Celebrate Chesterfield

Chesterfield residents urged to back local businesses through eat out to help out scheme

The area’s official tourist board is encouraging local communities to show their support for food and drink businesses in the Peak District and Derbyshire by making use of the Government’s new ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme which launches today.

The nationwide scheme aims to protect jobs in the hospitality industry and incentivise customers to dine out by offering a 50% discount up to a maximum of £10 per person on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at participating establishments throughout August.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire says the scheme is a great way not only for local people to rediscover the great food and drink on their doorstep, but also to show their support for local tourism and hospitality businesses which were closed during lockdown.

The Peak District and Derbyshire’s visitor economy supports over 30,000 jobs and it is hoped that ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ will provide a much-needed boost by increasing customer confidence and helping local businesses on the road to recovery.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, says: “The Eat Out to Help Out scheme presents the perfect opportunity to welcome customers back after a very challenging few months and we urge everyone to show their support for local pubs, restaurants, cafes and hotels by dining out and enjoying the Peak District and Derbyshire’s fantastic food and drink offer.

“Our businesses have worked exceptionally hard to reopen their sit-down services in line with government guidelines and not only is the scheme a great excuse for a weekday treat, it’s also going to be pivotal in building customer confidence and helping the hospitality industry to successfully get back on its feet.”

Dom Stevens added: “The Chancellor’s support for the sector is particularly welcome at this time however, we must all ensure we continue to support hospitality businesses beyond the eat out to help out scheme.  With the hospitality sector now fully re-open, the town now has a real opportunity to capitalise on the staycation boom and drive forward its economic recovery.”

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy added: “The re-opening of these businesses is vital for our local economy and will help ensure the longevity of the many brilliant establishments in our borough.”

Destination Chesterfield has prepared a page of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire businesses that are taking part in the eat out to help out scheme at https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/summer/eat-out-to-help-out-in-chesterfield/

The tourist board will be showcasing participating businesses across the region via its popular social media channels and at www.visitpeakdistrict.com/food-and-drink/eat-out-to-help-out.

The Government has also launched a restaurant finder to enable diners to search for participating eateries within a 5 mile radius.

Businesses can register for the scheme until 31 August and can find out more at: www.gov.uk/guidance/register-your-establishment-for-the-eat-out-to-help-out-scheme

Eat Out to Help Out in Chesterfield

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New Chesterfield running event launched

A brand-new running event will be coming to Chesterfield town centre after organisers confirmed that the 2020 Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon would not take place due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The all-new Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k will take place at 10 am on 17 October 2021, starting from Queen’s Park.

It will replace the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon, with the expectation that the ‘more accessible’ 10k distance will increase runner participation and in turn, increase charity partner revenue while supporting the health and wellbeing of local people.

All entries into the 2020 Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon and Peak FM Five Mile Run have automatically been deferred to the 2021 Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k.

Runners also have the opportunity to donate the difference in their entry fee to the 2020 Redbrik Half Marathon charity partners, Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, in response to their work in the local area during the Covid-19 crisis.

Event organisers will be contacting all runners who have entered the 2020 Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon to date with further details. Entry fee refunds can be requested.

Full entry into the 2021 Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k will cost £22.50, with Early Bird entry priced at £18 and available until 28 February 2021.

As its name suggests, the Redbrik Foundation will be a new charity partner of the 10k event, alongside Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

The Redbrik Foundation is a newly formed charitable trust which will support a number of local organisations each year, primarily seeking to enhance the lives of children and young people, the elderly or vulnerable and those with disabilities.

Meanwhile, event organisers will confirm plans soon for ‘virtual’ events taking place in Chesterfield over the original weekend of the 2020 event, designed for runners who were hoping to take part in the 2020 Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon and its partner events the Peak FM Five Mile Run and Pronto Paints Well Being Challenge.

An all-new 2021 Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k route will be announced in the coming months and will be the first time a 10km event takes place in Chesterfield town centre.

The route will start and finish in Queens Park and will be centred on the heart of Chesterfield, taking in major landmarks such as the town’s famous crooked spire. It will also feature service and cheer stations on the course and will have a later 10am start.

John Timms, Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k Event Director, said: “Naturally, we are extremely disappointed at the cancellation of the 2020 Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

“Under the current guidance available, we as organisers feel that it is in the best interest and safety of all involved to cancel this year’s event.

“However, this has given us a unique opportunity to analyse the success of the Redbrik Half, as well as areas which can be further improved and developed, together with our event partners.

“We have launched the 10k event with a view to further enhancing the experience of both participants and the local community, and ways of generating even more revenue for the event’s charity partners, with almost £150,000 raised by the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon to date.

“As event organisers, we once again want to thank event sponsors and partners, and the wider community for their support since the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon launched in 2017.

“We want to thank our key partners, including Redbrik, as well as Chesterfield Borough Council. They have been very supportive throughout this process and we look forward to building on the Redbrik Half’s success with the new 10K.”

Mark Ross, Trustee of the Redbrik Foundation, said: “We love Chesterfield, and we want to see the town, its people and its businesses thrive.

“With this in mind, we’re excited to launch the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k. We are all very disappointed that this year’s Redbrik Half could not take place due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, we’re delighted to be bringing this new event to the town.

“The local community has supported the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon since its inception, and with a new route and additional event partners, we can’t wait to see the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k develop.”

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “We’re disappointed that the Redbrik Half Marathon cannot go ahead on this occasion, but we’re looking forward to welcoming visitors back to Chesterfield next year to take part in the 10k.

“The route for the 10k will start and finish in the Queen’s Park. It will take in some of Chesterfield’s major landmarks and will be a fantastic opportunity to showcase the town to runners and visitors.

“We hope that lots of our residents will join us in supporting this great event by either taking part or coming along to cheer on the runners in 2021.”

Chesterfield 10K

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The ‘Energy for Business’ grant fund re-opens for applications

Local SME businesses can apply for 40% of project costs from the ‘Energy for Business’ grant fund, an EU funded project delivered by the Energy Innovation and Collaboration team at the University of Nottingham.

Funding can assist projects such as implementing sustainable energy technologies, improving energy efficiency within the business or reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Only business located within in Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire are eligible for the funding. Please see additional eligibility information below:

  • The minimum cost of the project must be no less than £2,500
  • The maximum cost of the project must be no more than £20,000
  • It is a capital funds grant that is 40% match funded
  • The monies are awarded once the work/purchase is completed
  • Recipients will be chosen by an independent panel and their decision will be deemed to be final.

To find out more, or to apply for funding, enquiries can be made by emailing energy@nottingham.ac.uk.

The closing date for applications for the current round is Friday 28th August 2020.

To find out more about the University of Nottingham’s Energy Innovation and Collaboration team and how it supports businesses, click here.

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Chesterfield Borough Council adopts ambitious plan to rebuild economy

Chesterfield Borough Council has adopted an ambitious plan to support and rebuild Chesterfield’s economy in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Chesterfield Economic Recovery Plan, which was approved by the council’s Cabinet on Tuesday 14 July, outlines what the council, with the backing of other partner agencies, will do to support the town’s businesses to bounce back and help restore business and consumer confidence.

The Plan sets outs a comprehensive set of fully funded measures that include delivering a new business start-up support programme, which will encourage entrepreneurs and workers who may have lost their jobs due to covid-19 to bring forward new business ideas. Funding and expert advice will be available as will a premises location service.

The council will also be launching a portfolio of skills delivery initiatives. The initiatives will focus on the skills and training needs of local people, particularly young people, to enhance their prospects of securing the jobs on offer. Chesterfield residents and businesses will be able to access a new virtual skills and careers information hub. Particular attention will also be paid to the establishment of initiatives to reskill and upskill the current workforce.

Innovative promotional campaigns are already being rolled out with Destination Chesterfield to encourage people to shop local and support town centre retailers and market traders. The Plan also includes a series of initiatives aimed at raising the profile of Chesterfield as a visitor destination and hub.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Rebuilding the local economy following the easing of lockdown restrictions is a top priority for Chesterfield Borough Council and we have already implemented a number of financial and promotional measures to help our businesses through these challenging times.

“We understand this will be a worrying time for business owners of all sizes and it is important that the council and its partners continue to do all we can to ensure that local businesses receive all the help they need in these most challenging of times.

“Whilst there remains a high level of uncertainty about what the future holds, the Chesterfield Economic Recovery Plan provides a comprehensive roadmap for ensuring that Chesterfield continues to be a thriving borough.”

The council has to date paid out £25.7 million in small business grants to 2,202 Chesterfield businesses, administered business rates relief to a value of £18 million to 661 businesses and shared a further £1.05 million with 120 businesses via the Local Discretionary Grants Fund scheme.

The council has also provided expert advice and support to over 300 local businesses since mid-March and as a landlord to over 400 commercial tenants, amended rental terms including rent free periods for some and rent deferral arrangements for others.

The work done with retailers, market traders and licensees to safely and successfully re-open Chesterfield town centre has seen thousands of people return to the high street since 1 June.

The council has also not shirked from continuing to progress its ambitious £1 billion growth programme that when complete will deliver thousands of new jobs to the town and borough both during the construction phases and once works are complete. This includes the Northern Gateway Scheme where construction of the new Enterprise Centre on Holywell Cross (Donut) started on site during the lockdown period. Plans are also well advanced in progressing improvements to the public realm on Elder Way and taking forward the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project which will see a number of enhancements made to Chesterfield’s famous market grounds.

As part of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Hub, Chesterfield businesses can access an experienced business advisor and the council’s Economic Development team is always on hand to talk through and help develop solutions for businesses facing challenges large and small. You can contact the team by e-mail at economicdevelopment@chesterfield.gov.uk.

More information on the support that is available to businesses can be found at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/your-council/coronavirus-information-hub/businesses-information

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Joint venture formed to develop the Gateway at PEAK Resort

Specialist developer Milligan has formed a unique joint venture with landowner Birchall Properties. Working together with Chesterfield Borough Council, the Peak District National Park Authority and the University of Derby they plan to develop the UK’s first fully serviced national park gateway, consented on the eastern boundary of the Peak District.

The Gateway at PEAK will be part of the 300-acre PEAK Resort development, which has planning permission for up to 2,000 hotel rooms and 250 lodges as well as a whole range of leisure, education and entertainment facilities, attracting investment and creating employment opportunities.

The Gateway at Peak

Chesterfield Borough Council CEO, Huw Bowen said; “PEAK Resort forms a key part of our growth plan for Chesterfield and we are delighted to support Milligan as they develop their plans to create the Gateway at PEAK. It will be a tourist attraction of national significance, supported by the wider catchment and improved connectivity provided by the advent of HS2. It will provide sustainable transport links to attractions and activities within Chesterfield and the National Park. We are also keen to ensure that local people benefit from the Gateway at PEAK through skills development and access to jobs, by working with Milligan and future operators helping them utilise local business supply chains wherever practicable.”

Chesterfield, already famous for its crooked spire, medieval architecture and Victorian Market Hall, is set to become the Peak’s gateway town, as currently 61% of visits are from the ‘east side’ of the park. The Gateway at PEAK itself, just four miles from Chesterfield, will shift visitors from their cars into more sustainable modes of transport and manage access into the national park landscape, reducing pressure on local communities and impacts on wildlife.

During the initial months of the Coronavirus outbreak and as lockdown restrictions have lifted across the UK, making the most of outdoor spaces has been a priority for most and the staycation market has exploded. This has not come without its drawbacks. The park already attracts 13 million tourism visits each year and demand for all national parks is predicted to rise exponentially, so many protected landscapes are naturally keen to explore opportunities to minimise the impacts of increased visitor numbers.

The Country Land and Business Association recently wrote to the Education Secretary asking that The Countryside Code be taught again in schools as an entire generation is being left without knowledge of how to treat and protect our natural environment. The Countryside Code, as we know it today, was published nearly 40 years ago. One of the purposes of the gateway will be to inform visitors on local wildlife, heritage and encourage responsible visiting through a series of experiences and digital technology inspired by the #PeakDistrictProud campaign launched earlier this spring. As 85% of visitors currently arrive by car, a gateway facility providing accommodation, parking and services for onward travel into the park by foot, bike or in public electric vehicles through park-and-ride, will help mitigate their environmental impact and help to reduce traffic congestion.

Melanie Taylor, head of retail relations at Milligan, said; “Our vision is to create a sustainable hub for like-minded businesses and a basecamp for the sustainable exploration of the UK’s first national park. As post-lockdown demand for outdoor pursuits grows, we must enable and facilitate the sustainable use of natural spaces and protect them for generations to come. A gateway could provide information for visitors to book single or multi-day itineraries, explore the area using more sustainable, less polluting modes of transport and buy or hire outdoor activity equipment to try out new activities.”

Sarah Fowler, chief executive of the Peak District National Park added; “As we approach our 70th year as the UK’s first national park, supporting sustainable gateways and opportunities for visitors to experience what we have to offer in a responsible way is vital to our future. It also resonates with our aim for everyone to be ‘PeakDistrictProud’ in their approach to spending time with us. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the role that national parks and our outdoor spaces can play in our recovery and long-term wellbeing. It feels both timely and exciting to be working collaboratively with Milligan and Birchall Properties to create the first Peak District National Park gateway as part of the PEAK Resort. The Peak District’s unique position in the heart of the country already makes us accessible to millions and our involvement in the Gateway at PEAK will help unlock our wildlife, cultural heritage and natural beauty to others, befitting a pioneering approach to sustainable tourism.”

Over the next two months, the partnership led by Milligan will be undertaking a major marketing and research phase discussing the opportunity with companies both large and small, local and national that might be interested in participating. They will be looking to create partnerships with brands that align with the Gateway at PEAK’s values and vision, to integrate products, experiences and expertise into the delivery of a world-class visitor experience.

Once this phase is completed in September, a detailed building specification will be finalised, and it is intended that construction will start in 2021.

Find out and enquire about the opportunitites about the Gateway at Peak

Find out more about Peak Resort

Peak Resort David Loyd Leisure Site Cleared

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Chesterfield manufacturer to increase workforce by 20%

A booming post-lockdown order book has prompted a Chesterfield manufacturer to create new full-time jobs, significantly increasing its workforce by more than 20 per cent.

Blachford UK, based in Holmewood, is looking for 20 people to fulfil a number of jobs and add to its growing work force. The available roles include multi-skilled maintenance engineers, apprentices, FLT Drivers and production operatives. All roles are available to start immediately and, following a 12-week probation period, will become permanent.

The pandemic left the business fearing for its future after it was forced to furlough all staff and shut the factory down for four weeks. After implementing social distancing measures and being given the green light by the Government to re-open, Blachford has since been met with unexpected demand for its acoustic insulation products which it produces for industrial vehicles.

Jason Lippitt, Managing Director, explained: “It’s a complete turnaround situation and a very enviable position to be in considering the current economic climate. Like many manufacturers, lockdown came as a real blow to us and created uncertainty in the business. However, since re-opening the factory, orders from our European and British customers have flooded in, securing the future of Blachford and creating brand new jobs. It’s a great sign for the local economy and manufacturing as a whole.”

Jason added: “All these new roles are part of the company’s growing future. It’s vital to me that all employees progress successfully in their career with Blachford and, more importantly, enjoy being part of a fantastic team.”

People interested in applying for the roles or who like further information, should email recruitment@blachforduk.com

Click here to find out more about locating your business in Chesterfield

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D2N2 LEP allocated £44.4m in Government ‘New Deal’ plan

The D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), covering Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, has received a £44.4 million cash boost from the government to fund projects that will help the local economy and create jobs.

The ‘New Deal’ announcement is part of a comprehensive plan by government to deliver upgrades to local infrastructure and boost skills in a move to fuel economic recovery across the whole of the UK.

Answering a national call from Government, D2N2, together with partners from across the region, put forward a long list of compelling and innovative projects to deliver growth and continue to develop the talent, ideas, and facilities in the region.

These projects will now be evaluated by government to identify which will receive funding and deliver the most value in terms of restarting the local economy and meeting the future challenges of levelling up the UK. Successful projects will need to demonstrate they meet LEP key priorities and can be completed by the end of 2021.

David Williams, Interim Chair of D2N2, said: “We very much welcome the announcement by government. This will provide a major stimulus for our cities, towns and communities.”

“We believe the size of the allocation demonstrates a belief in what the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership can deliver and a testament to the collaborative working between the LEP and its partners.”

“We will continue to work with partners as we begin negotiations with the government to determine which projects will receive funding based on their ability to accelerate growth and create employment.”

“As we reshape our Local Industrial Strategy to reflect the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic it’s essential we remain flexible to support our communities, that we adapt to new opportunities, and build an economy that it is more resilient in the long term.”

“We will continue to work with government on future funding for investments to support our ambitions for the region.”

This fast-tracking of investment, totalling £11 million, will help kick-start activity in towns and high streets across the East Midlands, ensuring local people can see and feel the benefit as soon as possible.

The investment will support economic recovery as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and will be used to improve digital infrastructure; support skills and career opportunities; and the transition to a low carbon economy.

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Water management system produced by Chesterfield manufacturer chosen for United Arab Emirates ship

A water management system produced by Chesterfield-based company Cathelco has been chosen for a cable-laying vessel based in the United Arab Emirates.

The Evac Evolution ballast water management system (BWMS) system will be installed on Cable Ship Etisalat, which is operated by E-Marine PJSC, a leading specialists in telecommunications submarine cable installation, repair and maintenance who have headquarters in Dubai.

The Evac Evolution system is produced and developed by Cathelco, who have been part of the Evac Group since 2018.

Stevenson Varghese, Managing Director of Cathelco Middle East, who won the contract, said: “When E-Marine contacted us, they said it was essential that the system was delivered to Dubai within four weeks so that it could be installed when the vessel was in drydock”.

Technical proposals were submitted to the customer and approved within a matter of days, enabling the assembly of equipment and delivery to proceed at record speed.

Based on a combination of filtration and UV technology, the system gained IMO and U.S. Coast Guard Type Approval in 2019, opening the way to worldwide sales.

Carlo Soddu, Country Manager, who has supervised the contract: “Ours was the first BWMS to allow owners to make an informed decision about choosing a suitable system for the areas where the vessel is sailing”.

The system is being supplied in modular form, enabling individual components to be distributed around the engine room to make best use of available space.

The Evac Evolution also incorporates a unique feedback ‘loop’. It automatically adjusts to different seawater qualities in harbours and estuaries and the system is effective in fresh, brackish and seawater.

The system is also completely chemical-free. This means that the potential hazards and safety implications of dealing with chemicals are completely eliminated, together with the cost of replenishment.

The Evac Evolution system has been fitted on vessels including cruise ships, container vessels, research ships, offshore supply vessels and cable laying craft where its small footprint and potential for flexible installation have proved to be important assets.

The Evac Evolution system is produced and developed by Chesterfield-based company Cathelco who have been part of the Evac Group since 2018.

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D2N2 Careers Hub expands to cover additional Derbyshire schools and colleges

D2N2’s North Derbyshire Careers Hub is to expand to cover both High Peak and Derbyshire Dales.

Careers Hub schools and colleges have access to support and funding to help coordinate activity and build networks, a central fund to support employer engagement activities, and training for a ‘Careers Leader’ in each school and college.

The expansion into High Peak and the Derbyshire Dales is part of a new wave of Careers Hub expansion announced by the Department for Education and The Careers & Enterprise Company, extending coverage in local communities across England.

The expanded D2N2 Careers Hub will be made up of 32 local schools and colleges working together with local employers such as AECOM and United Cast Bar, universities, and training providers.

Across the country, more than 2,200 schools in communities will now be in a Careers Hub – nearly half of all state sector schools and colleges.

D2N2 Careers Hub Lead, Dan Heffernan, said: “In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever to ensure our young people are given high quality, relevant and timely careers provision.”

“The North Derbyshire Careers Hub will play a key role in supporting localised skills development and contribute towards the long-term success of our region’s economy, driving up aspiration and creating a pipeline of talent that our businesses will need to bounce back and to thrive.”

“I’m delighted that we will now be extending our reach to cover the whole of North Derbyshire, and I look forward to welcoming the new schools into our Careers Hub Community in the coming weeks. The progress that we have seen over the last 7 months has been substantial, and we are excited to build on that success over the next academic year.”

Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills, Gillian Keegan said: “We want young people across the country to receive the best careers advice so they can get a head start in the world of work and go on to have successful careers.”

John Yarham, Interim CEO of The Careers & Enterprise Company said: “Careers Hubs bring people together. They create a powerful partnership between schools, colleges, employers and local agencies focused on improving skills and opportunity for young people, tailored to local need – nationally led, locally developed and delivered.”

Over one hundred people attended the launch of the North Derbyshire Careers Hub on 14 January.

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Free advertising for Chesterfield businesses

To help support local businesses that are re-opening, and to showcase Chesterfield as a great place to visit, Chesterfield Borough Council is offering retail, hospitality and leisure businesses the chance to take out free listings on the VisitChesterfield website until 31 March 2021.

Councillor Kate Sarvent said: “We know things have been tough for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses over the past few months. It is hoped this advertising opportunity will assist them with the process of reopening and provide a timely sales boost.”

Kate added: “VisitChesterfield aims to promote the town and its businesses to potential tourists as well as local residents, so this free advertising provides a great opportunity for these businesses to let customers, both old and new, know that they are back open for business.”

Independent businesses who are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity should visit www.visitchesterfield.info/advertising, complete the application form and send it to events.promo@chesterfield.gov.uk along with high resolution landscape images of their business.

Destination Chesterfield are also offering free listings to local businesses on their new Supporting Local website – www.chesterfield.co.uk/supportinglocal. It currently has details of nearly 100 shops, food and drink businesses, training, support and service providers in and around Chesterfield that have adapted to provide and supply their products and services remotely.

Many town centre businesses are positive about their future following the success of the Shop Local message which has been championed by Destination Chesterfield, Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Borough Council throughout lockdown.

Chesterfield Visitor Information Centre

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Birdseye Peas production begins on time thanks to Chesterfield company MSE Hiller

MSE Hiller has designed, built and delivered a bespoke waste-water plant on time and on budget for Birdseye, despite a short project timescale, as well as challenges posed by the Covid-19 outbreak.

The timely delivery of the project has enabled the UK’s largest pea producer to maximise sales amidst changing Government legislation, ensuring Birdseye’s new facility was prepared to process and freeze 1,000t per 24 hour day, from the very first harvest.

Based in Hull, Birdseye is situated in the centre of a 30-mile radius of 200 growers, allowing the peas to be picked, transported and frozen in the shortest possible timescale. During the pea season, the factory processes a total of 50,000t of peas each year between June and August.

It is crucial that production continues without downtime and the team at MSE Hiller will continue to provide full maintenance throughout the harvesting months.

Ivan Fomin, Managing Director at MSE Hiller explains: “With tightening of legislation and permit standards, Birdseye asked MSE Hiller to develop a proposal to treat 400m3/h of their water leaving site.

“The space constraints on site and the short project timescale were going to be challenging, but a proactive project team was assembled, including the client and site operator, to ensure a timely delivery of the project in readiness for the 2020 pea season.

“The client trusted us to deliver this solution and worked positively and proactively to help us achieve the target.  It is great to see what solid teamwork can achieve under challenging circumstances.”

MSE Hiller is one of over 180 Chesterfield Champions supporting the marketing and economic growth of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.  Find out more about MSE Hiller at https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/our-champions/mse-hiller/.

Find out more about Chesterfield Champions at https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/destination-chesterfield/champions/.

Image shows Birdseye’s new bespoke facility in Hull, which was designed, built and delivered by MSE Hiller, Chesterfield.

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