
Workpays outlines steps to become a leading training provider in sustainability

Chesterfield training provider, Workpays has outlined the steps it has taken to be a leading training provider for sustainability.

The company has achieved Bronze Level accreditation as a Carbon Literate Organisation with its Managing Director and Director of Excellence, who have led the drive, receiving CLO accreditation. Throughout 2024, the company will roll this out to all staff through its internal Workpays Academy.

Managing Director, Alex Glasner commented: “We want to train a generation of people into careers focussed on sustainability. Therefore, we’re delighted to become the nation’s first training provider not only to offer several specialised green-focused courses, but also to embed green skills into each one of our courses. All Workpays’ courses consist of units such as Environmental Awareness, Domestic Energy Efficiency, and Sustainability.”

The organisation has made sector-specific modules to ensure learners can better understand the importance of sustainability within their area of study and interest, ranging from vocational awards and certificates to green-themed sessions for English, ESOL, and Digital Skills, giving a better understanding of how the sector can be improved and where changing legislation may affect learners’ future careers.

All of Workpays’ courses include a wide range of fusion skills (12 skills identified to be fundamental to the future world of work from research and studies done by NESTA and presented within the Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit supported by the Education and Training Foundation). Every course provides important future-proof skills such as problem-solving, higher-level analysis, and evaluation.

These awards and certificates are fully funded and Workpays has formed a newly-created green progression pathway that learners and apprentices can move through to gain the qualifications they need to find a green career or to gain a better understanding of how to be a sustainable leader.

The Sustainable Leader apprenticeship pathway has been designed to relate sustainability to standards such as Team Leader, Operations Manager, and Improvement Technician to help apprentices understand how to improve their workplace and meet the SDGs, giving real-life examples and experience.

Full green courses include:

  • Entry Level 3, Level 1, and Level 2 Awards in Progression
  • Entry Level 3 Certificate in Progression
  • Entry Level 3 and Level 1 Award in Mental Wellbeing
  • Level 1 and Level 2 Awards in Personal Wellbeing

Alex added: “Workpays is committed to being a specialist in green courses, sustainability, and leading the way in providing high-quality inclusive education for all. We have been asked to join and represent training providers within the FE sector in several forums and groups such as #SustainFE helping other institutions and organisations map and create relatable curriculum content for sustainability. Workpays will continue to build on this in the new year.”

Workpays supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

eco busines green recycle suatinability

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Chesterfield businesses encouraged to grow with University of Derby support

Business leaders in Chesterfield are being encouraged to explore how they can realise the potential of their organisations, with support to grow from the University of Derby.

Help to Grow: Management is a practical training course delivered by world-class business schools, accredited by the Small Business Charter focusing on building and strengthening people’s capabilities to lead a business, delivered by the University of Derby across Derbyshire.

This course incorporates hybrid learning, peer group networks and mentoring and will support managers and leaders of small and medium-sized businesses to boost business performance, resilience, and long-term growth. The 12-week course is 90% funded and the fee payable by participants is £750. The course has been designed to allow participants to complete it alongside full-time work.

A new cohort is now available to join this January. Benefits from taking part in the course include:

  • Enhance your management and strategic capabilities
  • Produce a growth plan for your business
  • Build resilience to future shocks
  • Learn how to innovate in your business
  • Adopt digital technologies to boost productivity and operational agility
  • Develop your value proposition and reach into growth markets
  • Improve employee engagement and responsible business practices

One of the course tutors, Dr. Elnerine Greeff, Lecturer in Marketing at Derby Business School, commented: “I’m especially excited to form part of this Help to Grow initiative. The beauty of this programme is that we have businesses which are just starting out now, and we have people with a wealth of experience.

“It is everything that you wanted to learn in your three-year business course at university, condensed and tailor-made to your business, with face-to-face time, mentorship, and absolutely everything that you need to make successful what you are already passionate about.”

Get more information on the Help to Grow: Management programme here. To explore the range of business support available to organisations in Chesterfield, go to:

The University of Derby supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Branded stone wall in front of red brick building - University of Derby Chesterfield campus

University of Derby, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield

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Construction work on new theatre and museum begins

A multi-million-pound refurbishment of Chesterfield’s theatre and museum has officially started on site.

The project will create a new state-of-the-art cultural venue in the heart of the town centre.

The refurbishment of Stephenson Memorial Hall home to both the Pomegranate Theatre and Chesterfield Museum includes the creation of a single entrance to both facilities, an expanded theatre, a reconfigured museum, community spaces and a new café bar. The project is led by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Leading Midlands construction firm G F Tomlinson took control of the site in November and will now work to deliver the enhanced building along with improvements to Corporation Street.

Initially announced in 2021 following a funding commitment from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund, the project has been in development ever since. The Museum and Theatre closed in 2022 to allow preparatory works to begin including the removal of asbestos, ground investigations and a strip-out.



A landmark building in our town and a place where generations of Chesterfield residents have created lasting memories

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Since closing in 2022 we’ve been very busy behind the scenes both preparing the building for renovation and finalising the plans with our partners including our fantastic architecture team to ensure our ambitions can be realised. I’m delighted that G F Tomlinson have now begun work on site to deliver this project for our residents, we look forward to working closely with them over the next few years and keeping everyone updated on progress within the building.

“This is a landmark building in our town and a place where generations of Chesterfield residents have created lasting memories. This project seeks to protect this building for the future but also enhance the visitor experience which will encourage more people to attend shows and visit our museum.

“This ambitious project will benefit both our community and our economy – we are committed to investing in the future of our borough, to ensure it can thrive for years to come and has first class facilities for both residents and visitors to enjoy.”


Artist Impression of the Cafe Bar at the Stephenson Memorial Hall

Transforming the building into a landmark state-or-the-art facility

Chris Flint, managing director at G F Tomlinson, said: “We’re delighted to be commencing the delivery of the multi-million-pound refurbishment of Stephenson Memorial Hall to revitalise this high-profile building into a cultural venue and tourism hot spot in Chesterfield.

“Works will include enhancements to the Corporation Street site, transforming the building into a landmark state-of-the-art facility in the main town centre. Once complete, we look forward to the opportunities that this will bring to the local area, in terms of its arts and entertainment offering – with its expanded theatre, reconfigured museum, improved community spaces and café bar.”

Demolition work on the Stephenson Memorial Hall

Celebrating the history of the building with a modern twist

The refurbishment of the Grade II listed Stephenson Memorial Hall aims to celebrate the history of the building but with a modern twist. The new Corporation Street link gallery extension will create a gateway impact improving the sense of arrival to Chesterfield. At night these elevations will illuminate the street scene, ensuring the building looks vibrant at all times of day.

By reopening the historic doorway under the tower, we will create a grand one-building entrance befitting the new combined cultural venue and encourage visitors to explore both aspects of the building.

From this entrance, visitors will be able to enter the welcome foyer with access to a museum exhibition space featuring the historic builder’s wheel, a retail space, the auditorium and a relocated café bar.

Upstairs four new Museum spaces will allow for the story of Chesterfield and the people that made the town what it is to be told. A climate-controlled room will allow more of the Museum’s collection to be displayed and interactive activities will help new audiences engage with the Museum.

Plans aim to enhance, expand and modernise the theatre without compromising the atmosphere and historic features. The auditorium will be refurbished with new seating, increased capacity, improved sight lines and new environmental controls. New theatre systems including lighting and stage rigging creates a contemporary theatre experience whilst the new seating layout retains the intimate feel of the auditorium.

Artist impression of the museum at the Stephenson Memorial Hall

A Privilege to be entrusted with the challenge of refurbishing and transforming such a significant part of the history of the town

The designs for the building have been developed by leading architectural firm Bauman Lyons.

Guy Smith, director of Bauman Lyons, said: “We are delighted to have been collaborating on this project with the wider design and client team over the last few years. It is a privilege to be entrusted with the challenge of refurbishing and transforming such a significant part of the history of the town so that it can continue to play a role for the community for years to come.”

The updated building will also improve accessibility with the addition of new lifts, new seating options in the theatre and a new changing places toilet.

In Autumn 2021 Chesterfield Borough Council received almost £20 million from the Government’s Levelling Up fund. A portion will be used to deliver the council’s Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield Project which aims to improve connections across the town centre and create attractive public spaces to support a range of events and markets.

Around £11 million of the Levelling Up Fund grant funding will be used to fund the £17 million renovation and remodelling of Stephenson Memorial Hall.

The project received a further funding boost with £695,000 from Arts Council England’s Capital Investment Programme which will be used to install a ventilation system in the auditorium and create a new Changing Places toilet.

The project is expected to be completed before the end of 2025.

Information about the project and updates as work progresses are available on the council’s website:

Stephenson Memorial Hall

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COP 28: Chesterfield firms encouraged to continue prioritising sustainability

A sustainability expert is continuing to encourage firms in Chesterfield to prioritise sustainability, following the recent COP 28 climate summit.

The message comes as Chesterfield Borough Council also reiterates its commitment to its climate strategy, which aims to create a carbon-neutral borough by 2050.

Emma Knight-Strong, Founder of Chesterfield Champion, Green Arch Consulting, advises firms of all sizes on how to cut their emissions, whilst growing their organisations in the process.

Following the summit, which took place in Dubai, Emma has given her thoughts on the event: “There has been a lot of negativity surrounding COP28 but it’s important to look at some of the broader messaging around the conference – both from the conference itself but also from the wider business, finance, reporting and NGO communities.

Emma Knight-Strong Green Arch Consulting

Emma Knight-Strong, Green Arch Consulting

“It is clear that these annual conferences lead to increased scrutiny on environmental practices, irrespective of any potential policy changes. Moving forward, companies should anticipate a heightened focus on sustainability, potential regulatory shifts, and the need to align with evolving climate goals. Adapting to emerging sustainability standards and fostering eco-friendly practices can enhance your business’s resilience and reputation, making it logical to ensure that you incorporate sustainable strategies into your business operations.

“Prioritising sustainability is crucial for businesses for several reasons. Firstly, it addresses growing environmental concerns, fostering a positive corporate image and meeting stakeholder expectations. Secondly, sustainable practices often lead to operational efficiency and cost savings in the long run.

“Thirdly, as global regulations evolve, businesses adhering to sustainable principles are better positioned to comply with changing standards. Finally, consumer preferences are increasingly shifting towards eco-friendly products and services, making sustainability a strategic advantage in the market. In summary, integrating sustainability is essential for reputation, efficiency, regulatory compliance, and staying competitive in the evolving business landscape.”

Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the summit, Chesterfield Borough Council has been reflecting on how its climate strategy supports both national and international commitments.

The council declared a climate emergency in 2019, and since then the organisation’s emissions have fallen by 36 per cent – driven by actions such as switching to renewable energy, using greener vehicles, making council homes and buildings more energy efficient and changing the way green spaces are managed.

Councillor Martin Stone, cabinet member for climate change, planning and environment, said: “COP 28 is an important step to tackling climate change on an international level but it is important to understand how action taken at the local level here in Chesterfield contributes to global change. One of the key commitments at COP 28 was to transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems – this is something the council has been working towards, with the switch to renewable electricity supplies and using new technologies like heat pumps in new build council properties.

“Historically the UK is one of the worlds leading emitters and we should lead by example, it is vital that councils like ours take the steps necessary to reduce emissions and contribute to meeting our national targets.”

The council’s refreshed climate change strategy (2023 to 2030) which focusses on key areas which have the biggest impact on carbon emissions, including building use, transport and energy – and builds on the achievements of the previous strategy which was adopted in 2019.

Find out more information about the council’s work to tackle climate change on the council’s website:

Green Arch Consulting and Chesterfield Borough Council support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

town hall drone shot

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More new openings at Vicar Lane as centre reaches over 90% occupancy

As it heads into the all-important festive period, Vicar Lane will have over 90% occupancy rate in time for Christmas, with five new openings at the scheme this year.

The centre team’s new leasing strategy has involved targeting local independent businesses to re-enliven the previously struggling street, Steeplegate, as an independent quarter. This has led to three new independents acquiring space at the scheme this year.

Two tenants have moved from Market Hall in Chesterfield to the centre to expand into bigger units. For sustainable toy shop, The Little Ark, this has resulted in a 200-480% increase in sales week-on-week. For Spirits & Beer Specialist, Street Spirit, their opening day saw 300 visitors come to the store and it has been positive ever since with a large increase in visitors to the shop compared to their shop in Market Hall.

Coffee shop, Coffee #1 officially opened on Thursday 30th November in the prominent unit by Vicar Lane’s event space on St James Square. They serve a range of hot drinks, coffees and pastries, which has proven very popular with the local community.

Two clothing stores also opened at the scheme. Vintage clothing store, Y Not Vintage opened in June and designer clothing store, Brand Runner opened on 2nd December.

These recent openings will see over 90% of units filled by the end of 2023. This includes two units which have been utilised for Vicar Lane’s Christmas campaign. One unit has been transformed into a Winter Wonderland Christmas Grotto and another has become Santa’s Elf Workshop where an Elf Training Academy and festive crafts take place.

Shaun Brown, Centre Manager said “I am delighted in the interest in Vicar Lane, both from visitors and potential occupiers. We have really focussed our efforts on welcoming independents to the scheme this year as well as supporting our current tenants. The management team aim to provide a great experience for everyone here so it’s fantastic to see the hard work and changes have paid off.”

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Vicar Lane supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

coffee #1 shop vicar lane

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Regional unemployment rate remains among lowest in the UK

The East Midlands’ unemployment rate has remained at 3.7% for the fifth month running, new figures by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.

It puts the region near the top of the list for having a low proportion of over-16s out of work and significantly below the UK average of 4.2%.

The data, for the period between August and October 2023, means the region’s unemployment rate has now been under 4% for the past two years, having last been above the threshold in the three months to October 2021.

The economic inactivity rate for 16 to 64-year-olds – which measures the number of working-age people who have dropped out of the labour market for reasons such as retirement, caring duties, long-term ill health or studying – remained at 20.9% for the East Midlands for the third consecutive month, above a pre-pandemic trend around the 19% mark.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “The fact our region’s unemployment rate has remained at a relatively low level for such a prolonged period is testament to the efforts and resilience of our region’s business community in the face of significant economic challenges.

“Rising economic inactivity has been one of the greatest concerns over the past couple of years as it led to a dwindling labour market, which has restricted capacity – and therefore the ability to grow, raise productivity and bring prices down.

“While this rate remains above pre-Covid levels, it’s pleasing to see this has now come down by about 2% throughout this year, giving firms more room to manoeuvre.

“However, our own research shows there is no room for complacency. Our Quarterly Economic Survey shows a net 7% of businesses have increased their workforce during the final three months of 2023, compared to a net 15% in the previous quarter – an indication of the tough trading challenges that persist. Over the next three months, a net 17% expect their workforce to expand in size, so prospects may improve.

“Many employers continue to face challenges with filling job vacancies. More than half (55%) of organisations attempted to recruit during Q4, and more than seven in 10 (72%) of these experienced problems in finding suitable staff. There are particular shortages to fill skilled manual and technical roles, as well as professional and managerial positions.”

East Midlands Chamber published its regional economic blueprint, titled A Centre of Trading Excellence: A Business Manifesto for Growth in the East Midlands and Beyond, in November last year, urging Government to focus on the “four Is” of investment, innovation, infrastructure and international trade.

It set out a list of policies to encourage businesses to invest in their people, including introducing flexible incentives for businesses that invest in staff training and bringing forward the introduction of the Lifelong Loan Entitlement to support retraining and the retainment of an older workforce.

Scott added: “We really need a dedicated Government policy that supports companies to invest in their people, whether that be in upskilling their existing workforce or reskilling prospective employees to fill skills gaps.

“We must also tailor policies to recognise the diversity of people who are out of work and avoid a one-size-fits-all solution. We would also like to see Government work with businesses to offer support, and share best practice, on what a flexible and inclusive workplace looks like as this is another vital ingredient in enticing people back to work.”

To read the Chamber’s Business Manifesto for Growth, A Centre of Trading Excellence, visit


Scott Knowles

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber

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Chesterfield’s Addooco celebrates 15th anniversary with award win

A Chesterfield IT company is celebrating, after winning a coveted award at the same time as marking 15 years of continued success.

Addooco began with humble beginnings in a small office at Chesterfield’s Dunston Innovation Centre with predominantly local clients, before a move in 2016 to state-of-the-art offices on Dunston Technology Park.

Now with global reach and a new best-of-breed data centre, featuring the latest in cutting-edge technology, Addooco celebrated its 15th Anniversary in 2023.

To cap off an excellent year, Addooco were recently named Technology Supplier of the Year at the Taxi Summit & All Industry Awards.

The Addooco team attended a lavish evening held at The Troxy in London, celebrating the achievements of leading industry fleets and suppliers and attended by nearly 500 business leaders.

On receiving their prestigious Award, Richard Walters, Addooco’s Managing Director, commented: “I am super proud to be celebrating 15 years in business and Addooco being named Technology Supplier of the Year is the icing on the cake.”

Richard added: “We have a great team who work tirelessly and around the clock, who understand our clients and the industries they operate in. Being recognised for our efforts, hard work and progress with this Award feels amazing”.

Addooco IT provides a comprehensive range of managed IT, Cloud, Telecommunications & Support services to progressive organisations across the UK.

The company is a proud Chesterfield-based business, owned by local people and with a team who virtually all live in the town, many of whom have graduated through the company’s successful apprentice scheme.

Addooco supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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addooco award win 2023

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Chesterfield Borough Council agrees new partnership with University of Derby

Chesterfield Borough Council and the University of Derby have signed a new strategic partnership agreement to establish a closer working relationship and recognise shared ambitions between the two organisations.

The agreement was officially signed by Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Professor Kathryn Mitchell CBE DL, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, at a ceremony in Chesterfield Town Hall on Monday 11 December.

The strategic partnership agreement sets out three joint ambitions:

  • To establish Chesterfield as a University town – delivering higher level skills and education for our people and employers.
  • To work jointly with business partners, education providers and the public sector to deliver world leading research that drives innovation, provide world class facilities to meet the needs of our community and establish a platform to help our entrepreneurs reach their potential.
  • To use our combined assets, within community partnership across Chesterfield, to raise people’s aspirations through delivering effective core skills, careers information, support and advice.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I am delighted to have signed this agreement with the University of Derby, on behalf of Chesterfield Borough Council. This agreement sets out our joint ambition to establish Chesterfield as a University town. Strengthening higher level skills and education across the borough will bring with it further opportunities for residents, businesses, and support for wider economic growth.

“Working with our partners across the borough we are also ambitious to establish opportunities for world leading research and world class facilities to drive innovation and bring inspirational opportunities for our communities and entrepreneurs, helping everyone to reach their potential.

“I look forward to working closely with the University of Derby over the coming years to help achieve our ambitions of being a thriving borough and improving the quality of life of local people.”

Professor Kathryn Mitchell CBE DL, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, said: “As Derbyshire’s only university we take our role working with communities and organisations very seriously, and this Strategic Partnership Agreement underlines our commitment to driving ambition and positive change.

“I am looking forward to seeing the positive impacts of this partnership as we work together to support skills development and improve outcomes for the people and businesses of Chesterfield and the surrounding area.”

The strategic partnership agreement also sets out a series of high level outcomes to which both organisations are committed over the next three years, focusing on the themes of:

  • Health and wellbeing, community, skills and resilience
  • Innovation and research
  • Experiential learning and curriculum design
  • Brand profile and awareness
  • Assets and investment

To achieve these ambitions and outcomes a delivery plan is being developed which focusses on the assets of the University and within Chesterfield borough. It will also identify the resources both organisations can contribute to achieving the ambitions laid out in the partnership agreement.

University of Derby and Chesterfield Borough Council supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Representatives from the University of Derby and Chesterfield Borough Council

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Record breaking year for Superior Wellness at UK Pool & Spa Awards

Superior Wellness is celebrating after receiving multiple awards at this year’s UK Pool & Spa Awards.

Founded in 2010, the UK Pool & Spa Awards is a competition that is open to all companies involved in the delivery of water leisure, regardless of trade association affiliation. The UK Pool & Spa Awards has earned itself a reputation as one of the water leisure industry’s most valuable marketing tools.

Competition categories cover wet leisure manufacturers, pool and spa wholesalers, retailers, leisure operators across residential and commercial swimming pools, hot tub and swim spas, wellness and other accessories.

Chesterfield based Superior Wellness were successful in winning five awards at the prestigious event held on 7 December 2023 in Birmingham.

Superior Wellness scooped the following awards:

  • Hot Tub and Swim Spa Trade Supplier of the Year
  • Spa Product of the Year – Chill Tubs
  • Team of the Year – Superior Wellness
  • Marketing Initiative of the Year – Chill Tubs featuring on ITV’s This Morning
  • Energy Efficiency ECO Award – Thermals RX

The first award success of the evening was for Marketing Initiative of the Year for the appearance on ITV’s This Morning with Chill Tubs.  Sarah Elphick, Head of Marketing said: “It was a great experience to be featured on This Morning and showcase Chill Tubs. This generated lots of PR coverage from the opportunity which increased brand awareness of Chill Tubs.

Following this Chill Tubs also won the accolade of Spa Product of the Year, which has enjoyed huge success since the launch.  Gareth Ward, Sales Director, at Superior Wellness said: “Our Chill Tubs containers are selling before they arrive into the UK and we have more constantly on the way to meet the demand.  We have also launched two new models which will be available in 2024.  The launch has been a huge success and I am looking forward to its continued success next year.”

The Superior Wellness team were also awarded Team of the Year for their response to Storm Babet in October 2023.  The flood video was shared on the evening with the room falling silent whilst they watched in amazement at how the team responded with a clean-up operation starting the next morning to ensure they were operating as usual on the Monday morning.

The pinnacle of the evening was the accolade of Hot Tub and Swim Spa Trade Supplier of the Year.  Managing Director, Rob Carlin has been a driving force with his exemplary leadership and innovative vision and has propelled Superior Wellness to become one of the leading hot tub companies in the world.  This would not have achieved without the hard work and dedication of the whole team at Superior Wellness.

Rob Carlin, Managing Director said: “It is a great honour for us all to end the year with the award success, the team have been working hard all year and it’s great to see that all of their hard work has been recognised. I am extremely proud of the whole team.”

Superior Wellness also received a Gold Standard Award for the following categories:

  • Energy Efficiency/Eco Award – Mr Silence, Aquark Heat Pumps
  • Spa Product of the Year – Palma Hot Tub, Platinum Spas
  • Marketing Initiative of the Year – Location Shoots

And a Silver Standard Award for the following categories:

  • Spa Product of the Year – Derwent Hot Tub, AquaSolus
  • Energy Efficiency/Eco Award – Platinum Spas Deluxe range

This was Superior Wellness’ most successful year yet in terms of numbers of awards at the UK Pool and Spa Awards.

Showcasing the very best examples of pool and spa design from across the country, entrants were awarded bronze, silver or gold standard in the competition covering both home and public pool and spa facilities in a contest that attracted thousands of on-line votes and votes from judges, before being scrutinised by an independent jury.

Winners across over 30 categories were announced during the presentation at the National Conference Centre in Birmingham on Thursday 7 December.

More information on the awards, including a full list of winners, can be found at

Superior Wellness supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Superior Wellness UK Pool and Spa Awards

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New brain injury rehabilitation centre to open in North Derbyshire

A new purpose-built centre has opened in North Derbyshire to support people with recovery from brain injuries.

Located in Clowne, Linnet Mews will be pivotal in providing active, community-based rehabilitation to individuals in the area.

Opened by national provider, Voyage Care, the centre will now undertake some limited accessibility improvements to the home to meet the needs of those with brain injuries before opening in Spring 2024. This includes the addition of a passenger lift and expanding communal spaces to provide more space for socialising and therapy activities.

Spread across two floors, Linnet Mews features both en-suite bedrooms and self-contained apartments on the ground floor, providing a transition pathway as people progress towards greater independence. On the first floor, there’s a dedicated therapy quarter comprising of a consultation room and fully equipped gym, reflecting the vital role of therapy interventions in promoting effective brain injury rehabilitation outcomes.

When asked about the decision to introduce a dedicated therapy area, Operations Director Vicki Bennett said: “Having a therapy quarter in our new development is crucial for promoting tailored rehabilitation pathways. It provides people with brain injuries convenient access to their therapy treatments and fosters a supportive environment for their sessions – which is vital for engagement in rehabilitation. This integration will also promote active rehabilitation, which instils independence and achieves amazing outcomes for people with brain injuries.”

Specialising in slow stream rehabilitation, Linnet Mews supplements Voyage Care’s brain injury services in North Derbyshire that offer longer-term placements for those requiring ongoing or permanent support – enhancing the pathway of specialist, brain injury support in the Midlands.

With a firm focus on developing daily living skills and regaining independence, the slow stream rehabilitation approach enables people to actively participate in their local community. Conveniently located at the heart of the Clowne community, the location of this new home offers the perfect place for people to put their skills into practice.

This new brain injury rehabilitation service will also create several rewarding jobs, further strengthening community ties and demonstrating the sector-leading provider’s commitment to enhancing local opportunities in communities across the UK.

Andrew Pedley, Partner in the Real Estate team at Blacks Solicitors: “The Real Estate team and I have really enjoyed working closely with James Mcdonnell and the team at Voyage Care to secure the purchase of a property in Clowne, near Chesterfield for the purpose of renovating and running a new specialist rehabilitation centre.  I’m looking forward to seeing how the new space will support Voyage Care in providing active and community-based support.”

Linnet Mews opening Clowne

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Boots Opticians store in Chesterfield receives exciting new makeover

Boots Opticians has unveiled an exciting new look for its Chesterfield store, after undergoing a contemporary refurbishment to update and modernise the facility.

This latest revamp is part of a wider investment programme in Boots Opticians stores across the country to improve and refresh the store environment for both customers and team members.

Chesterfield customers that wish to check their eye health with an eye test, find a new pair of glasses or sunglasses or try contact lenses, can now enjoy an enhanced in store experience. With new upgraded technology and a revamped open plan and modern design, it is easier than ever for customers to browse and try the many frame styles and shapes on offer, including designer brands such as Mulberry, Versace, and Ray-Ban, as well as sustainable ranges and stylish own brand frames.

As well as NHS and private eye tests, contact lens aftercare and free contact lens fitting and trials, Boots Opticians Chesterfield offers Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) eye scans. These are cutting edge, non-invasive scans that allow the Optician to see what’s going on under the surface of the eye. It takes a couple of minutes and can help to detect underlying conditions, such as glaucoma, before any symptoms occur.

The new look store also has a dedicated and revamped Boots Hearingcare facility, with an expert team of audiologists who can offer free hearing checks and provide advanced solutions for hearing loss.

Amber Hurst, Store Manager at Boots Opticians Chesterfield said: “We are delighted to show off our new refreshed store and can’t wait to welcome the people of Chesterfield, whether they are coming in for an eye test for the first time, upgrading their frames or having a contact lens check. We hope they will love it as much as we do!”

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Chesterfield boots opticians revamp

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