Destination Chesterfield

Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre is officially open

Chesterfield’s new flagship enterprise centre, which will support new and expanding businesses to respectively start and grow in the town, is now officially open.

The Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre was officially opened by Councillor Terry Gilby, formerly the council’s member for economic growth who started the project in 2017, at a small ceremony on Wednesday 13 July.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of the council, said: “The opening of the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre represents the completion of the first phase of the Northern Gateway master plan. It will support local people to bring to life their business ideas and strengthen the local economy as we recover from the effects of the pandemic.

“We’ve built on our experiences at Tapton and Dunston Innovation Centres to develop this new building and with nine local businesses already signed up take space it is already evident that we have been successful in creating a modern environment where Chesterfield’s budding entrepreneurs can collaborate and flourish. We look forward to welcoming more tenants to the centre over the coming months.”

Roaring Mouse Public Relations have officially moved into the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, with more companies already lined up to move in over the next few months. East Midlands Chamber has also confirmed it is adding to its existing presence in the town by taking up space at the centre.

The Enterprise Centre includes 32 office suites in a range of sizes, all of which are fitted with the latest hi-tech features that are now standard requirements for modern businesses. It has conferencing facilities allowing businesses to host hybrid meetings and secure cycle parking and shower facilities to allow tenants to bike to work – supporting low carbon transport options. There are also features like break out rooms where businesses can network and find out how they can work together.

Tom Woodhead, Business Services Director at Robert Woodhead Group, said: “After a difficult start in 2020, we’re very happy to be handing over the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre to Chesterfield Borough Council. This modern facility will be extremely valuable to Chesterfield’s thriving business community, helping it to grow and flourish, especially with the hi-tech and hybrid-working features which have been included.”

But the Enterprise Centre provides much more than just office space, as tenants will be able to access bespoke business support services that can help them grow and develop, supporting the creation of more jobs and boosting the local economy.

The building also boasts some great sustainability features which will help keep energy usage down and ensure the building is fit for the future.

Nick Fenton, Associate Director at Whittam Cox Architects, said: “We’re delighted to see the Enterprise Centre complete on site. The Centre is an important part of the Northern Gateway regeneration scheme, providing a new and unique commercial offer which is designed to be a catalyst for further investment and development.

“The project is the third generation of office development for the Council which reflects their aspirations to promote and enhance small enterprising start-up businesses.

“As a local practice, we’re passionate about the region. It has been a privilege to work with the Council to deliver a sustainable building that will help the council move towards their net zero carbon target by 2030. The sustainability agenda is hugely important to us, a critical driver in all that we do is to reduce carbon to the greatest extent possible.”

Andy Dabbs, Board Director at Whittam Cox Architects and Chair of Chesterfield Property and Construction Group said: “The importance of this scheme should not be underestimated. Things do not just happen! The successful delivery of the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre relied on Chesterfield Borough Council creating a vision, successfully securing funding, and then labouring for many years, including navigating some incredibly challenging market conditions, to realise the delivery of a fantastic new commercial offer for the town.

“We are proud to have worked alongside the Council through all stages of the development. The true quality of a team is revealed when things don’t quite go to plan – and the pandemic certainly was not part of it. Despite such challenges, we are proud as a local practice to have supported our Town in delivering such a high-quality facility for businesses wanting to locate in the town centre. This building is further evidence that Chesterfield is open for business and is a sound investment for the future.”

The Enterprise Centre was part funded through a grant from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Investment Fund, with additional funding provided by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Laurie Thomas, Assistant Director, Programme Management Office from South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority said: “We believe the Northern Gateway development will help breathe new life into the area and promote the growth of business activities in the ICT and professional service-based sectors”.

“South Yorkshire Investment Fund invested £5.83m in the construction of the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, signalling a boost in confidence for investors. The investment will leverage in £12.5m investment by the private sector, support the creation of 150 jobs and indirectly create further jobs once the premises are fully let.”

To find out more about your business being based in the Enterprise Centre contact the Enterprise Chesterfield team by calling 01246 903 900 or emailing

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Chesterfield Pride 2022: How your business can celebrate our LGBTQ+ community

Chesterfield is set to gather in celebration later this month, as one of the biggest Pride festivals across the region returns to the town.

The celebration of our LGBTQ+ Community will see thousands of people in attendance, to raise awareness of diversity and inclusivity in all walks of life.

As we approach the event, we’ve been finding out how your business can help to support and celebrate staff, clients and customers who identify as LGBTQ+; and how this can have a positive effect on your business in terms of raising profile and enabling further growth.

Ed Fordham is a Chesterfield Borough Councillor and Derbyshire County Councillor, he was the first LGBT+ person in Britain to get engaged to his same sex partner with the passing of the equal marriage laws in 2013.

Sharing his experiences of living and working in Chesterfield, Ed has penned the following blog post to encourage more businesses in implementing a clear and definitive diversity and inclusion policy…

It’s really quite simple: business that understand, embrace and celebrate diversity in their values are more successful. This applies to all aspects of diversity and inclusion, but in this blog post I am exploring the issues for Chesterfield businesses and the LGBT+ communities.

Derbyshire is, I think the only county in England that has two LGBT+ centres – one in Derby and one in Chesterfield. Indeed Derbyshire LGBT+ is a long standing and successful charity serving the community all year round and in good times and in bad. This year we are celebrating 50 years since the first Pride March in the U.K. In London in 1972. Here in Chesterfield our Pride Festival is in year 8. Pride is a celebration, a festival and a party, but crucially it is also a protest, a vigil, a march and a gathering of the community in numbers. It’s safety in numbers for the LGBT+ communities.

Across Chesterfield many companies employ people who self identify as LGBT+ but for each and every one of those staff members they often have an internal dilemma about how well known and public they are about their security.  I forget the number of times that I have had to correct people over my own identity. Indeed, I still get assumptions that my wedding ring signals that I have a wife rather than a husband.

Chesterfield Pride will see 6,000 people gathering in Stand Road on Sunday 24th July and the net spend, the investment and the purchase of food and drink alone will be significant for local traders and businesses.  In the run-up to Pride spend on fashion, clothing, hairdressers, shoes and more besides is significant in the Borough.

Further, it is known and understood that businesses of the 1950’s that were dominated solely by male managers and men only boards were unrepresentative and staid.  Accordingly it is now accepted that business and companies that know their workforce, embrace their identity and ensure they are included, listened to and enabled are more effective.  In addition they are more fleet of foot in a shifting economy, and in a world where companies want to be seen and noticed companies that celebrate Pride, empower their staff and reflect the modern world.

The best employers understand their employees, know that they should feel welcome, respected and represented at work. Inclusion in decision, plans and strategy drives better individuals, business and organisational outcomes.  And by celebrating Chesterfield Pride in way that us visible and staff led means that staff are able to bring their whole selves to work. All of the evidence shows that when LGBT+ employees feel free to be themselves , everybody benefits.  It is further accepted that employee inclusion is picked up by customers and support and commerce increase in line with awareness.

There are national scheme for large employees by Stonewall, but we are fortunate in having such a strong and vibrant Derbyshire they provide Rainbow Accreditation for companies locally.  There are three entry levels: Rainbow Allies, Rainbow Connection and Ranbow Partnership. The level depends on your size of business and the associated costs are pegged accordingly.

Please, do what you can for Pride this year in your business, company and shop window, but for the future and long term, contact Derbyshire LGBT+ today and register for Rainbow Accreditation.  Contact John Yates-Harold

LGBTQ+ Leaders in Chesterfield 

Chesterfield Pride Sponsor

Chesterfield Borough Council

Chesterfield Borough Council has been announced as headline sponsors with Chesterfield Pride for the 2nd year in a row, continuing its support of the annual celebration.

Cllr Sharon Blank, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for governance, said: “We’re thrilled to be sponsoring Chesterfield Pride again this year and to continue this great partnership. It is a fantastic event for our borough and our sponsorship sends a clear message that we stand together as one community to celebrate our diversity with pride.”

The Council also has a clear policy and strategy to welcome equality and diversity in the borough, recognising that both equal treatment and positive action are necessary to counteract discrimination.

Activities to ensure the strategy is implemented includes The Equality and Diversity Forum; a group of representatives from statutory partners, community groups and local individuals with an interest and/or expertise in equality and diversity. The Forum members work together to share ideas, best practice and to raise awareness in the community of equality and diversity.

Find out more about Chesterfield Borough Council’s Equality and Diversity strategy here. For more information about the Equality and Diversity Forum please email

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Tom Harrison, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Facilitator said: “At Chesterfield Royal Hospital we are proud supporters of Pride, and once again delighted to be taking part.

“We understand the value of bringing your whole self to work and support these values as a Trust. Several of our colleagues have completed the Stonewall role model programme and are in the process of setting up a staff network to support this learning. We are listening to both colleagues and patients – our listening exercise at Pride three years ago saw us develop training to support our gender diverse staff and patients through e-learning – we revisited last year at Pride and received positive feedback from those who had engaged with us. We are currently listening to views on gender inclusive language and are looking to introduce single occupancy unisex toilets at minimal cost. 

“We are proud of the work which our Royal Cultural Community does to promote and support our BAME and international colleagues – alongside our Be Yourself group. We offer a rainbow badge scheme helping colleagues to commit to being an ally and offer rainbow lanyards to colleagues so that our commitment is visible in all areas of the Trust. We will be flying the LBGT+ flag outside our Main Entrance with pride.”

To find out more about diversity and inclusion at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, go to:


joe 1 Chesterfield Pride

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Schools urged to get involved with Made in Chesterfield 2022

Schools and training providers can now book free workplace tours, with engineering, manufacturing, property, and construction businesses as part of Made in Chesterfield 2022.

The annual campaign, which is coordinated by Destination Chesterfield is taking place between 7 November – 2 December later this year. It is designed to expose pupils to the vast array of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers available in businesses across the town. The visits can also support schools in their efforts to achieve the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Open to Year 6 – 13 students, a diverse line-up of businesses have already signed up to deliver tours of their sites, including United Cast Bar, MSE Hiller, Penny Hydraulics, Aztec Oils, SCR, Superior Wellness and Trans-Tronic.

Praising the workplace tours, Nick McGowan, Assistant Headteacher at Whittington Green School, which visited Woodhead Construction as part of Made in Chesterfield 2021, said: “We’ve been teaching construction in the school for the last 15 years and one thing we have always struggled with is access to site, so the visit was absolutely brilliant. It opened the students’ horizons to the jobs and opportunities within the construction sector.”

Mark Lord, Managing Director of Aztec Oils, which has been involved in the Made in Chesterfield campaign for several years added: “We fully support the Made in Chesterfield initiative, helping young people develop skills and interests to broaden their career opportunities. We gladly facilitate school visits for those interested in chemistry and manufacturing, giving insight into process, the varying job roles and the key skills required for each.

“We’ve had great engagement from students so far who seem interested and genuinely inspired by what they see at Aztec Oils. I personally think it’s an important scheme and I know it would have been of great value to me when I was at school”

Carol Claydon, Head of HR at Superior Wellness also commented on their involvement with the campaign: “We are delighted to be involved, once again, with the workplace tours organised as part of Made in Chesterfield. The campaign is a fantastic way to inspire the next generation and hopefully showcase the different sectors and opportunities that are available within the local area.”

All Made in Chesterfield school visits are organised by Direct Education Business Partnership, an organisation which specialises in supporting the aspirational decision making of young people to shape their future helping them to fulfil their potential.

As well as the workplace tours, during Made in Chesterfield schools can access a range of careers videos and tours of Chesterfield businesses to allow young people to experience the tours, activities and careers information they would receive in person, virtually. Alongside this, young people can access the MyFuture Virtual Careers Exhibition, where they can meet local employers, learn about exciting employment opportunities and much more.

Already, Made in Chesterfield school visits and activities have introduced more than 3500 pupils to careers in the sector since the campaign was launched in 2015. Chesterfield College has also reported an increase in the number of students getting involved in STEM related subjects.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “These Made in Chesterfield tours provide a fantastic opportunity for both students and teachers to learn about potential careers at local businesses. Inspiring the next generation of workers and helping them to understand employability skills is crucial to ensure the town continues to grow and thrive.”

Julie Richards, Principal and CEO of Chesterfield College Group which sponsors the campaign said: “Our commitment to the next generation of local workforce is to inspire them and equip them with the skills and experience that sets them up for a successful career in industry. A large part of that relies on the involvement of local employers to provide vital opportunities such as industry placements, work experience, site visits, guest lectures and apprenticeships to help a young person experience an industry.”

In addition to the Chesterfield College Group, Made in Chesterfield is supported by Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire North Careers Hub, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd and NatWest. The organisation of Made in Chesterfield is financially supported by the D2N2 Derbyshire North Careers Hub as part of their regional Open Doors programme.

Schools wishing to arrange a workplace visit should contact Direct Education Business Partnership on 01246 212535 or email Or, if you’re a local manufacturing, engineering, property or construction business that would like to find out more about Made in Chesterfield, please visit here and register for a drop-in session organised by Destination Chesterfield:




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Peak Pharmacy set to move to ultra-modern headquarters in North Derbyshire

Work has begun in Derbyshire to build a new ultra-modern headquarters for Peak Pharmacy, which will process millions of prescriptions per year for their patients.

Called Project Horizon, the multi-million pound venture at Markham Vale near junction 29A of the M1 signals a new chapter for the Chesterfield-based company.

The new Pharmacy Service Centre will handle prescriptions and dispatch medicines for the firm’s 150 community pharmacies across England. Prescriptions will be assembled for individual patients, then either delivered to local pharmacies for collection the next day, or direct to patients’ homes.

The facility will use state-of-the-art robots and automated systems to support staff handling over 400,000 medicines and other prescribed items every month – that’s 20,000 a day, more than 40 every minute.

Peak Pharmacy’s move is in response to caps in Government funding, which mean that pharmacy businesses are having to be more efficient in how they handle prescriptions. Centralising the process will also free up local pharmacists and Peak Pharmacy staff to provide other services for patients, such as vaccinations, blood pressure checks and healthy living advice.

Managing Director Joe Cattee, whose parents Peter and Jane founded Peak Pharmacy in 1981, said: “These are ambitious plans for our company, staff and customers – in the face of a rapidly changing pharmacy landscape.

“This will be transformational for us. We’re investing now to future-proof our business, so that we can continue to provide great local customer service which means so much to us.”

The new hub is due to open in April next year. It will house up to 100 staff, with the potential to grow into a 24-hour operation in future.

Peak Pharmacy is planning to be in a position to offer a centralised dispensing service to other independent pharmacies which don’t have the resources to develop their own centralised service, should the legislation allowing this change in the near future.

Mr Cattee added: “We’re inviting other pharmacies to contact us now, so we can show them how our hub can benefit them too.”

The company is investing more than £20m on Project Horizon, a significant proportion of which will be spent on automation technology. Around 40% of all prescriptions can be processed in this way.

The project will replace five smaller existing Peak Pharmacy sites in Derbyshire.  The new hub, on the site of the former Coalite coking plant in Bolsover, will:

  • Cover 113,000 square feet
  • Have a continued focus on sustainability, with energy efficiency measures, electric charge points for colleague and business vehicles, major tree-planting and a bat box
  • Provide an excellent working environment for staff, including a canteen and leisure facilities

Peak Pharmacy supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Dozens of Chesterfield companies among Derbyshire’s top 200 businesses

It has been revealed by the University of Derby that 40 Chesterfield businesses are among the top 200 firms in Derbyshire.

Researchers from the University’s Business School have compiled the list, which ranks all active, private sector businesses in Derby and Derbyshire by turnover — a simple but powerful indicator of business growth and relative positioning.

It showcases some of the companies driving the local economy and highlights interesting growth sectors and place-based clusters.

Angela Tooley, Enterprise Development Manager at the University of Derby, said: “Derby and Derbyshire are home to global brands, as well as locally owned high growth companies from a diverse range of sectors, which are at the forefront of innovation in UK growth areas such as decarbonisation, clean growth, digital and export of services.

“This research further confirms the strength of the area’s businesses, particularly as many of them are based outside of our main towns and city. This makes their contribution to the regional economy even more important, through providing high-quality employment and buying goods and services from local supply chains, many of whom are SMEs.”

The Top 200 has been compiled from publicly available information for the financial period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020, including data from Companies House and the Fame database. It therefore doesn’t show the full effects of the pandemic, which will become more apparent in the 2023 listing.

To qualify, companies must have:

  • been active during 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 (i.e. not in receivership or dormant)
  • had their registered office based in the region
  • reported independent accounts to Companies House for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020

Professor Kamil Omoteso, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Derby, added: “As the University’s profile and impact within the business community continues to grow and we move forward with our plans for our city-based Derby Business School, it’s fantastic to see such strong, thriving businesses, many that the University works closely with, recognised in the list.”

The Chesterfield businesses included in the list are:

  • Avant Homes Group – 13
  • GI Recruitment – 17
  • University of Derby – 27
  • Avanti Gas – 36
  • Vesuvius – 39
  • BI Group -53
  • Eyre and Elliston Holdings -60
  • Xtratherm UK – 68
  • Global Brands (GBL) Holdings – 78
  • Hillcare Holdings – 88
  • Derbyshire Support and Facilities Services Ltd. – 89
  • Heathcotes Group – 90
  • Caldic UK – 100
  • Proact IT UK – 102
  • Designer Contracts – 103
  • James Convenience Retail -109
  • Tenant Metallurgical Group Holdings Limited – 110
  • Xbite – 111
  • PR Marriott Drilling Ltd. – 120
  • United Rental Group – 122
  • Utopia Holdings -127
  • Capital Refactories – 130
  • Robinson PLC-  133
  • Bridgstock – 134
  • Evolution Funding Group – 135
  • UK Egg Centre – 136
  • CMC Chesterfield – 137
  • Magnavale – 141
  • Lubriacnt Holdings (Midlands) – 143
  • Aperam Stainless Services and Solutions UK – 152
  • Dormer Pramet – 162
  • Atlas Copco Medical – 164
  • Meter Provida Holdco – 169
  • Minorfern Ltd. – 174
  • Versus Arthritis – 176
  • Cathelco – 189
  • Moorhen Holdings – 190
  • Foseco International – 191
  • Coster Aerosols – 194
  • HRE Newco – 199

Find out more about all the companies in the list here.

Invest in Chesterfield and you will join businesses from world-leading manufacturers to multinational communication companies.  Enterprises of every kind already benefit from our positive approach and superb travel links.

A number of businesses featured in the list support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire. These include: Avant Homes, University of Derby, Global Brands, Robinson PLC, SDL Minorfern.

Markham Vale business park, Located off J29a of the M1 Motorway

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Chesterfield’s BRM Solicitors Advises on key distribution agreement

Law firm BRM have advised Versalift United Kingdom Limited on a distribution agreement for Ruthmann.

The acquisition brings together Versalift and Ruthmann, two complimentary manufacturers with award-winning platform designs and world-class facilities.

Versalift United Kingdom Limited is the market-leading vehicle-mounted platform manufacturer that will exclusively distribute Ruthmann truck-mounted platforms from 1st April 2022 in the UK and Republic of Ireland, following the acquisition of Ruthmann by Time Manufacturing company in 2021.

Corporate Director, Trevor Bird acted as legal advisor to Versalift United Kingdom Limited, working closely with Andy Bray Versalift MD on the distribution agreement for Ruthmann STEIGER® and Ecoline ranges of products for the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Trevor commented: “Versalift is a long-standing client, and I am delighted to have advised Andy and the team in bringing these fantastic new products to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. I am looking forward to supporting Versalift on its future growth plans.”

Andy Bray commented: “This is an important strategic acquisition for Time Manufacturing and it will benefit our current client and future client base, Trevor was instrumental in guiding me and the team through the process and his care and attention is second to none.”

BRM Solicitors is one of the leading providers of commercial and private client legal services in the area. Many of the firm’s partners and staff were born in Chesterfield or nearby.

The team believes its success and appeal is largely due to its mix of staff with city law firm experience and lifelong Chesterfield residents and its practice ethos is to deliver a city-style service to clients without forgetting our market town location and economy.

Find out more about some of the great local businesses in Chesterfield’s legal sector here.

BRM Solicitors supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Superior Wellness listed as one of Britain’s Fastest-Growing Businesses

Superior Wellness ranks 18th on the Growth 100: an annual list that reveals Britain’s fastest-growing privately owned businesses in the country where the founder or founders are still involved.

Superior Wellness leads the market as the world’s fastest growing hot tub manufacturer, creating premium, high quality products focused on improving your health and well-being.

On 22 June 2022, the FEBE Annual Growth 100 list was released highlighting the fastest-growing privately owned businesses in the country.

Superior Wellness has been in a fortunate position to experience a monumental level of growth during the pandemic. The company noticed an incline in demand for hot tubs and other wellness related products during the pandemic which spearheaded the growth.

In 2021 Superior Wellness moved into its brand-new headquarters in Chesterfield and has also recently opened a 10,000 sq. ft showroom with training facilities. The team headcount has also doubled to almost 70.

It now works with a global partner network of over 200 hot tub retailers across 16 countries. In 2021 alone, 72 partners were onboarded to the Superior Wellness network and 32 of these were international accounts.

Superior Wellness is now focusing on its growth across the United States of America having recruited two dedicated sales managers based in America.

FEBE reports that: “There are 4.2m private companies in the UK. Just 1% or 45,000 of these are considered ‘high growth’ and Superior Wellness is now included in the Growth 100 list.”

Rob Carlin, Managing Director, said: “We were so proud when we heard the news that Superior Wellness had made it onto Growth 100 list. We ranked 18th in Britain for the fastest-growing companies privately owned businesses.

“This is such an incredible achievement for us as a company and a real accolade to the team and their hard work.

“I would like to extend my thanks to all the Superior Wellness team and our partner network for making this possible.”

Superior Wellness supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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£570 million regeneration programme currently taking place across Derbyshire

It has been revealed that more than £570 million worth of regeneration is currently taking place across Derbyshire, with a large proportion taking place in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

The figure was revealed recently by Derbyshire County Council as cabinet members were updated on the progress of various regeneration projects happening in our county.

More than 50 major projects are included in the programme, initiated either by the County Council, by the government or by district or borough councils.

Project currently underway in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire include:

Hollis Lane Link Road phase 1 (£10.8 million)

Construction of new road into Chesterfield Station as part of the Chesterfield Station Master Plan. A planning application has been submitted and if approved the project will be funded jointly through government’s Local Growth Fund (£3.8 million) and £7 million from Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council.

Find out more

Chesterfield-Staveley Regeneration Route (£125 million)

Reclamation works and construction of a 3.7 mile road connecting Chesterfield with Staveley, opening up land for jobs and housing. Outline business case for funding due to be submitted to government at the end of summer 2022 requesting £106 million to help fund the project with a further £19 million expected to be contributed by local public and private sector partners.

Find out more

Staveley Town Deal Investment Plan (£25 million)

Being delivered by Chesterfield Borough Council and funded by the government’s Town Deal. Derbyshire County Council is involved in 3 projects as part of the plan: new commercial/retail/leisure facilities at Staveley Basin and town centre improvements including support for the Wheels to Work scheme, plus work towards the potential reopening of the Barrow Hill rail line.

Find out more

Connecting Chesterfield (£20 million)

Chesterfield Borough Council is leading this project to improve the town centre using Levelling Up funding from government with support from Derbyshrie County Council.

Find out more

Cabinet Member for Infrastructure at Derbyshire County Council, Cllr Carolyn Renwick, said: “This regeneration programme demonstrates good growth in Derbyshire with major regeneration projects across the county to support job creation and keep Derbyshire moving.

“These projects follow the successful completion of a £13 million county council-led scheme to build a new road linking Woodville and Swadlincote, cutting congestion and unlocking employment land.

“We’re proud to be a driving force for regeneration and levelling up in Derbyshire and welcome much-needed investment from government to improve our county’s economic prospects.”

To find out more about the wide range of regeneration projects taking place across Chesterfield, go to:

Details of Chesterfield’s rapid regeneration will also be outlined at the upcoming Chesterfield Investment Summit this September. Find out more and book your place at:

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Plans submitted for a range of new leisure facilities in North Wingfield

Residents in North Wingfield could soon benefit from several new leisure facilities, with plans submitted to develop land off Williamthorpe Road.

Local developer, Inspire Design and Development is involved in the proposals, which include a pub, hotel, restaurant, wedding venue and nursery.

The proposal falls as part of one of the company’s existing projects in the area, a large development which already has outline approval for more than 500 houses between North Wingfield and Holmewood.

Inspire Design and Development’s role includes promoting the project, managing the design team and running the planning application. The plans will provide much needed leisure facilities in the area, particularly for local residents.

Calum Reford, Graduate Planner at Inspire Design and Development Ltd. commented: “The proposal seeks to create a bespoke character area to create a local landmark which will be in-keeping with the existing and future built environment.

“The development represents a significant social and economic benefit to the area and will deliver a hospitality offer, alongside supporting the new dwellings currently under construction.

“The proposals will also deliver employment opportunities for local people, providing access to a new career in a unique venue.

“This development can provide a statement building that frames the entrance to help establish a sense of place and provide a facility that the area can be genuinely proud of.”

The company has also stated that the design for the new leisure development is inspired by ‘traditional Derbyshire rural farm buildings’, with ‘a series of pitched roof pavilions and outdoor seating/eating areas with views towards Chesterfield and the Crooked Spire church.

Based in nearby Clay Cross, Inspire Design and Development has extensive experience in the planning, design and delivery of development projects.

Having successfully delivered high quality planning approvals, the firm ensures that each of the projects it undertakes is commercially robust, paving the way for excellent, efficient and exciting places for local people to live, work and play within their community.

The Senior Management team collectively has around 100 years of experience in the redevelopment of brownfield sites.

Inspire Design & Development Ltd. supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Businesses called on to get involved with Made in Chesterfield 2022

Made in Chesterfield, the campaign designed to bring engineering, manufacturing, property and construction businesses together with schools and training providers, is returning in November and Destination Chesterfield is urging businesses to get involved.

The annual campaign, which will run from 7 November – 2 December now in its eighth year. It has already introduced thousands of young people across North East Derbyshire to the wide range of careers available in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) sector.

With the skills shortage in the STEM sector becoming an even bigger issue for businesses, Made in Chesterfield 2022 aims to inspire a new generation of employees to join the sector.

Since the campaign’s inception, more than 3,500 young people from schools have spent time in the area’s manufacturing and engineering businesses and Chesterfield College has seen an increase in the number of students getting involved in STEM related subjects. Now, following its success, the campaign is welcoming businesses in the property and construction sector to take part.

Sponsored by The Chesterfield College Group, Made in Chesterfield is coordinated by Destination Chesterfield in partnership with Direct Education Business Partnership (DEBP), supported by Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire North Careers Hub, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd and NatWest.

The organisation of Made in Chesterfield is financially supported by the D2N2 Derbyshire North Careers Hub as part of their regional Open Doors programme.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “There’s a huge skills gap and an ageing workforce issue within the engineering, manufacturing, property and construction sectors. Made in Chesterfield is helping local businesses take those all-important steps needed to inspire the next generation and build a strong recruitment pipeline for future growth and stability.

“The workplace tours, which are organised as part of Made in Chesterfield, are a fantastic way to introduce your business to young people who are at school and college now, showing them the number of high-quality career opportunities available on their doorstep.”

Julie Richards, Principle and CEO of Chesterfield College Group commented: “’We’re delighted to continue our support for the Made in Chesterfield initiative. The growth of engineering, science, technology and manufacturing locally is something we have mirrored in our curriculum and facilities with investment in the latest technologies, such as 3D printing and augmented reality, all with a focus on sustainability.

“Our commitment to the next generation of local workforce is to inspire them and equip them with the skills and experience that sets them up for a successful career in industry. A large part of that relies on the involvement of local employers to provide vital opportunities such as industry placements, work experience, site visits, guest lectures and apprenticeships to help a young person experience an industry. As such, we certainly encourage those businesses not already engaged with Made in Chesterfield to get involved and help to generate the next generation of local workforce.”

Clare Talati, CEO of Direct Education Business Partnership (DEBP) added: “DEBP looks forward to continuing in our role with Made in Chesterfield. We will be delighted to support businesses in providing fantastic visits for learners; enabling young people to engage with inspirational employers and learn about the amazing employment opportunities on offer locally.”

As well as the workplace tours during Made in Chesterfield, schools can access a range of careers videos and tours of Chesterfield businesses to allow young people to experience the tours, activities and careers information they would receive in person, virtually. Alongside this, young people can access the Myfuture Virtual Careers Exhibition, where they can meet local employers, learn about exciting employment opportunities and much more.

James Brand, Managing Director of United Cast Bar, commented on the importance of developing the workforce of the future: “With an eye on future workforce needs, regularly inviting school children to the foundry through the Made in Chesterfield initiative plays an important part in our recruitment.

Destination Chesterfield is hosting a Made in Chesterfield business drop-in session for those businesses that wish to learn more about the campaign, with a representative from United Cast Bar attending to discuss their experiences and answer any questions. The session will be taking place at United Cast Bar in Chesterfield and will run from 2:00pm – 4:00pm on Thursday 14 July.

If you’re a local manufacturing, engineering, property or construction business that would like to find out more about Made in Chesterfield, please visit the website and register:

To find out more about how your business can get involved with Made in Chesterfield, please visit or contact Direct Education Business Partnership at

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Success for undergraduates completing placement at Mitchells Chartered Accountants

A pair of undergraduates are set to take up permanent roles at Chesterfield’s Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, following a successful placement year working with the firm.

Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers have long been an Apprenticeship Ambassador, helping to promote Chesterfield as an Apprentice Town and raising awareness of apprenticeships and their benefits to strengthen the workforce of the local economy.

Some years ago, Mitchells put in place various strategies to ensure the development of a staff pipeline. Bringing in talented and dedicated people through apprenticeships and yearlong undergraduate placements is a vital element to their sustainable model for the future.

From the moment their training begins, everyone is assigned a mentor who monitors and supports their professional and personal development. They offer a comprehensive, fully supervised, structured training programme which is supported and closely monitored by a leading firm of external tutors. Training consists of a combination of courses at the tutors’ offices, private study and regular tests, as well as on-the-job training. Paid study leave is granted and course and examination fees are paid.

Alongside this, they have the support of Mitchells’ partners and senior staff, all ready and willing to offer guidance and advice at every stage of their journey towards becoming a Chartered Accountant or Chartered Tax Adviser. The openness and friendly nature of all the staff makes it easy to speak up and ask for assistance whenever needed.

Melissa Grafton (pictured right) and Hannah Longton (pictured below) are undergraduates in Accounting and Finance. Melissa studying at University of Lincoln and Hannah studying at Sheffield Hallam University. They have both just completed their year’s placement at Mitchells.  This is what they had to say about their experience:

“Applying for a placement is a very daunting thought, after being in full time education for the past 20 years, the idea of writing up a CV and applying felt very overwhelming but this couldn’t have been put more at ease when we applied to Mitchells. The application process at Mitchells gave us both a great idea of what it would be like to work here with having an interview with both our line manager and a partner at the firm. This showed us how hands on our superiors are with new workers and what our work environment would be like.

“From the moment we started working at Mitchells we were given the space and jobs to help us develop as people both academically and personally. Some of the many personal skills we have developed include confidence, communication, and time management. Working in a corporate environment has greatly improved our time management skills as we have had to ensure we complete jobs on time in order of importance. We both believe our confidence and communication have developed hand in hand as Mitchells have always provided an environment to ask for help off colleagues and superiors to ensure that we are learning and developing on each job and never struggling.

“From spending the year at Mitchells, we can see exactly how transferrable the skills we have gained are to our final year at University. At University it can sometimes be hard to comprehend how theory is used in practise, but from working in different sectors and different clients. We have expanded our commercial awareness and our ability to retain and relate our knowledge. We have both felt our Excel skills have been greatly enhanced from being able to work on special and innovative projects within Mitchells.

“We have not only gained in skills and experience but have also gained an inclusive social work team. Every month our colleagues have made effort to include us and feel welcomed into the workspace by having monthly events such as escape rooms, and meals out. This has helped settle and ease our worries of joining the world of full-time employment. It has also helped us develop good working relationships.

“We couldn’t recommend completing a placement year at Mitchells enough, we have even had the lucky offer of being invited back. Which we have gladly accepted as we know that the Mitchells working environment will give us all the support as we study and work towards our ACA qualification to become a Chartered Accountant.”

Andrew McDaid, Partner at Mitchells said: “Throughout the year that both Melissa and Hannah have spent with us, they have consistently exceeded all expectations. The whole team at Mitchells wishes them all the best in the final year of their degrees and look forward to welcoming them back in 2023 as permanent colleagues.”

Dan Plumley, Principal Lecturer and Recruitment Lead for the department of Finance, Accounting and Business Systems at Sheffield Hallam University commented “Mitchells provide an excellent placement scheme for Sheffield Hallam Students and the fact that they then go on to secure full time work with Mitchells after they graduate is testament to the impression they make whilst on placement. This is exactly what placement years are all about for both the students and the employers as it gives them a chance of guaranteeing employment before they have even finished studying with us. We are delighted to work with Mitchells to offer students such great opportunities and experience and are always on the lookout for other local employers that would like to do the same.”

Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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