
Local Plan to be reviewed by Councillors

A draft Local Plan which sets out the proposed future housing, industrial, commercial and leisure land use in Chesterfield until 2033 is to be considered by councillors.

Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet and full council meetings – on 4 and 12 December respectively – will both consider the draft plan with a view to approving it to go out to a six-week public consultation in January 2019.

Once the consultation is completed the plan will then be considered by an independent Government planning inspector at a public planning inquiry later in 2019.

Between now and 2033 the plan proposes:

  • Setting aside enough land for around 5,250 new homes, with a requirement to build at least 4,374 of those. This is a lower figure than in previous versions of the Local Plan. Most of the sites identified were included in the 2017 draft Local Plan but have been updated following comments made during that consultation process.
  • Continuing to use the existing Community Infrastructure Levy and ‘Section 106’ planning agreements to provide community facilities, such as schools and GP services, in places where development takes place
  • That major housing developments have up to 30 per cent affordable housing included within them
  • Up to 25 per cent of homes on major developments meet the higher ‘accessible and adaptable’ standard in the building regulations, which means they can be altered to suit people with mobility issues
  • All new homes and commercial developments are required to include electric vehicle charging points
  • Continued support for the restoration of Chesterfield Canal
  • Continued protection of the Green Belt, and a group of new ‘green wedges’ and ‘strategic gaps’
  • Developing 44 hectares (108 acres) of employment land
  • Providing 7,736 square metres of new retail space

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, said: “The Local Plan is important to local residents and businesses because it is the starting point for assessing the merits of individual planning applications.”

“It will guide development to the most appropriate places, achieving a balance between protecting green spaces and meeting the housing developments we are legally required to deliver, while also providing the jobs and leisure opportunities residents need.”

“Many of the sites within this plan will not be developed for many years but we have to include them to show that we can meet the demand over the medium term. Having a robust plan enables us to then resist planning applications at less appropriate sites.”

“Much of our future housing need will be met from building on large brownfield sites, including at Waterside and the former Staveley Works area. We also have to show a mix of smaller and medium sized housing schemes.”

Most of the proposals within the draft Local Plan build upon the existing document but have been updated to reflect new planning guidance and legislation, as well as the latest statistical information on a range of topics including population size, housing need and requirements for open spaces.

Councillor Gilby added: “The public and businesses will have a full opportunity to give their views, both during the public consultation and at the independent planning inquiry before anything is adopted. We will also hold drop-in information events so that residents can discuss specific issues within their community.”

“We will publicise full details about the consultation and engagement events in January so that everyone knows when and how they can give their views.”

A copy of the draft Local Plan that will be considered by councillors can be seen at

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield Champion wins accolade in National Apprenticeship Awards

Apprentices and employers from across the country joined together on Thursday to celebrate their successes during Learning Unlimited’s very first ever National Apprenticeship Awards.

During a glittering ceremony at Pond’s Forge in Sheffield, awards were presented to businesses and individuals in recognition of their dedication, work and commitment to developing a skilled workforce though apprenticeships.

TV personality and journalist, Helen Fospero, presented the awards to those who had been chosen from the hundreds of nominations received from peers and managers.

The team at Chesterfield-based Heathcotes Group received national recognition when they were awarded the Large Employer of the Year title for demonstrating their commitment to developing apprentices in their company.

Heathcotes’ Managing Director, Brendan Kelly, said: “Winning this award is a fantastic achievement for all of the people involved in training and apprenticeships at Heathcotes. Health and social care is currently a very challenging sector and bringing on talented and dedicated people through apprenticeships is vital to achieve a sustainable model for high quality care.  Heathcotes and our learning partners, the Chesterfield College Group, have developed a work-based learning programme which has proved to be exceptionally successful in creating employment and developing careers, both locally and nationally. We have achieved almost 600 apprenticeship starts over the past five years, with an 82% increase in apprenticeship starts between 2013/14 and 2017/18.”

Mark Bennington, Vice Principal Commercial Services and Enterprise at the Chesterfield College Group, said: “The Learning Unlimited National Apprenticeship Awards provided us with the opportunity to recognise the value of apprenticeships and the employers who are invested in the apprenticeship model.”

“Each award presented during the evening represented the positive impact on each and every one of those individuals and businesses. We look forward to working with our apprentices and businesses over the coming year and look forward to next year’s Apprenticeship Awards!”

And the rest of the winners were:

Newcomer of the Year

Winner: Bumbles Day Nursery

Finalists: Tameside Radio and Briggs of Burton

Investment in Apprentices

Winner: Read Roper Read

Finalists: MVIS, Accrofab and Alphaweld.

Partner of the Year

Winner: Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union

Finalists: Slack and Parr, NTAR and Tulip Ltd.

Small Employer of the Year

Winner: Wilson Howe.

Finalists: Sherwood Electronics and DOR Electrical

Medium Employer of the Year

Winner: Graphoidal Developments Ltd

Finalists: Ashgate Hospicecare and Refresco.

Large Employer of the Year

Winner: Heathcotes.

Finalists: Bombardier and Tarmac.

Employer of the Year

Winner: Derbyshire Constabulary

Outstanding Contribution to Delivery

Winner: Stef Monks

Finalists: Jennifer Dyke, Helen Payne, Mark Dixon, Fliss Shaw, Jonathan Price, Martin Thomas, James Lund, Wendy Taylor, and Kate Barker.

Chesterfield College Group’s Principal’s Award

Winner: Stef Monks

Intermediate Apprentice of the Year

Winner: Tillie Woolliscroft (MVIS)

Finalists: Jessie Lambkin (David Mason Design), and Jake Banton (Bombardier).

Advanced Apprentice of the Year

Winner: Luke Bunting (Bombardier)

Finalists: George Sheldon (MVIS), and Polly Oakes (Fifteen).

Higher Apprentice of the Year –

Winnner: James Bateman (Derbyshire Constabulary).

Finalists: James Marshall (Royal Mail), and Cameron Landa (Bombardier).

Dedication to Apprenticeship –

Winner: Amy Flint (Blackwell Primary School).

Finalists: Liam Quinby (Bombardier), and Sian Jones (Royal Mail)

Apprentice of the Year

Winner: Kyle Stewart (DEB Chemicals)

Chesterfield’s Heathcotes Group were awarded the Large Employer of the Year title.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Chesterfield business featured in Parliamentary Review on manufacturing

A Chesterfield manufacturer has been featured in this year’s Parliamentary Review on government policy involving the manufacturing and services sector.

United Cast Bar (UCB), Europe’s largest manufacturer of continuously cast iron bar, is one of only 16 companies from the metals, materials and fabrication sector to be included in the annual review.

With a foreword written by the Prime Minister Theresa May, the review has been sent to more than 500,000 leading business executives, policy makers and other relevant individuals. The Review also features messages from Lord Pickles and Lord Blunkett. For more information, please click here.

James Brand, Managing Director of United Cast Bar (UK) explained: “Being included in the Parliamentary Review is a great opportunity to put UCB’s name in front of both key politicians and industry representatives.”

“Brexit has created an uncertain climate for the sector in which UCB operates, but I am positive about the future. I personally see it as an opportunity for the company. We manufacture great products in this country and there has been a shift, both at home and abroad, towards buying British. UK demand for our product is increasing and I am confident that the final agreement with the EU will have few or no barriers for trade.”

Formed in February 1998, United Cast Bar is the result of the merger of three of Europe’s most prestigious continuous cast iron bar foundries and their associated stockist and service centres. The UK foundry and worldwide headquarters are based in Chesterfield and it is from here that approximately 90% of production is exported.

United Car Bar employs more than 100 people at its site on Spital Lane. James added: “Chesterfield has served us well in the 20 years we have been based in the town. There is an excellent supply of skilled employees in and around Chesterfield and we are keen to attract more through our apprenticeship programme and links with local schools.”

“If we are to develop our young people and retain their talent in the UK, schools must start bringing manufacturing and engineering careers to their attention; getting young people interested in the sector is a great first step.”

As part of the drive to recruit more young people to the company, United Cast Bar is a founding member of Destination Chesterfield’s Made in Chesterfield initiative and the supporting Chesterfield Manufacturers Forum.

The year-long campaign looks to inspire the next generation, with businesses, schools and training providers coming together to showcase the sector.

As part of the 2018 Made in Chesterfield campaign, UCB will be supporting the drive to get young people interested in careers in the manufacturing sector by hosting school visits to the foundry over the next 12 months.

To arrange a visit to United Cast Bar for your school as part of Made in Chesterfield, please contact Charlie Kay at Derbyshire Education Business Partnership on 01246 212535.

United Cast Bar Parliamentary Review

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Made in Chesterfield

International flame protection firm set to open new base at Markham Vale

Protec International is set to open a new site and create 20 new jobs at the flagship regeneration site Markham Vale.

Protec International is the leading supplier of flame retardant temporary protection materials approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) to the construction industry.

Stephen Cox, Managing Director of Protec International, said: “Markham Vale offers the ideal location for our business, particularly given the high quality currently available on the market.”

“The initial phase will create up to 20 new jobs and plans for the second phase could add a further 20-25 across manufacturing and warehousing disciplines. The site provides the full package and we look forward to moving in next year.”

The firm’s new warehouse and offices will be in addition to a number of bases across the country. Councillor Tony King, Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration said:

“We’re delighted to welcome Protec International to Markham Vale.”

“They’ll be a fantastic addition to the site’s growing family of businesses and it’s great to hear that the firm are looking to create up to 20 new jobs for local people too.”

“Markham’s excellent location continues to attract a range of small, medium and large businesses that can be local, national and international and we’re really pleased it continues to move from strength to strength.”

The firm’s new 5.39 acre base is set to be completed towards the end of 2019 and will be designed and built by our private sector property partner, Henry Boot Developments on Markham Vale North. Andrew Priestley, Development Surveyor at Henry Boot Developments, said:

“Demand has remained robust at Markham Vale, led largely by its unrivalled transport links and proven success as a top-flight industrial location.”

“We’ve no doubt that Markham Vale will prove an excellent location for Protec International, supporting its continued growth while creating valuable new jobs.”

Businesses interested in acquiring premises at the site should contact the Head of Markham Vale, Peter Storey on tel: 01629 535417.

Markham Vale

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Made in Chesterfield

Chesterfield business relaunches as a dedicated commercial training provider

Continuing its 50-year history in the Chesterfield business community, NLT Training Services has successfully relaunched as a dedicated commercial training provider.

Recognising the need to multi-skill people within the workplace to better enable companies to manage skill shortages, NLT has developed a range of commercial training courses.

Specialising in training for the manufacturing and engineering-related training, NLT now also offers bespoke packages, specifically created to match the training needs of businesses.

Supporting the refocus of the business, NLT has also launched a new, more user-friendly website which includes an online booking system for its range of health and safety course. A new, centralised telephone number has also been introduced to make getting in touch with NLT even easier.

The new training offering has been welcomed by businesses operating in the sector.

According to research from the Open University, three in five firms say that the skills shortage in the UK has worsened in the last year. More than half (53%) expect recruitment problems to deepen in the next year as we leave the EU.

91% of employers surveyed revealed that a lack of available talent was affecting their business. Upskilling and cross-training existing workforce has been identified as a solution to the immediate skills shortage.

The company’s re-focus follows the move to cease operating as an apprenticeship training provider. Keen to build on 50 years’ experience working with businesses throughout the region, the company refocused its efforts earlier this year to concentrate on its commercial training offering.

NLT continues to be led by Chief Executive Sarah Temperton, who said: “This is a time of transformation for NLT. Although early days we are have a strong team and are building our commercial training offering to reflect the ever-diversifying needs of businesses.”

“We also want to give something back to businesses, so we are looking at developing a bursary to help more people enter the industry in order to address the skills problem.”

Posted in Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Made in Chesterfield

Chesterfield businessman receives Honorary Degree from the University of Derby

Derby’s former Chief Nurse, a world-leading butterfly expert and the chairman of a global drinks company have received Honorary Degrees from the University of Derby at Award Ceremonies last week.

Each year, notable people with a strong connection to the University, the city and the county are chosen to receive an Honorary Degree, in recognition of the valuable contributions they have made to their fields.

Thousands of graduating students, guests and VIPs attended the Ceremonies, which took place on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 November, at Derby Arena.

The year’s recipients are:

  • Kay Fawcett OBE, Honorary Doctor of the University
  • Steve Perez, Honorary Master of Business Administration
  • Colin Treadaway-Hoare, Honorary Doctor of the University

Professor Kathryn Mitchell, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, said: “It is always a pleasure to present Honorary Degrees to those who have played such a significant role in our region, and Kay, Steve and Colin are no exception.”

“Each one of these notable people has made an exceptional contribution in their field. I am delighted to present them with these honorary awards alongside graduating students, and hope they will inspire the next generation to achieve great things in their own chosen fields.”

Steve Perez is chairman of Global Brands, a leading independent drinks business, and owner of Casa Hotel and Peak Edge Hotel in Chesterfield, as well as being part of Chesterfield Champions. Steve grew up in Chesterfield and founded the Global Beer Company in 1986, initially selling imported beer to local pubs and clubs from the back of a van.

In 1997, he spotted a gap in the market and launched VK, now one of the best-selling vodka-based drinks in the UK. In 2002, Global Brands was the UK’s fourth fastest-growing company and Steve was voted CBI Entrepreneur of the Year. Since then, Steve has expanded into property, farming and hotels. Outside of work, Steve has been a successful rally driver and is a four-time British rally champion.

The University wishes to recognise Steve’s achievements as a local entrepreneur and his impact on the local economy.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

First licence issued for Chesterfield dog day care centre

A dog care centre in Chesterfield has become the first to receive a licence under new animal licensing laws following an inspection by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Divine Dog Care run by Julie Spooner, offers a home from home for canines during the day and was praised by the council’s inspector for having high standards of care and hygiene, and having all the required documentation in place.

It has been given a licence for the maximum period of three years.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “This is the first inspection of this kind that we have carried out and are pleased to have found that Divine Dog Care is looking after the animals in its care correctly.”

“We are offering support to other local animal businesses to prepare them for the new inspection regime and to ensure that businesses in the Chesterfield borough meet the highest standards.”

“All existing and new applicants need to comply with new rules under the new licensing regime  including pet shops, kennels, catteries, home boarding for dogs, day care for dogs, dog breeders, hiring of horses and anyone training or exhibiting animals.”

Under new laws introduced from 1 October this year, businesses will now be risk rated on their welfare standards.

One to five stars can be awarded which will see inspections carried out from one up to three years.

Visit the council website to see the list of all animal licensed businesses in the Chesterfield area.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield Champion receives prestigious award from the Ministry of Defence

Home Instead Senior Care Chesterfield, an at home care company that provides care to people in their own homes, is honoured to have received a Silver Employer Recognition Scheme Award from the Ministry of Defence at a special awards ceremony last week.

The awards evening was held at Beaumanor Hall and the winners were presented with certificates signed by the Secretary of State for Defence and the Chief of the Defence Staff during a special ceremony.

The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) rewards and recognises UK employers for their support and commitment towards defence. The scheme includes bronze, silver and gold awards for organisations that pledge, demonstrate or advocate support to defence and the Armed Forces community and align their values with the Armed Forces Covenant.

Stephanie Metham, owner of Home Instead Chesterfield said: “We at Home Instead Senior Care are delighted to have received the ERS Silver award. Members of the Armed Forces bring great value to the care sector as serving and helping others is part of the core values of the military service.”

“Former service personnel have an affinity to nurture and support others and offer a wealth of knowledge and skills, and we are proud to continue our support of the Ministry of Defence.”

Home Instead Senior Care is one of the UK’s leading at-home care providers. Their service is tailored to the needs of individual clients and ranges from companionship, meal preparation, light housekeeping, post-discharge care, medication reminders, shopping and errands to personal care. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Home Instead Senior Care Chesterfield

Fiona Clark and Stephanie Metham from Home Instead being presented with their certificate from Air Commodore Simon Edwards.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Local businesses celebrated at Derbyshire Times Business Awards

Celebrating their 30th year of caring for north-Derbyshire patients with life-limiting illnesses, Ashgate Hospicecare were named Business of the Year at the Derbyshire Times Business Awards 2018.

The awards were held at Chesterfield College and hosted by Dronfield entrepreneur Jessica Cunningham, star of TV show The Apprentice.

It is the 10th year that the Derbyshire Times has held their Business Awards, recognising the very best of the area’s commerce, trade and industry. Outstanding firms and the businessmen and women that run them were honoured in 14 different categories.

Derbyshire Times Editor Phil Bramley said: “The awards night was a great celebration of some of the outstanding business we have in our local community.”

“It was especially moving to see the standing ovation which Jillian Thomas received as she collected her Lifetime Achievement award and as she spoke powerfully about how being caught up in the Boxing Day Tsunami while on holiday in Thailand changed her life forever.”

“The judges had no hesitation in naming Ashgate Hospicecare as our overall Business of the Year 2018 and there can surely be no more deserving recipient.”

“It was especially fitting that they received the award in the year they mark 30 years of providing vital end-of-life care to people across north Derbyshire.”

The winners were:

The Innovation Award 

Winner: Auto Windscreen

Highly commended: Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust, MOTUS Women Entrepreneurs Network.

People Development Award

Winner: A-Rock Construction

Community Contribution Award

Winner: Less Than Zero Barbers

Highly commended: Chameleon School of Construction

Customer Service Award

Winner: S44 Travel

Highly commended: Less Than Zero Barbers, Pinewood Properties

Apprentice of the Year

Winner: Jenna- Leigh Bates of Recruit 2 You Ltd

Highly commended: Declan Pike of Palamatic, Deborah Downes of  Van Dyk by Wildes

Independent Retailer of the Year

Winner: Itsy Bitsy Boutique

Lifestyle and Leisure Award

Winner: Stephensons Tea and Coffee House

Highly commended: Morley Hayes

New Business of the Year

Winner: Revilo Images

Highly commended: Edwards Employment Solutions Ltd, White Peak Distillery

Professional Services

Winner: Shorts

Highly Commended: Pinewood Properties

Small Business of the Year

Winner: Emerald Accountancy Services Ltd

Highly commended: Inspire Design and Development, Paperclip, Sanitaryware Supplies Company Ltd.

The Excellence in Manufacturing Award

Winner: BG Engineering

Charity of the Year award

Winner: Ashgate Hospicecare

Mitchells Anniversary Award 

Winner: Sanitaryware Supplies Company Ltd

Business Person of the Year award

Winner: Rupert Armitage of Auto Windscreens

Lifetime Achievement Award

Winner: Jillian Thomas of Future Life Wealth Management

2018 Business of the Year 

Winner: Ashgate Hospicecare

Derbyshire Times Business Awards

Derbyshire Times Business Awards 2018: Winners and runners-up join together for a group photograph at the end of the awards ceremony.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Visiting

Education and business sectors join forces to launch 12-month Made in Chesterfield campaign

A year-long campaign, which is sponsored by University of Derby, has been launched in Chesterfield to get more young people interested in careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

Established in 2014, Made in Chesterfield has traditionally been a month-long festival held during November. To mark its fifth year, the campaign has now been aligned with the National Curriculum and will run throughout the next 12 months.

Organised by Destination Chesterfield and Derbyshire Education Business Partnership, the Made in Chesterfield campaign brings together businesses and employers in the sector with schools and education providers.

This year, the campaign is supported by key employers in the local STEM sector, including Chesterfield Police, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar, Kingfield Electronics, Aztec Oils, Penny Hydraulics and Trans-Tronic, who are all opening their doors to teachers and pupils who are keen to know more about careers and jobs on offer.

Since establishing Made in Chesterfield, the campaign has resulted in over 2,500 young people from schools spending time in the area’s manufacturing and engineering businesses. School visits to businesses operating within the STEM sector are being organised by Derbyshire Education Business Partnership.

Chesterfield College has also credited the initiative with helping to make a difference to the awareness of careers linked to STEM subjects. The number of students studying STEM subjects at the College has increased from 265 last year to 440 in 2018.

Launched at Barrow Hill Roundhouse, the move to a 12-month campaign follows news that Spanish train manufacturer Talgo is considering investing in a £9 million innovation centre at Barrow Hill Roundhouse.

Speaking at the launch Dr Peter Dewhurst, Commercial Director, University of Derby, said: “Since opening the University’s Campus at St Helena’s in October 2016, the University has worked hard to support the town with us enrolling over 400 new learners and engaging with 12 local businesses to deliver Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. However, we are keen to do more to support the community and local businesses in achieving their potential and one way we are looking to achieve this is through our support for the Made in Chesterfield campaign.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “Talgo’s recent interest in Chesterfield has further put the spotlight on the town’s engineering and manufacturing sector. Our central location, engineering heritage and knowledge base makes us particularly attractive to companies operating within the STEM sector.”

“It’s a very exciting time for Chesterfield. We have the core ingredients to make the area a national hub of excellence for manufacturing and engineering. Initiatives like Made in Chesterfield which bring together education and business are so important in helping the town attract further investment to increase both job numbers and opportunities for everyone.”

Clare Talati, Director of Derbyshire Education Business Partnership said: “We have seen this initiative grow each year and we actively encourage all schools to get involved; bringing the world of work to life for learners is at the core of what we aim to deliver and the commitment made by local businesses is fantastic and not to be missed.”

In addition to the University of Derby, Made in Chesterfield is also run in partnership with MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd, NatWest and Placing Futures.

To find out more about Made in Chesterfield and how you can get involved, please visit:

launch Made in Chesterfield campaign

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Made in Chesterfield, Visiting

New board members sought by D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership

Business people are being invited to join the board of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, to help steer the future of an area with an economic output worth over £45billion.

D2N2 is the private sector-led Local Enterprise Partnership of business, local authorities, skills and training providers, and community and voluntary organisations; which promotes economic growth across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

It manages over £500million in resources (via funding from the UK Government and European Union) to invest in its business growth, capital projects, infrastructure, employment promotion, social and community projects, and other services.

Examples of successful projects and programmes D2N2 and its partners have been involved in include:

  • half funding a new £6.9m University of Derby Chesterfield campus, aimed at teaching vocational skills, particularly for adult students;
  • co-funding construction of the £30million BioCity Discovery building in Nottingham, promoting hundreds of life sciences jobs;
  • a £15million investment in a Building Better Opportunities fund (with partner the Big Lottery Fund) to help young people, the long term unemployed and those in poverty across the LEP area with help towards finding work;
  • D2N2 Growth Hub which has to date engaged with and helped over 6,500 Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire businesses, from start-ups to established firms looking to expand.

D2N2’s board includes experienced people from a range of sectors – and new board members from the private sector are now being sought.

Board Members’ role is to:

  • use their business knowledge to give strategic advice on boosting the D2N2 LEP area’s economy;
  • promote LEP interests when dealing with Government and business contacts;
  • help drive forward the LEP’s activities, including those around increasing jobs and business growth;
  • contribute to development and delivery of the area’s Local Industrial Strategy;
  • champion the work of the D2N2 LEP Board to relevant partners, networks and other business organisations.

Applicants should be excellent communicators, demonstrate real leadership, understand what drives economic prosperity, have a good knowledge of the D2N2 LEP area and its needs, and possess extensive business networks and contacts. They must also be available to serve on the D2N2 LEP board for up to three years, and to attend regular meetings and events; with one to two days per month needed for the role (expenses only are available for this role).

The closing date for business community board member applications is 12noon, on Friday December 21 (2018). Shortlisted applicants will be invited for discussions with current LEP Board members in early January 2019, with an announcement on new board members to be made shortly afterwards.

Elizabeth Fagan, Chair of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (pictured), said: “Opportunities and challenges will be faced by our area’s economy, in 2019 and beyond.

“We are seeking applications from new private sector board members; who will bring with them fresh thinking, new ideas and who will best reflect the communities we serve across the LEP area.”

Further details of the role and how to apply are available in the candidate brief below.

D2N2 Candidate Brief for Board Members November 2018


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