Destination Chesterfield

University of Derby appoints new Provost to deliver excellence in innovation and research

The University of Derby has appointed Professor Warren Manning to the newly established position of Provost – Innovation and Research to drive forward its strategic ambitions for research excellence, knowledge exchange and commercial and enterprise activities.

Professor Manning joined the University of Derby in January 2018 as Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Engineering and Technology from De Montfort University where he was Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean for the Faculty of Business and Law.

In his new role, Professor Manning will provide the leadership to further promote and embed an innovation and research culture aligned to the University’s strategy. He will build upon the excellent progress the University has already made towards achieving its ambitions around the Research Excellence Framework (REF), which accounts for the quality of university research, and the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF), which provides an indication of the University’s engagement with businesses and community.

Commenting on his appointment, Professor Warren Manning said: “I am delighted to be moving into the role of Provost – Innovation and research. The opportunity to take on the challenge of delivering excellence in innovation and research for the University of Derby is compelling.

“The government commitment to increase research spending to 2.4 per cent of GDP by 2027, an additional £20bn, is based on exploiting great ideas born in universities and grown through businesses. This is a driver for universities to work much closer with businesses and organisations to deliver collaborative, applied research and knowledge exchange.

“There are significant opportunities to work with local businesses here in Derby. We have made strong links with a number of companies through our regional development work, some of which have the ability and opportunity to become global. We aim to share our knowledge to support our partners to realise their ambitions regionally and globally.”

Professor Kathryn Mitchell DL, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, added: “At the University of Derby we encourage research excellence across all our disciplines and at all career stages, recognising the strong link between impactful research, enhanced student experience and influence in our region.  The Provost – Innovation and Research role demonstrates the investment we are making in our staff and our research infrastructure to help us achieve this.

“Warren brings a thorough and wide-ranging knowledge of the Higher Education environment from his previous roles at Derby and other universities, with experience of driving transformation at a strategic level. I welcome his approach to working with industry and local partners to deliver high quality and in-depth innovation.”

For further information about Research and Research Partnerships at the University of Derby, click here.

Click here to read more about the University of Derby Chesterfield campus

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Businesses urged to work with education providers to avoid future skills disconnect

Schools and education providers have been urged to support young people into future high skills jobs in North Derbyshire to ensure the area reaches its economic potential.

The call to action came at the fourth annual Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference organised by Chesterfield Borough Council, the D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub, and Destination Chesterfield.

Speaking at the conference Mark Cottingham (below), Principal of Shirebrook Academy and part of the newly established North Derbyshire Careers Hub, appealed to businesses and employers to get involved with schools in order to get future school leavers work ready.

He said: “Education is more than passing exams. Qualifications are not enough. We need to open the eyes of young people beyond school. The more links we can have with businesses and employers then the better work we can do with young people to get them ready for employment.”

“There is nothing better than a workplace visit and work experience to open the eyes of a young person to the reality of the world of work. They have a real impact on young people and they often give them a determination and focus to achieve their ambitions.”

The conference brought together more than 100 representatives from North Derbyshire’s business community and education sector ahead of the creation of thousands of jobs in the area over the next five years.

Speaking at the conference Rachel Quinn, Head of People and Skills at D2N2 LEP echoed Mr Cottingham, saying: “There is a skills mismatch which we have to address immediately by encouraging the building of strategic partnerships between employers, young people, schools and colleges.”

“Skills are one of the most important factors in determining economic outcomes for people and places. Currently North Derbyshire is creating four times as many jobs as the working age population creating a gap in prosperity due to falling productivity levels.”

The annual conference, which was held at Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa, was headlined by television personality Baasit Siddiqui, Managing Director of Siddiqui Education, a Derby-based company which uses his public profile, 10 years teaching experience and the positive reputation of the Siddiquis from Gogglebox to help motivate and inspire school children.

Speaking at the conference, Mr Siddiqui praised Chesterfield’s approach to collaborative working but urged that it should be a lifelong strategy in individuals’ lives if people are to achieve their potential.

He said: “Research has shown that children in receipt of free school meals or the Pupil Premium are typically 18 months behind their peers academically. Collaboration, amongst other strategies, can help bridge the attainment gap between children in receipt of free school meals and Pupil Premium and their peers by five months.”

“Social mobility does not start and stop in school; it starts from birth and continues throughout life. Unless there is collaboration between schools and local businesses to inspire people at all ages and levels, then there is the possibility of a disconnect in skills and disadvantaged young people will not benefit from those jobs.”

Chesterfield currently has one of the highest rates of students on free school meals in Derbyshire. Currently there is a 4% growth in skilled jobs in Chesterfield which employers are struggling to fill, particularly in the engineering and communications sectors.

That figure is set to grow further as multimillion-pound PEAK, Chesterfield Waterside, Northern Gateway and Staveley Works developments start to come out of the ground.

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council commented: “Chesterfield is experiencing record levels of investment and can rightly call itself a billion-pound town. Skills are at the heart of a successful economy, which is why we must develop the skills of local people to ensure they can access the many opportunities that are being created now and over the next five years in Chesterfield and the surrounding area. Already considerable collaboration and effort is taking place across North Derbyshire to ensure future skills meet the demand.”

Mr Cottingham added: “The economy needs informed, enthused young people and it’s the role of educationalists to ensure this happens and we can only do this by establishing strategic partnerships with employers. It is these partnerships that will enable pupils to understand how academic concepts can be applied to real jobs.”

With more than 14,000 students in North Derbyshire set to gain their GCSE and A level qualifications in the next five years, education and business leaders are working together to  develop solutions that will ensure a strong pipeline of talent is being developed in order to provide a future workforce with the skills required by employers.

Chesterfield businesses that wish to provide work experience or workplace visit opportunities, recruit apprentices or upskill existing employees, are encouraged to get in touch with Emily Williams, Senior Economic Development Officer at Chesterfield Borough Council. For more information please email or call 01246 345254.

Too see more images from the event, please click here.

Click here to find out more about Chesterfield being an Apprentice Town

The Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference took place on Wednesday 26th February 2020

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Trustees required by Friends of Queen’s Park Cricket

Friends of Queen’s Park Cricket is seeking to appoint a number of Trustees to help achieve their objectives and to move forward the aims of the group.

Queen’s Park has seen cricket played there since 1894. The Friends want to celebrate that history and promote this iconic and historic ground in order to ensure the future of cricket at Queen’s Park.

Over the next couple of years, the Friends of Queen’s Park Cricket intend to:

  • Increase the membership and especially corporate membership
  • Raise funds in order to support investment in facilities and ground maintenance
  • Promote the Cricket Festival and increase the range activities to appeal to a wider audience
  • Increase the opportunities to play cricket in the park
  • Promote the historical significance as a world-renowned major cricket venue

Chairman Neil Swanwick stated: “We need help to achieve this and are looking to recruit additional trustees. In particular we are seeking skills and experience in Marketing and PR and using social media but above all else, we would value you anyone who shares our passion for cricket and the legacy of Queen’s Park Cricket and prepared to give us your time and commitment.”

Deadline for applications is 28 February 2020. Please click the below links to download more information about each role.

Social Media Trustee

General Trustee

Friends of Queen’s Park Cricket a Registered Charitable Organisation who: act as a voice for cricket in Queen’s Park; campaign to maintain high-standard facilities; strive to keep cricket in the park; ensure the Chesterfield Festival of Cricket continues and expands; develop the history and promote the playing of cricket at all levels and ages.

Click here to find out more about the Friends of Queen’s Park Cricket

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Double celebration for local golf professional Fame Tate

Alongside celebrating the first anniversary of owning Stanedge Golf Club, Derbyshire golf professional Fame Tate has named PGA Midlands Professional of the Year.

The award completes a memorable year for the former Ladies European Tour player, which began when she rescued the club near Chesterfield from closure.

Since taking ownership of Stanedge Golf Club, Fame has breathed new life into the club, taking the membership from zero to over 140, overseeing the renovation of the facilities and upgrading the course, as well as picking up many awards along the way.

Fame marked the completion of her training to become a PGA Professional by being named the Association’s Female Assistant of the Year and won the ‘Outstanding Achievement’ category in the English Women’s Awards (North).

Tate was also named as one of Derbyshire’s Junior County Golf Coaches for 2019, an accolade reflected by her being demanded as a coach at Stanedge and at some of golf’s most prestigious events.

She has introduced coaching clinics for youngsters, women and beginners at Stanedge Golf Club and was on duty in the Swingzone during the 2019 AIG Women’s British Open at Woburn and the Solheim Cup at Gleneagles.

Reflecting on what has been a hectic year, Tate said: “It’s been a whirlwind but a very fulfilling one.”

“The 12 months have flown by and there have been so many highlights both at the club and away from it.”

“My initial projection for the club was quite conservative, so what has been achieved there has exceeded my expectations.”

“And winning awards and coaching at the Women’s Open and Solheim Cup have made it an unforgettable year.”

“Receiving the PGA Midlands Professional of the Year award in the same week that we celebrated the first anniversary of buying Stanedge was the perfect way to end it.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development

Tenth Celebrate Chesterfield Conference to update on Talgo Head Office and next decade of investment

Jon Veitch, Managing Director of Talgo UK Ltd, the Spanish train manufacturer that recently established its UK head office in Chesterfield, will reveal his company’s aspirations for the town at the annual Celebrate Chesterfield event.

Over 250 people are expected to attend the free event and exhibition, which is organised by Destination Chesterfield and is taking place on Wednesday 11 March at the Winding Wheel Theatre.

Mr Veitch (far right) is one of number of key speakers at the free event. He will also be joined by Elizabeth Fagan CBE – Chair of D2N2 LEP, Dr. Paula Holt – Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean at the University of Derby and Huw Bowen – Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council.

Sponsored by the University of Derby, Celebrate Chesterfield is one of the biggest and most hotly anticipated business events in the area.

The event is the tenth conference organised by Destination Chesterfield, the town’s inward investment marketing campaign, which is currently working with 180 local businesses, known as Chesterfield Champions, to raise the profile of the town.

Since the launch of Destination Chesterfield, the town has seen significant investment, with more than a billion pounds of investment currently underway. At the conference, delegates will hear updates on key development sites including Northern Gateway, Chesterfield Waterside, The Glass Yard and PEAK.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “Celebrate Chesterfield 2020 is particularly significant, not least it recognises the tenth anniversary of Destination Chesterfield, but it is an opportunity to look back over the last decade and see all that the town has achieved in terms of investment.”

“It is something we all should be proud of given the climate of political and economic uncertainty, which has surrounded the town since Destination Chesterfield was established in 2010. A positive mindset coupled with a collaborative approach across the public and private sector has led to substantial investment and development in the Chesterfield. We have created an excellent foundation for further growth and investment.”

In addition to establishing a Head Office, Talgo also has ambitions to develop an ‘Innovation Centre’, co-located with Barrow Hill Roundhouse. In addition to HS2, Talgo is central to Chesterfield’s ambition to become a hub for rail technology and development.

At the event Mr Bowen will update delegates on the Council’s plans for the train station following the announcement that Chesterfield will get an HS2 stop.

Paula Holt, Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Derby, added: “We are delighted to be working with Destination Chesterfield and supporting the Celebrate Chesterfield event again this year.”

“As Derbyshire’s only university, we look to use our academic expertise, research and innovation to foster talent and create impactful partnerships with businesses.”

“The Celebrate Chesterfield event provides a great opportunity for us to have valuable conversations that enable us to understand more about the challenges local businesses face. Our priority remains to understand and effectively service the needs of businesses and to create opportunities for individuals, employers and communities to develop and flourish.”

Bridge Help, Central Technology and Markham Vale – Derbyshire’s flagship regeneration scheme, are also supporting the breakfast event as associate sponsors.

Anthony Clitheroe, Director at HBD, development partner for the Markham Vale site commented: “The past 10 years at Markham Vale has seen a transformation of this site. Alongside our partnership with Derbyshire County Council, we are proud of the changes, both locally and further afield, this development has made to the region.

“The scheme has seen continued growth as several developments completed towards the end of last year. We’re now looking forward to other opportunities that will see us bring some fantastic new occupiers to the Markham Vale site.”

Ian Snow, Managing Director at Central Technology said: “Supporting Destination Chesterfield is of great importance to us here at Central Technology. This event has always been the perfect place to meet and work with like-minded organisations and helps put Chesterfield on the map as a great location to both work and live.”

“To continue to provide the best IT support and Disaster Recovery Service and Solutions across all sectors of business, we work hard to actively seek local talented people. We have a comprehensive internal training and development platform to ensure continual training and improvement is maintained throughout our teams. We also have an apprenticeship programme in place, which works to build our teams from the ground up. Training and development is of paramount importance at CT, It is crucial not only for our customers but also the team here that they are able to learn, develop and achieve qualifications to reach their potential. We look forward to supporting Destination Chesterfield in 2020 and beyond.”

Chris Sellars, Chief Executive of Bridge Help added: “We are delighted to support both Destination Chesterfield and the Celebrate Chesterfield event. Commercial developments can often take a significant amount of time to come to fruition and you can overlook the progress that has been made. this event is an excellent opportunity to both recap on what has been achieved over the last 10 years and learn about forthcoming developments and investment in the town.”

Tickets for the breakfast event, which is being held from 7:30am to 11:00am, and includes an exhibition with 30 businesses, are available to book now.

To book your ticket at the event or an exhibition stand, please click here.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Featured, Home, Made in Chesterfield

Eckington School’s aspiring engineers discover career opportunities

With 14,000 students in north Derbyshire set to leave school in the next five years, aspiring engineers from Eckington School recently got to see first-hand the apprentice and employment opportunities open to them in the STEM sector.

Five Year 11 GCSE students from the school recently visited the award-winning Penny Hydraulics. The company design, manufacturers and installs hydraulic lifting equipment and is keen to attract the next generation of workers to its Clowne-based facility.

The visit was organised as part of the Made in Chesterfield initiative which is designed to introduce young people to careers opportunities in the town’s STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) sector.

Launched in 2015, Made in Chesterfield has already been instrumental in raising awareness of careers in the sector, reaching 3,000 students since the campaign began.

Having apprenticeship vacancies available at a range of levels Daniel Casey, Marketing Manager at Penny Hydraulics explained why building links with schools is important for the company, saying: “Supporting local initiatives like Made in Chesterfield helps Penny Hydraulics to inspire the next generation of workers from the local community.

“By bringing students from local schools to our premises we can give young people a valuable insight into a career in engineering or manufacturing – hopefully enough to inspire them to pursue a career with us and other STEM companies in the area.”

Sally-Anne Warren-Armes, Employer Engagement Manager at Eckington School echoed Daniel, saying: “Our specially selected students were already interested in a career in engineering and the visit to Penny Hydraulics strengthened these interests, giving them new avenues to think about.”

James Peters, one of the students who took part in the visit, commented: “The visit has definitely shown that there are both physical and academic sides to engineering.”

All primary and secondary schools throughout North East Derbyshire are being encouraged to sign up to the Made in Chesterfield campaign and discover the employment opportunities in the sector available to current and future school leavers. Employers in the sector are offering school leavers a variety of opportunities, including apprenticeships, degree apprenticeships and graduate training schemes.

The campaign is co-ordinated by Destination Chesterfield with support from the University of Derby, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd, NatWest, Chesterfield Borough Council and Placing Futures.

To find out more about Made in Chesterfield and discover how your school or business can get involved, please visit

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Pinewood Property Estates joins the FIA as exclusive members for Chesterfield and Mansfield

Graham Lock, Founder of the FIA, has revealed that Pinewood Property Estates has accepted his invitation to become the exclusive members for Chesterfield and Mansfield.

Graham Lock said: “I’m thrilled that Pinewood have joined our growing network of high calibre independent agents, they’re an award winning agency that puts the customer at the heart of everything they do, together with a fantastic internal culture. It’s not easy to gain FIA membership but this was a simple decision. Pinewood are clearly on top of their game and I can see a great future for them”.

Director Stacey Davies-Bowler said: “We’re delighted to have been asked to join the FIA, it’s a reflection of our continued progress as an award-winning, customer focused agency. The support, guidance, discounts, products suite and general feeling of being part of something special really appealed to me. The area exclusivity afforded to us will be a significant benefit to the team.”

Graham Lock continued “As soon as I spoke with Stacey I realised Pinewood were the right fit for the FIA. They will compliment our other members perfectly as we continue to build our eyecatching network of high calibre agents throughout the country. I’m really looking forward to seeing Pinewood continue to grow their business and we’re delighted to be a part of that story.”

In 2019, Pinewood Property Estates picked up 4 Golds and 1 Bronze at the prestigious ESTAS Customer Service Awards.

Click here to find out more about Pinewood Property Estates

Pinewood Property Estates wins awards at The ESTAS

Pinewood Property Estates wins at The ESTAS

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Nominations now open for East Midlands Chamber Business Awards 2020

The annual search to find, recognise and celebrate the region’s leading businesses – and the contribution they make across the thriving economy and communities – has begun.

The East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) Business Awards are unique, proudly led by business from start to finish and recognised as a true badge of honour for finalists and winners.

What’s more, winning a Chamber Business Award is a gateway to both the regional and national British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Awards, meaning a single application could result in outstanding local, regional and national recognition.

Organisations can enter as many awards categories as they like, with the application process honed in recent years to become fully online for enhanced user experience and ease.

The award categories are varied and wide ranging, ensuring inclusivity and opportunity for businesses of all sizes and sectors from across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.

Categories for 2020 include Apprentice of the year; Business Improvement Through Technology; Commitment to People Development; Community Impact; Education and Business Partnership; Entrepreneur of the Year; Excellence in Customer Service; Excellence in International Trade; Manufacturer of the Year; Outstanding Growth and Small Business of the Year.

There is also a new category for 2020, the Environmental Impact Award, while one of the category winners will scoop the Business of the Year Award, sponsored by Mazars, one of Europe’s largest accounting firms and headline sponsor of the Chamber’s awards programme.

Scott Knowles, the Chamber’s Chief Executive, said: “Every year there is a real buzz as we launch our Business Awards. Our businesses work incredibly hard and as the region’s leading business representation organisation it is only right that we acknowledge and reward their efforts.”

“The benefits of entering awards are wide-ranging and profound; it’s win-win at every level. Our awards programme is among the most contested and prestigious around with all categories judged by business peers, ensuring a degree of validation and industry recognition difficult to find elsewhere.”

Jon Parker, Managing Director of ITP, a 2019 Business of the Year winner, added: “We entered the Chamber’s Business Awards because we’re proud of what we’re doing, and this was a great opportunity to showcase our work.”

“It was incredible to win. Every day we aim to make the world around us a better place, so to gain recognition through such a prestigious award is fantastic.”

The deadline for entries is midnight on Friday 15 May. For further details and to download county-specific application forms visit

The Chamber will host gala dinners in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire in the autumn at which the awards will be presented.

Winners of specific awards from each county will then go forward to the BCC regional awards for a chance to compete for a national accolade.

Bloc Digital won the East Midlands Chamber Derbyshire Business of the Year Award 2019

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Destination Chesterfield

Derbyshire producers offered exciting opportunity to exhibit at Chatsworth Country Fair

Derbyshire producers will get a chance to showcase and sell their products to thousands of visitors at Chatsworth Country Fair this summer thanks to an exciting opportunity offered by the area’s official tourist board.

For the third year running, Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire (MPDD) is inviting local artisans to apply for a place in the Inspired by the Peak District and Derbyshire Marketplace at the major annual event, which attracts over 70,000 people from across the UK.

Held in the magnificent Chatsworth parkland, Chatsworth Country Fair (4 – 6 September 2020) showcases the best in traditional, British country pursuits with spectacular showground entertainment, quality trade stands and fun for all the family.

The opportunity is open to small-to-medium-sized businesses ranging from food and drink producers to artists and craftspeople, and is part financially supported by the MPDD-led European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project ‘Growing & Developing the Visitor Economy Within Derbyshire (Phase II)’.

Derbyshire-based businesses can apply for a place using the following link:

Applications are open until Friday 1st May 2020. Successful applicants will be notified in early June 2020. Stalls provided to successful applicants will be subject to a charge of £100 plus VAT per business.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said: “We’re excited to once again offer local businesses the fantastic opportunity to showcase their products and services at Chatsworth Country Fair via our ERDF project.”

“The event is the biggest and best of its kind in the country and our Inspired by the Peak District & Derbyshire Marketplace offers a unique platform for businesses to reach a potential audience of thousands of people from across the UK.”

“Thanks to our funding support, it’s a great chance for businesses to assess – with little financial risk – the effectiveness of exhibiting at a show such as this, with the hope that they attend under their own steam in future years. Good luck to everyone who applies!”

Val and Nigel Hufton of The Tasty Cakery exhibited in the Inspired by the Peak District & Derbyshire Marketplace last year. They said: “Attending Chatsworth Country Fair was a huge boost for our business. It was the best fair we had ever attended and we not only sold plenty of products, but we gained good exposure to the public and also valuable trade interest.”

“It provided us with a fantastic opportunity to sell our products at an event that we probably couldn’t have afforded to exhibit at in our own right. It was also great networking with other local producers and there was fantastic camaraderie!”

Click here to find out more about the Chatsworth Country Fair

Applications are open until Friday 1st May 2020

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ESS staff to take on the Peak District Challenge in aid of the British Heart Foundation

ESS team members Dave Newton and John Wright are taking part in the 100km-long Peak District Challenge in aid of the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

1 in 4 people in the UK die of heart and circulatory diseases. The BHF use their resources to research treatments and support those suffering from these life changing conditions. Through their help, the number of people dying from heart disease has halved since 2005 but more can still be done.

This is a very personal cause for Dave in particular. Dave sadly lost his brother, Jono, to Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (S.A.D.S) last year. S.A.D.S is a genetic condition which can cause sudden death to people who are otherwise perfectly healthy.

Jono was incredibly fit and healthy, working as a professional bodybuilder and personal trainer. Without any prior warning, he died in his sleep, leaving behind his partner and two children. There are many unanswered questions about S.A.D.S and additional funding to find causes and cures are desperately needed. Dave and John hope that their efforts can raise further awareness and resources to this end.

The Peak District Challenge, starting on 4th July, consists of a tough 100km (61 miles) route through the Derbyshire hills. Dave and John will be completing a full continuous figure-of-8-loop through the peaks without stopping for sleep. They will start at their Bakewell base camp at 7am and won’t stop until they have crossed the finish line.

They are already well on their way to their £1,000 each fundraising target and every small contribution can make a difference. Just £24 is enough to pay for 2 hours of research. You can donate to Dave & John’s JustGiving pages via the links below.

Click here to find out more about Essential Site Skills

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D2N2 launches call for funding

The D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is opening a call for new projects from D2N2’s Local Growth Fund allocation.

The Local Growth Fund is a Government Fund awarded to each LEP area to support economic growth in every region. D2N2 has an allocation of just over £250M which has been invested in projects since 2015 to unlock new jobs, housing and support skills development.

As the fund is coming to the end of the programme, D2N2 is looking to invite potential new projects that are ready to be delivered in the last year of the programme before March 2021 to utilise any remaining funds, that can support the objectives for a stronger, more productive and inclusive region.

The LEP is inviting organisations to put forward their proposals for capital projects that support the economic objectives for the region as set out in the Strategic Economic Plan and emerging Local Industrial Strategy. This can include projects such as facilities to support innovation, managed or incubation workspace for new and growing businesses, infrastructure to unlock new housing and employment sites including transport, and skills capital to support learners.

Sajeeda Rose, CEO of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said: “We are looking for projects that are ready to go that will facilitate new jobs and opportunities for local people and businesses and contribute towards the growth of the regional economy.”

“These projects will help us to drive forward our shared growth agenda, delivering economic growth and regenerating and revitalising our communities.”

Projects that have previously received Local Growth funding through the LEP include city and town centre regeneration projects, road and rail improvements, flood defences, training facilities, and development sites.

For more information and further details on how to apply to the pipeline call, visit the D2N2 LEP website here.

The deadline for responses is Midday on the 2nd of March 2020.

Over 200 delegates attended the 2019 D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Annual Conference in November.

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