Destination Chesterfield

Chesterfield’s manufacturing and engineering companies invited to exclusive event at AMRC

Destination Chesterfield, the town’s marketing campaign, is offering Chesterfield and North Derbyshire’s manufacturing and engineering businesses the opportunity to become involved with The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing, a world-class centre for advanced machining and materials research for high-value manufacturing sectors.

Information on how to get involved, as well the latest funding and training opportunities across the region, will be presented by the campaign’s Manufacturing and Engineering Forum, which is holding its next event at the AMRC with Boeing in Catcliffe,Rotherham.

Only 15 places are available at the free event, which is being held on Thursday 2nd May at 9.30am and includes a tour of the world-class facility.

James Brand, Chair of the Manufacturing and Engineering Forum and also managing director of Chesterfieldmanufacturing company United Cast Bar, said: “The region’s manufacturing and engineering sector is an important part of Chesterfield’s heritage. Like any industry, we cannot afford to be complacent and we must be at the forefront of developments within it. The Forum gives companies a platform to share best practice as well as develop partnerships with industry-leading organisations, like AMRC, which will help ensure our presence remains inChesterfield for many more years to come.”

The Forum was established in 2011, to represent the views of the manufacturing and engineering sector inChesterfieldto ensure it is being represented withinChesterfield, SCR and D2n2LEP.

The AMRC was established in 2001 as a £15 million collaboration between theUniversityofSheffieldand aerospace giant Boeing, with support from Yorkshire Forward and the European Regional Development Fund.

The AMRC now forms the core of the University of Sheffield AMRC group, along with the Nuclear AMRC, which is applying the same collaborative research model to the civil nuclear manufacturing supply chain; Namtec, which provides training and consultancy to the UK metals manufacturing supply chain; the Knowledge Transfer Centre, which opened in early 2012 to help us engage businesses along the manufacturing supply chain; and the new AMRC Training Centre, which will provide advanced apprenticeship and higher training from autumn 2013.

To reserve a place email

For further information about Destination Chesterfield, or to become a Chesterfield Champion, visit

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

Businesses called on to support Town’s marketing campaign beyond 2015

Destination Chesterfield has called on businesses to take a more active role in supporting the Town’s marketing campaign as well as have a greater say in how it is promoted.

The appeal was made at the Celebrate Chesterfield event held at the Proact Stadium on Thursday 28th March, where more than 200 members of Chesterfield’s business community gathered to celebrate the success of the marketing campaign. At the event, Destination Chesterfield announced a number of future marketing initiatives showcasing the town’s retail, food and drink and manufacturing sectors as well as support for new businesses.

Chesterfield Champion Vittorio Risorto, owner of Calabria restaurant on Glumangate, welcomed the marketing initiatives for the town’s food and drink sector. He said: “Chesterfield’s restaurant culture is steadily growing, with an increasing range of places to eat as well as some excellent local breweries and bars. They play a critical role in the local economy. I welcome any marketing initiatives that will promote our food and drink sector, both within the town and further afield.”

Since Destination Chesterfield launched in September 2010 against the backdrop of a cool financial climate, the town has shown growth across the board and bucked the national trend for declining high streets.

Cllr John Burrows, Vice Chair of Destination Chesterfield, praised the town’s go-getting attitude to marketing itself in a tough financial climate, saying: “We could have chosen to bunker down and ride out the recession, but we didn’t. We chose to be proactive and forge ahead with our marketing plans and this shows in the recent employment, tourism and retail figures.”

Headline facts and figures about the town at the Celebrate Chesterfield event included:

·         Unemployment decreased by 0.5%

·         11% increase in jobs in the tourism sector

·         1000 jobs to be created on the town centre’s extension, the Northern Gateway site

·         £3.1m funding secured to start the first phases of residential and commercial development at Waterside

·         11% increase in tourism spend in the local economy

·         An additional £1/2 million spent in local economy as a direct result of the Christmas marketing campaign

·         100 new Ambassadors on board to ensure visitors to the town receive a warm welcome

·         More than 120 business have joined the Chesterfield Champions scheme

Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, welcomed the news commenting: “We’re still a challenged town and Borough; however the figures show that we are moving in the right direction. That is why Destination Chesterfield is so critical in actively communicating everything we have to offer to potential inward investors, whether it’s excellent transport links, a good choice of commercial property or a burgeoning local economy. By marketing what the town has to offer and supporting the businesses already here we can create stable, fulfilling employment opportunities.”

At the event Mr Bowen called on businesses to actively support the marketing campaign by becoming Chesterfield Champions. He said: “Our Chesterfield Champions scheme enables us to harness the confidence in our business sector and promote the positive news within it to a wider audience.”

With funding secured from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) until December 2015, Destination Chesterfield is keen to get as many businesses on board with its Champions scheme to ensure the marketing campaign’s on-going success.

The Chesterfield Champions scheme is open to all businesses and offers a number of benefits, including PR and marketing support and networking support. Companies interested in joining Destination Chesterfield’s Champions scheme should visit or contact Dominic Stevens on 01246 207207 or email


Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

Talk up our town on Twitter for national ‘Retweet for Towns Day’

Chesterfield’s very own marketing organisation, Destination Chesterfield, is asking local residents and businesses to talk-up their town on Twitter and tell the world what’s great about it on Thursday 21st March as part of national Retweet for Towns Day.

Last year 130 towns and cities across the UK took part in the inaugural Retweet for Towns Day. This year, Destination Chesterfield wants to get the town trending on Twitter and is calling on people to tweet what they love about Chesterfield, whether it’s living, working or shopping here, the town’s nightlife, football team or even our iconic crooked spire.

To get involved on the day simply tweet why you like Chesterfield, making sure you include the hashtags #rt4towns and #chesterfield in your tweets.

During the day there will be spot prizes given away, donated by Chesterfield Champions, celebrating the top Tweets.  Prizes include tickets to a Chesterfield FC game, a signed football, a meal at Calabria, a beautiful Patchwork cup from ceramicist Clare Gage, a hamper from Northern Tea Merchants, and Cricket Festival and theatre tickets.

Dominic Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager said: “Chesterfield has quite a Twitter following – there are more than 14,000 followers alone between Chesterfield FC, Chesterfield College and Destination Chesterfield.  Retweet for Towns Day is a great opportunity to bring everybody together to promote all that is great about where we live and work.

“Together we can put Chesterfield on the map for all the right reasons and encourage companies from outside the area to invest here and bring jobs with them.”

The Association of Town Centre Management (ATCM) is also supporting Retweet for Towns Day and is recommending that all members take advantage of the no cost, feel good day of promotion for towns and cities.

Shanaaz Carroll of ATCM said “We are pleased to be involved in #rt4townsagain this year as not enough is said about what is good about our towns and cities. Supporting the initiative via social media is an excellent way to bring some positivity back.”

During the day, and afterwards, all positive tweets, using the #rt4towns and#chesterfield hashtags will be hosted on Destination Chesterfield’s website as a permanent reminder of everything that is good about the town.

Visit to find out more about Retweet for Towns Day and the prizes which will be given away on the day.

Follow Destination Chesterfield on Twitter @chesterfieldUK

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

Businesses invited to celebrate town’s success at a special event

Local businesses are invited to celebrate the success of the town’s marketing organisation, Destination Chesterfield, and hear the exciting plans for the next three years at a special breakfast event being held at the Proact Stadium on Thursday 28th March from 8am – 10.30am.

‘Celebrate Chesterfield’ will outline the achievements of Destination Chesterfield since it was launched at the same venue back in October 2010.

Representatives from two of the area’s more recent success stories, Avoca Systems and Shorts Accountants, will be speaking at the Celebrate Chesterfield event.

Avoca Systems has recently secured a share of the regional growth fund for Sheffield City Region. At Celebrate Chesterfield, Avoca will be outlining its plans to create and safeguard jobs in the local area following the expansion of the company’s provision of exported products and services to theMiddle Easthealthcare market.

The Destination Chesterfield project recently secured further funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to enable it to continue until at least December 2015.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, said: I am very much looking forward to the event. The town has achieved so much since Destination Chesterfield was launched, not least on-going investment, and the jobs it has brought with it. We have more than 100 Chesterfield Champions who are businesses committed to making the area a great place to live, work and invest now and beyond 2015.”

Celebrate Chesterfieldis free to attend however spaces are limited and places should be confirmed online by Friday 22nd March




Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield holds first Manufacturing and Engineering Forum

Today (Thursday 10th January) Chesterfield businesses attended the first Chesterfield Manufacturing and Engineering Forum organised by Destination Chesterfield.

The event was hosted and chaired by James Brand, Managing Director of United Cast Bar Ltd and member of the Destination Chesterfield Board.  Attendees discussed the latest from their sector and how they can work collaboratively to grow their businesses.

There was also an update on the Regional Growth Fund, which is available to Chesterfield businesses from both Sheffield City Region and D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnerships to support businesses to grow and create new jobs.

James Brand said, “Since I have become involved with Destination Chesterfield I have been championing the importance of our sector to the town.  Through this forum I wanted to bring together the businesses to discuss their industry but to also provide information that can support their growth.   It was excellent that there was such a good turn out and discussion at the first event and I look forward to future forums.”

The next Chesterfield Manufacturing and Engineering Forum will take place in April.  if you are a Chesterfieldor North Derbyshire manufacturing or engineering business and would like to attend contact Dominic Stevens at Destination Chesterfield on 01246 207207 or email to find out more.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

A wonderful winner

Last month Destination Chesterfield and Crush Design invited children aged 11 and under to show off their artistic talents by colouring in our Father Christmas picture.  We are now able to announce our wonderful winner…a big congratulations to Lydia Nutt, aged 4, who clearly has a huge artistic talent!

Presenting a very pleased Lydia with £100 of art and craft materials, Crush Design commented, “We hope she will remember us when she is an internationally renowned designer.  More importantly, we hope she has loads of fun with her prize of creative fun and games.”

Thank you and well done to everyone who entered our competition – we received so many brilliant entries, which have been on display at Crush Design throughout the Christmas season.  We hope you all had lots of fun and a brilliant Christmas too.

Source:Destination Chesterfield/ Crush Design

Posted in About Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

Manufacturing the future of Chesterfield

A new forum for manufacturing and engineering businesses in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire is being launched.

The forum which is organised by Destination Chesterfield will be led by manufacturing and engineering businesses from across North Derbyshire acting as a voice for the sector and will be chaired by James Brand, Managing Director at United Cast Bar Ltd.

The first event takes place on Thursday 10th January at 08.30 at United Cast Bar Ltd and is open to any manufacturing or engineering business

This regular forum will give businesses of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire the opportunity to discuss the latest from their sector, to share best practice, and to work collaboratively to address issues and promote successes.

The first forum will also include an update on the latest phase of Regional Growth Funding that is available to Chesterfield businesses. Expressions of interest are now being accepted from businesses with new investment proposals that are seeking to be part of the Regional Growth Fund programme (for further information contact Matthew Southgate at Chesterfield Borough Council tel 01246 345272).

James Brand, Managing Director of United Cast Bars Ltd and Destination Chesterfield Board Member said “It is important that the manufacturing industry work together inNorth Derbyshireto ensure they have a collective voice and can influence and benefit from regional opportunities for business growth, funding and training. I am looking forward to working jointly to champion our sector inChesterfieldand beyond.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of DestinationChesterfieldsaid “The manufacturing sector is a priority sector for Destination Chesterfield – it is important to work with these businesses to promote their successes and support their growth”

Booking is required for this event and is open to any Chesterfield or North Derbyshire manufacturing or engineering company. to reserve a place.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Business, Destination Chesterfield

Chesterfield traders to benefit from £10k investment

Chesterfield has been successful in its bid for a £10k grant from the government for a Town Team Partner project. The bid, which was put forward by Destination Chesterfield and had the full support of the town’s MP, Toby Perkins and Chesterfield Borough Council was in response to the earlier unsuccessful bids for the Portas Pilot initiative.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said “This is excellent news for Chesterfield, the £10,000 funding will be added to £20,000 generated by the Chesterfield Champions scheme to launch ‘Incubation Street’, a new business start up scheme for Chesterfield. These are exactly the types of initiatives Destination Chesterfield and the Chesterfield Champions Scheme were set up for and we thank them all for their contributions which will go towards supporting the growth of the next generation of businesses in Chesterfield.”

The idea behind ‘Incubation Street’ project is to support and mentor new, independent traders, including market traders, to grow their business from initial set-up on Chesterfield market through to establishing a small retail unit in the town. The scheme already has the support of the Chesterfield Champions, a group of local businesses who help promote the town offering mentoring and financial support.

Now that funding has been approved the project will develop further ideas including encouraging more flexible leasing arrangements with landlords, providing one to one mentoring and sharing best practice, promoting entrepreneurial skills based training through education providers and a further roll out of the Chesterfield Ambassadors Scheme to help promote the positive aspects of the town.

Toby Perkins, the local MP, said: “I passionately believe that as an historic market town, independent traders and small businesses are a vital part of our local economy. I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the campaign to secure this investment. I know that the ‘Incubation Street’ project will target this small amount of money to where it will make the biggest difference.”

Councillor John Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said: “This is great news for Chesterfield and for those businesses looking to step up a gear and establish a more permanent presence in the town centre. “

For more information on the Chesterfield Champions scheme and how you can get involved in supporting the growth of the town

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

There’s nothing vacant about Chesterfield

Chesterfield is riding high on the retail front after a national report revealed the town is bucking the north-south divide with low shop vacancy rates. The latest figures from the Local Data Company (LDC) gives a detailed insight and analysis of 506 town centres and Chesterfield is third best of the largest centres in the country with just 8.7% of shops being empty. Compared to the likes of Nottingham (30%), Stockport (28.4%) and Sheffield (26.1%), Chesterfield is one of the few top ten northern towns leading the way to keep its high streets buzzing.

Councillor John Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said: “This is like getting a gold star on your school report! What better indication is there than when an external research company identifies your town as being one of the top retail locations in the UK?

“We’re not surprised by the news because we know the figures, we see how busy the shops and markets are and we get the feedback from visitors and investors that Chesterfield is doing something different, something right. Projects like Destination Chesterfield, investment in our tourism offer, developments such as the Northern Gateway, these are all part of mix that keeps us striving to attract more people to the town to visit, spend money, invest and live here.

“There’s still much to do to improve the local economy and reduce unemployment in the borough but a thriving, bustling town centre is certainly a major bonus and gives us a strong platform to build from.”

Vic Risorto, Destination Chesterfield board member responsible for Retail, Leisure and Tourism said: “It is excellent news that Chesterfield’s high street occupancy is once again being heralded amongst the best in England. With the exciting regeneration plans coming forward for the town centre including the Market Hall refurbishment, extension of Ravenside Retail Park and the proposed Northern Gateway, Destination Chesterfield will continue to work with Chesterfield Borough Council to support existing businesses as well as promoting our town centre to attract further investment.”

Figures from the LDC report show an increase in shop vacancies across the East Midlands from 16.7% in 2011 to 17% in 2012. Chesterfield (8.7%) is the only town centre in the region that is in the top ten with just York (9.6%) and Harrogate (10.3%) featuring amongst a predominant list of Southern based locations, including Central London, Cambridge and Kingston upon Thames. 

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Destination Chesterfield

Promoting the changing face of Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield, in partnership with local developers, has launched a series of hoardings to tell the story of the changing face of Chesterfield

The new hoardings, which have been erected at the Ravenside Retail Park and at the Shorts Accountants development on Ashgate Road, are part of Destination Chesterfield’s ‘Warm Welcome’ campaign and are supported by the town’s 110-strong business network Chesterfield Champions and the European Regional Development Fund.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “The hoardings have been strategically positioned at developments on the main routes through town. These are prime sites for passing traffic and highlight not only the development on the site but the other regeneration schemes in Chesterfield.”

Andy Irvine of Shorts Accountants who are Chesterfield Champions said:“Work at our Ashgate Road site is now well underway. The sign gives details of Shorts’ heritage in the Chesterfield area and the opportunity for us to showcase our exciting new office development.”

David Whiteley of fwd Motion, who designed the hoardings said: “As Chesterfield Champions we are proud of the regeneration that is taking place in Chesterfield.  These hoardings not only highlight these developments but make the exterior of these sites more attractive to those travelling through Chesterfield.”

Further hoardings will be produced for other developments in the future. The next major project will be hoardings for the refurbishment of Chesterfield’s Market Hall.  The hoardings will not only tell the story of the regeneration but will also celebrate the history of the Market Hall and the temporary trading arrangements in place during the refurbishment.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield secures future funding

Destination Chesterfield is pleased to announce that it has secured additional funding which will extend the initiative until the end of December 2015.

Further funding will be received from the European Regional Development Fund and a new three year plan will be developed through consultation with businesses and local residents to promote the town as a place to invest.

Destination Chesterfield, which is funded through income received from the European Regional Development Fund, Chesterfield Champions and Chesterfield Borough Council, is helping to improve the economic prosperity of the town through a campaign to promoteChesterfield.  This approach to promoting the town sees the local business community playing a central role in its success by leading an independent board of Directors for Destination Chesterfield, and businesses pledging their support to become Chesterfield Champions.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “It is excellent news that we can continue the work we have started through Destination Chesterfield.   Many of the regeneration projects in the town are now moving forward but we need to continue to promote the opportunities available and attract further investment into the town.”

Councillor John Burrows, Vice Chair of Destination Chesterfield and Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said: “This is not just about the European funding and the Borough Council as Destination Chesterfield wouldn’t be possible without the support of the businesses that have become Chesterfield Champions and contribute to the project financially and in-kind.  We look forward to continuing to work with these businesses who are taking an active role in the promotion of the town.”

Michael Heath, Director of Cheetham Jackson and a Chesterfield Champion said: “I’m proud to be a Chesterfield Champion.  Being involved with Destination Chesterfield has allowed businesses of all sizes to have a say in how the town is promoted and influence howChesterfield is developed in the future.  It is great news the project will continue to support the business community ofChesterfield.”

Further information on Destination Chesterfield can be found


Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

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