that we cannot thank everyone involved enough.”

Val Johnson, Practice Manager at Whittington Moor Surgery, commented: “They are much appreciated and useful to protect staff against COVID.”

Karen Mitchell at Lime Tree House added: “It is reassuring to know there is community spirit at these difficult times. The donation has gratefully received by us all at Limetree House.”

Neil Johnson, Managing Director of DBCP said: “These are unprecedented and trying times for everyone and I am delighted that we have been able to make both a practical and financial contribution to the COVID-19 effort.”

“The DBCP team were only too happy to help deliver the masks. Being able to get involved in some small way with both the Broken Souls Rescue charity and the local COVID effort has lifted spirits across the company.”

Broken Souls Rescue works nationally to re-home and rehabilitate dogs and cats in need. To donate to Broken Souls Rescue, please visit

Click here to find out more about Derbyshire Building Control Partnership (DBCP)

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Chesterfield technology company recreate The Great Exhibition in Hyde Park for 169th anniversary.

Seymour & Lerhn, an educational service delivered by Chesterfield technology company Oasis Studio, have recreated the Crystal Palace of The Great Exhibition of 1851 as a 3D virtual tour for Royal Parks, to mark the events 169th anniversary.

The Great Exhibition was an event to try and bring everyone together, and whilst also taking the chance to show off just how great Britain was, Prince Albert organised what would come to be known as the first World’s Fair. He invited countries from around the world to exhibit, to encourage commerce and establish British superiority.

The Crystal Palace that had been built in Hyde Park was demolished and relocated to an area of South London, that now bears its name, in 1854. You can still see the footprint of the original building marked out by South Carriage Drive.

The virtual tour allows you to go back to 1851 without using expensive VR hardware, as it can be accessed using the devices that you already own, such as tablets; PCs, laptops, and mobile phones.

The tour offers a way for people to ‘get out of their house’, without actually having to leave their home. Visitors can take a tour of the Crystal Palace building, and learn something new using the educational, interactive hotspots, and look at fascinating illustrations of how the Crystal Palace looked in 1851.

“We’ve harnessed today’s technology to bring The Royal Parks’ heritage to life, uncovering the park’s past for everyone to enjoy, especially those who aren’t able to visit in person,” says Ledy Leyssen, head of learning at The Royal Parks.

Charlie Power from Seymour & Lerhn adds that “with the lockdown continuing, the virtual tour offers a unique way for people to ‘get out of the house’ and explore the history hidden within Hyde Park – all without actually having to leave their homes.”

Despite burning down in 1936, the legacy of the Great Exhibition lives on. The profits were put towards building the Natural History Museum, Science Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum, as well as set up trusts to fund research and development that still exist today.

Check out the virtual tour now

Virtual Crystal Palace Tour Oasis Studios

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Specsavers launches RemoteCare consultation service

Specsavers has launched a free sight and hearing consultation service across Derbyshire, giving access to vital advice and care from local optometrists and audiologists, via video and telephone link.

Specsavers is one of a number of organisations that are fast-tracking changes to their services to respond to the evolving needs of customers in the current crisis and the longer term. The new service, RemoteCare, is designed to cover concerns ranging from eye health and changes in the quality of sight, to contact lens aftercare and audiology health and aftercare.

Giles Edmonds, Clinical Services Firector at Specsavers said: “With our stores currently only able to offer urgent and essential care to a limited number of customers, we have been exploring innovative alternatives to in-person appointments. This is clearly significant given the present restrictions, but it is a service that we plan to continue for the long-term to ensure that everyone – especially those who are particularly vulnerable – can access the care and support that they need.”

“Lockdown is affecting all of our lives and there are already fears that people are delaying accessing essential health services in the current situation. This solution removes a number of barriers, especially with health services already under immense pressure. We hope that Specsavers RemoteCare, our video consultation service, will in some way help people who might otherwise have gone to their GP or to the local A&E unnecessarily.”

Specsavers will also be able to advise customers on how they can locate their prescription and buy new glasses by directing them to Specsavers’ recently-launched online glasses store.

GP and Media Medic, Dr Sarah Jarvis, said:”With so many patients unable to access face to face appointments with their GP, and concerned about attending A&E departments, this service could be invaluable.”

“Optometrists and audiologists using video consultations can offer reassurance and recommend treatment for many conditions, providing relief from symptoms and peace of mind. They can also advise patients when their condition does need urgent assessment.”

Developed in line with NHS recommendations on remote consultation, the new service is open to everyone, whether or not they are currently a Specsavers customer, and can be accessed securely from any digital device. If a customer is unable to use video, they will be able to get expert advice over the phone.

For more information on RemoteCare, please visit

Click here to find out more about Specsavers Chesterfield

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Essential Site Skills provide vital Face Fit Testing to frontline NHS staff

Over the past month, the Essential Site Skills (ESS) team of fully qualified Fit2Fit accredited testers have provided both ‘Face Fit Testing’ and ‘Face Fit: Train the Tester’ training to frontline NHS staff fighting Covid-19.

All UK employees who wear tight-fitting respiratory protective equipment (RPE) must have a certificate to prove that the protective equipment they wear during work not only fits them, but also affords them the effective protection necessary for the task being performed. Face Fit Testing is a Legal Requirement.

In early April, ESS delivered ‘Face Fit: Train the Tester’ sessions to staff members of the Nottingham NHS Trust. This provided vital, hands-on training in using PPE correctly, increasing their ability to test frontline staff. ESS provided this training free of charge from their head office, following strict social distancing guidance in the process.

The ESS team are also working alongside A-Plant Safety’s RPE team and WE FIT RPE to train staff at the newly-opened Nightingale hospital in London. Working in shifts, several experienced trainers have spent the last two weeks away from their families in London, and will continue to for the foreseeable future, in order to ensure NHS staff are protected and supported in their ability to save lives.

Darren O’Neill, Training & Consultancy Director at Essential Site Skills said: “We recognise it’s incredibly tough and tiring for the NHS during this time, but it is important work and a rewarding chance to be part of national effort to beat the virus.”

Essential Site Skills’ expertise in face fit training and testing could make a huge difference to those fighting Coronavirus on the frontline. You can contact the team by emailing or by calling 0115 8970 529.

Click here to find out more about Essential Site Skills

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Featured, Home, Leisure

Chesterfield company invent upcycled phone harness to protect mobile phones and the environment

Chesterfield business, Oasis Studio, have designed and created an upcycled mobile phone harness to help protect mobile phones and the raise awareness of the environmental damage they cause.

As a digital media company, Oasis Studio’s content is delivered on electronic devices, and they wanted to do more to protect the devices their content is delivered on. They invented the Yoyo Grip out of used bike inner tubes to extend the life-cycle of a smartphone, whilst also stopping more inner tubes from going to waste. Oasis’ aim is to stop mobile phones from dropping, cracking and getting lost, in order to extend the devices’ life-cycle as much as possible, and reduce the demand of new phones being created.

Founder and Director of Oasis Studio, Paul Deakin, said: “There are 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, with 78% of the UK population owning one. That’s a lot of mobile phones that are contributing towards our carbon footprint, and we felt we had to do something about it.”

“Used bike inner tubes also go to landfill, so we at Oasis Studio decided to tackle both issues head on. The Yoyo Grip is a harness that’s upcycled from bike inner tubes, to save mobile phones and the environment.”

Nick Brown, Managing Director of havebike, a bicycle repair and maintenance company, said: “A product that prevents damage to mobile phones and reducing further waste and consumption is just genius. It’s also a well thought out design that’s very functional.”

He added: “As an environmentally conscious bicycle service company, we’re very mindful of how we recycle waste. We’re delighted to be able to donate old inner tubes so they can be turned into Yoyo Grips. We’re even more excited about stocking the Yoyo grip as a product!”

The Yoyo Grip attaches around your mobile, whilst retaining full functionality of the smartphone including the camera and side buttons. The elasticated cord and utility clip then attach to your wrist or belt loop, to stop your mobile getting dropped or lost. The Yoyo Grip will go live on Kickstarter on the 1st of May and finish on the 31st of May.

Find out more about the Yoyo Grip here.

Click here to find out more about Oasis Studio

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Featured, Home, Made in Chesterfield

Online careers programme launched by Derbyshire Education Business Partnership

Derbyshire Education Business Partnership (DEBP) have launched a new online careers programme, Directions, which aims to support young people at home due to the impact of COVID-19.

The programme is available to young people in secondary schools, special educational needs or disability schools and includes access to careers advice, employer workshops and study resources.

DEBP are offering one-to-one information, advice and guidance, as well as group activities covering applications, apprenticeships, employability, resilience, transition and stress management. The team are also are working closely with local employers to offer Q&A’s, video diaries, networking and virtual visits to help ensure young people are developing the skills employers’ value and look for.

Clare Talati, Director at DEBP said, “We have a team of qualified Careers and Employability professionals who are ready to support online. Normally they are based within schools or visit them on a regular basis. We want to carry on supporting our partner schools and others to assist young people with their future choices.”

To be a part of the programme, parents, carers, career leaders, teachers or students are asked to register their interest here. A member of the DEBP team will then get in touch to guide you through the next steps.

For more information about Directions please email Dayna Stubbs at

Derbyshire Education Business Partnership, alongside Destination Chesterfield, are the main organisers of the Made in Chesterfield campaign, which works with local schools and their students to raise the profile of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) sector careers. The initiative was as a finalist in the Business and Education Partnership category at the East Midlands Chamber Derbyshire Business Awards 2019.

Click here to find out more about Made in Chesterfield

Year 11 GCSE students from Eckington School visited the award-winning Penny Hydraulics in early 2020 as part of the Made in Chesterfield campaign

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Featured, Home, Made in Chesterfield

Chesterfield Half Marathon in coronavirus crisis charity rallying call

Organisers, partners and sponsors of the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon have come together to urge the residents of Chesterfield & North Derbyshire to the support the event’s two key local charities ‘in any way possible’.

With people across the UK taking part in ‘run five, donate five, nominate five’ challenges to support charities under increased strain due to the coronavirus outbreak, organisers of the Redbrik Half are encouraging local communities to keep active and support Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice wherever possible.

The challenge encourages people to run, jog or walk 5km – or complete other forms of physical exercise – before donating a minimum of £5 to a charity of their choice and in turn nominating five friends to do the same, usually via social media.

Event organisers MLS Contracts have been joined by headline sponsor Redbrik Estate Agents and event partners Peak FM, Blachford UK Ltd, Pronto Paints, Chesterfield Borough Council, Destination Chesterfield, HRM, North Derbyshire Running Club and Franklin & Sons Ltd in issuing a rallying call to raise funds and awareness for Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

Ashgate Hospicecare is among the charities across the country helping to relieve pressure on the NHS after opening its doors to coronavirus patients, and launched an #AshgateUrgentAppeal as an urgent plea for public support earlier this month.

Meanwhile, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice’s #LetsPledge campaign encourages people across the region to pledge support for the charity in any way they can. Public support will enable the charity to continue providing vital care for vulnerable children and young people.

Since its inception in 2017, the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon has seen more than £140,000 pledged to good causes – including Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

John Timms, Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon Event Director, said: “The Redbrik Half Marathon’s primary focus is supporting the local community, including fantastic charities such as Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.”

“We’re incredibly proud of the response from event partners and local people in pledging their support for Ashgate and Bluebell Wood at this particularly crucial time.”

“Support for charities at this time is vital, especially those which support frontline workers and provide essential services to the most vulnerable people.”

“As an event which aims to promote and improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Chesterfield, we felt the ‘run five, donate five, nominate five’ idea would be a great way of encouraging people to support fantastic causes while staying healthy, within the Government’s current social distancing guidelines.”

Mark Ross, Managing Director of event headline sponsor Redbrik, said: “At Redbrik, we want to do as much as we can to give back to the local community and this desire is the essence of the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon.”

“Given the Covid-19 pandemic, and the attention understandably focused on healthcare frontlines, we need to ensure that Ashgate and Bluebell Wood receive more support than ever, in terms of both awareness and funding, so their vital work can continue.”

To support Ashgate Hospicecare, click here. For more information on how to support Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, click here.

Click here more information on the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon.

Please note these pictures are from our image library and were not taken recently

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New website highlights how Chesterfield’s businesses and service providers are adapting during lockdown

A new website is helping Chesterfield’s independent businesses and service providers continue to operate and supply their services and products during lockdown.

People are being urged to #LoveChesterfield and use the new website to access the products and services of local businesses and organisations during lockdown.

Developed and launched by Destination Chesterfield has details of nearly 100 shops, food and drink businesses, training, support and service providers in and around Chesterfield that are continuing to operate by adapting their services to meet the needs of the community.

And Destination Chesterfield wants to add even more businesses, organisations and supports services to the free online directory!

A listing on the website is FREE and Destination Chesterfield is keen to hear from any business or service provider that is offering or adapting products and services in support of the COVID-19 effort.

There are eight categories on the website – Shopping, Food and Drink, Dine at Home, Keeping Busy, Pets, Education & Training, Business Services and Community Support – all combined in an easy to use directory. Details of the businesses and how you can purchase or access the products or services are listed on the site. Business owners and service providers can supply their details free of charge for inclusion on the new website.

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager commented: “The mission for Destination Chesterfield has always been to encourage as many people as possible to support the town and celebrate its achievements. The resilience that local businesses and service providers have shown during lockdown has been remarkable and we hope the new website will become a valuable tool in supporting them further in their efforts to remain operational.

“We’re encouraging everyone to #LoveChesterfield and continue supporting small independent businesses and service providers throughout lockdown. Every trader and service producer plays an important part in the local economy and we all need to work together to can ensure their survival beyond these extremely challenging times.”

National retailers are currently deluged with consumer demand, causing long queues into both their websites and stores, as well as prolonged delivery times. Shopping local at independent retailers not only supports a small business but also puts money back into the local economy.

If you’re a business owner or service provider and would like to be considered to be included on the new website, please complete the form at .

To find out more about the new ‘Supporting Local’ site, please visit:

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Featured, Home, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

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