Destination Chesterfield

Budget hopes from Chesterfield businesses

The town’s first Round Table, organised by Destination Chesterfield in partnership with the Derbyshire Times, took place last week ahead of Chancellor George Osborne’s budget on the 19th March.

Bringing together key figures from Chesterfield’s business community, and chaired by Chesterfield College principal Trevor Clay, the Round Table was designed to provoke debate and highlight issues which everyone can work together to change for the benefit of the town. And it didn’t disappoint.

The panel included:

Chris Hobson– Head of Policy and Representation at Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce

Andrew McDaid – Partner, Mitchells Accountants

Sarah Rowland– Director, BRM Solicitors

Trevor Clay – Principal,ChesterfieldCollege

Anne Batty – Director, Paperclip Admin

Steve Allen – Business Development Manager, Henry Boot Construction

Peter Swallow – Director, Bosterstone PLC and Chair of DestinationChesterfield

Stuart Downham – Operations Director, Casa Hotel

Richard Thompson, Director, Central Technologies

With warnings from George Osborne that the economic plan is working but the job is not done and the budget would leave many of us dealing with hard truths, the Round Table speculated on what they wanted George Osborne to deliver in his budget.

Unanimously the panel agreed that government policies need to have a more regional focus.

Peter Swallow: “Most government policies seem to be based on London. It needs to differentiate between what’s happing within the M25 and outside it – it’s a very different picture. I maintain we need a Bureau de Change at a Watford Gap.”

Chris Hobson: “We would like the Treasury put its money where its mouth is and balance the economy away from the South East.”

The panel were united in their belief that energy costs need to be reduced in order to stimulate growth.

Steve Allen: “Overheads and wages are static, yet the cost of materials and energy is going up.”

Pete Swallow: “The country either needs an energy policy or to depoliticise the energy sector.”

With 40% of the panel currently recruiting staff, a large proportion of the Round Table discussion focussed on the creation of jobs in the area through schools and businesses working more closely.

The panel also addressed a number of issues they felt were key to stimulating and growing Chesterfield’s economy, namely Business Rates, hospitality VAT and encouraging entrepreneurs.

Reduction in hospitality VAT

Although there are many encouraging signs that the economy is starting to recover, the hospitality industry is a good marker. To further stimulate the economy the group advocated a reduction in hospitality VAT, to generate overseas interest as well as stimulate staycations, ultimately creating jobs in the town’s hospitality sector.

Stuart Downham: “We are already starting to see an uplift in average spend; simple things like people ordering Champagne rather than Cava or canapés on arrival –these are all early signs that the hospitality industry inChesterfieldis on the up.”

Chris Hobson: “The hospitality industry tends to lag behind in recovery as people feel it in their pockets and therefore cut back on luxury.”

Stuart Downham: “The UK is one of the lowest ranking countries in world tourism, yet it generates 9% of our GDP. A reduction in hospitality VAT would probably be cost neutral for the government because of the additional tourism it would bring into the country. WithChesterfieldbeing located on the edge of the Peak District, and a popular holiday destination, this can only benefit Chesterfield’s hospitality industry.”

Reviewing Business Rates

With two developers around the table, the talk soon turned to business rates, specifically how business rates are killing high street stores who are already battling internet retailers, as well as stifling the construction instruction industry.

With the last review of business rates being in 1998, some companies are now paying more rates than rent.  Richard Thompson cited his company as an example of this and agreed there needed to be a full review.

Peter Swallow: “Retailers are paying high street rates based on footfall, where as internet retailers are dispatching from a warehouse which attracts very different, much lower rates. Fundamentally this has got to change.”

Chris Hobson: “Although small concessions were given to retailers in the autumn statement, they didn’t go far enough and it’s a campaign DNCC will keep pushing.”

Steve Allen: “Being faced with the expense of empty rates makes it difficult to speculatively build which decreases job opportunities.”

Creating jobs

This subject provoked much debate around the table, with the consensus being that the government needed to stimulate youth employment, making it easier for companies to employ under 21s.

Chris Hobson: “DNCC is calling for the extension of the employment grant from 16 – 17. We want there to be bridging money until 2017 when employers’ National Insurance contributions for under 21s are abolished. This would encourage companies to employ now.”

Peter Swallow: “Creating 1000 extra jobs is difficult unless the education system reassesses how it values vocational qualifications. Schools are marked down for creating vocational courses and as a result don’t offer or encourage them.”

Steve Allen: “There is a huge skills shortage in construction. It is not promoted as a career in schools, which results in a lack of job candidates.”

Peter Swallow: “Engineering and construction are seen as dirty jobs. We need to get kids into these environments to show them this isn’t the case.”

Anne Batty: “Often schools are not giving kids the option to do vocational qualifications.”

Chris Hobson: “DNCC welcomed Nick Clegg’s statement that we need to get rid of snobbery around vocational education.”

Peter Swallow: “To encourage more young people to enter the trades, apprenticeships should be renamed ‘vocational degrees’, to overcome any perceived stigma.”

Trevor Clay: “Apprenticeships used to be craft based. College delivers 35 apprenticeships across a range of sectors. It’s now a generic brand. Does this mean apprenticeships have been devalued?”

Chris Hobson: “Apprenticeships need to be seen as a real option as a route into a profession.”

Peter Swallow: “The government should allocate funds to developing relationships between schools and businesses.”

Anne Batty: “Beyond encouraging young people to choose vocational courses, the money could be invested in developing youngsters’ social skills. Social skills are things we take for granted, but more and more young people are entering the job market with no work ethic and poor social skills which severely limits their job opportunities. These are every bit as important as qualifications in securing a job.”

Stuart Downham: “We need a more formal approach for businesses and schools to engage.”

Trevor Clay: “Increasing engagement with schools is something the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is working to do.”

Peter Swallow: “We need additional incentives and ongoing continuation of existing incentives to encourage employers to take on vocational apprentices to plug the skills gap. Fundamentally the messaging on apprenticeships needs to be changed. It’s not just about the money but the benefits they bring to the economy.”

Encourage Entrepreneurs

Chesterfieldis a vibrant town with a thriving SME economy. It is this economy model that has secured its future during the economic downturn due to the very factChesterfield doesn’t have a single large public or private employer. The wealth of SMEs in the town has enable dChesterfield to thrive rather than decline.

Peter Swallow: “Chesterfieldis a great place to have a business. It’s cost effective, flexible and affordable, and fantastically well located and offers a great standard of living.”

Anne Batty: “We need to continue putting Chesterfield on the map for investors and entrepreneurs. We have a strong business community that is good at supporting each other.”

Peter Swallow: “Having a Broadband system that works would encourage more business start-ups and investors to come to the region. Currently we have the worst in Europe. This would do more for the region than HS2.

Richard Thompson: “Connectivity is always possible but at what price? Central government needs to incentivise it. We need it now. The way we will use it will change and the connectivity we eventually gain could be outdated before we start to use it.”

Andrew McDaid: “We should encourage entrepreneurship and business start-ups. SMEs are the foundation of Chesterfield. Entrepreneurship should be encouraged a schools in lessons about cash management for example.”

Anne Batty: “Lots of business start-ups come from a forced situation, i.e. redundancy, and there is little or no support for them. That’s why I love the foundation of the Chesterfield Champions’ and how we are here to help each other.”

Steve Allen: “There needs to be more emphasis on local procurement, specifically local labour and suppliers. Currently we just pay lip service to it. We should also make it easier for companies to take on self-employed people on a permanent basis in order to give them the experience and self-confidence to start their own business properly – a sort of try before you buy approach. Currently companies we must tax self-employed people at source if they only work for one company.”

Peter Swallow: “Most entrepreneurs turn to banks for finance and advice because they don’t know where else to go. The Government should get more information into banks.”

Andrew McDaid: “I am pleased to get the sense that banks are getting back on track now and going back to basics. They are providing help rather than selling and bank managers and getting to know their clients. Now that banks have the fundamentals back in place, this should stimulate growth.”

Richard Thompson: “Banks are penalising small companies. My experience is that they are not interested in lending unless directors sign a personal guarantee for a direct debit scheme; something which we have had place in years. This is only been done to SMEs and the government needs to intervene.”

Chris Hobson: “There are more alternatives for finance but the processes small businesses have to go through to access finance are horrendous. Banks lost money on commercial property investment in London and overseas and we are paying for that.”

Sarah Rowland: “There is more to starting a business than financial advice. Legal advice is of equal importance and we can help with form filling for grant applications.”

Peter Swallow: “There is low awareness of the LEP, particularly in smaller companies and how they go about accessing grants.”

Andrew McDaid: “For whatever reason there aren’t many applicants for Regional Growth Fund. It’s usually only 6 – 8 weeks from the original submission to it being approved and the cash going out.”

Peter Swallow: “The form filling associated with many grant applications is too rigid. A lot of good ideas don’t fit. We should give the mandate back to entrepreneurs.”

Chris Hobson: “When you’re filling in grant applications, keep it simple. Don’t respond by creating five new initiatives. And make sure you deliver it.”

Peter Swallow: “The government needs to free up the funds and cut red tape, professional fees and admin for accessing money, this puts people off applying.”

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Business, Destination Chesterfield

Businesses invited to celebrate the town’s success at free breakfast event

Local businesses are invited to share in the success of the town’s inward investment campaign, Destination Chesterfield, at the Proact Stadium on Wednesday 19th March from 7.30am – 10.30am.

Spaces are limited and businesses are being urged to register now after nearly 200 people attended last year’s event.

The free breakfast event, which is aptly named ‘Celebrate Chesterfield,’ will look back over the campaign’s success during the last 12 months as well as announce plans for the forthcoming year.

Speakers at the event include Cheryle Rolfe of Staveley-based family engineering firm, DC Rolfe, which recently secured a business growth grant to secure the future of the company for a third generation.  Andy Dukelow, Managing Director of Franke Sissons, which is one of the latest business to sign up to the Chesterfield Champions scheme, will also present at the event.

There will also be a Question Time Panel including Cllr John Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, George Cowcher, Group Chief Executive of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce, Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, Trevor Clay, Principal at Chesterfield College and Graeme Huston, Editor of the Derbyshire Times.

Destination Chesterfield was established in 2010 during which time it has engaged the business community as Chesterfield Champions, in actively supporting the marketing of the town and driving investment and bringing it to the attention of national investors.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “The engagement of the local business community has been instrumental in the tremendous success of Destination Chesterfield during the last three and a half years. To ensure ongoing success it is important such businesses are aware of the difference they have made and share in the achievements of the town and its commerce. They will also receive important updates at the event on Destination Chesterfield’s plans and the regeneration sites across Chesterfield. I would urge as many local businesses to attend.”

The campaign, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, has secured funding until 2015.  Peter Swallow added: “I am very much looking forward to the event. The town has achieved so much since Destination Chesterfield was launched, not least on-going investment, and the jobs it has brought with it. We have more than 140 Chesterfield Champions who are committed to making the area a great place to live, work and invest now and beyond 2015.”

Celebrate Chesterfield is free to attend however spaces are limited and places should be confirmed online by Friday 14th March

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

Representation of districts and boroughs on D2N2 LEP board is an ‘important step forward’

John Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chairman of Destination Chesterfield, believes representation of boroughs and district councils on the board of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership is an important step forward.

Councillor Burrows has been appointed as the representative for all Derbyshire district and borough councils on the board, while Newark and Sherwood leader Councillor Roger Blaney is the voice for Nottinghamshire’s districts and boroughs.

Councillor Burrows said: “It is an important step forward for all district and borough councils in Derbyshire to have our importance to economic regeneration recognised properly by having a seat at the table. Our role is just as important as that of local businesses if we are to improve the economies of our local communities.

“All the district and borough councils are keen to see a holistic approach being taken on economic regeneration and transport issues and I will be seeking to bring them together in the economic strategy that D2N2 is producing.

“I was unanimously elected by the other district and borough councils and to ensure I am representing all their views, from whatever political persuasion, I am meeting with all the chief executives and leaders to find out their priorities and needs.

“I will use this, along with my own experience of regeneration issues in Chesterfield, to make a contribution to the wider strategy and actions being delivered by the Local Enterprise Partnership.”

Councillor Burrows and Councillor Blaney give the districts and boroughs a strong voice, sitting alongside the leaders of Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council on the 15-strong board.

D2N2 Chief Executive David Ralph said: “Representation from the districts and boroughs is very important as they bring a wealth of local knowledge of their area as well as planning and housing. Their engagement with the LEP will particularly help to deliver sustainable jobs.

“Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire is a vast and diverse patch so the experience and expertise the boroughs and districts can bring to D2N2, especially at board level through Councillor Burrows and Councillor Blaney, strengthens us as a Local Enterprise Partnership in driving forward economic growth in our area.”

Photo: John Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chairman of Destination Chesterfield with David Ralph, D2N2 Chief Executive.

Source:D2N2 LEP

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

Minister backs D2N2’s Skills for Growth Strategy launched at Champions Breakfast

D2N2 – the Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire – launched its Skills for Growth Strategy yesterday.

And the plan was welcomed by Matthew Hancock MP, the Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise, backing the commitment of the Local Enterprise Partnership for putting skills at the forefront of its agenda.

D2N2 Chief Executive David Ralph outlined the initial plans at a special Chesterfield Champions event hosted by Destination Chesterfield at Chesterfield College’s Heartspace building on Infirmary Road.

Mr Ralph said: “Business consistently identifies skills as their number one barrier to growth and for that reason alone skills is one of the key cornerstones of our Growth Strategy – to deliver 55,000 jobs over the next ten years.

“We have to recognise that for there to be a step change in skills, outcomes will not be delivered through any magic bullet but with a relentless pursuit of excellence. Fundamentally, and in D2N2’s view, placing employability and the needs of employers across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire at the forefront of our Skills for Growth Strategy is key.

“If we are serious about economic growth then we need to be serious about positioning delivery to support employers.

“Under the localism agenda, success is in our hands. Raising aspirations comes best from local champions and best practice and it will be the delivery of local collaboration, energy and excellence which makes the lasting difference.”

Matthew Hancock MP, the Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise, welcomed D2N2’s Skills for Growth Strategy.

He said: “I welcome the launch of D2N2’s skills plan. There is a clear commitment to driving up apprenticeship opportunities and to working with employers, colleges and training providers to prioritise the skills needs of business now and for the future.

“The next stage must be to turn the plan into action, and for the benefits to be felt by employers and learners on the ground.”
The Strategy outlines six key skills priorities. They are:

• Develop sector growth agreements to make explicit ownership and shared responsibilities for investment, ICT, labour market intelligence and impact measures.

• Improve business leadership, management skills and training needs analysis to help increase productivity and performance.

• Promote and develop apprenticeships and traineeships to achieve higher-level skills and improve social mobility.

• Foster enterprise and the characteristics of entrepreneurial behaviour, career adaptability and resilience.

• Raise the visibility of and access to career insights and specialist careers support for young people and adults to raise aspirations, participation, retention and achievement in learning and work.

• Promote graduate recruitment and facilitate graduate retention in the region.

To download the Skills for Growth summary or full document, go


Posted in Business, Destination Chesterfield

Chesterfield’s best in food and drink named at awards ceremony

Chesterfield’s very best food and drink establishments and producers were honoured at glittering awards ceremony hosted by TV chef and presenter Ainsley Harriott on Wednesday 30th October.

10 business and individuals across 11 categories were named as Chesterfield’s finest at the sell-out awards ceremony held at Chesterfield College’s Heart Space Building.

On the night, Calabria restaurant, based on Glumangate took three of the titles including the prestigious Chef of the Year award which went to Nicholas McNerney.

The Town’s first ever Food and Drink Awards were organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with Chesterfield College. More than 50 nominations were received across 11 categories and only 16 businesses and six individuals shortlisted for the awards.


Café / Tea Room Of The Year – sponsored by NatWest

Stephensons Coffee & Tea House


Gastro Pub Of The Year – sponsored by Jumble Design

Barca Bar at Casa Hotel


Young Chef of the Year – sponsored by Banner Jones

Ryan Lee – Peak Edge Hotel


Pub/Bar of the Year – sponsored by In the Works PR

Tramway Tavern


Chesterfield’s Best Newcomer – sponsored by Chesterfield Borough Council

The Andalusian


Best Customer Service – sponsored by Franke



Chesterfield Producer of the Year – sponsored by Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce

Teresa Lambarelli’s


Chef of the Year – sponsored by Redbrik

Nicholas McNerney –Calabria


Chesterfield Food Hero

  1. Ayres Fruit & Veg


Restaurant of the Year – sponsored by Mr Sparkles



Best Out of Town – sponsored by Northern Tea Merchants

Peak Edge Hotel


Destination Chesterfield Manager, Dominic Stevens said: “The inaugural Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards was a resounding success thanks to the support of town’s hospitality sector, Champions, sponsors and everyone who nominated.  I am thrilled we have delivered what Chesterfield requested –recognition for its thriving food and drink economy.


Images from the event


Video by Derbyshire Times from the event


Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

Final finalists announced for Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards

Nine more finalists have been announced across three categories in Destination Chesterfield’s inaugural Food and Drink Awards. They now join a line-up of 17 businesses and organisations who are competing for a total of 11 titles.

The announcement of the finalists across the Local food producer / grower/ manufacturer and Chef and Young Chef of the Year categories completes the line up ahead of the sell-out awards ceremony on 30th October, hosted by TV chef Ainsley Harriott at Chesterfield College’s Heartspace Building.

On the night nine contenders will battle it out across the following categories:

Local food producer / grower/ manufacturer within 10 miles of ChesterfieldSponsored by Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce

  • The Gingerbread Boy
  • Teresa Lambarelli’s
  • Vintage Rose Catering

Young Chef of the Year – Sponsored by Banner Jones

  • Ryan Lee – Peak Edge Hotel
  • Adam Warwick – Blu Bistro
  • Abbie Canning –Chesterfield College

Chef of the Year – Sponsored by Redbrik

  • Tracey Goostry – The Market Pub
  • Raju Murad – Indian Blues
  • Nicholas McNerney –Calabria

As part of the competition the shortlisted chefs had to take part in a Master Chef style cook-off, which was held at Coughlans Cookery School on the 21st October. Each chef was tasked with creating and cooking two dishes, which were sampled and scored by a panel of judges.

As part of the challenge the chefs had to use ingredients from Chesterfield based MSK Ingredients’ molecular range in each of their dishes.  MSK Ingredients supplies its specialist ingredients, molecular gastronomy tools and training to hotels and restaurants throughout theUK, including Heston Blumenthal’s three-Michelin starred restaurant The Fat Duck in Bray,West Berkshire.

Ryan Lee (18), Chef du Partie at Peak Edge Hotel in Stanedge and a former pupil of Dronfield Henry Fanshaw School, was nominated for the award by his Head Chef. He said: “I was a bit surprised to hear I’d been shortlisted. I love cooking and being creative with food. It’s a great way to express myself.”

Tracey Goostry from Clay Cross, who has been Head Chef at The Market Pub in Chesterfield for 10 years, said: “I love my job. It’s everything.  Above all, I want to enjoy the competition. Winning would be a bonus.”

To follow Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards on Twitter use the hashtag #CFDA13.

For more information about Destination Chesterfield’s inaugural Food and Drink awards visit

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Destination Chesterfield

New report shows Chesterfield bucks north south divide on shop vacancy rates

Destination Chesterfield has welcomed news that the town has maintained its top 10 position in The Local Data Company’s latest report on shop vacancy rates. It is one of only three towns north of the ‘Watford Gap’ that are listed in the report’s top 25 best performing centres with the least vacant shops.

The report, which analyses over 1,900 town centres, shopping centres and retail parks visited in the first half of 2013, ranks Chesterfield 8th in the large centres category.

Figures also show that Chesterfield’s shop vacancy rate has fallen from 8.7% in 2012 to 7.7% in 2013, placing it above the large affluent tourist town of Windsor (9.1%) in the south. The average vacancy rate of towns in the large centres category currently stands at 13.5%. Further welcome news includes the fact that the East Midlands has shown the greatest improvement at -0.4%.

Matthew Hopkinson, director at the Local Data Company commented: “Chesterfield is performing well as a town with the vacancy rate nearly halving to 7.7% since its peak in 2010.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield,said: “The report is hugely encouraging, confirming our belief that Chesterfield’s retail sector is expanding rapidly. In the last two years many major high street names, including Debenhams and TK Maxx, have chosen to invest in Chesterfield further strengthening our retail offer.  The town’s mix of independent and high street retailers and excellent location, coupled with good transport links and the growing property market, ensure footfall from local shoppers and those outside the area, helping make the town a go-to destination.”

George Cowcher, Chief Executive of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce, added: “Chesterfield has got it right in terms of its overall retail mix, which means it can offer something to every type of shopper. It has a popular market and some interesting and unique independent shops and boutique stores, as well as some big name national retail brands which help drive footfall into the town centre.

“Further developments due to come on stream later this year and beyond will help Chesterfield to continue to buck the national trend and attract even more investment into the local retail sector.”

In recent years Chesterfield has invested heavily in the town’s retail offering, helping it attract inward investment from large high street names as well as fledgling businesses. Its historic Market Hall is undergoing a £4 million redevelopment. Opening in October, the market hall will provide 45 internal and external retail units, 22 offices, a central café/coffee shop and conference facilities. In November 2013 the town will welcome Hobbycraft and Asda Living. In October 2011 Debenhams opened a full range department store in the town with Rob Hadfield, Head of Property at Debenhams commenting: “We have long felt Chesterfield is an exciting destination for a potential Debenhams store.”

Since launching the town’s marketing campaign in September 2010, against the backdrop of a cool financial climate, Chesterfield has shown growth across the board and bucked the national trend for declining high streets with unemployment decreasing by 0.5% during this time.

Councillor John Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “We could have chosen to bunker down and ride out the recession, but we didn’t. We chose to forge ahead with our marketing plans and this shows in the recent retail figures.

“The results also demonstrate that the pro-active work we are doing with the town’s businesses is paying dividends. I’m pleased with the progress we have made but I believe there is more to come if we continue to work hard on delivering the right climate for business growth.”

The investment in Chesterfield as well as its buoyant housing market is a key attraction to retailers choosing to invest in the town, as it has increased local footfall as well as providing a ready pool of employees.

Funding for Destination Chesterfield has been secured from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Chesterfield Borough Council and the local business community until December 2015, ensuring the marketing campaign’s on-going success.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

Nominations open: Help uncover Chesterfield’s best in food and drink

‘You have to be in it to win it;’ that’s the message from Destination Chesterfield, organiser of the town’s inaugural Food and Drink Awards.

Arranged in association with Chesterfield College, with support from the town’s business community, the awards are designed to discover the very best Chesterfield has to offer. Nominations are now open across 11 categories to find Chesterfield’s best places to eat and drink. Categories include:

  • Restaurant of the Year – Sponsored by Mr Sparkles
  • Gastro Pub of the Year – Sponsored by Jumble Design
  • Café/Tea Room of the Year – Sponsored by NatWest
  • Customer Service – Sponsored by Franke
  • Chesterfield producer of the Year – Sponsored by Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce
  • Pub of the Year (sponsor to be confirmed)
  • Best Newcomer – Sponsored by Chesterfield Borough Council
  • Best out of Town – Sponsored by Northern Tea Merchants
  • Young Chef of the Year – Sponsored by Banner Jones Solicitors
  • Chef of the Year – Sponsored by Redbrik Estate Agents
  • Chesterfield Food Hero – Presented by Chesterfield College

Whether it’s the food, chef, customer service, drinks, or something you can’t quite put your finger on, Destination Chesterfield wants to know why your favourite eatery or pub gets your business.

Nominations close at midnight on Wednesday 11th September, after which the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards’ panel of secret judges will shortlist three finalists in each category and visit these establishments to rate them against set criteria.

As well as established chefs, the awards are also looking to uncover Chesterfield’s aspiring talent with a Young Chef of the Year award, culminating in a cook off to decide the winner.

With hundreds of restaurants, bars, cafes, take-aways, food producers and pubs in the town, Destination Chesterfield is anticipating a barrage of entries. The winners will be announced at a glittering awards evening at Chesterfield College on 30th October.

People can find nomination forms in eating and drinking establishments throughout the town, or fill in the form online at

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Destination Chesterfield

25 new Ambassadors all set for summer in Chesterfield

Chesterfield has recruited 25 more willing volunteers to sing the praises of the town, bringing the total of ‘ambassadors’ to 125. The volunteers joined the town’s Ambassador Scheme ahead of the influx of tourists over the summer.

The new ambassadors include frontline staff from the town’s businesses, including restaurants, museums, banks and Chesterfield Borough council employees. They join local residents, traffic wardens and sales assistants to name but a few, who have previously signed up to the voluntary, unpaid scheme.

Chesterfield Ambassadors is the brainchild of the town’s marketing campaign Destination Chesterfield, and is designed to ensure that all visitors to the town have a great time here and leave with a positive impression.

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager explained: “We have marketed Chesterfielda as place to live, work and invest in during the last two years. Many businesses and people have chosen to locate here and this, coupled with an 11% increase in tourism, ensures that our Ambassadors play a vital role in helping market the town positively. The Ambassadors Scheme is about ensuring all visitors – whether tourists or here on business – leave with a positive opinion ofChesterfield and are excited, like we are, of our plans for the future.”

The latest ambassadors recently underwent training to ensure they were all equipped with the latest news, facts and figures about the town – from how many tiles are on the iconic church spire to information about the town’s regeneration plans alongside the importance of good customer service.  Ambassadors then receive regular updates about the town on events, developments and local news.

The two-hour training workshop took place at the Town Hall and was developed with Chesterfield Champion, Evolution Training. If you’re interested in becoming an ambassador, visit to find out more.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

First look at Chesterfield Market Hall for Chesterfield Champions

Today (Thursday 13th June) Chesterfield Champions received a sneak preview behind the scenes tour of Chesterfield Market Hall as part of Destination Chesterfield’s Inspired Investment Event.

Local businesses heard about the progress of the £1.5 million Community Stand being developed by Chesterfield Football Club Community Trust. The scheme will open in September 2013 and includes community facilities including soft play, gym, café and offices for community and charity organisations.

Mike Hayden from Chesterfield Borough Council updated on the major regeneration schemes in the town. Negotiations are still ongoing with potential anchor tenants for the Northern Gateway development. There is strong interest for Chesterfield Waterside on both the housing and commercial elements of the scheme and it is hoped work will start towards the end of the year.  Markham Vale continues attracting investment with Ready Egg building a new factory which will create 50 Jobs, over 200 jobs have been created on sit ein the past couple of years.

Matt Sorby from Kier updated on the progress of the market hall development which will open this October. He then led a behind the scenes tour of building for the Champions and the local media.

For behind the scenes images of the market hall visit

For the latest on regeneration schemes in Chesterfield

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

Skills on the agenda at Chesterfield Manufacturing and Engineering Forum

Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Engineering firms met this morning (5th June) to discuss skills and training at Destination Chesterfield’s latest Manufacturing forum.

The event at Calabria in Chesterfield included presentations from Alison Bettac the new training director for the AMRC Training Centre which opens this October.  They offer a full service for manufacturing businessess to recruit and train apprentices to meet the needs of their business.

Paul Stuart from Chesterfield Borough Council’s Innovation Support Project highlighted the business support that they can offer to local businesses to grow and their free seminar programme including an Operational Excellence Workshop on the 28th June.

Laura Hayfield from Sheffield City Council introduced Skills Made Easy part of the Sheffield City Region City Deal and the opportunities available for employers.

This forum was organised by Destination Chesterfield and sponsored by United Cast Bars Ltd and NatWest.

View the image gallery from the event

If you are a manufacturing and engineering firm in North Derbyshire and would like to be involved in future events email Dom Stevens

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

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