
Employment trends remain positive

The number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance in Chesterfield fell to 1,120 in December, the lowest figure recorded in the town during 2016.

Across the East Midlands, figures released by the Office for National Statistics this week told a similar story, with the number of people out of work in the three months to November down compared with the three months to August 2016.

According to the Office for National Statistics, despite improved Jobseeker’s Allowance claimant figures and a drop in the number of people unemployed, the number of people in work fell in the three months to November 2016 compared with the three months to August.

But the trend, as shown by the year-on-year and two-yearly figures continues to show more people in work.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“This month’s figures are, once again, very positive and confirm the results of our Quarterly Economic Survey for the end of 2016 which is that the East Midlands continues to be a key driver of the economy. Despite the uncertainties of Brexit, and partly because of them, regional firms are continuing to create jobs and wealth.

“The lower value of the pound against the euro and the US dollar, in particular, has made UK-made goods and services cheaper overseas. Combined with a strong reputation for quality, this has led to increased international demand for the ‘Made in Britain’ brand and exporting companies have recruited to cope with demand.

“This has an impact all the way down the supply chain, creating jobs at all levels, which is good for the regional and national economy.”

But Scott warned that inflationary pressures, brought about as a consequence of higher-cost imports – the flip-side of a weaker pound – will eventually rebalance the books.

He added:-

“Higher prices in shops and at fuel pumps, which we’re already seeing, will lead to demands for wage increases which, when coupled with higher manufacturing costs, will put pressure on employers to raise prices or find other ways of making savings and we would be surprised if that didn’t lead to a drop in employment levels later in 2017.”

Scott-Knowles East Midlands Chamber


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Brand new website boost for tourism in the Peak District and Derbyshire

Visitors to the Peak District and Derbyshire can now count on an even better on-line experience when looking for fresh ideas and inspiration before or during their visit.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, the area’s official tourist board, has launched a brand new, easy-to-navigate website offering a wealth of information – everything from where to stay to what to do – whether they’re at a desk or on the move.

The simple-to-use new platform – unveiled this week to invited guests at Cromford Mills  – helps holidaymakers track down all the details they need to make their visit extra-special, including a wide variety of activities, events and the best places to eat and drink.

Visitors can now cherry pick their own individually-tailored itineraries thanks to a new planner tool, as well as tracking down a host of special offers on everything from accommodation to eating out.

Tourist board members and local businesses and organisations highlighted on the responsive new website can also expect a broad range of benefits, including:

  • Improved search engine performance, driving even more people to browse the site
  • A link to availability from online travel agents, allowing members to promote special rates and seasonal offers
  • A new tool telling visitors ‘What’s Nearby’, revealing how close accommodation and other businesses are to key attractions

While the website has a clean, contemporary look to herald the start of a new year, the address remains the same – – to ensure continuity and avoid confusion.

The tourist board’s user-friendly new website builds on the success of its previous one, which scored its best-ever results in 2016. More than 1.3 million people visited the site, which hosted around 1.8 million browsing sessions throughout the year – an increase of 20 percent on 2015.

Most visited pages were the home page, events, accommodation, walking and historic houses and castles – and there was a marked rise in the percentage of people using the site on mobile devices such as phones (more than 38 per cent) and tablets (almost 23 per cent).

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said: –

“People are right at the heart of the best practice we have drawn on to develop our new website, so that visitors can access the information they need quickly and easily, whether they’re researching on a desktop computer before their visit or using a mobile device while they’re here.

“It’s specifically designed to build on the success of our previous website, and to be more mobile-friendly, to reflect the changing ways our visitors are accessing information about, and special offers in, the Peak District and Derbyshire throughout the year.

“As well as improving our on-line relationship with holidaymakers, its new features will also bring benefits for all our members, businesses and organisation showcased on the site – by attracting even more people to browse, take advantage of key promotions and check how close they are to some of our leading attractions.

“We’d love to hear from more businesses who would like to be part of the success of the new site as it attracts even more visitors to come and stay and spend more money to boost the economy in our world-class destination.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Cathelco supply systems for new generation of cruise ships

Chesterfield based business, Cathelco, are supplying two of their systems for the latest Quantum class cruise ships to be built for Royal Caribbean Cruises by Meyerwerft in Germany.

The marine growth prevention and impressed current cathodic protection systems will be installed on the fourth and fifth vessels in the series which are scheduled to go into service 2019 and 2020.

Cathelco systems are already installed on the Quantum of the Seas which entered service in 2014, followed by the Anthem of the Seas in 2015 and the Ovation of the Seas which began operating last year.

The systems are designed to prevent bio-fouling in sea water pipework serving the main engines and ancillary systems. This involves fitting pairs of copper and aluminium anodes in the seachests which are wired to a control panel. In operation, the copper anodes produce ions which create an environment where barnacle and mussel larvae do not settle or breed, but are carried through the system to discharge. At the same time, the aluminium anodes produce ions which create an anti-corrosive coating on the internal surfaces of pipes.

Adam Rogers, Sales Manager at Cathelco, said:-

“The systems on these ships are some of the largest that we produce and are ideally suited to treating large volumes of sea water.”

Both of the new Quantum class ships will also be installed with Cathelco systems to protect the underwater hull surfaces against corrosion.

In operation, the reference electrodes measure the electrical potential at the hull/seawater interface and send a signal to the control panel which automatically raises or lowers the outputs to the anodes. In this way, the hull receives the optimum corrosion protection at all times.

Cathelco have also received an order to supply equipment for the first in the series of Project Edge vessels which are to be built for Celebrity Cruises in France.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Business calls for clarity from Prime Minister’s speech

Businesses are calling on Prime Minister Theresa May to use her promised Brexit speech tomorrow to offer clarity on key issues of concern.

Downing Street has confirmed that Prime Minister Theresa May will use the speech to give the clearest indication yet of the Government’s plans for Britain’s exit from the EU.

The Government has been under pressure to spell out its negotiating stance but has consistently declined to show its hand before Article 50 is triggered and negotiations begin.

Last November, East Midlands Chamber, with support from regional MPs, led a delegation of regional business leaders to Westminster and used the event in the heart of Government to unveil an eight-page report setting out what regional businesses want to ensure Britain prospers after it leaves the EU.

The report – Shaping a Great Future for the East Midlands: Leading Balanced and Sustainable Growth in a Post-Brexit Economy – called on the Government to

  • expand its trade missions programme
  • ensure meaningful consultation on priority markets
  • secure the best possible transitional agreements for trading with EU countries
  • ensure future immigration policy enables businesses to meet their skills needs
  • give clear guidance on tax and customs issues
  • maintain stability in terms of regulations
  • guarantee funding for programmes currently co-funded through EU investment, and
  • maintain access to the European Investment Bank.

Since the result of the EU Referendum last June, the Chamber has said that business, the creator of jobs and wealth and driver of the regional and national economy, should play an important role in exit negotiations.

Scott Knowles, the Chamber’s Chief Executive, said:-

“Getting the right messages into Westminster, and making sure our regional MPs are all attuned to the needs of the local business community, are vital to making sure that Britain prospers in a post-Brexit global economy.

“Taking a strong contingent of local business leaders to the heart of Government to deliver their message to MPs gave a very clear indication of just how strongly they want to be involved in negotiations and decisions that will impact them and ultimately affect their ability to be the creators of jobs and wealth and drivers of the regional and national economy.

“We hope to see some indication that Mrs May is listening to business and that she is committing to place the needs of business high on the agenda once Brexit talks begin in earnest.”

Scott added:-

“We know from our own Quarterly Economic Surveys that businesses in the East Midlands are doing well at the moment and are driving the economy but that they have concerns about their EU workforces, immigration generally and trade prices and their impact on inflation.

“Mrs May has an opportunity now to start laying some of those concerns to rest and set out Government plans for Britain outside the EU, where business is ready and waiting to meet whatever challenges lie ahead.”

Scott-Knowles East Midlands Chamber

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Café society arriving at Dunston Business Park

Workers on Dunston Business Park will be able to take advantage of new catering facilities when the Chamber moves to its new office.

Commerce House, formerly St Andrew’s House, has a modern kitchen and refectory which will be opened up to workers from neighbouring offices.

Chamber member The Lovely Catering Company, Chesterfield, will be providing the café service and use the commercial-standard kitchen as a base for its outside catering business.

Hot and cold food, sandwiches, snacks and other refreshments will be available at the ‘Café at the Chamber’.

Scott Knowles, the Chamber’s Chief Executive, said:-

“We were in two minds about whether to utilise the kitchen and refectory at the new office or remove it – although it seemed a bit of a waste to rip out something which on the surface was perfectly functional.

“There seemed to be a shortage of proper café facilities in the area so we offered the kitchen to one of our members, Neil Parkin at The Lovely Catering Company, and are delighted that he will be able to put it to good use by providing a café not only for Chamber staff but also for our new neighbours.”

Neil said:-

“Our corporate catering service, Lovely Buffet, has grown rapidly over the past couple of years and we were looking for additional space and facilities. We have been a supplier to the Chamber and members for many years now and have a great working relationship.

“I’m pleased we have the opportunity to provide a much-needed cafe service on the Dunston Business Park for staff and public, and to further expand our corporate catering business. We are really looking forward to it.”

The Chamber is planning to move from its current office on Canal Wharf, Chesterfield, to Commerce House, Millennium Way, at the end of February.

It will occupy two floors of the three storey building and is looking for a tenant for the upper floor.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Chesterfield brand taps into millennial trends with festival campaign

In 2017 Herbal Likör brand Jungfrau returns to sponsor ultimate snow sports and music festival Snowboxx, for the third year running.

Chesterfield Champion and the UK’s leading independent drinks brand development business – Global Brands – owns, markets and distributes Jungfrau Likör.

More than 3 in 4 millennials (78%) would choose to spend money on an experience or event over a material purchase. Therefore it is important for brands to connect with their audience through meaningful experiences, especially hosting events in their area of interest.

Recognising this, Jungfrau has invested more than ever in a huge, experiential marketing campaign, #discoverthelegend, to entertain and engage with their target audience of millennials. The campaign appeals to those wishing to encounter new, fun experiences to share with friends.

Jungfrau plan to deliver an impressive experiential campaign at Snowboxx, tying their activities seamlessly into the festival which boasts a series of snow parks, pistes and late-night parties. Taking their #discoverthelegend campaign to the peaks, the brand continues to pursue its relentless and enthusiastic search to deliver the most amazing life experiences for its thrill-seeking consumers.

To kick off the campaign, Jungfrau continues to host a series of ‘Après Ski Snow Parties’ at universities across the UK in December and January. These events give the key student market a taster of what’s in-store for the festival in March. The events are designed to transport attendees to the Alps, as each venue is decorated with snow machines and CO2 cannons to create a complete Jungfrau wonderland.

Further to this, Jungfrau is hosting the ultimate competition giving one lucky entrant and a friend the chance to win an all-expense paid VIP trip to Snowboxx. The innovative competition is linked to the ‘Après Ski’ events as Jungfrau utilises ever-popular interactive app, Snapchat, as a means of entry. Using the app appeals directly to millennials and encourages them to interact with the brand during each event. All campaign activity will be heavily supported on social media, meaning touch points are clearly linked and key target markets will get a great sense of the brand.

Christian Sarginson, Senior Brand Manager at Global Brands, says:-

“Snowboxx is the perfect fit for Jungfrau and that’s why we continue to collaborate year after year. Jungfrau takes pride in engaging with our consumers and creating real, memorable experiences for them. We are lucky to work with a great team at Snowboxx who put on a fantastic festival, and can’t wait to bring the #discoverthelegend campaign to the UK and to France!”

The supporting events, competition and festival action create a crossover of activity to show consumers what they can expect from Jungfrau now and in the future.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Event to showcase latest IT Technology

Chesterfield-based IT and telecoms provider Central Technology, is teaming up with three of the biggest names in the industry to deliver an event aimed at helping local firms make the most of the latest emerging technologies.

The ‘Technology Roadmap event, which takes place at Chesterfield Football Club’s Proact Stadium, on 1 February, will feature keynote presentations from tech giant Dell, cloud back up-provider Veeam, and email security expert Roaring Penguin.

Industry experts from Dell will be giving live demonstrations of the latest devices and solutions that address real-work needs.

Veeam will be showcasing its latest software for back-up and replication, including back-up for physical servers and PCs.

And the creators of email security software Roaring Penguin will be talking about email spoofing and cyber-attack prevention.

Members of CT’s technical team will be on-hand to help ensure those attending have the right IT solutions in place within their organisations.

There will also be a stadium tour, a pie and pea supper, and networking, giving delegates the opportunity to share their thoughts about the benefits of cloud technology with likeminded businesses.

And those attending will also have the chance to win some top prizes including a drone, a fit bit and a laptop.

Richard Thompson, Sales Director at Central Technology, said:-

“Keeping up-to-date with the latest technologies and software solutions can be time-consuming and daunting for most businesses, but it is critically important that businesses stay ahead of the curve.

“This event is all about addressing that need and giving local firms the opportunity to hear from some of the biggest names in the industry about how they can use technology to transform their businesses.

“It will equip delegates with the latest information and expertise, and provide businesses with an opportunity to look at and experience new technology and solutions in an environment designed to inspire new ways of working, help to make the most of technology and improve their digital capabilities.”

Social Media Workshop - Chesterfield - with eBusiness Works

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Business accelerating into start of 2017

Businesses across the East Midlands are accelerating into 2017, according to the latest data collated by East Midlands Chamber.

But they are still seeking assurances when it comes to negotiations over Brexit and there are concerns about inflationary pressures in 2017 and how they will impact on growth.

Both domestic and overseas markets were robust in the final quarter (Q4) of 2016 with 43% of firms reporting improved domestic performance and 40% reporting improved overseas sales.

Looking forward to this year, 40% of respondents to the Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) for Q4 said they were seeing improved orders from domestic customers and 43% said they had seen no fall off.

When it comes to overseas sales, 37% said they had seen increased orders and 44% reported no decline.

The weaker pound following the vote to leave the EU is responsible for reducing the cost around the world of ‘Made in Britain’-branded goods but it is also making imports of raw materials more expensive, which is driving inflation. As a result, 50% of respondents said they expected to see price increases in coming months.

While 62% said they expected turnover to increase in the next 12 months, 50% said they anticipated profitability would increase.

Contrasting the Q3 dip in confidence, 23% of firms said they intend to increase investment in plant, machinery and equipment in Q4 and 25% intend to increase spending on training, up from 17% and 19% respectively.

Reflected in ONS employment figures from the end of 2016, businesses continued to expand in terms of employee numbers, with 29% increasing the size of their workforce and only 10% decreasing staff levels.

Looking forwards, 32% said they expected to increase their workforce in Q1 2017 and only 6% expected staff numbers to decrease.

But employers continue to report difficulties recruiting suitably skilled staff and still want assurances from Government over the future of their staff with EU-backgrounds.

The data collected in the quarterly surveys is used to create a State of the Economy Index (SEI) – an indicator of the direction-of-travel of the economy.

The SEI figure for Q4 was 293, 89 points higher than the Q3 figure (204) and the highest since Q2 2015.

Chris Hobson, the Chamber’s Director of Policy, said:-

“Despite the inevitable uncertainties that businesses have faced since the vote to the leave the EU, the economy in the East Midlands is robust.

“Domestic and overseas sales have grown strongly, particularly for our many manufacturers taking advantage of favourable exchange rates which make ‘Made in Britain’-branded goods less expensive overseas.

“However, the clear message from this survey is the likely impact, particularly in the manufacturing sector, of increasing levels of inflation and the inevitable difficulties this could cause from a planning and investment perspective.

“Slight increases were reported quarter-on-quarter in terms of recruitment intentions but accessing suitably-skilled staff continues to be a distinct difficulty for employers, with managerial/technical roles being the hardest to fill.

“It is apparent that clarity is still needed over what the main features of a successful UK economy outside of the EU are likely to be.

“Details and time-scales are lacking from Government regarding the types of trade deals the UK will negotiate and what Brexit will mean for those employing staff from EU countries, the uncertainty over which EU regulatory directives are likely to be kept and the dwindling amount of opportunities for those whose business models are largely-dependent on the sourcing of EU funding.

“In Q4, the Chamber, with support from many regional MPs, led a delegation of businesses to Westminster to highlight opportunities for a post-Brexit UK economy, along with current business concerns.

“We look forward to working with Government to make sure that the needs of business, which were compiled in a short report – Shaping a Great Future for the East Midlands: Leading a balanced and sustainable growth in a post-Brexit economy – are paramount during Brexit negotiations.”

East Midlands Chamber logo

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Senior management appointments at WCEC Architects

Three senior promotions have been announced by WCEC Architects.

Nick Riley, former Design Director, has been promoted to Board Director, Mark Williams to Regional Director and David Skelton to Technical Director.

As part of the management changes, Chairman James Kemp, who has played an instrumental lead role in managing the company (based in Chesterfield) for more than twenty years, steps down from the Board.

Nick joined WCEC in 2014 bringing with him a wealth of experience and contacts in the Student Living arena and has delivered on his mission to break WCEC into this sector. He has been instrumental in securing a range of high profile projects and new clients, as well as becoming a keynote speaker at industry sector conferences in London and Europe.

Nick has fulfilled a strategic role in leading the New Business team and activity. Also, he has worked closely with the Board to help shape the long-term future direction of the practice.

Mark Williams has been at WCEC Architects since 2007 having worked on a wide variety of retail, mixed use and residential projects from feasibility to implementation, which has also included secondments, working within Blue Chip client offices.

More recently Mark has led the company’s Leeds office, developing strong working relationships within the West Yorkshire property and business community and positioning the practice in a wide range of new development opportunities.

David Skelton, is an experienced and well-rounded architect with a wealth of experience across all sectors. He has successfully built up and maintained a number of long-standing repeat client relationships. David leads the company’s Quality and Environmental Management systems; ensuring ongoing certification to BSI ISO 9001 and 14001.

Ashley Turner, Chief Executive of WCEC Architects, said:-

“It is an exciting time for WCEC and a genuine pleasure to recognise the contributions of these three crucial team members, by promoting them accordingly. Their dedication has helped WCEC build on its reputation for both technical and design excellence, within both existing and new sector markets.”

Praising the achievements of James Kemp, Ashley added:-

“His contributions, successes and unequivocal dedication have all been equally significant. Whilst enjoying more well-earned leisure time, he will remain a trusted, respected and visible part of the team at WCEC as he fulfils an ongoing consultancy support role for the foreseeable future.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

BHP Chartered Accountants merge with specialist practice

BHP, Chesterfield Champions and Yorkshire’s largest independent firm of Chartered Accountants, has merged with Sheffield based gvt Chartered Accountants.

This follows the sad passing of Melanie Viner, gvt’s Key Relationship Partner, following a courageous battle with cancer.  Melanie joined gvt in 1991 and quickly established a strong reputation in the accountancy industry, becoming the firm’s Managing Partner.  Following her diagnosis, Melanie became passionate about securing gvt’s future for its staff and clients and agreed to the completion of the merger shortly before she passed away in November. Melanie’s business partner Mark Goodband has retired from the partnership and after a short hand over period, will pursue other opportunities.

gvt’s team will relocate to BHP’s headquarters over the coming weeks.  BHP now has more than 300 employees across five offices in Sheffield, Leeds, Cleckheaton, Chesterfield and York.

John Warner, Managing Partner at BHP says:-

“It was hugely important to Melanie that both gvt’s team and the firm’s client base would continue to thrive after her death.  gvt has always had a strong, well-established team and a reputation for offering a high standard of service to its clients, which fits with BHP’s culture and customer centric approach.  As a result, we were delighted to agree to this merger proposal.

“We’re now looking forward to welcoming our new colleagues into our business and continuing to provide gvt’s clients with the level of service and expertise that they have come to expect, which will form an important part of Melanie’s legacy. We would also like to wish Mark all the very best for the future.”


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Local hospice unveils new ‘Harry Fisher Building’

Ashgate Hospicecare is proud to have opened their ‘Harry Fisher Building’ following a period of crucial renovation works during the last few months.

Since opening its doors in 1988, the Hospice has helped thousands of patients and their families to spend precious moments together at such a critical time in their lives. However, two years ago, Ashgate was given the news that the older part of the building had significant structural weaknesses and was quickly and severely deteriorating. The survey, conducted in 2014, concluded that without intervention, the building would become uninhabitable.

Lucy Nickson, Chief Executive of Ashgate Hospicecare, said:-

“We decided to have the survey done due to the age of the building. Despite the shocking report coming back that the building was very quickly deteriorating, the potential to make good use of it could be seen, especially to turn what was being used as storage and other wasted space into areas that could be used for counselling and family support. The only big issue at the time was having the money to be able to carry out the work that was required.”

In 2015, after a series of fortuitous events and at such a crucial time, Ashgate Hospicecare was given the opportunity to give patients and their families the additional privacy and dignity they needed thanks to the unbelievably generous gift in the Will of the late Harry Fisher.

Lucy added:-

“Without the amazing gift from Harry Fisher, we would have been left with a building that was unfit for purpose and a complete lack of space for patient and family support services. Harry has left a truly amazing legacy to the people of North Derbyshire.”

Following a robust tender process, H A Briddon were chosen to complete the building work and as chance would have it, they had a connection with the late Harry Fisher of their own. Harry Briddon, who was responsible for the renovation, is a sailor at Ogston Sailing Club where Harry Fisher had been President of the club for over 30 years.

Ashgate House has been a significant part of Ashgate Hospicecare’s history and has been an iconic local landmark that has grown to mean so much to so many people. Seven months later, now the Harry Fisher Building, a sense of community is even more evident.

The hospice now offers more facilities for families including a new restaurant and dining room, which will create a relaxing and tranquil surrounding to benefit patients, staff and visitors, as well as facilities to provide fresh, hot meals. There is now new counselling and bereavement therapy rooms which will provide support within a purpose-built dedicated counselling area, including an art therapy room. These will all have an immediate positive impact on the number of people the hospice can support at any one time. A new alternative entrance has also been built, ensuring families returning for bereavement counselling and support will no longer have to enter the Hospice through the same doors as when visiting their loved ones and walk past patient bedrooms.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

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