Celebrate Chesterfield

Two elements of A61 Corridor Scheme secure D2N2 funding

Two projects to improve transport links through the A61 Growth Corridor Scheme will now benefit from D2N2 funding.

The Sustainable Transport project has been awarded £1.69 million from D2N2’s Local Growth Fund of the total £2.12 million cost whilst 21st Century Transport’s £3.75 million total cost will benefit from £3 million Local Growth Fund injection.

D2N2 Chair Elizabeth Fagan said of the news: “Creating strong and faster transport links across the north of our region are key to helping the economy of our region grow, particularly with work on the nearby North-Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone continuing at pace.”

“D2N2 has a strong commitment to clean growth and maintaining our natural assets, therefore I’m delighted that the projects we’ve funded as part of the A61 Growth Corridor will make it easier for local people to cycle to work as well and help make the air they breathe cleaner.”

With a number of significant residential and employment developments proposed within the corridor including Peak Resort and the Avenue, both projects form part of the larger Transport Mitigation Strategy for the area and aim to improve the resilience of the local transport network.

A more resilient transport network will lead to additional investment in the area including more employment opportunities and a greater number of homes, allowing the area to become more productive, more prosperous, and more inclusive.

This package of measures will provide infrastructure improvements and reduce commuter journey times, provide sustainable transport routes, and also ‘unlock’ further opportunities for major housing and employment growth along the A61 corridor through Chesterfield and into north-east Derbyshire.

Furthermore, as part of D2N2s commitment to clean growth, the improvements to the transport network will prioritise active travel, cycling, and pedestrianisation through new and upgraded paths and cycle routes.

Once works are complete in 2021, residents and local businesses will also benefit from a technology package which will include bus real-time information for bus passengers, car parking guidance and information, and CCTV.

The ‘A61 corridor’ into and through Chesterfield was among the first of D2N2’s named Growth Deal projects.

In addition to The Sustainable Transport and 21st Century Transport projects, the A61 Corridor scheme also includes 3 additional elements: The Chesterfield Station Masterplan, The Avenue Southern Access, and Clowne North projects.

Each element of the plan will be accessed by the D2N2 Investment Board ahead of any final decision on funding allocation.

D2N2 is the private sector-led partnership which promotes economic growth across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. It has been allocated more than £250m in LGF funding from the Government, to part-fund infrastructure projects which directly help its area’s economy and create jobs.

Local Enterprise Partnerships are playing a vital role in driving forward economic growth across the country, helping to build a country that works for everyone. By 2021 Government will have invested over £12billion through the Local Growth Fund, allowing Local Enterprise Partnerships to use their local knowledge to stimulate economic growth across the country.

Local Growth Minister Jake Berry said of the project securing funding: “This Government is committed to boosting economic growth across the Midlands Engine and throughout the UK as we leave the EU on October 31.

“Supporting the development of a more resilient transport network is just one of the ways that the Government helps local communities to thrive. The Local Growth Fund’s £4.69 million investment will drive economic development within the area – tackling traffic congestion, improving air quality and enabling greener transport choices”.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Internet grows the high street star

Social media plays an important role in supporting retailers by driving footfall and ultimately increasing sales.

It isn’t a case of the internet destroying retail; the businesses that use it effectively can create interest and build a relationship with customers.

Social media is fundamentally changing the rules of doing business.

At the Chesterfield Investment Summit, Polly Barnfield OBE from tech company Maybe* said: “Social media is fundamentally changing the rules of doing business.  It’s not a question of a business being online or offline anymore – they must be both.  There has been a huge shift in human behaviour over the last 15 years driven by social media.  For the first time ever, people now spend more time on their mobile phone than watching TV.”

Polly Barnfield OBE - Chesterfield investment Summit

Social Media from businesses shouldn’t just be me, me me!

As someone who encourages people to promote their place, it was great to hear Polly reinforce the view that activity on social media from businesses shouldn’t just be me, me, me!

Polly urged retailers not to focus on selling themselves on social media. “Engagement with the community around you is key. You can’t just sell your own product on social media if you want to be successful.  Retailers should post on social media every day and talk to their audience not just about what is happening in their business, but what is happening around them.”

Since Maybe* has been working with Vicar Lane Shopping Centre in Chesterfield, footfall has increased by 29%.  Through social media, the centre is interacting with its customers, asking them what they want and developing new events and facilities based on feedback.  It is not surprising that giving customers more of what they want keeps them coming back.

As a marketeer who has worked with social media for many years, I find it amazing how many people forget where these sites came from.  The clue is in the title!  They are all about social engagement and for conversations, not for shouting views or asking customers to buy.  It’s about engaging, listening, building relationships and creating a community.

Social media is the modern form of word of mouth and with everyone’s support, we can all play a role to engage with local businesses and share Chesterfield’s story far and wide.

Case Studies from Chesterfield business

We have some excellent case studies of businesses in Chesterfield, which are using social media to grow:

Geeks Headquarters

Geeks Headquarters

Alberto Naso

“We use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitch live streaming to showcase our products and tournaments. This has led to us increase our national and international sales. We have recently sent our 3D printed miniatures across Europe, China, and the USA.”



Andy Ingman, 
“By posting on social media it’s a constant reminder to customers that we are here and keeps the business in the front of their minds. The more independent retailers within the town that use social media to promote local activities, the more it benefits all the other companies and shops.  We are big on supporting each other.”

Adorn Jewellers at Chesterfield Retail Awards

Adorn Jewellers

Laura Jo Owen

“We’re active on most major social platforms, but customers prefer to contact us via Facebook and Instagram. Jewellery lends itself to image-based platforms and our customers can browse, ask questions, buy jewellery and have it delivered all from the comfort of their mobile phone. Join us @adornchesterfield”



Louise Peel

“As a town centre furniture retailer we have found that using social media campaigns have been vital in successfully promoting our business. It is also a great opportunity for our customers to visit Chesterfield, supporting the town centre by creating awareness and driving footfall, which helps increase both local and visitor spend.”

Etienne Blinds

Etienne Curtains & Blinds

Stephen Holland

“I only recently started using social media to promote my business, but already I can see it is a great way to reach out to customers and potential new customers by getting them to follow you, and it’s absolutely free. My advice – grow your audience to grow your business.”

Please do give the Destination Chesterfield social media channels a follow and engage with us.





You can follow or use the following hashtags across all social media channels.

#lovechesterfield – positive posts about the town

#chesterfieldnews – local news

#chesterfieldevents – local events

#shopchesterfield – Shopping in Chesterfield

#eatchesterfield – Food and Drink in Chesterfield

Blog by Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager at Destination Chesterfield.

Chesterfield Town Centre

Posted in About Chesterfield, Blog, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield

Independent giftware and home décor store to open at Vicar Lane

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre is delighted to announce the opening of a brand new independent giftware and home décor store, ‘Shop Indie’ at the centre on 1st October.

The ethos of Shop Indie is to showcase fabulous products from independent makers and designers from across the UK.

The collection includes unique handmade jewellery, stationery, prints & art plus baby & child décor, cards for every occasion and a selection of gifts available to personalise.

Lisa from Shop Indie said, “As an independent maker myself, I have been constantly impressed by the talent and creativity of people from across the UK. After being in business the last 10 years, John and myself have seen a massive shift towards online shopping which we have so far embraced. However, nothing beats being able to see the detail and work that goes into every product in person, and we wanted to bring this back to the high street.”

Lisa added: “Chesterfield has a lovely range of independent shops already, and we feel that the town would be a great fit for us. We look forward to giving the people of Chesterfield the opportunity to discover something a little different on their high street.”

Shaun Brown, Centre Manager at Vicar Lane said, “Shop Indie really does offer our customers something special on their visit into Chesterfield. As the high street only continues to face increasing pressures from the rise of online shopping, it’s imperative that we offer our customers a unique and high quality shopping offer, which stores like ‘Shop Indie’ provide.”

The addition of ‘Shop Indie’ to Vicar Lane brings a high-quality, exclusive product offering to the heart of Chesterfield, offering customers greater choice when shopping for a special gift or new addition for their home.

Click here to find out more about town centre shopping

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Derbyshire businesses invited to one of Europe’s largest walking & cycling fairs

Derbyshire tourism businesses have the chance to reach thousands of potential international visitors at the Fiets en Wandelbeurs walking and cycling fair in the Netherlands next spring, thanks to an exciting opportunity offered by the area’s official tourist board.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire has announced that as part of their £1.2 million ‘Delivering a World Class Visitor Economy within Derbyshire’ project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), they will be flying the flag for the area at the Fiets en Wandelbeurs walking and cycling fair in Utrecht, from 28th February to 1st March 2020.

Fiets en Wandelbeurs is one of the largest events of its kind in Europe, attracting over 40,000 walking and cycling enthusiasts who are passionate about active holidays, excursions and experiences. The fair has a complete offering in walking and cycling, from routes and destinations to the latest equipment and innovations.

The tourist board is inviting a small number of businesses from the Peak District and Derbyshire to join them at the fair for the chance to promote their business and reach new markets, encouraging more international visitors to book a break – and discover great walking and cycling – in the area.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for Derbyshire businesses who are interested in reaching overseas visitors. Thanks to our beautiful countryside, amazing landscapes and fantastic walking and cycling opportunities, the Peak District and Derbyshire is already a popular destination for Dutch visitors and the Netherlands is one of our priority markets.

“Together with the help of passionate local businesses at Fiets en Wandelbeurs in Utrecht, we hope to encourage even more international tourists to book an overnight break and discover what we have to offer.”

To qualify for the opportunity to join Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire’s stand at Fiets en Wandelbeurs in Utrecht, your business must be:

  • Based in Derbyshire
  • An SME (less than 250 employees)
  • A visitor economy business (or part of its supply chain)

Successful applicants will be responsible for their own travel and expenses but will be provided with the trade show space free of charge due to the ERDF project funding.

The closing date for applications is 17:00 on Friday 25th October 2019. Successful applicants will be notified in early November.

To find out more and to apply for a space, please click here.

Image credit: Visit Peak District & Derbyshire

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Look back at a successful summer

Like many other people, I enjoyed a break away this summer, and as always it was an opportunity to relax, sample new food, and overindulge!

A break away from the town gives us the opportunity to see it in a new light. Often, you don’t notice the progress and growth that has been achieved until you have time away from familiar surroundings. Sometimes we need that break from the town to realise how far it has come in recent years – and the ambitious plans it has for the future. More than a billion pounds worth of investment is happening here right now, bringing with it new homes, businesses and jobs.

In the past couple of months alone we have, for example, seen the opening of the new Multi Storey car park and the archaeological dig which will lead to the delivery of the new innovation centre at the Northern Gateway, the commencement of the new housing by Avant Homes at Chesterfield Waterside, and a planning application submitted for the ‘Adrenaline World’ leisure facility at Peak Resort. We have also seen premier league side Sheffield United visit the town to play a pre-season friendly against Chesterfield FC.

The Saltergate car park is owned and operated by Chesterfield Borough Council and is located on Saltergate. With 526 spaces, the new car park is open 24 hours and has wider spaces than the previous car park it replaces.

Amongst many other attractions, we have a superb food and drink scene in the town. This was celebrated recently with the highly successful Chesterfield Food and Drink Festival held in Queens Park. We are lucky to have authentic cuisine from around the world on our doorstep as well as home grown culinary talent and food producers right here in Chesterfield.

Peak: Gateway, Resort, Campus

PEAK plans to be an integrated leisure, health, sport and education destination on the edge of the Peak District National Park; set on the 300-acre Birchall Estate in Chesterfield.

Next month, at the annual Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, we have the opportunity to recognise the people and produce that are helping put Chesterfield on the culinary map.

Remember, there are many things, including food, drink, scenery and a warm welcome, to name but a few, that we don’t even need to leave the town to enjoy; Chesterfield truly has much to offer.

Blog by Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield

The winners of this year’s Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, in association with The Chesterfield College Group, will be announced at a glittering ceremony at the Winding Wheel on Wednesday 23rd October 2019.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Blog, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Development, Leisure, Visiting

Rate Cute pop up shop opens in Vicar Lane

The Rate Cute pop up shop opened at Vicar Lane Shopping Centre today (20 September), offering vintage clothing, accessories and more.

Rate Cute is a fashion brand owned by Charlotte Bolton (below), selling vintage, up-cycled clothing and handmade goods. As well as Charlotte’s own brand, the store will feature other small businesses and independent designer makers from all across the UK.

Charlotte said: “We’ll be stocking handpicked vintage clothing, handmade clothing, prints, accessories, greetings cards, ceramics, homeware – that’s all very modern and quirky.”

The shop will be located in the former Grainger Games unit, next to Iceland. The store will remain open until Christmas, however may remain open longer.

Charlotte Bolton says: “I’m super excited – I did the yarnbombing in Chesterfield a few years ago, to try and bring something fun and creative to the town, so now I’m really excited to be opening a pop-up shop which is definitely going to bring something different.”

Shaun Brown, Centre Manager at Vicar Lane said, “The addition of Rate Cute is really exciting for Vicar Lane. There is a growing trend for wearing more unique styles as well as a more ethical, conscious approach to fashion and shopping in general, so we’re sure the store will appeal to a number of new and existing customers at Vicar Lane.”

Vicar Lane Shopping Centre is home to a wide selection of fashion, homeware, jewelry and beauty stores to suit all tastes.

See more pictures on our Facebook page here.

Click here to read more about shopping in Chesterfield.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Leisure, Visiting

Chesterfield sporting pioneer recognised in first Lucozade Sport Movers List

Chesterfield’s John Croot, pioneer of walking football and CEO of Chesterfield FC Community Trust, has been included in the UK’s first Lucozade Sport Movers List.

From a paddleboard yoga enthusiast and a BMXer steering youths away from gang violence, to an ‘IronGran’ dedicated to keeping O.A.Ps fit, the Lucozade Sport team of researchers have recognised 50 individuals who inspire others to move.

John is non-executive director of the Walking Football Association and has played a key part in introducing walking football to the world. Walking football is credited with helping to stimulate mental and physical wellbeing for the older generation. The slower pace and less contact is perfect for people looking to keep active by playing the sport they love. Walking Football is now played in over 50 countries, and has over 60,000 players in the UK.

John said: “I’m delighted to be included in the first ever Lucozade Sport Movers List. It’s great to be recognised for the role I have played in the modern version of walking football. It’s unbelievable to think that a sport that started only a few years ago in Chesterfield has grown to be one of the fastest growing sports in the world.”

In June, Chesterfield’s Proact Stadium hosted the first ever Walking Football European Nations Cup. The weekend featured a national club tournament on Saturday, followed by the European Nations Cup on Sunday. There were around 250 players over the two days, involving Over 50s and Over 60s teams from different European nations.

You can view John’s Movers List profile here.

Photographer Gray Hughes

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Heathcotes Group appoints Head of Recruitment

Chesterfield Champion, Heathcotes Group, has appointed Colin Ramwell as Head of Recruitment to support its specialist residential services nationwide.

Colin brings many years’ experience of delivering innovative talent acquisition strategies within the health and social care sector. Prior to joining Heathcotes, he was Group Recruitment Manager at Turning Point, a social enterprise providing health and social care services for people with complex needs. Colin has also worked as a Project Lead at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, where he designed and implemented staffing strategy, and as Head of Recruitment at Cambian Group, a provider of services for people with autism, Asperger Syndrome, learning disabilities and complex needs.

Colin said:“I am very excited to have joined a forward-thinking organisation like Heathcotes Group. Ninety per cent of the senior management started out as care support workers, so they understand the value of investing in workforce development and nurturing career progression. Heathcotes funds all training and qualifications for entry-level staff at its services and many step up to management roles, so the company certainly provides the opportunities and long-term career prospects to attract and retain talented, caring and dedicated people.

He added: “Heathcotes’ person-centred care can have a transformative effect on service users, enabling them to progress from residential care to a more independent life, so staff have a real sense that they are making a lasting difference. That is another aspect of working life at Heathcotes which we need to highlight as a prospective employer for people seeking a satisfying and rewarding profession.”

Mikkel Togsverd, Managing Director of Heathcotes Southern, said: “We are delighted to welcome Colin to Heathcotes Group. He has a proven track record in recruitment and a wealth of experience of working within organisations that support individuals with learning disabilities and mental health needs. The quality of our people has been fundamental to Heathcotes’ success and Colin will play a leading role in ensuring that we continue to attract candidates with the attributes and values required for the kind of life-changing work that we do.”

Colin will now be overseeing recruitment strategy and delivery for 66 Heathcotes services providing specialist residential care for adults with learning disabilities, mental health needs and associated challenging behaviours.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

Chesterfield Investment Summit 2019 hears how localised social media could be key to revitalising town’s high street

With up to 74% of high street retailers not having an active social media presence, Polly Barnfield OBE, a member of the government’s High Street Task Force has urged Chesterfield’s shops and market traders to adopt social media and use it to deliver both improved footfall and sales on demand.

Speaking at the sell-out 2019 Chesterfield Investment Summit, Ms Barnfield, who has been named as one of the top 100 most influential women in technology, believes events and localised social media activity could be the key to revitalising and growing Chesterfield’s high street.

She said: “Social media is a resource that any business can use, and retailers should use this opportunity to engage with and understand their customers.”

“Social media is fundamentally changing the rules of doing business. It’s not a question of a business being online or offline anymore – they must be both. There has been a huge shift in human behaviour over the last 15 years driven by social media. For the first time ever, people now spend more time on their mobile phone than watching TV.”

However, she urged retailers not to just to focus on selling themselves on social media. “Engagement with the community around you is key. You can’t just sell your own product on social media if you want to be successful,” urged Ms Barnfield.

She advised: “Retailers should post on social media every day and talk to their audience not just about what is happening in their business but around them.”

Highlighting the power of social media on retail at the Investment Summit, it was revealed that ALTERIS, owner of the town’s Vicar Lane Shopping Centre, has successfully used the online platform Maybe* over the last six months to increase footfall by 29%.

ALTERIS bought Vicar Lane Shopping Centre out of administration earlier this year promising to create ‘a new town centre retail model for the post e-commerce world’.

Ms Barnfield was one of several speakers presenting at the annual Investment Summit which was held at Chesterfield’s Casa Hotel.

Addressing future investment and development opportunities in Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire, the event was organised by Derbyshire Economic Partnership, Destination Chesterfield and Marketing Derby.

Speaking at the event Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, also revealed that the town had welcomed 330 business start-ups in the last 12 months.

He commented: “For Chesterfield to grow and survive it needs to be a place where people feel they can do business and do it successfully. This means ensuring we make the most of our competitive advantages in order to attract investment as well as optimise our current development opportunities including HS2, Chesterfield Waterside, Northern Gateway and Peak Resort. Our competitive advantages underpin our recently published Growth Strategy.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, highlighted the town’s successful public-private sector partnership approach to investment, commenting: “Chesterfield is a town of opportunity and we have the partners and collaboration in place to drive forward our ambitions to not only deliver our current development plans but also attract further investment and continue to grow.”

More than 200 people attended the 2019 Chesterfield Annual Summit. In addition to Polly Barnfield OBE and Huw Bowen, delegates also heard from Mark Warrilow, Skills Stakeholder Manager – Phase 2 (Skills Employment and Education) at HS2 Ltd; Peter Storey, Head of Markham Vale at Derbyshire Country Council; Mark Jones, Head of Technical at Kier Living; Cllr Tony King, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, Derbyshire County Council and David Higham, Commercial Director at Learning Unlimited, part of the Chesterfield College Group.

To keep up-to-date with investments and developments in Chesterfield, please visit https://www.chesterfield.co.uk

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Visiting

East Midlands Chamber announces Derbyshire Business of the Year

A specialist in the creation and re-use of digital information has won the East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) Derbyshire Business of the Year Award 2019.

Established in 2000, Derby-based Bloc Digital is split into four complementary disciplines of modelling, animation, development and web.

As a leader in the use of digital technology in industry, it produces innovative, immersive, digital solutions – Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), web and mobile – for many companies globally.

Receiving the award from Mazars, the headline sponsor of the Chamber’s Business Awards 2019, Bloc Digital Director Keith Cox said: “We entered the East Midlands Chamber Business Awards to gain recognition for what our team is doing.”

“We are so busy day to day that it is amazing to stop and see that people appreciate and acknowledge what we do. We are absolutely delighted to win this award.”

To qualify as a contender for the supreme accolade of Business of the Year, Bloc Digital had already won the Business Improvement through Technology award earlier in the evening.

The company was one of 13 to win an award on the night, as the Chamber celebrated the strength and successes of businesses across Derby and Derbyshire.

Chesterfield Champions the Chesterfield College Group were also among the winners, receiving the Education and Business Partnership Award. Chesterfield-based education initiative Made in Chesterfield was a runner up in the same category.

Made in Chesterfield is organised by Destination Chesterfield and Derbyshire Education Business Partnership and sponsored by University of Derby. It is designed to bring together businesses, schools and training providers to showcase STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers to future school leavers.

Learning Unlimited, part of the Chesterfield College Group and also Chesterfield Champions, sponsored the Apprentice of the Year category and fellow Chesterfield Champions The Accountancy Recruitment Group were finalists in the Excellence In Customer Service category.

Chamber President Kevin Harris said: “One of the main privileges of being Chamber President is being able to address and celebrate the crème de la crème of our region’s businesses at the Business Awards.”

“Taking part in the Chamber’s Business Awards, the only local awards to offer winners the chance to go on to compete on a regional and national stage at the British Chambers of Commerce Awards, encourages an organisation to look closely at what they do best.”

“Making it through to the final is cause for celebration in itself and whether you get that far or walk off with the ultimate crown, you should shout about that success and proclaim to the world that yours is one of the best businesses out there.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

Chesterfield hosts annual well dressing festival

Residents and visitors to Chesterfield can enjoy a Derbyshire tradition as the annual well dressing takes place.

The wells will be in place from Saturday 7 to Saturday 14 September.

The well dressing at the town pump in the market place, designed by Chesterfield Borough Council, will feature Beauty and the Beast and the one in the porch at St Mary and All Saints’ Church, designed by church members, will feature All Things Bright and Beautiful – the famous hymn written by Cecil Frances Alexander.

This year will also see a third well dressing designed by the Friends of Spital Cemetery and on display at the cemetery chapel which celebrates the work carried out in the cemetery to dedicate an area as a garden of remembrance for those left behind after the First World War.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Well dressing is an old Derbyshire tradition and each year, we receive hundreds of visitors to see the wells in place.

“It is a great opportunity to see the well dressings and support the shops and businesses in Chesterfield town centre.”

People can see the wells being dressed until Friday 6 September at the Pavements Shopping Centre in the mall from 9.30am to 4.30pm and at the ‘Crooked Spire’ church porch from 10am to 4pm.

There will be a blessing service at the church on Saturday 7 September at 10am followed by garland and Morris dancers in Rykneld Square from 10.30am.

Hallmark of Harmony and Sheffield Harmony will be performing a selection of songs from their repertoire on Saturday 7 September in the following locations:

  • 12.30pm to 12.50pm at Chesterfield Market Hall
  • 1.05pm to 1.25pm at the ‘Crooked Spire’ church
  • 1.50pm to 2.10pm at the Pavements Shopping Centre
  • 2.30pm to 2.50pm at Chesterfield Market Hall.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

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