Celebrate Chesterfield

Dynamic ideas sought for second UK Space Agency programme

Dynamic ideas from start-up and established high-tech businesses across the UK are being sought for the second Oxford Innovation Space Incubator programme.

Following the success of last year’s first cohort, Oxford Innovation has teamed up with the UK Space Agency to deliver the 2019/2020 programme, open to entries from established businesses and new company founders.

Businesses have until Friday, 15 November to submit ideas which have the ability to solve real-world problems in sectors such as; aerospace, marine, transport, health, gaming and agri-tech, although ideas for any sector are welcome.

Last year, Agrinav was one of five businesses to secure grant funding thanks to the help of the expert team at Oxford Innovation. After securing a £125,000 European Horizon Grant the firm’s variable rate fertilizer spreader, which analyses satellite images to produce a map and calculate the amount of fertilizer required for an area, will be developed following successful trials.

Managing Director of Oxford Innovation, Jo Stevens said: “We are absolutely delighted to be partnering again with the UK Space Agency to deliver this unique programme which will provide successful applicants with access to world-class research and innovation support.

“We are looking forward to building on the success of last year which saw us secure thousands of pounds worth of funding to help participants deliver their vision for the future and to connect with industry primes such as Ordnance Survey, Airbus and Boeing.”

Funded through the UK Space Agency’s National Space Technology Programme (NSTP), an impressive package worth thousands of pounds, will be awarded to six companies with the best solutions for real-world problems.

Each of the six winning projects will receive introductions to technical support from universities, research agencies and prime space related businesses. In addition to benefitting from six months free workspace at Oxford Innovation’s BASE Bordon Innovation Centre, in Hampshire, and access to a series of  interactive workshops delivered by experts in; PR, commercial agreements, funding and marketing.

Innovate2Succeed is also supporting the programme providing; bespoke coaching, partners, expert matchmaking, investor showcase and networking events with other dynamic space entrepreneurs and innovators.

Charles McCausland, Head of Major Projects and Technology Development at UK Space Agency said, “We’re delighted to be partnering with Oxford Innovation as part of our National Space Technology Programme. This will build on the success of the first cohort from the OI Space Incubator to identify, develop and underpin space technology capabilities across the UK.”

Elaine Kearney, Innovation Director at the BASE Bordon Innovation Centre, is the driving force behind the project which will be delivered by Oxford Innovation’s specialist business advisers, and the UK Space Agency’s network of space incubators, universities, and experts.

To find out more about the OI Space Incubator and apply to the 2019/2020 programme visit http://oispace.co.uk/registration to register your business by 15th November.

The UKSA Entrepreneurial Programme at Fareham Innovation Centre.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

Engaging the community on climate change

A working group set up to tackle climate change in Chesterfield met for the first time last week.

Chesterfield Borough Council agreed to set up the group made up of local volunteers after declaring a climate emergency at a meeting of full council meeting in July (right).

Councillor Amanda Serjeant (below), Chesterfield Borough Council’s deputy leader, said: “We were bowled over with the response we received to our request to volunteers to take part in our working group on climate change.”

“There will also be a wider consultative group of people from different backgrounds and experiences that will help inform the actions taken by the council.”

“Individuals included in the working group have interests or experience in this area so this will be very useful in helping us to shape our plans for the future.”

The working group will explore how both the council and borough can work towards becoming carbon neutral.

The working group will develop a fully costed action plan that will be presented to a meeting of full council by March 2020.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Derbyshire County Council to cover apprentice training costs for local SMEs

Small and medium-sized businesses across the county could have their apprentice training costs paid for by Derbyshire County Council.

Derbyshire County Council are using some of their apprentice levy to pay for training for apprenticeships in small and medium-sized businesses.

Apprenticeships can be undertaken by new employees, or existing employees in a wide range of business sectors including manufacturing, creative, service, construction, finance and business, care, retail and many more. There are 100s of different types of apprenticeship at a wide variety of different levels.

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, Councillor Tony King, said: “This is a great opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses in the county to boost their level of skills, either by taking on a new apprentice, or training existing employees.”

“We will pay for the training needed, and provide expert help to find the right apprenticeship for your business and employees.”

More information is available from Lucie Andrews, Skills Adviser at the D2N2 Growth Hub, via email lucie.andrews@d2n2growthhub.co.uk or by calling 0333 006 9178.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development

Records broken as Redbrik Half enjoys successful third outing

The 2019 Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon has been hailed a success by organisers, event partners and participants after enjoying a record-breaking third outing.

More than 1,500 people registered for the event’s three elements – the 13.1-mile Half Marathon, Peak FM Five Mile Run and Blachford UK Fun Run – with new course records also set by both the female and male Redbrik Half winners.

Richard Start, from Wingerworth in Chesterfield and of North Derbyshire Running Club, was the first to cross the Redbrik Half finish line with a record time of 1:11:52, with Leeds’ Susan Lewis, of Roundhay Runners, the first female to finish in a time of 1:24:29 – also a new record for the current Redbrik Half course.

The Redbrik Half’s oldest participant was 79-year-old Dave Onion, from Nottingham, with Daniel Lowe, from Ashgate in Chesterfield, the youngest at 17.

The first male and female to cross the line of the Peak FM Five Mile Run were Rob Shoreson, from Whitwell, in 29:59, and Clowne’s Louise Cocking in 33:11 – with Louise also setting a new female Peak FM Five Mile run record.

Logan Fairey was the winner of the 1KM Blachford Fun Run, which took place within the boundaries of Queen’s Park in tandem with the main event.

Around 15 organisations also took part in the first Pronto Paints Wellbeing Challenge, a team entry into the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon’s events.

The event also helped raise thousands for good causes across the region, with £40,000 pledged in 2019 for charities including the main charity partner, Ashgate Hospicecare, and North Anston-based Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

The event was also hailed a huge success online – with people taking to social media to heap praise on the Redbrik Half.

Facebook user Phill Young said: “Be proud of yourself Chesterfield – fantastic event today. Brilliant stewards, brilliant support, brilliant sponsors. Well done.”

Shannon Robyn commented: “Finally got to complete this today with my partner David. An amazingly well-supported race with plenty of water stations. All the marshals were fab. Great event!”

Following the 2019 event, John Timms, Event Director at Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon, said: “We’re absolutely delighted with what was a record sign-up total for the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon – and I’d also like to congratulate Richard and Susan on breaking both the male and female course records.”

“It is truly amazing to see how many people turned out to support the event, both in Queen’s Park at the start/finish line and out on route.”

“We are extremely grateful to everyone who contributed to making the event a success once more – including event partners and sponsors, and of course all those who took part.”

“A special mention must go to all the volunteers who helped out on race day – who gave up their Sunday morning to help keep everything running smoothly, to assist runners and to help the general public. Without them, this event simply would not be possible, so a big thank you to everyone who helped out.”

“I also want to thank anyone who was affected by the road disruptions across Chesterfield for their understanding throughout the day.”

“Most importantly, however, the money raised by this event will go a long way to helping good causes like Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, which do so much fantastic work in the local community.”

Mark Ross, Managing Director of headline sponsor Redbrik and who took part in the Peak FM Five Mile Run, said: “The 2019 Redbrik Chesterfield Half was without doubt the best Redbrik Half yet.”

“We are very proud to have been involved in the event’s success again this year – supporting the local community and giving back to the people who have helped make our business such a success since our establishment in 2013 is part of our ethos.”

“It was fantastic to see so many people turn out for great causes, which at the end of the day is what this event is all about.”

“We love this town and we want to see it thrive. Events such as the Redbrik Half Marathon help to do that, with huge numbers of people coming to Chesterfield from all parts of the country to support, contribute or take part. We can’t wait until 2020 already!”

For more information on the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon, visit www.redbrikchesterfieldhalf.com.

Side photo credit: Charles Whitton Photography
Main photo credit: Paul Horton Photography
Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

New partnership set to help Chesterfield achieve its goals

A new closer working relationship between Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council, focussed on delivering key regeneration projects, will help achieve the borough’s growth strategy.

As highlighted in the Chesterfield Borough Council’s growth strategy approved in 2018, there are a number of significant growth and regeneration projects underway in the borough. Collectively, these projects provide an opportunity to put Chesterfield on a higher growth path. For Chesterfield’s communities these projects will bring the opportunity to access up to 10,000 new jobs.

The new Joint Growth Board will ensure the councils will consider at a strategic level how best to deploy resources to ensure delivery timescales and outcomes are met.

Resources will be shared to accelerate and achieve further economic development in the area, with both organisations currently involved in a number of multi-million-pound projects across the borough including the Northern Gateway project, Chesterfield Waterside, Staveley Corridor improvements and planning for HS2. There will also be a dedicated skills delivery officer to ensure the work readiness of local people to take advantage of the new jobs that will be created.

Councillor Terry Gilby (right), Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “Both councils have ambitious economic growth programmes underway, so the creation of the new Joint Growth Board will allow us to accelerate project delivery, share resources and have a more joined-up approach to working with our private sector partners.”

“We put our communities first in each of the projects we undertake, so I believe that the new jobs, housing and benefits this partnership will bring to our local economy will help to make Chesterfield a thriving borough.”

Derbyshire County Council’s cabinet member for economic development and regeneration Councillor Tony King said: “As Derbyshire’s largest town, we all want to see Chesterfield thrive.”

“That’s why it makes sense to work together, to pool our resources and efforts to create jobs and drive economic growth. It’s all part of our approach to being an Enterprising Council and it’s what our residents and businesses expect.”

The Joint Growth Board will include the leaders of both councils, as well as the appropriate portfolio holders who will be responsible for monitoring the delivery of a defined list of key projects and decision to ensure plans remain on track.

Councillor Gilby continued: “This is really great news for the borough. The new board will allow a direct link to the political leadership of both councils and will create a multi-disciplinary resource able to work flexibly across identified priority projects.”

One of the next projects on the horizon in the heart of Chesterfield is a new enterprise centre (below) for both start-up and medium sized businesses on the Holywell Cross (donut) car park, with work due to start after the archaeological dig is finalised. This is one element of the Northern Gateway project, funded by a Sheffield City Region Infrastructure Fund grant of £5.83 million.

Works are also underway on Elder Way and Knifesmithgate to create new retail outlets under the new Premier Inn, as well as there being street improvements planned in the area next year.

Enterprise Centre

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield

Using social media to show what Chesterfield has to offer

In a political climate where Brexit seems to be dominating the headlines and creating economic uncertainty, I am pleased to report that Chesterfield continues to buck the trend.

And nowhere was this more evident than at the recent Chesterfield Investment Summit held at Casa Hotel.

We’re boasting some of the biggest developments in the region, including Markham Vale, HS2, Chesterfield Waterside, Northern Gateway and Peak Resort, and this feels the tip of the iceberg. There is huge opportunity for Chesterfield’s high street.

In a room packed with members of the business community, we heard how the regeneration of our high street is taking shape. Excitingly, footfall at Vicar Lane Shopping Centre has increased by 36% over the last six months thanks to their use of social media.

I was stunned to hear that we are spending an average of 136 minutes a day scrolling through 300 feet of content on our phones. For the first time ever, people now spend more time on their mobile phone than watching TV. While I don’t think I fall into this category, my adult children definitely do.

There has been a huge shift in human behaviour over the last 15 years which has been driven by our use of social media. But, as always, Chesterfield is ahead of the game. The town and its retailers are using their social media accounts, like Facebook and Instagram, to engage with people and draw them not just to their business but to the town in general.

Partnership and collaboration have been at the heart of the town’s marketing campaign since we launched Destination Chesterfield in 2010. It’s reaping rewards for everyone – investors, residents, businesses and visitors. But there is still room for improvement.

If you are active on social media, then consider using it to help Chesterfield grow further. The next time you’re visiting Chesterfield town centre, ‘check in’ online to the businesses you visit. If you’ve had good service, leave them a review on their social media pages or on TripAdvisor. Share pictures of the many town centre events, food and drinks and tag Chesterfield in your post.

With a smart phone and a social media account at your fingertips, you can become an unofficial but valued member of the Chesterfield marketing campaign.

Chesterfield is a town of opportunity and the more people that know this will drive forward our ambitions to not only deliver our current development plans but also attract further investment and continue to help our high street to not only survive but thrive.

If you want to keep up-to-date with all the developments, news and events in Chesterfield on social media, then you can on Twitter (@chesterfielduk), Instagram (@chesterfielduk) and Facebook.

Blog by Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield

Create Change Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Blog, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Elder Way becomes Chesterfield Champion

Pledging its continued support to Chesterfield town centre, Jomast Developments, the company behind the multi-million-pound regeneration of the former Co-op department store on Elder Way, has become a Chesterfield Champion.

Jomast’s Elder Way project is now one of more than 180 champions who are helping to drive development of the local economy and raise the profile of the town.

Welcoming Elder Way to the Champions’ line up, Dominic Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager said: “Elder Way is a pivotal site in Chesterfield that is helping transform the town’s Northern Gateway. I’m delighted to welcome the scheme onboard as a Champion showing that the town is a great place to not only live and work but also invest.”

Since investing in Chesterfield in 2016, Jomast has spent millions transforming the top two floors of the four storey building into a Premier Inn hotel, breathing life into the town’s famous 1930s, Mock-Tudor building and helping create more than 20 new jobs.

Further jobs are set to be created in the town as the basement and ground floor of Elder Way will be developed into restaurant and leisure space.

Part of the Destination Chesterfield campaign, the Chesterfield Champions scheme is funded through support from local businesses and Chesterfield Borough Council which has worked closely with Jomast to regenerate Elder Way.

Mark Hill (right), Commercial Property Director at Jomast Developments, added: “Since investing in Chesterfield we continue to be impressed by the public and private approach to helping the town reach its potential. It is very much a joint effort that is reaping rewards in terms of attracting investment to the town and we’re delighted that Elder Way is able to play a role in this.”

Elder Way is an integral part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s Northern Gateway Scheme which includes the new multi-storey car park on Saltergate. Work will also begin on a new enterprise centre for small to medium sized businesses on part of the site of Holywell Cross (Donut) car park.

For more details about the development, including available units and business space at Elder Way, click here.

Click here to find out more about becoming a Chesterfield Champion.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield sees increase in visitor economy

Chesterfield has seen an increase in the visitor economy of more than five per cent in the last year.

New figures released by Global Tourism Solutions show that tourism in the borough accounted for £184.1 million in 2018 – an increase of 5.1 per cent on 2017.

Each year Chesterfield sees 3.7 million visitors.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We are all aware that Chesterfield is a wonderful place to visit and it seems the secret is out.”

“The visitor economy is important for Chesterfield, with so many visitors coming to see our attractions, staying in our hotels, eating in restaurants and cafés and spending in our shops and businesses.”

As well as the world-famous Crooked Spire, the borough is also home to popular attractions including Chesterfield Museum, Revolution House, the Pomegranate and Winding Wheel Theatres and award winning parks including Queen’s Park, all owned and operated by Chesterfield Borough Council.

In addition there is Barrow Hill Roundhouse Railway Centre, Chesterfield Canal and Staveley Hall.

A planning application has recently been submitted by David Lloyd for Adrenaline World, a visitor attraction at the Peak Resort development at Unstone.

Click here to find out more about leisure in Chesterfield

Click here to see our list of great places to visit in Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Christmas, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Celebrity chef in town to host Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards

One of Britain’s much loved and well-known chefs, Brian Turner CBE, will be in town on Wednesday 23 October, when he hosts the sell-out 2019 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards.

Organised by Destination Chesterfield, in association with the Chesterfield College Group, the awards ceremony, which is now in its seventh year, recognises the crème de la crème of Chesterfield’s food and drink sector.

With a career spanning more than 50 years, which includes being one the first chefs on the long running TV programme, Ready Steady Cook, Brian is well-placed to announce the winners of 15 categories at the awards.

Looking forward to the ceremony, Brian commented: “I am delighted to host the seventh annual Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards. It is very encouraging to see these awards not only recognising established businesses, but also up and coming young chefs and apprentices who are the future of this wonderful industry. I am looking forward to being in the company of so many people who share my passion.”

A total of 39 businesses and individuals have been shortlisted across 15 categories, with Bottle & Thyme hoping to retain its coveted title of Restaurant of the Year for a second year running. The winners will be announced at a glittering awards ceremony, which is being held at the Winding Wheel Theatre.

On the night, the 260 guests will be welcomed with a selection of canapes served by hospitality and catering students from Chesterfield College, as well as enjoying a delicious two-course meal incorporating local produce – from Derbyshire Bakewell Tart to Dovedale Blue Cheese.

The finalists in each category are:

Restaurant of the Year – sponsored by Chesterfield Borough Council

Bottle & Thyme
Ciuri Ciuri Restaurant
Lombardi’s Restaurant

Cafe/Tea Room of the Year – sponsored by Kier Group

The Lilypad Café
H&F Vintage Tea Rooms

Gastro Pub of the Year – sponsored by Banner Jones Solicitors

The Market Pub
The Rectory
The Red Lion at Peak Edge Hotel

Pub/Bar of the Year

Pump & Grind
The Rose & Crown
The Three Horseshoes

Chesterfield’s Best Newcomer – sponsored by BHP Chartered Accountants

Afat’s Grill
Pig & Pump
Sorbo Lounge

Excellence in Customer Service – sponsored by East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire)

Bottle & Thyme
Junction Bar
The Lilypad Café

Best Out of Town – sponsored by Shorts Chartered Accountants

The Horse & Jockey, Wessington
Orangery Restaurant, Darley Dale
Southgate Brasserie at Van Dyk by Wildes, Clowne

International Restaurant of the Year – sponsored by MSE Hiller

Cocina at Casa Hotel
Delhi 41

Family Friendly Award – sponsored by Jumble Creative Design

The Bulls Head, Holymoorside
The Six Halts, Clay Cross

Conference Venue of the Year

Casa Hotel
Chatsworth House
Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa

Young Chef of the Year – sponsored by Owen Taylor & Sons

Jake Parkin
Sophia Johnson
Callum Fitzpatrick

Chesterfield Food Producer of the Year – sponsored by Edge Events Management Ltd

Crooked Pickle Co
Derbyshire Distillery
Moss Valley Fine Meats

Apprentice of the Year – sponsored by Apprentice Town (led by Chesterfield Borough Council)

Denny Pearson
Donna McMahon
Stuart Mcardle

Apprentice Employer of the Year – sponsored by Learning Unlimited (The Chesterfield College Group)

Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa
Stephenson’s Tea & Coffee House
The Tickled Trout

Chesterfield Food Hero – sponsored by Casa Hotel

To be announced at the ceremony

Other supporters of the awards include Derbyshire Times, Distinctive Magic, Elder Way (Jomast Developments), FEAST – Food and Drink Forum, Hoods Florist, Franklins & Sons, Magnifica, Peak FM, Reflections Magazine (Bannister Publications Ltd) and Vicar Lane Shopping Centre.

For more information about the 2019 Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards visit www.chesterfield.co.uk/foodanddrinkawards

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield’s Peak FM turns 21

Chesterfield’s Peak FM are today celebrating 21 years since the launch of the commercial radio station on 7th October 1998. 21 years and a few format changes on, the station looks back at 21 years of local radio, still in exactly the same building.

To mark the special occasion, during the breakfast show Peak FM played special music features from its birth year alongside a few surprises – including an on-air appearance from its first ever presenter, Mark Burrows. Mark shared anecdotes of the early days with current presenters Richie Pearson and Becky Hayes, including how at one stage during launch the station was housed in the back of a chinese restaurant. The original 8am launch was recreated when Mark introduced the first song ever played on Peak FM – “Alive and Kicking” by Simple Minds, exactly as he did back in 1998.

Tim Smith, Content Controller at Peak FM said: “It’s just fantastic Peak FM has had so much impact on people’s lives across North Derbyshire this last 21 years and continues to do so. Our team love the area so much; we’ve seen that reflected in RAJAR growth and the engagement we get every day so we’ve planned a really exciting day to thank our listeners for being with us!”

Staff at the station dug out their best (and worst) 1998 clothes, gave away an original PlayStation 1 and are distributing birthday cakes across the region throughout the day.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure

Whittam Cox Architects ranked in UK’s Top 50 Architects

Whittam Cox Architects have secured a place in the Top 50 UK Architects and Top 150 UK Consultants rankings for the fifth consecutive year.

The annual Top 150 Consultants league table, produced by leading industry publication ‘Building Magazine’, has ranked the practice as 79 out of all the firms who made the top 150, which includes Architects, QS’s, Project Managers, and Engineers.

The practice has also secured spot at number 42 in the top UK Architects alongside other top practices such as Foster and Partners, BDP, Sheppard Robson, Allies and Morrison & others. The ranking reinforces the fact that Whittam Cox Architects are one of UK’s largest architects’ practices, servicing clients and projects nationwide.

Commenting on the milestone Board Director Nick Riley commented; “We are delighted to be recognised by Building again; we see this as an endorsement of our focussed efforts in delivering tangible value to our diverse range of clients and projects. Looking ahead we know we can’t be complacent; it’s essential we remain ambitious, agile and responsive to continued times of political and market uncertainty.”

See the Building article and league tables by clicking here.

Whittam Cox Architect of the Year

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development

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