Celebrate Chesterfield

Banner Jones’ Executive Director appointed as Vice President of The Notaries Society

Executive Director at Banner Jones Solicitors, Stephen Gordon, has been appointed as Vice President of The Notaries Society, the representative society for the 775 Notaries practising in England and Wales.

Founded in 1882, The Notaries Society plays a major part in the lives of Notaries offering training, continuing professional development as well as international representation.

Stephen, who specialises in Commercial Property at Banner Jones Solicitors, has been a qualified as a Notary Public for over 25 years, dealing with international matters for both private and commercial clients. Stephen is now the only remaining Notary Public in Chesterfield.

Having been appointed as Vice President and retaining his role as Treasurer, Stephen will continue to work alongside the wider Council – including the current President, Andrew Johnson – to run the society and continue its work on the development of professional standards.

Commenting on his appointment Stephen said: “I’m extremely proud to have been appointed as Vice President of the Society and am delighted to further my involvement in supporting the work of fellow Notary Publics across England and Wales.”

“Notaries represent the oldest and smallest branch of the legal profession in England and Wales and so the work of the Society is crucial in ensuring their interests are best represented.”

Among its many functions, The Notaries Society maintains contact with the other Notaries in the rest of the United Kingdom and Ireland through membership of the United Kingdom and Ireland Notarial Forum, and through direct contact with other notarial associations throughout the rest of the world.

stephen Gordon Banner Jones

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield

More money to support Derbyshire businesses

Derbyshire County Council are earmarking more than £120,000 to extend and enhance support for businesses across the county as part of a £12.1m project.

Cabinet Members have agreed to help fund the D2N2 (Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire) Growth Hub project for a further three years.The D2N2 Growth Hub offers expert, impartial advice and support to local small and medium-sized businesses with ambition to grow and be more productive, providing a one-stop shop for all business needs.

Over the next three years it will provide:

  • An enhanced and ‘first port of call’ service where businesses can contact dedicated advisors for support and information about issues they may be facing
  • A referral service where advisors assess the individual needs of the business to identify the most appropriate source of support and funding to help increase the resilience of the business, boost productivity and help the business to grow
  • An intensive support programme of one-to-one support sessions, workshops and small seminars as well as access to grant schemes.
  • Targeted support to help businesses improve their use of digital technology and apply for a grant of up to £20,000 to help them achieve this
  • Access to a wider network of business support outside Derbyshire

Councillor Tony King, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration said: “Small and medium-sized businesses are a vital part of Derbyshire’s economy and we’re committed to helping them start-up, thrive and survive.

“By working together with partner organisations across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and beyond, we can help to make sure that local businesses have access to high-quality business support programmes to help drive economic growth and create more job opportunities for local people.”

Funding for the project is also being provided by other councils in the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, the European Regional Development Fund and the Government’s Department for Business, energy and Industrial Strategy.

Two additional staff will be employed to help run the project including a dedicated business advisor working through the services provided by the Derbyshire Economic Partnership.

D2N2 funding derbyshire business support

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

University joins forces with local charity to raise aspirations and improve health in Chesterfield

The University of Derby and a Chesterfield-based charity are joining forces for a National Lottery-funded project to support voluntary and community work in the town.

Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) has been awarded almost £487,000 over the next three years to fund COMMuniTY CHESTERFIELD, which aims to raise aspirations in the area, as well as to help local people live healthier lives.

The charity will work with the University’s College of Health and Social Care, based at the St Helena campus in Chesterfield, and the town’s voluntary sector to explore how those aims can be achieved. The funding will also enable the creation of a community innovation centre and four new jobs.

Derbyshire Voluntary Action chief executive Jacqui Willis said: “We’re thrilled to have won this exciting opportunity to bring new support and resources to Chesterfield’s community sector.

“In the current climate of funding cuts and uncertainty, it’s vital that we build new partnerships and find different ways of working. We hope the COMMuniTY CHESTERFIELD programme will strengthen our sector through opportunities for volunteering, training, work placements and research projects.”

Michelle Brown, Head of Adult Nursing at the University of Derby, said: “As the county’s only university we are committed to having a positive impact here in Chesterfield. The majority of our students are local and will stay here to become the health and social care workforce of the future.

“Our partnership with Derbyshire Voluntary Action will provide great new opportunities for our students and staff – and for many of the exciting things that we’re working on here in Chesterfield to be integrated into the community.”

The COMMuniTY CHESTERFIELD Centre will open in April.

For more information contact Derbyshire Voluntary Action at info@dva.org.uk. For more information about the University of Derby’s College of Health and Social care, visit www.derby.ac.uk.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

Businesses to benefit from funded internship scheme

Sheffield Hallam University are offering funded internships in 2019 to businesses, charities, social enterprises and NGOs.

The Hallam Internship Scheme is a funded scheme to support Sheffield Hallam University graduates wanting to gain quality work experience to support their employability after graduation.

This scheme is exclusively supporting Graduates who completed their studies in 2018 and Sheffield Hallam University are able to fund approximately 200 hours of work. Last year, the scheme placed 351 graduates, 79% are now in highly skilled employment.

It also provides businesses and organisations with talented graduates who are keen to gain experience in their sectors. Employers will have the opportunity to provide match funding to extend the internship period.

Companies seeking interns can advertise internships through the scheme and the University will provide Candidate Matching to help find the best graduates for the role. Employers must be able to support a minimum of 25 hours a week.

The Hallam Internship Scheme runs until September 2019, so organisations that don’t need an intern now can specify an ideal date for the internship to take place.

Businesses can apply here.

For more information contact the Sheffield Hallam Internship Team on 0114 2253433 or email employment.service@shu.ac.uk

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

Historic Chesterfield building to become luxury apartments

Leverton UK have been granted planning permission by Chesterfield Borough Council to convert the historic building at 87 New Square into nine luxury apartments.

The company has been in the process of acquiring the building since early July 2017 and were successful in their bid, completing on the building in June 2018.

Director Marcus Leverton said: “We always intended to buy the building and convert it in to luxury residential living accommodation and immediately after securing the building we set about applying for the necessary planning permission to allow this, which was granted on the 4th January 2019.”

“This building is a beautiful double bay fronted red brick structure that we believe dates back to the late 18th century, on land that was leased from the Duke of Devonshire. It will be subdivided in to 7 apartments and 2 penthouse units. Broken down into 3x one bedroom units, 5x two bedroom units and 1x three bedroom Penthouse unit with a stunning roof terrace overlooking the Peak District and the Town Hall.”

“We intend to provide high specification, technologically advanced living spaces, with an abundance of natural light, modern textures and high quality appliances throughout, with open plan communal areas paying testament to the original features of the buildings Georgian heritage.”

“What sets this building apart from any other town centre development is clear, it is a beautiful listed building of significant historical importance with many period features that we intend to lovingly restore.”

The building sits in the corner of New Square, with the convenience of easy access to the town centre shops, café’s, bars and restaurants. It has lift access to all floors making the development fully accessible, with secure car parking to the rear, additional storage areas with space for bicycles and miscellaneous items within the building for added security. In addition, Chesterfield is centrally located, with excellent public transportation links to the rest of the country.

Marcus added: “We are very much looking forward to expanding the business and investing in the future of our local town’s infrastructure.”

Work on the development will commence this year, with the units expected to be released in 2020.

For more information please contact Marcus Leverton m.leverton@levertonuk.com

New Square Leverton apartments

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development

D2N2 Growth Hub celebrates four years in business

The D2N2 Growth Hub marked its fourth ‘birthday’ in December with a celebration event including some of the more than 7,000 businesses it has engaged with.

Launched in December 2014, by the then Business and Enterprise Minister Matthew Hancock MP, the D2N2 Growth Hub uses its wide range of (mostly free or heavily subsidised) services to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Services offered through Growth Hub advisors include help with starting and growing a business, accessing growth finance, training and skills development, leadership training, and expanding into new and international markets.

The D2N2 Growth Hub is part of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP); a private sector-led Partnership of business, local authorities, skills and training providers, and community and voluntary organisations, which promotes economic growth, jobs creation and business start-ups in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

The celebration event featured speakers from some of the D2N2 LEP area businesses which have benefited from the D2N2 Growth Hub’s help; including physiotherapy service Jolly Back, Lucy Rennie Communications and business consultancy Talk Staff.

In customer surveys, D2N2 Growth Hub clients have consistently given its services high ‘satisfaction’ ratings. Video testimonies from businesses helped by the D2N2 Growth Hub are on its YouTube channel.

In September 2017, the Growth Hub launched its ScaleUp Service; giving specialist help to SMEs experiencing high growth; characterised as having a turnover of between a million and £15m a year, and which had experienced consistent annual growth of at least 20% for the past three years.

For more information on the D2N2 Growth Hub and its services see its website at www.d2n2growthhub.co.uk


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Made in Chesterfield

Have your say on Local Plan for Chesterfield

A six-week public consultation is to be held to get the views of residents and businesses about Chesterfield Borough Council’s draft Local Plan.

The plan sets out the proposed future housing, industrial, commercial and leisure land use in Chesterfield until 2033. Residents and businesses can give their views on it between Monday 14 January and Friday 22 February.

Once the consultation is completed the plan will then be considered by an independent Government planning inspector at a public planning inquiry, which it is expected will take place later this year. The inspector will consider any comments made as part of the consultation as well as take representations at the hearing.

Two drop-in information sessions are being held so residents and businesses can find out more about what the plan could mean to them. They will be held on:

  • Tuesday 5 February  at Chesterfield Market Hall, Market Place, between 10am and 7pm
  • Wednesday 6 February at the Speedwell Rooms, Inkersall Road, Staveley, between 1pm and 6pm

The draft Local Plan can be seen by visiting www.chesterfield.gov.uk/localplan, which will also have details of how to respond and make any comments.

Paper copies of the plan, along with consultation documents, will be available at Chesterfield, Brimington, Newbold, Old Whittington and Staveley libraries, as well as Chesterfield Town Hall in Rose Hill East and the Chesterfield Borough Council Customer Service Centre in New Square.

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “This stage of the Local Plan builds on the previous public consultations and is a more formal process which requires us to ask for the public’s views on the soundness of the plan and whether it meets the legal duties the Government sets out.

“The Local Plan is important to local residents and businesses because it is the starting point for assessing the merits of individual planning applications.”

“I would encourage everyone to give us their views and make sure they do it within the six weeks as we are not allowed to accept any late representations.”

Between now and 2033 the plan proposes:

  • Setting aside enough land for around 5,250 new homes, with a requirement to build at least 4,374 of those. This is a lower figure than in previous versions of the Local Plan. Most of the sites identified were included in the 2017 draft Local Plan but have been updated following comments made during that consultation process.
  • Continuing to use the existing Community Infrastructure Levy and ‘Section 106’ planning agreements to provide community facilities, such as schools and GP services, in places where development takes place
  • That major housing developments have up to 20 per cent affordable housing included within them
  • Up to 25 per cent of homes on major developments meet the higher ‘accessible and adaptable’ standard in the building regulations, which means they can be altered to suit people with mobility issues
  • All new homes and commercial developments are required to include electric vehicle charging points
  • Continued support for the restoration of Chesterfield Canal
  • Continued protection of the Green Belt, and a group of new ‘green wedges’ and ‘strategic gaps’
  • Developing 44 hectares (108 acres) of employment land
  • Providing 7,736 square metres of new retail space

Most of the proposals within the draft Local Plan build upon the existing document but have been updated to reflect new planning guidance and legislation, as well as the latest statistical information on a range of topics including population size, housing need and requirements for open spaces.

Recycle week

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development, Leisure

Free Employability and Skills Conference to be held to ensure school leavers are work ready

Business leaders and the education sector in North Derbyshire are being urged to come together to address employability and skills in the area at a free conference next month.

With more than 14,000 students in North Derbyshire set to gain their GCSE and A Level qualifications over the next five years, the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference aims to strengthen links between education providers and local businesses to ensure school leavers are work ready.

Returning for a third year, the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference, will be held at Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa from 8.00am – 10.30am on Wednesday 13 February 2019.

The conference is organised by Chesterfield Borough Council, Gail Widerman of Placing Futures, D2N2 Enterprise Advisor Network and Destination Chesterfield.

The conference is an opportunity for employers and education providers to develop solutions together that will ensure young people leaving education have both the skills employers in the area require and are also aware of the employment opportunities available to them.

One of the headline speakers at the event includes Brendan Kelly, Managing Director of Heathcotes Group, the industry-leading providers of residential care for adults which is headquartered in Chesterfield.

Brendan Kelly commented: “Bringing on talented and dedicated people through apprenticeships has been vital to Heathcotes’ success in what is currently a very challenging health and social care sector.  Working with our learning partners, Chesterfield College, we have developed a work-based learning programme which has been very successful in developing long-term careers in this region, so we welcomed the opportunity to speak at this conference to advocate the enormous value of apprenticeships for school leavers and businesses alike.”

Mr Kelly will also be joined by representatives from Capgemini, Brookfield School and St Marys Roman Catholic High School, who will be speaking at the event.

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, explained why the conference is so important to Chesterfield and North Derbyshire. He said: “One of the council’s priorities is to ensure that local people benefit from the economic growth that we are seeing in Chesterfield.

“We have to plan now for future opportunities like HS2 and some of the other large developments so that, when those jobs become available, local people are skilled and able to take advantage of them.

“People in well paid jobs get more life opportunities, which means their health and wellbeing tends to be better and they have more cash in their pocket. This means they can spend more in the local economy. In turn, this supports other jobs.”

Gail Widerman, Director of Placing Futures Ltd – an independent consultancy service based in Chesterfield which links vocational learning to schools and employers, said: “Research has shown if a young person has four or more encounters with people from the world of business from year 7 to 11, they are 86% less likely to leave school and fall into NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and on average earn 15% more in their working lifetime. The more engagement students have with businesses while in school helps inform their aspirations and choices post education.  It also gives businesses the opportunity to inspire young people to look at careers in our local industries.”

Chesterfield Employability Conference

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

£220,000 of support to create a North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone

Communities Secretary Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP has announced the creation of a North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone.

The £220,000 funding will support the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership to develop the Northern Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone which aims accelerate development on 6 sites across 3 local authorities in northern Derbyshire (Bolsover, North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield). They all have a recognised manufacturing heritage and presence to enable the area to benefit from potential investment associated with the development and maintenance of HS2.

The North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone aims to provide greater certainty on planning issues to unlock investment for growth by manufacturing businesses in the zone, ensuring more productive land-use and boosting investment and productivity in the area.

This is one of four projects, announced today, involved in the space industry, food sector, and the development of HS2, which will form the new and innovative East Midlands Manufacturing Zones,

Melton Mowbray, Space Park Leicester, and the areas across North Derbyshire and Greater Lincolnshire will together benefit from a total of £500,000 funding to develop their plans.

The investment builds on existing strengths in space, food and advanced manufacturing across the region, helping these important sectors to flourish and boost economic growth and jobs in the Midlands Engine.

The East Midlands Manufacturing Zones aim to reduce planning restrictions to allow land to be used more productively and provide certainty for business investment.

The announcement comes as the Secretary of State, who is also the government’s Midlands Engine Champion, visits organisations across the East Midlands today to hear how they are contributing to a thriving region at the heart of the UK’s economic success.

Communities Secretary Rt Hon James Brokenshire said: “Manufacturing, innovation and trade are at the heart of the East Midlands economy, so it is the perfect place for the UK’s first Manufacturing Zones.”

“This is another example of how the government’s is delivering for the Midlands with our modern Industrial Strategy backing local businesses and building on local strengths.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “ This announcement is further proof that Chesterfield’s manufacturing sector has the ‘ingredients’ ready and waiting to attract further investment and respond to HS2 opportunities. Thanks to the town’s strong manufactured heritage, we have the skilled workforce with support in place to deliver future skilled workers through both the Apprentice Town and Made in Chesterfield initiatives.

“For the last four years Destination Chesterfield has worked hard to promote jobs and careers in the engineering and manufacturing industry to schools and students in North Derbyshire. The funding for the North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone not only signals further investment in the town, but also future job prospects for the 14,000 young people who will leave school in the next six years.”

The government’s Midlands Engine strategy is supporting the East Midlands to realise its huge potential.

Initiatives including over £1.9 billion of funding from the Local Growth Fund and an investment of £20 million in the Midlands Skills Challenge to boost people’s employment prospects are enabling businesses to create more jobs, export more goods and services and grow their productivity. Since 2010 unemployment has fallen 38% and there are 64,500 more small businesses.

The East Midlands has also received sustained investment in recent years, including more than £400 million for the strategic road network, more than £60 million to tackle congestion and improve local transport.

Made in Chesterfield launch

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development

150 new jobs to be created by national auctioneer in Chesterfield

A hundred and fifty new jobs will be created in Chesterfield when national auctioneer John Pye opens its first auction site in the town.

The 233,000 sq ft site was acquired by John Pye Property – a division of the wider John Pye Auctions group – to support the business’ continued growth and expansion.

The new site will be the second largest in the John Pye portfolio and comes as a result of an increase in stock volumes from the company’s high street retail clients including DFS, John Lewis, Made.com and many more.

Richard Reed, head of property at John Pye, said: “We are delighted to be able to support the wider John Pye group with the acquisition of our new Chesterfield site. To be able to complete such a complex transaction in just four weeks speaks volumes about the great team we have here, and everyone at the company is very excited for the opening of the new facility.

“The property is prominently located on the A61, adjacent to Tesco Extra and Chesterfield Football Club. It has superb access to close by Sheffield and surrounding towns, and is very close to Junction 29 of the M1 Motorway. We expect it will be a very busy auction facility.”

Adam Pye, managing director of John Pye said: “This expansion is a perfect example of our continued growth and ambition. Over the last five years, we have gone from strength to strength, and this new site takes our UK salesroom space to nearly one million sq ft nationwide.

“We are always on the lookout for opportunities to expand our auction house network, and we are continuing to look for further sites in high-demand areas such as the north west. The launch of our new premises in Chesterfield is the perfect way to kick off 2019, which we hope will be another recording breaking year for John Pye.”

Chesterfield News

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Development

Brand new Apprenticeship Hub opens in Chesterfield

Learning Unlimited’s brand new Apprenticeship Hub in the heart of Chesterfield College is now open.

The information hub – in the heart of the college on Infirmary Road in Chesterfield – will be open daily from 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8:30am to 4:30pm on Fridays, to give individuals the chance to get one to one advice and find out more about apprenticeships.

“We’re here to offer advice and guidance to anyone considering an apprenticeship,” said Learning Unlimited’s Operations Manager, Leah Shortt. “There are so many apprentice opportunities available at the moment and we’re here to make it easier for people to find the right job role for them and help them find the right route to their dream career.”

“Apprenticeships are a great way to get quality training and valuable work experience. Apprentices are employed, earn a wage and get the opportunity to study at the same time. All apprentices – no matter what their age, their role or level – gain real industry experience, benefit from on-the-job and off-the-job training and receive support throughout their apprenticeship.”

The hub is equipped with all the information needed about a wide variety of apprenticeship opportunities from engineering and construction, hairdressing and beauty to catering, business administration, IT and marketing. There’s the opportunity to pick up information about new opportunities and the different training available. The team will be on hand to offer support and guidance through the entire application process.

Leah added: “There’s no need to make an appointment. People are very welcome to just stop by and say hello. We’re a friendly bunch and we look forward to welcoming people to our new space and offering the advice and help that they may need.”

Apprenticeship Hub chesterfield College

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

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