
Jobseeker claimant count continues to fall

Data recently released from the Office for National Statistics reveals that the number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance in Chesterfield in July was 1,225 – down 20 from last months figure of 1,275 and the lowest figure recorded since February 2017.

According to the Office for National Statistics, the number of people in work nationally is at the highest level since records began in 1971.

The record figures have been driven by increases in the number of people in secure work – over 75% of the increase in employment over the past seven years has been in full-time work – according to the Department for Work and Pensions.

There are now 338,000 more people in work compared to this time last year, the Government said, with much of the increase attributed to “workers recruited to higher-skilled positions”.

Whilst the figure in Chesterfield is the lowest it has been for a number of months, it is still 100 claimants higher than the figure recorded for the same month the previous year. This mirrors the reversal of fortune for the East Midlands region that has seen a decline of employment.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“Local figures would seem to suggest that inflationary pressures, which had not previously significantly manifested themselves, are now beginning to be felt in the East Midlands.

“This morning’s figures have not come as any great surprise but they do suggest that more needs to be done to aid job creation in the East Midlands, to encourage the creation of sustainable businesses and to help regional employers manage inflationary pressures.”


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Cautious welcome given to Government’s plans for future trade with the EU

A Government paper outlining future customs arrangements with the EU has been given a cautious welcome by the biggest business-representation organisation in the Midlands.

East Midlands Chamber, the second-largest Chamber of Commerce in the country, said the plan offered greater clarity of Government intentions for the region’s exporters.

But it warned that the Government’ stance on future membership of the EU customs union did not mean the terms would be accepted by the other 27 members of the EU.

Countries inside the customs union don’t impose tariffs – taxes on imports – on each other’s goods and every country inside the union levies the same tariffs on imports from abroad.

Publishing the paper setting out proposals for a future customs relationship with the EU, David Davis, the Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, said the approach would “avoid a cliff-edge for businesses and individuals on both sides”.

He said:-

“The way we approach the movement of goods across our border will be a critical building block for our independent trade policy. An interim period would mean businesses only need to adjust once to the new regime and would allow for a smooth and orderly transition.

“The UK is the EU’s biggest trading partner so it is in the interest of both sides that we reach an agreement on our future relationship. The UK starts from a strong position and we are confident we can deliver a result that is good for business here in the UK and across the EU.”

Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer, said:-

“Our proposals are ambitious, and rightly so. They set out arrangements that would allow UK businesses to continue to trade with their European partners in the future, while expanding their markets beyond the EU.”

Laura Howard, the Chamber’s Head of International Trade, said:-

“With the caveat that this is a negotiating position and therefore subject to agreement, I know that Chamber members will welcome attempts to retain frictionless trade between the UK and the EU that reduces bureaucracy and costs. Today’s announcement offers greater confidence for businesses trading with the EU.”

The Chamber processes export documentation for goods being sent to over 140 countries worldwide. In the six months to the end of June this year, the Chamber’s international team processed documents for £218,296,122 worth of commercial goods being shipped outside the EU. It also provides training to help businesses understand procedures, thereby saving time and money when trading with the EU.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

City region’s Growth Hub smashes business support targets

Figures released today show that in its first year the Growth Hub team at Sheffield City Region smashed its own targets for business support many times over.

By the end of April this year the Growth Hub – the region’s central point for all business support – and its spokes of specialist advisors had worked with 4122 businesses. The target was 500.

And the region’s businesses are pleased: the feedback is that they are getting ‘excellent’ support and the Growth Hub has been awarded a satisfaction rating of 89% across the three different levels of help – light, medium and high.

The bulk of inquiries over the year have been about help to grow businesses and finance, while help with skills training, starting a new business, and innovation were roughly equally in demand.

David Grimes, Head of the Growth Hub, said:-

“This is a very pleasing set of figures. The Growth Hub and its partners have been working extremely hard to help create growth and jobs across the region, and I am delighted that so many people have taken advantage of our services.

“This demonstrates that there is a huge appetite for businesses to grow and create jobs and prosperity across the region.

“Enterprise has always been at the heart of what we do in this region. It’s a tribute to the hard work ethos here which is helping to attract, retain and develop skills in the region which are so important for sustainable growth.”

growth hub

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Have your say on skills shortages to help shape skills training budgets going forward

As employers everywhere worry about finding skilled staff, a ground-breaking initiative by the Sheffield City Region (SCR) is being launched to find out exactly what business needs.

In one of the most in-depth surveys into skills gaps and hard-to-fill vacancies, hundreds of business leaders across the region’s key industrial sectors are being approached to complete a brief survey. It will take less than 5 minutes to provide the details the region needs to provide the right skills, and help employers to fill jobs. Anyone else in business who is interested is encouraged to complete the survey at

The survey will be open to business leaders from the construction, manufacturing, business, professional, financial and digital sectors.  Running alongside it will be a series of round table discussions throughout the region with key influencers and decision makers.

The findings, which will be known by September, will allow the SCR to make well-informed decisions about adult education and skills training to help boost growth and jobs across the economy.

Nigel Brewster, Vice Chair of the SCR’s Local Enterprise Partnership, said:-

“We know we in the Sheffield City Region, along with many areas of the UK, face a skills shortage. Here in this region we are already tackling those issues. We also provide funding for business training which can be designed by the employer.

“However, we need much more detailed information from employers so that we can really provide first class access to skills training. We want to know if there is a link between certain missing skills – perhaps technical and social skills for example.

“We just need a few minutes of employers’ time to fill in the survey – job hunters and unsuccessful applicants are also being asked what holds them back.”




Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Free help and support available for small businesses in Derbyshire

Small businesses looking to expand are being offered help and assistance through a free business health check from the D2 Business Advisory Growth Service.

Derbyshire County Council have contributed £36,000 towards the project to help small Derbyshire-based businesses to reach their full potential and a further £36,000 has also been contributed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The free business health check will:

  • look at where your business is now and where you want it to be
  • identify the areas where your business could benefit from additional help and support
  • identify what you need to do to achieve your goals
  • help you apply for grants that are available to businesses across Derbyshire

Councillor Tony King, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration at Derbyshire County Council, said:-

“We’re pleased to help fund projects that give small Derbyshire businesses the step-up they need to grow and develop.

“Small businesses play a vital role in boosting Derbyshire’s economy through supplying to other local, national and international companies, bringing in business to the county and employing local people.

“If you’re a small business looking to expand or have just started trading and want to progress to the next stage, don’t miss out on your business health check − it could be a great benefit to you and your company and it’s free.”

The D2 Business Advisory Growth Service is run on behalf of D2N2 − the Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

For more information about business support for Chesterfield business please click here.

small businesses

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

More space at Markham for small businesses

Thirteen new modern units for small to medium-sized businesses have been built at the Derbyshire County Council and Henry Boot Development’s flagship regeneration site Markham Vale.

The units, ranging in size from 1,200 to 3,050 sq. ft, are available to purchase or lease and have been built by Barnsley-based property developer Priority Space in partnership with the Hunt Group.

An online campaign was launched by the company to name the new development and the winning entry was Wilson Business Park in memory of Johnny Wilson who lost his life while working on site as a miner in the former Markham Colliery in 1987.

The name was submitted by local Derbyshire resident Andy Carroll − Johnny’s friend and colleague.

Lee Buchanan, Director at Priority Space, said:

“We are delighted to have brought forward a new modern industrial scheme at Markham Vale and are extremely happy with the level of enquires that we are receiving. There will be an open day on the morning of the 5 and 6 September for people who would like to view the new units.”

Councillor Tony King, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration at Derbyshire County Council, said:-

“We’re delighted to welcome these new units to Markham Vale. They offer a great space for small to medium-sized businesses looking to either expand or start-up and have fantastic transport links being located just off junction 29A of the M1 motorway.

He added:-

“It’s an exciting time at Markham Vale − the site is now home to 42 businesses and more than 1,000 new jobs have been created so far. And we look forward to welcoming even more businesses over the next few months to join Markham’s thriving business community.”

Businesses interested in the new units can contact Stuart Waite from CPP Commercial Property Partners for more information by emailing or by calling 0115 8966611.

Anthony Clitheroe from Henry Boot Developments − Derbyshire County Councils’ private sector property partner – said:-

“We are delighted to see the Wilson Business Park open for business and look forward to welcoming new businesses to Markham Vale in the near future.”

Scunthorpe-based construction firm Britcon (UK) Limited built the units on behalf of Priority Space and the Hunt Group.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Chesterfield Rotary wins award

Chesterfield Rotary Club has been named Best Club in District 1220 by District Governor Michael Longdon.

The prestigious Gordon Taylor Trophy is presented to one club each year in Rotary District 1220, which covers 69 clubs throughout Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, South Yorkshire and parts of Lincolnshire.

The award is recognition for Chesterfield Rotary’s thriving Satellite Club – the first of its kind set up for young professionals, who have so far contributed significantly to the local community.

The Gordon Taylor Trophy also commends the Rotary’s varied programme of charitable events.

Chesterfield president Peter Barr shared the success with Satellite Club members at the July monthly meeting held at The Manor at Brampton.

For more details about the Rotary Satellite Club of Chesterfield contact secretary Rachel Trueman 07792 719 238.

Image: Chesterfield Rotary president Peter Barr with satellite club chairman Peter Blant and members of the satellite club with the Gordon Taylor Trophy.

Chesterfield Rotary 2017


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Apprentice reaps award number two for going above and beyond

Congratulations are in order for Jack Rigsby from AvantiGas, who has been honoured as an Apprentice of the Year by Chesterfield College for the second year running, this time being named Apprentice of the Year in BTEC Level 3 Mechanical Engineering.

Jack said that some of the work he’d done previously for A Level Maths had helped him in his BTEC studies, but parts of the syllabus were still challenging:-

“Thermodynamics was probably the most difficult. I’d never done anything like that before, but I still enjoyed it.”

Hydraulics and Pneumatics, another new subject, was also challenging but Jack clearly mastered these new disciplines to win Apprentice of the Year once again.

Neill Cordon, HR Director at Avantigas, said:-

“Jack is a great credit to AvantiGas and his success just confirms why we should continue our commitment to apprenticeships. We believe strongly that apprenticeships help us to meet the vital need to bring new talent into the LPG market to continue to serve off-grid homes and businesses.”

The college citation for Jack’s efforts was glowing:-

“Jack is an outstanding student.

“He is very capable across a range of subjects and he manages himself well. His work is always to a high standard and submitted ahead of deadlines.”

It goes on to say that Jack in fact completed his assignments for the year six weeks early but was happy to use the time he has gained to support his classmates, who value his advice and support.

Jack remains modest in the face of his award and the praise heaped on him:-

“I wasn’t expecting it. I just handed my work in when it was due and didn’t mess around.”

His advice to aspiring apprentices is:-

“Just to put the effort in and get your head down, and get yourself onto higher education if you can.”

“I have one more year to go on my BTEC then I hope to progress on to university after that. It would be studying one day a week, part-time, hopefully at Sheffield Hallam. But it will be worth it in the end.”



Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business

Mitchells welcomes new university placement undergraduate

Cementing its commitment to bringing on new talent in the accountancy sector, Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers has appointed Brandon Wazirali as an undergraduate placement student.

Brandon (21) from Mosborough in Sheffield, is an Accounting and Finance student at Sheffield Hallam University. As part of the third year of his degree he has joined Mitchells Corporate Services team full-time, on a 12-month placement in order to gain experience ahead of his final year and graduation.

He explained: “Accountancy opens doors to so many different careers, however my personal aim is to become a Chartered Accountant and undertaking this placement with Mitchells is a great way to gain experience as well as confirm my career ambitions.”

He is one of a long line of undergraduates to join Mitchells as a placement student; the majority of which are offered permanent roles with the firm on completing their degree. Partner Tony Hornsby joined Mitchells originally as a placement student in 2001 and has remained with the firm since graduating.

Commenting on his appointment, Brandon said: “I’m really enjoying it at Mitchells. Every day is different. I have always been good with numbers, so being able to apply the theory from my course in a practical, hands-on environment is giving me invaluable experience which will provide a great platform on which to build my career once I graduate.”

Outside work, Brandon who is a keen half marathon runner, enjoys playing Sunday League football with The New Bohemians.

The firm is looking to make further appointments to add to its expanding team of tax professionals and Chartered Accountants. If you’re looking for a career at Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, get in touch with Andrew McDaid by calling 01246 274121, or send your CV and covering letter to

Brandon Wazirali

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Women in Business Network group set to launch in Chesterfield

Capitalising on recent research – stating that nationally the proportion of women that went into business between 2013 and 2016 rose by 45% – the Women in Business Network (WIBN) are set to launch a new networking service for business women in Chesterfield.

The WIBN is a membership organisation for women who wish to gain new business opportunities through word of mouth. Whether employed or a business owner the network has a huge diversity of businesses involved.

Networking is widely seen as the most effective business tool to market any business or service. The WIBN has been offering businesses the chance to meet monthly to do business together, collaborate on projects and gain new leads for over 12 years. The Chesterfield group will be first group set up in Derbyshire after success of the group in Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire.

The WIBN will meet for a two hour networking meeting held every month, starting from 5th October, where they will share lunch whilst allowing delegates the opportunity to increase business, brand and profile for their organisation.

Paula Grizzard, Director of WIBN North Derbyshire and Yorkshire,  said:-

“We are impressed with the drive for business in Chesterfield and keen to set up our newest WIBN Group here to be part of the growth and investment in the town.”

To find out more about the meetings please click here.

women in business network

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Community radio station expands ‘Team Spire’ with exciting new changes

Spire Radio, Chesterfield Champions and local community radio station, have recently announced a number of exciting new changes to ensure the survival of the stations legacy as they move forward after a successful first 2 years on air.

A focus on strengthening involvement in the local community has been a main priority for the station, with links now forged between the Derbyshire Times, Chesterfield Food Club Community Trust and the Chesterfield College Performing Arts and Media Departments. The station has also recently offered work experience to local schools and colleges.

To keep at the forefront of local business, Spire Radio have also recently joined the Chesterfield Champion network. Chesterfield Champions are a group of 170+ local businesses who work together to support the development of the local economy, shape the future of the town and showcase all that is good about it.

To showcase how vital the business community is in the development of the town, Destination Chesterfield, who run the Chesterfield Champion scheme, and Spire Radio have joined forces to showcase these local businesses with a new show to air from late August. The show, which will air on Tuesday afternoons, will see Champions interviewed about their business and their views on topics relevant to the town.

A number of new appointments have also been made to strengthen their Directorship and Management team.

Joining the Current Directors Chris Walters (Programme Director), Stephen Mahoney (Technical Director) and Amy Hartshorn (Director of Finance and Human Resources), Spire Radio are proud to announce the appointment of Andrew Payne, Presenter of the Generation Game, Local Business man and long standing supporter of Spire Radio as a Director.

Other appointments include Matthew Squires (Presenter of SquiresonSpire) as Training, Compliance & Development Director, Simon Barnett (Presenter of Anthems) as Media & Communications Director and Mark Judge as Technical & Web Development Director.

David Trickett, local legend and fundraiser will also join the team as Charity & Community Event Director to oversee that all of the stations operations are within the remit of not for profit and in the best interests of Local Community & support local charitable organisations.

Alongside the recruitment of the new directors the station are also looking to grow their listener-ship with the introduction of a host of new shows and presenters.

  • George Drummond will be the new host of Spire Breakfast (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday). George has years of experience of online radio to bring to Spire.
  • ‘Debs & Denise’ from LOL Laughter yoga have been announced as the presenters of the Wednesday Breakfast Show. Denise and Deborah from LOL are a dynamic duo bursting with energy to share the wonderful benefits of laughter and how it can be used to facilitate change.
  • Adrian Lings joins as presenter of the Weekend Wind Up Show (Fridays 10am – 1pm). Adrian is a well-known Sheffield DJ and compere and does swing work with Sheffield live, Hallam fm and many others.
  • Martyn Gillie will present the Community Slot on a Friday (2pm – 3pm). His show will focus around local heritage and history as well as playing music from the 50s.
  • Lee Brade will join as presenter of Friday Drive Time and Tracey Leeds will present a new show on Sundays (1pm – 4pm)


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Leisure

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