Destination Chesterfield

Remembrance service to be held in Chesterfield this weekend

Activities will be taking place in Chesterfield town centre this weekend to commemorate Remembrance Sunday (14th November).

A church service will begin at St Mary’s and All Saints Church (Crooked Spire) at 2.30pm on the day, followed by a procession through the town centre and a wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial opposite the Town Hall.

Members of the public are welcome to attend both the service and ceremony.

As we move towards Remembrance Day the remembrance poppy cascade, created by the community, has once again been installed on the Town Hall.

In 2018 it was decided there was a need for Chesterfield to mark the centenary of the ending of World War One and a team from the Chesterfield and District Royal Engineers Association (REA), in liaison with Town Hall staff, took on the task of organising poppy cascades to be draped on the Town Hall.

More than 40,000 Poppies were produced not only by residents but by volunteers as far away as Australia, New Zealand and USA. Volunteers then spent six weeks tying the poppies to netting to be hung on the Town Hall and around the town.

Since then, the poppy cascades have appeared each year. Chesterfield and District Royal Engineers Association have cared for the cascades and ensured they are maintained and installed each year.

Rob Nash, Deputy Chairman Chesterfield and District Royal Engineers Association, said: “We are proud to be the custodians of Chesterfield Town Hall poppy cascades. All those people who contributed by knitting the thousands of poppies or helping to make the cascades should be proud of the wonderful backdrop they have helped create for our community’s annual Remembrance Parade, we hope it will be a prominent feature during the Remembrance period for many more years.”

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s armed forces champion, said: “The poppy cascades have been an incredible backdrop to our Remembrance Parades since 2018. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the poppy cascades and to the Chesterfield and District Royal Engineers Association for their continued efforts to maintain and install the cascades each year.”

At the end of each Remembrance period the cascades are removed from the balcony of the Town Hall, taken to the vehicle sheds at Wallis Barracks where they are hung to dry and then taken down, inspected and any damage is repaired, ready to be displayed the following year.

You can see the poppy cascades at the Town Hall from now until 21 November.

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MyFuture careers platform re-launched for 2021 Chesterfield and North Derbyshire school leavers

Following a hugely successful lockdown launch, the innovative employability and careers platform MyFuture, is here to stay for another year.

Developed by Chesterfield Borough Council, in partnership with Destination Chesterfield and the D2N2 LEP the My Future platform was dreamt up during lockdown when Year 11 and 13 young people were unable to access face-to-face careers information.

The platform, however, has been so successful, with thousands of young people in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire using it to find careers advice and apprenticeships, that funding has been extended for a further 12 months helping bridge the gap ahead of large scale in-person careers events returning. Derbyshire County Council is also supporting the relaunch of the MyFuture platform.

Over the last 12 months, more than 4,000 young people, teachers and parents have accessed the platform.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield explained: “MyFuture has been immensely popular since its launch. We were all very keen for it to continue beyond lockdown being lifted and I am delighted that the partners were able to provide funding to enable this. Together we are helping create a strong, skilled workforce which will support the continued inward investment in the town as well as ensure young people gain the best advice and support for their future career development in these challenging times.”

The funding has enabled a refresh of the MyFuture platform by Chesterfield-based creator and designer Oasis Studio. New features within the virtual careers fair include improved search functionality, easier navigation within the exhibition hall, TV screens within the pods which play live videos and immersive sound allowing the user to feel like they are actually attending a live careers fair.

New pods have also been added to MyFuture, including The Tickled Trout, Acorn Training, Edwards Employment Solutions, Superior Wellness, Staveley Town Deal and NLT Training Services. With around 100 pods on the platform, including one featuring The National Careers Service, MyFuture offers young people in the area unparalleled access to careers information.

The pods are set across 11 zones in the virtual careers fair, providing a wealth of information about different sectors, industries, individual businesses, apprentice positions and further education options available across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We originally launched MyFuture with our partners to ensure there was good quality careers advice available during the pandemic and we have seen fantastic levels of engagement. It’s proved to be such a successful support tool that we are keeping it in place and making it even better than before. There are new organisations featured on the platform and new features which mean it is more interactive and engaging. I’d encourage any young person thinking about their next steps to take a look at MyFuture for local opportunities and inspiration.”

Will Morlidge, Interim Chief Executive at D2N2 said: “Using innovative technology like MyFuture helps to raise aspirations for young people by bringing to life the opportunities available to them. It’s great to see this resource continuing and developing as bringing together the worlds of work and education is a vital part of our strategy to lead our region’s recovery from the impact of Covid-19.”

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education Councillor Alex Dale added: “We are delighted to support the relaunch of MyFuture. The website is a great place for young people to explore different career opportunities, get advice and search for local opportunities including apprenticeships and further education courses.”

Young people, teachers and parents who now want to learn about the many opportunities available to future school leavers, can visit MyFuture at

Employers who wish to have their business featured on the MyFuture platform should contact Emily Williams at

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People encouraged to have their say on the future of Staveley Town Centre

Residents, businesses and visitors are being encouraged to have their say on the Staveley Town Centre Draft Vision Master Plan through a public consultation which launched today (Monday 8 November).

Chesterfield Borough Council is seeking the public’s view on draft proposals which set out a vision for the future development of Staveley’s town centre, including improvements to the look, feel and flow of Market Square and High Street, and are designed to harness the opportunities presented by wider investment in the town.

The draft plan has been brought forward as part of an ambitious regeneration package being delivered under the Staveley Town Deal programme, which has created a ‘golden opportunity’ to breathe new life into the former mining town for generations to come.

Members of the public will be able to participate in the consultation online until midnight on Sunday 12 December by visiting:

There will also be a public exhibition throughout the consultation at the Healthy Living Centre in Staveley where people can view the draft proposals and submit their feedback. Council staff will be available to answer questions in person, by phone or a Teams appointment. More details of these sessions can be found on the consultation webpage.

There will also be the opportunity to view the exhibition and submit feedback at several events in Staveley including the Christmas Market at Staveley Hall on 4 December, and in Morrisons.

The purpose of the consultation is to get public, community and business feedback on the draft proposals, so they can then be amended to reflect community and business ambitions and ideas and finalised in order to secure the Towns Fund grant.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “This is a hugely exciting time for Staveley and the draft proposals, aim to enhance other local investments to transform the area for years to come – creating a place where people can start, stay and grow.
“Working closely with the strong community and many businesses in Staveley is key to unlocking the town’s potential and ensuring we create opportunities for everyone’s benefit.

“I’d urge everyone to take a look at our draft proposals and share their feedback as soon as possible, your opinions will help shape our final plans. By working together, we can do something remarkable and ensure that Staveley has a bright future.”

Just over £4.85m has been earmarked for town centre improvements to support the delivery of the vision for Staveley as part of the Staveley Town Deal programme – with funding subject to final approval by Government early next year.

Key proposals in the vision include:

  • Regenerating Market Square, including proposals for a new building called ‘The Market House’ which would create a commercial and community hub, with potential to host large indoor and outdoor events
  • Revitalising High Street, including plans to upgrade and improve landscaping, street furniture and cycle parking
  • Unlocking the development potential of underused or derelict sites which could be used to support a more vibrant evening economy, family facilities and leisure opportunities
  • Installing town centre Wi-Fi, to create a more digitally connected town centre for the benefit of businesses and shoppers
  • Improving signage, and adding new walkways which will link the canal with Staveley Hall and local shops / services – helping people to explore further and stay longer

The draft vision master plan has been put together following initial consultation with Staveley Town Council, local business representatives, community and key partners – with a view to gathering more detailed feedback as part of the six-week consultation period.

The updated draft master plan is designed to replace a previous version of the document which was drawn up in 2009 and now – due to changes in within the borough, as well as the national economic context – must be reviewed to ensure it provides a relevant and robust framework for the development of the town centre.
Discover more about the draft proposals and submit feedback by visiting:

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School workplace tours make a comeback for Made in Chesterfield

North East Derbyshire’s school pupils are set to get hands-on with engineering and manufacturing careers once again with the Made in Chesterfield campaign which returns in November.

Forced to moving to virtual workplace tours last year amidst the pandemic, schools can once again visit local engineering and manufacturing businesses in person and discover the range of careers and job opportunities on offer to them in the sector.

Launched originally in 2013, the annual Made in Chesterfield campaign, which is coordinated by Destination Chesterfield in partnership with Direct Education Business Partnership, has since introduced thousands of young people across North East Derbyshire to the possibility of a career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) sector.

Relaunched for 2021, and free from the constraints imposed last year by the pandemic, Made in Chesterfield is offering workplace tours for schools across 10 local companies operating in the STEM sector.

Aiming to bridge the careers information gap between education and industry, groups of Year 7 – 11 students will be visiting businesses from Monday 8 – Friday 26 November for an educational, interactive learning experience between.

Companies offering workplace tours to schools include CBE+, Superior Wellness, United Cast Bar, Morgan Sindall Group Plc, MSE Hiller, Penny Hydraulics, Aztec Oils, Vistry Partnerships, Weightron Bilanciai and Woodhead Group.

As part of the month-long Made in Chesterfield campaign, schools can also access a range of careers videos to enable young people to experience a number of workplace tours virtually. There is also supporting activities and careers information and apprentice opportunities within the MyFuture virtual careers fair.

Four years ago, Made in Chesterfield introduced Eve Bennett (20) to the sector with a two- week work experience with her now employer MSE Hiller. She has since gone on to complete a mechanical engineering apprenticeship at the company which is one of a number businesses in the sector supporting the campaign.

Eve said: “I still find it shocking that women get frowned upon for going into engineering. It’s a brilliant job and career for anyone. I’ve always wanted to be an engineer for as long as I can remember. I love the job and the company I am working for. I couldn’t see myself doing anything different.”

Ivan Fomin, Managing Director of MSE Hiller and Destination Chesterfield’s board member responsible for manufacturing and engineering in the Borough, commented: “We have been running Made in Chesterfield for eight years and in that time, it has achieved an incredible amount. It works. Two of MSE Hiller’s apprentices are a direct result of the campaign.

“Made in Chesterfield is committed to breaking down preconceived ideas about the sector by young people, their parents and teachers. The world has changed and so has the manufacturing and engineering sector. It offers fantastic skills and training as well as interesting and well paid jobs at every level. Everyone is welcome.”

Dan Heffernan, Careers & Young People Lead at D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said: “In this fast changing world of innovation, technology and ever increasing advancement within industry, never has the phrase “you can’t be what you can’t see” been more appropriate. After the last 18h months of our young people being confined to their screens, it’s more important than ever that they are now given the opportunity to experience real life workplaces and to engage with employees carrying out real life jobs.

“It’s no secret that the pandemic rocked our labour market and sent shockwaves right the way across industry. However, as we now turn the corner our businesses are looking at how they can bounce back and thrive once again, and central to this will be a pipeline of talent ready to enter their workforce. It is therefore vital that our young people are aware of the opportunities open to them, and crucially that they understand what they must do to get there.

“D2N2 LEP and the Careers & Enterprise Company are incredibly proud to be working on this open door initiative in Chesterfield, building on the successes that have been seen in previous years whilst engaging and encouraging even more businesses and schools to take part. It is then our intention to use this model as a framework to roll out to all schools right the way across the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire region through our new Careers Hubs.”

Charlie Goodwn, projects Officer at DEBP commented: “We’re excited to working in partnership with Destination Chesterfield and D2N2 to deliver the Made in Chesterfield event in November for students from Chesterfield, Bolsover and North East Derbyshire schools. It’s a fantastic opportunity for students to be inspired by local employers and have their eyes opened to the many career opportunities that are available to them right on their doorstep.”

DEBP has been working with the schools to identify groups of students that would benefit from a visit to a local company. Students identified may have a specific career they would like to learn more about or may just need an opportunity to learn about the careers within their preferred industry.

Charlie added: “We’re looking forward to seeing the impact of this year’s Made in Chesterfield events for the young people and businesses involved.”

Made in Chesterfield 2021 has been made possible thanks to funding and support from The Chesterfield College Group, Chesterfield Borough Council, North Derbyshire Career Hub, D2N2 LEP, Careers and Enterprise Company, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd and Natwest.

To find out more about Made in Chesterfield and discover how your school can get involved with a workplace visit, please visit

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New beauty salon to open in Chesterfield Town Centre

A new beauty salon is set to open in Chesterfield town centre, following a deal completed by commercial property specialists NG Chartered Surveyors.

Acting on behalf of Entain, NG Chartered Surveyors has leased the 861 sq ft 39 Low Pavement, which was previously a betting shop, to Brows, which will be opening in the town as part of a national expansion plan.

Brows is a one-stop-shop for all your beauty needs, offering affordable, high-quality treatments. Services include Threading, Tinting, Waxing, Nails, and Lash treatments.

Luke Geddes from Brows said: “39 Low Pavement is a great location with lots and footfall and key retailers in close vicinity.

“Our new store will be a great addition to our current portfolio and we want to make it into the number one destination for brow and lash in Chesterfield. No appointments are required, just pop in and speak to one of our qualified beauticians who will help find the treatment that is perfect for you.”

Sunny Landa, of NG Chartered Surveyors commented: “This is another great outcome for our client, who we continue to work with across the Midlands and North.

“Chesterfield is on the up and I’m sure Luke and his team will be hugely successful in the town. We wish them all the best with their national expansion plans.”

Luke added: “We had a great time working with Sunny, who is very professional and proficient, to enable us to navigate our way through to completion of our new shop. We look forward to working with Sunny and the NG team on future projects.”

The announcement is the latest in a number of new openings across the town, including the Barkworthy Dog Emporium, The Lucky Magpie Salvage and Kids entertainment venue Kooka. 

Chesterfield town centre is soon set for a major revamp, after it was confirmed recently the town will recieve £20 million from the government’s levelling up fund.

To find out more about Chesterfield’s unique independent shopping experience, go to:

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Investment Summit to put town’s £45m grant funding under the spotlight

Chesterfield’s success in securing more than £45million in grant funding in this year’s March and October budgets will take centre stage at the fifth Chesterfield Investment Summit.

The free-to-attend event is returning in-person once more and will be held at the Casa Hotel on Wednesday 24 November from 8:30am – 12:00pm.

Christian Neilsen, Urban Design Associate at BDP which developed the Staveley Town Centre Masterplan, in conjunction with Chesterfield Borough Council, will be amongst the speaker line-up.

This is one of the eleven projects that are receiving funding through the £25.2 million Staveley Town Deal.  The grant for Staveley was one of the largest given to 45 towns in England in March earlier this year as part of the government’s £1billion Town’s Fund.

In the recent budget, Chesterfield was once again put under the spotlight by Chancellor Rishi Sunak after securing a £19.98 million grant from the national Levelling Up Fund.

Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, who is also speaking at the event will reveal how the government funding will be used to continue to create a better future for our market traders, retailers, residents, and businesses.

Around 150 people are expected to attend the popular event which is organised by Destination Chesterfield and Derbyshire Economic Partnership and is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

The event will also hear from Rupert Carr, director of Birchall Properties, the company developing Chesterfield’s £400million all year leisure, education, wellness and entertainment destination PEAK, is to headline. He will update delegates on the progress and plans for the ambitious multi-phase leisure development which capitalises on the town’s proximity to Peak District National Park.

Additional speakers also include Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, Chris Henning, Executive Director Place at Derbyshire County Council and Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield and Managing Director of Bolsterstone Group Plc the company developing the town’s £340million regeneration scheme Chesterfield Waterside.

Peter Swallow commented: “We’re delighted to bring back the Investment Summit in person, after hosting it virtually last year. Chesterfield has continued to move forward and made significant progression on developments within the town in spite of the pandemic, so there is lots to talk about at the Summit. It’s going to be another great event.”

Organisers anticipate high demand for this year’s in-person event. To find out more about the event and book your free place, please visit:

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Chesterfield’s fireworks extravaganza returns this bonfire night

Chesterfield Borough Council’s fireworks extravaganza returns later this week, and everyone is welcome to come along.

The council have partnered with Chesterfield Football Club to deliver the entertainment at this year’s event.

The fireworks event takes place at Stand Road Park on Friday 5 November, the gates will open at 4.30pm and close at 9pm.

Presenters James Summers and Elliot Holman from Chesterfield’s 1866 Sport Radio will be hosting the stage show and getting everyone ready for the fireworks display.

There will also be entertainment at the event provided by local band The Rosadocs and Norskov, who previously appeared on TV show The Voice.

Chester the Fieldmouse will also be making an appearance on stage too.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “The fireworks extravaganza is one of the most popular local events with thousands of people enjoying the display and entertainment each year.

“This year, we have partnered with Chesterfield Football Club to deliver the event and they have organised the great evening of entertainment for everyone to enjoy too.

“Please wrap up warm, wear suitable footwear and come along to join in the fun and see the display.”

Bridget Ball, Chesterfield FC’s marketing manager, said: “The excitement is building as we get closer to the event and we can’t wait to deliver the entertainment and help to make it a night to remember!”

The fireworks display will begin at 7pm and there will also be a selection of fairground rides and food vendors. There will be live entertainment for those attending to enjoy both before and after the fireworks.

Entry to the event is £2 per person – free for children under five. Visitors are asked to have the exact money ready as change cannot be given.

Parking for the event will be available at Chesterfield FC’s Technique Stadium for a donation of £3 per car, which will help cover the cost of stewards with any excess being given to charity.

There is also a bus stop on Sheffield Road which is less than a two-minute walk from the park, find more details about bus services that stop here on the Stagecoach website.

Visitors are reminded that they should not attend this event if they are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, including a high temperature, a new or continuous cough or a loss of their sense of smell or taste. There will also be plenty of space at Stand Road to ensure visitors can maintain social distancing.

The fireworks extravaganza is one of a series of events organised by Chesterfield Borough Council.

More information about entertainment being organised in Chesterfield for Christmas this year can be found here:

Chesterfield Events - Stand Road Firework Display

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Traders invited to book their stalls for the festive shopping rush

Makers, crafters, and independent retailers are being invited to book a stall on Chesterfield Market in the build up to Christmas.

Market stalls are available on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays between 22 November and 24 December. Casual traders and local creatives are being invited to sign up now to reserve their place.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We’ve got lots planned for Christmas in Chesterfield that will help bring more shoppers into the town centre, it’s really important that traders get in early and book their stalls. We’re really trying to spread that shop local message and encourage people to come and support our local businesses and traders.”

There will be lots of activities and events in Chesterfield this Christmas to encourage visitors into the town centre.

The Amazing Magical Santa House and Elf Trail will be making a return after being positively received last year.

The Crooked Spire Church will be hosting its Festival of Christmas Trees. There will be a Lantern Parade in the town centre.

There will be regular walkabout entertainment throughout the festive period, including stilt walkers, carol singers and tap-dancing turkeys.

A Christmas Lights Switch On event and Market will be held on Sunday 21 November to mark the start of Christmas in Chesterfield.

More details on all these events will be released over the next month.

A market stall is £20 in December but traders can benefit by booking all three market days in a week for £50.

Market stalls comprise of either an 8-foot or 12-foot stall, with four boards, enabling trading on either side.

Prospective traders can find out more about trading on Chesterfield Market and book a stall by visiting:

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Chesterfield FC supports businesses and residents with latest initiatives

Chesterfield Football Club is continuing to work in the community by looking to contribute to the success of local residents and businesses alike.

The club is launching a brand new initiative this week called ‘Winning Goals,’ aimed at helping local people manage their weight.

Starting on Thursday, November 4, the Winning Goals programme will run for 12 weeks. After that, there will be monthly one-to-one sessions.

Those attending will receive free gym membership, a free t-shirt and hoodie and free tickets to watch the Spireites.

The sessions will be held in the HUB at the Technique Stadium on Thursdays, with a choice of either 12pm to 2pm or 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Supported by Derbyshire County Council, Winning Goals is a concept where the biggest losers are the winners!

Mike Goodwin, chairman of Chesterfield FC Community Trust, said: “This new programme is another example of how the Community Trust is having a positive impact on the lives of people in the community.

“We have an excellent relationship with Derbyshire County Council and I would like to thank them for their continued support.”

Meanwhile, the club is also offering businesses the chance to win a year’s free advertising on the online radio station, 1866 Sport.

1866 Sport provides exclusive commentary on every Chesterfield match and broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Bridget Ball, marketing manager of Chesterfield FC, who run the station, said: “We provide local businesses with the opportunity to promote what they have to offer in an affordable way.

“One lucky listener will receive a *free 12-month radio advertising campaign by simply liking the 1866 Sport Facebook page, liking and sharing a post about the competition and commenting with their business name or tagging another Derbyshire business.”

The competition will run until November 12 with the winner announced on 1866 Sport Breakfast on November 15.

To find out how you can promote your business on 1866 Sport, email

*Terms & conditions apply.

Chesterfield Football Club supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Mike Goodwin, Chesterfield FC Chairman

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Dawson Radford Solicitors continues impressive growth with new appointment

North Derbyshire-based Dawson Radford Solicitors has continued its growth plans with the appointment of Liam Kenealy as Head of Employment law.

As the practice celebrates its 5th anniversary, DR continues to provide high quality legal services to businesses in the local area (and beyond) and sees this as a key appointment to further expand the range of services it offers.

“Athough the last 18 months have certainly brought about some challenges, it was really important to me that we stuck to the plans we had in place” says managing director, Jo Dawson. “Providing employment law services to our clients, to me, is a key area we can support with, and it really does go hand in hand with the existing corporate, commercial and property work we undertake”.

Liam is well known in the Chesterfield area having worked at law firms in both Sheffield, and most recently Chesterfield. The task of establishing a new department is not unknown to him, which was exactly the track record Dawson Radford were searching for. “It has taken some time to find the right person to join our team. Obviously it had to be someone with the technical ability and drive, but it also had to be someone who fitted with our culture and values, and the working environment we’ve created – for me that was absolutely key” said Jo.

Speaking of the importance of employment law, Liam comments: “Anyone who has employed a team, large or small over the past 18 months will have had to make some employment law decisions at some point, whether that be choices about flexible working, furlough payments, maybe even restructures and redundancies. It’s such an important part of running a business, and it is vital to get this area of law correct – I’m really looking forward to supporting Dawson Radford’s clients, existing and new, with their employment law decisions”.

Dawson Radford can now offer employment law support to business, both on an ad-hoc and retainer basis. Their services range from the preparation of key employment documents through to representation at The Employment Tribunal. To find out how the firm can assist your business you can visit or call 01246 932100 for a no obligation chat.

Dawson Radford supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Recruitment Event returns to Chesterfield Market

People searching for work in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire are being invited to a recruitment event where they can meet local employers and find out more about training schemes.

Following the success of the last Recruitment Event, Chesterfield Borough Council has once again teamed up with DWP Jobcentre Plus to organise an event designed to give job seekers a helping hand to find their next role and support local businesses to recruit.

It will run between 10am and 1pm on Wednesday 10 November at Chesterfield Market, with employers from sectors hospitality, leisure, construction, and health care attending on the day.

The last Recruitment Event held in September helped more than sixty people find employment with more securing places on specialist training schemes.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “The last event we held worked really well, it allowed job seekers to directly meet employers and find out more about the opportunities available in the area. We got great feedback from both employers and job seekers at the event and felt it was important to host another one before the new year.

“If you’re looking for work, then this event is here for you. You will be able to find out more about current opportunities and may even find your next job on the day.”

Angela Stansfield, Derbyshire Partnership Manager – Department for Work and Pensions, said: “Jobcentre Plus are delighted to be involved in a second Recruitment Event with Chesterfield Borough Council following the successful event in September. These events are a great way to bring jobseekers and recruiting employers together creating the opportunity for interviews to take place on the day & jobs to be filled quickly. Especially on the run up to Christmas this event will ensure people looking for work find the right job for them and their families”.

The drop-in event is open to everyone, with no need to make an appointment, but job seekers registered with Jobcentre Plus can reserve their place by speaking with their work coach.

There will be a special focus on the Kickstart scheme, which provides 16–24-year-olds with a six-month paid work placement, that could lead to a full-time role. There will be the opportunity to find out more about current placements by speaking to the employers directly.

There will also be a selection of local training providers and other organisations who will be able to offer help and support with your job search. They will be able to offer advice on apprenticeships and the training available.

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