Destination Chesterfield

Award-winning Chesterfield FC Community Trust programme recognised by experts

A pioneering, award-winning programme delivered by the Chesterfield FC Community Trust, in partnership with three other organisations has the potential to be rolled out across the UK, according to healthcare industry experts.

Thr1ve Young People’s Social Prescribing Service recently won the award for Most Effective Contribution to Integrated Health and Care at the recent HSJ Partnership Awards 2023.

Judges described the work done by the Thr1ve team as “outstanding” and commented: “The passion and energy from the panel shone through. It’s a simple solution to a very complex issue.

“The service is genuinely embedded into the community and the data sharing solution is ground-breaking. There is huge potential for spread and scale across the UK.”

Jayne Bacon, the Trust’s chief operating officer, said: “This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved across the partnership.

“I hope this recognition will inspire others to prioritise integrated care and work towards creating healthier, more connected communities for young people.”

The programme is delivered by the Trust in partnership with Derbyshire Voluntary Action, Derbyshire Community Health Services FT and North Hardwick & Bolsover Primary Care Network.

Their mission is to reach out to young people struggling with their confidence and connections. Thr1ve recognises young people’s potential and offers support to help boost confidence, independence and participation.

THR1VE aims to fill a gap in NHS mental health services between early intervention and CAMHS support for more serious conditions.

Winners in a total of 21 categories were announced during a ceremony at Evolution London, hosted by comedian Joel Dommett, which was attended by over 900 guests and marked the achievements of a total of 141 finalists.

National healthcare leaders and professionals from both the NHS and private sector, as well as figures from non-clinical backgrounds, celebrated the crucial contributions of the private and third sector within the NHS.

Chesterfield FC’s Community Trust and Derbyshire Voluntary Action support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

CFC Trust Thr1ve programme award

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“Together we can all help bring about lasting change and prosperity to the town”

Destination Chesterfield Chair, Peter Swallow is calling on everyone associated with Chesterfield to ‘talk up the town’ and collaborate further to ensure the local economy continues to thrive in the future.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, we ALL need to talk up the town.

There is more than £2 billion of investment in progress and on the way across our borough to help ensure that we all have a bright future ahead of us. The lasting and far reaching change we are striving for in Chesterfield cannot be done by one organisation alone; it must be a collaborative effort.

We all have a role and responsibility to tell people about the many great reasons they should live, work, invest and stay here.

Chesterfield’s geographical position within the UK is hard to beat. We are centrally located with excellent road and rail links and a number of major airports within a 90 minute drive.

Furthermore, the benefits of our proximity to the Peak District National Park should not  be underestimated. Chesterfield is the gateway to this wonderful landscape, and it attracts millions of visitors each year – with around half of them staying overnight and many of them passing through the town to get to the Peak District.

Herein lies our challenge. By talking up the town to friends, relatives, colleagues and suppliers from outside the area, we can attract more people to visit and stay overnight in Chesterfield rather than just passing through, the result being more revenue for the town as a whole.

Increasing the visitor economy of the town by 20% is one of the key targets in the Chesterfield Growth Strategy which has been launched by Chesterfield Borough Council.

By increasing the visitor economy, we will also help create jobs for local people and opportunities for existing and new businesses.

We must all shout about what the town has to offer to holiday makers visiting the Peak District.

Living and working in the town on a daily basis, we can often become complacent about what it has to offer visitors to the area.

We have a variety of places to stay, including the award-winning Casa Hotel, as well as great road, rail and bus links into the Peak District. You can even cycle from the town into the Peak District.

Beyond our world famous Crooked Spire Church and the Brampton Mile, we have two theatres, Chesterfield FC, historic market, restaurants, bars, cafes, boutique shops, live music venues, Queen’s Park – which is host to many wonderful events like the cricket and concerts in summer… I could go on, the list of reasons to visit and stay in Chesterfield are endless.

Having a thriving local economy is key to developing conversations with national investors and ensuring Chesterfield continues to grow and develop. If we want to see the town thrive in an increasingly competitive market, we need to do more collectively. We must champion Chesterfield outside the area in order to help us bring investment into the borough and create highly skilled jobs.

Together we can all help bring about lasting change and prosperity to the town which will benefit local people now and future generations.

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Chesterfield business leaders congratulate colleagues in Derby on winning bid for Great British Railways HQ

Leaders in Chesterfield have congratulated the team behind Derby’s winning bid to bring the headquarters of Great British Railways to the county.

The Department for Transport has confirmed that the city has beaten off competition from locations around the country, including Birmingham, Newcastle and York, to be selected as the home of Britain’s rail network.

This is expected to bring a number of benefits to Chesterfield, with several rail supply chain businesses already located here.

The news also comes as a new rail innovation and training centre The Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle (DRIIVe) is being developed in Barrow Hill, as one of the projects outlined in the Staveley Town Deal.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I’m delighted to learn of the news that Derby has been successful in its bid to become the new headquarters for Great British Railways.

“I was pleased to offer Chesterfield Borough Council’s full support for Derby’s bid, and we look forward to working with the City to see how the Government’s decision to invest in Derby can also benefit our long-held ambition to grow the rail sector in Chesterfield.

“Through the Staveley Town Deal we are working with partners to develop the Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle (DRIIVe) at Barrow Hill Roundhouse. DRIIVe will provide a base for training the next generation of railway engineers and pioneering new advances within the rail sector through the provision of facilities for research and development.

“Given our proximity to Derby and the positive relationships we have built up with the City Council in our support of their bid, we very much hope that Chesterfield will be able to benefit from Derby cementing its place at the heart of Great Britain’s rail industry.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield commented: “I’m delighted to hear that Great British Railways has committed to locating it’s new HQ here in Derbyshire, as it will undoubtedly provide a boost to our economy here in Chesterfield.

“It gives us a big opportunity to build on our industrial roots and showcase our town’s credentials as a thriving hub of innovation. Chesterfield has always been a town with strong links to the rail industry, not forgetting of course that George Stephenson made our town his home for a number of years.”

“We have a number of businesses locally working in the supply chain for the rail sector, and having Great British Railways situated within our county will mean more opportunities for those existing firms, alongside unlocking more potential investment in our area.”

“I would like to congratulate everyone who was involved in making this bid a success, and look forward to seeing how this development will help to shape the economic landscape of our area in years to come.”

Mervyn Allcock, General Manager at Barrow Hill Ltd. said: “The news of Great British Railways being headquartered in nearby Derby is fantastic news for our town.

“We look forward to build on the town’s strong industrial heritage with the development of DRIIVe at Barrow Hill, which will provide the sector with the high-level skills required to help grow our rail infrastructure nationally.

“This will help to bring more economic prosperity to Chesterfield with quality job opportunities for local people, unlocking further growth across Chesterfield and Staveley.”

Barrow hill web main

Barrow Hill Roundhouse, Chesterfield

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Chesterfield reveals ambition to increase visitor economy by £32 million

Ahead of English Tourism Week 2023 (17 – 23 March), Chesterfield has announced its bold ambition to increase the value of its visitor economy by 20% by 2030.

A 20% increase in tourism will bring an additional £32 million into the economy annually helping create jobs for local people and opportunities for existing and new businesses.

The town will build on its heritage, retail and leisure offering as well as its proximity to the Peak District National Park, to increase the number of overnight stays in the town.

As part of its drive to attract people to visit and stay in the town, the town’s inward investment marketing campaign Destination Chesterfield has appealed to businesses and residents to ‘talk up the town’ within their networks and help attract visitors.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “Chesterfield has an excellent offer for visitors, as well as the town’s close proximity to one of the most visited National Parks in the world. There is an opportunity for us to attract more people to visit and stay overnight in Chesterfield using the town as a base rather than just passing through on their way to the Peak District.”

The Peak District currently welcomes more than 13 million visitors annually with 83% of these arriving by car. Attracting some of these visitors to stay in Chesterfield and using its bus and rail links to visit surrounding areas, including major attractions like Chatsworth House, will not only benefit the borough’s economy but also support the Park Authority’s Sustainable Transport Action Plan.

Additionally, there are cycle paths into the Peak District, the border of which is just five miles from the town centre.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Visit Peak District & Derbyshire praised Chesterfield’s ambitions, saying: “Tourism already plays a vital role in making the area such a brilliant place to live, work and visit, and we strongly support Chesterfield’s ambition to grow the value of its visitor economy even further.

“The tourism sector generates billions of pounds for the local economy each year, supporting thousands of local jobs and displaying huge potential for future growth, particularly in areas such as sustainable and active travel, which Chesterfield can really capitalise on.

“Growing and developing the town’s tourism offer will not only benefit local businesses, it will also have a positive and lasting effect on local residents and communities. We look forward to working with partners in Chesterfield to support them in achieving this goal and ensuring the visitor economy’s long-term success.”

Mark Thurman, Managing Director of Casa Hotels which owns and operates two four-star hotels in the borough, urged people to ‘celebrate what we’ve already got,’ saying: “We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. We have wonderful accommodation, great restaurants and fantastic transport links to bring people to Chesterfield to then go and explore the surrounding area. We don’t need to do anything other than celebrate what we’ve already got.”

The town’s proximity to the Peak District has already attracted major investment to the borough including the £300 million PEAK, an all-year-round round leisure education, wellness and entertainment destination. PEAK’s masterplan has been developed around a transport and mobility system connected to the National Park. Phase one of the development, Gateway at PEAK, which is being developed by Milligan is expected to be completed in 2025.

celebrate 2023 visitor economy panel

Experts discuss Chesterfield’s visitor economy at Celebrate Chesterfield 2023. (Left to right: Jo Dilley – Visit Peak District & Derbyshire, Phil Bramley – Derbyshire Times, Mark Thurman – Casa Hotels, Jimmy Drew – Derbyshire County Cricket Club)

The town is already home to the award-winning Casa Hotel and further hotel accommodation is planned within the £320 million Chesterfield Waterside scheme located close to the close to town’s mainline train station. The developer, Bolsterstone Group Plc, is in talks with major hotel brands to operate the proposed 120-bed hotel within Phase 1 of the scheme. The new hotel will be a further addition to the popular 92-bed Premier Inn Hotel which was opened within the Elder Way development in the town centre in 2019.

Increasing the visitor economy of the town is one of the key targets in the 2023-27 Chesterfield Growth Strategy which was launched by Chesterfield Borough Council on 23 February. In addition to growing the visitor economy, key headline targets, include:

  • Increasing the number of employee jobs in the borough by 4% (2,000 jobs)
  • Increasing the number of businesses by 12% (400 businesses)
  • Increasing the number of higher value businesses by 15% (100 businesses)
  • Increasing the share of Chesterfield residents in knowledge-based occupations by 15% (baseline Census 21 – 18,000)
  • Increasing the value of the visitor economy by 20% (baseline £163m)

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We are already a fantastic visitor destination but growing our visitor economy strengthens growth across the borough, it leads to more people supporting our local businesses and town centre. This will in turn create new jobs and opportunities for our residents. To do this we need to work closely with our partners to promote our town, we have excellent transport connections, fantastic accommodation choices and our proximity to the Peak District puts us in a very strong position to bring more people to our town.”

Peter added: “The lasting and far reaching change we are striving for in Chesterfield cannot be done by one organisation alone; it must be a collaborative effort. By doing this, there is a real opportunity to build a thriving visitor economy in the town.”

Chatsworth Country Fair

Chatsworth Country Fair – Image by Chatsworth House Trust

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Property & construction firms shout louder about investment opportunities in Chesterfield

There’s so much to be shouting about across our town. A range of investment opportunities in Chesterfield are now available, with a pipeline of regeneration worth approximately £2 billion on the way.

That message was conveyed to Chesterfield’s business community at the recent Celebrate Chesterfield business conference at the Winding Wheel Theatre.

At the event, business leaders encouraged delegates to help shout about the success of Chesterfield as a collective.

Find out more in the video below, which includes Chesterfield Property and Construction Group member, Andrew Byrne – Property Development Director at The Devonshire Group.

To that end, we’ve been taking a look at how businesses in Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group are working in collaboration to promote our area externally.

The group has already created strong links between private and public sector organisations in the town. This collaboration encourages further growth and collaboration in areas such as skills, sustainability and investment opportunities.

Find out from our group members how they have been flying the flag for Chesterfield across their sector and beyond:

Lomas and Mitchell Architects

KI yard from above lomas and mitchell

Chesterfield’s Lomas & Mitchell Architects co-founded the successful Property and Construction Group. Additionally, the company is a champion of sustainable development in the town.

Jillian Mitchell, co-owner of Lomas & Mitchell commented:

“Being involved with the Construction and Property Forum enables me to keep in touch with our industry at a local level.

“By working closely with the steering group, I keep up with local developments and find out about companies in our region who, like us, are passionate about sustainability and quality.

“The airing of one of our projects on Channel 4’s Grand Designs gave us an opportunity to market our practice. As part of this, we were able to include Chesterfield and the Forum in our promotions.”

Whittam Cox Architects

Andrew Dabbs

Whittam Cox Architects plays a crucial role in promoting Chesterfield externally and putting the town on the map as a great place to invest.

The company has helped to showcase investment opportunities in Chesterfield by supporting the establishment of the Property and Construction Group.

By encouraging a collective understanding of the significant opportunities in Chesterfield, Whittam Cox raises awareness within the group through social media and in-person events.

Andrew Dabbs chairs the Property and Construction Group in addition to his role as board director at Whittam Cox. Working alongside colleagues, he invests a significant amount of personal time in coordinating group activities.

As a result, there is an increasing interest from companies within and outside the town. The group’s efforts have led to the establishment of some well-received  events. Examples of this include local netWalking and Women in Property events, which provide a platform for networking and collaboration.

Whittam Cox Architects also uses its investment in events such as MIPIM and UKREiiF to promote the town externally. By participating in these industry events, the company can showcase the value of Chesterfield’s location to a broader audience.

Andrew commented:

“As a nationally recognised practice, the company’s HQ in the town draws the spotlight to this great location.

“Whittam Cox Architects believes that promoting the town is a collective responsibility for all companies where possible. By doing so, the company is helping to put Chesterfield on the map as a great place to invest.”

BSP Consulting

elder way public realm bsp

BSP joined Chesterfield Champions to support the town a key public realm project in the town alongside partners.

The project involved improvement works to the whole length of Elder Way. Enhancements to the junctions with Saltergate and Knifesmithgate have also been made, as part of the Northern Gateway regeneration scheme.

BSP worked alongside Danaher & Walsh, which was appointed by Chesterfield Borough Council to carry out the works.

BSP’s business development manager Carrie Booth said:

“Having attended an event in Chesterfield recently and learnt more about the exciting developments and opportunities in the town, we are delighted to be joining Chesterfield Champions.

“It will give BSP the chance to support developments in Chesterfield and the surrounding area and be a part of the future of the town.”

FI Real Estate Management

The HQ Chesterfield

FI Real Estate Management has invested significantly in Chesterfield since 2019. The company has upgraded Rowland Hill House (The HQ) to Grade A office space with a £2m refurbishment programme.

A spokesperson for the company said:

“The HQ presents businesses with an opportunity to benefit from bespoke office facilities for their teams, suited to their specific needs and requirements.

“It reflects the work we are doing to progress Chesterfield’s business offering in line with nearby cities, without compromising on the down-to-earth business style the market town is known for.

“Opportunities like The HQ attract more businesses and further investment to the area. This enriches the working lives of the local community.”

Bolsterstone Group PLC

Chesterfield Waterside office development

Bolsterstone Group is working hard with Chesterfield Borough Council to bring forward the Chesterfield Waterside regeneration scheme, which is a 40-acre scheme that will deliver £350m of investment to the town.

The current phases include 174 new houses, nearing completion. At Basin Square, the firm has just completed the 36,000 sq. ft Grade A office building. This development has already seen major success, with two of the floors already let.

Tom Swallow, Development Manager at Bolsterstone Group, commented:

“The aim of this high-quality building is to provide larger floor plates to attract inward investment. Additionally, it will take advantage of the proximity of both Chesterfield Train Station and Chesterfield town centre.

“The next phase will see a hotel, multi-storey car park and urban housing in the form of build-to-rent apartments.

“All of these seek to provide a quality offer which puts Chesterfield on the map. This draws new residents and businesses into the town and will create a new, sustainable high-quality community”

To find out more about the range of investment opportunities in Chesterfield, along with the benefits of locating your business in the town, view our investment map here.

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Major new development set to build on the success story of Markham Vale

A major extension to the Markham Vale North development, granted by Chesterfield Borough Council in December last year, has now been approved by Bolsover District Council.

The decision is a significant milestone for the project and follows three years of extensive discussions with both councils and the local community. It will enable the creation of a high-quality addition to the commercial offer at Markham Vale, further strengthening the local economy.

HBD, the developer behind Markham Vale, will work with Devonshire Property Group to bring the new scheme forward, with the potential to create up to 800 new jobs.

The extension to the Markham Vale North development will boast strong sustainability credentials, with an extensive landscaping plan that protects and improves the existing river corridor.

Significant planting will include around 5,700 new trees (including 2.15ha of new woodland planting), 3.7ha of new grassland habitat and 2km of new native hedgerow to screen the development and create areas of new habitat.

Markham Vale, a joint venture partnership between HBD and Derbyshire County Council which began in 2006, has created more than 2,700 jobs across a wide range of sectors, including advanced manufacturing and logistics. It is home to a range of businesses, including Bilstein Group, which manufactures and distributes automotive parts, Granger International manufacturers of waterproof outdoor products and shoe care products, and Sterigenics, makers of sterile healthcare products.

Markham Vale North Extension site plan

David Wells, Director at HBD, said: “It’s great to be able to move forward with this project – it will allow us to meet established demand for superior sustainable and well-located industrial stock, while continuing to attract vital inward investment into the region. We look forward to working alongside Devonshire Property Group to bring the scheme forward.”

Andrew Byrne, Property Development Director at Devonshire Property Group spoke about the exciting plans at the Celebrate Chesterfield business conference, which called on businesses to ‘get involved,’ ‘collaborate’ and ‘make change happen’ to ensure the town achieves its transformational growth strategy by 2030.

Read more about what was discussed at the annual event here.

Andrew commented: “We are delighted that both planning committees have approved this exciting project. This is a high-quality extension to an already successful employment location, and will make a real contribution to the strength of the local economy and the environment. It is a further demonstration of how the Devonshire Property business is actively investing into both Chesterfield and Bolsover, delivering on our stated ambitions of creating jobs and opportunities for local communities. We look forward to being part of this regeneration, working alongside our Joint Venture partner HBD.”

Devonshire Property Group and HBD support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


Andrew Byrne speaking at Celebrate Chesterfield 2023

Andrew Byrne speaking at Celebrate Chesterfield 2023

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Proposals submitted for new Staveley Waterside Development

Proposals for the first phase of a new waterside development in Staveley have been submitted for planning approval by Derbyshire County Council.

Plans for the Staveley Waterside Development at Staveley Basin have been drawn-up as part of the Staveley Town Deal – a £25m Government-funded regeneration programme for the area.

Planning permission is being sought from Chesterfield Borough Council to construct a two-storey building, offering flexible space for new and existing small businesses, some retail use, and a food and beverage opportunity, with indoor and outdoor dining space, along with an access road, and mooring space.

£2.664m has been earmarked from the Staveley Town Deal fund, subject to planning approval, for the first phase of the development on the Staveley Basin site, which forms part of the Markham Vale estate – the county council’s flagship regeneration site with HBD (formerly Henry Boot Developments) off M1 junction 29a.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, spoke about the development taking place across Staveley as part of a panel discussion at the Celebrate Chesterfield 2023 business conference.

The event encouraged organisations across the area to support Destination Chesterfield to market the town as a destination to invest, work, live and visit. Read more about the conference here.

Ivan said: “Staveley Waterside represents a fantastic opportunity to breathe new life into the area around the canal basin by creating facilities for businesses, residents and visitors.

“Enhancing the visitor experience around the canal with make it even more attractive to walkers and cyclists. The regeneration of this area will leave a lasting legacy for future generations and ensure that Staveley is a place where people can start, stay and grow.”

Ivan Fomin speaking at Celebrate Chesterfield 2023

Ivan Fomin speaking at Celebrate Chesterfield 2023

Councillor Tony King, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Clean Growth and Regeneration, said: “We’ve put together proposals for an exciting new development which will help to bring jobs to the area and boost the visitor economy.

“Derbyshire County Council has been working alongside partners over a number of years to improve the Staveley Basin area and the Staveley Town Deal has given us a great opportunity to turn our ideas into reality, using our expertise from Markham Vale to create high-quality business accommodation as well as a visitor destination that people from near and far can enjoy.”

Staveley Waterside is one of three projects the county council is leading as part of the Staveley Town Deal which includes 11 projects in total.

Wheels to Work is a project the county council is leading to help people in Staveley access job and training opportunities by providing bicycles and e-scooters for those with limited transport options. And the county council is also heading up a project to reinstate a railway station in Barrow Hill and create better public transport connections between Staveley, Chesterfield and Sheffield for jobs and training opportunities.

For more information about the Staveley Town Deal projects visit

Staveley waterside 2023

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Get involved, collaborate and make change happen conference tells Chesterfield businesses

Chesterfield businesses have been urged to take action if they want to make a difference to the town’s future.

Speaking at the annual Celebrate Chesterfield Conference on Thursday 2 March, organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with Addooco IT, Peter Swallow, Chair of the town’s inward investment marketing campaign Destination Chesterfield, called on businesses to ‘get involved,’ ‘collaborate’ and ‘make change happen’ to ensure the town achieves its transformational growth strategy by 2030.

He said: “We have a network of more than 200 businesses, charities and education providers in Chesterfield, known as Chesterfield Champions, and the people in these organisations do so much to support Destination Chesterfield to market the town as a destination to invest, work, live and visit. But if we want to see the town thrive in an increasingly competitive market, we need to do even more collectively. We must collaborate and buy from each other and we must champion Chesterfield outside the area in order to help us bring investment into the borough and create highly skilled jobs.”

Launched on 23 February by Chesterfield Borough Council, key headline targets of the Chesterfield Growth Strategy include:

  • Increasing the number of employee jobs in the borough by 4% (2,000 jobs).
  • Increasing the number of businesses by 12% (400 businesses).
  • Increasing the number of higher value businesses by 15% (100 businesses).
  • Increasing the share of Chesterfield residents in knowledge-based occupations by 15% (baseline Census 21 – 18,000).
  • Increasing the value of the visitor economy by 20% (baseline £163m).

Speaking about the ambitious strategy at the conference, Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said: “Bringing together the public, private and community sectors to champion our borough is key to achieving our ambitions and strengthening the local economy. As a council we have continued to bring investment into the area from central government and elsewhere.

“Earlier this year we announced our success in bringing almost £2.7 million of UK Shared Prosperity Funding into the borough, a comprehensive spending plan is in place that will provide training support, grant programmes for businesses and charities, as well as helping to make further improvements to green spaces, sports and play facilities across our borough.

“We have secured more than £45 million from the government, this will be used to invest in the future of Staveley but also to improve Chesterfield town centre and enhance our appeal to visitors.

“Looking to the future there is more than £2 billion of investment across our borough and this will help ensure that we have a bright future ahead of us but there is still more we can do and working with the Chesterfield Champions we look forward to promoting our borough as the place to live, work, visit and invest.”

As well as being Chair of Destination Chesterfield, Mr Swallow is also Managing Director of Bolsterstone Group Plc, the company leading the private/public £340million Chesterfield Waterside regeneration scheme.

Chesterfield Borough Council’s Growth Strategy will see further investors like Bolsterstone Group and Devonshire Group attracted to the borough which currently has more than £2 billion of regeneration in the pipeline.

The Devonshire Group is behind the future residential development and regeneration of 150 hectares of former industrial land in the Staveley and is also partnering with Chesterfield Borough Council, Chesterfield College and the University of Derby in delivering the Construction Skills Hub. This is funded through the Staveley Town Deal and will provide training, careers insights, and work experience for more than 5,000 learners on a live construction site over 10 years.

In addition to site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation the Hub will also provide training in green technologies.

The annual Celebrate Chesterfield conference, which was attended by more than 250 members of the town’s businesses community, also saw the launch of the new Destination Chesterfield plan, which will position the borough as a desirable and contemporary destination for visitors, investors and residents.

The new plan places the town’s network of Champions at the forefront, having been recently praised by the UK’s leading place branding, place marketing and place making specialist Thinking Place, as a ‘sales force’ for the town.

Celebrate Chesterfield was sponsored by Chesterfield Champions Addooco IT, University of Derby, Choice Utility and Markham Vale.

Peter Swallow added: “The financial support of the town’s Champions is incredibly important to ensure events such as Celebrate happen. For people to be onboard and contributing actively to the town’s growth and development, then they also must be informed and involved with plans. The lasting and far reaching change we are striving for in Chesterfield cannot be done by one organisation alone; it must be a collaborative effort.”

Nigel Mallender, Head of Sales and Marketing at Addooco IT Ltd, the event’s headline sponsor said: “Addooco are a proud Chesterfield based business and the majority of our Team live in the town. We’re delighted to support the many Destination Chesterfield events and to promote their initiatives wherever possible. They do an excellent job of increasing awareness of our town and in spreading the word on what a great place Chesterfield is to live, work, meet and to run a business. Addooco are committed to Chesterfield and continue to use local suppliers, services and hire local people wherever we can.”

Dan Molloy, Managing Director of Choice Utility added: “I believe that Chesterfield is one of the best places to do business out of. It’s important that the businesses based here support the town and each other, whether it’s through attending and sponsoring events like Celebrate Chesterfield or shopping local. Having a thriving local economy is key to developing conversations with national investors and ensuring Chesterfield continues to grow and develop.”

Adam Doyle, Head of Business Engagement and Employability at the University of Derby which is supporting the Festival of Business Exhibition said: “We were proud to be the partner of the Derbyshire Festival of Business exhibition at Celebrate Chesterfield. The festival plays a key role in continuing to support the business community to innovate and grow, aligned to our aim of raising skills and aspirations across our region. Working with businesses, we are helping to position our county internationally as a place to do business as well as a place to study, live and work.”

A spokesperson for HBD, the developer behind Chesterfield’s hugely successful Markham Vale and a sponsor of Celebrate Chesterfield, added: “Chesterfield is a fantastic place to do business, as demonstrated by the phenomenal growth we’ve seen at Markham Vale and the creation of more than 2,700 new jobs.”

To discover more about the investment opportunities available in Chesterfield visit

tricia gilby and peter swallow celebrate 2023

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Double award win for Banner Jones at prestigious regional ceremony

The team at Banner Jones Solicitors are celebrating after winning two awards at the prestigious Sheffield & District Law Society Awards.

The event took place on the 17th of February at the historic Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Hotel, Sheffield. It saw the Employment Team take home the accolade for the second consecutive year.

Banner Jones’ Chief Executive and Head of Personal Injury, Simon Wright, was also awarded Partner of the Year in recognition of his expertise within his field, his dedication to his clients and his continued contribution to the business’s success.

The firm’s conveyancing department, which is widely recognised for its customer service led approach and use of technology, was also shortlisted for the Residential Property of the Year Award but narrowly missed out on the night.

Commenting on the news Banner Jones’ Chief Executive, Simon Wright, said: “The Sheffield & District Law Society Awards provide an opportunity for the local legal community to come together to celebrate our many achievements and successes from across the year.

“It is therefore a real privilege and an honour to have been shortlisted in three categories, and to have taken home two of the awards. Our collective success is a real testament to the hard work and dedication that everyone at the firm has shown over the past 12 months.

“A huge congratulations in particular goes to our Employment Law team, and I am personally delighted to have won the Partner of the Year award.”

This is the second year in a row that the Banner Jones employment team, which prides itself on offering high-quality advice in a user-friendly, cost-effective manner to individuals, businesses, and charities, has won Employment Law Team of the Year.

Commenting on the award win Katie Ash, Head of Banner Jones’ Employment team, said: “We are delighted to have won Employment Law Team of the Year for the second time.

“It has been a pleasure to help guide our clients through the past year and we are very much looking forward to building on those relationships throughout 2023 and beyond.”

Banner Jones supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

banner jones award win

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Communities in North East Derbyshire set to see local parks and play areas improved

Communities in the North East Derbyshire District are set to benefit from improvements to local parks and play areas under the first round of grants from the Council’s Shared Prosperity Fund programme.

£237,246 in grant funding has been awarded to Barlow, Brampton, Eckington, Holymoorside & Walton, Shirland & Higham and Unstone Parish Councils and Dronfield Town Council to deliver 8 schemes in the first round of the Quality Parks and Play Areas (QPPA) grant scheme.

Supported projects include replacing outdated equipment, adding new pieces of equipment to cater for a wider age range and installing railings and new surfacing which will make these parks and play areas safer and more attractive for local users.

A further £55,000 has also been allocated to match the Council’s Safer Streets Funding to redevelop the Skate Park in Killamarsh.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure, Communities and Communications, Cllr Alan Powell, said: “Parks and play areas are an important part of the community as they provide the opportunity for physical exercise and social interaction between residents of all ages.

“This funding will enhance existing provision and create spaces that can be enjoyed by local people and visitors alike.”

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Economy, Transformation and Climate Change, Cllr Jeremy Kenyon added: “We recognise the importance of good quality local amenities in our communities.

“This UKSPF investment provides visible improvements that will help future-proof vital local facilities. We will be announcing the outcome of our most recent bidding rounds for our Parks and Play Areas and Village Halls and Community Venues schemes in due course.”

Details of future bidding rounds, including the Shop Front Enhancement Scheme, will be publicised on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund pages of the Council’s website and through its social media.

Chesterfield play park school children




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Chesterfield is open for business as Council approves new growth strategy

An ambitious plan which sets out a long-term vision for economic growth – including a focus on quality jobs for local people, access to higher level skills, and environmental sustainability – has been approved by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The new four-year Growth strategy (2023 – 2027) represents a long-term commitment from the council to make Chesterfield a thriving borough by strengthening local skills provision, supporting local businesses and further cementing Chesterfield’s role as a visitor destination.

It builds on the success of the last decade which has seen the creation of more than 2000 new jobs and more than 500 new businesses operating in the area, along with significant regeneration and investment across the borough.

The strategy – which was approved at a meeting of the full council on Wednesday 22 February – also has environmental sustainability at its heart, supporting the target of becoming a carbon neutral borough by 2050.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “This strategy is vital to ensuring our borough remains a thriving place to live and work, where everyone has the opportunity to boost their skills, and has access to quality jobs.

“It’s also crucial that we build environmental considerations into our long-term plans, as part of our ongoing commitment to create a sustainable borough for future generations and ensuring we do all we can to reduce carbon emissions.

“The plan builds on our successes over the last ten years including the creation of more than 2000 jobs, and with over 500 new businesses operating in the area.”

The strategy includes five key objectives, which are:

  1. Help businesses to grow and secure new business investment in the borough.
  2. Build a competitive place infrastructure that accelerates employment and housing growth.
  3. Strengthen the distinctive character and vibrancy of our town centres
  4. Develop Chesterfield’s role as a visitor destination and as a base for exploring the surrounding area.
  5. Ensure local people have the right skills to support progression in the labour market and benefit from future employment opportunities.

Councillor Gilby added: “Despite the ongoing economic challenges which are facing towns and cities across the country, Chesterfield is not standing still – we are an ambitious borough and this strategy reflects that. It focusses on higher value growth while balancing our commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.”

Within each of the strategy’s objectives, several key activities have been developed. For example, to help encourage growth the current Innovation Support Programme will continue to run for the benefit of local businesses.

Projects like the Derbyshire Rail Investment Vehicle (DRIIVe) and Construction Skills Hub – both of which are being funded through the Staveley Town Deal – will help deliver new training facilities to ensure local people can develop the skills to access high quality careers.

Regeneration within Chesterfield town centre, including the Stephenson Memorial Hall renovation and Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project will continue to contribute to strengthening the town’s position as a visitor destination and to meet the needs of residents. These are complemented by the HS2 Station Master Plan, the £340 million Chesterfield Waterside scheme and the major PEAK resort development which promises to be a landmark tourist destination within the borough.

The full strategy is available to read on the council’s website here.

town hall drone shot

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