Destination Chesterfield

How Chesterfield can be a leader in sustainable housing

How can Chesterfield become a national leader in sustainable housing development for the future? That was the question posed to construction leaders in Chesterfield recently.

The town’s Property and Construction Group gathered to discuss the importance of green development across the town.

Chesterfield Borough Council has set a target of ensuring Chesterfield is a ‘net-zero’ borough by 2050. The organisation is working closely with the sector to find solutions across a range of developments. That includes in both housing and commercial property builds.

Using technology to support sustainable housing

The group first discussed how technological advancements are playing a role in bringing emissions down. Liam Rodda, Business Development Manager at Samsung spoke of the increase in the use of heat pumps in new houses. It is hoped the technology will become just as cost-effective as gas boilers in the coming years.

Liam said: “If you’re putting a heat pump into a new build, there’s not actually a great deal of cost difference compared to a boiler.

“The reality is that heat pumps are easier to fit than most gas boilers. Most competent engineers will be able to upskill in order to fit them pretty quickly. I’m hoping we will see prices come down as we get more labour into it.”

Chesterfield is set to lead the way when it comes to training more heat pump installers. This is thanks to the opening of a newly refurbished training centre by NIBE. Read more about the development, which opened in late 2022 here.

Improving green skills in Chesterfield to power our future

Sustainable skills will also be at the forefront of the new Construction Skills Hub, which is set to be developed in Mastin Moor.

Lynda Sharp, Economic Development Manager at Chesterfield Borough Council spoke about the benefits of the new facility.

Lynda said: “The hub will be an on-site facility linked to a housing scheme at Mastin Moor. That is a fantastic opportunity for young people to gain experience of a live construction site, which will make a big difference locally.”

Another issue raised during the discussion was the viability of retrofitting and insulating existing housing stock, to increase the amount of sustainable housing in Chesterfield.

Jillian Mitchell, of Lomas & Mitchell Architects and Vice-Chair of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group said: “The big challenge to me in retrofit is how you insulate an existing property without creating more risk of condensation and mould growth.

“The market is so familiar with talking about insulation, and they haven’t really talked about ventilation. Derbyshire is a county where there is a lot of brick and stone, so insulating existing properties is a challenge.”

Cost and viability

Concerns around the cost of sustainable housing was one of the concerns which the forum felt needed to be addressed.

Jillian added: “A lot of what has been done in this country has been incentivised financially. But this has not encouraged people to change their behaviour. A lot of that financial reward seems to be how our industry is driven.

“In Cyprus, they have a scheme where people are able to install a limited amount of PV (solar panels). They are only rewarded if they change their behaviour and reduce the amount of electricity they use. I think that’s what we should be thinking about doing.”

Jim Lomas, Director at DLP Planning Ltd. believes recent climate events have made the sector more focused on cutting emissions, and increasing the number of sustainable housing in Chesterfield: “I certainly think the previous summer has started to focus people’s attention. People have seen some tangible changes in the environment, and it is bringing the issues we face to people’s attention.

“From a construction perspective, we are all probably very informed and alert to it. But the wider public are probably not, and now the penny is beginning to drop. There has to be a cultural change.”

Samsung’s Liam Rodda does believe that new builds are starting to improve from a sustainability point of view: “Terraced houses were built to house a lot of people, very quickly. New builds today are going in the right direction. We’re ticking those boxes more often where the homes are generating their own electricity as much as possible.”

John Short, of JAB Short Ltd. was in agreement, but felt that more focus should be placed on existing buildings in order to make significant change: “It is the existing housing stock that we need to be concentrating on, because that is what will make the huge steps required.”

Working collaboratively to drive change

Jim Lomas stressed the importance of ensuring the younger generation have their say in future developments: “We have got to look at the future generations. Young people will be wanting something more sustainable and will be demanding energy efficient buildings from businesses. We need to give younger people more of a voice and direction in developments because it is their future. However, the viability of schemes is pivotal.”

The session was further evidence of the strong partnership between the private and public sectors in Chesterfield continuing to have an impact.

Lynda Sharp added: “From my point of view, the level of detail and quality of the conversation today shows that we are gaining a greater collective understanding and getting deeper into the issues at hand. From a commercial property perspective, the recently-developed Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre and One Waterside place offices are really good examples of where we should be going.”

Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group brings together business leaders of the region’s property sector and Chesterfield Borough Council to shape and drive forward collaboration, investment, sustainability and skills within Chesterfield.

Regular forums and networking events are held by the group throughout the year.

If you would like to get involved, find out more about the group at: or find out more on Linkedin.

property masterclass sustainability

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Launch your business in Chesterfield

Looking for a change in 2023? Or maybe you’ve got a big idea which you’re looking to get off the ground. Now is a great time to hit the launch button on your start-up business in Chesterfield.

From quality office spaces to superb support, the town has everything you need to get started.

Find out below about some of the town’s recent start-up success stories. We’ve also spoken to a range of advisors and business leaders in the town, to get their expert tips on getting started.

Getting started

Vision Derbyshire start-up support and grant scheme

Entrepreneurs in Chesterfield are getting a boost from an innovative business support scheme.

Vision Derbyshire provides them with tailor-made advice, guidance and funding to get their ideas off the ground.

It is open to people who live in Derbyshire, and want to bring their business idea to life. Its also open to people who have recently set up a new venture in the last twelve months.

A team of experts are in place to offer free and impartial advice and support tailored to your needs, including:

  • mentoring
  • business planning
  • financial planning
  • marketing
  • signposting to other suitable areas of support

Grant funding of up to 50% of total project costs to a maximum of £10,000 per applicant is available, subject to meeting eligibility criteria. Vision Derbyshire’s business advisers will guide you through the application process.

Networking opportunities and help in securing a wide range of services necessary to help entrepreneurs turn their venture into a success are also part of the support package on offer.

To find out more about the Vision Derbyshire scheme and request support email with:

  • a brief description of your business venture or idea
  • your current status – idea stage, first 3-months of trading, 3 to 12-months trading
  • your contact details – name, address of your business, email, preferred telephone number

Vision Derbyshire is a collaboration of local authorities across Derbyshire which delivers priority projects which have a positive impact on people’s lives and achieve greater council efficiency. A funding pot of £550,000, which has been raised through Derbyshire’s involvement in the Government’s retained business rates pilot scheme, has been set aside to support start-ups in Derbyshire and Derby.

Get the information you need

Do you have a business idea that you would like to explore? Keen to start a business but not sure how? Or maybe you’ve recently started trading and want to make sure you have all the essential building blocks in place for your business to be successful.

East Midlands Chamber is hosting a Business Starter Workshop at the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre on Tuesday, 31st January 2023, giving you the chance to gain vital knowledge and information on starting your company.

Find out more here.

Start-up success stories in Chesterfield

We’ve spoken to some of the town’s brightest entrepreneurs who have been supported to get their business moving by the Vision Derbyshire project. Could this be you in 2023?

Suzanne Lloyd – Suzanne Lloyd Consultancy

Virtual Assistance | Suzanne Lloyd Consultancy | Chesterfield (

New business owner Suzanne Lloyd worked in business and office management for over 15 years, but saw a gap in the market to start her own virtual assistance business. Suzanne hadn’t considered starting her own business previously but saw a clear opportunity of providing virtual services to small businesses.

She launched her business Virtue Virtual Assistance in 2021. The business offers friendly and bespoke Virtual Assistance, HR Management & Bookkeeping services, personalised to the needs of small businesses. Suzanne aims to be the staff member that every business needs but can’t necessarily afford on a permanent basis. She is highly organised and loves to plan.

Suzanne commented: “Getting to know a business like it’s my own, I can offer personalised and tailored support or assistance so that the organisation can focus on what’s important.

“I’m really proud of how far I have come in such a short time. I’ve had to push myself out of my comfort zone, but it’s so rewarding when I get new enquiries on the back of referrals from happy clients! Working alongside my Business Adviser has changed my whole mindset of what I, and my new business, can achieve. Sara has helped me to challenge my own perceptions of what opportunities I can seize.

“I would have to say for anyone thinking about it just to do it. Yes, it is a big leap and there is a lot of unknowns, however the positives have far outweighed the negatives for me. After being made redundant from my last two positions I finally feel in control. To feel appreciated every day is such a nice feeling. The flexibility and quality time it has given to my family has truly changed my life.”

Vicky Staniland – Blooms & Bantams

Blooms & Bantams – British Flowers, Flowers, Florist (

Vicky Staniland launched her dream business Blooms & Bantams in 2022 after growing and arranging flowers for her own wedding and spotting a gap in the market.

The business based in New Whittington, grows and sells British flowers locally. Sustainability is at the core of the business, selling directly to customers wanting gift bouquets or event flowers.

Additionally, offering workshops on growing and arranging, Blooms & Bantams also aims to teach the skills of growing and working with flowers to encourage people to take it up themselves.

Whether it be flowers for key calendar occasions, or wedding, funeral or corporate events, Vicky aims to provide a service that leaves customers with a new, or renewed appreciation of the beauty and bounty of British grown flowers.

Vicky said: “My business advisor, Sara, has been instrumental to the success of Blooms & Bantams’ first year. The advice I have received has always been constructive and has encouraged me to explore options and considerations that I would have likely ignored without prompt. These opportunities have encouraged me to develop connections and gain access to resources that have been incredibly useful in the first stages of starting a business.

“I have also received a grant from the Start Up Support scheme, which has allowed me to buy new raised beds. This additional space will allow me to increase my output volume and grow many more flowers for sale next year.

“I would urge any new business owner to seek the support of the Vision Derbyshire programme as it may help provide the information and guidance that is so useful during those first few months of trading.”

James Biltaji – MediGuard

MediGuard | The Smart Pillbox (

MediGuard is developing and building The MediGuard Smart Pillbox. A pillbox designed to help people on multiple prescription medication take their pills on time and keep their loved ones informed about their adherence.

In 2019, James’ Dad had to have a liver transplant and was going through the initial recovery stages. He was taking around 20 tablets a day and really struggled to take his medication on time.

James commented: “My brother and I tried to help as much as possible, however we couldn’t be there all the time. When we couldn’t be there two things would happen, he’d forget to take his medication, or on a couple of occasions he accidently double dosed. We looked for something that would keep us connected and informed through a mobile app, but there wasn’t anything that we could find. That’s where the vision for The MediGuard came into place.

“It all takes time to build something from nothing, but we’ve made tremendous progress over the last year.  We’ve been working hard on building the hardware and mobile application, as well as getting feedback from potential users on features and functionality of the product.

“One of the most valuable resources so far has been the free business support and advice from our Vision Derbyshire business advisor Sara Martin.  Sara has been helping us with anything we’ve not been sure about. She has pointed us in the direction to potential funding opportunities, events related to our business in the area and connecting us with universities and people that can help progress our business. Without her, half of the events and opportunities we have taken part in would have been missed.”

Jackie Smith – Aspire Export Solutions Ltd

As a student, Jackie gained experience working for a number of local businesses including Robinsons of Chesterfield and Bryan Donkins before studying Applied Languages at University in London.

Returning to Chesterfield in the late 80s, she considered setting up her own business as an export consultant. However, to gain more experience and develop her international business knowledge, Jackie chose to develop her career working for big businesses within international markets. Jackie’s most recent position was Engineering Products Director within the construction industry.

Jackie explained how she decided to start up her own venture: “Following the covid pandemic, I felt that it was time to follow my dream of setting up my own business. Whilst the ideas and thoughts behind the business were plentiful, I was nervous about setting up on my own.

“I have been able to access lots of support for new start- up businesses and also businesses looking to expand. This includes the DWP, D2N2, Scaleup 360 and the Local chamber of commerce. Sara Martin Start-up advisor from Vision Derbyshire has been particularly supportive.

“I have been signposted to a number of courses that have helped to expand my knowledge. I have also received individual support and mentoring on the various aspects of running your own business, including developing a brand. This has helped me move the business forwards and Aspire Export Solutions is launching in January 2023.

“So, for budding entrepreneurs thinking about starting up their own venture in the town I would highly recommend that you do not be hesitate. There is so much support available locally, and I feel that I am in a much better position with my new business. I am looking forward to its launch in the New Year.”

Hear from the Experts

We’ve been speaking to some of the leading business coaches and advisors in Chesterfield, to get their top tips on starting up in the town.

Banner Jones Solicitors

Chesterfield legal firm, Banner Jones Solicitors has roots in the town dating back to the 1800’s, providing a range of services, support and legal advice to businesses in the town.

Katie Ash, Head of Employment Law commented: “Don’t be afraid to recruit staff. The world of Employment Law can be complex and it can make new business owners nervous about taking the plunge.

“Employing staff can be hugely beneficial to a business and can often be the catalyst for growth. It’s always worth remembering that ordinarily employees do not actually accrue unfair dismissal rights until they have 2 years’ continuous service. This takes away some of the initial pressure. If you do however employ someone and something does go wrong, there are plenty of resources available to help. Our team are only ever a phone call away.”


Andy Ball Great2

Andy Ball, CEO of Great2, has spent the last 12 years starting and scaling businesses across the East Midlands and was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year at the recent Love Chesterfield 2022 awards.

“Setting up a new business is daunting. There are so many competing demands for time. There are also many things to do where you have little experience to draw upon. For example, accounting, business operations, branding and marketing.

“One of the smartest decisions I made early on was to outsource those, to focus on growing the business. As well as supporting growth of the business, it also meant I got some down time at the weekends. It allowed me to pace myself and avoid the dreaded entrepreneurial burnout.

“I recognise the value of this advice so much that I have now built Great2. The purpose of Great2 is to support entrepreneurial success. We bring together a vibrant coworking space and meeting rooms (Great2Work) in central Chesterfield. This is alongside business growth services (Great2Grow) to help local small businesses grow in a sustainable way. I am always keen to meet start-ups and small businesses to see how we can help them.”

You can read more of Andy’s tips here

Business Doctors Chesterfield

Business Doctors

Dedicated to helping small and medium sized businesses achieve their goals, local Business Doctor Emily Coy works in partnership with business owners, sharing a wealth of business knowledge as well as providing individual expertise.

Emily said: “No business can survive without customers. It is therefore of vital importance to spend time deciding who your ideal customer will be. This will inform many other business decisions you make, especially around marketing. Ask yourself the following questions in order to create a customer profile; What is their age, gender, and location? What is their situation in life/business? Why will they buy from you? How often will they come back?”

SMH Group

Josh Dickens SMH Group

SMH Group has been established since 1995 and has been advising local Chesterfield businesses and individuals by providing in-depth expertise and insight into the complex financial, legal and tax matters which may impact their business, personal and family interests.

Business Development and Marketing Manager, Josh Dickens has this piece of advice for people looking to start their own business:

“You only get one start at your business, so its important that you get the right advice, from the right people, straight away.

“This could be speaking to an accountant who will help you structure your business in the most efficient way, speaking to a marketing agency to make sure that your branding, socials and website reflect the message you are trying to send, or speaking to an IT firm to make sure all of your software and systems are in place ready for your launch.”

CCM Change Cosultancy

CCM Change Consultancy is a business set up to support sustainable business transformation and provide an experienced, pragmatic, and innovative perspective on all aspects of change within the business setting.

Business Transformation Consultant, Nick Gorman explains how business owners should approach making their ideas a reality:

“For any complex or sizeable project, business leaders should analyse the biggest challenge within it and determine how/if they can overcome it before expending time and capital in the foothills.

“There is a place and time for gut feeling and intuition, but any idea that needs resources and investment requires the support of solid strategy.”

Great office space to suit all budgets

One Waterside Place

Chesterfield has a range of great office options to support you on every step of your business journey.

Regardless of your workspace requirements, our spaces accommodate co-working and hotdesking to spacious offices for a large team.

Find out more:

Join a network of like-minded local businesses

Celebrate Chesterfield Expo

Did you know you could gain marketing and business support, alongside the chance to build links with likeminded organisations?

There are now over 200 Chesterfield Champions working closely with Destination Chesterfield, hoping to to showcase our area as a destination to live, work, visit and invest.

Becoming a Chesterfield Champion is a great way to put your organisation on the map locally. It provides the opportunity to network with key business leaders in our town.

Find out more:

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Local businesses, schools and education providers invited to help shape the future of education and skills delivery

‘Careers Made In Chesterfield’ – a brand new Careers Workshop pilot, which is designed to inspire and inform local students, will be launched at this year’s Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference.

Schools and employers, who are keen to support the future career and job opportunities for local young people, are being urged to attend the free annual conference to learn more about the exciting initiative.

The Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference, which aims to strengthen links between education providers and businesses, is returning for a seventh year and will take place at the Winding Wheel Theatre on Wednesday 8 February, from 8am -11am.

Confirmed speakers at the go-to event include Andy Byrne, Property Development Director for the Devonshire Group, which is behind the Staveley Works scheme. He will be updating on the innovative Construction Skills Hub, which is set to provide specialist training for thousands of learners as part of the Staveley Town Deal.

Alongside Andy Byrne, Julie Richards, Principal of The Chesterfield College Group will be speaking at the event. The College, with support from the University of Derby, has been appointed as the training provider for the new Hub. Over 10 years, the public/private sector collaboration aims to provide training, careers insights, and work experience for over 5,000 learners.

The conference will also welcome students from Whittington Green School and apprentices from Tarmac as well as Cllr Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council.

The conference is an opportunity for businesses, schools and education providers in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire to come together and shape the future of education and skills delivery in the area.

During the morning, businesses are invited to feed into local and regional skills plans and help shape the strategic direction through discussion of business needs, challenges and successes.

Organised by Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield, with support from Derbyshire North Careers Hub, the conference is part of the Derbyshire Festival of Business programme and open to all businesses, schools and education providers in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire to attend.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “This year’s Skills and Employability Conference looks set to be another packed showcase of the exciting opportunities and aspirations which exist across our borough. It’s a great way to strengthen the links between business and education, which ensures that our young people can develop the skills local employers need – creating a thriving and ambitious local workforce for the future.

“On the day, we will be delighted to be joined by students from Whittington Green School and look forward to hearing from senior leaders at Brookfield Community School about steps we can take together to develop robust career strategies that will further benefit the borough’s young people, along with an employer panel that will be chaired by Tarmac’s apprentice.

“The spotlight will also be on some of our innovative skills projects which are moving ahead in the borough, including investment in the Construction Skills Hub through the Staveley Town Deal which is set to create some fantastic opportunities for thousands of learners over the coming years, especially young people living in the Staveley area.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, commented: “With over 15,000 students set to gain their GCSEs and A Levels over the next five years in North Derbyshire, a strong and successful partnership between education providers and local businesses is critical. We need to ensure young people have the right skills, are work-ready and can make the most of the employment opportunities available in a wide range of sectors and industries on their doorstep. This conference is the first step in making this happen.”

Tickets for the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference are free and can be booked at

2023 employability eventbrite image dfob

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Have your say on Chesterfield town centres

Chesterfield residents and local business owners are being encouraged to complete our quarterly consumer and business surveys to help us to learn more about how you / your customers use services in our town centres.

Love Chesterfield is a campaign organised by Chesterfield Borough Council in partnership with Destination Chesterfield to promote and support high streets and town centres across the borough of Chesterfield.

The quick surveys will ask you questions about your business performance and any changes you have noticed in the last three months (October – December 2022) if you are a business owner, and the consumer survey will ask you to update us on what events or venues you have attended and services you have used recently in our communities.

Please spend a few minutes to complete the relevant questionnaire. The results will allow us to monitor the performance of the town, the success of marketing campaigns and business support and will help to shape future activity to support high street businesses across the borough.

The survey will close on 20th February 2023.

At the end of the consumer questionnaire, there is an opportunity to win two tickets to see Buddy – The Buddy Holly Story at the Winding Wheel.

Complete the surveys here…

You can find out more about what’s on offer across our local high streets in Chesterfield by going to:


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Chesterfield’s business community reflects on achievements made in 2022

2022 has been another year which has seen major progression across Chesterfield.

The town has seen several major regeneration projects completed, including the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, The Glassyard and One Waterside Place to name just a few.

Furthermore, work is beginning on a host of developments as we head into 2023 – with work continuing on the revitalisation of Chesterfield Town Centre, and seveal projects moving forward in Staveley thanks to the Town Deal funding.

Our town’s network of Chesterfield Champions have shared their successes across the area, whilst looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in 2023.

“Chesterfield’s biggest achievement in 2022 has been its ability to continually receive large sums funding, which allows positive change to actually happen. Now we have secured funding, the vision can be realised, which benefits everyone in our town.

“My hope for Chesterfield in 2023, is for our town centre to be prioritised. Whilst we will see an increase in vacant properties, this presents us with opportunities to change its core purpose and uses, to create something new and exciting and re-define the traditional town centre model!”

Amy Revell, We Are Spaces


“We have seen real progression in 2022 on accessing funding and on key developments in and around Chesterfield. This has enabled the development of a platform from which the town can grow further in 2023. Going forward I am very much looking forward to seeing the redevelopment of the market in the town centre, I think this is key to the town’s success at adapting to the future retail landscape.”

Sarah Temperton, Chief Executive, NLT Training Services

“I feel our biggest success in Chesterfield is the way we have bounced back from the impact of Covid-19. Our communities, local businesses, and each of us personally have shown such resilience and there is a lot of positive change toward not letting even a global pandemic set us back.

“My hope is together we continue crafting a better future, working towards UN sustainability goals, strengthening new partnerships, and enacting change at a local level. I’m excited to be able to help shape this growth through Connect and Reflect – our shared learning sessions, I hope you’ll get involved.”

Jenny Raschbauer, Project Director of Community Chesterfield.

Jenny from DVA

“2022 has thrown many curveballs to businesses and families alike. It has been a period of change, recovery, and crisis. I believe Chesterfield’s greatest achievement is found in its ability to bounce back, to successfully galvanise businesses to work better, more collaboratively and with greater levels of support than ever before.

“I hope that we will continue to work closely together in both our businesses and within the wider communities. I hope that we can use 2022 as a benchmark for future growth and evolution, and that we will continue to build up the town and its people into a thriving place to live and work.

Graham Nash, BusinessWise Accountancy and Tax

“The determination of local businesses to keep going and keep trying, even when things are difficult has been brilliant to see in 2022. Instead of giving up, in such challenging times, I’ve witnessed small businesses being brave and bold, and taking risks to build businesses that create jobs and economic growth in our town.

“Looking to 2023, I would love to see full occupancy of retail space in our town centre. We have some great retail units, both new and old and it is sad to see them empty. Full occupancy would offer more choice for shoppers, contribute to increased footfall, and attract more visitors to our town.”

Emily Coy, Business Doctors – Chesterfield

Business Doctors

“The 10th Anniversary of the Tapton Lock Festival was our biggest achievement for Chesterfield in 2022. Organised with a wide range of community groups it was a truly diverse cultural event showcasing the best of Chesterfields creative and cultural communities.

“We hope that Chesterfield will continue to grow its cultural and creative assets in 2023 and recognise the amazing artists and creatives that work with communities across the town. We want Chesterfield to be recognised and celebrated for its creative people and cultural communities.”

Paul Steele, Managing Director, Junction Arts

“It has been wonderful to see commercial premises being built and used in 2022– in particular the Northern Gateway development.  This will encourage business into the town and create employment opportunities. In 2023 I hope to see retail and business growth in the town, taking advantage of the fantastic opportunities which Chesterfield has to offer.”

Catherine Wenborn, Vines Legal Ltd

“Chesterfield is a developing market town which boasts many historic features and landmarks to be enjoyed by all however, in the 2022 we have seen development of new buildings and renovations of existing buildings to meet the demands and progression of the town. We hope to continue to see development of the town, and this includes our move into the newly renovated Hayfield House in January 2023.”

Johnanna Brewer, Associate Solicitor, Family Law Group

“We loved celebrating the success of apprentices and employers within the local community at the Love Chesterfield Awards 2022. Looking to 2023, I hope that the unemployment rate in Chesterfield continues to fall and that employers continue to grow talent and invest in skills for their businesses and subsequently support the local community and economic growth within Chesterfield.”

Peter Roberts, DBC Training

“Chesterfield’s business community has, once again, proved how resilient it is. To have seen the growth and developments that we have during the year is testament to our ‘can do’ approach to everything.  This gives me optimism for 2023. I have no doubt the town and its business community will more than rise to all the challenges that are thrown at us and continue to prove the naysayers wrong.”

Anna Melton, In the Works PR

Anna Melton

“Despite the challenges the town has faced in 2022, the pace of construction – both in the private and public sector has not slowed down. In fact, it’s been one of the busiest years for DBCP! This shows that Chesterfield is a very investable town. Looking to 2023, I hope to see more developments coming out of the ground. This will show, once again, that Chesterfield is a town that refuses to stand still and, instead, looks forward and invests in the future of the people who live and work here.”

David Pratt, Building Control Manager, DBCP

Derbyshire Building Control Partnership

“The opening of the Enterprise Centre was a real milestone for Chesterfield in 2022. It completed the regeneration of the Northern Gateway which has given the town a ‘revitalised central area to be proud of with new buildings, a transformed former Co-op department store and attractive public realm. It is great to see investment continuing in 2023 with the Levelling Up funding. This will, I hope, give Chesterfield a future-proofed town centre which everyone can benefit from – businesses, residents, shoppers and visitors.”

Peter Swallow, Chair, Destination Chesterfield

“It has been fantastic to see the continued preservation and investment in key town centre buildings throughout 2022 – like the Stephenson Memorial Hall and the former Co-op department store on Elder Way. Buildings like these give Chesterfield town centre its character and set it apart. Chesterfield has some stunning architecture which, through clever thinking is being preserved and repurposed for future users. It will be great to see the Pomegranate re-open in 2023 and new tenants in the units created at Elder Way.”

Mark Hill, Development Director, Jomast Developments

“To see Chesterfield delivering on two huge developments in the town with both the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre and One Waterside Place being completed and welcoming their first tenants has been very encouraging for the economic outlook for the town in 2023. I hope the town continues on its trajectory for developments and that Chesterfield Borough Council continues making strides to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. Following our Love Chesterfield – Sustainability Award win in 2022, this is a cause very close to our hearts!”

James Pogson, Director, Northern Tea Merchants

“Chesterfield and district have adapted incredibly well to the challenges of coming out of the pandemic. There have been lots of new businesses opening – The Glass Yard in Chesterfield and the new revamped Blue Stoops in Dronfield – and some of the vibrant festivals we all enjoy have come back to the town centre.

“My hope for 2023 is that Chesterfield and district will continue to thrive. There is so much innovation in the town, but so much more that can be done to make sure we keep moving forward and build on our identity as a business, shopping, and leisure destination.”

Claire Wilks, Commercial Manager, Dronfield Heritage Trust

Christmas Light Switch On and Market Dronfield Hall Barn

“One of the stand-out successes for both Bolsterstone and the town in 2022 has been the opening of the new office block at Chesterfield Waterside with two floors in the building already let. This gives the town much-needed large floorplate, high quality office accommodation. This is yet another tick in the box to enable the town to attract further investment. Chesterfield has all the ingredients to be successful in 2023 and I am very much looking forward to the year ahead and hope it will be a successful one for the town.”

Tom Swallow, Bolsterstone Group PLC

“Our borough emerged from the pandemic in a strong position for the future and, working with partners and business networks, we have progressed and delivered on a whole raft of projects which will help ensure Chesterfield continues to thrive for years to come. Highlights for our local businesses and economy include our successful bid for almost £20m from the Government’s levelling up fund, which is helping us to revitalise our town centre and marketplace. We’re also unlocking the potential of other key sites across the borough, including as part of our Staveley Town Deal project and the opening of flagship developments like the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre and One Waterside Place – making sure we remain in a strong position to attract investment, jobs and skills provision for the benefit of local people.

“As we look to the new year we must do so against the backdrop of a changing and challenging national economic picture. But our borough has shown itself to be resilient, innovative and collaborative in all that we do, and I feel confident that we will remain in a strong position to continue our growth and realise our ambitions for the future. We firmly believe that 2023 will be another transformative year for our borough, as we continue taking positive strides forward in our work to regenerate our communities and create opportunity for local people and business.”

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council

Tricia Gliby investment summit 2022

“2022 has had some notable successes for both the town and businesses that are based here. We have new high grade office accommodation and regeneration taking place in the town centre. I believe the investment that has been made in recent years will benefit Chesterfield significantly during the economic downturn. Chesterfield has resilience at its core and this has served and will continue to serve us well. I have lived, worked and run a business here for more than 50 years and I know the town is well-placed to ride out the recession and continue to grow. I hope that people share my optimism and continue to work together and support each other in 2023.”

Chris Sellars, Bridge Help

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Chesterfield Property and Construction Group: “We are truly excited by what lies ahead for Chesterfield”

Chair of Chesterfield’s Property & Construction Group, Andy Dabbs has penned his thoughts on a productive 2022 for the sector. Andy also shares his optimism for the group and wider investment and developments across Chesterfield as we head into 2023.

It is hard to imagine that it was only in the December of last year, we were still operating under the cloud of the pandemic, uncertain if the rise of a new variant would threaten the recovery of our industry and our attempts to return to ‘normal’ business activity.

However, as we sit here now, reflecting on 2022 and looking forward into the new year, uncertainty feels like it has become the only thing we can be certain about. The formation of Chesterfield’s Construction and Property Group (CCPG) in 2020 was ultimately about providing greater sector focussed support for the Town and local property businesses through public and private sector collaboration, and now heading into its third year, I believe we have never been better placed as a network to support each other in an exponentially changing and increasingly volatile industry.

Positively, throughout this period and now its 2nd year since its formation, Chesterfield Property Group members has continued to work hard maintaining a meaningful platform for engagement connecting both the public and private sector together. The group has maintained a clear focus on key themes centred around promoting the town, the skills and future talent agenda, business engagement, the climate emergency and importantly providing support to our Local Authority who continue to work tirelessly in their efforts to support the town and the property sector.  The group has tailored its activity over throughout 2022 focussing on delivering tangible and meaningful outputs, some of these including:

  • Property Forums – updating local property businesses on the latest market activity
  • Skills and Talent masterclass – bringing key figures from property and construction alongside key skills and training providers to discuss how the sector can overcome the skills issue
  • Quality and Sustainability masterclass – discussing sustainable development in Chesterfield, and why this is critical for future of the town
  • Investment Summit – hosting a property focussed Q&A session with Chief Executive Hue Bowen and Council Leader Trisha Gilby
  • Regular social media activity – highlighting some of the key issues in the industry such as skills, sustainability, diversity in the sector and promoting developments taking place in the town etc.
  • A variety of networking and social events including walking tours, and brewery visits. supporting business to business relationship development

Property and Construction Masterclass Chesterfield

There is no question that the current economic outlook will pose challenging for those operating in the Property sector, but we must be careful not to be consumed by negative media, and instead businesses must focus on their ‘own economy’ and work even harder to invest in building resilience against any uncertainty. The property group believes that the best way of doing this is by working collaboratively together, sharing our experience, and working hard to unlock and connect each other to the wide array of opportunities across the region.

Despite everything, Chesterfield continues to attract interest from the investment market, and with the secured levelling up funding, will see the continued regeneration and development of our built environment over the coming years. The town is rich with potential and opportunity, and we are delighted that the Property Group has played a small part in supporting in its success over the last few years.

As the Property Group looks forward to the year ahead and the activity plans start to take shape, we are truly excited by what lies ahead for Chesterfield and the wider Borough. We will look forward to building upon our existing relationships whilst forging new ones as the Group continues to evolve and adapt to support the developing needs of the town.

If you work within the Property and Construction Sector and would like to hear more about the groups developing plans, please get in touch by emailing

Property and Construction Group Chesterfield

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2023 Made in Chesterfield festival inspires girls to consider careers in engineering and manufacturing

Girls have been inspired to consider a career in engineering and manufacturing thanks to this year’s Made in Chesterfield festival, co-ordinated by Destination Chesterfield and Direct Education Business Partnership (DEBP).

Maddy, a Year 9 pupil from Whittington Green School who visited performance vehicle specialist Scooby Clinic in Wingerworth, said: “I would definitely consider a future career in STEM. There’s a stigma about STEM being just for boys but actually more women should give it a go; they can do it. It’s not just for boys.”

Maddy was one of more than 150 male and female students from secondary schools throughout Chesterfield that took part in workplace visits to companies operating in the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) sector during the four-week festival.

The visits, which were organised by Direct Education Business Partnership, were designed to introduce secondary school students to the varied STEM careers available in the local economy.

Sonya Martin, Out of School Tuition Tutor at Whittington Green Secondary School, praised the campaign, saying: “We’ve had quite a few female students say they didn’t realise engineering was open to them and that, actually, the work would be a lot of fun. Having the chance to bring them around different workplaces, especially Scooby Clinic, has been really good for them because we very rarely get to know what goes on in our local environment.”

Scooby Clinic was one of a number of businesses that welcomed students into the workplace during the festival. MSE Hiller, Weightron Bilanciai, United Cast Bar, Superior Wellness, Atlantic Pumps, Robinson PLC and Aztec Oils also opened their doors to students.

Aztec Oils, which is based in Bolsover and is one of the UK’s leading specialists in high-performance lubricant manufacture and distribution, welcomed students from Springwell Community College.

Scooby Clinic Made in Chesterfield

During the visit Year 9 pupil Lara commented; “Being here today has made me reconsider my GCSE options. It’s shown me that STEM is more than science and there are lots of jobs and so many opportunities out there.”

Julie Richards, Principal of The Chesterfield College Group, explained: “It is so positive to see the impact of raising aspirations in STEM subjects with girls across the region thanks to initiatives like Made in Chesterfield. This is the latest in a long line of positive actions to breakdown any perceived barriers for young women who enter a career in STEM. Year on year we are delighted to see more and more young, driven women studying programmes and apprenticeships at Chesterfield College in STEM industries. These students consistently inform us that when talking to school age girls about getting into a STEM related career they should ‘just go for it!’ Whilst they admitted they felt daunted when first entering the industry, that apprehension quickly subsided when they realised how supported and valued they were by their classmates or work colleagues.”

According to a report by The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM, only 27% of the UK’s STEM workforce is female compared to 52% of the wider workforce.

Made in Chesterfield, which is sponsored by the Chesterfield College Group, is now in its eighth year. The annual festival is playing a key role in addressing the technical skills shortage amongst local businesses.

Research by the UK Commission for Employment & Skills found that 43 per cent of national STEM vacancies are hard to fill due to a shortage of skilled and experienced applicants.

Ivan Fomin Destination Chesterfield board member responsible for manufacturing and engineering in the Borough said: “I am delighted at the impact the Made in Chesterfield festival has made with students, schools and businesses this year. Seeing so many mixed groups of students undertaking visits to STEM workplaces in Chesterfield is incredibly encouraging. Ensuring that our workplaces are diverse is critical to tackling skills shortages in the sector both locally and nationally.”

Clare Talati, Chief Executive of DEBP added: “DEBP are delighted to work in partnership on the initiative; at a time with increased pressures for schools and employers, the feedback demonstrates just how important workplace visits are in enabling young people to understand more about the amazing opportunities available locally.”

Since its 2014 launch, Made in Chesterfield has introduced over 3,500 young people to the jobs and careers available operating in the STEM sector within local businesses.

Whittington Green Made in Chesterfield Scooby Clinic Visit

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Chesterfield hair and beauty salon expands into new town centre premises

Chesterfield-based hair and beauty salon, Autumn House has announced an exciting expansion in the town centre.

It paves the way for the business to open a whole new range of services, enabling it to offer a full range of party and events packages and even a bar for customers.

In addition, owner Hayley Milner is looking to deliver hair training courses on a larger scale and is looking for new stylists and beauty therapists to join the team.

Commenting on the move, Hayley said: “Moving into the town centre into such a big building, after being in what was essentially a two-bedroom terrace turned into a salon for the last 5 and a half years, was incredibly scary.

“But myself and the girls I work with are so excited to be in and working, now the renovation is finished. We were at full capacity in the last space we had, and with the amount of footfall passing by, hopefully we will attract some new clients.”

Hayley also spoke about why she loves having her business based in the town: “I love my business being based in Chesterfield, as all of my new shop neighbours have been so friendly and supportive.

Autumn House Team

Autumn house, Image supplied by Brand Photography by Wings

“Obviously my clientele is mainly from Chesterfield and they’re all so lovely. I wouldn’t move my salon anywhere else!

“It’s so important for people to continue to support small and local businesses, especially at the moment. I always try and buy from fellow smaller businesses where I can, instead of the huge chains. You’re supporting someone’s dream and their family.

“My clients are amazing, and most have been with me since day one, supporting and pushing my business.”

Find out more about Autumn House on Facebook, and to explore the great range of independent retail, hospitality and leisure businesses in Chesterfield, go to:

To get more infomation on the benefits of locating your business in Chesterfield, visit:

Autumn house

Autumn House Interior – Image supplied by Brand Photography by Wings


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Fusion Utilities invests millions in new North Derbyshire site

Following a multi-million-pound investment, Wolseley Infrastructure has announced plans for its Fusion Utilities brand to open a new 160,000-square foot facility in Bolsover, near Chesterfield, just off the M1.

The new Wolseley Infrastructure site will house a wide variety of best-in-class utilities products which will allow the brand to provide better availability than ever to customers.

The new site will be used as a fulfilment centre to deliver stock directly to customers on-time and in-full nationally, as well as providing services such as Hire & Servicing and housing technical services, national sales office and design teams.

Located just off the M1 in Bolsover for easy driver access, the new site is due to be ready in April 2024.

Commenting on the investment, John Hancock, Managing Director at Wolseley UK, says: “This exciting investment has been inspired by our Customer First approach, which has guided our developments ever since Fusion Utilities became part of Wolseley Infrastructure. We believe that the new Chesterfield site will build upon our product and service offerings to provide our customers with an even easier, more streamlined way to meet their utilities needs.”

On top of the massive benefits to customers, the new warehouse will create jobs for residents in Bolsover and the surrounding area. John continues: “Our dedication to people goes beyond our employees — and we’re proud that the new site will help to support the local community too. It’s all part of our mission to create a Positive Impact in everything we do.”

Planning is already underway for the development, with Neal Lambert, Technical Director at Fusion Utilities, and Simon Dennis, National Operations Director, at the helm of the project.

Initial designs include the warehouse combining a green exterior with building features that mirror the natural landscape, visually showcasing Wolseley Infrastructure’s commitment to being environmentally conscious. The site will also include local vegetation to provide a biodiverse habitat, in addition to having attenuation ponds to reduce flood risks.

Neal comments: “This new warehouse marks an exciting time for Fusion Utilities, with our customers, colleagues and suppliers all reaping the countless benefits this site will provide, in a central location with easy motorway access. The team have been working tirelessly to make sure the site meets all our customer requirements and we can’t wait to unveil it in 2024.”

In addition to this announcement, Fusion Utilities have recently announced the launch of their Essential Product Range (EPR), in conjunction with its Civils brand Burdens. This further reinforces their commitment to provide greater stock availability, by enhancing their current offering. The brand will hold 1,500 lines at mandated levels across the entire branch estate.

To find out more about the benefits of locating your business in Chesterfield, go to:

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New trees planted in Staveley to mark National Tree Week

Sixteen new trees have been planted to celebrate National Tree Week and create an avenue feature in King George V Playing Field in Staveley.

Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesden) trees were planted by children from Staveley Junior School and representatives from the community including Councillors, Friends of King George V Playing Fields, Staveley King George Bowlers and Tree Wardens.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “It was great to go out and plant these new trees with members of the local community. It will create a new tree-lined avenue that will complement the other improvements that we have made to this playing field over the last year. This is a great community space and I hope everyone will enjoy it.”

Using accelerator funding from the Staveley Town Deal a new play area and outside gym were installed in King George V Playing Field in 2021.

These sit next to the skate park and bowling green, ensuring that the playing field is a place the whole community can enjoy.

National Tree Week is a campaign run by The Tree Council and its partners which takes place from 26 November until 4 December.

It marks the start of the annual tree planting season and thousands of trees across the UK will be planted.

The theme this year is #HiddenConnections, celebrating trees as a connecting force of our world. Bringing all of us closer to nature and also revealing the fascinating connected world below ground, from complex root systems to mysterious mycorrhiza.

Find out more about the range of developments taking place in Staveley at:

If you want to help care for trees in Chesterfield you can volunteer for the Tree Warden project or you can suggest sites for community tree planting by emailing:

Staveley tree planting team

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Devonshire Property Group commences construction on major industrial site in Staveley

Six much-needed industrial and warehouse units totalling 22,613 sq ft are being built in North Derbyshire to meet market demand.

Devonshire Property Group has started work on Hartington Business Park, off Farndale Road in Staveley, which will comprise three terraces of brand new, high specification, modern industrial and warehouse units ready to let for the start of 2023.

The development will offer six units across three terraces with units available from 2,429 sq ft to 4,856 sq ft. Alternatively, units could be combined to create single units up to 8,044 sq ft, offering ultimate flexibility and catering for occupier needs. The units are being marketed by the Sheffield office of Knight Frank and Commercial Property Partners (CPP).

Harry Orwin-Allen in Knight Frank Sheffield’s industrial team said: “There is a distinct lack of supply for good quality industrial spaces under 10,000 sq ft. This speculative development delivered by Devonshire Property Group will prove attractive to occupiers seeking high quality accommodation in the region.

“The units are currently under construction and will be ready for occupation in Q1 2023.”

Max Pickering of CPP added: “With the supply of good quality, smaller industrial buildings expected to remain low, Hartington Business Park will address some of the apparent supply imbalance with good quality units that cater for a range of occupier requirements.”

Key features of the units will include modern steel portal frames, steel profile cladding, concrete floor, secure concrete yard areas, ground level loading door, EV Charging points, three phase power supply and fibre broadband.

Hartington Business Park is located on the northern edge of Staveley, which is around five miles northeast of Chesterfield. The site benefits from access to the motorway network via J30 and J29A of the M1, both around three miles away from the development.

For further information contact Harry Orwin-Allen at Knight Frank on 0114 272 9750 or email or call Max Pickering at CPP on 0114 273 8857.

Find out more about the range of developments taking place in Staveley at:

Devonshire Group supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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