
Sparkle Walk raises £168,371 for Chesterfield-based hospice

Thousands of walkers geared up over the weekend to take part in the Blundells Sparkle Night Walk for Ashgate Hospicecare. The event, which is now recognised as Chesterfield’s largest, saw 2,000 people walk 10km around Chesterfield on Saturday night, raising a fantastic £168,371 for the local charity.

Organisers from Ashgate Hospicecare, alongside hundreds of volunteers, rallied together to ensure the annual walking event, which has become a significant fixture in the local calendar, ran smoothly and exceeded the thrill and sparkle it did the year before.

Leanne Collings from Clay Cross, Chesterfield who took part in the walk said:-

“The walk was absolutely brilliant. There was so much effort put in from both the organisers and participants. I was so proud to be part of something so fantastic for our community.”

Emma West from Holmewood, Chesterfield who was walking in memory of her uncle, John West, added:-

“I was near the front of the walkers and it was amazing to look back and see the sea of flashing bunny ears. The whole night was high-spirited and luckily, the weather held good and stayed dry.”

A number of local entertainment companies and local businesses all added to the event with an array of performances and giveaways, making the whole event a night to remember and one to go down in the history books.

Ian Appleyard, Director of Blundells Letting and Estate Agents, explained why the event was so important:-

“We are extremely proud to have been the main sponsor of the Sparkle Night Walk this year. Saturday night was just superb and it was great to see all the hard work put in really pay off for the hospice. The organisation of the event was first class, everyone seemed to have a brilliant time and we understand that participation and fundraising exceeded expectations.”

Events Fundraiser, Charlotte Gratton from Ashgate Hospicecare, said:-

“The event was absolutely amazing. To see everyone so excited and having such a great time whilst raising money for patients and their families in North Derbyshire made everything worthwhile.”

The money raised from the Sparkle Night Walk will go towards providing specialist palliative and end of life care across North Derbyshire and the High Peak and Dales. The Hospice provides its services free of charge to patients with any life limiting illness, and extended support to patients’ families.


Sparkle Night Walk

Sparkle Night Walk


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Funding to encourage businesses to cut vehicle emissions

The Government has created a £19m fund to help the freight industry cut vehicle emissions, Transport Minister Andrew Jones announced this morning at the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership annual conference.

He also unveiled a low carbon HGV technology accreditation scheme, which will help to provide fleet operators in Chesterfield with independent validation of how much they could save by retrofitting ‘green’ technology to existing vehicles.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“Being environmentally aware isn’t just about reducing harmful emissions and saving the planet, it’s also about saving money and improving the bottom line for businesses.

“Offering independent validation of the potential savings to be made by adopting ‘greener’ technologies should encourage greater uptake by freight operators.

“£19m is a drop in the ocean, but it’s a step in the right direction and if it helps hauliers to better understand the technologies and the benefits to be gained from retrofitting them to older vehicles then it should be encouraged.

“Encouraging businesses to be more environmentally aware and to reduce their carbon footprint has been an important agenda for the Chamber in recent years and we fully support this initiative.”

Growth Sculpture Horns bridge Roundabout


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Chesterfield business launch range in Selfridges

Chesterfield based business, Global Brands, is a proud distributor of Franklin & Sons soft drinks, tonic and mixers. Franklin & Sons has recently announced that the premium tonic and mixer range will be available on the shelves of the prestigious department store, Selfridges.

The range of four premium mixers includes Natural Indian Tonic Water, Natural Light Tonic Water, Original Ginger Ale and a Sicilian Lemon Tonic. The Franklins range uses expertly sourced unique natural ingredients from around the world including cinchona bark extract from the National tree of Ecuador and gently pressed handpicked Sicilian lemons.

Simon Green, Marketing Director of Global Brands, comments:-

“After launching the tonics range in December last year we are thrilled that the full natural tonics range is available to buy from the iconic department store known to stock the finest, luxury brands.”


Global Brands

Global Brands

Posted in Business

Work starts to create 400 more new jobs at Markham Vale

Automotive component specialists Ferdinand Bilstein UK are gearing up to move to Chesterfield’s flagship regeneration site now that work has started on the new distribution centre − creating up to 400 new jobs.

The firm will be moving its current distribution operations in Kent and Pontefract to a new purpose-built 225,000 square feet distribution centre to benefit from better transport links at Markham Vale located just off junction 29A of the M1.

Established in Germany in 1844, the company operates worldwide producing, marketing and distributing car parts for a range of vehicle makes and models including Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Land Rover and Ford.

Paul Dodgson, Operations Director at Ferdinand Bilstein UK, said:-

“We are excited about being part of this high profile development. Building has now commenced at the Markham Vale site and we look forward to seeing the build completion at the end of the year.

“Markham Vale offers excellent transport links for our distribution requirements, and close proximity to some of our biggest customers. The new relocation will allow us to expand our company further, offering new opportunities on a local and national scale.”

The company’s new distribution centre will be the first business on the site’s third phase, Markham Vale North and is set to be completed by December this year creating around 150 jobs initially and a further 250 to follow.

Councillor Anne Western, Derbyshire County Council leader, said:-

“We’re delighted to see that work has now started on Ferdinand Bilstein UK’s new distribution centre at Markham, bringing up to 400 more new jobs to the area.

“The site’s convenient location just off junction 29A of the M1 continues to attract local and national businesses and as a result it’s providing work for existing local businesses in the construction industry.

“Markham Vale is central to our plans to boost the local economy and it’s good to know that it’s benefiting and contributing to the national economy as well by using British steel too.”

Ferdinand Bilstein UK’s new distribution centre will be built by our private sector property partner, Henry Boot Developments.

Ben Ward, Director at Henry Boot Developments, said:-

“I am pleased to announce that work has now started on the 225,000 square feet distribution centre for Ferdinand Bilstein UK.

“The unit is the first to be developed on Markham Vale North and will benefit from the new Seymour Link access road, which will create easy access to M1 motorway networks.

“The company chose to part-relocate its operations due to the transport network and access that Markham Vale offers. We have had huge success with the Markham West and East sections of land, and are confident the North land will be no different, generating huge amounts of interest since its launch.”

Markham Vale

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Young Chef of the Year lands a job with top chef 

Since winning the accolade of Young Chef of the Year at the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards last October, Chesterfield College student, 19 year old, James Greatorex’s career has gone from strength to strength. His passion for food and expertise in the kitchen has just landed him his dream job with famous chef Heston Blumenthal.

The young chef is due to start working in Blumenthal’s famous restaurant, the Fat Duck in Berkshire, next month where he will work alongside other expert chefs in one of the many kitchens at the establishment, preparing food for customers who pay £255 for a unique dining experience.

James’ passion for cookery started at home at a young age where he would experiment with creating menus for his family. After leaving school he got a part time job in a kitchen of a local pub and came to college to enhance his skills.  Following the his competition win last autumn, one of the judges, Chris Mapp from the Tickled Trout was so impressed with James that he gave him a job where he has been able to enhance the skills he was learning at college.

James said:

“Working in a professional kitchen, studying at college and taking part in the Young Chef of the Year competition has really helped me to get to this stage in my career. I have had a brilliant lecturer who has always allowed me to develop and experiment which meant I could practice new techniques. I learnt skills at college that I hadn’t seen before and then was able to put them into practice in a commercial environment at work. The competition taught me a lot about cooking under pressure and was good practice for when I did my trial at the Fat Duck.”

Ian Matthews, lecturer at Chesterfield College said:

“When James came for his interview before he started his course it was clear that he had massive potential. For someone of his age, the way he spoke about food, the recipes he’d worked on and his drive to work in the industry stood out. I am not surprised that he has been snapped up by such a high profile restaurant so early in his career and we know he’ll go on to achieve great things.”

James has also been a massive inspiration for the three finalists in this year’s Young Chef of the Year competition. The finalists found out about James’ new job just before they completed their cook off for the 2016 competition. Winners will be announced in October at Chesterfield’s Food and Drink Awards.

Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards 2015 with Theo Randall.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Leisure

Linacre Road site to be sold for 300 new homes

Land at Linacre Road is to be put up for sale by Chesterfield Borough Council.

A public consultation was held in October last year into a masterplan which will guide development on the 37-acre site. It proposes using the land for 300 new homes.

More than 200 people attended the consultation events, with around 80 making comments.

After taking into account the issues raised a revised masterplan has now been agreed and the council’s cabinet has approved plans to put the land up for sale in the autumn.

The original plans had proposed creating a landscaped wildlife buffer zone between any housing development and Ashgate Plantation. But following concerns raised during the consultation that a buffer zone could create anti-social behaviour or fly tipping problems it is now proposed to build homes with longer gardens that would back on to the plantation site instead.

Access to the site could either be off one of two sites in Linacre Road or through Leadhill Road, although the final decision on which to use would form part of the decision for councillors when a planning application is made. Members of the public would have the opportunity to comment on any future planning application.

All councils are required by the Government to have enough land available to meet the demand for new housing in the next five years. In Chesterfield, this equates to 380 new homes being built each year to meet the growing needs of the area.

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for planning, said: “To meet the demand for housing in Chesterfield we need to bring forward sites like this for development, as not all the housing can be built on brownfield or previously used sites.

“The land will now go on the market to prospective buyers in the autumn. Once we have agreed a sale the housing developer would need to make a planning application to put forward detailed proposals of the type and exact number of houses they would want to build.”

If a buyer is found, and planning permission is given, it is expected that work could start on site in summer 2018.

Councillor Gilby added: “As with all developments of this type, we will be seeking for up to 30 per cent of the housing to be affordable homes.

“Developers would also have to make a Community Infrastructure Levy payment that will contribute to the cost of providing school places, playgrounds or green spaces or other community needs generated by a development like this.”

The Linacre Road land was originally bought by the council in the 1970s to meet future housing needs and is a site identified for in the council’s Local Plan Core Strategy, which was approved in 2013.

The revised masterplan for the site includes ground conditions, ecology and archaeological reports. All of these would need to be considered as part of the planning application process.

Further information about the development, including the masterplan and a frequently asked questions section that provides answers to questions raised during the public consultation, can be seen at

house building

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Crush Design ‘shaking things up’ for Pronto Paint

Innovative Chesterfield based company Pronto Industrial Paints Ltd are pleased to announce the launch of their brand new website.

The attitude of ‘shaking things up’ has been applied to their new customer focused website created by Crush Design, Chesterfield based design, digital and marketing agency.

The website showcases the brand’s forward thinking and technology driven approach; boasting a brand new e-commerce site that includes a digital custom-made colour chart and selection system so that customers can find the exact colour match that is right for them. The digital colour selector, along with an interactive map to locate distributors and a growing library of technical knowledge, can all be easily viewed on any device, be it a phone, tablet or desktop computer.

Hannah Tomaszewski, a representative from Crush Design, said:-

“It is great to see a manufacturing company such as Pronto Paint take such a modern view on developing their customer’s experience.”

Crush Design 'shaking things up' for Pronto Paint

Crush Design ‘shaking things up’ for Pronto Paint

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Destination Chesterfield

Chamber seeks withdrawal roadmap following vote to leave EU

East Midlands Chamber* believes that providing facts and clarity about the UK’s withdrawal from the EU should be the Government’s main focus after yesterday’s Referendum resulted in a vote to leave.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber*, said: “The immediate priorities for UK business in the wake of this historic referendum result are market stability, economic security and political clarity. Business thrives on certainty, but the nation has been mired in uncertainty since the date of the ballot was announced.

“From a business perspective, the referendum debate was a shouting match, heavy on bombast and hyperbole but light on the sort of cool-headed information and mature argument that local business leaders required.

“Companies will expect swift, decisive, and coordinated action from the Government and the Bank of England to stabilise markets if trading conditions or the availability of capital change dramatically. They will also want an immediate and unambiguous statement from the Prime Minister on next steps, along with a clear timeline for the UK’s exit from the European Union.

“Not having a clear direction stifles growth. Businesses struggle to invest or create jobs when they have no clear understanding of what lies ahead. Now that we have a decision, we can begin to plan for the future.

“One of the biggest fears expressed during the campaign was that we would have no international trade deals in place once we leave the EU. It is essential that Government begins negotiations immediately to establish trade deals which are in the best interests of UK plc.

“There will be many hurdles along the way and we need to know that the Government not only recognises what they are but also has policies in place to ensure they can be overcome.

“Whatever happens during the withdrawal process, it is vital that Government listens to business as the creators of jobs and wealth and takes steps to ensure that investment and growth can continue in the East Midlands and across the UK.

“Now is the time for clear heads, strong leadership and decisive action. Firms want help to get Britain back to business at a time of great uncertainty. The health of the economy must be the number one priority.”

*Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire

Scott-Knowles East Midlands Chamber

Posted in Business

Macmillan marks milestone with celebration event

A topping out ceremony was held at the new Chesterfield Royal Macmillan Cancer Centre to celebrate the near-complete development. Held on 14th June, the event was attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Chesterfield, local schools and supporters, who visited to hear about the latest fundraising news.

Last month The National Gardens Scheme (NGS), a long standing partner of Macmillan, announced it would donate £1.5 million towards the new state of the art cancer centre. The donation is equivalent to over half of the £2.5 million Macmillan has committed to raise towards the Chesterfield appeal. It marks a significant step towards meeting the fundraising appeal target and towards the development of this much needed local service.

Rob Turner, Macmillan’s Senior Fundraising Manager for Chesterfield, said:-

“Being diagnosed with cancer is the toughest fight many people will ever face, so I am absolutely delighted that this generous donation from the NGS has brought us closer to the completion of the build which we can see taking real shape today.”

The new £8.9 million Chesterfield Royal Macmillan Cancer Centre is due to open at Chesterfield Royal Hospital in the autumn.

Macmillan still needs to raise just under £700,000 to hit the appeal target of £2.5 million. If you are able to help please contact Rob Turner on or 07545 419 725.

Macmillan Cancer Centre

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Uncategorised

Archbishop of Canterbury visits Chesterfield

The Archbishop of Canterbury visited Chesterfield on the 22nd June as part of his tour of Derbyshire. This was Justin Welby’s first visit to the town since being appointed the Church of England’s most senior clergyman.

The Archbishop spoke at a business networking event at St Thomas’ Centre in Brampton, Chesterfield.  His talk focused on the challenges facing businesses in the current economic climate and spoke of the need for businesses to be deeply embedded into the community.  This was followed by a question and answer session which discussed credit unions, volunteering, the business management of the Church of England and the role business owners have in shaping culture throughout their companies.


During his tour of Chesterfield he also visited Chesterfield’s iconic crooked spire church where pupils from William Gilbert School, in Duffield, led a showcase of work on collective worship, in front of an audience of hundreds of local youngsters and the Archbishop.

Addressing the children, the Archbishop encouraged them to use the skills a church education offers to think for themselves and act for others. He continued: “It is obviously true that good schools help produce an educated workforce. But the Christian vision is a far greater one; it is about setting a framework for children as they learn, which enables them to be confident when faced with the vast challenges that our rapidly changing culture brings to us.”

Chesterfield Parish Church’s vicar, Revd Patrick Coleman, said “I am delighted to be able to welcome my church’s leader to the town’s most recognisable landmark.”

Archbishop meets parishoners in church yard

Bishop of Derby, Alastair Redfern said: “We’re delighted to welcome the Archbishop of Canterbury on his first pastoral visit to the East Midlands. It’s a wonderful opportunity to showcase the important work being carried out across Derbyshire as we look to face the challenges together. We hope his visit will inspire many more to get involved in making our communities stronger whether through their church, workplace, social group, school or college.”

The Archbishop carries out two to three pastoral visits to dioceses a year, where he has a chance to witness the mission and ministry going on and to encourage them in their work.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Financial advice sector gets a new start

Two leading financial planners have joined forces to launch a new independent financial planning company in Chesterfield.

Start Financial Planning, which is based on Beresford Way, is the brainchild of Michael Heath and Steve Taylor. Both were individually established professionals on Chesterfield’s financial scene before combining their talents under the banner of Start.

Steve Taylor, director of Start Financial Planning, explained: “Michael and I have worked together for a number of years and share the same belief that financial planning should be a journey with no hidden costs and open and honest independent advice.

“On this basis, the decision to formalise our partnership in our new venture seemed like the obvious next step. We want people to begin their financial planning journey with us – hence the company name.”

The business boasts a team of four and is already on the look out for another financial planner and an apprentice too.

Working closely with firms within Chesterfield’s professional services sector, Start is aiming to bring a new approach to the world of financial planning.

Steve added: “We’re bringing a fresh, joined-up approach to financial planning. We passionately believe that it shouldn’t be done in isolation of other professional services, such as legal and accountancy services; rather everyone should work together in the interests of the client. This delivers a better, uncomplicated experience for the client.”

As well as pensions and exit strategies, Start Financial Planning also specialises in tax planning, estate planning, investments, business and personal protection.

Start Financial Planning

Posted in Business

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