
Footballers and Engineers Enjoy Big Apprentice Swap

Apprentices from Chesterfield Football Club (CFC) swapped their football studs for steel-toe caps last week when they switched places with young mechanical engineers from NLT Training Services – a specialist trainer and provider of apprentices in welding, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.

As part of The Big Apprentice Swap the CFC apprentices gained hands-on experience in welding, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering at NLT’s workshop. NLT’s apprentices spent the day as footballers, undergoing physical training both in the gym and on the pitch at the Proact stadium.

Chesterfield Football Club Apprentice, Conner White (16), said: “We’re normally training for most of the week so the apprentice swap has been very different from what we’re used to!  “It’s been great to be able to learn life skills – I’ve even learnt how to fix a plug for the first time.”

Peter Zehdee (17) from Canada, Chesterfield Football Club Apprentice, said: “I came over here purely for football but it’s great to be able to take part in something like this to develop our wider life skills and to give us an insight into another career.”

Casey Allen – NLT Case study, said: “Taking part in the Apprentice Swap has been great as it’s been really different from what I normally do which is fixing engines. It’s been really good to take part and learn something new too.”

Jordan Ragen (21), an Maintenance Apprentice at Chesterfield-based engineering company, Brettex, said: “I enjoy what I do on my apprenticeship, which involves engineering sewage equipment. I really like that I get to travel a lot as well as work hard. Taking part in the Apprentice Swap has been a real eye-opener into the world of football for me. I’ve always Press Release been a CFC supporter and I’m a keen football fan in general so I was thrilled to be able to come and participate.”

Andy Sheppard, Chief Executive of NLT Training Services said: “The Apprentice Swap has given a fascinating insight into engineering for the future stars of Chesterfield Football Club, whilst our engineering apprentices experienced a day in the life of a football star. It was a great way to promote apprenticeships in our region.”

The event at NLT Training Services was also attended by Chesterfield’s MP Toby Perkins, and The Mayor Cllr Alexis Diouf who were both eager to learn more about the organisation’s apprenticeship offering.

Alexis Diouf, Mayor of Chesterfield said: “I’m glad that we are recognising apprentices more as a region and as a nation now, rather than simply encouraging the university path.

“Apprenticeships are a great way for young people to gain employment and it’s really encouraging to see organisations like NLT really working with them to make partnerships with local businesses.”

“It’s particularly encouraging for me to see apprenticeships in Chesterfield, especially in manufacturing and engineering as that’s where the town’s heritage lies. NLT’s event has been great for both parties; the engineers and the footballers as it gives them an insight into
another role.”

Toby Perkins, Chesterfield MP said: “Apprenticeships are incredibly important to Chesterfield and to the country, they’re vital to ensure that the next generation of workers have a future.

“Initiatives like the Big Apprentice Swap held by NLT are great to give the town’s youngsters different eye-opening experiences to help them develop and discover what they want to pursue. It’s also great to see a wide range of equipment here at NLT, it shows that they’re really helping to give young people the best chance in gaining employment through the skills they learn here.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards launched – Vote now for your favourite retailer

The town’s popular Retail Awards have returned for the second year running. Shoppers are now being called on to nominate their favourite shops and stores across 14 categories.

Organised by Destination Chesterfield, the Awards, which are sponsored by Learning Unlimited – part of Chesterfield College Group, recognise the very best retailers in the town.

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager said: “The success of the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards is once again very much in the hands of the general public. They need to nominate in order for retailers to be shortlisted.

“Chesterfield is envied nationally for its retail success. While other town and city centres are struggling, ours is thriving and it’s no wonder seeing the passion, innovation and customer service so many of the town’s retailers are delivering on a daily basis. These awards recognise this.”

This year, retailers can support their call for nominations by submitting a short 20 second video explaining why shoppers should nominate their business. Videos should be emailed to and will appear on Destination Chesterfield’s website, Facebook page and Twitter.

Last year more than 1000 nominations were received from shoppers culminating in 11 businesses being named the very best in the town. Pelican Cycles, based on Old Road in Brampton, scooped awards across four categories, including the coveted Retailer of the Year award.

The cycle shop was opened in 2012 by owner and keen cyclist Neil Armitage. The business achieved a six figure turnover in year one with turnover growing by more than 50% in its second year of trading. On winning the awards Neil said: “We pride ourselves on offering a friendly and personal service. We have created a welcoming informal atmosphere in the shop with the use of touches like an espresso machine and screen showing Tour De France highlights. Because of these touches and our approach to customer service we have developed a loyal repeat customer base.”

Stuart Cutforth, Principal of Chesterfield College explained: “Part of the Chesterfield College Group, Learning Unlimited is delighted to be sponsoring the Chesterfield Retail Awards this year. As a rapidly-growing apprenticeships and training provider, at the core of what we do is both providing people with the skills necessary to succeed in industry and helping businesses prosper and grow as a result of their workforce.

“We work with many local retailers already and the apprenticeships that we offer in relation to retail are growing increasingly popular, such as customer service and sales apprenticeships so we were delighted to get involved with such a key retail awards ceremony in Chesterfield. We hope that we continue to work successfully with more and more local retailers in regard to their staffing and training needs as we look to help grow this area’s economy, giving the community a real boost.”

Nominations open on Tuesday 17th March and close at Midnight on the 6th April 2015 and postcards and posters are being distributed around the town to encourage people to vote online at

Everyone that nominates will be entered into a prize draw to win a three-course meal with wine for two at the Old Post Restaurant, winner of Restaurant of the Year at the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards 2014.

Following the nomination process a shortlist of retailers will be selected who will then be mystery shopped and scored to decide the winner in each of the categories.  The winners will be announced at an award ceremony held later this year in June.

The 14 categories open for nominations in the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards include:

  • Hair and Beauty Business of the Year
  • Fashion and Footwear Retailer of the Year
  • Jewellery and Accessories Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by the Pavements Shopping Centre
  • Home and Gifts Retailer of the Year
  • Children’s Clothes, Toys & Accessories Retailer of the Year
  • Food and Drink Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by BHP Accountants
  • Phones and Technology Retailer of the Year
  • Leisure Retailer of the Year (Sports, Hobbies, Crafts or Outdoor)
  • Market Trader of the Year – Sponsored by Chesterfield Borough Council
  • Independent Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by Jumble Design
  • National/ Multiple Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by Vicar Lane
  • Excellence in Customer Service – Sponsored by Learning Unlimited
  • Market Hall Business of the Year – Sponsored by Kier
  • Best New Store (Opened 2014/2015) – Sponsored by Banner Jones Solicitors

There is also an additional Retailer of the Year award, sponsored by East Midlands Chamber, which will be announced at the awards ceremony.

Other supporters of the 2015 Chesterfield Retail Awards include E-business works and the Derbyshire Times.

There are limited sponsorship opportunities still available if you are interested in becoming involved please contact Dom Stevens on 01246 207207 or email

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Summer, Visiting

Young Entrepreneurs Invite Chesterfield Businesses to Share in Their Success

Chesterfield businesses are encouraged to show their support for local students at the Area Final of the Young Enterprise Company of the Year competition.

Held on 24th March at the Winding Wheel, the event is designed to celebrate the achievements of pupils from eight schools and colleges across North Derbyshire; all of whom have been running their own company with support from local business advisers and teachers.

Finalists will compete for a number of awards during the evening – from Best Trade Stand to Overall Winning Company, as well as the opportunity to represent North Derbyshire at the County Final – taking place at Matlock Town Hall on Monday 27th April.

Given the task of presenting for four minutes on their company achievements and experiences, each team will be assessed by an independent panel of judges including representatives from three local businesses – Central Technology, NLT Training Services, and MSE Hiller.  The range of products and services designed and created by finalists will also be on display.

Sharing his enthusiasm for the event, Steve Taylor, Vice Chair of the Young Enterprise North Derbyshire Area Board said:-

“Our young people reveal so much potential and capability through the Young Enterprise Company Programme and so it’s fantastic that we are able to recognise this at the annual Area Final.

“We all have a responsibility to support young people in making the transition from school to the workplace and so I hope that lots of local businesses will join us at the Winding Wheel on 24th March.”

The Young Enterprise Area Final begins at 6.30pm on Tuesday 24th March with a complimentary drinks reception and an opportunity to look around the Trade Stands and talk with the competitors about their experience.

To confirm your attendance please email Steve Taylor – Vice Chair of the Young Enterprise North Derbyshire Area Board at


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

New Faces Join Slic Training to Meet Demand for Apprenticeships

Three new recruits have been welcomed to Slic Training (Slic) this week in response to growing demand in the apprenticeship market.

Andrew Macdonald, Poppy Martin and Tammie Graney are the newest additions to the firm’s National Business Development Team and all have the remit of engaging with new employers to deal with an increase of enquiries for apprenticeships and work-based learning.

“We are delighted that Andrew, Poppy and Tammie have chosen to join to Slic; the current intake of staff is part of an exciting growth plan and we can’t wait to see it come to fruition,” said Daniel Lally, Business Development Manager at Slic.

Based at Chesterfield Market Hall, the company is fast becoming one the largest private training providers for facilities-management-related training in the country with a unique model of work-based learning and a provision offer ranging from horticulture through to hospitality.

Slic also has a further 7 vacancies live for other roles within the organisation, including learning advisers, business development and tutors and forecast a requirement for up 30 new positions over the coming months.


Posted in Business

Have your Say on Plans for New Chesterfield Market Layout

Residents and visitors are being invited to share their views on plans for a new Chesterfield Market layout.

A team from Chesterfield Borough Council will be at Market Place on Saturday 21st March to find out about current shopping habits and opinions of the current market and stalls on offer.

The survey will also be available to fill in online from Thursday 19 March to Friday 3 April

For members of the public

For market traders

Chesterfield Borough Council is working with consultants to address issues previously raised by traders which include:

  • increasing the number of market stalls in a prominent position and look outwards so they can be seen by shoppers;
  • the need for increased power supplies for refrigerators and tills
  • and creating more space for wheelchairs and buggies.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Executive Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism, said: “Although Chesterfield’s markets remain extremely popular, we are aware that there are issues which we need to address to improve the open market and attract new traders to Chesterfield.

“We are keen to seek the views of the people who use the market to help us in bringing forth plans to make improvements. So I’d encourage anyone who would like to take part to come along to the Saturday market on 21 March or fill in the survey online.”

Traders will also be asked for their opinions in a series of focus groups currently being held.

A further round of consultation will be carried out once the options for the new market layout are available. This is likely to be late summer.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield Apprentices Battle it out in Town Centre Competition

Apprentices from Learning Unlimited and business students from Chesterfield College will be battling it out at Chesterfield market on Thursday 12 March to decide the winning team of a challenge set to coincide with National Apprenticeship week.

The competition is the end of a 4 day challenge in which the teams were given £150 and a brief to create a product to sell to shoppers in Chesterfield town centre. The winning team will be the one that make the most profit at the end of the day. All profits will be donated to Ashgate Hospicecare and the winning team members will receive a prize of £50 of Love to Shop vouchers each.

During the week the apprentice teams have been putting their business, marketing, finance and production skills to the test, highlighting just how apprenticeships can prepare young people for a successful career in business.

Holly Thompson, apprentice at Learning Unlimited said: “Challenges like this really make you appreciate how much you learn on an apprenticeship. It gives you the knowledge and the practical skills you need to achieve so much. This competition has given us the chance to show others what we have learnt and the skills an apprenticeship can give you.”

Paul Champion, Operations Director from Learning Unlimited said: “I am looking forward to seeing the products that the teams are creating. I have seen them demonstrate some good business skills and fresh ideas so far and I can see how passionate they are about business. Apprenticeships give businesses so many benefits including making the most of this type of talent. Putting apprentices to the test like this proves what they are capable of when they have had the chance to earn and learn in a real business situation.”

Learning Unlimited advisers will be at Chesterfield Market on Thursday to talk to young people and businesses about how apprenticeships can work for them.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Visiting

Road Opens New Business Opportunities at Markham Vale

Work to bring more businesses and jobs to Markham Vale will reach another milestone with the re-opening of Erin Road on Monday 16 March.

The road closed to motorists in August last year as part of plans to turn an area of land – where the former Seymour Colliery once stood – into commercial space for businesses, with the potential to bring an additional 2,000 jobs to Derbyshire.

Closure allowed for the removal of the ‘Bailey’ bridge over Erin Road, and for groundwork to begin for gas, water and electricity supplies.

Erin Road will now serve the next section of land to be developed at Markham Vale North and Derbyshire County Council has already received a number of enquiries from businesses looking to relocate to the new site.

Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure Councillor Dean Collins said:

“We would like to thank everyone for their continued patience and support while this important work took place.

“This is an exciting development for Markham Vale which takes us a step closer to achieving our long-term vision of creating 5,000 jobs for local people within the area as well as boosting the local economy.”

A total of £1.2m has been invested in the road refurbishment which has been funded as part of a £14.2m cash injection from the government.

Construction work will continue to join Erin Road to the Markham Vale North site and temporary traffic lights will be in operation during this time.

Posted in Business, Development

Footballers Trade Places with Engineers for National Apprenticeship Week

20 apprentices from Chesterfield Football Club will hang up their boots and swap the pitch for the workshop when they trade places with 18 mechanical engineering apprentices during National Apprenticeship Week (9 – 13 March).

The Big Apprentice Swap, which takes place on Friday 13 March, has been organised by Chesterfield Champion NLT Training Services; a specialist training and provider of apprentices in welding, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.

The Chesterfield FC apprentices will experience a day in NLT Training’s workshop gaining hands-on experience in welding, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. NLT’s apprentices will spend the day as footballers undergoing physical training both in the gym and on the pitch at the Proact stadium.

14 of the NLT apprentices taking part in the event are currently undertaking Level 2 and 3 apprenticeships with local employers. Four outstanding learners from NLT’s pre-apprenticeship programme Evolve, have also been selected by tutors to take part in the training at Chesterfield Football Club.

Andy Sheppard, CEO of NLT Training Services said: “The Big Apprentice Swap highlights perfectly the diversity of apprenticeships available in Chesterfield today. There is literally something for everyone.

“National Apprenticeship Week 2015 gives us the opportunity to showcase the far reaching benefits of apprenticeships. For young people they provide them with a solid platform for their future career. 83% of young people who are in apprenticeships tell us that their ability to do their job and career prospects had improved.  For employers, apprenticeships, particularly in the manufacturing and engineering sector, are essential to filling the skills gap and securing the future growth of these companies.”

Spireites Chief Executive, Chris Turner said: “We are pleased to be able to support this initiative to help raise awareness of apprenticeships and the opportunities they offer. The club’s youngsters will benefit from the experience of spending a day in a different environment, learning new skills in the NLT Training workshop, while our coaches will enjoy putting the NLT apprentices through their paces!”

Since 2010, two million apprenticeships have been started with 90% of apprentices remaining in employment after successfully completing their apprenticeship.

National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is co-ordinated by the National Apprenticeship Service and is designed to celebrate apprenticeships and the positive impact they have on individuals, businesses and the wider economy.

The Big Apprentice Swap is just one of number events being organised by NLT Training Services during the week-long celebrations for National Apprenticeship Week both locally and further afield. Other events include:

  • Monday 9 March: A day in the Life of an Apprentices. Staff will be taught by NLT’s own Level 3 apprentices;
  • Tuesday 10 March: NLT is holding a mini careers convention for Yr11s at Springwell School;
  • Wednesday 11 March: NLT learners are attending the UK’s young scientists and engineers fair The Big Bang at Birmingham’s NEC;
  • Friday 13 March:The Big Apprentice Swap
  • Saturday 14 March: NLT Training Services Open Day from 12:00- 4:00pm. A chance for local companies and young people to view the facilities, and talk to the Business Development team about the Evolve Engineering programme and apprenticeships.

(Image features apprentices Casey Allen and Matt Jamson.)

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Celebrate Chesterfield Event a Sell Out!

Destination Chesterfield’s event to toast the town’s success has been declared a sell out.

Celebrate Chesterfield, which is being held at the Winding Wheel on Wednesday 25 March from 07:30am – 11:00am, is now set to welcome more than 200 people to the venue.

To add your name to the waiting list in case of cancellations, please visit

The free event, held in association with headline sponsors Markham Vale and The Corrugated Case Company, offers local businesses the chance to be the first to hear about the exciting plans for the town in 2015.

The breakfast event will also look back on the success of Destination Chesterfield, the town’s inward investment campaign, during the last 12 months. The campaign, which has been running since 2011, and will launch a new plan to promote the town until December 2016.

People who have missed out on getting a place at Celebrate, can keep-up-to-date with what’s being discussed at the event by following it on Twitter @desches and using #celebrate15.

Delegates at the event will also have the opportunity to question local leaders and politicians on a Question Time-style panel.

Dominic Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager said: “There has once again been exceptional demand attend our annual Celebrate event. It’s a great opportunity to look at all we have achieved together as a town as well as what is going to be happening.

“It is with the support of our sponsors, Henry Boot Developments and The Corrugated Case Company that we are able to run this event bringing people together to celebrate and share in the success of our thriving town.”

The event will also include talks from local business people, including the University of Derby which will present the much-anticipated plans for the St Helena’s site in Chesterfield.

Ben Ward of Henry Boot Developments said, “Markham vale has grown successfully to become one of Chesterfield’s prime employment sites over the last 12 months which is great news for the local economy. During the next 12 months we are hopeful to be able to announce some further significant new investment projects for the site and region.

“We are delighted to sponsor this event and continue our support to promote Chesterfield, often overshadowed by its larger neighbours. There is a wealth of good news in the area which needs to be celebrated. This includes the decision by both Inspirespac and Gould alloys to retain their roots in Chesterfield and invest to significantly grow their businesses at Markham.”

Tony Hession, Director of The Corrugated Case Company said: “As a Chesterfield based company with customers and staff based here, we’re thrilled to be involved with the Celebrate Chesterfield event. It is vital that we promote all that is good about our town; its centrally located geographic position, its historic (and present day) creative manufacturing and engineering prowess and of course its location on the edge of the magnificent Peak District and all that has to offer! We look forward to meeting friends both old and new at the Destination Chesterfield event.”

As well as following the event on Twitter, people are also being urged to Like Chesterfielduk on Facebook and to check Destination Chesterfield’s website: to ensure they don’t miss out on the news throughout the event.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Chinese Tour Buyers Welcomed to Peak District

A group of Chinese tour buyers checked out some of the Peak District and Derbyshire’s top tourism highlights during a whistle-stop tour lead by VisitBritain.

The 20-plus delegation enjoyed a bird’s eye view of breathtaking countryside from cable cars at The Heights of Abraham in Matlock Bath as well as an exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of Chatsworth and Haddon Hall.

The flying visit was part of a week-long fact-finding tour of key British destinations, including Yorkshire, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and London – and is just one of a number of VisitBritain hosted trips showcasing the country’s finest attractions, accommodation and activities until March 6.

Latest figures from VisitBritain reveal that China is Britain’s 30th most important market for the volume of visits, and 13th for the amount spent by visitors. In 2013, Chinese tourists made 196,000, or 0.6 per cent, of all overseas visits to Britain, and spent £492 million pounds.

“China is one of Britain’s fastest growing visitor markets, so we were delighted that VisitBritain chose to include the Peak District and Derbyshire in – and worked in partnership with us to arrange – one of its escorted itineraries after ExploreGB,” said Jo Dilley, Director of Visit Peak District & Derbyshire, the area’s official tourist board.

“More and more Chinese visitors are coming to the Peak District and Derbyshire – including students at surrounding universities in Manchester and Sheffield, who are often visited by friends and relatives – and Chatsworth has already signed up to VisitBritain’s Great China Welcome Charter, as one of the country’s leading Chinese-friendly tourism businesses.

“We hope that this brief visit has given Chinese tour buyers an informative and interesting insight into the wide range of attractions, accommodation and activities that are available in our unique and accessible area – and that they will encourage more Chinese visitors to come and discover more of its many delights in the future.”

Charlie Li, Deputy Manager China for VisitBritain, added: “The Peak District and Derbyshire has everything that Chinese tourists are looking for – including heritage, culture and countryside, plus interesting literature and film links – so this was an ideal opportunity to showcase its assets to our key tour buyers.

“I’m sure they will all be considering how to build the area into their British itineraries to bring more Chinese visitors here as the market develops and grows.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

S40 Local Small Business Club announces Event Programme

Booking is now live for a range of monthly evening seminars designed to help local small businesses to succeed.

Hosted by S40 Local Small Business Club and held at StraightCurves on Saltergate, the first event will be lead by Paul Stuart, one of Chesterfield Borough Council’s own business advisers.  Paul has been supporting the development of StraightCurves since 2013.

Karen Rogers, Owner of StraightCurves says:-

“Having gone through some really tough times setting up my own small business over the last two years I want to help those going through the same issues. Sometimes all you need is someone who understands what it is like to listen to you and share a cuppa and that is what our get-togethers are all about. There won’t be any formalities or awkward network selling – just chats and cuppas. Equally it great to be able to jump up and down about your successes and bounce ideas off other people.”

“Paul has been key to the success of my business so far and without him I would not be where I am today. He is a font of knowledge, a great support and always there when I need him. I want more people to be able to access the help that is available to them from the Council and other local business providers too; hopefully our club will enable this to happen.”
Workshops run by the S40 Local Small Business are open to both members and non-members, priced at £10 and £15 respectively.  Further details are available at or by calling 01246 807575.
Posted in Business

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