
New way of Doing Rotary to Help the Local Community

Busy younger business people in Chesterfield who want to help others will soon get the chance to get together with an exciting new Rotary venture.  The Rotary Club of Chesterfield is looking to set up a satellite club, which is a brand new concept of Rotary where busy people who are time poor, with a variety of skills to offer, are invited to work with others to give something back to the local community.

Chesterfield Rotary member Rob Woodhead of BRM Solictors said: “Satellite members can meet when it suits them during business hours, or in a bar after work. They get to choose their own projects and priorities but still remain part of the worldwide organization of Rotary International.”

He added:  “We recognize that busy professionals will want to do things their own way with less formality and this new satellite club gives them that chance in Chesterfield for the first time.”

A launch meeting for interested people is being held at Calabria Italian Restaurant, Glumangate, Chesterfield, on Wednesday 27 January 2016 from 5.30pm.  Potential members can obtain more details from Rob Woodhead 01246 555111 or email

Chesterfield News

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Reserve your place at Celebrate Chesterfield now!

High demand already for places at breakfast event celebrating Chesterfield’s success and plans for 2016

With £1 billion of regeneration taking place in Chesterfield, the annual Celebrate event, which is taking place on Thursday 17 March, is the hottest ticket in town.

Taking place at the Winding Wheel from 7.30am – 11.00am, already 190 places at the 250 seat event have been reserved.

Organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with The University of Derby, the town’s leaders will update the business community at the event on the progress made with developments, including the £340million Chesterfield Waterside and the £400million Peak scheme.

Later this year The University of Derby will open its new Chesterfield campus at the former St Helena’s Grammar School, where it will offer world class university facilities for Nursing, Business, Computing, Law and Engineering students.

“Expanding our work in Chesterfield with the refurbished campus in such a wonderful building comes in the same year the University celebrates a decade in Buxton’s historic Devonshire Dome,” said Professor Rod –Dubrow-Marshall, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University.

“Research commissioned by the University into the economic impact of the Buxton Campus on the local economy revealed that it supported 500 jobs through a total spend of £32 million – and we hope to have a similar impact in Chesterfield.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield and Managing director of Bolsterstone which is developing Chesterfield Waterside, will also speak at the event. He said: “Celebrate is an important and popular event for the town’s business community. It is an opportunity to reflect on the success we have had and to hear, first-hand, from decision-makers about forthcoming plans.

“2015 was a significant year for Chesterfield; it was the first in the town’s history that unemployment was lower than the national average. With the current and future developments in the town and inward investment it is attracting, it looks like 2016 will deliver similar successes for the town. It is a very exciting time for Chesterfield.”

The event is free to attend and last year was the largest and fully subscribed Celebrate Chesterfield since the first was held in 2011. This year, the headline sponsor of Celebrate 2016 is joined by fellow sponsors Central Technology and Markham Vale.

Richard Thompson, Sales Director of Central Technology commented: “We are delighted to be one of the sponsors of one of the most significant Chesterfield business events of the year.

“The exhibition is a fantastic opportunity to present our well-established business to leading industry heads in Chesterfield and to demonstrate how we are passionate about supporting business in the area though IT support and Telecoms Solutions.”

“Our experienced team and technological knowhow already provides many local businesses with the IT Support and security they need to help grow their business and we hope that through continued collaborative working between local organisations in the region, we can help place Chesterfield and its business strengths on the national map.”

Ben Ward, Director, Henry Boot Developments, said: “We are proud to return as sponsors of this year’s Celebrate Chesterfield event. The event is fantastic in promoting the local area and showcasing the upcoming activity in 2016. Markham Vale is a key economic development for the area; it has created over 700 new jobs since development commenced, which is contributing to the improvements that continue to transform Chesterfield into a destination.”

Book your place


Celebrate Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development

Franke Sissons donates to Nenna Kind

Chesterfield firm Franke Sissons has once again shown its generosity by making a £500 donation to local cancer charity, Nenna Kind. The charity is close to the company’s heart having received regular donations from Franke over the last few years.

Located in the heart of the town on the 3rd floor of Dents Chambers, Nenna Kind offers support and provides services for cancer sufferers and their families which other statutory bodies in the area don’t make available. Last year, with the support from local organisations, the charity were able to fund a minibus which operates twice daily service to Weston Park hospital, enabling patients and their families to attend appointments which they may have previously found too stressful to attend.

Barbara Wallace from Nenna Kind commented: “The donations we receive from local companies are essential for continuing the work we do here and we can’t thank Franke Sissons enough for continuing to support us over the last few years.”

Image: Barbara Wallace and Ann Smith from Nenna Kind receiving cheque from Dale Hardy (Franke Sissons)

Franke Sissons donates to Nenna Kind

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Top local leaders make final call for devolution deal feedback

Sheffield City Region’s top political and business figures are calling on residents and businesses to have their say on a proposed deal which will mean greater power and funding for the local area.

There are now only a few days left to take part in the Sheffield City Region proposed devolution deal consultation which closes on Friday 15th January.

The proposed deal, which will mean £900m of additional funding and more power to make important economic decisions locally, has been welcomed by a number of local business leaders from across the Sheffield City Region. In October 2015, local politicians and business leaders secured the in-principle deal with the Chancellor George Osborne to transfer national powers and control over funding from national Government departments to the Sheffield City Region – as well as securing a massive £900 million additional cash boost over the next thirty years to deliver major regeneration, infrastructure and business growth schemes.

Peter Swallow, chair of Destination Chesterfield, the town’s business marketing campaign, said: “I would urge all local businesses to take part in the consultation.

“Chesterfield’s position within the Sheffield City Region means we do a lot of business with neighbouring towns and cities in the region. Devolution will give the town a seat at a more influential ‘local’ table not to mention more control over our own financial affairs.

“It could also help bring potential funding to the area further boosting our ambitious plans for growth and development in the area over the next 10 years.”

Sir Nigel Knowles, Chairman of Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) said:

“I believe that it is important that local businesses and residents take part in this consultation and help make our proposed deal a reality. The proposed deal has the potential to accelerate local business growth and create more and higher paid jobs in the area. By transferring powers and funding from Government, this deal will give local leaders, who better understand what is needed to grow our economy, the powers needed to maximise local business growth.”

Councillor Sir Steve Houghton CBE, Chair of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority said:-

“Our in-principle deal with Government is focused on being able to grow businesses faster and create more and better jobs opportunities for local people. These are issues that people really care about and so I encourage residents and businesses to make time to respond to the consultation before it closes at the end of the week.”

Local Leaders will be negotiating details of the proposed deal over the coming months but they are now consulting on the proposed deal so that they have the views of the people in the City Region before they finalise any deal. Local Leaders recognise that further work needs to continue to clarify issues in relation to the Mayor in any majority vote (to ensure the right checks and balances are in place) and potential amendments to achieving their preferred geography for the region (to seek maximum flexibility for all types of authorities to be part of combined authorities).

The deal needs to be formally approved by each of the local councils within the Sheffield City Region and is also dependent upon the Government delivering on the promises it has made in this and previous deals, and the city region agreeing to the creation of a directly-elected Mayor. 

The deal covers a range of themes including transport, skills, creating new jobs, inward investment and support to help local businesses export as well as committing to working with Government on new ways to incentivise local growth.

For more information and to take part in the consultation visit Residents and businesses can have their say by taking part in the online consultation before Friday 15 January.

Growth Sculpture Horns bridge Roundabout


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development

Up to £2m available for business growth

Up to £2million in funding could be loaned to businesses looking to grow and create more jobs, as part of an opportunity launched today by the local enterprise partnership for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, D2N2.

D2N2 – a private sector-led partnership of business, local authorities, skills and training providers, community organisations and others which promotes economic growth locally – is now inviting applications to its Growing Places Fund (GPF).

GPF enables businesses and public sector organisations (for example, local authorities) to apply for loans to kick-start stalled capital developments or expansion plans, which will directly grow the economy.

The next round of loans to individual companies or organisations will be between £200,000 and a maximum of £2 million, and must be to finance capital (building) to help further businesses.

Funded projects must be located within D2N2’s area; covered by the administrative boundaries of Derby City, Derbyshire County, Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County councils.

Funding is limited and preference will be given to projects which deliver on D2N2’s priorities and key areas of economic focus.

David Ralph, Chief Executive of the D2N2 LEP, said: “We have already seen a great deal of success with the Growing Places Fund, providing more than £16m to help small and larger businesses access the missing finance they need to grow and create additional jobs.

“Factors we will be looking at when making a decision on the GPF applications we receive will be the economic impact of the project and how quickly investments can be repaid, so we can support other schemes.”

Applications must be submitted by 12pm on Friday February 26.

More information on the Growing Places Fund and guidance on how to apply for this funding can be found on the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership website now at


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Destination Chesterfield, Development

Cathelco wins trio of orders for projects worldwide

Cathelco in Chesterfield has received three orders to supply its specialist hull corrosion protection systems to Brazil, Japan and Singapore.

To protect against vessel corrosion, the business will supply Brazil with an impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) system which will safeguard FPSO Cidade de Campos dos Goyatacazes over an operational life of 20 years.

The vessel will be installed with the latest control panels which provide comprehensive data about performance. This simplifies monitoring for the crew and enables data to be downloaded to a USB stick and sent to Cathelco for detailed analysis.

Cathelco will also supply a protection system for the FPSO Catcher which is being built by the IHI Corporation’s yard at Aichi, Japan.

After the integration of the topside modules and completion in Singapore, the floating system will be deployed in Premier Oil’s Catcher field in the North Sea. It will be capable of processing up to 60,000 barrels of crude per day and have a storage capacity of 650,000 barrels.

A third order for specialist corrosion protection has come from Sembcorp Marine’s Jurong yard in Singapore where a shuttle tanker is to be converted into FPSO Libra.

Scheduled for completion in 2016, the system will have the capacity to produce 50,000 barrels of oil and 4 million cubic metres of natural gas, per day.

Engineer checking Cathelco ICCP control panel

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Devolution details published for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

The benefits of devolution for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire have been revealed in detail, as the region’s draft deal is published for the first time today.

The deal document, which sets out the final negotiating position of the council and business leaders behind the bid, was sent to Chancellor George Osborne and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Greg Clark just before Christmas.

It was accompanied by a strong message to ministers that “now is the time to do the deal”.

The agreement, as it stands, has been developed following months of negotiations. The majority of the deal has broad agreement, with only a small number of issues now requiring final discussion and sign off.

The deal sets out ten key benefits devolution would deliver for the residents and businesses of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire:

  • 55,000 new private sector jobs
  • 77,000 extra homes
  • An Investment Fund over 30 years to provide infrastructure such as roads and bridges
  • Adult skills provision that better meets the needs of businesses
  • A joint transport fund to spend on key transport improvements
  • A better co-ordinated public transport system with ‘Oyster’ style smart ticketing
  • More responsive and co-ordinated business support for growth
  • The creation of substantially more apprenticeship opportunities
  • More people entering employment through better targeted local programmes
  • Journey times to London of less than 90 minutes by train

19 councils across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire together with business leaders from the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, which covers the two counties, are seeking to create a single Combined Authority for the region by March 2016 − the first of its kind featuring district, borough, city and county councils.

The Combined Authority and a new mayor, elected by the people of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, would be granted powers and resources currently held in London and gain responsibility for delivering a raft of new measures to boost economic growth, create jobs, build new homes and improve the quality of life for people living in the area.

Councillor Anne Western, Leader of Derbyshire County Council, said:

“We can’t stress enough the size of the prize on offer for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and the benefits devolution would bring for local people. So we’ve taken the decision to publish the draft agreement so people can get a better understanding of what it will mean for the area.

“Following a request from Government, we have renamed our bid as North Midlands, which more accurately reflects the geographical area covered and will be able to align with the same name for the Combined Authority.

“We’ve been working with the Government to finalise a deal for some time now and discussions have been extremely positive. Both sides are clearly committed to an agreement and there’s no reason to delay any further.”

Growth Sculpture Horns bridge Roundabout

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Another business opens at Markham Vale Enterprise Zone

Chesterfield-based smart meter supplier Meter Provida has become the latest business to get the keys to new premises at a Chesterfield regeneration site.

Up to 20 jobs are being created now that the firm’s new 40,000 sq. ft. unit just off junction 29A of the M1 motorway is complete.

Meter Provida supplies gas, water and electric metering products and services for home, commercial and industrial use nationwide for suppliers such as British Gas.

Stephen Burr, Director at Meter Provida Ltd said

“Our company is growing rapidly and now we have our new premises at Markham Vale we can increase our product range and expand our workforce.”We wanted to stay within Derbyshire but be closer to the motorway for better transport links, making Markham the perfect choice for us.

“We are delighted with our new facility and we look forward to our future at the site.”

Meter Provida moved to Markham Vale from Broombank Business Park in Chesterfield.

Derbyshire County Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Policy, Economic Development and Budget, Councillor Anne Western said:

“I’m pleased Meter Provida have chosen to join the ever-growing business community at Markham, bringing 20 new jobs to the area.”It’s great that Chesterfield-based companies continue to choose Markham Vale to relocate to instead of moving outside Derbyshire.

“A steady stream of enquiries are also coming in for the new offices available in our new Environment Centre and we’d encourage more small businesses that are looking to start-up, relocate or expand to get in touch.”

The firm’s new premises have been designed and built by the county council’s private sector property partner, Henry Boot Developments.

Ben Ward, Henry Boot’s Regional Director, said:

“The Meter Provida unit was one of the fastest units to be completed at Markham Vale.”We have had a huge amount of interest in Markham Vale over the past 12 months with some major announcements such as Great Bear, Gould Alloys, inspirepac, Meter Provida and many others.

“We expect more interest is now likely to follow with our Phase 3, Markham Vale North, now in development and due for completion summer 2016. This will deliver a further 70 acres in addition to the current available eastern and western development plots.”

Meter Provida is the latest in a line of companies to acquire premises on the regeneration site off junction 29A of the M1. Existing occupiers include inspirepac, Gould Alloys, AW Repair Group, MSE Hiller, Squadron Medical, Industrial Ancillaries, Andrew Page, Holdsworth Foods, Ready Egg Products and Euro Garages.

Markham Vale is one of the UK’s biggest Enterprise Zone developments.

Markham Vale East

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Monkey Park Works welcomes first tenants

A new shared work space for digital start-ups and social enterprises has opened in Chesterfield.

Based on Chester Street in Brampton, the first tenants at Monkey Park Works include specialist technology PR agency, Roaring Mouse, digital innovation and design consultancy, Systems Makers and cycle training company, Wheely Fun Wheels.

The facility currently offers shared office space for up to 16 people and is set to expand to accommodate up to 50 micro-businesses, freelancers and entrepreneurs once the second phase of building work is completed in the Spring.

Developed on the site of a former tile warehouse, Monkey Park started trading in October 2015 and is home to a thriving cafe, community bakery and bicycle workshop.

A not-for-profit social enterprise, cash brought in by Monkey Park will be reinvested to support local community projects. The team will also work with local residents and businesses to create a plan for enhancing the local area and boosting its economy.

Simon Redding, co-founder and director of Monkey Park, comments: “Digital and social entrepreneurs in Chesterfield have been crying out for the kind of flexible and affordable co-working space we are now offering at Monkey Park Works. We hope to foster the kind of start-ups and social enterprises that will go on to create new employment opportunities and help contribute to Brampton’s community-led economic renaissance.”

Monkey Park Works Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Chesterfield workers challenged to get active

Businesses in Chesterfield are being urged to help revolutionise the lunch break by encouraging their workforce to get active – and reap the business benefits as a result.

A new eight-week Derbyshire Workplace Challenge launches today and businesses are invited to sign up and encourage staff to step away from their desks at lunchtime and take time out to take part in sport or physical activity.

Organisers say that by encouraging employees to get active on their lunch break businesses could save one sick day per employee per year – equating to an average saving of £10,225 for a business with 100 staff.

The Derbyshire Workplace Challenge is an online activity log challenge which allows colleagues to track how much sport and activity they are doing, and work together to earn activity points and work their way up the online leaderboard.

Anyone can sign up to the challenge and it is completely free for individuals and workplaces to join.

Rachael Dyer, Sport Development Officer at Derbyshire Sport, which runs the Workplace Challenge in Derbyshire, said that businesses which encouraged staff to get active could reap the rewards of a healthier and happier workforce.

She said: “Busy workloads can mean that employees sometimes feel under pressure to work through lunch, and time is often cited as a barrier to participation in sport and physical activity. But this can mean that many workers often spend eight or nine hours sat at a desk, and during winter the lack of daylight hours often provides many workers with a ready-made excuse to avoid exercising outside of work hours.

“We are inviting employers to think differently and offer their employees the opportunity for a flexible lunch break so they can participate in sport and physical activity – and come back to work feeling re-energized.”

Across England workers take on average 5.31 sick days per year. However NHS research has shown that those who are physically active are 20% less likely to take a sick day and, if they do, they are 27% more likely to return to work more quickly.

Based on the average earnings for Derbyshire, by saving one sick day per year per employee, Derbyshire businesses could collectively save £50,692,994 per year.

A number of prizes will be on offer throughout the challenge, both to teams and individuals. This includes four free places in the 2016 Derby 10k Business Team Challenge, which will be awarded to the workplace at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the eight-week challenge. In addition, anyone who successfully completes and logs 150 minutes of activity each week for the first four weeks of the challenge will automatically be entered into a prize draw to win two tickets to the NBL Team Derby home game on Monday 8th February.

For more information and to take part visit

Derbyshire Workplace Challenge 2016

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Leisure

LEP chairman asks business leaders to have their say on devolution

Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Chairman James Newman has written to local business leaders to encourage them to support the Sheffield City Region proposed Devolution Deal and take part in the online consultation which opened earlier this month.

James Newman, Chairman of the Sheffield City Region LEP, said: “I’m encouraging local businesses from across the City Region to take this opportunity to go online and show their support for the devolution deal. This deal will enable our local political and business leaders to take decision-making to the next level, making bigger and better local decisions over skills, business growth and infrastructure. Anyone interested in future business growth in our City Region should go online and take part before the consultation closes next month.”

The proposed deal, which will mean £900m of additional funding and more power to make important economic decisions locally, has been welcomed by a number of local business leaders from across the Sheffield City Region. In October 2015, local politicians and business leaders secured the in-principle deal with the Chancellor George Osborne to transfer national powers and control over funding from national Government departments to the Sheffield City Region – as well as securing a massive £900 million additional cash boost over the next thirty years to deliver major regeneration, infrastructure and business growth schemes.

Peter Swallow, chair of Destination Chesterfield, the town’s business marketing campaign, said: “I would urge all local businesses to take part in the consultation.

“Chesterfield’s position within the Sheffield City Region means we do a lot of business with neighbouring towns and cities in the region. Devolution will give the town a seat at a more influential ‘local’ table not to mention more control over our own financial affairs.

“It could also help bring potential funding to the area further boosting our ambitious plans for growth and development in the area over the next 10 years.”

Local Leaders will be negotiating details of the deal over the coming months but are now consulting on the proposed deal so that they have the views of the people in the Sheffield City Region before finalising any deal. It is recognised that further work needs to continue to clarify issues in relation to the powers of any elected mayor and any potential statutory amendments needed to achieve our preferred geography for the City Region, which means seeking maximum flexibility for all types of authorities to be part of the Combined Authority.

The deal needs to be formally approved by each of the local Councils within the Sheffield City Region and is also dependent upon the Government delivering on the promises it has made in this and previous deals, and the City Region agreeing to the creation of a directly-elected Mayor.

The consultation will be open until Friday 15 January 2016 and local residents and businesses are being invited to comment on the deal by visiting

Sheffield City Region

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Destination Chesterfield, Development

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