
Plans for extended Queen’s Park Sports Centre approved

Plans for extended Queen’s Park Sports Centre approved by Councillors at their meeting on Tuesday 19 August.

Members of Chesterfield Borough Council’s planning committee approved plans for the new centre, which will be built on the site of Queen’s Park Annexe, subject to planning conditions.

The council has applied to Sport England for a grant of more than £1 million to extend the plans for the new sports centre.

This would allow the main swimming pool to be extended from six to eight lanes, to increase the number of sports courts to eight and extra activity studio space.

This would enable more activities to take place at the same time than is possible in the current sports centre.

Plans for extended Queen’s Park Sports Centre approved and are welcomed by Councillor Amanda Serjeant

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council’s executive member for leisure, culture and tourism, said: “Now the plans for the extended Queen’s Park Sports Centre are approved, we are able to move on with the project, with work expected to start on site next month.

“We are currently waiting for the outcome of our bid to Sport England for the new centre and we hope to be able to share this imminently.”

The council has appointed Morgan Sindall, who built the Arc Leisure Centre in Matlock, as the contractor to deliver the project with a commitment to provide employment opportunities for local people.

It is anticipated the new centre should be complete by the end of 2015. The current Queen’s Park Sports Centre would remain open until a replacement has been constructed.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Casa Hotel voted top employer

Casa has been named by its employees as one of the best places to work in the country.

Having already been awarded 14th place in the Catey Best Employer Awards for the hospitality industry, Chesterfield’s four star hotel has now been shortlisted as a top employer at this year’s Best Employers in Hospitality Awards run by

Voted for by Casa employees themselves, the awards are a true testament to the fantastic environment at the hotel.

Having won awards in the Best Employers in Hospitality Awards for the past two years, Casa looks forward to hearing the category and overall winners for 2014, both of which will be announced at an awards dinner to be held at Lancaster London on Monday 29th September.

Source:Casa Hotel

Posted in Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Chesterfield company secures prestigious award

A Chesterfield-based business has won a major industry award for its refurbishment of the offices and reception of the Mining Information Centre in Mansfield.

Leverton UK, based in Wingerworth, has received the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Award for Collaborative Working following its £250,000 major structural refurbishment of the Coal Authority’s reception and offices on Lichfield Lane in Mansfield.

The company, a family business established in 1972 which specialises in commercial refurbishment and shopfitting contracts, was recommended for the award by Shirley Hurst-Cox, the Coal Authority Facilities Manager who submitted the award entry.

Shirley Hurst-Cox commented: “Leverton UK went beyond the brief.  They managed other contractors on site well, brought design flair to the project and recycled and reused existing materials to ensure the refurbishment of our offices and reception were delivered on time and on budget.

“All too often in construction we hear of projects going over budget and being delivered late.  Leverton UK’s collaborative approach to working at every stage just shows this can be avoided. This award is justly deserved.”

Selected from a shortlist of 40 other companies, Leverton UK was presented with the award at the recent East Midlands Committed to Construction Awards Dinner 2014 held in Nottingham – the most prestigious event in the region’s construction industry’s social calendar.

At the ceremony Leverton UK was praised by CIOB for the way, as principal contractor, it worked with other contractors on site and delivered the project ahead of schedule and on budget despite finding asbestos, which had to be removed, two weeks into the refurbishment. The company was also recognised for its value engineering measures, while working on the project, achieved through recycling a number of materials.

The new glass stepping stone bearing the Coal Authority Logo inset into the floor of the new reception was the brainchild of Marcus and uses recycled glass partitions that were removed from the original offices.

Leverton UK Directors, Marcus and Tony are both Fellows of the CIOB which is the highest professional qualification and recognises people who have worked at a senior level in the industry for at least five years.

Marcus Leverton said: “We were delighted to win the award. To be recognised by our peers and the CIOB is incredible.

“We approached the refurbishment of the Coal Authority’s offices like we do every project; with a professional team all sure of the end goal, aware of their own responsibilities, yet willing to go the extra mile to help each other out.

“But most of all, each member of the team, from the client to the guys working on site, know they are appreciated and are wholly included in the project which results in a superior end product. The award is definitely a highlight in the company’s 41 year history.”

The Awards were open to organisations, both public and private; and also individuals located in and around the East Midlands and whose business is related to construction. The categories were chosen to reflect sensitive and diverse issues and matters current in a modern construction industry.

Pictured left to right: Marcus Leverton, Mike Sheldon – Head of HSE and Facilities and Shirley Hurst-Cox – Facilities Manager both from The Coal Authority are presented with the Collaborative Working award by Chris Chivers Vice President of the CIOB (FCIOB).

Source:Leverton UK via In the Works PR

Posted in Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Company formations rising in Chesterfield

The first quarter of the year saw a rise in company registrations in Chesterfield, amid plans for a £300 million waterside regeneration scheme.


During the first three months of the year in Chesterfield, company formation rose by 12%.


According to figures in the latest Duport Business Confidence Report for the area, there were 202 new companies registered there during the first quarter, with February emerging as a record month for company registrations.


Managing Director of, Peter Valaitis commented:


“With the exciting regeneration work that is going on, it’s no surprise more companies are setting up in Chesterfield. The next few years look to be very exciting for both new and existing businesses in the area.”


The Duport Business Confidence Report for Chesterfield provides a range data and statistics, to give an overview of the local business landscape. More information can be found at

Source:Dupont Business Survey

Posted in Business

Funding deal to create 28,000 jobs in the region

A £320 million cash boost has been secured by local leaders from the public and private sector to create over 28,000 jobs and training for 40,000 people across the Sheffield City Region (which includes Chesterfield).

This is the fifth most substantial Growth Deal that any city region local enterprise partnership (LEP) has made with government as ministers make their announcements for the 39 LEP areas across England.

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg was in Sheffield City Region on Friday (4 July) to confirm the final investment during a visit to a local business, which is already benefiting from investment from the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

The new funding will enable the City Region’s leaders to create a £130 million Skills Bank, which will provide training for 40,000 people in the Sheffield City Region, including between 5,000 and 7,500 apprentices.  The funding will also be used to build new facilities at existing colleges, including a brand new British Glass Academy.

£50 million of the funding will mean that the LEP can extend its highly successful business investment and support programme and create 4,000 new jobs for local people.

James Newman, Chairman of Sheffield City Region LEP, said:

“Sheffield City Region is getting a bigger share of the new funds than we might have expected and is clearly punching its weight when it comes to newly devolved powers and funds from Government.

“Our Growth Deal is the first step on a journey to enable the Sheffield City Region to take control of its own economic destiny. This is a strong start and, although we have not got everything we wanted, we have done well and we look forward to working with Government to increase their trust in our LEP so we will be able to take even more of our own funding and strategic economic decisions in the future.”

Photograph: LEP Board member Paul Houghton shakes hands with DPM Nick Clegg with the SCR Strategic Economic Plan, at Chapmans Agricultural in Sheffield

Source:Sheffield City Region

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

£174m investment deal agreed for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

£174.4 million is to be invested in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire thanks to an historic Growth Deal agreed with the government by the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) D2N2.

£47.4million has been confirmed in the first year, and as part of the government’s on-going commitment to the D2N2 LEP it has provided an indicative award of a further £127million of funding from 2016/17 onwards.  The projects which start in 2015/16 will help to create up to 18,000 jobs, allow up to 8,000 homes to be built and generate up to £380 million in public and private investment.

In Chesterfield the funding will provide a centre for higher level skills.  The centre will mean local people can access skills and learning, either higher education or equivalent vocational qualifications, in a new building in Chesterfield.  Crucially, as part of this scheme, business owners will be able to recruit the skilled people they need to grow their firms.

George Cowcher, Chief Executive of the Chamber of Commerce for Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire, said: “This is positive news and businesses will welcome the fact that, after four years of hard work to produce these proposals and negotiate with government, the money – which will make a real difference to businesses on the ground here in the East Midlands – is finally starting to materialise.

“The Growth Deal will have a positive and practical impact on the regional economy, helping to protect existing jobs and drive job creation, upskill the local labour market, transform local infrastructure and, most importantly, support private sector growth and investment at what is a crucial time for the economy.

The D2N2 Growth Deal is part of a £12 billion long-term programme to revitalise local economies. The deals are the latest and greatest example of the British economy being rebuilt from the bottom up, and sharing the benefits of the recovery around the country. Local businesses and council leaders have been invited to open discussions immediately on the next set of projects to be funded, building on the momentum that has been established.

The Prime Minister said: “Growth Deals are a crucial part of our long-term plan to secure Britain’s future.

“For too long our economy has been too London-focused and too centralised. Growth Deals will help change all that. They are about firing up our great towns and cities, boosting local economies and driving growth across the country.

“This historic deal means real change for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, with plans to attract new businesses to the area, help young people in the region get the skills they need to get on, and ensure the area has the workforce it needs to prosper.

“By trusting local people, backing business and investing in infrastructure, skills and housing, we can create thousands of new jobs. And that means more economic security, peace of mind and a brighter future for hardworking people across the region.”

Source:D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)

Posted in Business, Development

Free studio space available for creative minds

Creative businesses are being invited to register their interest in exciting new studio space nearing completion at Chesterfield College.

Demand is expected to be high and early applications are recommended, with free rental agreements being offered for the first year of tenancy.

Situated in the former boy’s grammar school on Sheffield Road, the studios have undergone a complete transformation, thanks to a boost from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Tenants will be able to benefit from wifi, free business training, administration and social media support, as well as a strong networking community, providing plenty of events and opportunities for future business.

Businesses can also make the most of Chesterfield College’s enviable reputation in the arts with negotiated access to the printmaking, photography, metalwork and ceramics workshops in the Directorate of Art and Design, graded Outstanding by OFSTED in October 2013.

For more information and an application pack please email:  Closing date for applications is 5pm, 9 June 2014, with tenancy agreements due to begin at the end of June.

Source:Chesterfield College

Posted in Business, Development

Free workshop to help local businesses get online

Chesterfield businesses are being given the chance to learn first-hand from the experts and set up their own website, in a free workshop being delivered by Chesterfield Champion Magnifica, a leading software agency.

The workshop, organised by Destination Chesterfield and Chesterfield Borough Council’s Innovation Support Project, will be held on Wednesday 21st May, at Dunston Innovation Centre, from 9.30am-12.30pm, with lunch included.

The workshop is available to any Chesterfield business, with up to two participants each.  It comprises of one three hour session, focusing on learning digital codes with the end of the session seeing participants build their own webpage.

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager, said: “The course is all part of our commitment to help small businesses in Chesterfield thrive and develop.  It’s not just about having a high street presence or office addresses any more.  It’s about having a strong online presence too.  The workshop, which is being delivered by experts in the field, will give people simple and practical skills to help them do exactly this.”

Chesterfield based Magnifica offers a range of services including web design, ecommerce websites, content management systems, mobile ready apps and bespoke software development.

Rob Gregory, Magnifica’s Co-founder said: “Coding isn’t just about sitting in front of a computer.  In fact, today code is everywhere in both our personal and business lives. Knowing a bit about how to code will give you a unique perspective on understanding and solving all sorts of problems.  It will also give you the confidence to communicate with software people, if and when you need to in the future.”

For more information or to register for the workshop visit:

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Successful Regional Growth Fund bid provides £250,000 of new machinery for Chesterfield manufacturer

Following the completion of its phase two £500,000 investment in 2013, Chesterfield Champion, Corrugated Case Company (CCC) has now unveiled the next round of investment for new equipment.

Securing assistance from the ‘Regional Growth Fund,’ the company has now placed orders for over £250,000 worth of new machinery.

The order includes a FlexiNOVA multi-point gluer and a Hi-Cut Autobox box-making machine – both from UK manufacturer British Converting Solutions Ltd.  The FlexiNOVA will be the first of its kind and will add a new dimension to the company’s product range offering.

CCC has also ordered an environmentally-friendly ink wash-up system from Solutex Ltd, which will ensure all waste water from the printing equipment is free from any contaminants before being recycled.

“Since we announced the first phase of our investment plan at our Chesterfield site in the second half of 2012, it has been really busy here,” explains Mark Wilcockson, Managing Director.

“We have confirmed our orders with the manufacturers and are expecting to take delivery of the new equipment towards the end of the Spring.  This will allow us to continue with our on-going expansion plans.

“In addition to the new equipment, we are about to submit formal plans for the extension to our factory to give us much needed additional manufacturing space and storage for finished goods for our stock and serve operation.”

“But it is not just machinery and buildings that are helping with the company’s growth, as Mr Wilcockson explains:

“With new machinery, you also need good training and additional people. We have recently seen two of our apprentices progress through to full-time operators and we have welcomed a new apprentice in February.

“It is a continuing trend here at Corrugated Case Company to train people specifically for the jobs we need and that way, we keep hold of our people for a decent period of time.

“In addition to the new apprentice, we have recently recruited a new graduate management trainee; a position which will commence in June this year.

“With increases in production capacity comes the need for additional management personnel to ensure everything runs smoothly, from order processing right through production and onto final invoicing.”

Source:The Corrugated Case Company

Posted in Business, Development

Brand new office space available soon!

Businesses are invited to express their interest in a new range of offices currently being built as part of the £3.8m restoration programme underway at Staveley Hall.

Launched in 2008, The Heart of Staveley Project is creating Staveley Hall Business Centre, which will provide up to 70 jobs, as well as restoring the historic walled garden by transforming it into a town centre community park.

The first phase of the project, the renovation of the Stable Block, will open in early June 2014, with office space available for 11 small businesses.  The units, which will be fully serviced, range from 210 – 624 sq ft and are available for lease on easy in – easy out terms.

Phase 2 – the Hall – will start on site at the end of August and will be available for occupation in June 2015, providing space for a further 7 businesses to be located on the upper floors.  Meeting rooms and a café will be available on the ground floor.

Launched in 2008, the project has so far secured £3.4m towards the cost of the £3.8 million project and there is a robust fundraising strategy in place to raise the remaining balance over the next few months.

Funding has come from a range of sources including the Heritage Lottery Fund and the European Regional Development Fund.  Staveley Town Council has also borrowed £750,000 from the Public Works Loans Board.

To find out more about office space at Staveley Hall, please contact the letting agent, Alan Terry at Bothams Mitchell and Slaney:- call (01246) 244233 or email

Source:Bothams Mitchell and Slaney

Posted in Business

New business centre and community park for Chesterfield

The first phase of the £3.8m restoration programme at Staveley Hall is nearing completion.

This follows several years of hard work from the Heart of Staveley Project, set up to transform the semi-derelict building and its historic walled garden into a centre focused on community, education, heritage and arts activities.

The project is creating Staveley Hall Business Centre, which will provide up to 70 jobs, as well as restoring the historic walled garden – transforming it into a town centre community park.

The first phase of the project, the revival of the stable block, will open in early June 2014, with office space available for 11 small businesses.  

Once complete in June 2015, Staveley Hall will also provide space for another 7 businesses to be located on the upper floors, with meeting rooms and a café on the ground floor.

The Heart of Staveley, which was launched in 2008, has so far secured £3.4m towards the cost of the £3.8 million project and there is a robust fundraising strategy in place to raise the remaining balance.

Funding has come from a range of charitable grant giving trusts including the Heritage Lottery Fund and the European Regional Development Fund.  Staveley Town Council has also borrowed £750,000 from the Public Works Loans Board.

It is envisaged that Staveley Town Council will ratify the tender price in July 2014 and take a 33 year lease of the Hall and walled garden once work has been completed.

A small team of staff will be appointed, led by a hall manager and administrator, heritage and education officer, head gardener and volunteer coordinator who will be supported by up to 50 volunteers.

There are also plans for a garden team of 20 which will be established to work with the head gardener to restore the garden and then maintain it as a community park, based on the historic 17th Century structure, for the local community.

An public event is to be held at Staveley Hall on 15 April 2014 (4pm – 8pm) to provide an explanation of proposals, to seek support and start to create a team of volunteers.  Representatives of Staveley Town Council, the Heart of Staveley and the professional team will be available to explain the scheme and answer any queries.

Tours of the stable block will be available for those who are interested.  For more information please contact Staveley Town Council on 01246 473132.

Source:Staveley Town Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

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