Celebrate Chesterfield

Coronavirus outbreak: Support for Chesterfield businesses

In response to the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Chesterfield Borough Council is actively implementing a number of Government backed financial measures to help support local businesses.

The council has already identified local businesses that may be eligible to access small business grants and business rate relief and has contacted these businesses directly.

However, not all businesses will be eligible for the small business grants and business rate relief schemes. Chesterfield Borough Council therefore want to ensure that these Chesterfield-based businesses are aware of other support schemes and advice which may be available to them during this challenging time.

Further information and links to Government schemes is available at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/your-council/coronavirus-information-hub/businesses-information

Councillor Terry Gilby, cabinet member for economic growth, said: “Chesterfield Borough Council and our partner agencies are working hard to ensure that Chesterfield businesses can access the very best support and advice during these difficult times. I would urge all local businesses to keep up to date via our website and take the opportunity to discuss any specific concerns they might have with the council’s staff or those of our partner agencies”.

The council has a business advisor who is available to talk through and offer advice to any Chesterfield based business as part of our D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Hub scheme. You can contact the business advisor or staff of the council’s Economic Development team via economicdevelopment@chesterfield.gov.uk.

Businesses can also get support and advice from a number of partner agencies including East Midlands Chamber, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, Derbyshire County Council and Destination Chesterfield. Contact information and links to relevant websites are available on the Chesterfield Borough Council website via the link above.

Click here to read the Destination Chesterfield Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Support Page

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New contract secured by Polar Windows

Chesterfield company, Polar Windows, has secured a £124,000 contract to manufacture, supply and install over 400 windows and doors for a housing development at Long Duckmanton near Chesterfield.

The windows and doors on this contract are to be manufactured using their latest window and door profile on the market “Optima” all of which will be manufactured to the standard of Pas 24.

Known as The Pastures, the site in Duckmanton includes 33 new build homes including two, three- and four-bedroom houses and three-bedroom bungalows.

Adrian Bradley, Senior Contracts Manager at Polar Windows said “It is great to have started a new relationship with another established Local Developer and we are hoping to continue the partnership on to future developments.”

Based in Chesterfield for over 30 years, Polar Windows is a family run business that has always put their customers at the heart of everything they do. First Established in 1989 by Managing Director Alan Crowe, Polar Windows now Employs over 25 full time staff and is proud to be the only window manufacturer in Chesterfield. Over the years they have built up an unparalleled wealth of knowledge and experience within their industry and have developed into Chesterfield’s largest manufacturer and installer of UPVC windows, doors, conservatories and glazed extensions.

Click here to find out more about Polar Windows

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Chesterfield Royal Charity appeals to residents to help ‘Protect Your NHS’

The Charity that aims to ‘gift outstanding’ care and wellbeing support to patients and staff of Chesterfield Royal Hospital and Royal Primary Care is asking local people to get behind its appeal to ‘Protect Your NHS’.

The Chesterfield Royal Charity (1052913) is looking for donations that will make a real difference at an unprecedented time of challenge. Like the rest of the NHS, the hospital and its primary care services are under pressure as part of the UK’s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

The aim of the ‘Protect Your NHS’ appeal is two-fold and all donations will be used to:

  • Gift health and wellbeing experiences to staff
  • Gift enhanced care and facilities to patients

Ken Godber, the Chesterfield Royal Charity’s Director comments: “Right now it’s more important than ever to look after the people that could be looking after you and your family – either now or in the next few weeks and months. And it’s equally important to give a helping hand to people in hospital at a time when visiting is suspended for all but the most essential reasons.”

“We have never experienced such demand for NHS care and treatment. Our ‘Protect Your NHS’ appeal is about protecting hardworking staff and vulnerable patients. The money you give will help to provide essential care packages, mental health and wellbeing support for all staff. If they are able to stay well, they’ll be able to stay at work to look after those who need anything from over the phone medical advice to critical care on a ward. It will also enhance patient care and experience. With visitors not able to come in, our Charity can help to make sure loved ones have everything they need to make their hospital stay a positive experience – even in these tricky times.”

With people across North Derbyshire communities already showing support for the hospital – the Charity’s ‘Protect Your NHS’ appeal looks set for success.

You can donate NOW through Just Giving – and any amount will be appreciated www.justgiving.com/chesterfield-royalhospital.

If you would like to link up with the Charity please call 01246 513367 or email CRHFT.Fundraising@nhs.net.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

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Heathcotes launches recruitment drive

Chesterfield-based care provider, Heathcotes Group, has launched a nationwide recruitment drive to assist its frontline teams in meeting the challenge of the ongoing Coronavirus crisis.

With many sectors in lockdown and staff shortages likely as COVID-19 forces many people into isolation, the company is seeking around 200 Support Workers for residential care services in support of adults with learning disabilities and mental health needs. Heathcotes is now offering temporary and permanent positions at various locations in Northern England, the Midlands and London. No care sector experience is necessary as new staff will be benefit from comprehensive training.

Heathcotes Head of Recruitment, Colin Ramwell, said: “All of the UK’s frontline services will be feeling the strain in the coming months and providers of social care will be under immense pressure. Our work will be more important than ever in support of some of the most vulnerable people in society. Many people will be concerned about employment security and many jobs have already been lost, but we want them to know that Heathcotes need kind, compassionate staff to help us make a difference at services nationwide.  As essential key workers, our staff can continue to work whilst their children continue to attend school.

“We are able to offer flexible contracts for people who may need a short-term source of income before returning their previous role in sectors such hospitality, retail and leisure, but we always welcome applicants who are interested in starting a long-term career in care. We fund all training and invest in the professional development of our staff.”

To address safety issues posed by Coronavirus, Heathcotes has implemented enhanced risk assessments and infection control protocols for staff and service users throughout its 72 services. The company has been continuously monitoring official advice, responding accordingly and communicating the latest updates and government guidelines to all staff.  Non-essential visitors to services have been told to delay their visit until further notice whilst essential visitors have been asked to carry out a simple risk assessment on themselves prior to visiting, and to observe enhanced infection control protocols before and during their visit.

Click here to find out more about Heathcotes Group

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Chancellor gives support to millions of self-employed individuals

Rishi Sunak has announced a new scheme to support the UK’s self-employed affected by the coronavirus outbreak:

  • direct cash grant of 80% of their profits, up to £2,500 per month
  • latest announcement in an unprecedented package of government support to protect businesses and individuals

Millions of self-employed individuals will receive direct cash grants though a ground-breaking UK-wide scheme to help them during the coronavirus outbreak, the Chancellor announced today.

In the latest step to protect individuals and businesses, Rishi Sunak has set out plans that will see the self-employed receive up to £2,500 per month in grants for at least 3 months.

Millions of people across the UK could benefit from the new Self-Employed Income Support Scheme, with those eligible receiving a cash grant worth 80% of their average monthly trading profit over the last three years. This covers 95% of people who receive the majority of their income from self-employment.

This brings parity with the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, announced by the Chancellor last week, where the Government committed to pay up to £2,500 each month in wages of employed workers who are furloughed during the outbreak.

Cleaners, plumbers, electricians, musicians, hairdressers and many other self-employed people who are eligible for the new scheme will be able to apply directly to HMRC for the taxable grant, using a simple online form, with the cash being paid directly into people’s bank account.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: “Self-employed people are a crucial part of the UK’s workforce who’ve understandably been looking for reassurance and support during this national emergency.”

“The package for the self-employed I’ve outlined today is one of the most generous in the world that has been announced so far. It targets support to those who need help most, offering the self-employed the same level of support as those in work.”

“Together with support packages for businesses and for workers, I am confident we now have the measures in place to ensure we can get through this emergency together.”

The scheme will be open to those with a trading profit of less than £50,000 in 2018-19 or an average trading profit of less than £50,000 from 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19.

To qualify, more than half of their income in these periods must come from self-employment.

To minimise fraud, only those who are already in self-employment and meet the above conditions will be eligible to apply. HMRC will identify eligible taxpayers and contact them directly with guidance on how to apply.

The income support scheme, which is being designed by HMRC from scratch, will cover the three months to May. Grants will be paid in a single lump sum instalment covering all 3 months, and will start to be paid at the beginning of June.

Individuals should not contact HMRC now. HMRC will use existing information to check potential eligibility and invite applications once the scheme is operational.

Those who pay themselves a salary and dividends through their own company are not covered by the scheme but will be covered for their salary by the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme if they are operating PAYE schemes.

The scheme has been designed after extensive engagement with stakeholders including the TUC, the Federation of Small Businesses and IPSE – The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed.

Self-employed individuals are already benefitting from a series of measures announced by the Chancellor to boost household incomes and will be able to access these while the new scheme is being rolled out.

These include a strengthening of the welfare safety-net with a £7 billion boost to Universal Credit, income tax and VAT deferrals, £1 billion more support for renters and access to three-month mortgage holidays.


  • further information and details of the scheme will be shared shortly by HMRC
  • HMRC will use the average trading profits from tax returns in 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 to determine the size of the grant
  • this scheme also applies to members of partnerships
  • before grant payments are made, the self-employed will still be able to access other available government support for those affected by coronavirus including more generous universal credit and business continuity loans where they have a business bank account

Chesterfield council houses homes building Brampton

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Meet the Buyer Event Cancelled: But local companies can still benefit from Northern Gateway development

Local companies are being invited to get in touch with Chesterfield Borough Council to find out how to tender for work connected to the ongoing regeneration of Chesterfield.

The safety of residents, businesses and staff has been considered carefully following the latest government guidance relating to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the Meet the Buyer event that was due to take place at the Town Hall on Friday 27th March has been cancelled.

However, the construction of the new Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre on part of the Holywell Cross car park is still scheduled to commence in April and main contractors Robert Woodhead Limited remain very keen to speak to local companies to form part of their supply chain on this project and other local projects in their pipeline.

As part of its commitment to supporting the local economy Chesterfield Borough Council, as the planning authority, includes Local Labour Clauses within planning approvals for developments of this kind to ensure developers use local suppliers, have apprenticeships and allocate as many jobs as possible to local people.

To maximise the opportunities for local companies, main contractors Robert Woodhead Limited are offering a range of sub-contractor packages available during the project.  Opportunities include:

  • Brickwork
  • Plastering
  • Screeds
  • Joinery and kitchen fitting
  • Floor finishes
  • Fencing
  • Landscaping
  • Painting and decorating
  • Wall tiling
  • Mastic and sealants
  • Cleaners
  • Roof Tiling
  • Local Labour Recruitment Agencies

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “There is more than £1 billion of investment currently underway in Chesterfield and one of the key priorities of the council is that Chesterfield residents directly benefit from this by getting new jobs, training, business and skills opportunities.”

“Robert Woodhead Limited has worked closely with the council to ensure that our Borough benefits as much as possible from the opportunities that building this new Enterprise Centre will bring.”

“Whilst it is disappointing that the event is not going ahead as planned, I am pleased that staff have worked hard to ensure a virtual alternative is in place. I would encourage all local businesses that deliver the trades and services specified to follow the link to our website below where businesses and see what opportunities are available for them and their workforces. It is now more important than ever that we do all we can to support local businesses and this is an example of where we can make a difference.”

Dan Cove, Project Manager, Robert Woodhead Ltd said: “It is with regret that the meet the buyer event has been cancelled but we will undertake to respond to all enquiries remotely. As soon as we can, will look to reschedule the event but in the meantime, we would urge local businesses to get in touch through the website to express interest in the subcontractor opportunities we have available on the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre project.”

If you would like to express an intertest in any of the opportunities listed with Robert please click here or contact Emily Williams via email on emily.williams@chesterfield.gov.uk

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UKATA announces temporary video conference asbestos training during Coronavirus crisis

The UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) is urging workers in construction-related industries and trades to make use of the time to upskill or refresh training.

In line with this, UKATA has approved its 200-member companies and individuals to deliver a number of its approved courses by video conferencing software, including Skype, Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, UKATA members are approved to deliver the following courses by video conference:

  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Asbestos Awareness Refresher
  • Duty to Manage – Extension to Asbestos Awareness
  • Non-Licensable Refresher (Delegates must complete a Training Needs Analysis prior to the training)

The move to temporary video conference training was approved during a recent emergency UKATA board meeting.

A number of quality control measures have also been put in place with members to ensure the training delivered continues to be of a high quality. To support the delivery of courses UKATA is also developing a new, bespoke online examination system.

UKATA-approved training providers are audited regularly by UKATA to ensure the training they deliver is of a consistently high standard. They are also authorised to award industry-recognised and respected UKATA certificates following successful completion of training.

To ensure that training can continue to be delivered by members, UKATA has also agreed to grant an extension period to members whose membership process deadlines are approaching.

Craig Evans, Chief Operating Officer of UKATA, which is a highly respected, leading authority on asbestos training explained: “These are uncertain times and we have acted swiftly to ensure that workers can access vital asbestos training and that our members can continue to deliver it.

“It’s a distressing time for everyone concerned, particularly self-employed people, but we are urging people to use this enforced downtime to upskill and increase their knowledge and awareness of asbestos.”

He  added: “The industry is going to have some difficult times ahead, from projects being cancelled to shortage of supplies, inevitably meaning works cannot be carried out, but the country and the industry WILL recover and we must all be ready to hit the ground running when that happens.

“UKATA staff are all working remotely to ensure that, as much as possible, it’s business as usual and that we can continue to support our members and the industry during these unprecedented times.”

To find a UKATA member in your area delivering asbestos training visit www.UKATA.org.uk,call 01246 824437 or email info@ukata.org.uk.

Click here to view our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Support Page

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Derbyshire Emergency Relief Fund for businesses now in place

UPDATE 25/03/20: Applications are currently closed on a temporary basis – “We are currently processing the applications received so far as quickly as possible and prioritising self-employed applicants to ensure they are the first to receive payments.” Read more here.

Following the announcement of an initial £1m allocation, complementing the Government’s coronavirus funding packages, the Derbyshire County Council Emergency Relief Fund for the county’s smallest businesses is now in place.

Businesses with nine or fewer employees and sole traders will now be able to apply online for up to £500 in emergency support to help to cover the initial hardships that companies might have as a result of the pandemic.Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis said: “Derbyshire’s smallest businesses, particularly in certain sectors, will already be feeling the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. The support available from the Emergency Relief Fund won’t solve those problems but might help those who face an immediate issue as a result of lost income.””The Fund is easy to apply for and one-off payments will be made quickly for successful applicants. Alongside this direct financial help we are pulling together a wider package of support in place to help companies access the millions of pounds that the Government has made available for businesses and more details are available at  www.derbyshire.gov.uk/businessgrants.”

The Emergency Relief Fund criteria and application form are available online at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/businessgrants . Businesses will need to be registered in Derbyshire, be able to evidence a loss of income as a direct result of the coronavirus outbreak and fulfil the other criteria laid out online in order to apply. The Fund will be open until the 17th April 2020 and has a limited number of grants available.

The Government has already announced a wide range of measures to support businesses across the country including a business rate holiday and a range of grants. Details of this support is awaited and the Emergency Relief Fund is intended to help businesses whilst the national support is put in to place.

Businesses and residents can find Derbyshire-specific support during the coronavirus outbreak.

Click here to view our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Support Page

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Chesterfield technology company release free educational platform to support teachers through the Coronavirus outbreak

Seymour & Lerhn, an eLearning company based in Chesterfield, have released their primary school education service for free until the 15th May, to help support primary school teachers across the UK during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Seymour & Lerhn offer a library interactive virtual tours, lesson plans and resource sheets for primary schools, to make learning immersive and educational. The virtual tours are accessible online, and aim to keep children immersed in education instead of being put off by potential home distractions.

The service has been released for free so teachers can begin to prepare for school closures, as the resources and virtual tours can assist teachers to set work for students to do from home. This is so education can continue, despite disruption of the Coronavirus.

All teachers have to do is make an account on www.seymourlerhn.com, and they will have access to every single teaching resource, lesson plan and virtual tour. From there, teachers can set tasks using the pre-made work sheets for students to complete by incorporating the activity as part of the virtual tours.

This work can be set using any home-school communication service, or by simply printing the worksheets to be sent home.

Seymour & Lerhn Head Honcho, Charlie Power (below), said: “We believe that releasing our platform for free could help primary school teachers to make life a little easier when it came to setting work for pupils to do at home. As the educational sector, we all need to band together to support schools during this challenging time, and we’ll pull through this like we always do.”

Primary school teacher, Sophie Maunders, said: “Seymour & Lerhn offer a fantastic platform to transport all children to a new world with the click of a finger. Their virtual reality programmes offer opportunities and experiences to children that they may not have otherwise had, all within the confines of their classroom or home. Definitely not one to miss.”

Charlie Power Oasis Studio web main

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Chesterfield Iceland stores dedicates exclusive shopping time for elderly and vulnerable

The Iceland store located in Chesterfield’s Vicar Lane Shopping Centre is to dedicate two hours every Wednesday morning for elderly or vulnerable shoppers.

It has been confirmed that the Vicar Lane Iceland store will restrict opening for these groups exclusively between 9am and 11am each Wednesday until further notice. The store will remain open as usual between 8am and 9am and again from 11am.

A post on the official Iceland Foods Facebook page stated: “The impact of Covid-19 continues to disrupt routines for many people and businesses, and there is widespread concern about access to food, especially for vulnerable people and the elderly.”restirtc opening between 10am and 12pm on

“With many of our Iceland stores located at the heart of communities across the UK, we are encouraging our store managers to dedicate the first two hours of opening on Wednesday morning to the elderly (those of state pension age) and vulnerable, such as those with disabilities. We are giving them the flexibility to offer this wherever possible, and arrangement will be publicised in the stores that decide to take this action.”

These dedicated shopping times vary per store so please check with the store you are planning to visit in advance of your journey. More information can be found from the Iceland in-store teams.

Update 18/03/2020: It has now been confirmed that the Iceland store on Sheffield Road will restrict opening between 10am and 12noon on Wednesday.

Click here to find out more about Vicar Lane Shopping Centre

Visit our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Support page

Image credit: Adam Chapman

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Helping local companies benefit from Northern Gateway development

Local companies are being invited to a Meet the Buyer event to find out how to tender for work connected to the ongoing regeneration of Chesterfield.

The construction of the new Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre on part of the Holywell Cross car park is due to start in April. Main contractors Robert Woodhead Limited are interested to speak to local companies to form part of their supply chain on this project and other local projects in their pipeline.

The event will take place on 27 March 2020 between 8am – 12pm at Chesterfield Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield S40 1LP in committee room one.

The Enterprise Centre will provide 32 high-quality Grade A offices in a range of sizes (26 to 120 square metres) over three floors.

As part of its commitment to supporting the local economy Chesterfield Borough Council, as the planning authority, includes local labour clauses within developments of this kind to ensure developers use local suppliers, have apprenticeships and allocate as many jobs as possible to local people.

To maximise the opportunities for local companies, main contractors Robert Woodhead Limited and Chesterfield Borough Council will hold the event to provide details of a range of sub-contractor packages available during the project.

Other main contractors including Fortem will join the event to maximise the opportunities available to local businesses on the schemes they are developing across the Borough. Light refreshments will be provided, and companies are requested to bring plenty of business cards for what promises to be a valuable morning of networking.

Opportunities include:

• Brickwork
• Plastering
• Screeds
• Joinery and kitchen fitting
• Floor finishes
• Fencing
• Landscaping
• Painting and decorating
• Wall tiling
• Mastic and sealants
• Cleaners
• Roof Tiling
• Local labour recruitment agencies
• Rendering
• uPVC windows and doors
• Fire stopping
• Fire door set installation
• Kitchen and bathroom installation
• Suspended ceilings
• Electrical
• Plumbing and heating systems/gas
• Scaffolding
• Pitched and flat roofing

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “There is more than £1 billion of investment currently underway in Chesterfield and one of the key priorities of the council is that Chesterfield residents directly benefit from this by getting new jobs, training, business and skills opportunities.

“Robert Woodhead Limited has worked closely with the council to ensure that our borough benefits as much as possible from the opportunities that building this new Enterprise Centre will bring.

“I would encourage all local businesses to attend the Meet the Buyer event and see what opportunities are available for them and their workforces.”

In addition to the Meet the Buyer event, CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) and Chesterfield College will be in attendance to guide local business on how to access training and assist in the recruitment of apprentices.

To find out more about the Meet the Buyer event please contact Emily Williams on 01246 345254 or email emily.williams@chesterfield.gov.uk.

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