
Employment trends remain positive

The number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance in Chesterfield fell to 1,120 in December, the lowest figure recorded in the town during 2016.

Across the East Midlands, figures released by the Office for National Statistics this week told a similar story, with the number of people out of work in the three months to November down compared with the three months to August 2016.

According to the Office for National Statistics, despite improved Jobseeker’s Allowance claimant figures and a drop in the number of people unemployed, the number of people in work fell in the three months to November 2016 compared with the three months to August.

But the trend, as shown by the year-on-year and two-yearly figures continues to show more people in work.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“This month’s figures are, once again, very positive and confirm the results of our Quarterly Economic Survey for the end of 2016 which is that the East Midlands continues to be a key driver of the economy. Despite the uncertainties of Brexit, and partly because of them, regional firms are continuing to create jobs and wealth.

“The lower value of the pound against the euro and the US dollar, in particular, has made UK-made goods and services cheaper overseas. Combined with a strong reputation for quality, this has led to increased international demand for the ‘Made in Britain’ brand and exporting companies have recruited to cope with demand.

“This has an impact all the way down the supply chain, creating jobs at all levels, which is good for the regional and national economy.”

But Scott warned that inflationary pressures, brought about as a consequence of higher-cost imports – the flip-side of a weaker pound – will eventually rebalance the books.

He added:-

“Higher prices in shops and at fuel pumps, which we’re already seeing, will lead to demands for wage increases which, when coupled with higher manufacturing costs, will put pressure on employers to raise prices or find other ways of making savings and we would be surprised if that didn’t lead to a drop in employment levels later in 2017.”

Scott-Knowles East Midlands Chamber


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Chesterfield Canal Trust celebrates Aviva funding

The Chesterfield Canal Trust has won £10,000 following an announcement by the Aviva Community Fund.

The funds, awarded to the Last Cuckoo Project, will be used to run an archaeological dig at Staveley. The site to be excavated is the original Bellhouse Basin on the canal where it is believed that at least one Cuckoo boat, unique to the canal, could be found.

The Trust competed with thousands of local organisations around the UK to receive funding as part of the Aviva Community Fund 2016. The nationwide initiative, which launched in September, called upon passionate local residents to submit a project close to their heart to be in with a chance of securing funding ranging from £1,000 to £25,000.

Each organisation had to galvanise the support of their local community to vote for their entry in six categories: health, disability and well-being; supporting the younger generation; supporting the older generation; sport in the community; environment (in association with The Mirror) and community support. Over 5 million votes were placed with over 450 projects benefitting overall. The Trust succeeded in winning over 9,000 votes from supporters.

Andy Robinson, a long time Trust member who wrote the bid, said:-

“I am absolutely delighted that we have won this money. We will spend the next few months getting everything ready for the dig itself, which will take place in August.

“We intend to involve lots of members of the local community, including children. This is a chance for them to learn first had about how Staveley played a vital part right from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Public views sought on Local Plan to guide future developments

Chesterfield residents are being asked for their views on a revised Local Plan which sets out where key housing and industrial developments will take place in the future.

Chesterfield Borough Council’s Local Plan strategic planning document has been updated to take account of new Government policy and the changing demand for housing and other key sites. It identifies:

  • Potential sites for more than 4,600 new homes between 2016 and 2033 (272 a year), with reserve sites for another 1,000 homes
  • 205 acres (83 hectares) of new employment land
  • Retail, commerce and industrial sites
  • Open spaces, play areas and environmental spaces
  • The approach to finding sites for traveller pitches
  • Renewable wind energy sites

The plan proposes no changes to the green belt area of Chesterfield and protection for strategic gaps and green wedge areas between settlements within the borough. It also safeguards land for the possible future Chesterfield-Staveley regeneration route, Hollis Lane link road and the restoration of Chesterfield Canal.

The majority of new housing will be built on brownfield sites but it is not possible to deliver all of the new homes this way. The proposals would mean building on some greenfield sites at Holme Hall, Mastin Moor, Poolsbrook, Duckmanton and Dunston.

A series of public consultation events have been organised to get the views of residents and businesses from the Chesterfield borough, explain the plan further and answer questions people may have.

Councillor Terry Gilby, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said:-

“This document will impact on the lives of most Chesterfield borough residents and businesses so it is really important that people are aware of what is proposed.

“Not every site identified as an option within the plan will be developed. What the consultation is seeking is the views of people about whether the suggested sites for housing, industry and other needs are being located in the best places possible given the land available within the borough.

“I would urge as many residents as possible to read the plan and attend one of our consultation events to find out more about the process so they can give informed opinions about what the future developments they want to see in their borough.”

The consultation runs from Thursday 12 January to Monday 27 February.

Chesterfield views - Crooked Spire

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Live music venue to open in time for the New Year

New late-night venue ‘The Avenue’ will open on 30 December and is expected to be one of the UK’s largest, independent music venues in the UK with a capacity of 1800 people.

Owned by Security and Facilities Management services in Holmewood, they aim to introduce a live indie and rock and roll vibe to Chesterfield.

As a venue, club and bar, they hope to revitalise the town’s nightlife and present local bands with the opportunity to display their talents to a huge audience.

Their vision is to attract big named artists to The Avenue to play alongside inspired performers.

The Avenue will be holding their opening night on 30 December in time for New Year, where platinum selling Happy Monday’s member, Mark ‘Bez’ Berry, will be making an appearance. Live acts that will also take to the stage on the evening include local bands The Time Sellers and Fifty-Nine.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Chesterfield celebrates yet another successful year

2016 has been a big year for Chesterfield with the opening of the Queens Park Sports Centre back in January and the University of Derby Chesterfield Campus in October; both offering incredible facilities and considerable opportunities. Preparatory work on the Chesterfield Waterside development has also begun and will continue to develop over the following year.

Local business have also celebrated success in 2016; many who are enjoying considerable growth, moving to bigger premises, employing more staff or experiencing increased turnover.

Destination Chesterfield asked Chesterfield Champions what the highlight of 2016 was for their organisation and their hopes for Chesterfield in 2017:

“Wow, what a year 2016 has been for Start Financial Planning. We launched the business, brought on three new members of staff and began working collaboratively with other Chesterfield-centric businesses like ourselves. Chesterfield has so much potential and it is great to see it being realised. With developments like Waterside, Elder Way and Northern Gateway forecast to get underway, I feel 2017 will be the year Chesterfield is put on the map nationally as a place to live, work and invest. It’s a very exciting time to be part of Chesterfield’s future.” Steve Taylor, Director, Start Financial Planning

“We are very proud to have been ranked as a ‘Leading Firm’ in the UK Legal 500 for the 4th year and to have won the Chamber’s Excellence in Customer Service award back in September.  The most encouraging development has been the expansion of our Business Legal Services team, which is a sign that there is increasing commercial development in the town.  Brexit has made businesses understandably nervous and we hope that this is short lived and that local businesses can begin to feel even more confident about investing here in Chesterfield in the year to come.” Stephen Gordon, Executive Director, Banner Jones Solicitors

“Politically 2016 has been an eventful year, however, once again, Chesterfield has not let UK and worldwide events derail its progress. This year we have seen a number of developments begin to make progress – Chesterfield Waterside and the new University of Derby campus being just two of many. I am confident 2017 will not be any different. Chesterfield is on the cusp of something very exciting and this is the year that everyone – businesses, schools, colleges, training providers and residents, need to come together and actively support each other to ensure Chesterfield continues to make progress and puts itself on the international map.”  Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager

“It’s been a fantastic year for Spire Recruitment. A highlight has been moving to new premises at Staveley Hall. We have also been able to take on a new member of staff, which has helped us build stronger relationships with Chesterfield businesses. I really hope the town continues to thrive, with more and more businesses coming to Chesterfield. The new developments which are coming to Chesterfield will bring even more of a feel-good factor to our fantastic town.” Lee Ashley, Director, Spire Recruitment Ltd

“Our highlight for 2016 was definitely our two apprentices starting with us back in February. We’re so proud of how they’ve developed and are looking forward to them completing their apprenticeship next year and continuing to grow their career with the business. Moving into 2017, I hope that Chesterfield continues to evolve. Yes, it is a beautiful historic market town but there are so many new opportunities and developments that we need to grasp with open hands. I’m particularly excited to see the advancements at Chesterfield Waterside. I truly believe this development will be a game-changer for Chesterfield.” Emma Loughlin, Director, eBusiness Works

“It has been a long time in the making, but 2016 was a landmark year for Chesterfield Waterside. Real progress was made both on site, with earthworks underway, and at a technical level, in gaining planning consent for the first phase at Basin Square. As a result, the scheme is now very real for businesses, residents, potential occupiers and investors. 2017 will be tremendously exciting for the town; as well as Waterside, Chesterfield will see further work on the Elder Way, Peak Resort and Northern Gateway developments – all of which I hope will make great strides in 2017, adding to the town’s prosperity and creating opportunities for young people and their families.” Peter Swallow, Managing Director of Bolsterstone Group Plc

“Mitchells has had a very exciting year. We have grown the business significantly and created a large number of job opportunities within the firm and shortlisted for two people development awards in 2016.  Looking to 2017, although the media emphasises the uncertainty over the next couple of years due to Brexit, local business owners tell us, and our own experience supports this, that things are good. In spite of the perceived uncertainty, I expect that support will continue at the same level so that local business can forge ahead with their growth plans and create further jobs and investment in the town.” Andrew McDaid, Partner, Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers

“Industrial Ancillaries has had a brilliant year. Our highlight is opening a new training facility and a larger trade counter. Chesterfield is a vibrant town right now, and this is something we look forward to continuing into 2017. There are a number of exciting projects happening over the coming years that, together, should continue the transformation and regeneration of our region.  Our Markham Vale home is a great example of this – already attracting 40 businesses and 900 jobs to the area, the development is forecast to offer more than 4,000 jobs once complete, representing a huge boost to the local economy.” Jamie Dennis, Managing Director, Industrial Ancillaries

“2016 has been a profitable year for Central Technology as more Derbyshire-based organisations recognise the benefits of IT and Telecom solutions. We have hired two full-time Technical Support Engineers after they both successfully completed an apprenticeship scheme. I hope that the continued profile-raising of the town will lead to greater opportunities for more high-quality office space as this will allow many local businesses to grow, employ local talent and remain in Chesterfield.” Ian Snow, Managing Director, Central Technology

“This year we launched o­­­ur successful ‘Every Person Matters’ campaign which told the story of people who have experienced hospice care. Next year, our aim is to reach even more people. We know that not everyone who needs hospice care receives it and this needs to change. Our hope for Chesterfield in 2017 is that people can get a wider understanding of what a difference that hospice care can make to local people.” Lucy Nickson, Chief Executive, Ashgate Hospicecare

“A highlight for Motorseeker UK in 2016 is our new business initiative, Seeker Styling. This is an exciting development for our business and we are delighted by its growing success. My hope for Chesterfield in 2017 is for the continued success of the Chesterfield Waterside development.  As well as raising the national profile of our wonderful town, this project will provide an invaluable economic boost to our local area, creating investment and employment opportunities as well as attracting additional spend within our local businesses. The future is looking very bright for Chesterfield.” David Merifield, Managing Director, Motorseeker

“2016 has been a great year for us here at Chesterfield College. The work we have carried out with local employers to find innovative ways to fill their skills gaps has certainly been a highlight, amongst many, of 2016. We were also delighted to become one of the approved Sheffield City Region Skills Bank approved training providers. I urge any business to really think about how better skills could help grow the business and take advantage of the fund while it’s available. I hope Chesterfield continues to thrive as the unique town that it is and that we can continue the partnership approach to building a positive future for everyone who lives and works here.” Stuart Cutforth, Principal of Chesterfield College

“2016 was a very important year for Shorts with continued growth, which culminated in the firm being a Finalist for mid-tier firm of the year at the 2016 British Accountancy Awards. Chesterfield currently has several major development and regeneration projects underway; from the improvements in healthcare provision at Chesterfield Royal Hospital to the development of Elder way, the Waterside scheme and Peak Resort.  The region continues to grow through the calibre and strength of the local business community.  These are exciting times to live and work within the area and we hope to see Chesterfield’s national profile continue to rise during 2017.” Howard Freeman, Partner, Shorts

“There have been several highlights for us in 2016.  Thanks to the hard work and effort of all our team we have seen another year of increased growth for the business as well as winning the AI Business Excellence Award for the UK’s Most Outstanding Electrical Wholesale Company. With all of the regional development happening in and around Chesterfield, the region is set to grow and expand which should bring new business, employment and residents to the area, resulting in a brighter future for both individuals and businesses in Chesterfield. Raise a glass to the future of our town.” Russ Gratton, Director, Recon Electrical Wholesale Ltd

“The highlight of 2016 for Adcroft Hilton was moving office to the Tapton Park Innovation Centre, bringing us closer to businesses that may require our expertise.  I hope that the close business community in Chesterfield continues to grow in strength and that Chesterfield continues en route to become the mini city that it is becoming.” James Annerson, Adcroft Hilton Limited

“In 2017 I hope to see the advancement of projects such as Waterside and the former Co-op site, as well as our own move to Affinity House. The development of the Commerce Centre site and Government commitment to electrification of the Midland Main Line at least as far as Sheffield are also key areas I would like to see progress on in 2017.” Scott Knowles, Chief Executive, East Midlands Chamber

“It’s been a celebratory year for One to One Support Services as, this year, we celebrated 10 years in business. To mark this milestone, we opened a new Head Office in Holmewood. As ongoing supporters of the armed forces, I signed the Ministry of Defence Covenant and was awarded the Bronze Defence Employer Recognition Award. I was also invited to represent Private Health Care in the 2016 Parliamentary Review. In 2017, I hope that we are able to develop current and existing partnerships with local Chesterfield businesses. I would also like to see the sustainable growth of the town going into next year.” Melanie Ulyatt, Managing Director, One to One Support Services

“Our highlight of 2016 was working in partnership with St. Marys and All Saints Church to open The Spire by Stephensons Coffee House and becoming a centre of hospitality for the Church. For 2017, we are hoping to develop and expand Stephensons Tea and Coffee House and provide a new experience for residents of Chesterfield and its visitors.” Claire Wood, Owner, Stephensons Tea and Coffee House / The Spire by Stephensons

“Finance For Enterprise has had a fantastic year winning three awards. We have also ended the year on a high with a record-breaking month which has seen more than £1million lent to 25 new and established businesses in the Sheffield City Region. We are looking forward to 2017 to secure additional capital to continue our support and commitment to businesses in the region, to access alternative finance to grow and develop.” Andrew Austwick, Fund Manager & Senior Investment Manager, Finance For Enterprise

“Sporting Futures has made huge strides in Chesterfield in 2016. Since securing Sport England’s Community Sport Activation Fund, we have enhanced existing sessions in Staveley and have brought new sessions to Mastin Moor, Inkersall and Barrowhill. The growth of Sporting Futures across Chesterfield in 2016 has been unprecedented and we’re reaching more young people in the area than we ever have before. 2017 will see us doubling our investment and branching out further across the area and we hope to implement more projects and programmes for young people to take part in.” Harriet Flint, Sports Coach, Sporting Futures

“The highlight for the University of Derby in 2016 was most definitely the opening of our fantastic new campus building at St. Helena’s. We hope that our presence within Chesterfield will create a greater opportunity for the local community to engage with the university, accessing our expanding range of courses, student talent, research expertise and incubation space.” Michelle Brown, Lecturer in Pre-Qualifying Health Care, University of Derby

“The highlight of 2016 for ra Information Systems was implementing a set of brand new, modern websites earlier this year whilst simultaneously rebranding our logo and house style. Our hopes for Chesterfield going into 2017 are simply that the exciting redevelopment continues to improve the prospects of the town’s residents and businesses. We truly appreciate how far Chesterfield has come in recent years and we’re proud to be part of its future!” Vicki Grove, Marketing Co-ordinator, ra Information Systems

“Staveley Town Council was delighted with the feedback from the public about the quality of the events held this year in Staveley and the surrounding area. The highlights include an annual art and crafts competition for the school in the region, over 700 children benefiting from free summer activities, a free fireworks display and Halloween disco and a fantastic Christmas market with three local school choirs an ice rink. In 2017 the Council aim to build on the success of 2016 and deliver more, high quality community events.”  Chris Ludlow, Leader of Staveley Town Council

“Achieving Highly Commended in The Derbyshire Times Business Awards 2016 in the Small Business of the Year category a and personally being awarded Business Person of the Year has been a highlight for UK Asbestos Training Association in 2016. My hopes for Chesterfield in 2017 is that the town continues to grow and expand, with more opportunities and activities for the local community.” Craig Evans, General Manager, UK Asbestos Training Association

“2016 was our first full year in business and our highlight was moving to our new premises in Sheepbridge and securing nationwide contracts. In 2017 we hope to invest in more machinery, introduce new team members and continue to support local charities.” Rebecca Hancock, Director, Giraffe Graphics Ltd

“Our highlight in 2016 was our Festival at Staveley Town Basin, especially the parade of illuminated boats, and the flotilla of over twenty boats up to Tapton Lock and back the following day. Our hopes for 2017 are to see Basin Square rising up at the Waterside development.” Rod Uton, Publicity, Chesterfield Canal Trust

“2016 has been the best year on record for Crush Design, and by some margin, with a year-on-year growth of over 20%. The main highlight has been smashing our fee target of half million pounds for the year inside of eleven months. A fantastic result only possible with amazing clients and even better staff. The question of what next in 2017 is a big one at Crush Design. Employment definitely, with new roles for new staff. Then continuing to persuade more and more national UK brands that Crush Design in Chesterfield is not only better than their expensive London design agency but far more cost effective and a great deal friendlier!” Jonathan Worsley, Director, Crush Design

“The highlight of the year for The Corrugated Case Company has been the completion and opening of our 12,000 sq ft state-of-the-art warehouse and distribution centre in Danesmoor. In 2017 we hope to see the full implementation of our expansion plans to include installation of our new CAD CAM system, new fully automated multi-point folder gluer and new look sales and production offices.” Mark Wilcockson, Managing Director, The Corrugated Case Company

“The highlights of 2016 for Inspire Resourcing were acquiring our lovely new offices at 79 Saltergate and gaining our ISO 9001:2015 quality accreditation. Our hope for 2017 is to open a branch in Sheffield.” Kirsty Gascoigne and Suzanne Lucas, Managing Directors, Inspire Resourcing Ltd

Growth Sculpture Horns bridge Roundabout

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Chamber picks name for its new home

East Midlands Chamber has adopted Commerce House as the name for the new registered office it will move to in February.

St Andrew’s House, on Millennium Way, off Dunston Road, Chesterfield, will be formally renamed Commerce House.

The decision to retain the ‘commerce’ connection was taken by the Board of Directors yesterday. The current headquarters building in Canal Wharf is called Commerce Centre.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“Our offices in Derby and Nottingham each have ‘commerce’ in their names, which was a deliberate move to ensure parity of branding across the region. Although we considered other names for the Chesterfield office, the directors felt we should continue with the ‘commerce’ branding.”

The Chamber has already adopted the name and is in the process of registering it with the appropriate authorities.

Destination Chesterfield, who are currently based in at the Commerce Centre on Canal Wharf will also make the move with East Midlands Chamber staff to Commerce House next year.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Planning consent granted for phase 1 of Chesterfield Waterside

Outline planning consent has been granted for the proposed heights and massing of the buildings to be incorporated in the £75 million Phase 1 Basin Square development at the Chesterfield Waterside scheme.

The granting of consent now means the developers, Bolsterstone Plc, can move forward with negotiations with potential occupiers and investors for the hotel, retail units, apartments, multi-storey car park and offices that will be constructed within this phase of the project.

Commenting on the planning committee’s decision, Peter Swallow director of Bolsterstone Plc, the company leading the project said:-

“I am delighted with the outcome of the planning committee. We can now move forward with negotiations with investors and look to submit detailed planning applications next yearfor individual building designs at Basin Square.

“Good progress has already been made on site with the preparatory groundworks, and we will be ready to commence construction as soon as detailed planning consent can be  granted for the individual buildings.”

The exciting mixed-use first phase of Basin Square, which is on the site of the former Trebor factory, is of a scale and quality not previously seen before in Chesterfield and will elevate the town’s profile.

Earlier this year permission was granted for the Site Enabling and Infrastructure Works at Chesterfield Waterside and local earthworks and landscaping contractor NT Killingley Ltd duly commenced work on site in September; completion of this work is anticipated by March 2017.

Planning permission has also been granted to replace the road bridge over the river Rother serving the former Laver timber yard site which will facilitate access to  ‘The Park’ residential development which also forms part of Chesterfield Waterside. The completion of the bridge and the acoustic bund will pave the way for approximately 300 family homes to be delivered in The Park area of the project.

Chesterfield Waterside is recognised as being one of the UK’s largest regeneration projects, and is being developed by Chesterfield-based Bolsterstone Plc working in conjunction with Arnold Laver Group and Chesterfield Borough Council.

The first phase of residential housing at Chesterfield Waterside, comprising 19 new homes on part of the former Arnold Laver DIY site on Brimington Road, was completed in 2015 on behalf of Great Places Housing Association, and the properties are now fully occupied.

Read more about the development.

Chesterfield Waterside - Basin Square massing illustration 1

Posted in Business, Development

Retail and leisure developments approved for Spire Walk

Chesterfield Borough Council have approved plans for a new outdoor and camping store and gym to be developed at Spire Walk in Chesterfield.

The approved proposals include the reconfiguration of the existing units next to Toys’r’us to create a 3700 sq. feet retail unit and a 2,800 sq. feet gym.  The interested occupiers named in the planning application are Go Outdoors and Xercise4less

Once occupied this will fill the remaining retail units available at Spire Walk.

Spire Walk Chesterfield

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Development

Plans to refurbish Chesterfield Town Hall

Plans to refurbish Chesterfield Town Hall so the building can generate at least £240,000 of income each year to invest in protecting frontline services are to be considered by councillors.

Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet has recommended to full council a proposal to invest capital money – which can only be used for building projects – to generate much needed revenue funds, which can be used to fund crucial frontline services for the public.

If the plans are approved by councillors when they meet on 14 December they would see:

  • The council’s housing staff based at Venture House in Dunston and CCTV and parking staff based in New Square move in to the Town Hall, enabling those buildings to be let or sold to generate income to invest in council services
  • Walls being knocked down on upper floors of the building to create bigger offices that can house more staff within the same space. All historic parts of the Town Hall, protected by its grade two listed status, would remain unaltered, with all work having the approval of Historic England.
  • A floor of the Town Hall currently occupied by council staff being freed up so it can be let out to other public sector organisations.
  • Part of the ground floor being used by Derbyshire Register Office from late 2017, subject to final negotiations being completed, to generate additional income.
  • Better quality meeting rooms and event spaces with wifi and the latest audio visual equipment so they can be hired out for conferences, parties, weddings and meetings to raise more money
  • More staff enabled to work on site around Chesterfield by providing mobile tablet or laptop devices so information can be input on to systems while on site rather than having to return to the Town Hall. This will enable the council to reduce the amount of desks and space needed by staff in the Town Hall, as well as reduce the amount of paperwork needed.
  • Work carried out to safely remove asbestos from the building in areas where the refurbishment will take place. The asbestos is currently safely encased so poses no risk to the public or staff but refurbishment work would disturb it so the materials will be safely removed by specialist contractors before any building work takes place.

The income from the project would be on top of that already generated by having four voluntary sector organisations based in the basement of the Town Hall building.

Councillor Ken Huckle, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for business transformation, said:

“Since 2010 the council has had its central Government funding cut by more than 40 per cent and the scale of the budget reductions will increase even further between now and 2020.

“Unless the council can find new ways of generating income these cuts will inevitably impact heavily on the frontline services we provide. So residents would rightly expect us to look at all options to generate income and make better use of the buildings we have rather than make cuts to services or make people redundant.

“The Town Hall was not designed to meet the needs of modern working practices and so we also need to take this opportunity to replace the old wiring and IT infrastructure and put in place facilities that will enable us to reduce the running costs of the building so that more of the money we do have is going on running services rather than running buildings.”

If the plans for the £2.74 million project are approved by councillors work will start in January. The project would take around 12 months to complete.

The building work would be carried out by the council’s own in-house Operational Service Division team, ensuring the project supports local jobs and the Chesterfield economy.

The council did consider other options including moving staff to a newer building with lower running costs but these have all been ruled out, subject to the approval of councillors.

Councillor John Burrows, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said:-

“In common with all buildings of its age the Town Hall was constructed using asbestos containing materials.

“While all asbestos is encased so poses no current risk to the public or staff the asbestos containing materials would be disturbed by building work so will need safely removing by specialist contractors before the main work is carried out.

“Knowing that there is asbestos in the building which needs properly and safely managing we did consider other options to this refurbishment plan, such as moving staff to a new building, but we have ruled them out as they are not practical alternatives. This plan will reduce the running costs of the Town Hall building while generating much needed additional income that can be used on providing council services to the public.”

Chesterfield Town Hall spring

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Demolition dates set for old Queen’s Park Sports Centre

Demolition of the old Queen’s Park Sports Centre will start in January.

Earlier this year Chesterfield Borough Council’s planning committee approved the demolition of the building, in Boythorpe Road, which has been empty since the new Queen’s Park Sports Centre opened in January.

Following a procurement process the council has appointed a contractor to carry out the demolition work in January. It will take between three and four months to complete.

The news comes as the council has published the results of a public consultation into the future use of the site. More than 580 people responded over a six week period during September and October.

The council’s preferred option, outlined in the consultation, is to use the site to house 3G multi-use games pitches that will help meet an identified shortage of these facilities in the borough, as well as support the council’s priority of getting more people to lead fit and active lifestyles.

During the consultation residents were asked for their views on this option and to consider other viable alternatives. Any options suggested had to meet four principles that the site use should:

  • Generate income and not cost council taxpayers any extra money
  • Support Council Plan objectives to improve the quality of life for local people, support a thriving borough, and deliver value for money
  • Complement Queen’s Park, with its grade two star heritage listing, and other facilities in the town centre and borough
  • Be well-used throughout the year and provide added value for the community

Of the people who responded 69 per cent agreed with the suggestion of using the site for 3G pitches, with 23 per cent disagreeing and eight per cent giving no view.

Of the other suggestions made 22 of the 583 respondents suggested building an exhibition hall, with 21 people proposing a water play area and ice rink respectively.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, cabinet member for town centre and visitor economy, said:-

“I am pleased that we are now in a position to start demolishing the old sports centre.

“While that takes place we will consider in detail the consultation responses and investigate how well they meet the four criteria we are working to when considering future options for the site.

“It is really important that whatever we agree fits in with the heritage and leisure use of the site but is also financially viable so that it doesn’t have to be subsidised by council tax payers’.

Former Queen's Park Sports Centre

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development, Leisure

New appointment at BRM in response to industry growth

In response to continuing strength in local and national property markets, Chesterfield law firm BRM Solicitors have appointed new director Jonathan Knight to its Commercial Property Department.

BRM are commercial and private client solicitors based on Saltergate in Chesterfield town centre, acting for businesses and individuals both locally and nationally.

Jonathan joins BRM from his previous role as a partner at a Sheffield law firm, bringing with him expertise in property acquisition, sales, development, asset management, and has represented many prominent organisations in the management of their property portfolios.

Adrian Sheehan, Head of Property at BRM, said:

“Notwithstanding a small wobble from city pension funds and certain retailers immediately after the Brexit vote, BRM have found the commercial property market remains strong locally, regionally and nationally, with instructions increasing across the board in our commercial property department, particularly for development work.

Jonathan’s appointment will help us to continue to provide the expertise and levels of service demanded in this sector, and I am delighted to welcome him to BRM.”



Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

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