
Budget described as a ‘missed opportunity’ by Chesterfield business leaders

Business leaders in north east Derbyshire have described Chancellor Philip Hammond’s first budget as a ‘missed opportunity’ and ‘short-term measures for long-term problems’.

“The Chancellor missed out addressing areas that are key concerns for the local population. There was nothing about housing, Buy to Let or Brexit in the budget. In particular there was nothing about improving imports and allaying the concerns of the local business community. It was a disappointing budget. Where money has been allocated it’s not enough and a very short-term measure,” said Dominic Staniforth, Audit Partner of BHP, Chartered Accountants.

Kevin Hanlon, Director of Finance and Resources, Chesterfield Council, said: “The Chancellor highlighted the good news around the strengths in the economy, more jobs having been created, a decrease in unemployment and higher than expected growth for the economy, the budget makes it very clear that we are still facing continued austerity and this will impact public sector budgets/services and families.”

David Pearson, Director of Partnerships and Membership Services, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) agreed, adding: “The emphasis of the Budget was about stability and not spending money in order to create long-term prosperity for young people. The Chancellor gave out little bits to schools, pubs and families to tick the right boxes.”

Steve Taylor, Director, Start Financial Planning, welcomed the Chancellor’s tame budget, saying: “It was a very safe budget and I am particularly relieved that there were no further announcements on pension changes.”

Comment on the key points

Social Care and NHS

  • 2bn over the next three years for England
  • Green paper on social care funding to be published later this year
  • £325m of capital for the first of the new sustainability and transformation plans (STPs), intended to improve healthcare
  • £100m for 100 onsite GP treatment centres in A&Es in England

“The £2bn the Chancellor pledged for social care is very welcome however I suspect it won’t be enough. It plugs a short-term gap. We will have to await the green paper to address the long-term challenges facing social care and the relationships with health.”  Kevin Hanlon, Director, Financial Resources, Chesterfield Borough Council


  • The promised NS&I three-year bond paying 2.2% will be available from April on savings up to £3,000.

“The new NS&I 3 year Fixed Rate Bond paying 2.2% interest on £3,000 savings is not as competitive as it was made out to be in the Autumn Statement but the increase of the ISA allowance to £20,000 on 6 April should help savers. However, with personal debt now standing at £1.5 trillion, will some people have the money to save? The NS&I Bond feels like the government is simply ticking a box for savers to appease them.” Steve Taylor, Director, Start Financial Planning

Tax-free dividend allowance

  • Cut from £5,000 to £2,000 from April 2018

“A lot of people set up their own business because they want to be entrepreneurial. The further drop in the dividend allowance from £5,000 to £2,000 is penalising small business owners. This is a big U turn on the dividend tax announced at the last Budget. It feels like the government didn’t think it through when they first announced it.” Chris Humphreys, Tax Partner, BHP, Chartered Accountants


  • Treasury to raise £145m from increasing national insurance contributions of some self-employed people

“The self-employed have definitely been hit hardest in this budget with the increase in national insurance and decrease in dividend allowances. The Chancellor himself acknowledge that entrepreneurs and innovators are the lifeblood of the economy, yet he seems to have penalised them.” Glenn Jaques, Employment Solicitor, BRM Solicitors

Business rates

  • A cap so rates rise by no more than £50 a month for small businesses losing their rate relief
  • pubs to get a £1,000 discount on business rates of less than £100,000 rateable value
  • £300m fund for discretionary relief for local authorities

“The £300m fund for discretionary business rate relief will be welcome news to small businesses that may have been hit by business rate increases. Councils will be able to help some businesses with the fund. However, is it enough and does it address regional differences in business rate increases/decreases? We will have to see the detail to see what the benefits will be. It is a short-term solution and the fundamental reforms business want will happen some time before the next revaluations,” Kevin Hanlon, Director, Financial Resources, Chesterfield Borough Council


  • Introduction of T-levels – technical qualifications, an alternative to A-levels – for 16 to 19-year-olds
  • Funding of £320m for 110 new free schools to take the total to 500
  • Free school transport extended to children receiving free school meals at selective schools
  • £216m invested in school maintenance

“The Chancellor announced spending that will make a real difference to education and young people, particularly the introduction of T Levels and the accompanying high quality three-month work placements for every technical student. Is the infrastructure in place to deliver this? There, is already a reluctance amongst companies to provide work experience as it is disruptive to business and can the education system cope with yet another change?” David Pearson, Director of Partnerships and Membership Services, East Midlands Chamber.

Spring Budget Round Table 2017

Posted in Business

Regeneration of Basin Square moves closer

Regeneration of a key Chesterfield site has moved a step closer as works are completed to prepare the ground conditions at the former Trebor factory site, ahead of the Basin Square phase of the Chesterfield Waterside development.

Chesterfield Borough Council is a partner in the project, which is listed by Regeneration and Renewal magazine as the 47th largest regeneration project in the UK.

The project is led by Chesterfield-based Bolsterstone Group plc, with Arnold Laver Group as stakeholders in the project.

Ground works to prepare the Basin Square site have been carried out by Chesterfield-based company NT Killingley Ltd.

As part of the groundworks contract, an acoustic noise bund has also been built alongside the A61 on the former Arnold Laver site, which will pave the way for approximately 300 family homes to be built in the Park area of the Waterside development.

The first phase of residential housing on Brimington Road, comprising 19 new homes was developed for Great Places Housing Association, are now complete and fully occupied.

The site enabling works were carried out thanks to a £2.7 million grant from the Sheffield City Region Infrastructure Fund.

Councillor John Burrows, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader, said:-

“Chesterfield Waterside is key to transforming the borough’s economy.

“The next phase, which will create more than 300 new jobs, is happening now thanks to our place at the Sheffield City Region table and our ability to negotiate grant funding allowing the developers to bring this work forward.”

Peter Swallow, Director of the Bolsterstone Group plc, said:-

“I am delighted that the works to restore and prepare this area of the site are now complete after many months of planning and four months of site works.

“All the old buildings, related foundations, drainage, etc have been removed, leaving clear development platforms.

“Completion of this work, coupled with the recent grant of planning permission for the heights and massing of the proposed buildings, means that we are now in a position to move forward and complete negotiations with investors and occupiers for the delivery of the first phase of Basin Square at Chesterfield Waterside. It is a very exciting time.”

Sir Nigel Knowles, Chair of the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, said:-

“Sheffield City Region is proud to support the regeneration of Chesterfield Waterside as we work together to build a truly competitive centre of business excellence.

“Sheffield City Region Investment Fund is our major capital programme which enables local leaders to work together to leverage private and public sector investment more effectively.

“Chesterfield Waterside, which will create hundreds of jobs and boost the economy, is an excellent example of our very robust approach to prioritising and selecting the highest standard of programmes.

“We are confident that every pound invested in Chesterfield Waterside will maximise economic growth, boost business and create more and better jobs.”

When complete, the Chesterfield Waterside development will include:

  • 1,500 modern houses and apartments
  • New employment opportunities in Grade A office accommodation situated directly adjacent to Chesterfield’s railway station
  • An 84-bed hotel
  • Multi-storey car park with approximately 440 spaces
  • Shops, cafés and bars around the new canal basin and public square
  • A network of open spaces and a park along a rejuvenated Chesterfield Canal and River Rother.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

HS2 proposals welcomed

Councillors have welcomed revised proposals which would see HS2 trains stop in Chesterfield.
In their response to a Government consultation, at their meeting on Tuesday 7 March, members of Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet welcomed the proposed new route from the West Midlands to Leeds, including a stop in Chesterfield and a maintenance depot in Staveley.

They agreed that:

• The council welcomes the proposed stop in Chesterfield, which will bring reduced journey times to London and Birmingham and encourage growth in the borough’s economy

• The council will continue to call for more frequent services rather than the current plans for one train per hour to maximise these benefits

• The latest plans to realign the main HS2 route further east north of M1 J29, closer to Bolsover would reduce the impact on residential properties in Woodthorpe and Netherthorpe and on the Markham Vale development

• The revised layout of the Staveley depot fits better with existing plans to develop the Chesterfield-Staveley Regeneration Route; the new plans reduce the impact on the Chesterfield Canal restoration project by crossing the canal route only once

• Government should take early decisions about the route and accelerate construction from the north in order that jobs and opportunities for the borough come as soon as possible.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “HS2 is a once in a generation opportunity to improve transport links and we want to make sure that Chesterfield people benefit from this.
“There are strong economic reasons for the project and having a stop on the route in Chesterfield as well as a maintenance depot in Staveley will offer great opportunities for our residents in terms of journey times and to grow our economy.
“We are pleased that the revised plans for access to the depot have taken into account our previous concerns but we acknowledge that further work is needed to mitigate the concerns of residents living next to the proposed line and we will continue to support them in this.”

Residents had the opportunity to comment on the proposals for the route in a consultation event run by HS2 Ltd held in Staveley last month.

In developing its reply to the consultation, the council has used networks created through its HS2 board chaired by the council leader which brings together a wide range of partners, including Derbyshire County Council, to maximise opportunities for the route across north Derbyshire.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Recruitment drive begins at state of the art distribution centre

The recruitment process at Ferdinand Bilstein UK Ltd’s state of the art distribution centre has officially begun.

The first three positions being advertised are for DC Team Managers, and applications are now open. The team manager positions are some of the first full-time opportunities the company has offered at Markham Vale, and the successful applicants will be part of the first group of people to start working at the new state of the art facility, getting the benefits of a brand new, high quality environment and workspace, with the latest technology to assist with tasks.

With up to 200 new jobs being created on the site at Markham Vale, there will be plenty of opportunities to join the company as it continues to gear towards its grand opening. The next recruitment stage will focus on filling roles within various areas of the business, including in the quality inspection department.

Ferdinand Bilstein UK Ltd are organising a huge recruitment open day in September as part of their recruitment drive, allowing people from the local area to have a first look at the new building and facilities. This will offer a sneak peek for those interested in working for the company to see what their day to day environment would look like.

For more information about jobs available within the company click here.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Survey reveals parent power can unlock the potential of apprenticeships for young people in Derbyshire

Learning Unlimited say parents could hold the power to help their children make the right career and study choices. They have pledged to help them get the right information after the findings of their survey highlighted that misconceptions about modern apprenticeships could mean young people aren’t getting the right advice.

A recent survey commissioned by the apprenticeship provider indicates that almost a third of parents of secondary school age children surveyed in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire aren’t aware that apprenticeships are available in their area and almost two-thirds don’t know what industries apprenticeships are available in.

The survey highlighted that although parents are broadly supportive of apprenticeships, they might not know how far earning and learning in this way can take their child or what apprenticeship roles are available.

Learning Unlimited say it is time for apprenticeship providers and employers to work much closer with parents to help them understand the opportunities that modern apprenticeships can offer their children. They are launching initiatives during National Apprenticeship Week (6 -10 March) to help parents get the information they need.

Julie Richards, Principal and Chief Executive of Learning Unlimited, part of the Chesterfield College Group said:

“We believe that by working more closely with parents we can help young people find out if an apprenticeship is the best way to get the experience and qualifications they need for a successful career.”

“Apprenticeships have changed so much in the last few years and keeping up with the changes can be a challenge. We want to work closer with parents to help them understand the changes so they are better equipped to consider apprenticeships as an option. We are providing a range of ways for parents to get the latest facts and information to assist them when it comes to helping their children make the right choice for the future.”

The survey also revealed that there is still some way to go to convince parents that apprenticeships can offer a good way for their children to gain qualifications. Only just over half of parents of secondary school children across the country and 64% in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire agree that apprenticeships offer the same opportunities as full time study. Similarly, almost half of the parents surveyed either didn’t know or believed that apprenticeships were for ‘non-academic’ learners.

Claire Wood, Co-owner of Stephensons coffee shop in Chesterfield, an ex-teacher who now employs apprentices and is a parent of an apprentice has a unique insight into how valuable apprenticeships are and where they can lead. She told us:

“As a business owner, I believe apprentices are vital to give the organisation the skills it needs. Apprenticeships are also good for the local economy and help me to employ local people. As a parent, I have seen how apprenticeships have enabled my son to develop a passion for something he loves at the same time as getting the qualifications that will help his career to develop in the future. He is now a co-owner of the business, managing a team of staff including other apprentices and is ahead of peers who chose the university route.”

A helpful parent’s guide to apprenticeships is available at


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Chamber welcomes £500m pledge to improve vocational and technical training

Chancellor Philip Hammond’s pledge at the weekend of an additional £500m to boost vocational and technical skills has been welcomed by East Midlands Chamber.

Mr Hammond described the “shake-up” to education that will come from the additional funding as “the biggest since the introduction of A-levels 70 years ago”.

Chris Hobson, the Chamber’s Director of Policy, said: “For many years we have been striving for closer integration between employers and education.

“The lack of skills demonstrated by young people looking for their first job is a recurrent issue in our quarterly economic surveys, but so is the paucity of available workers with enhanced and specialist skills, particularly in the engineering sector.

“For too long, apprenticeships were seen as the poor relation to a degree-level education, but this is far from being true as on-the-job training is the only real way to acquire the hands-on skills and experience employers need.

“With the potential scenario of not being able to recruit from a pan-European pool of trained workers once Britain has left the EU, now more than ever it is essential that young people leaving education in the UK have the skills to fill the void.

“The £500m pledged by the Chancellor for courses starting in the 2019/20 academic year will go some way towards helping to close the skills gap but that means it could be 2022 – five years from now and three years after we, potentially, lose the available pool of skilled workers – before employers begin to feel any appreciable benefit.

“We would urge Chancellor Hammond and Education Secretary Justine Greening to work together now to find funding and devise programmes to begin closing the skills gap much earlier than five years from now.”

East Midlands Chamber logo

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Free advice to encourage digital growth

Two exciting digital support programmes are being rolled out by East Midlands Chamber.

The D2N2 Digital Growth Programme and the LLEP Digital Growth Programme will offer bespoke and structured digital business support and advice across the whole of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.

Diane Simpson, the Chamber’s Deputy Chief Executive, said:-

“Knowing the true value of digital technology and understanding what is right for your business can be a daunting challenge, making it all too easy to miss out on opportunities for improvement.

“The two programmes we’re delivering seek to encourage enterprises with growth aspirations to explore and introduce new and emerging ICT products to improve their competitiveness and productivity.”

Over the next two years the programmes will together deliver 580 action-planning workshops, annual digital conferences, dedicated digital business advice, workforce development skills advice and a technology grant scheme worth £3.8m – to be 60% matched by participating SMEs.

The programmes, which are open to businesses, charities and other organisations, will engage with at least 3,662 enterprises through dedicated marketing and activities, resulting in 1,534 enterprises receiving intensive support, the creation of 170 new businesses and 1,278 SMEs introducing new digital processes.

Both programmes will be delivered through the Chamber’s dedicated and specialist eBusiness Club team.

The D2N2 programme is part-funded by East Midlands Chamber, Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, The Creative Quarter Company, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council and the European Regional Development Fund.

Businesses attending the free launches will learn about the participation criteria and hear from specially appointed advisers before being given an opportunity to register for the programme and the available technology grants.

The programme will be launching in Chesterfield on 23rd March at the Proact Stadium.

The launch events provide delegates with opportunities to:

  • discover how businesses can benefit from this new and exciting opportunity
  • officially register with the programme (demand is already proving to be high)
  • secure a place on future strategic action-planning workshops
  • register an interest in applying for technology grant funding
  • meet with a dedicated Digital Business Adviser to discuss business needs or technology investment in more detail.



Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Business Brexit priorities laid before Government

The Government is being reminded of the need to put business at the top of the agenda for Brexit negotiations.

Using data collated from surveys around the country, including information from East Midlands Chamber, the British Chambers of Commerce is releasing its Business Brexit Priorities agenda.

It sets out a series of wants from business in key areas of concern, offering evidence of the importance of a business perspective for each.

All 52 accredited Chambers around the country have contributed to the work using information gathered from their own Quarterly Economic Surveys.

Chris Hobson, Director of Policy at East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“This is a very detailed piece of work which clearly sets out the demands of business in seven key areas.

“As a Chamber, we are meeting with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy within the next few weeks to discuss these matters in more detail but in the interim we would urge Government to read the document carefully and make sure that during negotiations for the UK’s exit from the EU each of the considerations is given due diligence.

“Business is the creator of wealth and jobs and the driver of regional and national economies and, as such, it should be the loudest voice during exit negotiations.”

Launched at the British Chambers of Commerce Annual Conference today, the Business Brexit Priorities agenda lists the seven key areas as trade, customs, tax, regulations, labour market, EU funding and the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.


Chamber members are concerned about the potential emergence of new trade barriers which could complicate trade with the EU. Over a third of respondents (36%) expect trade with the EU to increase despite Brexit.

The Business Brexit Priorities agenda calls on Government to:

  1. Secure an EU trade deal on the best terms possible, including the ‘grandfathering’ of existing free trade agreements (FTAs) with third countries (with a proviso to revisit at a later stage)
  2. Sign new FTAs with North America – 25% of respondents expect trade with North America to increase over the next five years
  3. Focus on high-growth markets for new FTAs.

It also wants tariffs with the EU kept to a minimum, a focus on alleviating non-tariff barriers with the EU and the rest of the world, to ensure the UK can continue to benefit from existing FTAs post-Brexit, development of a robust consultation process to ensure business has a voice in negotiating FTAs, the programme of trade missions to be revitalised and to make sure there is no disruption to trade with the EU during the Brexit transition.


The Government has suggested the UK will not be a full member of the EU customs union following Brexit. Leaving the customs union could require declarations at borders between the UK and the EU, which could disrupt supply chains.

Businesses have expressed concerns about the capacity for HMRC and the Border Force to deal with any changes to customs arrangements.

Chambers of Commerce stand ready to facilitate a wide consultation with businesses across the UK on customs and border management issues, and the adaptation of the EU Union Customs Code (UCC) to a UK Customs Code.

The Business Brexit Priorities agenda calls on Government to:

  1. Reintroduce ‘earlier’ sale which would allow importers to value goods based on the previous sale in a supply chain before import to simplify the valuation of goods at the border for tariff purposes, resulting in lower duties.
  2. Remove compulsory guarantees which meant that before the introduction of the UCC HMRC could waive the requirement for businesses to guarantee duty that might become liable. The introduction of compulsory guarantees has had serious cash flow implications for traders.
  3. Reintroduce Inward Processing (IP) Drawback, which allowed traders to import goods into the IP procedure, pay duty at import, and reclaim the duty when the goods were exported. IP Drawback allowed traders a greater degree of flexibility as it meant the duty was already paid at import.
  4. Allow preference documents, which would mean future trade agreements would rely not just on trader authentication schemes but also on preference documents which are well understood by businesses both large and small.
  5. Reintroduce VAT deferment accounts so that, as previously, when goods are imported to the UK the VAT due could be deferred and offset against a VAT return. This has significant cash flow advantages for business.
  6. Introduce a role for Chambers as Authorised Economic Operators so they can act as guarantors for companies which would support SMEs with faster custom declarations.

Chambers of Commerce are willing to support the Government to develop and implement a new model to ensure a seamless transition to a new UK rules of origin system.

The Government is also being urged to consider introducing Free Trade Zones to allow goods to be brought in to the UK, assembled and re-exported without customs red tape.

The Chamber network, with over 350 international trade experts, has significant expertise for advising on documentation and customs issues and stands ready to support Government in informing businesses about changes.


There remains a high degree of uncertainty about changes to UK tax regimes post-Brexit. Businesses have expressed concerns about HMRC’s capacity to cope with major changes.

The Business Brexit Priorities agenda calls on Government to:

  1. Ensure a clear transition period for the complex indirect tax issues facing businesses and trading partners. There must be no premature disengagement on Brussels-linked tax issues.
  2. Provide greater clarity on future tax systems and arbitration processes. There needs to be clarification on whether VAT legislation will continue to mirror current core VAT principles.


The Government’s stated option is to avoid large-scale immediate regulatory change that could disrupt business. In the short-term, it has been said that all EU regulation will be transpose into UK domestic law and be reviewed post-Brexit.

Consultation with Chamber members has revealed that some firms find EU regulation bureaucratic and challenging and that there is too much of it, resulting in increased costs for compliance.

The Business Brexit Priorities agenda calls on Government to:

  1. Maintain short-term stability of the regulatory framework and avoid major changes. Businesses value a stable framework. Any proposed changes should consider the level to which businesses have had to invest to comply.
  2. Maintain equivalence of standards with the EU to ensure mutual recognition to enable two-way trade. Any significant divergence could make UK businesses less competitive.
  3. Develop a flexible UK regulatory architecture that reduces complexity for businesses. The Government should entrust an independent body to promote a flexible domestic regulatory environment and identify burdensome regulations which could be repealed or amended.

Accredited Chambers of Commerce are ready to support Government in assessing which aspects of business regulation are impractical, poorly drafted of subject to continuous change.

Labour market:

Government has said it wants to protect the status of EU nationals in the UK, reciprocally with protecting the status of UK citizens in the EU, but EU member states have blocked this.

Businesses face a skills shortage that poses a threat to future productivity and growth. Over half of businesses reported that residency guarantees for EU workers would have a positive impact. There are concerns that restrictions to migration could prevent businesses hiring the staff they need.

The Business Brexit Priorities agenda calls on Government to:

  1. Give certainty to businesses about the residency rights of existing EU workers and those arriving before Article 50 is triggered.
  2. Give clarity to businesses about hiring from EU countries during the transition period.
  3. Create future immigration policy that allows businesses to meet skills needs from available workers in EU countries.

EU funding:

Business welcomed guarantees from Government that funding would continue post-Brexit for existing EU-funded projects that offer “strong value for money and are in line with domestic strategic priorities”. But there are concerns about funding for local economic development, science, research and agriculture.

The Business Brexit Priorities agenda calls on Government to:

  1. Develop a new economic development funding system with maximum local autonomy, a strong voice for business priorities and effectiveness in supporting economic growth.
  2. Maintain UK access to the European Investment Bank.

Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland

Government wants to maintain the Common Travel Area between the UK and the Republic of Ireland. But there are doubts about whether this is achievable if immigration controls are imposed.

Members of the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce have expressed the importance of continued cross border activity. In some cases, firms rely on staff crossing the border each day to get to work.

The Business Brexit Priorities agenda calls on Government to:

  1. Ensure there is no hard border on the island of Ireland where businesses are united in their desire to maintain free trade and people flows.
  2. Enable whole-island collaboration and approach.

British Chambers of Commerce stands ready to convene representatives from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to further discuss with Government the impact of Brexit on business communities in these areas.

East Midlands Chamber logo

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Royal supports National Apprenticeship Week

The Chesterfield Royal Hospital is preparing to celebrate ‘National Apprenticeship Week’ by promoting the various different apprenticeship opportunities in healthcare.

Ahead of the week, which runs from 6-10 March, The Royal is advertising various apprentice positions in Administration, Theatres, Endoscopy and a range of clinical services.

One of the current apprentices at the NHS hospital is 18 year-old Alicia Birtles who started her apprenticeship after leaving sixth form.  She is currently doing a 2 year apprenticeship which could lead to a role as a qualified Pharmacy Technician.

Alicia said:-

“I’d recommend doing an apprenticeship to anyone.  It’s a fantastic way to learn new skills and start a career in the NHS.  I’ve been made to feel so welcome and have really enjoyed working alongside the other Pharmacy apprentices, Beth and Laura. You get the best of both worlds in the sense that you’re gaining experience whilst learning from the professionals so you have an idea of what to expect from the job if I make it as a Pharmacy Technician.”

Ellie Varley, completed her Pharmacy apprenticeship in 2016 and has just secured a permanent job at The Royal.  Ellie said, “You really have to put hard work into an apprenticeship but it’s worth it for the opportunities that open up afterwards. It’s completely different from classroom learning and gets you used to what it’s like having a career. It’s not just the responsibilities of the job, it’s about your responsibilities, getting here on time, working with and dealing with other people. It’s another way of learning a skill and it’s really paid off for me with a full time job doing something that I enjoy.”

Martin Shepherd, Head of Medicines Management, said:-

“The apprenticeship initiative  plays a vital role  in supporting the training of pharmacy technicians who undertake  such important work in the safe and effective  management of medicines for patients cared for by the hospital.  The enthusiasm, energy and dedication of the young people who we have trained, and are currently training with us, is very encouraging and serves as inspiration to all members of the pharmacy team.”

Hayley Watts, Apprenticeship Champion, said:-

‘We’re very keen on supporting our local community and helping people to start their careers in healthcare here with us at The Royal. We’ve always supported apprentices and our managers are only too aware of the benefits that welcoming a new individual with fresh ideas and skills can bring’.

Organised by the National Apprenticeship Service, National Apprentice Week is designed to promote the positive impact apprenticeships have on individuals, organisations and the economy.

The week  will bring together employers and apprentices from across England to celebrate the success of apprenticeships and encourage even more people to  take it as an opportunity to put themselves on the road to a great career.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Peak Resort development starts on site

Infrastructure works have begun on Peak Resort, the integrated leisure, health, sport and education resort on the 300 acre Birchall Estate in Unstone, Chesterfield.

Chesterfield business NT Killingley Ltd have been awarded  the contract for the initial infrastructure works at Peak Resort.

The £400k contract consists of the construction of a new 2.5km Greenway Route, installation of 5km of timber fencing and access points, 1.5km of native hedgerows plus improvement works to the existing car park.

This infrastructure works are being supported by £2.8 million of funding from Sheffield City Region’s Infrastructure Fund to build the A61  access, the new public footpaths and bridleway network around the site and the site security.  The funding will facilitate the connection of the property to the bicycle and footpath networks into the National Park, the town, the city and the countryside in between.

Once complete the resort will be one of the UK’s flagship tourist and educational destinations outside of London.

The resort aims to draw international and city based tourists to the region by providing world class accommodation and hospitality services linked to all the attractions and experiences the Peak District National Park and the Sheffield City Region already offers.

Phase one of the development which will be complete in spring 2019 and will include:

  • The Gateway Dome and event space
  • Four types/price bands of overnight accommodation from the sports hostel to the five-star clubhouse hotel.
  • University campus affording national and international students the chance to apply their course work into real life learning and earning opportunities.
  • Medical/clinical spa focused on mobility and rehabilitation, wellness and beauty.
  • 300 acres of park and woodland incorporating wildlife and activity trials with the spectacular treetop walkway which offers far reaching views of the Peak District National Park and surrounding countryside.
  • Other facilities will be determined as the scheme progresses.

Rupert Carr, founder of Peak Resort, said: “A 28 year commitment is now taking shape.

“This would not have been possible without the persistent and consistent support of Chesterfield Borough Council and now, critically, Sheffield City Region.

“Throughout three decades of shifting economic and political circumstances all the local authorities particularly North East Derbyshire District Council and Derbyshire County Council as highways authority, have helped to keep the show on the road – a big thank you all round!

“Growing the overnight visitor economy around but outside of the National Park will offer visitors real experiences and local people real jobs.”

Councillor John Burrows, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “This project is going to be a game changer for Chesterfield and its economy because it will put the area firmly on the UK tourist map and bring more visitors to the town.

“We have worked with Rupert Carr and his development partners over many years to make this project a reality and it is fantastic to see that work by the developers now bearing fruit.

“The fact work has begun on the project is a direct result of our involvement in Sheffield City Region and the £2.8 million grant we have helped to negotiate to carry out the phase one works. It shows the direct benefits that Chesterfield gets from having a seat at the Sheffield City Region table.”

Sir Steve Houghton, Chair of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority, said: “Through the Sheffield City Region Investment Fund (SCRIF), we are making sure that every pound we invest maximises economic growth, boosts businesses and creates more and better jobs.

“So far, SCRIF has created almost 600 jobs in Sheffield City Region and is on track to create 30,000 more by 2021. The Peak Resort, which will create 1,300 jobs opportunities for local people, is excellent news for Chesterfield and Sheffield City Region residents.”

Chris Scholey, Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Board Member, said: “This £400 million resort will create 1,300 new jobs and it is excellent example of how the Sheffield City Region Investment Fund (SCRIF) is working to leverage private and public sector investment more effectively.

“Our robust approach to prioritising and selecting the highest standard of programmes for funding, including the Peak Resort leisure complex, is helping us to build a truly competitive centre of business excellence.”

Peak Resort is a joint venture partnership between UK development company Peak Worldwide and US firm Grand Heritage Hotel Group.

Find out more about the development

Peak Resort

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development

Franklin & Sons extends its range with a new can format to provide more choice for its customers

Award-winning premium drinks brand Franklin & Sons launches 150ml tonics and mixer cans to complement its existing bottled offering.

The four-strong range of cans consists of the Great Taste Award-winning Natural Indian Tonic Water, Natural Light Tonic Water, and will also see the introduction of lemonade and soda variants in the next coming months.

The total spirits category is growing at +2% in volume & +5% in value, this trend is consistent within the mixer category as consumers seek to complete their drinking experience using premium mixers. Late night venues seek solutions to meet this growing demand and Franklin & Sons have maximised on this opportunity by crafting a selection of their mixers into a compact 150ml can.

Justin Horsman, Brand Controller at Franklin & Sons, said:-

“Cans are rapidly gaining popularity for premium drinks. This addition to the portfolio complements our existing bottled formats, providing more choice to our customers.

As Franklins continues to find success with our mixers range, we wanted to expand our portfolio to offer a full variety of product formats, so venues can continuously provide a premium experience. Late night venues face several issues serving glass bottles, to combat this we have created a premium can solution that no one else is delivering, thus ensuring outlets can continue to serve high-end drinks with ease and elegance”.

The new cans are ideal for late night venues, especially those with premium bottle to table serves as they create an appealing alternative to venues that are unable to use glass mixers. Produced with the same handcrafted liquids, the lightweight, sleek, recyclable cans cause less wastage and are easily transportable. The cans are diverse and will suit travel retail as well as featuring within hotel amenities, such as the minibar.

Justin Horsman adds:-

“The 150ml Natural and Natural Light cans provide the proper measurement to pair perfectly with a wide variety of premium spirits, cocktails or single serves, an ideal selection for any bar.”

After a hugely successful first year launch with impressive 4 digit growth, the move to expand the range by Franklin & Sons propels them further into the craft spirits market. The brand continues to carve the way for premium offerings to the trade whilst fast becoming the favoured partner for craft spirits.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

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