Destination Chesterfield

Sector specialists appointed to Destination Chesterfield Board

Destination Chesterfield has recently appointed sector specialists for the manufacturing, professional services and retail, leisure and tourism sectors to their board.

Destination Chesterfield, funded through money from the European Regional Development Fund, Chesterfield Champions and Chesterfield Borough Council is helping to improve the economic prosperity of the town through a campaign to promoteChesterfield.  This approach to promoting the town sees the local business community playing a central role in its success by leading an independent board of Directors for Destination Chesterfield, and businesses pledging their support to become Chesterfield Champions.

James Brand, Sales Director at United Cast Bars will take the lead for the manufacturing sector.  James has worked at United Cast Bar since 2004, and has helped the company grow to become the world leader in continuous cast iron bar production. Operating on a global scale, the facility inChesterfieldproduces the broadest range of products of any peer within their sphere of operation.  James said “Manufacturing has a key role to play in the economy. Businesses rely on their local community to offer support and vital resources to ensure the future growth of their businesses.”

Steve Smith, Relationship Director at Natwest Bank joins to represent the professional service sector and brings expertise on the funding available to businesses who plan to relocate or grow in Chesterfield.  Steve says “Destination Chesterfield is an exciting concept uniting public and private sectors locally to help promoteChesterfieldleading to better amenities and job prospects for the local community.  My motivation in joining the board is to make a positive contribution towards those objectives for the Town and surrounding areas.”

Vittorio Risorto, Owner of Calabria Restaurant on Glumangate, will represent the retail, leisure and tourism industry.  Vittorio said “It is important businesses work together to shape theirChesterfieldand listen to their customers to make this happen.  We need to look to the future, how we support local businesses to grow, maintain high street occupancy as well as attracting new investment to the town.

James Mitchenson, Editor of the Derbyshire Times, also joins the team, bringing further marketing and public relations expertise to the board.  James said “I’ve very quickly been impressed with the drive and ambition Destination Chesterfield has for the town, and I am keen to ensure the Derbyshire Times is at the heart of it.  I am looking forward to working as a board member of Destination Chesterfield to ensure the people ofChesterfieldare listened to, and their town continues to flourish.”

Further information about Destination Chesterfield and the Chesterfield Champions can be found at

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

Chesterfield Welcome Signs

The board of Destination Chesterfield has been listening to the debate around the new welcome to Chesterfield signs over the past month with interest. Both positive and negative feedback on the design of the new road signs has been received.

As a result of this, following a Destination Chesterfield Board meeting last Thursday (24th May) it was agreed that a more familiar graphic of the Spire will be added to the signs over the coming months. These additions will be funded by Destination Chesterfield via the European Regional Development Fund.


Further Welcome Signs are currently being produced for Chesterfield Coach Station which will include these graphics as well.


Cllr John Burrows, Vice Chair of Destination Chesterfield and Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said “We have listened to the views of the public and are making adjustments to the signs at a cost to Destination Chesterfield. The graphic that will be added is a modern interpretation of the Spire which will be recognized as the town’s famous landmark.”


Pete Swallow, Chair of DestinationChesterfieldsaid “It is important to remember the original purpose of changing the signs was to promote the events and activity happening inChesterfield. DestinationChesterfieldhas created a marketing opportunity out of the signs which will drive footfall and spend into the town supporting the local economy.


The Welcome to Chesterfieldsigns have been designed using the Chesterfieldvisual identity which was launched in April 2010 prior to the launch of Destination Chesterfield in October 2010 and has been used to promote the town since then by Destination Chesterfield, Chesterfield Borough Council, Chesterfield Champions and other partners. All the imagery used is based on the twists and the patterns of Chesterfield’s crooked spire.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

Lights, Camera, Developments!

Destination Chesterfield has teamed up with media students at Chesterfield College to produce video content to promote the town’s regeneration sites.


The students, who went through a full briefing process including pitching their story boards to liaising with venues to acquire filming rights, have produced two short films on business and development sites in Chesterfield.


Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said “ It has been great to work with the media students at Chesterfield College, their enthusiasm for Chesterfield and their drive in producing these videos has been excellent and shows the talent the town has coming forward for the future.”


Trevor Clay, Acting Principal of Chesterfield College said “As a Chesterfield Champion, we have a role to play in making sure our students are aware of the exciting regeneration plans for Chesterfield. This project has not only done this but given them a real life project to work on and a piece of work for their portfolio that can be shown to future potential employers.

If any other businesses would like to commission the media students for a corporate or promotional video please contact our Media team, Tom Bell and Matt Pritchard on 01246 500618.”


The videos can be viewed on Destination Chesterfield’s website at and will be used to promote the town to potential investors.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

Inspired Investment to drive Chesterfield forward

Destination Chesterfield recently held its latest ‘Inspired Investment’ event to update local businesses and the media on the progress of the regeneration schemes in Chesterfield.

The event, held at the Casa Hotel included Ellen Cutler, Director of Investment from Sheffield City Region, who highlighted their plans to attract investment to the area and how they will work with partners in Chesterfield to maximise the benefit to the local area.

Other updates were given on Chesterfield Waterside, Markham Vale and theNorthern Gateway. Chesterfield Waterside has recently secured £2.4million from the Sheffield City Region’s Growing Places fund. This will allow the new canal link to be built on site which will in turn enable the construction of the housing element to commence.

The Northern Gateway development which will extend Chesterfield town centre with new shops, restaurants and a cinema aims to take Chesterfield into the top 100 shopping destinations in England. Chesterfield Borough Council will be announcing their preferred development partner in May, ahead of a full planning application being lodged in the autumn with the development planned to be completed in 2015.

Markham Vale was recently awarded Enterprise Zone status by Sheffield City Region and has seen continued investment including Squadron Medical’s new 40,000 square foot facility and the 100,000 square foot national distribution centre for Andrew Page Ltd.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, said “It is to the Town’s great credit that despite the economic climate, Chesterfield’s regeneration schemes continue to move forward. It is important for Destination Chesterfield to not only promote these opportunities for investment externally, but that we also communicate the content and importance of these developments to the people who live and work in Chesterfield.”

Destination Chesterfield’s next ‘Inspired Investment Event will take place in September and is exclusively available to ‘Chesterfield Champions’. To find out how to become a ‘Champion’ and more about Chesterfield’s regeneration schemes visit

Image supplied courtesy of the Derbyshire Times

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield

Chesterfield markets give a warm welcome

Chesterfield’s outdoor market stall canopies have been given a fresh new look that reflects the Destination Chesterfield branding. The 200 canopies have all been replaced with striking colours and a special welcome message on each corner.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “Our markets are one of the biggest attractions for the town so it’s logical to welcome visitors through the use of the market stalls themselves.

“We also believe very much in investing in the markets so the new canopies will hopefully play a part in making the town centre more attractive but also reflect our commitment to the town’s heritage.”

Paul Hind, market trader and President of the Chesterfield branch of the National Market Traders’ Federation said: “I think the new canopies look great. They were in need of an upgrade and it’s good to see money being spent on such an important part of the town’s shopping offer.”

The cost of the canopies was covered by the Destination Chesterfield project through the European Regional Development Fund.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield, Visiting

Chesterfield bids to be a Portas Pilot

Destination Chesterfield in partnership with Chesterfield Borough Council is submitting a bid for Chesterfield to become a Portas’ Pilot town

Up to £100,000 of government cash is on offer for 12 towns to pilot the scheme, which was set up after Mary Portas led a review on revitalising town centres. Local government minister Grant Shapps has described this as a “golden ticket” for town centres.

Against the national backdrop Chesterfield is performing well with high retail occupancy rates and developer interest in the town.

Chesterfield’s Portas Pilot bid is about the future of the town, ensuring that this success and interest continues. The key themes in the bid are the development and growth of new and existing town centre businesses, the historic market and creating a balanced evening economy.

Cllr John Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said: “The Portas Report highlighted the importance of markets for towns. Chesterfield Market is at the heart of our bid alongside our independent and high street traders.”

As part of the bid a short video will be submitted, the Chesterfield film entitled ‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words’ includes local residents and businesses supporting the application in a black and white silent movie.

If successful a Town Team will be carefully selected from the Chesterfield Champions and other town centre businesses to manage the delivery of the project and the future of the Town Centre.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said “This bid will allow us to use the public and private sector expertise from the Chesterfield Champions to ensure our town centre remains vibrant and adapts to compliment the future developments in the town.”

Chesterfield will find out if it has been successful in its bid in May.

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

A different view for Chesterfield Tourism Centre

Chesterfield Borough Council has given approval for a revamp of its award-winning Tourist Information Centre (TIC). The refurbishment which will be carried in February is one of a number of projects by Destination Chesterfield to update key gateways into the town. The revamp will give the Centre a more vibrant, modern and customer-friendly location that showcases Chesterfield at its very best.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said “The impression we give visitors when they arrive in Chesterfield is vital. The objective of our Warm Welcome Campaign is to improve the arrival at key gateways into the town.”

The £40,000 funding for the refurbishment of the centre and Destination Chesterfield’s other gateway improvements is from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Cllr Nick Stringer, Executive Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism at Chesterfield Borough Council said: “So many people use the Centre every year, but the building is looking somewhat tired inside so we’re pleased to work with Destination Chesterfield to use this ERDF money to bring the Centre up to date and create something that will set a high standard for the rest of their stay in Chesterfield.”

Local agency and Chesterfield Champion, Crush Design, were appointed to manage the project and have created a striking new look for the Centre that embraces the new visual identity for Chesterfield.

Natalie Brammer at Crush Design said: “It’s been a really interesting project to work on as there are so many different aspects to the TIC. Making the design and functionality work together has been a challenge but we’re delighted with the final look.”

The revamp will also introduce a new feature to the exterior of the building which will tell a short story about four famous people associated with Chesterfield and will include George Stephenson, Gordon Banks, Lady Baden-Powell and Bess of Hardwick.

The TIC welcomed 155,841 visitors in 2011, an increase of over 12,000 from 2010. The Centre has won the English Tourist Board’s National England for Excellence Awards in 2005 and 2009 and 95% of people interviewed in a customer satisfaction survey last year thought that the service offered was either good or excellent.

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council

Posted in Destination Chesterfield, Visiting

Century of Champions for Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield has a century of members for the Chesterfield Champions scheme. Southside Magazine, United Cast Bar Limited and Places and Faces Magazine are the latest businesses to support the project.

Southside Magazine, who are the 100th Champion, spontaneously joined at Destination Chesterfield’s Celebrate Chesterfield Event after hearing the future plans for the Town.

Simon Moreman, Publishing Manager of Southside Magazine said “There are so many exciting projects coming forward for Chesterfield, we as a business have a key role to play in helping the town to promote these changes and wanted to be involved.”

The Champions support the future development of Chesterfield through support and guidance to Destination Chesterfield on how they promote Chesterfield.

James Brand, Sales Director of United Cast Bar Limited said “We are a large local employer and plan to grow further, if the business community can work together to improve Chesterfield and its profile this will increase the opportunities available to companies in the town.

Beverley Bearder, Managing Director of Places and Faces Magazine said “We are keen to support the development of Chesterfield especially the growth of its speciality businesses. Through the support of our magazine we will assist in raising the profile of the town across Derbyshire and South Yorkshire.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said “it is great that 100 businesses of all sizes and from all sectors support our approach to promoting Chesterfield. A year ago we launched the scheme and we thank the first 100champions for their support and look forward to working with the current and new champions in the future.

Destination Chesterfield which is funded through money from the European Regional Development Fund, is helping to improve the economic prosperity of the town through a campaign to promote Chesterfield as a modern contemporary destination. This approach to promoting the town sees the local business community playing a central role in its success by leading an independent board of Directors for Destination Chesterfield, and businesses pledging their support to become Chesterfield Champions.

Further information about the Destination Chesterfield project and the Chesterfield Champions Scheme can be found at

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

A Warm Welcome to Chesterfield

Front line staff this week became the town’s first ambassadors as part of a new initiative launched by Destination Chesterfield.

‘Chesterfield Ambassadors’ is a scheme for front line staff in the town and recognises the important role they play in shaping the impressions of Chesterfield to visitors who are here on business and pleasure.

The workshop developed by Chesterfield Champion, Evolution Training highlights useful facts about Chesterfield, the town’s regeneration plans alongside the importance of good customer service.

The first ambassadors included street cleaners, security guards and restaurant staff, but the work doesn’t stop with the workshop; Ambassadors will be kept up-to-date with the latest news and events in the town so they can share this information with their customers, colleagues, families and friends.

Peter Swallow chair of Destination Chesterfield said “The first impressions visitors receive will shape their opinion of Chesterfield. We want front line staff to be confident to talk about Chesterfield and the exciting plans for the future.”

Chris Ash, Director of Evolution Training said “As a Chesterfield Champion it has been great to be able to use our expertise to develop this workshop. We look forward to working with Destination Chesterfield in creating the network of ambassadors and the important role they have in promoting Chesterfield.”

Destination Chesterfield will be looking to recruit more Ambassadors in 2012 and if you would be interested in becoming involved contact Dominic Stevens at Destination Chesterfield on 01246 207207 or visit

Source:Destination Chesterfield

Posted in Destination Chesterfield, Visiting

The search is on to find the area’s top performers in commerce, business and industry.

The Derbyshire Times in association with main sponsor Destination Chesterfield has just launched its 2011 Business Awards, which aim to recognise and reward business excellence across all sectors, private and public.

Open to organisations of any size, based in the Derbyshire Times’ circulation area, entries are encouraged from those that feel they are working smarter than their competitors to create a business edge.

Entrants to the Derbyshire Times Business Awards may come from entering your own organisation for an award or by nominating a third party.

There are many benefits of entering, being shortlisted or winning an award; it not only motivates staff and increases customer confidence but also raises business profiles among potential customers.

Winners will be judged by an impartial number of well-respected business people within our community. Winners will receive a trophy and the right to use the awards logo on letterheads and marketing information.

The awards will be presented at a gala celebration evening to be held at Chesterfield Football Club, on November 17.

Following the huge success of last years awards, tables of 10 are now available for only £700 plus vat so why not reserve your table now.

Be there on the night to see local businesses recognised for their outstanding achievements. Enjoy a pre-dinner drink and canapés on arrival, followed by a four-course a la carte dinner with wine.

Make sure your organisation is represented at these prestigious awards. Tables for the ceremony will sell fast; to reserve a table for your organisation all you need to do is contact Emma Angell on 07801195407 or

Below is a full list of all the categories. For more information or to nominate a business, log onto website at

Business Idea of the Year: This award will go to the company/person whose original idea has led to increased productivity within their business, led to a reduction in costs, or a development of their brands. We will be looking for evidence of how this idea reaped rewards for your business and how it has been implemented into your company.

Entrepreneur of the Year – Sponsored by Chesterfield Champion Barber Harrison & Platt: This award will go to the outstanding individual who can best demonstrate exceptional vision and leadership in the establishment and development of an owner-led business. The judges will look for clear identification of a market opportunity, innovation, growth and evidence of strong financial performance in terms of sales and profit growth.

Young Business Person of the Year –Sponsored by Chesterfield Champion Chesterfield College: This category encourages nominations from any business, team or organisation who feel they have a young person aged between 16 – 25 years, who has excelled in their field during 2010/2011.

Small Business of the Year: Open to organisations with 15 or less staff, this award will go to the company that best demonstrates significant growth and innovation in its market sector, underpinned by strong financial performance.

Business Personality of the Year: This category is for those at a managerial or executive level who have impressed a sense of their own unique personality on the business, bringing their own style to bear alongside a sense of leadership and commitment to the business which has made a quantifiable difference to the firm.

Team of the Year – Sponsored by Chesterfield Champion, DNCC: The Team of the year Award is open to outstanding management teams. Judges are looking for management teams that are truly go-ahead, enlightened, innovative, and forward-thinking.

Community Contribution of the Year: Through their commitment to the local area entrants for this award should show that they have actively supported the local community, schools or colleges. Entrants for Community Involvement will be measured on their specific participation and not purely upon financial support.

The Environment Award – Sponsored By Chesterfield Champion, Chesterfield Waterside: Entrants to this category must show examples of what innovative action the company has taken towards a low carbon economy.

Customer Service Award – Sponsored By Franke Sissons: This award will go to the organisation which can best demonstrate that it has the customer at the heart of its business.

Most InnovativeProperty/Building Development: This may include the regeneration or redevelopment of an existing building – or be a completely new project. The judges are looking for how the development may have taken into consideration any existing structures and features and its eventual suitability for purpose.

The Manufacturing Award – Sponsored by Chesterfield Champion,  Natwest Bank: The winner of this award will need to demonstrate a modern, efficient and innovative approach to manufacturing, including a commitment to the excellence and development of its products and services, whilst reaching new markets.

Healthy Workplace Award – Sponsored by Derbyshire PCT: This award recognises employers who go that extra mile to look after the health of their staff and promote healthy living throughout the business.

Retailer of the Year – Sponsored by Vidbo: This award focuses on companies in the retails business and highlights the relationship with the general public on a day to day basis. Entrants should show high levels of customer service as well as an innovative approach in building the strength of the business, Outlining their approach to branding and presentation within the store plus details of how the company has grown over recent years as well as any plans or ideas to help grow the business over the next few years

Lifetime Achievement – Sponsored by Chesterfield Champion, Banner Jones: Open to an individual or team of people who can demonstrate that they have had a major impact on their business and Chesterfield as a town over a number of years, enhancing the community through their work and having a long-term business success.

2011 Business of the Year – Sponsored By Chesterfield Champion, Chesterfield Borough Council: This award is the ultimate accolade for all our entrants and the winner will be chosen from each of the category winners.

The judges will be looking for the company/person who has shown the most enterprise, passion and drive

Source:Derbyshire Times

Posted in About Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield

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