Destination Chesterfield

Chesterfield Champions show their support for Mental Health Awareness Week

Today marks the launch of Mental Health Awareness Week, the UK’s national week to raise awareness of mental health.

The week, which is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, is in its 21st year and runs from 10-16 May. The foundation’s main theme this year is nature, and how connecting with the great outdoors can improve our health both mentally and physically.

Chesterfield Champions have been raising awareness of various mental health initiatives recently, with some carrying out activities to mark the occasion this week.

If your business is hosting any mental health awareness activity throughout this week, remember to let us know by tagging Destination Chesterfield on social media!

Surecare Chesterfield 

Surecare has launched a new  training ‘Hail Yourself’ training package with staff this week. The training will talk about various aspects of mental health. The training is not only designed to help the company’s dedicated care staff to look after the service users, but also help them to look after themselves and each other.

Helen Axup, Registered Manager at Surecare said: “Mobility issues stop a lot of people being able to go out and mixing as they would like to. We as a company want to promote ‘a healthy mind helps a healthy body’.

“I am in the perfect position to see first hand how mental health effects various different people, whether it is the people we care for with SureCare, under-appreciated care staff or the people we know socially. It doesn’t matter who they are, we are a human race and we should offer support and understanding. This gave birth to our ‘Hail Yourself’ training because the person you should start with is yourself.”

Heathcotes Group

The team at Heathcotes Group are sharing a number of resources with colleagues and service users to help raise awareness of mental health and signpost colleages and service users to resources.

Tom Matthews, HR Business Partner at Heathcotes Group has created a blog discussing the impact of the past year and the measures we can take to support good mental health.

You can read Tom’s blog here.

East Midlands Chamber

East Midlands Chamber’s director of resources and mental health first aider Lucy Robinson explains how businesses can help their employees to cope with the huge disruption brought on to their lives over the past 14 months.

Lucy’s blog post takes a look at the data behind mental health epidemic, employee mental health concerns and what employers can be doing to look after staff.

Find out more here.

Spire Radio

Team spire

For Mental Health Week, Spire Radio will be taking part in the Mental Health Minute. It takes place on-air at 10.59am on Friday 14th May,  and will feature celebrities and various other messages relating to the subject of mental health.

Find out more at:

The video below shows last year’s ‘Mental Health Minute’:

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

A brand new VIP lounge has been launched at Chesterfield Royal Hospital to improve the wellbeing offer for staff, with the help of airline or aviation staff who are currently furloughed, grounded or made redundant due to the pandemic.

The crews used their exceptional customer service skills and expertise to provide the hospital staff with a little bit of respite, as well as an opportunity to chat and share experiences.

Find out more about  the hospital’s ‘Project Wingman’ initiative here

Chesterfield Borough Council

A selection of ‘Mindful May’ events taking place this month, organised by Chesterfield Borough Council as part of the Year of Outdoors.

Residents are invited to book onto a number of different outdoor activities aimed at getting people out amongst nature in the town’s excellent green spaces.

Find out more about the events here.

University of Derby

St Helena's Chesterfield

Businesses across Chesterfield and the Midlands region are being offered the chance to boost productivity by working with the University of Derby to provide better mental health support for employees.

The Mental Health and Productivity Pilot will see the implementation of new workplace interventions at pilot organisations and the rollout of existing approaches in small, medium and large businesses across the Midlands Engine region. Find out more about the pilot here.

Derbyshire Institute of Sport

Derbyshire Institute of Sport project to put health and wellbeing at the heart of its support for the business community has proved a winner, with more than 100 people joining a mental health webinar about the importance of switching off from work and de-stressing.

The webinar, by DIS sports psychology lead Dr Phil Clarke, was the latest in a series of monthly, 30-minute ‘lunch and learn’ webinars available exclusively to businesses who sponsor the Community Interest Company.

Find out more.

360 wellbeing


360 Wellbeing Centre says their professional team are available to help with any psychological, physical or social symptoms of poor mental health.

The centre has also launched ‘The Hub Spot,’ a serene and tranquil work space available to hire by the hour. The space is designed for people to professionally meet with clients, get work done in a stress-free environment, take video conferencing calls or simply just to relax and unwind. Unlimited tea and coffee is also available to suit individual tastes. For more information, email

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Businesses back Love Chesterfield campaign by telling us their favourite things about the town

With Covid-19 restrictions lifting and our high-streets, markets and visitor attractions beginning to re-open, now is the time to shout about all the things that are great about Chesterfield!

Businesses across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire are backing the newly-launched Love Chesterfield campaign, launched in partnership between Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield,  by telling us the reasons they enjoy living and working in the town.

To find out more about the Love Chesterfield campaign and how you can get involved in supporting the town, go to:

You can also support your favourite local businesses in the town by nominating them at the newly-launched Love Chesterfield Awards 2021. Find out more about the event here:

“I would describe Chesterfield as a friendly, welcoming and historic town. It has some great independent restaurant offerings and has an expanding accommodation offer. It truly is the gateway to the peak district.”

Lee Barnes, Managing Director of Inspire Design and Development Ltd.

“There is so much change and development for Chesterfield at the moment, which is sure to make a lot of impact. Due to the nature of our business, I’m looking forward to seeing what will become of the Town Centre Redevelopment.”

Natalia Marchetta: Co-owner, Salute Prosecco

“My vision of the future of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire is a happy one but it does depend on people continuing to use the town and our fabulous collection of shops, bars, restaurants and salons. Together we can ensure that Chesterfield continues to thrive and takes its rightful place as an excellent tourist destination and a wonderful place to live, work and play”

Laura Jo Owen, Adorn Jewellers

ryan essential site skills

“The area has a powerful sense of community, always rallying together in times of crisis. Because of this, I have no doubt that Chesterfield and North Derbyshire as a whole will bounce back from Covid-19 and be stronger than ever.”

Ryan Cancellara, Business Development Manager, Essential Site Skills.

“I was born and raised in Chesterfield and am proud to work and live in the area. I love living so close to the Peak District and enjoying all the town has to offer. I always love going to the Chesterfield Artisan Market. It is a great way to support small, local businesses and find unique gifts for people (or myself!)”

Phoebe Sellars, Business Development and Loan Manager at Bridge Help.

Champion of the Week

“There’s a fantastic community spirit amongst Chesterfield businesses and a wide range of business support available. This has led to some fantastic collaborations between local businesses and a great range of local events.”

Joby Parsons, Events & Sales Coordinator for West Studios

steve perez honorary degree

The people in Chesterfield make the area a great place in which to run a business. Chesterfield has its roots as an industrial town, which you can see in people’s hard working ethic. People are the most important part of running a successful business, and without them our businesses would not be where they are today.

Steve Perez, Chairman of Global Brands, Owner of Casa Hotel and The Peak Edge Hotel.

“Chesterfield has a great business community, and I have found everyone is so welcoming. The location is perfect being so close to so many things. I am pleased I chose Chesterfield for our training school the easy access, by bus, train, and car was a real selling point for us.”

Jane Manfredi, ProMUA & Beauty Training

“The growth of the food and drink scene over the last decade has been amazing, seeing an eclectic mix of new restaurants open over the last decade has been great.”

Tom Currey, Sales Director at Dales & Peaks.


“Everyone I speak with, whether it’s an individual or business, has a genuine affinity to help and support local people and businesses. It doesn’t matter how much the town grows, we all still retain the community spirit and prefer to support the local independent businesses.”

David Armé, Cheetham Jackson Ltd

It’s a town that continues to evolve and grow as at any one time there are always a number of exciting developments taking place.

Jon Stones, managing Director of Mortgage 1st

“The camaraderie of the local businesses is what makes Chesterfield so different. We all want to help develop the town, provide quality workspaces for growing teams and support one another. The town is so close to the peak district and provides quality hotels and B&Bs for people who are visiting.”

Jessica Risorto, Chesterfield Area Manager at Redbrik Estate Agents


“The best thing about working in Chesterfield is the lovely characters who are our loyal customers and they keep small businesses like the one I work for going. Their show of support for the community in difficult and challenging times has been fantastic.”

Georgina Page, R.P Davidson The Cheese Factor

“Chesterfield is really going places and I think with projects like the Northern Gateway it will help transform the town into an innovative, sustainable and above all enjoyable place to live and work.”

Matt Bust, Business Support Manager at Woodhead Construction

“I think the next ten years look very promising and there is huge potential for Chesterfield and the developments we are seeing. I hope that these developments prove successful and that businesses are encouraged and incentivised to take up these fantastic new premises and turn them into thriving hubs of activity and entertainment.”

Nick Evans, Director of Milestone Financial Planning

“I moved to Chesterfield 28 years ago and from the very beginning people were always so friendly to me but I’ve felt the most benefit since working in the voluntary sector. On the whole people are so kind and supportive of each other but where there are problems or people in need there is such a fantastic network of people and organisations out there and always someone willing to help.”

Debbie Fennell, Derbyshire Voluntary Action


“I see Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire in a good place at the moment. There seems to be lots happening and there are some really passionate and driven individuals”

Paul Ryan, Partnership Development Manager for Shape Learning Partnership

“There’s so much talent out there locally and lots of small businesses with great ideas and products.”

Lesley Winnard, Workpays

Love Chesterfield is a campaign from Chesterfield Borough Council in partnership with Destination Chesterfield with support from the reopening the high street safely fund and welcome back fund provided by HM Government and the European Regional Development Fund.

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Love Chesterfield aims to boost the local economy

As lockdown eases, now’s the time to rediscover everything that’s great about Chesterfield – that’s the message behind a new campaign being launched to encourage people to love the town and borough and support local businesses.

The new ‘Love Chesterfield’ campaign has been launched today (Monday 10 May) by Chesterfield Borough Council, in partnership with Destination Chesterfield, to support the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors as national restrictions continue to ease.

Centred around Chesterfield town centre, and the borough’s high streets and shopping areas, the campaign is encouraging people to seek out Chesterfield’s shops, cafes, bars and restaurants – whether that be revisiting an old favourite or discovering something new.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of the council, said: “Our local businesses have had a year like no other and it’s never been more important that we each do our bit and help support them as best we can as national restrictions continue to ease.

“There’s a lot to love about our town and borough – things we have all missed during lockdown – and that’s exactly what our new Love Chesterfield campaign aims to shine a spotlight on.

“We’ve already seen a positive return of customers to the borough’s high streets and through the Love Chesterfield campaign we will be encouraging everyone to carry on shopping locally and safely.”

The marketing campaign will feature in local magazines and newspapers, and across social media. People will be able to sign up to receive Love Chesterfield news by email, which will include details of local events and ways to get involved. Market Traders will also be giving away special edition Love Chesterfield shopping bags.

Each month there will be the chance to win a gift from a local independent shop by taking part in a Love Chesterfield survey. The prize, worth up to £50, will showcase the great products that can only be bought in Chesterfield town centre.

Love Chesterfield Banner

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, added: “In the town centre alone there are around 200 independent retailers here you’ll find a range of unique, quirky and exciting gifts and products. Add to these retailers the variety of cafes, bars and restaurants that are available and of course the numerous Markets that the town centre supports and there really is something for everyone here.

“As restrictions ease, we are all getting back out, shopping and safely socialising with friends and family once again. There is no better place to do that than on Chesterfield’s high streets, which of course include Hasland, Staveley, Chatsworth Road and Sheffield Road.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, said: “I am delighted that Destination Chesterfield is partnering with the council to develop and deliver the Love Chesterfield campaign.

“Supporting the high streets and the retail, hospitality and leisure businesses that are part of it should be – and is – a team effort. We are all committed to Chesterfield’s high streets thriving long term and the Love Chesterfield campaign is an excellent vehicle for us all to get behind and raise awareness of everything that is great about the town and borough.”

Chesterfield Borough Council was awarded £96,000 from the Reopening the High Streets Safely Fund. Some of this has already funded marketing campaigns such as the successful Christmas campaign and the Amazing Magical Chesterfield Santa House and is also funding the Love Chesterfield campaign.

Cllr Gilby added: “We’ve used the government funding wisely here in Chesterfield to support businesses and the local economy. We have employed a Covid-19 information officer who has been advising businesses on Covid-19 restrictions and how to operate safely and our dedicated town centre engagement officer has been a lifeline for many retailers and hospitality businesses. Using the funding to promote the town centre and the borough’s high streets has been essential. And it’s paying off – the town centre is busy and it’s great to see new businesses opening too.

“It is now time to talk up Chesterfield. Let’s show our fantastic high street businesses some love.”

Find out more about the Love Chesterfield campaign at

Love Chesterfield Banner

Love Chesterfield is a campaign from Chesterfield Borough Council in partnership with Destination Chesterfield with support from the reopening the high street safely fund and the welcome back fund provided by HM Government and the European Regional Development Fund.

Love Chesterfield Partner Logos

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New coffee shop opens inside Chesterfield’s H&F furniture store

A brand-new coffee shop has opened in Chesterfield, located within the H&F furniture store on New Beetwell Street in the heart of town.

Chesterfield Coffee Co. is being described as a relaxing place for customers to unwind, whether people are browsing the shop for furniture and home accessories, or just want to pop in for a speciality coffee.

The new cafe has been developed in a vibrant and atmospheric space, whilst still incorporating the original features of the old corn mill.

H&F has been providing Chesterfield with handcrafted furniture for over 10 years, and the latest addition to the store will provide an ideal space to meet with friends and sample quality produce from many local suppliers, all based around the stunning Peak District.

The team says it is now looking forward to welcoming customers with coffees produced by talented coffee roasters who pride themselves on individuality, alongside a helping of sourdough bread and handmade pastries from local bakeries.

One staff member, Victoria said: “I am very excited to be a part of the new team at Chesterfield Coffee Co. we will be producing quality artisan sandwiches, salads and pastries as well as working within a environment which has a fresh decor inspired by a chilled Nordic and Scandinavian style and design. I am especially looking forward to welcoming customers old and new back to the coffee shop.”

Manager of the shop, Finley commented: “I am thoroughly excited to bring a city vibe to Chesterfield. After living in Leeds for the past four years, I wanted to bring some of those qualities here for people to enjoy, where everyone can enjoy the surroundings and atmosphere of our individual space. Whether you just want relax friends or have a change from working from home, it would be great to to see you all.”


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Chesterfield’s Seb Perez launches British Rally Championship bid

Editorial by Paul Horton

Chesterfield’s Former Porsche Carrera Cup GB ace Seb Perez will make his debut in the British Rally Championship in 2021, driving a Ford Rally Team M-Sport Ford Fiesta Rally2, reports Paul Horton.

Seb, son of two-time BTRDA Rally Championship titleholder Steve Perez will swap his circuit racing campaign for a season in the British Rally Championship after “completing his time” in British national racing and seeking out new opportunities.

“The British Rally Championship was not really something I was thinking about at the end of last year I`ll be totally honest,” says Perez.

“I was trying to continue within my circuit racing career this year but with the challenges of COVID and travel, it’s become very difficult to go abroad at the moment. Coupled with the fact that my European race aspirations for this season didn’t quite go to plan, we had to look elsewhere.”

The 21-year old driver will contest several historic race championships this year but a chance conversation saw him mount a BRC campaign in what is set to be a quieter season on the race circuits.

“We were sat there one evening and the topic of the BRC came up. I gave it a lot more thought and decided that it could be a great challenge. I have always seen British Rally Championship as a fantastic series and seriously competitive. It’s actually something I’ve thought about doing for a few years but never really had the chance’”.

Perez is no stranger to stage events, his career began in the popular Junior 1000 rally series before many outings in both modern and historic machinery over the years. Turning to circuits, he followed the racing pathway and progressed through the TOCA categories with success at every level including the Ginetta Junior and Supercup series as well as the Porsche Carrera Cup GB in which he became a champion.

However, faced with an unusually quiet season, Perez will return to his roots and get behind the wheel of the latest Rally2 machinery from M-Sport .

“I was lucky enough to drive the Fiesta Rally2 when it was first released and managed to do the Grizedale Stages in it in 2019 and it was certainly a great car to drive. Nevertheless, it will be a huge learning curve and there will be a lot to take from it for sure.

“I think Oulton Park will be quite beneficial for me [as the first round] as I know the layout pretty well from my circuit experience and some single venue events there so it will just be a case of combining that all together. From Nicky Grist onwards it will be a little unknown but I`m feeling pretty optimistic about the season ahead”.

Perez will swap from circuit to rally when he make his debut in the championship with his regular co-driver Gary McElhanney on Bank Holiday Monday 31st May 2021 in the Neil Howard Stages Rally at Oulton Park in Cheshire.

Images by Paul Lawrence and Paul Horton


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Chamber explains how region’s businesses can support India during Covid-19 crisis

Businesses in the region are being encouraged to offer support where they can to India during its Covid-19 crisis.

With shortages of oxygen, hospital beds and medicine in Delhi, and many other cities in the world’s second-most populous country, due to a devastating second wave, there are specific urgent needs that could be plugged by East Midlands companies with access to those resources. They include:

  • Empty, refillable oxygen cylinders with between 10 litres and 45 litres liquid medical oxygen (LMO) capacity
  • Oxygen concentrators
  • In-situ oxygen manufacturing plants for hospitals
  • Remdesivir, an antiviral medication used in treating Covid-19

More than 200,000 people are reported to have died from coronavirus in India – although the real figure is believed to be much higher – with 3,293 deaths reported in the most recent 24-hour period.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles has joined the rest of the British Chambers of Commerce network in launching an appeal, alongside the UK India Business Council (UKIBC) and charity UNICEF, for the business community to support where possible.

He said: “Many of us will have seen the truly heart-breaking media reports showing the devastating impact of the second wave of Covid-19 in India.

“While the UK Government is considering how it will support with much-needed supplies, we believe the business community can step up in the meantime – just as we have rallied before in the battle against coronavirus.

“In our #EMComingTogether campaign launched at the beginning of the pandemic, in which we helped to link up companies with access to PPE to the local and national organisations that needed supplies, we were hugely inspired by the number of firms that came forward during a challenging period.

“Once again, we’re asking businesses to rally round and get behind the campaigns by UKIBC and UNICEF. There may well be companies within our region that are able to help source these crucial items that will save countless lives and enable India to get through this crisis.”

Anyone able to offer support with any of the urgent needs should explain how they can help by contacting the UKIBC at or UNICEF at

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NLT forms partnership with leading joint integrity training provider

NLT Training Services has expanded its training provision to now include joint integrity training at its Chesterfield and Scunthorpe centres.

The addition of joint integrity training follows a new partnership with specialist joint integrity management and training provider Zulu Joint Integrity and Training Limited, which is part of the Phoenix Group.

Based in Bridgend in Wales, the partnership with NLT now gives Zulu two locations in England from which to deliver its training.

Nine new joint integrity courses have now been added to NLT Training Services’ training portfolio, specifically:

• BS EN 1591-4:2013
• ECITB MJI10/MJI11 and Technical units
• Energy Institute Guidelines
• Pipework – Breaking Containment
• Human Error / Human Factors
• Gasket & Sealing Technology
• Valve training for Process Operators
• Safe Isolation of Process Plant (HSG253)
• Introduction to Internal Auditing (QMS)

NLT and Zulu anticipate high demand for the training particularly in the Humberside area where there is a concentration of oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical, power, steel making and process industries.

All joint integrity training courses are aligned to industry best practice and provide a blend of sealing technology and practical elements associated with flange assembly. The courses provide delegates with the knowledge and practical skills required for dismantling and assembling flanged connections in pipelines as used in the process industry, particularly high hazardous industries.

Sarah Temperton, Chief Executive of NLT Training Services commented: “We’re delighted to announce our partnership with Zulu. It’s an exciting time for both businesses and we’re very much looking forward to expanding our joint training offering as our relationship develops.”
Christopher Mellows, Managing Director of Zulu Joint Integrity and Training Limited added: “This exciting new partnership not only allows Zulu to have a base within Humberside to support local businesses with their joint integrity, but also gives NLT a whole new range of courses to be delivered at its wonderful training centres.”

To find out more about the new range of NLT joint integrity training courses, or to make a booking please call 0333 880 3540 or visit

NLT Training Services supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Progress continues on development of 120 new homes in Holmewood

A housing development comprising of 120 new homes is continuing progress in Holmewood, with the developer opening the doors to its marketing suite on the site this month.

Thorpe Meadows is the latest development by housebuilder Harron Homes, which has also been working on the Regents Green development in nearby Grassmoor.

Set in a picturesque area of North East of Derbyshire, Holmewood boasts the Five Pits Trail, a country park which is a haven for wildlife, while Chesterfield is just a short drive away for major retailers as well as leisure and entertainment options.

The village is also in close proximity to the M1, providing commuters with convenient access to Sheffield and Nottingham, both of which are approximately 20 miles away.

Construction work is progressing, with a showhome expected to be available to view by July 2021. This development comprises of a collection of three and four bedroom homes.

Harron Homes says ecology will be a priority on the site with bird boxes, bat boxes and hedgehog homes and highways all being incorporated in the development.

Natalie Griffiths, Sales and Marketing Director at Harron Homes North Midlands, said “We’re delighted to bring our collection of sought-after homes to this stunning area.

“Given the popularity of our last development in the region, we don’t anticipate these homes staying on the market for long, so be sure to register your interest early!”

The first homes are expected to be complete by Autumn 2021.

If you would like to find out more about living and working in Chesterfield, our website has plenty of useful information here.

There are several developments currently taking place across the town, bringing a variety of new homes, leisure facilities, office space and retail units. You can keep track of all the major regeneration taking place across the town on our developments page.


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Shorts Chartered Accountants promote Gary Moorhouse to Genus Director role

Shorts Chartered Accountants are delighted to announce the promotion of Gary Moorhouse to Genus Director, with immediate effect.  Gary joined Shorts in 2013 and has played an active role in the growth and development of the Genus service; providing business with meaningful management accounts upon which to make better informed business decisions.

Malcolm Pope, Partner at Shorts and Head of Genus said:  “We are delighted to promote Gary to the position of Director. His performance has been consistently excellent, helping us to develop and further enhance our management accounts offering for local businesses. He will play an important role in the ongoing growth and development of the department.”

On his promotion, Gary said:  “It is great to be asked to take this position, I have been with Shorts 8 years and it has been such an interesting journey. We have developed our support for clients to enable us to be the leading firm in the region and the Genus team is an integral part of this.”

Gary will now spearhead the ambitious growth plans for Genus, while the team continues to excel in aiding clients with strategy from top to bottom.  He can be contacted on 0114 2671617 or by emailing

Genus provides clients with detailed management reporting and projects. These projects include reviewing existing systems and processes, from simple accounting software changes to full process reviews and integration of cutting-edge accounting software.

With a long-standing heritage of over 130 years, Shorts Chartered Accountants has grown from a local business to a nationally recognised award-winning firm.

The company is home to some incredible expertise – specialists have joined the company from some of the world’s leading firms, bringing years of experience that they have shared and continue to hone.

Shorts Chartered Accountants supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Date announced for Ashgate Hospicecare’s Sparkle Night Walk

Ashgate Hospicecare has announced that its much-loved Sparkle Night Walk will return later this year – in a safe, socially distanced way that will retain the fun and atmosphere the event is known for.

The popular fundraiser, which sees family and friends come together to help fund the hospice’s vital care by walking 10km through the streets of Chesterfield, set to take place on 25th September.

Previously, the event, sponsored by Vertu Toyota, has taken place in July, but the charity has pushed back the date this year in light of the ongoing roadmap out of lockdown.

Ashgate hopes the new September date will allow the hospice to hold a socially distanced event while ensuring the safety of its supporters, volunteers and the local community.

Staggered start times from Chesterfield FC’s Technique Stadium will help ensure participants enjoy the fun and vibrant atmosphere of the event in a safe way. Walkers will be waved off from the start line every 15 minutes from 8pm.

Carl Jones, Fundraising Manager at Ashgate Hospicecare, said: “We’re delighted to be able to open registrations for the return of our annual Sparkle Night Walk in September.

“We are really looking forward to welcoming back our supporters and seeing some familiar faces, as well as those new supporters taking part for the first time. It’s been a long time since we have all been together and that is why this event will feel even more special.

“While we are hopeful that the event will take place, we will of course closely monitor the COVID situation over the coming months.

“It is our priority to keep our wonderful walkers safe whilst ensuring there is the very best chance of the event going ahead.

“Our fundraising team will be sure to keep everyone updated should there be any further changes to our plans.

“We hope to welcome you all back for the much-anticipated return of our Sparkle Night Walk in September!”

Like last year, a virtual option will also be offered, for those who would prefer to choose their own route and complete it separately.

Ashgate is encouraging their local community to sign-up to the Sparkle Night Walk and help raise much needed money to fund the specialist end-of-life care they provide.

To date, the charity is reporting losses of more than £3 million from its usual income streams during the pandemic, due to the cancellation of fundraising events and repeated closure of its shops. The hospice is grateful to its generous supporters who have rallied together to fundraise and support its recent crisis appeal campaigns in an effort to overcome the losses.

This year’s event has been kindly sponsored by Vertu Toyota. Participants are encouraged to sign up before June 14th and get early bird entry for just £10.

To find out more about Ashgate Hospicecare’s Sparkle Night Walk and to register, click here.

Ashgate Hospicecare supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Airline staff assist Chesterfield Royal Hospital as VIP Wellness Lounge takes off

A brand new VIP lounge has been launched at Chesterfield Royal Hospital to improve the wellbeing offer for staff, with the help of airline or aviation staff who are currently furloughed, grounded or made redundant due to the pandemic.

The crews used their exceptional customer service skills and expertise to provide the hospital staff with a little bit of respite, as well as an opportunity to chat and share experiences.

The initiative, known as ‘Project Wingman’ got off to a flying start with 70 of staff swapping their boarding passes for a well-deserved break, along with a cuppa and biscuits.

Part of the Wingman team at the Royal Charlotte Turner, First Officer (TUI) says: “I normally work as a Senior First Officer at TUI – so I fly the Boeing 737’s out of Doncaster on the short haul flights. Usually I’m there and back in one day. I really miss it and can’t wait to get back!

“I saw Project Wingman advertised and I thought it was so lovely. NHS workers do such an incredible job and have been working throughout – everyone must be absolutely shattered, having long shifts in a tough environment. We work in an environment that’s really lovely and where we are trying to get people to come on holiday and make you feel amazing. We can’t do that at the moment so we’d like to give it back by bringing it in to Chesterfield Royal Hospital”

Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s Workforce Health & Wellbeing Lead, Andy Picked said: Project wingman is an innovative initiative ran by airline crew, pilots and aviation sector staff to provide a decompression space for NHS Staff away from the challenges of the work environment – especially important during a pandemic.

“Project wingman has contributed to a comprehensive staff health and wellbeing support programme already in place at Chesterfield Royal Hospital and provided an opportunity for staff and airline crew to share a conversation over a drink and a few treats in line with social distancing and covid rules.

“It has been an absolute pleasure working with these professional who have volunteered their time to run their first class refreshment lounges. The Chesterfield Royal Hospital Charity funded the refreshments and logistics of the intiative.”

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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