Destination Chesterfield

First homes set to be completed at new Chesterfield housing development this November

Dozens of new homes are soon set to be available on a newly-regenerated site in Chesterfield, with some properties available on the government-backed Help to Buy scheme.

Walton Peaks is a collection of 35 detached and 22 semi-detached houses for sale in the town, comprising 6 two-bedroom homes,  38 three-bedroom homes and 13 four-bedroom homes for open-market sales through Linden Homes.

The shared ownership and rented element of this development is made up of 46 further plots, of which 35 are shared ownership and 11 are rented.

The scheme involves the regeneration of a brownfield site to provide much-needed new homes, including shared-ownership and Help to Buy homes that will help first-time buyers and young families onto the housing ladder.

The development includes a play area in the development and attention to biodiversity through installation of bat boxes, swift boxes, swallow boxes and a hedgehog highway.

Houses on the development have been on sale since July 2021, with first completions expected this November. The site is expected to fully completed around Spring/Summer 2023.

Linden Homes is hosting a Help to Buy information event this Saturday and Sunday, 16th and 17th October, from 10am to 5pm which will provide people with more information about the scheme.

Andrew Handslip, Head of Sales and Marketing at Linden Homes, commented: “Chesterfield is a vibrant town with a rich heritage and excellent amenities. At the gateway to the Peak District, and with excellent transport connections, it offers an exceptional quality of life.

“We’re pleased to be regenerating brownfield land that has been derelict for a long time to create this new collection of high-quality homes for the local community, which includes shared ownership and Help to Buy homes, giving young couples and families a chance to get on the property ladder.

“We’re also proud to be working together with local schools to promote construction as a career option in the area.”

“Walton Peaks has proved to be an extremely popular development in the Chesterfield area. We currently have six homes available under the Help to Buy scheme, which are sure to attract plenty of interest from buyers.

“So, we would encourage anyone interested in purchasing a Help to Buy property at Walton Peaks to attend this event, which will be a great opportunity to find out more about Help to Buy, with financial advice provided by a representative of Meridian Mortgages.”

Find out more about local regeneration taking place across Chesterfield here.

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Road closures confirmed ahead of Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k

Organisers of this year’s Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k race have confirmed road closures for the event, which takes place this Sunday, 17th October.

The route starts and finishes in Queens Park and will be centered on the heart of Chesterfield, taking in major landmarks such as the town’s famous crooked spire. It will also feature service and cheer stations on the course and will have a later 10am start.

Runners can sign up to the City Taxis Fun Run on the day at the Race Information Point in Queens Park.

In accordance with traffic authority regulations for Derbyshire County Council, an order has been made prohibiting and restricting the use of certain roads and road junctions by vehicles in order to facilitate the safe holding of the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10K.

The event will require the closure of roads and road junctions, car parking restrictions as well as the suspension of a number of Traffic Regulation Orders between 07:00 until 13:00 on Sunday 17th October 2021.

A full list of closures, including approximate times, is provided below. You can find out more about the event and how you can get involved on the day at:

Chesterfield 10K Road Closures

Chesterfield 10K Parking Restrictions

Meanwhile, event organisers are set to launch the Pronto Paints Schools Wellbeing Challenge 2021 on Friday 15 October.

School children from across Chesterfield are set to take part in the event at Queen’s Park which promotes health and wellbeing among young people in our area.

Daniel Thompson, Head of Physical Education at Brookfield Community School, one of the schools taking part, said: “As a community school, when we were given the opportunity to be part of the first ever running festival to link with the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10K, we did not hesitate.

“We are excited to be able to give our students the chance to participate in an event that not only challenges them, but is great for their health and well-being.  The fact that it is supporting such a worthwhile charitable event that such as the Chesterfield 10K that lots of our school community will be engaging in is even more reason to take part.  MLS have been amazing in the support they have provided and in setting up.  I can’t thank them enough.”

David Beckford, Managing Director of Pronto Paints, added: “We are very proud to sponsor this event. Anything which encourages children to focus on exercise and wellbeing is fantastic.

“In addition to this event, we are headline sponsors of the Pronto Paints Wellbeing Challenge, which is a great way for local businesses to join together and raise money for local charities.

“We are hoping to make the schools challenge an annual event and hopefully it will even bigger and better next year.”

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College to support employers following extension to the apprenticeship incentive scheme

Principal and Chief Executive of The Chesterfield College Group, Julie Richards, has welcomed the news that the Government plans to extend the apprenticeship incentive and Kickstart schemes.

Following Rishi Sunak’s announcement last week, she has pledged to continue to help and support employers in the area who wish to take advantage of the incentives available before they end in 2022.

Since the incentive schemes were announced last year, as part of the Government’s Covid recovery plans, the college has supported over 300 employers to access bonus payments of up to £4,000 to recruit almost 400 apprentices.

Speaking about how the college was best placed to help more local employers take advantage of the incentives, Julie Richards said:

“Apprenticeships have always offered a fantastic opportunity to fill skills gaps and develop people. The bonus payment is designed to help employers feel more secure in their ability to cover the cost of recruiting an apprentice. Apprenticeships provide our young people with specific opportunities to develop their skills and secure meaningful employment which supports their financial independence and prepares them for adult life and a successful career.”

“As a local college we are committed to matching the needs of employers with the skills and talents of young people. I urge employers to contact the college to understand how the scheme may work for them. Our team are experts in supporting employers to develop a programme of skills development which will have long lasting benefits both for them and the local economy.”

The experienced team are helping organisations, large and small across Derbyshire and the East Midlands, to find the best candidates for their apprenticeship vacancies. They have a talent pool of students and applicants ready to find their next step in the world of work and are supporting businesses to navigate the recruitment process to secure their new apprentice.

Matt Cryans, Director at Crytec Ltd, a company based in Clay Cross, which sells machinery for construction, forestry and manual handling, told us about his experience of recruiting his first apprentice and making the most of the incentive scheme with the support of the college.

He said: “The scheme covers a decent proportion of an apprentice’s wages so it gives you confidence to recruit. The extra funding certainly helps you to make the move to grow the team when things feel a bit uncertain. The team at college made it easy to apply for the funding and supported me through the steps of taking on an apprentice.”

Find out more about the apprenticeship bonus scheme and the support available for Kickstart here

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Mixed picture for East Midlands economy as growth continues amid skills and supply chain concerns

The East Midlands economy is continuing to grow in response to lockdown restrictions being eased – but there are warning signs ahead, according to the latest research by East Midlands Chamber.

The Quarterly Economic Survey for Q3 2021 by the region’s leading business representation group shows improvements across most indicators, including sales, cashflow, employment and investment intentions.

But East Midlands firms also reported issues with price pressures and access to required skills to fill job vacancies.

More than 400 businesses across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire took part in the survey between 23 August and 14 September.

East Midlands Chamber QES Q3 2021 data

Key findings from the survey for the East Midlands* included:

  • UK sales increased for a net 37% of businesses, while advanced orders were up for a net 36%
  • Overseas business activity lagged behind domestic but remained positive, with overseas sales rising for a net 8% of businesses and advanced orders rising 6% – although the projection is down by 5% compared to the Q2 forecast
  • A net 25% of organisations increased their labour force in the previous three months, while a net 38% expect to grow it over the next three months
  • After five consecutive quarters in which cashflow had been down for the majority of firms, it has now been positive in the past two quarters, with a net 15% of businesses reporting they had more access to cash in Q3
  • Investment intentions are positive, with a net 26% expecting to spend on training people, and a net 16% on machinery and equipment
  • A net 63% of businesses are confident their turnover will improve over the coming quarter, while a net 37% believe profitability will increase
  • A net 46% of businesses said they were concerned about future price increases
  • Two-thirds (67%) of companies attempted recruitment in the previous quarter and, of these, 71% said they faced problems with hiring the right people

East Midlands Chamber director of policy and external affairs Chris Hobson said: “The top-level results show a mixed picture that hides a number of variables at play in the East Midlands economy.

“Cashflow continues to improve for more businesses than not, training investment intentions are positive and overall confidence in future turnover continues its upward trajectory.

“As the economy continues its reopening after a successful vaccine rollout, the pent-up demand that characterised much of the summer remains a positive factor.

“But there are also a few of areas of concern. Price pressures continue to come from increased raw material costs, pay settlements and, increasingly, energy costs.

“This has knock-on effects, with investment in machinery and equipment growth – an important ingredient in fuelling a recovery – falling back slightly on the previous quarter.

“Performance in overseas markets remains volatile and, while turnover confidence has grown from Q2, confidence in increased profitability has fallen back, a result of squeezed margins.

“Recruitment is also a growing problem, with over seven in 10 struggling to fill vacancies across all skills levels.”

‘There’s still much that we don’t yet fully understand’

The State of the Economy Index – a measure of the region’s economic health compiled by aggregating various indicators – reached its highest level since Q3 2018 in the previous quarter.

It again rose in Q3 2021, albeit only slightly, as other issues have arose in recent months related to supply chain issues, skills challenges and additional taxation in the form of a health and social care levy that increases the burden for both employers and employees.

“There’s still much that we don’t yet fully understand,” added Chris. “There are many factors at play in shaping current challenges for businesses – the impact of policy responses to the pandemic on the recovery, changes in individual approaches to work expectations, structural changes to supply chain operations and immigration rules as a result of Brexit, and global shortages as the whole world looks to bounce back, to name but a few.

“The balance of influence of these different factors, some which are temporary and others that may be longer term, is still being unpicked. As we learn more over the coming months, we’ll have a better idea of whether they are flies in the ointment or something more fundamental.

“There is also trepidation ahead of the 27 October Autumn Statement, where we’ll find out more about how Government plans to tackle supporting the economy over the next period and the balance between tax and spend.

“Regardless, the coming months will be instructive as to what shape the recovery will take. As we learn more about which challenges are going to be longer term, it’s important that policy responds to this appropriately and doesn’t get distracted with temporary issues the market can take care of itself.”

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Collaborative working from Chesterfield firms leads to landmark deal… and regional recognition

The success of the recent landmark buyout of Heathcotes Group by partners Civitas and Envivo Group has led to new opportunities, and awards, for the financial brains behind the deal.

The buyout, presented and managed in a unique collaboration between Chesterfield Champions Milestone Financial Planning Services and Mitchells Chartered Accountants, has led the two businesses to team up formally.

This brand-new partnership, Mitchells Corporate Agents, is already in line for their first award, being shortlisted in Sheffield City Region’s Dealmaker Awards later this week. And in the words of Milestone Financial Planning’s MD Michael Heath, this is just the beginning.

Michael said: “It’s great to be shortlisted for this award, but more than that, we’re so pleased to be taking our collaboration with Mitchells to the next level. Together, we take the time to get to know our clients so we can protect them from the complex nature of a business sale, it’s what makes Mitchells Corporate Agents so different from our large-scale competitors.“

Instruction for the sale of healthcare group Heathcotes, which has 72 healthcare facilities located across the UK, including here in Chesterfield, was first received in March 2020 as COVID-19 reached its height, with the buyout agreed by the end of 2020.

On the sale, Tony Hornsby of Mitchells Chartered Accountants said. “It has been a privilege to work with Heathcotes Group from initial incorporation, through to working alongside Milestone Financial Planning on the business sale. We are very excited regarding our collaboration with Milestone as Mitchells Corporate Agents and believe this will offer tailored solutions and guidance to owners looking for similar business exits.”

The Insider Sheffield City Regional Dealmaker Awards are being held this Thursday, 7 October at Mercure Sheffield St Paul’s Hotel and celebrate the top dealmakers in the region, recognising expertise, leadership and innovation in banking, funding, legal and accountancy.

Milestone Financial Planning, Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Heathcotes Group support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Left: Tony Hornsby, Right: Michael Heath

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Recent Strictly star set to host town’s sell-out Love Chesterfield Awards 2021

Strictly star and breakfast TV presenter Mike Bushell will be heading to Chesterfield on Wednesday 20 October.

A familiar face on weekday and Saturday morning breakfast TV, sports presenter Mike will host the town’s brand-new Love Chesterfield Awards at the Winding Wheel Theatre.

As well as presenting, Mike also holds the record for trying 560 different sports and activities, including ballroom dancing.

In 2019, he traded the TV newsroom for the ballroom and participated in Series 17 of Strictly Come Dancing where he was the seventh contestant to be eliminated.

He’ll be taking to the stage once again at the Winding Wheel Theatre later this month to announce the winners of the Love Chesterfield Awards. A total of 48 businesses and individuals have been shortlisted across 16 categories.

Organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with Entire FM – Complete Facilities Management, the sell-out Love Chesterfield Awards will celebrate the best of the town’s food and drink and retail businesses, entrepreneurs, regeneration projects, contribution to the local community, apprenticeships and sustainability.

Prior to moving into broadcasting in 1990, Mike was a journalist on the Derby Evening Telegraph so is familiar with Chesterfield.

Looking forward to hosting the 2021 Love Chesterfield Awards, Mike Bushell commented: “I’ve always loved coming to Chesterfield and the beautiful Derbyshire Dales and countryside around. The Spire, the old market town charm and the football club which I came to for a live BBC Breakfast broadcast in 2020 as football was trying to cope with the pandemic. I worked on the Derby Evening Telegraph in my early journalism days and so got to know the area well and am very excited about celebrating the success and champions in this gem of a town.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield added: “We’re looking forward to welcoming Mike to Chesterfield. We’re all delighted to have been able to secure such a high profile presenter for the awards. It only adds to the excitement of holding our first in person awards in two years.”

Peter Currey, Managing Director at Entire FM – Complete Facilities Management added: “It’s been great to be involved with the run up to the Love Chesterfield Awards. It will be brilliant to see so many local businesses getting recognition for their hard work and effort that is put into delivering their products and services.”

See the full list of 2021 Love Chesterfield Awards finalists here:

The 2021 Love Chesterfield Awards are supported and made possible by a number of sponsors and partners, including: Addooco IT, Banner Jones Solicitors, BHP Accountants, Chesterfield Borough Council, Chesterfield Digital High Street, CMP Legal, The Chesterfield College Group, DBC Training, Derbyshire Times, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), Entire FM – Complete Facilities Management, Evoluted, Greatest Hits Radio South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire, Hoods Florist, JP Fire Safety Solutions, MSE Hiller, Peak Pharmacy, Reflections Magazine, Shorts Chartered Accountants, Spirecross Ltd and Van Dyk by Wildes.

For all the information on the 2021 Love Chesterfield Awards, please visit here:

Love Chesterfield Awards

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Data shows a surge of interest from commuters eyeing up homes in Chesterfield

Interest in homes in and around Chesterfield has seen a significant rise, with data showing a jump in the number of commuters looking to relocate to the town.

New data from the UK’s biggest property website Rightmove reveals that the return to the office for many workers has led to a jump in buyer searches for commuter stations, with searches for Chesterfield going up by 30% between June 2021 and August 2021.

The analysis compares buyer searches for stations across Great Britain in June 2021 with August 2021, to measure the impact of the gradual return to the office, which has been encouraged by the government since July.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, said: “The recent Right Move data is pleasing but not surprising. We have long known and appreciated the town’s connectivity. It is this which has been fundamental in the borough attracting more than £1 billion worth of construction projects which are currently underway.

“Chesterfield’s mainline rail station serves the town well. As Sheffield house prices have increased to a level which challenges affordability, the market in Chesterfield, being just 10 miles away by train from the UK’s fourth largest city, is benefitting.

“Having this station puts London St Pancras just 1hr and 50 mins away, and Nottingham just 40 minutes away which is ideal for commuters. The reality of this is you can get to central London by rail from Chesterfield in the same amount of time it takes someone to commute from 30 miles away!

“Demand for housing is strong, particularly close to the railway station. At Avant Homes Waterside Quarter development at Chesterfield Waterside, buyers are attracted by the fact they don’t need a car to live there as the train station is on their doorstep. This benefits everyone, not least Chesterfield Borough Council’s drive to become carbon neutral.

“It is exciting to see Chesterfield Borough Council investing significantly in the future of the railway station. The new station master plan, the first such scheme since 1870, will transform not merely the approach to the station but the whole of the north-eastern edge of the town centre, helping the town attract more residents and investment.”

Tim Bannister, Rightmove’s Director of Property Data comments: “More people are starting to return to the office for at least a few days a week, and so quick routes into major cities are rising up the priority list again.

“While the demand to relocate or search for more space has by no means gone away, the numbers suggest that this will need to be balanced with easy transport access on office days, which has understandably been lower on the agenda for many over the last eighteen months.”

Champions Event

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Famous ‘Knife Angel’ sculpture set to visit Chesterfield

Chesterfield is the latest town to be chosen as one of the locations across the country hosting the National Monument Against Violence and Aggression.

The visit follows the monument’s other visit to the county in October 2019, when more than 200,000 people came to see the structure outside Derby Cathedral

Known as the ‘Knife Angel’, the spectacular 27ft sculpture, made from up to 100,000 bladed weapons collected in knife banks during police amnesties across the country, will be based next to the Church of St Mary and All Saints on Church Way in the town, from Monday, 4 October.

Created in collaboration with all 43 police forces, the Home Office, Anti-violence groups and hundreds of families who have been affected by knife crime, the monument is a symbol of the nation’s intolerance to violence and aggression.

It was created by the British Ironwork Centre, by sculptor Alfie Bradley to highlight the impact knife crime has on people, families and communities.

Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner Angelique Foster said: “The Knife Angel is a powerful statement on the struggle to curb knife crime and prevent more families from suffering senseless pain and loss.

“A number of partner organisations worked together to make the sculpture’s first visit to Derby possible and we are proud to see the Knife Angel back to the county, this time in Chesterfield.

“The Knife Angel vividly reminds us not only of the devastating consequences of violence but also our collective responsibility to take action and change the future for the next generation. I hope that the Knife Angel presence in Chesterfield provides educational value for many families and youth organisations by helping to initiate difficult conversations about violence and knife crime and questioning the tragic loss of so many lives.”

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “I’m really pleased that through the Community Safety Partnership we can support the visit of the Knife Angel to Chesterfield.

“It not only serves as a poignant memorial to reflect on and commemorate lives lost through violence across the UK, it will also serve to engage people and help educate them to ensure that knife crime does not become an issue locally. There will also be a series of engaging sessions for young people including community theatre that aims to further strengthen this message.”

Chief Superintendent, Hayley Barnett, who is in charge of policing in the north of Derbyshire, said “We are very happy to be supporting the visit of the Knife Angel to Chesterfield.

“The visit of the structure to Derby two years-ago was a success, in that it gave people the opportunity to reflect on the implications that violent crime has on the victims, families and in-fact all those affected by knife crime in-particular.

“We had lots of feedback asking to try and bring the powerful monument back to the north of the county and so we are pleased that Chesterfield has been chosen as the latest location.

“Our work to prevent violent crime, particularly those crimes involving weapons such as knives continues through the year with intelligence-led operations and supporting the education of young people in-particular in the dangers of carrying a knife.”

In support of the visit we will be holding and backing a number of events including: a ‘drop the knife’ performance held at Spring Well High School by the Salt Mine production company, several public engagement sessions at the Knife Angel and a knife disposal bin will be at the monument on a  Monday-Wednesday-Friday  between 11am and 2pm.

For more details of these related events, follow the local Safer Neighbourhood policing team on Facebook @ChesterfieldTownCentreSNT and Twitter @ChesterfieldSNT

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Vicar Lane Shopping Centre to host spooktacular Halloween

Visitors to Vicar Lane Shopping Centre in Chesterfield should prepare themselves for a right howl this Halloween as the Centre is set to celebrate the spookiest night of the year.

Families are encouraged to head to Vicar Lane’s pumpkin patch from 10am – 4pm on Saturday 23rd October, where they’ll be able to take their pick of a great collection of pumpkins and get a menacing makeover from the face painter. All completely free.

Vicar Lane has also teamed up with fellow Chesterfield Champion, Salute Prosecco to offer customers the chance to celebrate with a special outdoor screening of Hocus Pocus on the big screen on Saturday 23rd October at 6:30pm.

Spaces are limited and are expected to go fast, so anyone interested in the event is being advised to book early to avoid disappointment:

Food and drink packages are also available to purchase from Salute, including pizzas and cheeseboards.

Shaun Brown, Operations Manager, Vicar Lane said, “We’re really looking forward to welcoming the people of Chesterfield to Vicar Lane to help us celebrate Halloween. We’re sure it will be a spooktacular day of fun!’’

Based in the heart of Chesterfield, Vicar Lane Shopping Centre is  home to a range of popular high-street retailers and a mix of unique independent stores. It is also the home to popular independent cafes, such as The Vintage Tearooms and Qoozies.

There’s plenty happening across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire throughout the October half-term and during Halloween. Find out more about what’s on in the town on our half-term page here: Half Term in Chesterfield | Destination Chesterfield

For more activities taking place across Chesterfield, head over to our events page: Chesterfield Events | Destination Chesterfield

Salute and Vicar Lane support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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New Chesterfield business provides hours of fun with Nintendo Switch consoles and giant golf simulator

A new business open in Chesterfield promises to provide people of all ages with fun activities, with the ability to host huge multiplayer games on Nintendo Switch consoles, along with a state-of-the-art golf simulator.

Leisure Pod is based at Tapton Park Golf Course, providing people of all abilities the chance to work on their swing indoors when the conditions outdoors are less than favourable.

The golf simulator technology transports players virtually to some of the world’s most famous courses, such as The Belfry. It can be booked by more serious players looking to perfect their game, or those looking to have a bit of fun.

Leisure Pod can also be booked for parties, with youngsters (or those young at heart!) able to play on Switch Games such as Ring Fit, Just Dance and Mario Kart.

The venue is kitted out with gaming chairs for the ultimate immersive experience. Disco lights are also provided, so the room can also be used for other functions, parties and activities.

Speaking recently on The Chesterfield Show Podcast, founder Kelvin Wilson said: “Back during the first lockdown I bought a golf simulator for personal use.

“But then I quickly realised with the help of my family that it could be a cinema, we could hook Nintendo Switch consoles up to it, put disco lights in and use it as a party space; and that’s how Leisure Pod was born.

“The venue is brilliant for corporate parties, kids parties and individual use too. The reason we chose Nintendo Switch is because my background is in health and fitness. I want people to be active.”

Kelvin also has optimism for other leisure businesses in the town which have opened recently in the wake of the pandemic.

He said: “The leisure industry, like every industry during Covid has taken a massive hit, but I think that coming out of it now, it is definitely going to flourish.

“Golf has had a massive uptake so I want to keep that golf offer for when it gets dark and the weather isn’t great outside. We are not elitist in this room, I don’t care if people haven’t picked a golf club up in their life; It is about the enjoyment.”

Leisure Pod also has the ability to bring Nintendo Switch parties to your house or other external venues. For more information about the new business, go to:


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Chesterfield’s MTM Products scoops top industry award

Long-standing medical graphics specialist, MTM Products, is celebrating after being named Industrial Graphics Specialists Company of the Year by a leading industry publication.

MTM were handed the prestigious award by Industrial Process News for ‘helping its existing and potential customers establish an optimum cost-effective solution for their requirements’. The Derbyshire firm has 40 years’ experience in manufacturing and supplying labels, graphic overlays, bespoke safety signage to parts manufacturers in the UK and EU.

A lot of MTM’s focus in 2021 has been supporting the medical sector with bespoke products and they are proud to have helped long-standing customers over the past 18 months. To support the medical sector, MTM has produced UDI and brand labelling for medical device manufacturers, graphic overlays for medical device control panels and nurse call handsets, as well as hygiene and safety labels for hospitals, care homes and industrial companies.

MTM’s focus now is solidifying its reputation within the sector so it can provide cost effective, regulated bespoke graphics solutions in the years to come.

Ian Greenaway, Managing Director of MTM Products, commented: “We are delighted to have received this award and we feel our achievement is down to hard work and the strong relationships built with clients over the years. I’d like to thank our team for their incredible efforts.

“It has been a privilege supporting our clients within the medical industry during these challenging times and we will continue to offer the same quality of service across other industries that are starting to get back on their feet.”

Find out more about MTM Products at

MTM Products supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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