Destination Chesterfield

Town’s hospitality businesses gear-up for re-opening

Chesterfield’s post COVID-19 recovery is taking a further step forward on Saturday 4 July, when pubs, bars, restaurants and accommodation providers are given the green light to re-open.

The re-opening signals the end of three long months of shut down and the signs are there that people can’t wait to return to their favourite haunts.

“Within minutes of Boris Johnson’s announcement our online booking system was deluged and we had to suspend it,” said Chris Mapp, owner of the Tickled Trout in Barlow. “People are generally fed up with cooking at home and are desperate to come back out, have a decent pint and enjoy a nice meal.”

Chris Mapp - Tickled Trout

Chris Mapp, Owner of the Tickled Trout

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, urged caution saying: “I hope many people will enjoy our beautiful town centre this weekend, but we all have a responsibility to help keep other people safe and it’s vitally important that we all remember this when visiting our favourite pubs and restaurants.”

However, understanding the government COVID-19 guidelines around re-opening has left many businesses scratching their heads in confusion.

“Hand sanitizer, plexiglass dividers at check-in and reminders to social distance are an expectation that we think of as the baseline,” said Steve Perez owner of Peak Edge Hotel and Casa Hotel.

Chris added: “We’ve gone through the 42-page document in great detail with industry experts and it’s not easy to understand; some of the guidelines are contradictory. We have erred on the side of caution however and undertaken very thorough risk assessments.”

“It’s bookings only for the time being to ensure everyone has a seat. We have reduced the number of tables and there will be no standing both inside the restaurant and outside in our pop-up bar md seating area. We’ll also be asking customers to complete an email questionnaire when they book with us as part of the Track and Trace system. Their details will be stored securely for 21 days and then destroyed.”

It will also be bookings-only for the time being for customers that wish to visit Stephenson’s Tea and Coffee House following re-opening on Monday 6 July. Owner Claire Wood explained: “This will enable us to have a total control over the number of people in our establishment at any one time.”

Stephensons Tea and Coffee House

Stephensons Tea and Coffee House

Brampton Brewery will open the doors of its pubs at 12noon on Saturday 4 July with table service being provided inside all its pubs. There will be no standing in the pubs, however outside in the confines of the garden areas it will be a bit more relaxed and people will be allowed to queue, socially distanced, to purchase from the bar. Chris Radford, owner of Brampton Brewery said: “We’ve tried to find a middle ground between being sensible and people being safe and comfortable.”

While some smaller establishments are choosing not to re-open due to a lack of space to accommodate social distancing measures, this isn’t the case for Stephenson’s. “At Stephenson’s we are lucky enough to have incredibly spacious rooms and have always provided a large amount of space between our tables which has enabled us to implement the 1+metre rule very easily.

Despite the additional COVID-19 health and safety measures hospitality businesses have had to put in place, operators are welcoming the return to business.

Marc Wildes, Managing Director of Van Dyk by Wildes, said: “We’re really excited to re-open and welcome our customers back.”

Claire Wood shared Mr Wildes enthusiasm saying: “We are excited to be re-opening. It will be good to see the town come back to life again and hopefully see the return of all businesses, and maybe some new ones too.”

Mr Radford agreed saying: “I’m relieved the pubs are at last re-opening. The government and council grants have been very welcome during lockdown but this hasn’t stopped bills hitting the mat.”

Van Dyk by Wildes

Van Dyk by Wildes

Excitement is tempered with trepidation however, with many operators unsure of what levels of customer demand to expect.

“Re-opening is a step into the unknown. When we re-open our doors at 12 noon on Saturday; we don’t know whether we’ll have a queue of people or no-one,” added Mr Radford.

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager said: “The re-opening of the town’s hospitality is a real turning point in the town’s recovery particularly as more people are expected to take staycations this year. Chesterfield’s proximity to the Peak District will, I hope, enable us to benefit from the projected growth in domestic tourism particularly if we can convert many of the town’s day visitors to overnight stays.”

Steve Perez added: “Recovery is very much dependent on domestic demand, particularly for the Peak District.”

Peak Edge Hotel

Peak Edge Hotel

Despite nervousness around re-opening, operators are optimistic about the recovery of Chesterfield’s hospitality sector. Chris Mapp praised the town saying: “Chesterfield is blessed with big outdoor spaces and is not over-populated which, I believe, will aid the sector’s recovery.”

Although the sector is re-opening its doors, a number of businesses are continuing to operate takeaway and delivery services that were put in place during lockdown. “Chris Radford explained: “A lot of our older clientele are still very nervous about going back into pubs so for that reason we’re maintaining our free home delivery service of bottled beers.”

Details of businesses offering takeaway and delivery can be found at

Looking for inspiration of where to go to eat and drink check out the winners of the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards.

Chris Radford, Director, Brampton Brewery

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Free advertising for Chesterfield businesses

To help support local businesses that are re-opening, and to showcase Chesterfield as a great place to visit, Chesterfield Borough Council is offering retail, hospitality and leisure businesses the chance to take out free listings on the VisitChesterfield website until 31 March 2021.

Councillor Kate Sarvent said: “We know things have been tough for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses over the past few months. It is hoped this advertising opportunity will assist them with the process of reopening and provide a timely sales boost.”

Kate added: “VisitChesterfield aims to promote the town and its businesses to potential tourists as well as local residents, so this free advertising provides a great opportunity for these businesses to let customers, both old and new, know that they are back open for business.”

Independent businesses who are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity should visit, complete the application form and send it to along with high resolution landscape images of their business.

Destination Chesterfield are also offering free listings to local businesses on their new Supporting Local website – It currently has details of nearly 100 shops, food and drink businesses, training, support and service providers in and around Chesterfield that have adapted to provide and supply their products and services remotely.

Many town centre businesses are positive about their future following the success of the Shop Local message which has been championed by Destination Chesterfield, Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Borough Council throughout lockdown.

Chesterfield Visitor Information Centre

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Birdseye Peas production begins on time thanks to Chesterfield company MSE Hiller

MSE Hiller has designed, built and delivered a bespoke waste-water plant on time and on budget for Birdseye, despite a short project timescale, as well as challenges posed by the Covid-19 outbreak.

The timely delivery of the project has enabled the UK’s largest pea producer to maximise sales amidst changing Government legislation, ensuring Birdseye’s new facility was prepared to process and freeze 1,000t per 24 hour day, from the very first harvest.

Based in Hull, Birdseye is situated in the centre of a 30-mile radius of 200 growers, allowing the peas to be picked, transported and frozen in the shortest possible timescale. During the pea season, the factory processes a total of 50,000t of peas each year between June and August.

It is crucial that production continues without downtime and the team at MSE Hiller will continue to provide full maintenance throughout the harvesting months.

Ivan Fomin, Managing Director at MSE Hiller explains: “With tightening of legislation and permit standards, Birdseye asked MSE Hiller to develop a proposal to treat 400m3/h of their water leaving site.

“The space constraints on site and the short project timescale were going to be challenging, but a proactive project team was assembled, including the client and site operator, to ensure a timely delivery of the project in readiness for the 2020 pea season.

“The client trusted us to deliver this solution and worked positively and proactively to help us achieve the target.  It is great to see what solid teamwork can achieve under challenging circumstances.”

MSE Hiller is one of over 180 Chesterfield Champions supporting the marketing and economic growth of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.  Find out more about MSE Hiller at

Find out more about Chesterfield Champions at

Image shows Birdseye’s new bespoke facility in Hull, which was designed, built and delivered by MSE Hiller, Chesterfield.

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Chesterfield Champion helps businesses to get back to work safely

iSAFE – Health, Safety and Quality Services are supporting businesses to reopen by providing a tailored COVID risk management service, which helps them to get back to work safely and legally following the COVID lockdown.

As one of over 180 Chesterfield Champions supporting the marketing and economic growth of the town, iSAFE has recently supported fellow Chesterfield Champions Mitchells Chartered Accountants, Derbyshire Voluntary Action and Fairplay.

Other local businesses that have benefitted include Vines Legal Solicitors, Wilson Howe Accountants, Paperclip, Not Just T-Shirts and First AED.

Jack Marshall, Senior Partner at iSAFE, comments: “Over the lockdown period we have noticed that many team members in the organisations we are working with have been incredibly anxious about returning to work. We want to re-assure staff that their workplace is as safe as possible. We also want to re-assure employers that they are fulfilling their legal and moral duties. This service has helped alleviate the stress of returning to work for both employers and employees.”

iSAFE support businesses in returning to their offices and places of work. The COVID Management Service includes a site visit to assess legal requirements and the development of a COVID policy, risk assessment and action plan. The iSAFE team also provide a briefing session with members of the team to communicate the action plan and address any concerns that staff may have about returning to work.

Destination Chesterfield have compiled a range of information from businesses that are supporting  re-opening across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.  These include The Sanitaryware Supplies Company, 247PPE, FASTSIGNS, Love Brewing, Pronto Paints, ra Telecom, FWD Motion, plus other local businesses.

Click here to see a list of local companies that can assist businesses to reopen

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Chesterfield’s independent retailers share their reopening experiences

Non-essential retailers in Chesterfield town centre returned to their shops and stores on Monday 15th June.

Supporting retailers and visitors, Chesterfield Borough Council has implemented social distancing measures throughout the town centre, market and Market Hall.

The implementation of safety measures mean that some retailers are now promising a ‘celebrity’ shopping experience for Chesterfield shoppers.

For shoppers who are still shielding however, the Supporting Local website created by Destination Chesterfield has details of around 100 shops, food and drink businesses, training, support and service providers in and around Chesterfield that have adapted to provide and supply their products and services remotely.

Below, owners of three independent retailers in Chesterfield share their experiences since re-opening to the public.

Laura Jo Owen, Owner of Adorn Jewellers in The Shambles, has been in contact with customers via social media throughout lockdown finding out how they wanted to shop once lockdown was lifted. They told her that they didn’t want to queue to get into the shop do an appointment-only system was introduced when the shop re-opened on 15 June.

Laura Jo said: “Because we are just a small shop, we put an appointment-only system into place to manage the social distancing guidelines, but we didn’t know how it was going to work out. However, it has gone really well. On the first day of opening we were fully booked and have been nicely booked up since which is very positive. We have hand sanitiser in the shop, which we are encouraging customers to use and we clean in between appointments.”

“It’s been a lovely week back at the shop. People are considerate, understanding and happy to be out. There’s still a spirit of ‘in this together’ which is encouraging to see.”

“I really hope this new-found momentum for high street shopping continues. Now, more than ever, people are voting with their feet for the shops and stores they want to see remain on the high street.”

Lisa Swift, Owner of Shop Indie in Vicar Lane Shopping Centre said: “We’re delighted to re-open. We’ve had a steady flow of customers in the store since re-opening. Lockdown has given people a new appreciation of going into a shop and being able to browse, particularly when they’re looking for a gift and don’t know what they want.”

“The shop has hand sanitiser throughout the store which customers are encouraged to use. We’ve also put stickers on the floor reminding people of social distancing and added a Perspex screen to the counter.”

“The feedback from customers has been great. We’ve spent lockdown finding new suppliers and products for the shop and we’ve had great feedback from customers. At the moment the shop is only open on Monday, Friday and Saturday as we’re having to combine operating the business with home schooling our young children. We’ll be increasing the opening hours of the business gradually. We’re very much looking forward to getting back to being open six days a week.”

Dorothy Robinson, Owner of Dotique on Chatsworth Road, re-opened on Monday 15 June. She said: “We are so excited to be open again,. It’s a relief to re-open our doors after so many weeks and welcome customers into the store. Some were nervous coming in for the first time but seeing the safety measures we have in place has given them confidence to return.”

“We’ve thought a lot about keeping our staff and customers safe. Only four customers are allowed in the shop at any one time and, once inside, we ask them to sanitise their hands from one of our sanitiser points. We have two-metre marking throughout the shop, free masks and gloves and Perspex screens on the till point. Customers are allowed to use the changing rooms to try on clothes but afterwards we fully clean the changing room and the clothes are steamed and put in isolation for three days – luckily we have a lot of clothes.”

“It’s early days and despite talk of reducing the two metre rule to one metre, we’ll keep two metres in place as we want to ensure everyone is safe when shopping with us.”

Many town centre businesses are positive about their future following the success of the Shop Local message which has been championed by Destination Chesterfield, the Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Borough Council throughout lockdown.

A report released yesterday (25 June) by East Midlands Chamber has revealed optimism among local businesses for a full recovery following the outbreak of Covid-19. Click here to read more.

Destination Chesterfield are always passionate about supporting local businesses and are keen to encourage people to continue to do so at the moment. In the latest blog by Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, read why Supporting Chesterfield retailers is vital for our local economy.

Click here to visit Destination Chesterfield’s Supporting Local website

Posted in About Chesterfield, Blog, Business, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Summer, Visiting

Tourism businesses encouraged to apply for new industry standard mark

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire has welcomed the announcement of a new UK-wide industry standard mark that will provide a ‘ring of confidence’ for tourism businesses as the sector works towards reopening on 4 July.

The ‘We’re Good To Go’ accreditation, introduced by VisitEngland in partnership with national tourist organisations, means businesses can demonstrate that they are adhering to Government and public health guidance and have the required processes in place.

The scheme is free to join and Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire is encouraging local businesses to apply as soon as possible to ensure they are COVID-secure and ready to welcome visitors.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire says: “We’re encouraging all local tourism businesses to apply for the ‘We’re Good To Go’ industry standard, which will play a vital role in ensuring visitors can enjoy a holiday in the Peak District and Derbyshire this summer and be confident they can do so with peace of mind.

Jo added: “We know that businesses are already working incredibly hard to prepare for reopening on 4 July, and this new industry standard provides a welcome boost of confidence for the sector and added reassurance for our visitors that we are putting all the right measures in place.”

To obtain the accreditation businesses must complete a self-assessment through an online platform, before receiving certification and the ‘We’re Good To Go’ mark for display in their premises and online.

Businesses must align with the Government’s official guidance for the sector including ‘Working Safely during COVID-19: Visitor Economy’, which outlines the processes and facilities that tourism businesses in England need to put in place before reopening.

The scheme has been developed in partnership with national tourist authorities with input from more than 40 industry bodies including Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire. For more information on the industry standard mark, click here.

Details of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire’s ‘welcome back’ campaign will be released shortly.

Please note: images were taken prior to the Coronavirus pandemic

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Featured, Home, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Summer, Visiting

Chesterfield chosen for Designer Contracts’ new HQ following second year of growth

Nationwide flooring company, Designer Contracts has moved into new headquarters at Coney Green in Chesterfield.

Four times the size of its original head office, the impressive new space boasts 8,000 sq ft, with room to accommodate 50 people plus meeting and conference facilities.

The company has moved 25 members of the team over to the new site, while retaining the existing offices at Holmewood in Chesterfield, which will now house its central region’s administration and warehouse teams.

In May this year, Designer Contracts announced a second year of growth, with figures for the year to October 31, 2019 showing an increase of 23 per cent.  Turnover leapt from £38 million to £46.7 million and a total of 74 new jobs were created across the UK.

Peter Kelsey, MD of Designer Contracts commented: “We are thrilled to have finally moved into our new HQ.  We were due to move at the end of March, but like many, had to put our plans on hold until it was safe to make the transition.

“The move comes after significant growth, and we felt it was time to increase the overall space for our team, giving us ample room to grow further.”

“Our bold expansion strategy has allowed us to increase our customer base considerably. We’ve taken on business in new sectors, including the public and care arenas, and expanded in areas where we were already prominent.

“Despite the current situation with corona virus, we remain positive and are confident that we can reach our target £80 million turnover and increase the number of staff from 300 to 600 by 2023.”

The company has also confirmed it is fully compliant with the UK Government guidelines on managing the risk of Covid-19, and has been certified as a ‘Covid Safe’ employer.

To receive the certification, a number of measures have been put in place throughout the business to minimise the risk of transmission.  These include carrying out a Covid-19 risk assessment and sharing with employees, taking all reasonable steps to maintain a two-metre distance in the workplace, and supporting employees to work from home where possible, all while ensuring the necessary handwashing and hygiene procedures are in-line with guidance.

Designer Contracts operates across 15 UK regional facilities. As well as flooring, the company provides curtains and blinds, furniture and lighting, and operates a showhome interior design services division.

One of over 180 Chesterfield Champions supporting the marketing and economic growth of the town, the company has also been recognised as one of the top 200 businesses in Derbyshire and has been highlighted as contributing to the local economy and leading from the front.

Read more about Designer Contracts here.

Find out more about Chesterfield Champions here.


Designer Contracts New HQ Coney Green landscape

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Local businesses optimistic for recovery

A report released today (25 June) by East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) has revealed optimism among local businesses for a full recovery following the outbreak of Covid-19.

As part of the Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Survey for Q2 2020, firms were asked a series of questions about how they view their post-coronavirus prospects, with one in five responding that they anticipated their business to return to 100% or more of its pre-lockdown activity levels by the end of the year. A further 45% said they would achieve this by the end of 2021.

To help them do so, 36% said they would actively look to invest in activity that would help to diversify their offer to access new markets, while 25% said they would invest further in staff training to improve efficiencies.

Chamber Chief Executive, Scott Knowles, said: “Although national figures published over the past few weeks have given a broad overview of what has happened to the economy in general, the findings of our survey provide the first real, tangible evidence of the impact that Covid-19 has had on businesses across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.”

“The speed at which the economy shut down because of the pandemic and the resulting lockdown was unprecedented. Whole swathes of the business community either ceased or dramatically reduced activity, with some yet to get back underway.”

“For most businesses, this period has been defined by uncertainty and a wait for much-needed clarity about how and when the economy may unlock and any further health implications this may have.”

“The key thing many businesses need right now is focused support to assist in the transition of their staff out of furlough and back into the workplace and to adapt their operations, to help them return to pre-lockdown levels of economic performance as quickly as possible.”

“Clearly, there’s a long way to go before the economy can fully recover, and there will be many hard stories at both an organisational and an individual level in the months ahead.

“However, regardless of the individual experiences of businesses over the past three months, many see opportunities to grow and succeed outside of this current period, perhaps taking a different approach to how they do this.”

“To help them in this, continuing to support businesses to innovate, diversify, enhance their resilience and think differently must become a central focus of the Government’s policy response as we come out of the pandemic.”

In its report, East Midlands Chamber highlights the full extent to which the Covid-19 crisis affected local firms in the second quarter of the year. Read the full report here.

Click here to find out more about the East Midlands Chamber

East Midlands Chamber are members of the Chesterfield Champions local business membership scheme. To find out more about the Chesterfield Champions, click here.

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Specsavers Chesterfield staff member features in national TV advertisement

An optometrist from the Specsavers store in Chesterfield has played a starring role in a national television advert as part of the company’s new campaign.

The 90-second video, titled ‘We Were There’, aired on ITV1 on Saturday 13th June and tells real life stories of store colleagues and their customers during lockdown.

The video explains how store staff had to change the way they worked to help people outside the normal test room environment, offering eye and hearing care for people in car parks, on doorsteps and even at picnic tables.

Allissa Charlesworth is currently the Optometrist Director at Specsavers Chesterfield and Matlock. Allissa is the first Specsavers staff member to appear in the advert, which you can watch below. Allissa said: “I was quite nervous to find out that I’d been given a role in the national advert. However, when I watched it for the first time, the overriding feeling changed to pride, as it’s certainly testament to all the hard work and community spirit people are showing across the UK.”

“Over lockdown, the most surprising and rewarding part for me has been the power of a simple phone call. So many people are vulnerable and have to self-isolate, but they still develop problems with their eyes and giving advice over the phone has become a daily routine.”

“A calm and reassuring voice on the end of the phone makes such a difference to people and you can hear the relief in their voice when they realise they don’t have to deal with this problem alone.”

The Specsavers store in Chesterfield has now re-opened, yet with increased health & safety, as well as social distancing, measures.

With Specsavers’ RemoteCare service, you can speak to the experts by video or over the phone about any sight or hearing questions you have. It’s free to use and you don’t need to be a previous customer to use it.

Click here to find out more about Specsavers Chesterfield

Specsavers Chesterfield are members of the Chesterfield Champions local business membership scheme. To find out more about the Chesterfield Champions, click here.

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HappyWired appoints hometown PR agency Roaring Mouse to support expansion plans

Local technology firm, HappyWired, has appointed Chesterfield’s Roaring Mouse Public Relations to help expand its client base in the UK.

Roaring Mouse will lead a proactive content marketing campaign for HappyWired to attract IT professionals and owners of small and medium-sized businesses via online, search and social media. The campaign will guide HappyWired’s audience around opportunities to improve productivity, efficiency and collaboration using automation functionality included in increasingly popular cloud-based technologies such as Microsoft 365.

Based in Chesterfield, HappyWired specialises in delivering business, process and content automation projects for organisations across the UK. The consultancy employs ten people currently and is a certified Microsoft Gold Partner.

Simon Wright, CEO of HappyWired, comments: “Organisations of all sizes are adopting powerful cloud-based software such as Microsoft 365, which offers incredible opportunities to automate tedious, time-consuming tasks. We’ve engaged Roaring Mouse to communicate how these technologies can work harder for organisations and ensure that potential customers recognise how HappyWired can help them to develop new sources of competitive advantage.”

James Taylor, founder of Roaring Mouse Public Relations, comments: “HappyWired is a hidden gem in the world of technology consulting, with deep technical expertise, a friendly approach to business and extensive experience gained from dozens of successful joint projects with Microsoft. We are delighted that it has chosen Roaring Mouse to play such an important role in its expansion plans.”

HappyWired are members of the Chesterfield Champions local business membership scheme. To find out more about the Chesterfield Champions, click here.

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Derbyshire County Council offer apprenticeship support to local SMEs

Small and medium size businesses getting back on their feet across Derbyshire are being reminded that they can get apprenticeship support funded by Derbyshire County Council.

Derbyshire County Council are using some of their apprentice levy to pay for training for apprenticeships in small and medium sized businesses.Apprenticeships can be undertaken by new employees, or existing employees in a wide range of business sectors such as manufacturing, construction, health and social care, digital and many more. There are different types of industry standard apprenticeships at a wide variety of different levels.

Councillor Tony King, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, said: “The coronavirus pandemic has forced many of us to put our lives and businesses on hold. But now lockdown restrictions are easing slightly and businesses are starting to open up again, this is a great opportunity to remind companies of the value of apprenticeships.”

“During this period of recovery, apprenticeships offer a great opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses across Derbyshire to boost their business efficiency by taking on a new apprentice, or upskilling existing employees.”

More information is available from:-

Derbyshire County Council will fund the full duration of the apprenticeship training, and provide expert help to find the right apprenticeship for the individual needs of the business.

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