
Chamber’s cyber security lead to speak at Europe’s biggest conference

The lead on cyber crime at East Midlands Chamber will be among the speakers at Europe’s biggest security conference next week.

Business Crime Manager Andy Watterson will be talking about cyber security at a time when the wannacry ransomware attack that crippled the NHS is still fresh in people’s minds.

He will tell his audience at IFSEC International 2017 that computer users are the first and last line of defence when it comes to protecting a business from a cyber attack.

And he will be issuing a stern reminder to delegates that when the pan-EU General Data Protection regulations come into force next year the consequences of getting it wrong will be considerably worse than today.

He said: “I’ll be talking about the importance of a well-trained workforce in dealing with cyber security.

“A great emphasis is being placed on the technological safeguards when it comes to cyber security but businesses really need to consider the people who are using that technology and ensure that they are aware of the need to use it properly.

“They need to be aware of the threats that are out there and know how to head them off. Wannacry highlighted how easily viruses can beat firewalls and anti-virus protection and the devastating effect they can have once they get through security protocols.”

He added: “I’ll also be referencing GDPR, which becomes law on 25 May next year, but only in so much as to remind businesses of the huge financial implications of getting it wrong and allowing a data breach.

“The impending changes to data protection laws provide a timely opportunity for businesses to review the way they handle data, and the governance structure within the organisation, to ensure that their policies are fit for purpose.”

Andy’s presentation at IFSEC International 2017 will be called Your First and Last Line of Defence and will explain how making workers aware of the threats will help to prevent their spread.

IFSEC International is Europe’s biggest expo and conference on fire and security and an estimated 30,000 people are expected through the doors of London’s Excel conference centre during the three-day (20-22 June) event.

Andy will be speaking to delegates in the Panasonic Security Management Theatre on the final day of the conference.

security conference


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Royal makes commitment to carers

The Chesterfield Royal Hospital has signed up to the Carers Charter, recognising their commitment to carers and the role they play in the treatment and care of their patients.

The charter, which supports the Key Standards the Trust has put in place for Carers, ensures that the Royal is committed to working together with the carers of patients receiving treatment at this hospital. It recognises that these carers are in a unique position because they know that patient’s personal needs and requirements on a daily basis and should be included in decisions about their care and treatment.

Rebecca Cowley is the Carers Project Lead, she said:-

“Carers do not always recognise that they are ‘carers’ in the broadest sense. They could see themselves more as husbands, wives, mothers, sons or close friends. It’s about recognising that fact and using the expert knowledge they have about that particular patient to help treat the patient, improve their experience and reduce their length of stay.

“But it’s more than that; we also have to recognise that the individual needs to be supported in their role as a carer. It’s up to us to recognise that role as a carer in visitors and relatives. One of our commitments is to ensure that staff are trained in carer recognition and to help these people by pointing them in the direction of support agencies that are available.”

The Charter has been signed as part of the Trust’s pledge to National Carers Week. Pledges have also been made to John’s Campaign, which supports the carer to stay and be part of the patient’s care whilst they are in hospital, to the Young Carers Pledge and Derbyshire Carers Pledge. As part of these pledges the Trust has also been highlighting the role of the Carers Champion.

Rebecca added:-

“Each ward will have a Carers Champion and it is their role to ensure the Charter is being met and that ward staff are looking after carers and involving them in the decision making in terms of treatment and discharge planning.

“It’s important for us to recognise these carers at first contact. It’s better for the patient in the sense that they have a familiar face who they can trust to ask the questions that they may not necessarily think to ask. They can help our clinical teams with the finer details such as what they like to talk about, how they like to be addressed and their little idiosyncrasies.

“This is a two way process and our Carers Champions are there to offer support and information for carers and colleagues. It’s about our ward teams working with carers, and vice versa, to get the best possible outcome for this group of patients and this Charter recognises this commitment.”


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Take aim and vote at Tapton Golf Course

As the General Election nears, golfers at a North Derbyshire golf course are being given a unique opportunity to indicate how they might vote.

Tapton Golf Course, at Chesterfield, operated by SIV, have installed voting target boards at the driving range representing the political parties – Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Other.

Golfers can take aim for the party they will be voting for ahead of the General Election on Thursday 8 June.

Matthew Orwin, golf manager at Tapton Golf Course, said:-

“The General Election is the most talked about topic on everyone’s lips at the moment so we thought this would be a great way to drum up some healthy competition.

“We wanted to give golfers something to aim at on the driving range and the political party boards give them a clearly visible goal.

“It’s really taken off, though it’s too close to call the overall winner!”

The driving range at Tapton Golf Course is open daily from 7am.

golf course

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Final chance to offer pre-election glimpse of business confidence

Businesses have only a week left to take part in a survey that will offer a pre-election look at their main concerns.

The results of the East Midlands Chamber Quarterly Economic Survey will provide a snapshot of confidence levels in the fourth quarter since the EU-Referendum last June and set a benchmark against which the success of the new Government can be judged.

The survey for the second three months of 2017 asks businesses how they have fared in recent months and expect to fare in the months ahead, including whether they expect prices to rise and are considering increasing wages.

There are additional questions this quarter to determine relationships between growth and recruitment, planned investment in staff training and what factors might influence investment in training.

Whether employers believe they will get good value from the apprenticeship levy also features.

Data collated from the East Midlands Chamber QES will update the regional State of the Economy Index – which last quarter was at its highest since Q2 2105 – and is fed into the British Chambers of Commerce QES, which builds a national picture of business confidence and shapes the BCC’s interactions with Government.

Chris Hobson, the Director of Policy at East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“It takes only a few minutes to complete the survey and the information it gives us is vital to driving our policies and the issues on which we will campaign on behalf of businesses.

“You don’t have to be a Chamber member to take part, the important thing is that we get as many businesses as possible to complete the survey so that we build the most accurate picture possible and can make sure our lobbying activities properly reflect the concerns of regional businesses.”

To take part in the survey, click here. The closing date is Monday 12 June. There will be a draw from among those responding for a chance to win a meal for two at the new Whisk and Ladle Bar and Kitchen, Hilton, East Midlands Airport.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

National Windscreens agree Spireites sponsorship deal

National Windscreens have agreed a deal to become the new sponsor of the Vice Presidents Suite at the Proact Stadium for the forthcoming season.

The National Windscreens logo is now on display in the suite, which is used extensively on matchdays and for various functions.

Jim Brown, Commercial Manager at Chesterfield FC, after agreeing the deal said:-

“I would like to thank Rob and Lynn from National Windscreens for their continued support. They have provided the club with valuable sponsorship for many years, which is very much appreciated.”

Rob Pearson, Managing Director of National Windscreens (Chesterfield), said:-

“We have sponsored the club since the formation of the company 31 years ago and we are pleased to continue backing the Spireites. I am a passionate Chesterfield supporter and I would like to wish the management and players all the very best for the new season.”

Based at Stand Park, Sheffield Road, National Windscreens has developed through unrivalled personal service, its deep-seated local connections and meticulous attention to detail.

Matchday hospitality is offered in the National Windscreens Vice Presidents Suite to members and their guests. There is a dress code in force on matchdays. Collar and tie for gents is preferable, although smart casual is acceptable, including a collar. Strictly no jeans, trainers or T-shirts are accepted. The dress code will be strictly enforced and failing to adhere to the rules will mean refusal of entry.

national windscreens

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Derbyshire businesses already reaping energy efficiency rewards

Businesses in Derbyshire are already benefiting from a grant scheme designed to help them save money by becoming more energy efficient.

The energy efficiency scheme offers grants of up to £15,000 to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to audit their energy use and introduce energy-saving measures.

The scheme launched in February, with the energy efficiency team already working with 45 businesses to offer energy audits, technical consultancy and advice on saving energy and reducing the cost of bills.

The scheme is a partnership between Derbyshire County Counil, Derby City Council and the University of Derby and is part-funded with a grant from the European Regional Development Fund.

One of the first businesses to benefit is healthcare company Sumed International (UK) Ltd of Hadfield, near Glossop. The Graphite Way company received £14,375 toward the installation of solar panels which could potentially save more than £2,500 a year in energy bills.

Graham Collyer, Executive Chairman of Sumed, said:-

“Sumed is passionate about growing its healthcare manufacturing business in an environmentally responsible way. We achieved ISO 14001 Environmental Systems last year and we’re constantly looking for ways to improve our carbon footprint.

“The energy efficiency grant helped us to invest in banks of solar panels on the factory roof which will not only improve our environmental performance, but significantly reduce our energy costs.”

The firm, which supplies products and services to help maintain healthy skin, including pressure-relief beds and cushions, has already installed LED lighting so when they heard about the energy efficiency scheme they were keen to apply.

Mr Collyer added:

“The energy efficiency team were very professional and helped us get things right. I’d urge any businesses looking to reduce their energy bills to contact them.”

Councillor Tony King, Derbyshire County Counil cabinet member for economic development and regeneration,  said:-

“Small and medium-sized businesses are a vital part of Derbyshire’s economy and by supporting this project we are giving them access to state of the art equipment and technical expertise designed to improve efficiency and innovation.

“Energy efficiency grants are available to SMEs in Derbyshire and Derby which do 90% of their trade with other businesses and I urge companies that are interested in finding out more to get in touch.”

D2 Energy Efficiency

Free energy audits are available for businesses in Derby and Derbyshire to help to reduce business costs. Grants of up to £15,000 (and up to 65% of project cost) are available to eligible businesses to carry out energy efficiency improvements, which could include improved lighting, insulation, more efficient process equipment and renewable energy.

For more information see or contact Gemma Sylva, Carbon Smart Team Leader  e:  t: 01332 642029

Find out if your business is eligible here.

energy efficiency

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Chesterfield based architect to develop land surrounding Championship league stadium

A scheme to further develop the land surrounding Sheffield United’s stadium – proposed by Chesterfield based architects Whittam Cox – has been given the council go-ahead.

A planning committee approved proposals to develop the Cherry Street / Shoreham Street corner into Boundary Corner, a four-storey largely residential building including 45 flats, as well as a new ground floor 6,600 sq.ft. Blades Superstore.

The scheme – drawn-up by Chesterfield Champions and Sheffield United’s retained architects Whittam Cox – features in long-term business plans from the owners focusing on ever-improving stadium facilities contributing to the future business performance of the Club.

The development is part of a cohesive Masterplan for the Sheffield United estate, produced to ensure the various opportunities for development work successfully together.

Council approval of the planning application –  submitted in February – was welcomed by Sheffield United director Simon McCabe.

He said:-

“The corner site we are developing could fulfil a dream for some of our supporters – a chance to live at the home of football! It will also enable the Club to expand the Superstore into a 21st century retail outlet.”

Scott McCabe, fellow director said:-

“Further development of the stadium area is a positive move to enhance income streams, ultimately supporting our plans for the key football side of the business.”

The proposals come in the wake of extensive modernisation undertaken in recent years including the installation of a state of the art Desso pitch giving the Club greater use of the ground for events and other activities during close seasons.

Ashley Turner, Chief Executive at Whittam Cox Architects’ added:-

“Following on from completed projects such as the Westfield Corner Stand and Copthorne Hotel, we are delighted that, working with Sheffield United, we now have council permission to further enhance what is already a superb venue.”

Sheffield City Council’s head of planning said in a report:-

“This is a well-designed scheme and does not have any significant impact upon the amenities of neighbouring residents on Cherry Street and Shoreham Street.”

The report also acknowledged the scheme’s sustainable location and the development of a brownfield site.

Whittam Cox

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Crooked in-Spire-d drinks range launched by Global Brands

This month Chesterfield based Global Brands, have launched a dynamic range of craft Alcoholic Sodas – aptly named the Crooked Beverage Co –  created to shake up the ‘Ready To Drink’ market with an exciting new innovation.

Crafted in the shadows of the Crooked Spire in Chesterfield, the drinks are a blend of its creators Yorkshire and Derbyshire heritage. The range makes references to niche Sheffield bands and artists through the names and designs, further grounding it in the locale. Crooked is available in 330ml cans with surreal character illustrations to bring the brand to life and catch consumer’s attention, created by local Sheffield artist Lisa O’Hara.

Global Brands have identified a sweet spot in a market calling for innovation that lies between RTD, fruit cider and craft beer. Aimed at 20-30 year olds, Crooked Beverage Co features a malted base to give an interesting flavoursome alcohol taste that underpins the liquid. The all natural fruity body of the liquid provides a sweet, but not sickly, alternative to cater for the growing demand from millennials for drinks that aren’t hugely sugary and synthetic, whilst the slightly hoppy notes also appeal to beer drinkers.

Charlie Leaver, Innovation Manager at Global Brands said:-

“Crooked Beverage Co is something completely and truly different and with that it opens up a new realm of possibility. We plan to drive value into the RTD category by innovating and premiumising. We’ve taken a combination of the best from different categories to make a drink that is the first of its kind. We saw that the target demographic of consumers were tiring of overly sweet drinks with questionable ingredients, and so have created a product that tastes great, looks great, and is essentially natural”.

Available in three different flavours Dayglo Skies (Raspberry & Lime) Mother Moon (Pomegranate & Peach) and Midnight Stage (Blood Orange & Passionfruit), Crooked offers an intriguingly developed and complex taste compared to existing RTDs. Lightly carbonated, each delivers a refreshing fruity flavour with a low sugar content (as little as 4.6g per 100ml), sourced from natural ingredients. The taste and aroma of the fruits burst through, without being masked by artificial flavours or sweeteners.

Charlie adds:-

“We’re excited to be bringing this to the market and introducing a whole new category of Alcoholic Soda to the UK. The dimensions that Crooked creates both in its artwork and taste is what make it a stand out product. We’ve crafted this brand by listening to the consumer and with that we’ve made something that’s going to completely change the market”.

Global Brands

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Spireites agree extended pie deal with Jacksons The Bakers

Chesterfield FC have agreed a new three-year deal with local firm Jacksons The Bakers Ltd for them to remain as the pie suppliers to the club.

Ashley Carson, Chesterfield director & company secretary – after shaking hands on the agreement with managing director Trevor Jackson – said:-

“I am delighted that we are continuing our relationship with Jacksons, who have supplied the pies to the club since we have been at the Proact.

“The pies they supply are excellent and very popular with our supporters. It is also good to be able to support a local company. I would like to thank the two supporters – Phil Marsden and Alan Barnett – who volunteered to look at the pie deal, speak to Trevor and provide an independent view. They will both be treated to hospitality this coming season as a gesture of thanks.”

Trevor Jackson, whose great uncle founded the company, said:-

“As a lifelong fan, I am proud of our association with the Spireites and we are delighted to be continuing to supply the club.”

Jacksons The Bakers was formed in 1944 and now operates from purpose-built premises in Danesmoor. All their products are made using their own unique recipes, some of which have been handed down through generations, each having been developed and refined to give that contemporary twist to fit into today’s modern living.

Jacksons The Bakers

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

From Shack to Salon

A Chesterfield beauty salon has risen from a home-grown ‘garden shed’ boutique to opening their very own salon in Brampton.

The Pamper Shack, founded by Kayleigh Valeisa in 2013, began life in the back garden shed at Kayleigh’s father’s house with just a single room divided into two sections, one as a children’s waiting area and other with just enough space for a single bed.

As time went by and the shack’s reputation grew, expansions were made via an extension into the area previously reserved as a tool area.

From humble beginnings it soon became clear that demand was quickly outpacing the number of people the ‘shack’ could handle, this month the ‘Shackettes’ moved into their own premises in Brampton, Chesterfield.

Four years after the initial launch, there are now seven full-time employees working their hardest to make the town more beautiful with each new client.

Kayleigh said:-

“Space was tight in the old shed but we pushed and put our hearts into the salon, it’s brilliant to finally be in the position to stand back and look at our very own store front!”

With a new location, there are hopes for even greater business. Kayleigh says the current plan is to keep growing, bringing in more clients and maintaining a tight-knit team of beauty experts that ‘feel more like a family than staff’.

The results of the efforts of those at Pamper Shack are already on show after being named as a finalist in the Hair and Beauty Business of the Year category at this year’s Chesterfield Retail Awards.

The pamper shack

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Arvato receives special commendation at regional apprenticeship awards

The Arvato apprenticeship scheme with Chesterfield Borough Council received a special commendation at the inaugural North Midlands and South Yorkshire Apprentice Awards.

The programme has trained a total of 63 local, young people across business administration, customer service and ICT since 2010, with more than half of their apprentices going on to secure full-time, permanent roles at the organisation.

The Chesterfield scheme is one of several programmes which Arvato operates across their portfolio of local government partnerships. Based on a 12 or 18 month NVQ Level 2 qualification, they are designed to ensure the right talent is developed to help their public sector partners tackle the skills challenges they will face in the years ahead.

The awards, which took place in Sheffield on Tuesday 16th May, aimed to celebrate the best on-the-job training schemes across the region.

Damon Bruce, Head of Customer Centric Services at Chesterfield, commented:-

“Apprenticeships not only provide an important route into the workplace for young people, but they deliver a fresh source of ideas and help build the skill sets and talent local authorities will need for the future. We look forward to building on this success and expanding the opportunities we can offer our apprentices from NVQ Level 2 through to graduate development.”

arvato apprenticeship

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business

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