Celebrate Chesterfield

Central Technology and BRM Solicitors gift Netflix to Hospice Patients this Christmas

Chesterfield’s Central Technology has generously gifted Ashgate Hospicecare two smart TV’s to help the charity to help upgrade it’s patient rooms and enable patients to view films and TV shows on Netflix.

The company has provided licenses to use the streaming platform on up to 16 TV’s at the Hospice, while leading private and commercial law firm BRM Solicitors has also joined in the charitable effort with a donation of a Smart TV, meaning three have been donated to the hospice in total.

Marketing Manager for Central Technology, Jo Snow said: “During the pandemic, so many charities have been affected and struggled to continue to offer patients the best possible experience due to lack of funding.

“Ashgate Hospicecare’s utmost priority is to always ensure their patients receive the most compassionate and comfortable end of life care.  Whilst their compassion remains as strong as ever, the blow to the funding this year has meant rooms and equipment still need upgrading.

“We wanted to make sure that patients who are sadly not getting as many visitors as normal have the access to what has kept many of us going during the lockdowns – Netflix!  The hospice’s In-Patient Unit has 21 beds, all patient bedrooms have TVs, however 13 of these TVs are not smart so cannot access Netflix and other streaming sites.

“Whilst Ashgate still need 10 more Smart TV’s, we hope this small gesture will provide a wider range of entertainment for the patients and make their stay more comfortable.”

“We would love other businesses in the area to consider gifting a Smart TV to Ashgate to help them upgrade the other 10 rooms.

“If you would like to help them, feel free to get in touch with Ian Snow ian.snow@ct.co.uk or Charlotte Gratton charlotte.gratton@ashgatehospicecare.org.uk. It could make a huge difference to a patients’ Christmas this year.”

Karen Walker, Ward Manager at Ashgate Hospicecare added: “Our patients will love this, especially at this time of year where they can watch Christmas movies with their loved ones.”

Central Technology, BRM Solicitors and Ashgate Hospicecare support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Find out more about how our Chesterfield Champions have been getting into the festive spirit this Christmas by clicking here

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Funding given to restore stretch of Chesterfield Canal at Renishaw

£50,000 has been awarded to a project aimed at restoring and extending a derelict canal channel in Renishaw. The ‘Rewatering Renishaw’ scheme will transform the stretch into a permanent water space that local people can enjoy.

Approximately 500m of the Chesterfield Canal channel was restored through Renishaw, Derbyshire in 2010, as part of a housing development. However, due to various issues, the stretch proved to be unuseable. It delivered little benefit to the newly created community on the housing estate and the wider Renishaw community.

This project is part of Phase 1 of the Chesterfield Canal Trust’s ambition to restore the canal to full navigation by 2027. This will be the 250th anniversary of the canal’s original opening. The complete Phase 1 works will extend the current limit of navigation from the town of Staveley to the village of Renishaw. They will also include the construction of three new accommodation bridges, four new bridleway bridges, a lock, a railway overbridge, an aqueduct and approximately 5km of new or restored channel.

The entire Phase 1 of the project will take several years to complete. It will require over £4m to be raised. The works at Renishaw (Phase 1a) can be completed much earlier and provide lasting benefits to the community. These will be felt long before either the Phase 1 works are completed, or it forms part of a fully restored waterway. This lasting and standalone benefit from an interim restoration stage is a prime example of the Waterways in Progress philosophy.

The grant, with additional funding from Chesterfield Canal Trust and Derbyshire County Council, will allow the trust to undertake the following Phase 1a work:

  • 550m of canal channel re-profiled to navigable standards.
  • 1,050m of canal channel relined using a geosynthetic clay liner.
  • 250m of stone gabions installed in the canal banks and waterproofed by casting a concrete face up to the water level.
  • Clinker Wood side weir restored and a temporary pumping system provided to supply water from the River Rother to the canal.
  • 550m of towpath resurfaced, making it suitable for pedestrians and cyclists. The current path is virtually impassable despite being the official public right of way.
  • A further 915m of towpath resurfaced to provide a circular 2.5km surfaced route incorporating the Trans-Pennine Trail.
  • Eight picnic benches, made from recycled plastic. These will be installed across two locations along with three standard benches in other areas of the scheme. Two of the picnic benches will be suitable for wheelchair users.
  • Installation of signage to encourage users of the Trans-Pennine Trail to explore the canal and the village. Plus the provision of 12 cycle stands to allow cyclists to secure their bikes.
    Additional Works
  • Alongside the above works, the project partners plan to deliver the following additional works to futureproof the canal for navigation:
  • 210m of concrete and masonry wash walling constructed around Black’s Pit corner, in order to protect the banks around this tight turn.
  • 285m of steel piling installed to the south of Barlborough Road Bridge, to provide future visitor moorings.

Trust Secretary Rod Auton said: “This is great news for the Trust and even better news for the residents of Renishaw. The canal looked great when first restored in 2009, but has since become an eyesore. We will now be able to restore and extend it on both sides of Barlborough Road and keep it looking wonderful with a regular water supply. It is even possible that it could be connected to Chesterfield within a couple of years, if the necessary funding can be secured.”

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Chesterfield College helps employers access £2 billion of government funding to recruit young people

Chesterfield College is helping employers make the most of government funding to grow their workforce and help young people into employment. The college is now a provider and intermediary of the government’s Kickstart Scheme, helping businesses of all sizes, in all sectors, to get access to their share of £2 billion of funding to provide meaningful 6-month job placements for 16-24-year olds.

The scheme was launched earlier this year as part of a recovery package of measures outlined by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak. It offers employers a means of growing their workforce with a talent pool of people looking for a route into employment.

The WorkSkills team at Chesterfield College is working with employers to apply for funding, liaise with JobCentrePlus, choose the right candidates, and provide any additional training needs alongside the job placements.

Funding available for each job will cover the relevant National Minimum Wage, plus NI contributions and any auto enrolment pension costs for up to 25 hours a week. Employers will be able to benefit from a fully funded new member of staff, but they can also choose to top up and pay above the minimum wage or cover the costs beyond 25 hours per week.

There is also funding available to support young people to develop new skills and to help them move into sustained employment after they have completed their Kickstart funded job. Free upfront and on-going training, designed to support the new roles created, will be provided by the college to ensure new employees can make the most of their opportunity.

Lee Kirton, WorkSkills Delivery Manager from Chesterfield College said: “This a fantastic opportunity for employers of all sizes to grow their workforce and access a large pool of candidates with potential and ambition, ready for an opportunity to kick start their career. Our expertise of working with employers, young people and JobCentrePlus will give employers the best chance of accessing this pot of funding and benefiting from the Kickstart scheme. We are passionate about working together to create meaningful job placements for young people to develop in.”

For more information about the rules of Kickstart scheme and how to access funding working with Chesterfield College, visit https://www.chesterfield.ac.uk/kickstart-scheme-launches-2-billion-of-funded-roles-now-available-for-employers/

Find out more about apprenticeships in Chesterfield here

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Chesterfield’s Twist Magazine sets up loyalty card scheme for local shoppers and businesses

Twist magazine responded to the coronavirus crisis by setting up the largest loyalty card scheme in Chesterfield, enabling any local business to offer money-saving offers to its readers – entirely for free.

The publication distributed 15,500 Twist & Save Cards to its readers and each month it publishes a list of local businesses and services where Chesterfield folk can claim discounts or other benefits.

Dozens of businesses have been quick to join the scheme, offering all manner of incentives to attract new customers.

Said Heron Publications director Mike Firth: “We had been considering a scheme such as this for a long while and, with many businesses going through the toughest of times in 2020, this was the perfect time to launch it.

“It’s one way we have been able to put something back into the community which supports our publication so well.

“Businesses can promote their own individual deals and card-holders can take advantage of all manner of special offers. Everyone benefits – and no-one has to pay a penny to be involved.”

Additional Twist & Save Cards are available from the magazine for people wanting to pass them on to relations or friends.

Added Mike: “Everyone knows the importance of dealing with local shops and services. When people can also show their Twist & Save Card to make a saving or pick up a ‘freebie’ locally, it’s a no-brainer for them.”

Heron Publications have launched similar schemes through its other three magazines – Wings, Dronfield Eye and Active8 – with a total of almost 52,000 cards distributed to readers.

The Twist & Save Card scheme is supported by Chesterfield Borough Council. To discover how your business or service can benefit, email twistcard@heronpublications.co.uk or call Mandy Goulding on 01246 416027.

You can find out more about local shopping in Chesterfield here.

Twist Magazine supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Mike Firth, Heron Publications


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GBS work with D2N2 to launch transformative ‘Skills Bootcamps’

The government has announced plans to transform the training and skills system across our region in a bid to make it fit for the 21st century economy and help the country build back better from coronavirus.

In a written Ministerial statement, the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has been confirmed as one of three regions that will deliver an extension of the government’s Skills Bootcamps programme.

The programme will be funded by the Department for Education and developed locally by the D2N2 LEP working with local employers, providers and local authorities.

Skills Bootcamps are short flexible courses of around 12 weeks that have been designed to give people the opportunity to build up their digital skills and fast-track them to an interview with a local employer.

The courses are not for digital experts – participants need a good grasp of the English language and a willingness to learn new skills. The training programme has been developed with local employers and participants who complete the programme will have the opportunity of an employer interview and support to apply for relevant jobs.

The scheme is open to anyone aged 19+ in these local areas, whether they’re looking for work, already in work, or are returning to work after some time out. Courses are particularly being designed to encourage more women into digital roles and training will fit flexibly around existing commitments.

Recruitment for the Skills Bootcamps will start on 7th December, and the courses must be completed by the end of March 2021.

Skills Bootcamps are just one of the already announced programmes being paid for over five years by the £2.5 billion National Skills Fund, which will also cover an entitlement to a first, full level 3 qualification for every adult, and now the National Retraining Scheme.

Speaking about the announcement, Elizabeth Fagan CBE, Chair of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said: “Delivering and increasing skills at all levels is critical to our region’s economic recovery from COVID-19 and our long-term growth. Training in the skills of the future and the skills we know our employers want and need is an important way to help our communities and our people bounce back into employment quickly.

“Today’s announcement will complement the many local schemes that are already up and running across our region. I would urge anyone who is out of work or who is concerned about their future employment, to please see what training and course options are available through the D2N2 website.”

Delivery of this work will be undertaken by a partnership of 10 providers, each with differing specialisms, industry links or geographical focus.

GBS will be offering courses in Digital Marketing, Content Creation and IT. These courses have been developed by our in-house specialists to provide high-quality training to successful delegates.

John Cusworth, Director of GBS Ltd, said: “The suite of programmes developed to support employers in the D2N2 region present a great opportunity for workforces to enhance and grow their digital infrastructure. In a society that’s becoming more and more digitalised, now is the perfect time to embrace the digital era to ensure businesses are maximising their digital and IT capabilities and are adequately resourced.”

Recruitment for the courses will begin on 7th December, but you can register your interest today.

Workshops will also be provided by Dronfield-based Ascento.

These will be focused around:

  • Adwords, PPC & SEO
  • Analytics & Metrics
  • Planning Digital Campaigns
  • Maximising Digital Channels
  • Social Selling

GBS supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

John Cusworth, GBS Ltd.

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December blog- Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield chair Peter Swallow has provided an update to businesses and residents in Chesterfield, as we take a look back on the positive developments which have progressed in the town this year and look ahead to Christmas and 2021.

Peter Swallow Chair of Destination Chesterfield

Despite the challenges that 2020 has thrown at us all, we end the year on a positive note and a message of hope.

It would be very easy to write-off 2020 as an unmitigated disaster. We have all been bombarded with Covid-related bad news throughout the year. However, amongst the doom and gloom there has been some good news, and a common thread of hope throughout the year.

Development and investment, which will lay the foundation for future jobs in the town, has continued throughout 2020. Significant headway has been made on the new Enterprise Centre being constructed on the donut car park, and construction of the new ‘grade a’ offices at Chesterfield Waterside got underway.

Despite the imposed social distancing, I believe that Chesterfield’s communities have become closer and more supportive of each other during the pandemic. Although there are high hopes for the vaccine which has recently been announced, it is important that we maintain the Shop Local momentum over Christmas.

Chesterfield is a resilient and adaptable town and nowhere is this more evident that on our high street.

We have seen businesses adapt overnight – from doorstep deliveries of beer, tea and coffee, drive and buy fruit and veg on the market, to website launches and takeaway gourmet meals to cook at home. These small things have kept us all connected and smiling!

Non-food retailers, restaurants, bars and cafes have had it particularly tough. However, we have embraced the Shop Local message and gone out and supported local businesses enabling the survival of many.

In these challenging times it has never been more important to support each other. I am delighted that Destination Chesterfield and Chesterfield Borough Council have continued to work collaboratively this year on the Christmas in Chesterfield Campaign. Combining our efforts will reinforce the Support Local message.

We may not be able to physically get into the high street businesses, but many independent retailers, restaurants and cafes offer us access to their products and services from the comfort of our homes using our laptops, tablets, telephones and perhaps even carrier pigeons (OK, maybe not carrier pigeons——!)

Making the decision to choose an independent retailer for your gifts and food both now and beyond the pandemic will make a huge difference to our high street.

As we look to 2021, there can be no simpler message for the town other than ‘support each other.’

I wish you all a happy and HEALTHY Christmas and New Year.


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Derbyshire Education Business Partnership shortlisted for Children & Young People Now Awards

Derbyshire Education Business Partnership has been shortlisted for The Advice and Guidance Category in the Children & Young People Now Awards. The Awards highlight the very best practice in work with children, young people and families. In a year of turmoil and unprecedented challenges, the Awards recognise innovation and impact across the sector.

The partnership’s submission was for Directions – a new remote careers and guidance support service. Directions was developed in a response to COVID-19 to ensure continued support for the Raising Aspirations programme; which targets students identified as being most in need – young people facing multiple barriers to engaging fully with their education.

Clare Talati, Managing Director said, “When lockdown started in March 2020, young people were no longer able to access face to face support via school. Directions ensured that our experienced and dedicated staff could still get to know the young people, their strengths and aspirations and were able to provide support at a critical phase. We are incredibly proud to be recognised for our work.”

The programme – available to young people and their families in secondary and special educational needs and disability schools – includes access via telephone, email, webchat and video conferencing to:

• Careers advice and guidance

• Employer workshops

• How to guides

• Transition support

• Study techniques and resources

DEBP developed a range of new resources to support remote curriculum delivery covering over 20 themes including applications, Apprenticeships, employability, mental health, resilience, stress management, wellbeing and much more.

Employer support has also been fundamental to Directions and employer volunteers have provided many creative ideas, as well as their invaluable perspective on work and employment.

Since September, Derbyshire Education Business Partnership has adopted a blended approach of in-school ‘Raising Aspirations’ delivery, alongside ‘Directions’ remote service. This will see more than 2,000 young people supported through this project alone up until July 2021.

For more information on DEBP please visit www.debp.org

DEBP supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Report finds Chesterfield is one of the happiest places to live in East Midlands

A report published by Rightmove has found Chesterfield to be the second happiest place to live in our region. The property company compiles a list of happiest places to live across the UK each year, with St. Ives in Cornwall coming out at the top of the list nationally.

In the East Midlands region, Chesterfield sits just behind Loughborough who top the list, followed by Northampton, Derby and Lincoln.

The Rightmove study, now in its ninth year, asks residents to tell the company how they feel about where they live, as well as asking them to rank ten happiness factors.

The ten factors range from how friendly the neighbours are and how good the local services are, to the sense of belonging and the quality of nature and green spaces in the area.

Dom Stevens, Manager at Destination Chesterfield said “With stunning countryside and great outdoor spaces on the doorstep in the nearby Peak District – which proven to benefit mental health, great road and rail connectivity to major cities, superb local amenities and strong and supportive communities, Chesterfield really does have it all when it comes to the ingredients for a happy place to live.”

Rightmove says people living in rural and coastal areas were found to be happier with where they live than respondents living in cities and urban areas, which reflects a nationwide trend of people desiring better access to outdoor spaces.

The study also discovered that people living in rural and coastal locations were more likely to have developed a greater affinity with their local area during the initial lockdown period, with our study suggesting that accessibility to green spaces made people more appreciative of where they live.

Of the people who plan to buy or rent in the next 12 months, over half (56%) claimed they now place greater importance on access to nature and green spaces when deciding on the area and home they want to live in.

Rightmove data property expert Tim Bannister said: “Our latest research shows that despite all the challenges that this year has brought, many people have been able to reconnect with their local area and community which has had a positive effect on how they feel about where they live.

“Overall, I think lockdown has enabled people to rediscover what’s on their doorstep, and spending more time in their local areas has made people value their surroundings and communities so much more. This year’s study shows a greater appreciation for green spaces and nature, and a strong correlation between people living in coastal and rural areas and how happy people are where they live.”

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Chesterfield’s Custom Solar complete work on £74,000 green energy project with local e-commerce firm

Chesterfield based Custom Solar has completed a £74,000 project at a fellow North Derbyshire business, creating energy savings equivalent to supplying eight average UK homes with electricity for one year.

Xbite is an e-commerce firm based in Chesterfield in which operates retail brands including 365Games.co.uk, Roov.co.uk, Maison & White, Pukkr and Shop4. The firm was awarded a maximum value £20,000 low-carbon energy grant to help install over 270 solar panels at its HQ offices at Barlborough and warehouse at Markham Vale.

The grant was made available through the DE-Carbonise project, a collaboration between the University of Derby, Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council which offers help to SMEs seeking to lower their carbon emissions and will contribute to the total project investment of £74,000.

Custom Solar installed 278 panels onto the Xbite HQ at Balborough, which will generate 74,760 kw/h per annum, enough to power 21 residential homes for the year. This solar installation will also reduce CO2 emissions by 21 tonnes per year which is the equivalent to the tailpipe emissions of 10 fossil fuel cars.

Gary Sucharewycz, development director at Custom Solar, said: “We are delighted to be working with Xbite. Whilst we are a national developer and provider of solar systems it is great to support local projects such as this. Investing in sustainability and renewable energy projects is majorly important to the environment, good for our communities, and great for businesses wanting to make an impact by generating their own power on site, which in turn makes significant savings on their power expenditure.”

Nick Whitehead, managing director at Xbite, said: “As part of our values to innovate and invest today for tomorrow, we are investing heavily to install solar panels at our Barlborough HQ. This installation means we can look to decrease our environmental impact, with beneficial gains towards operational performance, therefore improving our overall economic performance.

“The DE-Carbonise Team took all the hassle away from applying for the grant and were great to work with. Solar panels will help us reduce our CO2 emissions by 20,731kg per year, and generate 74,760 kWh per year of electricity, some of which we will be able to sell back to the National Grid.”

Ade Agbonyin, project officer at De-Carbonise, said: “Through our guidance, Xbite saw the chance to radically improve the company’s energy and environmental efficiency and make the shift to more sustainable business practices.”

The DE-Carbonise project launched in November 2019 and is a 3-year extension to the previously successful and award-winning D2EE project, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Grants of up to £20,000 are available for businesses looking to improve their environmental practices. Over 500 businesses in Derby and Derbyshire have been supported to date.

Custom Solar Ltd. supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Work completed on 10 new apartments in the heart of Chesterfield

A-Rock Construction have completed a new development of 10 luxury apartments located on Saltergate, in the heart of Chesterfield town centre. Moss Court has been designed with the over 50’s in mind. The one and two bedroom apartments are available for rent from December 2020.

Following a selection process, A-Rock Construction commissioned Derbyshire based artist, Dennis O’Connor to create a piece of public art which would be visible from the street and encourage people to reflect on the past use and history of Saltergate.

The road itself is named Saltergate due to its past association as the principal route used by the Cheshire to Chesterfield salt trade; believed to date from at least the 12th Century. Currently, there is nothing to commemorate or recognise this aspect of the town’s history and this design celebrates this historic trade route which gave the name to one of Chesterfield best known roads.

The gate is highly decorative and is constructed from stainless steel. Dennis O’Connor of Sculpture Works researched the history and created a beautiful design to fulfill the brief. The design includes reference to the rich history of Chesterfield as a market town, depicting a market stall on the cobbled marketplace. The Crooked Spire can be seen giving the piece a nod to the site’s more recent history as the home of the former Chesterfield FC Social Club and previous home to the Spireites.

Rockie White, Director of A-Rock Construction Ltd – “This project has been a great experience to be part of. We have enjoyed the process, from understanding more about local history of Saltergate through to manufacture and installation of a piece of art that can be enjoyed by residents and local people alike. We are delighted with the gate and feel it gives Moss Court a unique piece of artwork that finishes off the development perfectly.

Local Estate Agents, Lime Living have also been appointed as letting agents for the new development, which has been named after Chesterfield F.C’s record goal scorer, Ernie Moss.

Lime Living owner, Jamie Wajs said: ‘We are delighted to be appointed as the letting agents for Moss Court and to be associated with a famous local name which is held in high regard by many Spireites. The apartments are finished to an excellent standard throughout, thoughtful in detail & stylish appearance and offer excellent close to town centre living.

The interest shown so far as we start to conduct initial viewings has been very encouraging and the feature gate is receiving many complimentary comments. It is great as a local independent agent to be working with a respected local business in A-Rock Construction.’

Lime Living Estate Agents supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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National Award for School Games collaboration work in Derbyshire and Notts

Active Derbyshire, Active Notts, and the School Games Organiser Networks in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire have won a School Games National Award for collaboration.

The award comes after the organisations pooled resources and expertise to support schools with a new virtual School Games offer during lockdown in the Summer term 2020.

Working together, colleagues produced 11 weekly resources featuring a range of sporting activities themed around daily physical challenges and cultural competitions.

The development of the resources also involved colleagues from National Governing Bodies, and partners within education, health, community groups, sports clubs and associations supported by circulating resources more widely.

Resources were developed further to help local communities include physical activity cards in food parcels for those in deprived areas, assist with the provision of physical activity at the Royal School for the Deaf Derby, and for a Staycation resource to help keep young people physically active over the holidays.

Naomi Bennett-Jones, who leads young people work for Active Derbyshire and Active Notts, said: “It is fantastic to be recognised for what was a truly collaborative approach to keep children and young people active at home and school during lockdown at what was a very challenging time. The trust and relationships between a range of colleagues that have developed through this work have established a new culture and ways of working that will benefit all future work.”

Paul Ryan, Tupton Hall School Games Organiser and Partnership Development Manager for SHAPE Learning Partnership in Derbyshire, said: “I am extremely proud to have been part of this collaboration. It was vital that we came together as a School Games network at a time of real challenge and it was amazing how well we worked across the districts and counties. The unity showed, created a real opportunity to share the vast knowledge and experience we have as a collective and resulted in a meaningful and worthwhile set of resources that provided support for teachers, parents and young people.”

Chris Ballard, School Games Organiser for Rushcliffe School Sport Partnership, said: “The weekly resources enabled schools to be able to simply follow and deliver a variety of tasks and activities with and to their pupils. The consistency of format and challenge ensured that pupils were able to engage whether that be within a school environment or at home.”


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